A detailed guide to using Microsoft Word. Latest category news

All possibilities text editor It is not necessary to know or use Microsoft. You can successfully complete work tasks by occasionally switching between the Home and Insert tabs. But you will work even more efficiently if you equip yourself with even a few tricks from this review.

Here is a simple example familiar to webmasters. Some specialists copy the content into Notepad before transferring text from a Word document to a CMS editor. This clears the text of Word formatting that may conflict with the engine's template formats. So, you don't need Notepad. To solve the problem, just select the text in Word and click the “Remove All Formatting” button.

Please note that the review was written for the 2013 version of Word. The current stable version of the program is MS Word 2016, released in September 2015. However, this version of the program has not yet become the main one.

How to create and save a MS Word document

To create a document, open your working folder. Right-click and select the "New - Microsoft Word Document".

To easily find a document, name it.

You can also launch MS Word from the Start menu. Pay attention to the illustration.

When launched through the start menu, you created a new document with a default name. Give it a name and save it in a folder of your choice so you don’t lose it. To do this, click on the “Save” icon or use the key combination Shift+F12.

Name the document and save it to the selected folder.

You have created and saved the document. Get to work.

How to use the Home tab features

Tools in the MS Word control panel are combined using thematic tabs. This type of interface is called a ribbon. By default, the main toolbox opens, highlighted in the Home tab.

Below are the tasks that you can perform using the tools on the Home tab.

Tool block "Clipboard"

You can copy, cut and paste content. To use the Cut and Copy options, select the desired piece of text.

Please note the insert options. You can keep the original formatting, merge the formats, or save the text without formatting. You can also use special insert modes.

Why do you need a special insert? For example, imagine that you need to work with text copied from another document or website. The original formatting may not match the formatting in your document.

This problem is solved using a special insert. Use the appropriate menu. In the window that opens, select the “Unformatted Text” option.

Now it will be more convenient for you to format the copied content.

Using the Clipboard menu, you can select previously copied content and paste it into a document. To open the clipboard, click on the arrow marked in the illustration. Select the desired item. Using the drop-down menu, select the "Insert" option. You can also delete the copied element from the clipboard.

You can customize the default paste options. To do this, use the “Insert – Default Insert” menu.

Specify the appropriate settings and save the changes. Pay attention to the options for pasting into another document. Most users can replace the default "Keep original formatting" with "Keep text only".

Font toolbox

To change the default font, use the drop-down menu marked in the illustration. Please note that in order to change existing text, the fragment must be selected before selecting the font.

Using the corresponding menu you can select the appropriate font size. Pay attention to the ability to increase or decrease the font of the selected fragment. Mark the text and use the buttons marked in the illustration.

You can select the appropriate register using the corresponding menu. Select the desired piece of text, use the button marked in the illustration and select the desired option.

You can highlight a piece of text with bold, italics, or underlining. To do this, select the content and use the marked buttons. Using the drop-down menu, you can choose how you want to underline your text.

To cross out a piece of text, select it and use the corresponding button.

Using the X 2 and X 2 buttons you can add subscript and superscript text.

Using the marked buttons, you can change the color, highlight the text with a marker, or apply effects to it.

Please note that advanced font options can be configured. To enter the menu, press the button marked in the illustration.

On the Font tab, specify the appropriate settings for the body text and headings. Using the “Default” button you can return the default settings, and using the “Text Effects” button you can select additional effects.

Paragraph tool block

To create a bulleted, numbered, or multi-level list, use the drop-down menus shown in the illustration.

To create a bulleted or numbered list, place the cursor on a new line and click on the corresponding button. Use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate marker symbol.

You can use additional characters using the Define New Marker menu.

To create a multi-level list, select the “Change List Level” option from the corresponding drop-down menu.

You can select the appropriate list style in the library. And the Define New Multi-Level List and Define New List Style menus help you create your own list template.

You can select the appropriate text alignment method using the appropriate menu. To ensure text readability, use left alignment.

Change the line spacing if necessary. In most cases, the standard spacing of 1.15 will work for you. If you are preparing a document for children or older people, increase the spacing to 1.5 or 2.0. Further increase in spacing will reduce the readability of the text.

Using fill, you can highlight a piece of text with color. For example, you can highlight a paragraph or a table cell. To add a background, select a piece of text and choose a color from the Fill drop-down menu.

You can use the Borders menu to control the borders of cells in tables. Select the cells you are interested in. Use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate action.

Toolbox "Styles"

Use the Styles menu to select the appropriate text style. If you want to apply it to existing content, select the appropriate fragment and define a style. To style the content you create, place your cursor on a blank line and select the appropriate styling option. For example, you can use a matching style for headings.

Editing tool block

Using the Find menu, you can quickly search for content that interests you. Note the drop-down menu access to advanced search settings.

The Replace function is convenient to use when editing text. For example, you can automatically replace the word “copyright” with “copywriting” in the text. To do this, use the “Replace” menu, specify the desired words in the “Find” and “Replace with” fields.

Click the Replace All button. After processing the request, the program will report the number of replacements performed.

Use the Highlight feature to quickly highlight content. For example, you can select all text, select arbitrary objects, or select fragments with the same formatting in two clicks.

Using the Collapse Ribbon function, you can hide program management tools. Only tabs will remain on the panel.

To return the tools to the panel, expand any tab and use the “Pin the Ribbon” option.

How to use the Insert tab features

The "Insert" tab contains tools with which you can insert various objects into a MS Word document.

Toolbox "Pages"

From the Cover Page menu, you can select a cover page template for your document.

Using the functions " Empty page" and "Page Break" you can create a blank page or go to new page. For example, if you need to insert a blank page between paragraphs, place the cursor between them and use the Blank Page function.

Toolbox "Tables"

Using the Table drop-down menu, you can insert or draw a table in your document. This can be done in several ways.

To quickly add a table, use the graphical tool. Using the mouse cursor, select the required number of cells in the table. After this, place the cursor on the selected area and press the left mouse button.

The Insert Table feature allows you to manually specify the number of rows and columns. You can also choose how you want to define the width of the columns.

The “Draw Table” function allows you to perform the corresponding action. Use it to create custom tables. For example, you can draw a table with a different number of cells in the rows.

To define the properties of the drawn table, use the corresponding menu.

Using the menu " Excel tables"You can insert tables from MS Excel into a MS Word document. In the Express Tables menu you will find table templates.

Tool block "Illustrations"

Using the Pictures feature, you can insert an image into a document with hard drive computer. The “Images from the Internet” menu allows you to find suitable photos on the Internet.

Search results give priority to photos distributed under a Creative Commons license.

The Shapes feature helps you add a template shape to your document, such as a heart, star, or arrow. To use the tool, use the drop-down menu to open the catalog and select the appropriate shape.

Use your mouse cursor to determine the size and location of the shape in your document.

Decorate the shape using the Fill, Outline, and Effects functions.

The SmartArt feature allows you to insert graphics into your document. Use the drop-down menu to select the type and appropriate pattern.

Place the cursor on the elements of the picture and add text.

Note the ability to change the color of SmartArt objects.

Using the Chart menu, you can add charts to your document. Please note that you can select the graph type.

Insert the required values ​​into the data table.

Using the Capture menu, you can take a snapshot of an area of ​​the screen and insert it into a document. To do this, use the drop-down menu to select the “Screen Clipping” option, and use the mouse cursor to select the area you want to capture.

Tool block "Add-ins"

In Add-ins you'll find the Office App Store. It has paid and free tools for solving special problems. To select the appropriate application, click on the “Store” button and use the search. You can also browse tools by category.

For example, with the MailChimp for MS Word application, you can create Email campaigns right in the document. To use the application, click the “Trust” button. The tool's capabilities will become available after authorization.

The My Applications menu displays a list installed applications. You can remove unused ones and add new ones.

The Wikipedia function allows you to search for information on a corresponding resource directly from a MS Word document. You can also quickly insert images from Wikipedia into a document.

To use the tool, click the button marked in the illustration and highlight the word or term whose meaning you want to find. Internet access is required for the tool to operate.

To insert an image, click on the plus sign marked in the illustration.

You can also insert a text quote from Wikipedia into the document. To do this, select the desired fragment and click the plus sign.

Multimedia Tools

Using the Internet Video tool, you can insert relevant objects into your document. To use the feature, click the "Internet Video" button, search for the video using YouTube or Bing, select and paste the item.

The video can now be viewed in a MS Word document. To do this you will need access to the Internet.

You can watch videos in Word

Links feature

Using the Links drop-down menu, you can insert hyperlinks, bookmarks, and cross-references into your document. To insert a hyperlink, copy the web page URL to your clipboard. Then select a piece of text that will become the anchor of the link.

The Bookmark feature allows you to quickly jump to marked sections of text. To add a bookmark, select the desired piece of text, and in the “Links” drop-down menu, select the “Bookmarks” option. Give the bookmark a name and click Add.

To quickly jump to bookmarked content, select the Bookmark menu, select the bookmark you want, and click Go.

Note function

The Notes function is convenient to use when working with a group on a document. To add a note to the text, select a piece of text and click the marked button.

To edit, delete, or mark a note as ready, place the cursor on it and open context menu using the right mouse button. Select the required option.

Header and Footer tool block

Using the tools in the Header and Footer group, you can add headers and footers to pages, and also number the pages of your document.

To add a header, use the appropriate menu. Select a footer template.

Enter text. To save changes, close the Header and Footer window.

To remove or change a header, use the appropriate options in the Header menu.

You can work with the footer in a similar way.

Using the Page Number function, you can number the pages of a document. To do this, use the drop-down menu to select a location and numbering template.

Text tool block

Using the Text Box function, you can select a piece of text in a document. Use it if you need to create a sidebar, quote, or definition. To use the tool, use the drop-down menu to select a text field template.

Add text and save changes.

The View Quick Blocks feature allows you to insert autotext, document properties, or a field. For example, you can insert the date of publication, name, address and phone number of the organization and other data.

Using the Add WordArt menu, you can add visually appealing text to your document. To do this, use the menu marked in the illustration. Select the appropriate object and add text.

The “Add Drop Cap” feature allows you to design paragraphs using a prominent capital letter. Place the cursor at the beginning of the paragraph. Use the appropriate menu to select the location of the capital letter. Pay attention to the ability to change the parameters of the drop cap. You can choose the font, height and distance from the text.

Add a line to your document for digital signature. To do this, use the menu marked in the illustration. In the window that opens, provide the required information and save the changes.

The Date and Time function will help you add the current date and time to your document. Click on the appropriate button, select the date display format and click OK.

The Object function allows you to insert objects or text from a file into a document. To paste text from a file, select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu. Find the file on your hard drive whose text you want to insert into the document and click “Insert.”

Toolbox "Symbols"

The Equation function will help you insert a mathematical formula into a document. Use the drop-down menu to select a standard formula or go to the designer. Add the required values ​​and save the changes.

Using the Symbol menu, you can insert symbols that are not available on your keyboard into your document. Note the option to insert additional characters from the dialog box.

How to use the Design tab features

Using the tools in the Design tab, you can change the design of your document. If you want to change standard settings, start by choosing a topic.

To undo changes, use the "Restore Template Theme" option or select the "Standard" theme.

In the styles menu, select the style that suits you.

The Colors feature allows you to manually adjust the font color of body text, headings, and hyperlinks. You can choose a standard set of colors or specify colors for different style elements yourself.

Using the Fonts menu, you can quickly customize the font for headings and body text. You can select standard pairs or specify the font manually.

You can use the Paragraph Spacing menu to change the related settings. It is possible to delete an interval, select standard ones, or set your own values.

Using the Effects menu, you can select additional design effects. The Default feature is useful if you want to apply design settings to new documents.

“Page Background” tool block

The Background feature allows you to select a standard or customize the background. To set the parameters manually, use the “Custom Underlay” option.

You can change the corresponding setting using the Page Color function. Pay attention to the “Fill methods” option. With it, you can add texture, pattern, and design to your pages.

The Page Borders feature allows you to add borders to pages. Use template or custom settings.

How to use the Page Layout tab features

Tab tools allow you to change the layout of document pages.

“Page Options” tool block

The "Margins" function allows you to choose standard or specify your own margin options. To set custom values, use the Custom Fields option.

The Orientation feature allows you to select portrait or landscape orientation document sheets. Using the "Size" menu, you can change the size of sheets. The default size is A4.

In the Columns menu, you can specify the number of columns per sheet. The Breaks and Line Numbers functions allow you to set page breaks and add line numbering accordingly. The “Hyphenation” menu allows you to enable word hyphenation from line to line by syllable. By default this feature is disabled. Do not change this setting unless necessary.

Paragraph tool block

With the Indent feature, you can adjust the left or right margin of a paragraph. To use the function, place the cursor at the beginning of the selected paragraph and set the indent value.

You can use the Spacing feature to change the spacing between selected paragraphs. To do this, place the cursor in front of the selected paragraph and set the values.

Arrangement toolbox

The Position function allows you to set the position of an object in the text. To use the tool, select the selected picture and use the drop-down menu.

The Text Wrap feature lets you choose how text wraps around an object. To test the tool, select the drawing and use the drop-down menu.

Using the “Selection Area” button, you can display a list of objects in the task area. Using the Align, Group, and Rotate functions, you can perform appropriate actions on selected objects.

How to use the Links tab

Tool block "Table of Contents"

The Add Text function allows you to add or remove the current heading from the table. The Update Table function allows you to include new sections in the table of contents.

Footnotes tool block

Using the Insert Footnote menu, you can add a corresponding element. Select the fragment of text that the footnote refers to and click the button marked in the illustration.

The Insert Endnote feature allows you to add a footnote to the end of your document. Use the Next Footnote drop-down menu and the Show Footnotes feature to quickly navigate between footnotes.

Tool block “Links and references”

Using the Insert Link menu, you can link to a source of information, such as a book. Place the cursor next to the text fragments that the link refers to. Click the appropriate button, enter the required information in the window that opens and save the changes.

Using the "Manage Sources" function, you can edit the list, sort and delete sources.

The Style drop-down menu allows you to select a link style. Using the Bibliography function, you can insert relevant information into a document.

Tool block "Names"

The Insert Title feature lets you add a title or caption to images, tables, and formulas in your document. To use the tool, select the desired object and click the button marked in the illustration. Add information and save changes.

Using the Illustration List feature, you can add relevant information to your document.

Tool block “Subject index”

The "Mark Item" function allows you to add objects to the index. To use the tool, select an object, such as a piece of text or a picture, use the appropriate menu and fill in the information.

Using the “Subject Index” menu, configure the display of the subject index in the document.

Tool block “Link table”

How to use the features of the "Mailouts" tab

The tab tools will help you organize physical and electronic mailings.

Create tool block

The “Envelopes” function allows you to correctly add information to paper envelopes. To use the tool, click the marked button and add the required information. Now you can print the information on the envelope. Pay attention to the "Feed" field. This shows how to feed the envelope into the printer.

The “Stickers” function will help you correctly print information on stickers for parcels, envelopes, and CDs.

Tool blocks “Start Merge”, “Compose Document and Field List”, “View Results” and “Complete”

The Start Merge feature allows you to send a message to multiple recipients. For example, you can send a letter or email. To do this, click the “Start Merge” button and select the “ Step by step wizard mergers." Follow the prompts in the task pane.

The Step-by-Step Merge Wizard combines tools from the Start Merge, Build Document and Field List, View Results, and Finish groups.

Creating a list of recipients

Write a message, review it, and complete the wizard. You can now print the combined document or send it as an email.

How to use the Review tab features

Use the Review tab to edit and evaluate the document.

Spelling tool block

Using the button marked in the illustration, you can launch the standard MS Word tool to search for errors and typos. Please note that the program does not “see” all errors, and sometimes offers corrections where there are no errors.

The "Determine" function will help you determine the meaning of unknown words. Please note that to use the tool, you must select a dictionary from the app store and install it. The Thesaurus menu allows you to find synonyms for selected words. The Statistics function shows the number of words, characters, paragraphs and lines in a document or its fragment.

Toolbox "Language"

The Translation menu allows you to automatically translate a selected word or phrase. Select the content you are interested in and use the button marked in the illustration.

The Language feature allows you to select your spelling language and configure language settings.

Note tool block

Using block tools, you can add, view, edit, and delete notes. Please note that notes can also be created from the Insert tab.

“Write corrections” and “Changes” tool blocks

You can use the Revisions feature to track changes made to a document. Pay attention to the "Scanning Area" menu. It allows you to choose how to display the list of changes: at the bottom or to the side of the document.

Tools in the Changes block allow you to accept or reject changes, and move to the previous or next revision.

The Compare feature allows you to compare versions of documents and combine revisions from multiple users. The “Block Authors” and “Limit Editing” functions protect your document from unwanted actions of other users.

How to use the View tab features

Tools on the View tab allow you to customize the display of your document.

Tool block “View modes”

Using the block tools, you can select the page viewing mode. For example, you can view the document structure.

“Show” tool block

Using group tools, you can enable the display of the ruler, grid, and navigation pane. The last function allows you to quickly jump to the desired section of the document.

Tool block "Scale"

The “Scale” function helps you select an arbitrary document display scale. The “100%” function allows you to return to the standard scale in one click.

Increasing the page width

The New Window function opens the current document in a new window. This is useful if you are editing content and want to refer to the original. The Arrange All feature combines multiple documents into one window. The “Split” function is necessary to work with different parts of the document in one window.

With the Side by Side feature, you can place two documents next to each other in the same window. This is convenient when you need to compare content.

The Go to Another Window feature lets you quickly move to other open documents.

The Macros feature automates frequently performed tasks. To use the tool, you need to create a macro. For example, imagine that you often need to highlight portions of text in bold italics. To perform this action automatically, create a macro. Proceed like this:

  • Highlight arbitrary fragment text. From the Macros drop-down menu, select the Record Macro option.

  • Choose how to run the macro: using a button on the toolbar or a keyboard shortcut.
  • Set the keyboard shortcut to activate the macro.

  • Click the Assign button and run the commands you want to include in the macro. To do this, go to the “Home” tab, select bold and italic.
  • Return to the Macros menu and stop recording.
  • Check if the macro works. To do this, select a piece of text and press the specified key combination.

Additional tricks to improve your productivity with MS Word

Below you will find a list of life hacks that can help you quickly solve common problems when working with MS Word:

  • Use the context menu. It is called by right-clicking the mouse.

To select a paragraph, triple-click on any word with the left mouse button.

To insert placeholder text on a page, write the following characters: =lorem(2,2). Use the numbers in parentheses to determine the number of paragraphs and filler lines. If you replace "lorem" with "rand", random text will be used as a placeholder.

  • To quickly create a superscript or subscript, highlight the desired word and press the key combination “Ctrl +” or “Ctrl Shift +”, respectively.
  • To highlight a sentence, press Ctrl and place the cursor on any word.
  • Select the type of file to save. For example, you can save data to PDF format. To do this, select the “Save As” option and select the desired file type.

  • To create a horizontal line, type three hyphens in a row and press Enter.
  • To type a dash, use the keyboard shortcut Alt + 0151.
  • To quickly move a piece of text, select it, press F2, place the cursor where you want to insert it, and press Enter.

All basic commands for operations with files are collected in the "Office" button menu. To create a new document, the very first menu item “Create” is intended. When you select it, the "Create Document" window appears. In its left part, you must indicate the category of templates on the basis of which the document will be created. The default option is "Empty and last". To complete the creation of a new document, click the “Create” button in the lower right corner. A new empty document window will appear. The exact same window is always created by default when you open the Word programs 2007.

The "From an existing document" item is intended to create a new file based on an existing document. When selecting this item, the user must indicate an existing document on the disk. However, the contents specified file will be placed in the newly created document.

Please note that Word 2007 saves files in .docx format by default. This format cannot be read by older versions of the program. So if you want the document to be compatible with previous versions Word, you need to save the file in "reduced functionality mode". This is done using the "Save As.." menu of the "Office" button.

Again, if you open a document created old version Word, the file will be launched in limited functionality mode (this will be indicated by the title bar). In this operating mode, some program functions will not be available. To be able to use all the features of Word 2007, you must convert the file. For this purpose, use the "Convert" menu of the "Office" button.

As you already know, in order to perform any actions with already typed text, it must be selected. The easiest way is to select by dragging the mouse (the left mouse button must be pressed). The same operation can be done using the cursor keys while holding down the Shift button.

Word 2007 has a special text selection mode! To switch to this mode, press the F8 key. After this, the text can be selected using the cursor keys (or by clicking the mouse in in the right place) you do not need to use the Shift button. To exit this mode, you must press the Escape key. Several presses of F8 sequentially highlight a word, a sentence, a paragraph, or the entire text.


Basic Formatting Tools located on the ribbon of the "Home" tab:

  • Font
  • Paragraph
  • Styles
  • Editing

There are four main buttons on the panel:

  • Insert
  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Sample format

It should be kept in mind that the "Paste" button is active only if there is some object on the clipboard. Accordingly, the “Cut” and “Copy” buttons are active if there is any selected piece of text, drawing, diagram, etc. I hope that there is no need to dwell in detail on the use of these buttons.

The "Format Painter" button transfers the formatting parameters of the specified object to the selected fragment. For example, you have a separate paragraph that is formatted in a special way (not like the rest of the text). To transfer all formatting options to a new paragraph, you need to complete three steps:

  1. place the cursor anywhere in the paragraph whose formatting options we want to use;
  2. click the "Format by sample" button (if you need to format several different fragments at once, you should do double click on the button);
  3. select the text to which you want to transfer the formatting (if you double-clicked on the “Format Painter” button, you can select the required text fragments sequentially; after completing the entire formatting operation, you need to click once on the “Format Painter” button to “squeeze out” " her).

By default, the clipboard works with one fragment. But there is a special mode, when selected, you can place up to 24 objects in the buffer. To switch to this mode, you need to click on the panel in the lower right corner of the small arrow (in the future we will call this operation press the window call button).

When you hover the mouse over any object on the clipboard, a pop-up menu appears offering to insert or delete the object from the clipboard.


Using the tools in the Font group, you can change the size, type, and style of the font. When applying the underline effect, you can immediately specify the type of line. There are also buttons here that allow you to increase/decrease the font size; apply superscript/subscript effect; change text case; its color; color of the selected fragment. The Clear Format button allows you to delete changed formatting options.

If, however, the specified formatting buttons are not enough to complete the task, using the "Font" window you can configure Extra options formatting.

Word 2007 provides a convenient way to quickly format text. When a piece of text is highlighted, a transparent window formatting. When you hover over this window, it returns to its normal color. The window contains the most common formatting commands.


The group of buttons on the "Paragraph" panel is designed for paragraph formatting. But this also includes buttons for working with tables.

The first three drop-down lists in the top row are designed to work with bulleted, numbered, and multi-level lists.

The next button is used to sort table values ​​alphabetically.

The last button in the top row turns non-printing characters on/off. Sometimes they are very useful for identifying various formatting errors.

In the bottom row there are buttons for aligning text in a paragraph (left, centered, right, justified).

They are followed by a drop-down list for setting line spacing.

The last two drop-down lists, again, mostly relate to working with tables: filling cells and setting visible borders.

The button for calling the "Paragraph" window allows you to perform more fine settings paragraph formatting.


The last panel of the Main Menu is intended for quick search(replacement) of the desired text fragment. I don’t see any point in dwelling on it in detail, because... everything is explained quite clearly in the tips.

We'll look at the penultimate panel "Styles" in the next lesson, because... This is a very powerful formatting tool that the vast majority of users have no idea about, let alone use.

Kultin N. B.

K90 Word 2007. The essentials. - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2007. - 176 p.: ill. + Video course (on CD-ROM)

ISBN 978-5-94157-993-8

The book is a practical guide for beginners on solving typical problems in Microsoft Office Word 2007: typing and formatting text, working with tables, illustrations, business graphics. Attention is paid to working with templates and forms, and collective work with the document. The book is distinguished by its accessible presentation, practical orientation, and a large number of illustrative examples. The included CD contains a video tutorial on Microsoft basics. Office Word 2007.

For Beginner Word Users

UDC 681.3.06 BBK 32.973.26-018.2

Publication preparation group:

License ID No. 02429 dated July 24, 2000. Signed for publication on March 23, 2007.

Format 70 1001 /16. Offset printing. Conditional oven l. 14.19. Circulation 3000 copies. Order No.

"BHV-Petersburg", 194354, St. Petersburg, st. Yesenina, 5B.

Printed from ready-made transparencies at the State Unitary Enterprise "Printing House "Nauka"

199034, St. Petersburg, 9 line, 12

ISBN 978-5-94157-993-8

© Kultin N. B., 2007

© Design, publishing"BHV-Petersburg", 2007

Preface........................................................ ........................................................ ........

Chapter 1. New document................................................... .......................................

Launching Word .................................................... ........................................................ ..........

New document................................................ ........................................................ ....

Reference Information................................................ ........................................

Typing................................................ ........................................................ ........

Letters................................................. ........................................................ ...............

Uppercase and lowercase letters.................................................... ............................

Deleting an erroneously entered character.................................................... .........

Space................................................. ........................................................ .............

Numbers and special characters.................................................................... ........................

Full stop and comma........................................................ ........................................................ .

Dash and hyphen......................................................... ........................................................ .....

Go to new line................................................................... ......................................

Symbols........................................................ ........................................................ ..........

Spell check................................................................ ....................................

Error correction................................................ .........................................

Text input mode................................................................... ............................................

Scrolling text........................................................ ...............................................

Typing rules................................................................... .......................................

Saving a document........................................................ .........................................

Shutting down......................................................... ...............................................

Chapter 2. Editing a document.................................................... ...............

Beginning of work................................................ ........................................................ .....

Editing........................................................ ........................................................ ...............

Inserting a letter, word.................................................... ...........................................

Adding a paragraph................................................... ...........................................

Removal........................................................ ........................................................ ..........

Replacement................................................. ........................................................ ..............

Operations on fragments......................................................... ........................................

Selecting a fragment................................................... .......................................

Moving a fragment................................................... ...................................

Copying................................................... ........................................................ ....

Saving a modified document................................................................... ....................

Chapter 3. Document Formatting.................................................... ................

Font................................................. ........................................................ .............

Paragraph................................................. ........................................................ ...................

Characteristics of a paragraph................................................... ....................................

Formatting........................................................ ...............................................

List................................................. ........................................................ .............

Numbered list................................................... .......................................

Bulleted list........................................................ ....................................

Style................................................. ........................................................ ...................

Style Sets........................................................ ........................................................ .

Paragraph style (formatting paragraphs)................................................................. .............

Text style................................................... ........................................................ .....

Cancel formatting................................................... ...................................

User style................................................... ...........................................

Changing the style................................................... ...................................................

Pagination of a document................................................................. ...........................

Pagination................................................ ...............................................

Chapter 4. Printing................................................... ........................................................ ....

Page settings................................................ ............................................

Page size........................................................ ...................................................

Page orientation................................................... .......................................

Fields........................................................ ........................................................ .............

Preview................................................ ...................................

Printing a document........................................................ ........................................................

Chapter 5. Tables......................................................... ........................................................

Inserting a table........................................................ ........................................................ ..

Entering text into cells.................................................... ...............................................

Column width................................................... ...................................................

Formatting the table................................................... ....................................

Changing the font........................................................ ............................................

Horizontal alignment................................................................... ...........................

Vertical alignment................................................................... ...............................

Text direction................................................... ...........................................

Boundaries........................................................ ........................................................ ..........

Shading......................................................... ........................................................ ..........

Design template................................................... .........................................

Changing the table structure........................................................ ............................

Adding Rows and Columns................................................................. ............................

Deleting rows and columns................................................................. ...................................

Merging cells................................................... ............................................

Sorting................................................. ........................................................ ..........

Deleting a table........................................................ ...................................................

Diagrams........................................................ ........................................................ ..........

Constructing a diagram................................................... ....................................

Chart setup................................................... .......................................

Changing data........................................................ ...........................................

Changing the chart type................................................................... ...............................

Chapter 6. Graphics................................................... ........................................................ .

Drawings........................................................ ........................................................ ...............

Inserting a picture from a Microsoft collection .................................................................... ..........

Inserting a picture from a file................................................... ...................................

Image settings......................................................... ....................................

Creating a drawing................................................... ............................................

Start................................................. ........................................................ ............

Drawing a figure................................................... ...........................................

Changing the size of a figure................................................... ............................

Moving a figure................................................... ....................................

Deleting an element................................................... ...........................................

Changing an element................................................... ........................................

Circuit................................................. ........................................................ ............

Filling......................................................... ........................................................ ..........

Text................................................. ........................................................ ..............

Overlaying elements........................................................ ....................................

Grouping................................................. ...................................................

Net................................................. ........................................................ ..............

WordArt......................................................... ........................................................ .............

SmartArt................................................... ........................................................ .............

Chapter 7. Templates and forms.................................................... ................................

User templates........................................................ .......................................

Creating a template........................................................ ...........................................

Creating a document based on a template................................................................... ..........

Form................................................. ........................................................ .............

Word Templates................................................... ........................................................ ..

Chapter 8. Reviewing.................................................... ...................................

Change fixation mode................................................................... ................................

Review......................................................... ........................................................

Committing changes........................................................ ...........................................

Displaying changes................................................... ....................................

Chapter 9. Subject index.................................................... .......................

Footnotes........................................................ ........................................................ ...............

Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ ......

Subject index................................................ ....................................


The rapid development of information and communication technologies has led to the fact that everything large quantity people use computers not only to perform their official duties at work, but also at home, in Everyday life. Computers are used by everyone: schoolchildren, students, scientists, employees and managers of firms and enterprises.

Computers are most widely used for solving office tasks: typing and printing texts (from simple letters and abstracts to serious scientific works, consisting of hundreds of pages containing tables, graphs, illustrations), calculations, and work with databases.

Historically, most users work on an operating system Microsoft Windows and uses the Microsoft Office package to solve office tasks. And this is not surprising, because the programs included in the package allow you to solve almost any problem.

Microsoft is constantly working to improve its software products, expands their capabilities, makes them more convenient and friendly.

Microsoft Office 2007 is latest version Microsoft package Office. The package is based on:

Microsoft Office Word 2007 - text editor;

Microsoft Office Excel 2007 - spreadsheet processor;

Microsoft Office Access 2007 - database management system;

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 - a program for preparing and conducting presentations;

Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 - a program for working with by email.


Microsoft Office Word 2007 is a word processor (often called simply a text editor), in other words - computer program, designed for working with documents (this is what the texts the user works with are called). Using Microsoft Office Word 2007, you can quickly type and print the desired document (for example, a letter, article or report). Microsoft Document Word can contain illustrations, tables, and charts.

Microsoft Office Word 2007 is designed for use in the operating room Microsoft system Windows Vista, but can also work in Microsoft Windows XP.

The book you hold in your hands is not Microsoft description Word 2002 and not a reference book. This is a guide to solving common problems that arise while working with Microsoft Word. The purpose of this book is to teach you how to effectively use Microsoft Office Word 2007 to solve common problems.

The book is addressed to beginner users of Microsoft Word (namely Word, not personal computer). This assumes that the reader already has basic computer skills, knowing, for example, how to open a folder and run a program.

In order to learn how to work with Microsoft Word and make the most of its capabilities, you need to solve specific problems. Work actively with the book. Apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Enter examples into the computer. Don't be afraid to experiment and make changes to the examples. The more you do on your own, the more you will learn.

new document

To receive a document printed on a printer (for example, a letter, article or abstract), you need to launch Microsoft Office Word 2007, create a document (in the simplest case, type text), save the document on disk and then print it.

Launching Word

In order to launch Microsoft Word 2007, you need to click on the Start button (a list of programs that the user has worked with recently will appear) and in the menu that appears, select the Microsoft Office Word 2007 command (Fig. 1.1).

If the Microsoft Office Word 2007 command is not in the list of programs, then you need to click in the All programs line, expand the Microsoft Office group (click in this line) and select the launch command there (Fig. 1.2). Please note that Windows analyzes the user's actions and adds the names of programs that the user frequently works with to the list that appears as a result of clicking the Start button. Therefore, the next time Word can be launched by selecting the appropriate command from the Start menu.


The Microsoft Office Word icon can be placed in top part Start menu and Quick Launch bar. For the Microsoft Office Word icon to appear at the top of the Start menu, you need to click on the Start button, expand the Microsoft Office list, position the mouse pointer at Microsoft string Office Word 2007, click right click mouse and select from the menu that appears

While studying at any educational institution, our children will need to prepare essays, presentations or reports. Previously, we wrote and designed all this by hand. Now, in this century computer technology, completely different requirements for the design of such work.

We will look at programs for operating system Windows. Especially for such tasks By Microsoft a set of programs was created. They are released in a package Microsoft Office.

We will analyze the programs included in this package, such as

  • Microsoft Word 2007 – a program for creating text documents;
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 – a program for creating presentations;
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 – program for working with tables.

Understanding the work Microsoft Office 2007 It can also work in later versions.

Let's start with Microsoft Word 2007.

This program is designed to work with text documents. You can prepare reports and abstracts in it.

The program is large and it is impossible to describe how to work in it in one article. Therefore, we will analyze it in parts:

1. What Microsoft Word 2007 looks like;

3. How to create a document in Microsoft Word 2007, choosing a font, inserting pictures;

4. Working with tables in Microsoft Word 2007;

5. Hyperlinks and creating a table of contents.

What Microsoft Word 2007 looks like

To start working with the program, you need to launch it. After launch you will see the following on the screen:

1. Office button. This button is present in all Microsoft programs Office. When you click this button, a list of possible actions with the document is displayed, such as creating, saving or printing the document.

2. Menu. The main menu for working with a document.

3. Contents of menu items. By clicking on menu items, the contents of the menu will change according to the selected item. The figure shows the contents of the “Main” menu item.

Now, in order.

By clicking on this button, you will see the following window:

On the left on a white background there is a list of possible actions with documents.

On the right is a list of documents that you have worked with previously; you can quickly select the document you are interested in.

There are two buttons at the bottom. By clicking on the “Word Options” button, the Word settings window appears. To exit the program, click on the “Exit Word” button.

Let's look at the list of possible actions with documents:

Creating a new document.

Saving the document in the same place and under the same name. If the document is new, the Save dialog box will open where you can specify a save location and a name for the document.

Saving the document under a new name. You can also save the document in other formats.

Printing a document. You will be asked to select a printer, the number of pages and copies of the document to print.

Editing document properties, working with email, and so on. We will not discuss these points, since we will not need them to create reports and abstracts.

Word menu

The main menu for working with documents looks like this:

1. home– working with the clipboard, document format (font, paragraph size, styles).

2. Insert– inserting tables, pictures, clips, hyperlinks, headers and footers into the document.

3. Page layout– choosing a theme, page settings, paragraph format and position on the page of pictures and diagrams.

6. Review– spell checking, text corrections and notes, document comparison and protection.

7. View– selecting the document viewing mode, scale, window position, as well as setting up macros (a set of commands and instructions grouped together as a single command to automatically perform a task).

We will talk about the contents of menu items in the next article.

For ease of working with a document, you can select the document display scale. We usually work at 100% scale.

If you want to see more information on the screen, you can reduce the display scale by moving the slider to the left towards minus, or by clicking on minus, then the scale will decrease in 10% increments.

If you want to zoom in, move the slider to the right towards the plus, or by clicking on the plus, then the zoom will increase in 10% increments.

To the left of the scale bar, its value is displayed. If you click on it, a dialog box will appear:

Here you can change the scale by selecting the suggested 200%, 100% or 75%, or arbitrary, and in the sample you will see how the font will change when you change the scale.

In the next article in this section, we will take a closer look at the contents of the Word menu.

Thank you for being with us!

Microsoft Word is a text editor that can be part of the Microsoft Office suite or a program installed separately on your computer. The program can be used to record letters and various types documents, which may include graphics and images. This guide explains how to open Microsoft Word, launch, create, and save a new document using the operating Windows systems 7.

Don't be afraid that something might not work out or go wrong. This program was created for users, and it is thought out to the smallest detail to make it as convenient as possible for you to use it. And of course, the main thing in every task is training, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. If you accidentally clicked the wrong one, in the left top corner there is always a curved arrow that allows you to cancel last action. You can also do this using the Ctrl and Z key combination.

One last piece of advice before you start detailed instructions for using a Windows text editor - . This is especially important when working with large texts or serious documentation. Anything can happen: the electricity may be cut off, the laptop may discharge and turn off, and no one is immune from breakdowns. Lose important files and then spending hours restoring them is not the most pleasant experience. All you need to do is click on the floppy disk in the upper left corner from time to time.

The program can be found in the Start menu under Microsoft Office. Follow these step by step instructions to launch the document in Microsoft Word.

Program navigation

How to select (highlight) text

Selecting or highlighting text allows you to change the selection in terms of style, font and/or color, and even replace words if necessary. Follow these step-by-step instructions to select text in your document.

Step 1. The mouse is used to select text. The pointer will change as you move it.

Step 2. Move the pointer to the beginning of the desired fragment. Click and hold the left mouse button. While doing this, move the pointer to where you want to stop the selection. As you move the mouse, the text will be highlighted. When you are finished with your selection, release the left mouse button.

The selected text can now be formatted or modified.

You can copy text using the Ctrl+C keys. Delete text - Backspace.

Changing the size and font

The following steps can help make your writing more interesting and engaging. The text can be changed in different ways.

Text alignment

Sometimes document being created may require different paragraph layouts. By default, text is aligned left. However, text can be aligned to the right or center.

On a note! Select all text Ctrl + A.

You can change the selected text using a combination of keyboard shortcuts, which is sometimes easier:

  1. Center - select the text, press Ctrl + E.
  2. Align to the right - Ctrl + R.
  3. Fit width - Ctrl + J.
  4. Left - Ctrl + L.

How to make text bold, italic, or underline

The ability to change the font style can make your document more interesting. Different text styles, such as bold or italic, can make it stand out. Underlining can be useful for headings.

  • bold - Ctrl + B;
  • italics - Ctrl + I;
  • underline - Ctrl + U.

Copy and paste

There is no need to talk about the importance of these two functions. They save our time significantly and allow us to insert without retyping it, as was the case in the days of typewriters.

This can also be done using hotkeys. Everything is the same as last time: press Ctrl and C at the same time to copy the text, and Ctrl and V to paste.

How to Create a Numbered or Bulleted List

Using numbered or bulleted lists can help highlight items or show important steps, hierarchy, or sequence of something.

To stop adding new elements and return to standard text, click the numbering icon again at the top of the document.

A bulleted list is created using the same principle, the only difference is 1 step. Instead of the “Numbering” button, click on the “Markers” button, it is located to the right.

There is another way to create a list. First, the user enters all the list items, each one necessarily on a new line. When all the items have been typed, select them all and click either on the numbering or on the markers, depending on what kind of list you need.

You will get the same result. This different ways and there is no right or wrong here, the main thing is that the goal is achieved. Use the method that is convenient for you.

They help to structure information and present it in a more presentable form. You can't do without this skill.

  1. Step 1. In the top toolbar, go to the Insert tab.
  2. Step 2. Click on the table icon. A window will open in front of you in which you need to select the number of cells. This can also be done by entering the numbers manually. To do this, in the panel that appears, click on the “Draw table” area.

All you have to do is fill out the fields. If you suddenly need additional rows or columns, you don't have to redo the whole thing. Left-click in the table area. In the menu that appears, click “Insert” and select the appropriate option.

This basic knowledge should form your basic principles for working with text. Let's highlight the main ones:

  1. The text is entered where the blinking cursor is located and nowhere else.
  2. To change a character, word, line, paragraph, or entire text, you first need to select it. It is necessary that the computer understands what exactly it must perform actions on.
  3. Once you select the text, you can do whatever you want with it. You can practice, select a fragment and alternately click on the buttons located on the “Home” tab. You'll notice which features can be used together and which are mutually exclusive.
  4. Don't forget to save your changes to protect yourself.
  5. Use those methods of solving the problem facing you that are convenient for you.

Video - Word for Beginners