Connect the modem to the android. How to connect a modem to a tablet on Android (Android) - The easiest ways

Majority Chinese tablets running Android OS formally support connecting a USB 3G modem. But due to the lack necessary drivers or incorrect settings, even models that are declared supported refuse to work.

As an example, consider SmartQ V7 Android 2.1 V 2.0 ( official firmware) and 3G modem Huawei E150 (MTS-Connect).

For many users, when they connect a modem to the device and launch the utility for working with 3G, nothing happens and the modem does not work. The problem is that modern modems are recognized as two devices - the modem itself and the virtual CD-ROM, and sometimes also as a flash drive. Android doesn't know how to work with "composite" devices, so for successful use The 3G modem must be switched to “modem only” mode. This is done using the Windows Hyper Terminal utility, and now we will find out how.

To connect a Chinese Android tablet (SmartQV7) to the Internet we need:

1) Computer under Windows control 7, Vsta, XP (x86).
2) 3G Huawei modem E150 (MTS Connect).
3) SmartQ V7 (reviewed Android firmware 2.1 V 2.0).
4) Hyper Terminal program (for Windows 7 you can download).


1) Connect the modem to your Windows PC and make sure it works.
2) Save all files contained on the modem’s virtual CD.
3) Disconnect your computer from the network and the Internet and run the Hyper Terminal program.

The Hyper Terminal program is located in Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications > Hyper Terminal - in Windows XP, and for Windows 7 you need to download it.

4) In the “Connection Description” window, write any name, say “Huawei,” and press ENTER. We are waiting for the “Connection” window to appear. In its last column “Connect via” you need to select “HUAWEI Mobile Connect - 3G Modem” and click OK.
The next window after this with phone numbers and other parameters just needs to be closed by clicking the “Cancel” button.

5) Now on the program panel you should click the last button “Properties”:
And in the “Properties: Modem” window that opens, go to the “Options” tab:
Click the "ASCII Options" button:
Check the box second from the top “Display entered characters on screen”.
Click OK. The top window will close. Click OK. The last window will close and the cursor will blink in the main program window.

6) Turn on CAPS LOCK and type the AT command. Press ENTER. The answer appears: OK. This means the connection with the modem is established. Enter one of the following commands:

AT^U2DIAG=0 (device in modem only mode)
AT^U2DIAG=1 (device in modem + CD-ROM mode)
AT^U2DIAG=255 (device in modem + CD-ROM + Card Reader mode)
AT^U2DIAG=256 (device in modem + Card Reader mode).

For the modem to work successfully in the tablet, you need to use the command AT^U2DIAG=0 and switch it to modem-only mode. Having entered the command, press ENTER, and in response we see OK.
Close the Hyper Terminal window by answering “YES” to the offer to interrupt the communication session and refusing to save the connection.

7) Make sure that CD-ROM emulation is disabled. To do this, disconnect the modem from the USB port and connect it again to the same port. No “new” CD-ROM should appear in “My Computer” - only the ones that actually exist.

If it becomes necessary to return the modem to its original state, you must repeat the entire procedure, but with the command AT^U2DIAG=255 (device in modem + CD-ROM + Card Reader mode).

8) Launch Android on the tablet, go to "Settings" > " Wireless network" > "Access Points (APN)" and enter the settings of your mobile operator.

Below are the MTS-Connect settings:

dial number: *99#
Username: mts
Password: mts
Click "use default value"

9) Restart Android.

10) After restarting Android, simply plug the modified modem into USB port.
After 7-10 seconds, 3G will appear next to the battery icon. Everything is working:)


Android smartphone in as USB modem

Required software:

- OpenVPN version 2.1 or higher
- AzilinkPack 0.0.1 (3.71 MB) - compiled archive with all the necessary files

To simplify installation and use, I collected all the files together into one archive. Original files can be found using the links at the end of the article.
Let's begin!

1. Download and install OpenVPN version 2.1 or higher. Installation is very simple, no additional settings no need to do it. We keep clicking next and agreeing with everything.
2. Download and unpack the AzilinkPack archive. We connect the phone to the computer using usb cable. The driver for the phone must be installed, located in the x86 folder.
3. You need to install the azilink program on your phone, the easiest way is to connect it to your computer, and run the file in the previously unpacked folder: azilink-install.cmd. Or enter the URL in your phone browser:
4. Launch Azilink on the phone, and make the Service Active checkbox active. The program will go into connection waiting mode.
5. To start connecting your computer and phone, run start-vpn.cmd. A console window will open in which the connection process will begin; there is no need to close it. If everything went well, the Status field on your phone will change to Connected to host. You can also see the number of bytes sent and received, the number of connections and other useful information. Note: when using the Internet, the network that is active on your phone will be used.

Bottom line: in the future, to get Internet on your computer via your phone, you will need to enable azilink on your phone and run the file on your computer start-vpn.cmd

Answers to questions (translation from the author’s official website):

Q: What protocols are supported?
A: TCP and UDP should work without problems through software NAT. ICMP pings are translated into UDP pings, since generating ICMP pings requires super user rights. Unfortunately, not all hosts respond to UDP pings.

Q: What does T-Mobile workaround do?
A: T-Mobile's transparent proxy server automatically accepts all outgoing connections. Sometimes this can create problems, for example, when the remote server drops the connection, the host will then see that the connection was successful and then immediately close it. The T-Mobile workaround option in the advanced menu attempts to identify such stuck connections, and determines if data is being transferred or there is some activity, then the connection is considered working. This option puts a lot of stress on systems, so it is disabled by default.

Q: What happens when Wi-Fi is turned on?
A: All connections will be via WiFi, instead of using 3G/EDGE. The phone's processor is not powerful enough, so you shouldn't expect great speeds from this connection.

Q: How are things working under Linux?
A: Everything should work, although OpenVPN under Linux sets the name server incorrectly. So you can specify your own nameserver or use, then your phone will resolve all requests itself.


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The modem can be connected anywhere in the city. The main thing is to have a mobile connection. Thanks to it, the modem supplies the Internet to the tablet. But how to connect a modem to an Android tablet?


Checking the tablet

In the case of a tablet, it is better to check whether your device supports additional devices like a modem.

If not, connection will be problematic. However, the main thing is the USB port. The connection will be made through it.

If you have micro-USB, just buy an adapter (OTG cable, or host cable).

By the way, some manufacturers include this cable with the device, so check the tablet box as well.

The technology market offers both the usual 3G modems and those with 4G support. True, there are not very many of the latter yet.

Also, 2G devices are still on sale. But they are significantly limited in functionality due to low Internet speed.

You can send a message, but talking on Skype or watching a video is not an impossible task, but a long one.

Most the best option the price will be a 3G device. Operators offer various tariff plans for this modem.

In addition, the speed on such a device is quite suitable for most everyday tasks.

Regarding the tablet, you can go to YouTube and chat with friends, upload photos to the cloud or download a game more than realistically.

Where can I buy?

Often 3G modems are sold in stores cellular communications. In principle, this is the most convenient option.

This way you will immediately receive a device ready for use.

You will be chosen tariff plan, you can pay for everything on the spot. Also, some operators offer promotional rates when purchasing a modem.

Of course, this has its drawbacks. For example, you will be able to use the services of only this mobile operator.

If you want to change it, you will have to reflash the device.

A more mobile option is to buy your own modem. It has a SIM card slot. And whose it will be depends on your choice.


After you check the ability to connect the modem to your tablet, and also purchase this device, you can start setting it up.

True, here you will need a computer. After all, modems are primarily intended for use on a PC.

You will need to install drivers and other utilities for the modem to work correctly.

Depending on the modem, you will either need to simply insert it into a USB port, or run the installation disk in addition to this.

  • Wait until the software installation is complete.
  • Switch the 3G modem to “modem only” mode. For these purposes, install 3g modem mode switcher. The fact is that the modems are equipped with Zero CD technology. Thanks to it, you don’t have to download additional drivers manually, everything starts automatically. However, this solution prevents Android from correctly detecting the port. Accordingly, the tablet will not be able to work correctly with mobile communications.
  • If the device asks for a PIN code, it is better to disable this check to avoid problems.
  • Connect your tablet to your PC. Go to settings and find the points there APN access.
  • Enter the details of your mobile operator to which you connected the modem.
  • Reboot your tablet.
  • Then connect the modem directly to the tablet via an OTG cable.

If there is no PC

If you don’t currently have access to a computer, you can set everything up without it.

However, you will need to find Wi-fi to download from Play Market special applications.

For example, PPP WidGet.

The task of the program is to download and install drivers and other auxiliary software for connection.

For example, a GSM interface module (what we use to enable the mobile network and 3G on the phone).

You will also have to go beyond the official Play Market. To configure the network, download 3GSW.

The program is not among Google's verified content, but without a PC there is not much choice. The main thing is to be careful.

By the way, installing additional software for the appearance of this module is necessary, since it is only available in tablets with already implemented support mobile network(and SIM cards).

Once the connection is turned on, connect the modem. After some time, the indicator light on it should light up.

Then create an APN access point. This item is usually located in the additional settings.

You will need to enter your connection details. They are usually indicated when purchasing a modem. If something happens, you should contact your mobile operator.

Once you have entered the required information in the appropriate fields, restart the tablet.

If you have configured everything, then the 3G icon should appear in the system menu field, like on smartphones. Then just go to a website to check the performance and speed of the device.


In fact, setting up a connection to a mobile network even without a built-in GSM module in a tablet is a feasible task.

It’s best to do everything through a computer, but you can do without it. Also, be careful when purchasing and registering equipment. Otherwise, you will be charged a lot of money for using mobile communications via a modem.

If you use such a connection only from time to time, it is worth choosing a tariff with daily payment. That is, you pay only when you connect, and not all the time.

How to connect a 3g modem to a smartphone or tablet?

How to connect a modem to a tablet on Android (Android) - The easiest ways

If you are the lucky owner tablet computer with the support wireless internet via external 3G modem and at USB connection There is no modem for the long-awaited connection to the Internet, then do not worry, this article will help you make simple settings of equipment to solve this problem.

Not always, but they still happen tablets for which to connect a 3G modem, you must ensure that the modem operates in "modem only". The fact is that many modern USB modems consist not only of a 3G module with a SIM card slot, but also have internal memory and a slot for microSD memory cards. It turns out to be a kind of multifunctional device that not all tablets are able to fully digest. After all, initially USB 3G modems created for laptops and desktops personal computers, having more powerful hardware and operating system. Therefore, for ease of connection and getting rid of unnecessary CDs with drivers, all programs and drivers are recorded on internal memory modem Agree, this is convenient - you inserted the modem and went to drink coffee, while all the drivers and programs are installed by the computer itself, the user just has to click on the “Connect to the Internet” button.

Some budget tablet computers cannot “digest” such complex modems without additional preparation, because when connected, they first of all see the internal memory of the modem with some unfamiliar drivers written for Windows And MacOS, not for Linux(Android), on which the tablet is running, so the tablet cannot install 3G Internet connection.

Therefore, before using 3G modem with such capricious tablet computer you should do a little magic on the modem on your computer and turn on the “modem only” mode to disable the CD emulator with drivers and microSD adapter. (When using a modem with a PC or laptop that does not have modem drivers installed, do not forget to do the procedure in reverse order and enable all additional modem modules)

Before use this method don't forget to copy the drivers and software from a virtual CD modem.

This information will not be erased from the modem's memory, however, it may not be available for reading in the future. Therefore, we recommend saving it first.

1. For modems HUAWEI E1550, E1750 a set of commands is known that allows you to manipulate the functions of turning on and off the internal CD-ROM, flash drive and the modem itself.

  • AT^U2DIAG=0 (device in modem only mode)
  • AT^U2DIAG=1 (device in modem + CD-ROM mode)
  • AT^U2DIAG=255 (device in modem + CD-ROM + Card Reader mode)
  • AT^U2DIAG=256 (device in modem + Card Reader mode, can be used as a regular flash drive without installing modem drivers)

If you use the command AT^U2DIAG=0, then the modem will be be detected by devices only as a modem, which is what we need.

How to switch a 3G modem to modem-only mode on a computer running OS WINDOWS.

1.) Connect the modem to the computer, cancel all installations that have started. Launch the program Hyper Terminal(Hyper terminal)

Start -> Programs -> Accessories - Communications - Hyper Terminal

If you do not have this program, you can download it from the Internet

2.) The “Connection Description” window appears. In the "Name" field, write any word as the name of the connection and click OK.

If the window does not appear automatically, select “File” - “New connection” from the menu.

3.) In the "Connection" window, select "Connect via": Huawei.... and click OK

4.) In the next "Connection" window, click the "Change..." button and get into the "Properties" window your_connection_name"

5.) On the "Options" tab, select the checkbox of the key WINDOWS then click “ASCII Options” -> Display entered characters on screen, click OK twice.

6.) Click on “Cancel” (do not dial the number)

7.) If you now enter AT^U2DIAG=0 and press the ENTER key, then the modem should receive a response message “OK” and the modem will switch to “modem only” mode.

For ZTE AT modems commands are as follows:

  • AT+ZCDRUN=8 disable CD
  • AT+ZCDRUN=9 enable CD

How to connect a 3G modem to an Android tablet?

1.) Depending on tablet computer, you must first set the modem to modem-only mode as described above. If the modem has already been switched to this mode before or you have new model tablet computer that supports modems in normal mode, then move on to the next point.

2.) Go to the menu:

Settings->Wireless networks->Mobile network

3.) Make sure that the “Data transfer” checkbox is checked. If not, then install it.

Connecting a USB 3G modem and wait about 15-20 seconds until it is detected and the network icon appears. Click "APN Access Points". To add a new point, press the “Menu” button on the tablet.

5.) Select “New access point” and enter the details of your operator. If your 3G modem is locked to work only with a specific operator, then most likely some of the data will already be entered.

Mobile operator data:

APN: Beeline "", MTS "", MegaFon "internet"

"Username: Password". Beeline: beeline/beeline, MTS: mts/mts, MegaFon: gdata/gdata

MCC for all operators 250

MNC Beeline: 99, MegaFon: 02, MTS: 01

After entering all the parameters, press the “Menu” button on the tablet again, and then “Save”

6.) Returning to the “Access Points (APN)” list, make sure that the configured access point is selected and wait 10-15 seconds. The 3G icon will appear(or just "G" if there is no 3G coverage or the signal is weak)

7.) Check the operation of the Internet by launching any browser.

If loaded desired page then that's all setting up a 3G modem for a tablet Android computer completed, otherwise check again step by step that the steps taken are correct.