D link dir 615 does not connect. Setting up a PPPoE connection

Appearance router D-link dir 615

The dir 615 router is a popular tool for ensuring the constant availability of the Internet for a laptop, PC, tablets, smartphones and other gadgets via a wi-fi network. This router will great choice for home or small office use. For correct operation, routers must be configured in a certain way. The configuration method depends on what type of connection the providers offer. If you use a connection using a dynamic IP, then there will be no difficulties, since you just need to connect a router to work. In this article, we will tell you how to properly configure it using the router settings panel.

Connecting and entering the interface of the control panel and settings of the router

In order to independently configure the router for work, you need to perform a few simple steps. First, connect the power cable to the router, turn it on. In case the row of lights on the front of the router D does not light up, you need to turn on the power using the button on the rear panel. If you plan to connect and configure the router via cable connection then use network cable supplied with the router dir and connect the router to the PC.

Appearance of the patch cord Rj 45 (cable included with the router). Cable for connecting the Internet to the router
WAN connectors and LAN router D-link dir 615

We insert the end of the cable into one of the black LAN connectors, which are 4 on the router, and the 2nd end must be connected to the output network card PC or laptop. Your ISP's Internet cable must be connected to the yellow WAN connector.

Reset old settings

The next step is to make adjustments to the router settings. You need to go to the router settings, but before that you need to reset the existing settings, which, quite possibly, have already been made. In order for them not to interfere with the current work process, it is necessary to return the dir router to the factory state. To do this, you need to reload the settings. This simple procedure is performed using a thin sharp object, a match or a needle, with which we press the RESET key located in the device case. The button must be held down for about 10 seconds, this will allow the router to restart the settings.

RESET button D-link dir 615

Router control menu

If you do not know how to enter the d link dir router control menu, then:

  1. just launch your existing browser
  2. enter the following IP address of the router: press Enter

enter the router interface copy and paste into the address bar of the browser

A window will appear on the screen asking for a login with a password. Their original meaning is admin\admin.

router authorization window, enter Login - admin / Password - admin

When you enter these data, the settings of the D-link router will open in front of you. If you went there for the first time, then perhaps the entire menu will be presented on English language. Using the appropriate options, you can change the language to Russian or Ukrainian.

Select the desired language from the dropdown menu

In addition, a window may appear where you will be prompted to change the password to exit the settings menu to your own. Enter a suitable password, but do not forget to write it down somewhere, for example, in your phone, so that you do not lose access to the menu in the future if you need to new setting router d.

Internet setup on the router

After completing all the previous paragraphs of the instructions, you will come to the main task - how to configure a router for the Internet. First of all, check which connection method is used by your operator. There may be several of them:

  • IP dynamic type
  • static type
  • PPPoE

To do this, contact technical support or go to their web page. If the operator supports the dynamic IP protocol, then for your DIR 615 router, the setting will only consist in administering the wi-fi network. wifi router will start distributing directly from the moment you connect the cable from the operator, and you only need to configure the wi-fi network.

If your provider does not support dynamic IP, then the setup procedure continues.

When the "Provider local resources address" window appears, you can add addresses there, if you do not understand this, or you simply do not need them, then wifi setup continues after pressing the "Next" button. A window will appear where you need to specify a name for the connection and a login with a password. This information is provided by providers. Clicking the "Details" button opens a menu with advanced settings. If you went there out of curiosity regular user, then you will not need extra settings, so you can ignore this tab.

After that, testing of the Internet connection will begin, where you will be prompted to activate the Yandex.DNS filtering system. If it matters, then you can configure the d link dir 615 router, making changes that can later be changed to the current ones.

If the Internet does not appear

When, after completing all the instructions, the router still did not start distributing the Internet, information appears about the nature of the connection “no access to the Internet” or it is impossible to open websites, then check all the settings again, and then configure everything again. You may need to restart your computer.

Common mistakes are:

  • Incorrect choice of connection type
  • Incorrect input of certain parameters

We note one nuance - if before using the router you had a high-speed connection to the Internet on your computer, now it is no longer necessary. This connection is now the responsibility of the router, which installs it and distributes the Internet via cable and wi-fi network.


Setting up and connecting a router with your own hands is a task that anyone can do. Thanks to this instruction and intuitively clear interface router with the ability to use technical support from the provider, you will dedicate installing wifi connection is quite a bit of time.

Before proceeding with setting up the router, check the connection settings by local network. For this:

Windows 7

1. Click on " Start", "Control Panel".

2. Click on " View network status and tasks".

3. Click on " Change adapter settings".

4. LAN connectionProperty".

5. From the list select " Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)"and press" Property".

6. " and "", then press the button " Ok".

Windows 10

1. Click on " Start", "Options".

2. Click on " Network and Internet".

3. Choose " ethernet" and click on " Configuring Adapter Options".

4. In the window that opens we see " ethernet". Click on it right click mouse, select " Property".

5. From the list select " IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)"and press" Property".

6. In the window that opens, you need to check the boxes " Obtain an IP address automatically" and " Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically", then press the button" Ok".

Connecting a router D-Link DIR-615 to the computer

The next step is to connect the router D-Link DIR-615 to your laptop or personal computer. To do this, you need to connect the cable that your provider ran to the port of the router, where it is signed INTERNET, in older models this port is signed as WAN. The cable that came with the router, connect one end to a laptop or computer, connect the other end to one of the four ports that are marked in black on the router (the colors of the ports may vary depending on the version of the router). And yes, do not forget to connect the power cable.

Authorization of the D-Link DIR-615 router

So, we connected the router, now you need to use any browser (be it Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.) get into its web interface. To do this, open a browser and address bar enter the address of the router:

  • Username - admin
  • Password - admin

So, we drive in the data and click " Enter"

Setting up a router D-Link DIR-615.

And finally, we got to the web interface of the router and now you need to configure the equipment. First of all, we will secure the wireless network by setting a password for wi-fi. Then you will need to find out what type of connection is used to access the Internet, is it PPTP, L2TP or PPPOE. You can find out by calling your provider (this is the organization with which you have entered into an agreement to provide Internet services). So, let's start setting up the router. First, let's change the language of the Web interface to Russian. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the word " English"and choose" Russian"

Setting a password for wi-fi on a router D-Link DIR-615.

1. Select in the web interface menu " WiFi"and get into" basic settings"
2. Let's check" Enable wireless connection" and " Broadcast wireless network" must be checked.
3. Below in the line " SSID:" come up with and indicate the name of your wireless network, this name will continue to glow when you connect to the network.
4. "Country" - "Russian Federation", "Channel" - "auto", "Wireless mode " - "802.11 B/G/N mixed".
5. Press " Apply".

6. On the menu " WiFi"choose" Security Settings".
7. In line " Network Authentication:"choose" WPA2-PSK".
8. In line " PSK Encryption Key:" you need to come up with and enter a password for the wireless network that we created above.
9. Press " Apply".

Setting up PPTP on the router D-Link DIR-615.

1. Net", get into the settings" WAN".
2. Press " Add".

3. In step " Connection type:"choose" PPTP+Dynamic IP".
4. Check the box next to " Connect automatically".
5. Username:"), password (on the line " Password:Password confirmation:VPN server address:").

6. Apply".

Setting up PPTP with a static IP address on the router D-Link DIR-615.

PPTP with static IP on the router D-Link DIR-615
1. In the web interface menu, select " Net", get into the settings" WAN".
2. Press " Add".

3. In step " Connection type:"choose" PPTP+Static IP".
4. Below in the section IPIP address:", subnet mask in line " Netmask:", default gateway in line " Gateway IP address:" and DNS in line " Primary DNS Server:".
5. Check the box next to " Connect automatically".
6. Below we drive in the Username (in the line " Username:"), password (on the line " Password:"), confirm the password (in the line " Password confirmation:") and specify the server address (in the line " VPN server address:").
All of the above data is provided to you by the provider (the organization that provided you with the Internet).
All this data is usually prescribed in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you could not find them, you need to call hotline your provider and find out how to get them.
7. After all the manipulations with the settings, press the button " Apply".

Setting up L2TP on the router D-Link DIR-615.

1. In the web interface menu, select " Net", get into the settings" WAN".
2. Press " Add".

3. In step " Connection type:"choose" L2TP+Dynamic IP".
4. Check the box next to " Connect automatically".
5. Below we drive in the Username (in the line " Username:"), password (on the line " Password:"), confirm the password (in the line " Password confirmation:") and specify the server address (in the line " VPN server address:").
All of the above data is provided to you by the provider (the organization that provided you with the Internet).
All this data is usually prescribed in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you can't find them, you need to call your provider's hotline and find out how to get them.
6. After all the manipulations with the settings, press the button " Apply".

Setting up L2TP with a static IP address on the router D-Link DIR-615.

Consider connection setup L2TP with static IP on the router D-Link DIR-615. Usually a static IP address is provided legal entities, or as an additional service to the basic tariff for individuals.
1. In the web interface menu, select " Net", get into the settings" WAN".
2. Press " Add".

3. In step " Connection type:"choose" L2TP+Static IP".
4. Below in the section IP"specify the ip-address in the line" IP address:", subnet mask in line " Netmask:", default gateway in line " Gateway IP address:" and DNS in line " Primary DNS Server:".
5. Check the box next to " Connect automatically".
6. Below we drive in the Username (in the line " Username:"), password (on the line " Password:"), confirm the password (in the line " Password confirmation:") and specify the server address (in the line " VPN server address:").
All of the above data is provided to you by the provider (the organization that provided you with the Internet).
All this data is usually prescribed in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you can't find them, you need to call your provider's hotline and find out how to get them.
7. After all the manipulations with the settings, press the button " Apply".

Setting up PPPOE on the router D-Link DIR-615.

1. In the web interface menu, select " Net", get into the settings" WAN".
2. Press " Add".

3. In step " Connection type:"choose" PPPOE+Dynamic IP".
4. Below we drive in the Username (in the line " Username:"), password (on the line " Password:Password confirmation:").
All of the above data is provided to you by the provider (the organization that provided you with the Internet).
All this data is usually prescribed in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you can't find them, you need to call your provider's hotline and find out how to get them.
5. After all the manipulations with the settings, press the button " Apply".

Setting up PPPOE with a static IP address on the router D-Link DIR-615.

Consider connection setup PPPOE with static IP address on the router D-Link DIR-615. Typically, a static IP address is provided to legal entities, or as an additional service to the basic tariff for individuals.
1. In the web interface menu, select " Net", get into the settings" WAN".
2. Press " Add".

3. In step " Connection type:"choose" PPPOE+Static IP".
4. Below in the section IP"specify the ip-address in the line" IP address:", subnet mask in line " Netmask:", default gateway in line " Gateway IP address:" and DNS in line " Primary DNS Server:".
5. Below we drive in the Username (in the line " Username:"), password (on the line " Password:") and confirm the password (in the line " Password confirmation:").
All of the above data is provided to you by the provider (the organization that provided you with the Internet).
All this data is usually prescribed in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you can't find them, you need to call your provider's hotline and find out how to get them.
6. After all the manipulations with the settings, press the button " Apply".

Connecting a computer to wi-fi

After connecting and configuring the router, you need to connect the computer to a wireless network (wi-fi), consider connecting to wi-fi in two operating systems, these are Windows 7 and Windows 10:

Windows 7

Video instruction


2. Sultan

3. Connect automatically" and press

4. You must specify " Security keyOK".


Windows 10

Video instruction

1. In the lower right corner of the desktop we find the icon for the wireless network (wi-fi), click on it with the left mouse button.

2. A window pops up with a list of available wireless networks. We select a wireless network, in my case it is a network " Sultanova"(You choose the network whose name was given when).

3. After selecting a network, check the box next to " Connect automatically" and press " connect".

4. You must specify " Security key"this is the wireless network password that you specified when. After you have specified the key, press " Further".

5. We wait, perhaps a couple of seconds, and you are connected to your wireless network.

The D-Link DIR 615 device is one of the most common types of routers in Russia. It is characterized by low cost, functionality, stability, and ease of setup. But nevertheless, bringing it into a functional state may require the user to consider a large number of nuances - for example, reflecting the features of setting up a device in a specific modification or the specifics of its connection to the infrastructure of a particular provider. What to look for when setting up this router? In what order can it be done?

Correctly connect the device to the PC

The first step is to correctly connect the device to the computer in order to configure its software options before subsequent use. You need to do the following:

  • connect all cables supplied with the router in the kit to this device;
  • connect the power cable to the outlet, Ethernet - to the computer's network card port.

After that, you need to connect the communication cable coming from the provider to the corresponding connector of the router. For example, if the Internet is supplied via Ethernet, then the cable will most likely need to be connected to the WAN port located at the back of the device case.

Let's now consider directly how to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router to use the Internet.

Setting up a router for the Internet: an algorithm of actions

The solution to this problem will consist of several stages:

  • firmware updates;
  • settings of the software options of the router;
  • setting the required parameters in Windows.

Let's study these stages of working with the router in more detail.

Internet Setup: Firmware Update

How to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router so that the firmware is updated correctly? In principle, the solution of this problem does not involve significant difficulties. In many cases, you can do without updating the firmware, but having the latest one helps ensure a more stable operation of the router. Therefore, specialists, one way or another, recommend performing the corresponding operation, especially since it is not too complicated.

In order to update the firmware on the router, you need:

  • using any other computer that can access the Internet, download the latest firmware on the D-Link website (it is advisable, in order not to make a mistake with the version of the corresponding software, first check with a competent specialist or directly at the company's support service which specific file you need to download) ;
  • copy the downloaded firmware to the computer to which the custom router is connected.

After that, you need to enter the router management software interface. We note right away that this software shell can be considered as the most reliable branded tool through which you can configure Wi-Fi router D-Link DIR 615 in terms of firmware. As a rule, there is no need to use third-party solutions.

Firmware setup: router management web interface

Getting into the setup interface of the device in question is very simple. You must open any browser available on the computer to which the router is connected. Suitable, for example, Internet Explorer, which is almost always included in Windows by default. Having opened the browser, you need to enter the following numbers in its address bar: In some cases, you will need to enter others, but finding out which ones is very simple: you need to take the router, turn it over, and see which IP address is indicated on the label that is glued to the bottom of the device case. The username and password for accessing the device management interface will also be indicated there. Usually in both cases it is the word admin.

We enter the appropriate login and password on the page that will open after entering the specified IP address in the address bar of the browser or reflected on the label that is pasted on the case.

How to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router further? The interface in question is most often Russian-speaking if the router was purchased in Russia. Therefore, in the window that opens, select the "Manually configure" option. After we go to the "System" tab, then select the "Software Update" option.

The next step is to select the firmware file, which must first be downloaded to the computer. After a few minutes, the router will be updated.

How to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router further? The next step is to configure the software options for the device. Let's study its features.

Configuring the software options of the router

How to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router (the step-by-step instructions we are considering mainly take into account the general aspects of working with the device) in terms of software options, taking into account the specifics of the provision of services by a particular telecom operator?

First of all, it should be noted that there are 2 options for setting the required options in the router's configuration interface - manual, as well as semi-automatic. AT general case the use of the first option is not required, since it involves making adjustments, mainly to those settings that are considered the most unified, the same for a large number of providers.

In addition, it is recommended that these adjustments be made by just qualified specialists who can correctly, taking into account the necessary nuances, configure the D-Link DIR 615 router. Rostelecom and other providers have such people on staff, and you can always contact them through the service support.

But in semi-automatic mode, in most cases, even a user with minimal experience can configure the router. In order to enable this option, you need to enter the router management software interface - again through the browser in the way that we have discussed above.

After downloading it, in the page that opens, select the "Advanced settings" option. Then go to the WAN tab, which is located in the "Network" section. After you need to click on the "Add" button and create a new type of connection. What specific options are in this case will be chosen, depends on the specifics of the provision of services by the provider: they just belong to those that are the least unified. Perhaps at this stage you will need to call the support service of the communication service provider to find out how in this case it will be correct to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router. Beeline, Rostelecom usually provide such advice fairly quickly.

Connection settings: information from the provider

The support service will need to find out which ones should be specified in the corresponding interface:

  • connection type - in general, this is PPPoE, but there may be others, you need to clarify;
  • username, password of the subscriber (they, as a rule, are also indicated in the contract for the provision of services);

As for other options, they may not need to be adjusted. You can try to leave those that are set in the default interface and attempt to change them - again, in agreement with the support service, only if the Internet does not work after the router has been configured.

So, we enter the settings, save them, wait, if necessary, to reboot the router. If all the settings are correct, then the Internet should work on the computer to which the router is connected. You can check this by launching the same browser with which you accessed the device management interface and entering the address of a website.

It is possible that the portal will load, but slower than expected at the speed that is reflected in the provider's tariff. In this case, it makes sense to call the support service or competent specialists and clarify how to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router so that it does not cut speed. But in the general case, such problems should not arise, since the software speed limit is set in separate device settings, and if you do not touch them, then the router should not apply speed limits.

The considered device allows to implement wireless transmission data via Wi-Fi. Therefore, the next step in setting it up will be to bring the Wi-Fi modules into operational readiness.

WiFi setup

How to set up a D-Link DIR 615 router? Step-by-step instruction, which we are considering, does not involve any special complex actions, however, it requires attention to a number of important details in order for wireless interfaces to work correctly.

To solve the problem under consideration, it is necessary to reload start page device management interface. Then go to the Wi-Fi section, then select the option " General settings". The next step is to turn on the wireless connection. Then you need to select the "Basic Settings" option in Wi-Fi section, then enter the name of the network - SSID in the interface that opens. It will be displayed later in the list. wireless connections Windows.

Setting up network security

But before connecting to Wi-Fi through Windows, you must also set the network security settings. To do this, you need to return to the Wi-Fi menu, then select the "Security Settings" option. The next step is to select the WPA-PSK2 function opposite the item that sets the network authentication parameters. In addition, you will need to enter the PSK password. After we save the settings.

You can then try connecting to a wireless network through Windows. If a connection to the network cannot be established or the sites will not load at a speed corresponding to the tariff, then you will need to check a number of settings in the operating system.

Windows settings

How to set up a D-Link DIR 615 router on Windows 7 or OS similar in function? You must click on "Start", then - "Control Panel", after - " Network connections". Then you need to right-click on the "Network Connection" icon, then select "Properties".

The next step is to select the "TCP/IP Protocol" option. Then you need to click on "Properties" and indicate that the IP address and DNS address should be obtained automatically. Then save windows settings. After that, the connection should work.

Nuances of setting up a router: the specifics of device modifications

Certainly there is a large number of other options in setting up the device in question. So, many users are thinking about how to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router as a repeater - a device used to provide a wireless signal broadcast over a large area. The capabilities of the software interface for controlling the device in question make it possible to solve this problem very quickly. However, it is still useful to get additional advice from a competent specialist on working with these options, since in repeater mode the device will broadcast a signal from another router, the settings of which can be carried out according to principles that differ significantly from those that characterize the work with the D-Link DIR 615 device .

In many cases, working with the device in question may have features based on the specifics of its particular modification - for example, K1, K2 or E4. How to configure the D-Link 615 E4 router can be considered in the context of completely different approaches to working with the device than in the case of other device modifications.

Configuring the router: the specifics of the provider's infrastructure

In addition, the specifics of the provider's communication infrastructure should also be taken into account. How to configure the D-Link DIR 615 E4 (Beeline) router can be studied by considering the nuances that are completely uncharacteristic for setting the router options in the appropriate modification when it is connected to the infrastructure of Rostelecom or any other provider.


So, we have considered the main features of solving the problem of setting up a popular D-Link router DIR 615 in Windows when using the branded management interface for this router, as well as software tools operating system. This task usually does not involve difficulties if the user has all the necessary data from the provider.

The most important thing in setting up a router is to set the correct parameters network connection when using an ISP-provided channel, set the Wi-Fi security settings, and also make sure that the options in Windows are optimized. In many cases, it will also be useful to update the firmware of the router - in the order we discussed above.

The D-link DIR 615 router is configured through a simple and convenient built-in web interface. The DIR-615 can be put into router, access point, repeater or client mode.


  • 1xWAN 100Mbit/s
  • 4xLAN 100Mbit/s
  • WiFi 11bgn 300Mbit/s
  • D-link DIR-615 supports configuration and control via a mobile application for Android and iOS devices.


To configure the router, you will need a username and password issued by the provider.

  1. Take the cable that comes with the router (patch cord). One end will connect to any LAN port, the other end to the computer.
  2. Launch your browser and type () in the address bar
  3. To log in to the site, enter the login admin, password admin.

The router settings page will open. The DIR 615 router has different interfaces. Please select the one you have below:

D-link Gray

If you do not know what protocol the connection is under, then try setting up PPPoE first. In extreme cases, this can be clarified with the provider.

PPPoE D-link setup

  1. WAN Section
  2. Delete
  3. Click the add button
  4. Choose the protocol PPPoE + Dynamic IP, Or just PPPoE
  5. Apply
  6. Click on Save at the top

Setting up PPtP D-link

If your interface is in English, then you can change the language at the top right:

  1. At the bottom right, select Advanced Settings
  2. WAN Section
  3. Select all connections if any
  4. Delete
  5. Click the add button
  6. Choose the protocol PPtP + Dynamic IP, Or just PPtP
  7. We collect the login and password issued by the provider
  8. Apply
  9. Click on Save at the top

Wi-Fi setup D-link

If your interface is in English, then you can change the language at the top right:

  1. Click advanced settings
  2. In the Wi-FI section, select Basic settings
  3. We return to the main menu by clicking on the arrow on the left and in the Wi-Fi section, select Security settings
  4. Set network authentication - WPA2-PSK, come up with a password of at least 8 characters.
  5. Encryption choose AES
  6. Apply

D-Link firmware update

  1. Go to advanced settings
  2. In the System section, click the right arrow
  3. Click on Software Update
  4. Click update.

D Link Air

PPPoE Setup D-Link

  1. On the left, select Network -> WAN
  2. Select all connections
  3. Delete
  4. Adding a new connection
  5. Choose PPPoE+Dynamic IP or just PPPoE
  6. Apply
  7. Top System -> Save

Setting up PPtP D-Link

If the interface is in English, then it can be changed in the menu at the top:

  1. On the left, select Network -> WAN
  2. Select all connections
  3. Delete
  4. Adding a new connection
  5. Choose PPtP+Dynamic IP or just PPtP
  6. We collect the credentials issued by the provider.
  7. Apply
  8. Top System -> Save

Setting up Wi-Fi D-Link

If your interface is in English, then you can change the language at the top right:

  1. On the left in the Wi-FI section, select Basic settings
  2. In the SSID field, come up with a name WiFi networks(in Latin)
  3. Leave the rest unchanged and click Apply.
  4. On the left in the Wi-Fi section, select Security settings
  5. Set network authentication - WPA2-PSK, come up with a password of at least 8 characters. Encryption choose AES
  6. Apply
  7. At the top, click System - Save

D-Link firmware update

ATTENTION! Updating the firmware may render the router inoperable. The probability is very small, but it exists. Download firmware only from official sites.

The firmware process is very simple. First download the firmware from the official website. When downloading, pay attention to the revision (indicated on the sticker under the router). It must match the downloaded firmware.

  1. To the System section
  2. Click on Software Update
  3. Specify the path to the downloaded firmware
  4. Click update.

D-link Orange

PPPoE Setup D-Link

  1. My internet connection is select PPPoE Russia Dual Access or just PPPoE
  2. Enter the username and password provided by the provider

Setting up PPtP D-Link

  1. Choose Manual Internet connection setup
  2. My internet connection is select PPtP Russia Dual Access or just PPtP
  3. Enter the login, password and address of the PPtP server issued by the provider
  4. Reconnect mode choose Always
  5. Save the settings Save setting and wait until the router reboots

Setting up Wi-Fi D-Link

  1. On the left, select Wireless settings
  2. Choose Manual wireless connection setup
  3. Wireless Network Name is the name of your home WiFi network
  4. Security Mode select WPA Personal
  5. WPA Mode - select WPA Only
  6. Pre-Shared Key - come up with a network password of at least 8 characters.
  7. Save settings - Save settings

Firmware update

  1. Select Tools from the menu at the top
  2. On the left side of the Firmware menu
  3. Specify the path to the firmware
  4. Upgrade - run the firmware of the router.

The D-Link DIR 615 device is one of the most common types of routers in Russia. It is characterized by low cost, functionality, stability, and ease of setup. But nevertheless, bringing it into a functional state may require the user to consider a large number of nuances - for example, reflecting the features of setting up a device in a specific modification or the specifics of its connection to the infrastructure of a particular provider. What to look for when setting up this router? In what order can it be done?

Correctly connect the device to the PC

The first step is to correctly connect the device to the computer in order to configure its software options before subsequent use. You need to do the following:

  • connect all cables supplied with the router in the kit to this device;
  • connect the power cable to the outlet, Ethernet - to the computer's network card port.

After that, you need to connect the communication cable coming from the provider to the corresponding connector of the router. For example, if the Internet is supplied via Ethernet, then the cable will most likely need to be connected to the WAN port located at the back of the device case.

Let's now consider directly how to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router to use the Internet.

Setting up a router for the Internet: an algorithm of actions

The solution to this problem will consist of several stages:

  • firmware updates;
  • settings of the software options of the router;
  • setting the required parameters in Windows.

Let's study these stages of working with the router in more detail.

Internet Setup: Firmware Update

How to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router so that the firmware is updated correctly? In principle, the solution of this problem does not involve significant difficulties. In many cases, you can do without updating the firmware, but having the latest one helps ensure a more stable operation of the router. Therefore, specialists, one way or another, recommend performing the corresponding operation, especially since it is not too complicated.

In order to update the firmware on the router, you need:

  • using any other computer that can access the Internet, download the latest firmware on the D-Link website (it is advisable, in order not to make a mistake with the version of the corresponding software, first check with a competent specialist or directly at the company's support service which specific file you need to download) ;
  • copy the downloaded firmware to the computer to which the custom router is connected.

After that, you need to enter the router management software interface. We note right away that this software shell can be considered as the most reliable branded tool through which you can configure the D-Link DIR 615 Wi-Fi router in terms of firmware. As a rule, there is no need to use third-party solutions.

Firmware setup: router management web interface

Getting into the setup interface of the device in question is very simple. You must open any browser available on the computer to which the router is connected. Suitable, for example, Internet Explorer, which is almost always included in Windows by default. Having opened the browser, you need to enter the following numbers in its address bar: In some cases, you will need to enter others, but finding out which ones is very simple: you need to take the router, turn it over, and see which IP address is indicated on the label that is glued to the bottom of the device case. The username and password for accessing the device management interface will also be indicated there. Usually in both cases it is the word admin.

We enter the appropriate login and password on the page that will open after entering the specified IP address in the address bar of the browser or reflected on the label that is pasted on the case.

How to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router further? The interface in question is most often Russian-speaking if the router was purchased in Russia. Therefore, in the window that opens, select the "Manually configure" option. After we go to the "System" tab, then select the "Software Update" option.

The next step is to select the firmware file, which must first be downloaded to the computer. After a few minutes, the router will be updated.

How to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router further? The next step is to configure the software options for the device. Let's study its features.

Configuring the software options of the router

How to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router (the step-by-step instructions we are considering mainly take into account the general aspects of working with the device) in terms of software options, taking into account the specifics of the provision of services by a particular telecom operator?

First of all, it should be noted that there are 2 options for setting the required options in the router's configuration interface - manual, as well as semi-automatic. In general, the use of the first option is not required, since it involves making adjustments, mainly to those settings that are considered the most unified, the same for a large number of providers.

In addition, it is recommended that these adjustments be made by just qualified specialists who can correctly, taking into account the necessary nuances, configure the D-Link DIR 615 router. Rostelecom and other providers have such people on staff, and you can always contact them through the service support.

But in semi-automatic mode, in most cases, even a user with minimal experience can configure the router. In order to enable this option, you need to enter the router management software interface - again through the browser in the way that we have discussed above.

After downloading it, in the page that opens, select the "Advanced settings" option. Then go to the WAN tab, which is located in the "Network" section. After you need to click on the "Add" button and create a new type of connection. What specific options will be selected in this case depends on the specifics of the provision of services by the provider: they are just the ones that are the least unified. Perhaps at this stage you will need to call the support service of the communication service provider to find out how in this case it will be correct to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router. Beeline, Rostelecom usually provide such advice fairly quickly.

Connection settings: information from the provider

The support service will need to find out which ones should be specified in the corresponding interface:

  • connection type - in general, this is PPPoE, but there may be others, you need to clarify;
  • username, password of the subscriber (they, as a rule, are also indicated in the contract for the provision of services);

As for other options, they may not need to be adjusted. You can try to leave those that are set in the default interface and attempt to change them - again, in agreement with the support service, only if the Internet does not work after the router has been configured.

So, we enter the settings, save them, wait, if necessary, to reboot the router. If all the settings are correct, then the Internet should work on the computer to which the router is connected. You can check this by launching the same browser with which you accessed the device management interface and entering the address of a website.

It is possible that the portal will load, but slower than expected at the speed that is reflected in the provider's tariff. In this case, it makes sense to call the support service or competent specialists and clarify how to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router so that it does not cut speed. But in the general case, such problems should not arise, since the software speed limit is set in separate device settings, and if you do not touch them, then the router should not apply speed limits.

The device in question allows you to implement wireless data transmission via Wi-Fi. Therefore, the next step in setting it up will be to bring the Wi-Fi modules into operational readiness.

WiFi setup

How to set up a D-Link DIR 615 router? The step-by-step instructions we are considering do not involve any particular complicated steps, but require attention to a number of important details in order for the wireless interfaces to work correctly.

To solve the problem under consideration, it is necessary to reload the start page of the device management interface. Then go to the Wi-Fi section, then select the "General settings" option. The next step is to turn on the wireless connection. Then you need to select the "Basic Settings" option in the Wi-Fi section, and then enter the network name - SSID - in the interface that opens. It will subsequently be displayed in the list of Windows wireless connections.

Setting up network security

But before connecting to Wi-Fi through Windows, you must also set the network security settings. To do this, you need to return to the Wi-Fi menu, then select the "Security Settings" option. The next step is to select the WPA-PSK2 function opposite the item that sets the network authentication parameters. In addition, you will need to enter the PSK password. After we save the settings.

You can then try connecting to a wireless network through Windows. If a connection to the network cannot be established or the sites will not load at a speed corresponding to the tariff, then you will need to check a number of settings in the operating system.

Windows settings

How to set up a D-Link DIR 615 router on Windows 7 or OS similar in function? You must click on "Start", then - "Control Panel", after - "Network Connections". Then you need to right-click on the "Network Connection" icon, then select "Properties".

The next step is to select the "TCP/IP Protocol" option. Then you need to click on "Properties" and indicate that the IP address and DNS address should be obtained automatically. Then we save the Windows settings. After that, the connection should work.

Nuances of setting up a router: the specifics of device modifications

Of course, there are a large number of other options in setting up the device in question. So, many users are thinking about how to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router as a repeater - a device used to provide a wireless signal broadcast over a large area. The capabilities of the software interface for controlling the device in question make it possible to solve this problem very quickly. However, it is still useful to get additional advice from a competent specialist on working with these options, since in repeater mode the device will broadcast a signal from another router, the settings of which can be carried out according to principles that differ significantly from those that characterize the work with the D-Link DIR 615 device .

In many cases, working with the device in question may have features based on the specifics of its particular modification - for example, K1, K2 or E4. How to configure the D-Link 615 E4 router can be considered in the context of completely different approaches to working with the device than in the case of other device modifications.

Configuring the router: the specifics of the provider's infrastructure

In addition, the specifics of the provider's communication infrastructure should also be taken into account. How to configure the D-Link DIR 615 E4 (Beeline) router can be studied by considering the nuances that are completely uncharacteristic for setting the router options in the appropriate modification when it is connected to the infrastructure of Rostelecom or any other provider.


So, we have considered the main features of solving the problem of setting up the popular D-Link DIR 615 router in Windows using the branded management interface for this router, as well as operating system software tools. This task usually does not involve difficulties if the user has all the necessary data from the provider.

The most important thing in configuring the router is to set the correct network connection parameters when using the channel provided by the provider, set the Wi-Fi security settings, and also make sure that the options in Windows are optimized. In many cases, it will also be useful to update the firmware of the router - in the order we discussed above.