Devices for spying on the wife. We organize covert surveillance of the owner of the iPhone.

Today everyone can follow everyone. And for this we must thank (or scold) two technologies that have penetrated literally into all corners of the planet: satellite geopositioning and mobile communications

Tracking devices using a satellite receiver find out their coordinates and send them via a cellular SIM card. This is what we will use.

Express method

She is about to leave, and again this tedious uncertainty ... And there is not a single ingenious spy device at hand. Then quickly hide your smartphone in the car, just don't forget to turn off the sound. It doesn't matter - on iOS (i.e. iPhone), Android or Windows phone. All of these platforms allow Personal Area in real time to establish the location of the device and the car with it. For them, in addition, created and special programs to find lost or stolen phones.

The real gift for spies was made by Google with its "android". It allows you to track all the movements of the smartphone and draw detailed tracks on the map, where you can even see how much time the user spent at a particular point. Particularly sociable individuals may even share them with friends (enemies will also be aware). Log in to your Google account, select "privacy" and then "geodata" - and you will be pleasantly or unpleasantly surprised how meticulously the system stores all your movements. Here, by the way, you can turn off this function out of harm's way.

Of course, it’s a pity to use your smartphone, which is probably expensive and advanced, for surveillance, so it’s useful to buy a cheap model with a separate SIM card and another account - you will have both a GPS tracker and a spare phone. The only problem is autonomy. All smartphones eat battery power with appetite, and even the most unpretentious devices live for a couple of days. So it will not work to follow the beloved from another city.

Professional approach

Surveillance is best handled by devices specially designed for this purpose - that is, trackers. They are autonomous and stationary. Autonomous devices, even if they are called automobile, in fact, are universal - you can put them with your missus even in a purse or suitcase. The devices are quite compact, they fit even in the palm of a child, but they can do a lot. Models for the Russian market are equipped with a binary GLONASS/GPS module for accuracy and reliability. Low power consumption allows them to be in working order for weeks, and sometimes even months, so you can hide the device securely - for example, under the upholstery or seats. All devices with a SIM card can potentially serve as a "phone" - in our case, listen to the salon. If you choose a model with such a function, then your beloved will definitely not hang noodles on your ears for discussing ways to optimize perfume sales with a colleague in the car. Trackers come with software, which shows your car on the screen of a smartphone or computer and even tells where, when and at what speed it was driving. And don't let your girlfriend make excuses that she "never drives".

But suddenly the insidious opponent is also not a bastard and carries a device for detecting cellular signal paired with a muffler. In this case, there are special trackers that are silent most of the time - they do not receive or transmit any information. They wake up several times a day, at the time you set, to send coordinates and receive commands, say, report the balance on the SIM card account.

Stationary trackers are even more reliable. Well, what kind of girl will pry out what kind of box is connected to the on-board network. But you don’t have to rack your brains with changing or recharging batteries. The easiest way to purchase a model with an OBD interface is such a trapezoidal connector, which is usually hidden somewhere under the steering column. By the way, in addition to tracking a car, such trackers can often diagnose a car - through an application for a smartphone or computer, show fuel consumption, mileage, and even report individual problems. Suppose your doubts about marital fidelity, fortunately, were not confirmed, but then you can listen to the sound of the engine and say intelligently: "Honey, these overtones in the engine noise tell me that it's time to change the oil ..." Your rating in her eyes will grow several points at once.


We hope you guessed that the topic of shadowing the precious half was just a joke. But the rest is serious. Car thieves, forced evacuation, car service workers who decide to drive - such potential troubles encourage car owners to look for technical opportunities to quickly locate the car. And then no more jokes ...

  1. Is it possible to follow a person through a phone?
  2. Is such tracking possible without the consent of the owner of the phone?
  3. How can I track a person through a phone from a remote computer?

People ask these kinds of questions for a variety of reasons. Tracking a person through the phone is usually required due to the need for control (parental, marital, control over the elderly), monitoring employees of a particular company or any division (department), etc.

For such a process, it is necessary to have specific opportunities for its actual implementation. Modern applications (the so-called mobile spyware) will allow you to organize tracking of the phone of the object selected by the customer. Among them may be spouses and children, the elderly, employees (even without their consent). The situation can be even more mysterious: if there is an urgent need, tracking can be carried out without the consent of the owner of the phone, and at the same time he will not even notice that he is under this kind of surveillance around the clock.

Tracking a person through the phone is very simple - you just need to install a tracking program. Tracking programs mobile phones on the market have a number of interesting features, among which:

  • ability to record SMS messages
  • recording telephone conversations
  • sound recording via remote connection microphone on the phone
  • taking pictures with the camcorder
  • control over incoming and outgoing calls, etc.

Our Lighthouse program, created on the basis of an analytical platform, has great capabilities for spying on someone else's phone. Thanks to this application, you will have at your disposal a lot of useful features:

  • creating a map with travel routes
  • collection of certain statistical information for the selected period
  • analytical reports on the movement of users
  • event logging
  • construction of certain graphs reflecting the results of tracking, etc.

Thanks to the Mayak application, the customer (user) can monitor big amount devices of interest to him in the process of tracking, chat with users, the tracking program will provide the ability to set up a schedule for its work and replenish the balance. All functions are available to the user in the control panel.

Beacon program and employee tracking via phone

The tracking functions listed above, the program will provide when installed on the phones of company employees, allowing management to have accurate information about the time of arrival and departure of wards from work, about the movement of employees; analyze whether there were any deviations from the given route of movement and exits beyond a certain territory, etc.

Finally, we note that people who want to install a similar program for tracking a person through a phone often ask very similar questions. The most popular of them, as well as reasoned answers, we give below.

How to track home by phone number?

Lighthouse Program - convenient service for those who care about the safety of their loved ones. By installing our program on the phones of family members, you will know exactly who and where is just by looking at the map on your computer or tablet. The geolocation system at any time of the day will accurately show the location of a family member, will allow you to view the route of his movement in each given period of time.

How to track the movement of an elderly person through the phone? If the elderly people who are dear to you live separately from you, the Lighthouse application installed on the phone, for example, of old parents, will allow you to always know the route of their movement and not worry about whether the parents are at home, whether they are lost, etc.

What do you need to monitor android phone?

The customer of such an application needs to fulfill only two conditions: operating system The phone must support any coordinate system, as well as be able to access the Internet.

Do you want to follow a person via phone for free? We will provide you with the realization of such a desire during the period of the demo operation of the program. The customer will be given full access to all the functions of the application. At the end of the demo period, you must subscribe. detailed information about the procedure for installing and connecting the Lighthouse application is provided in the section "

One day you suddenly realize that EVERYTHING, patience has burst, all methods have been tried, you need surveillance of your wife and irrefutable evidence of her infidelity and dishonesty.

You work, invest in your family, take care of its future, but you no longer feel supported. And this is not just stupid jealousy of a youngster in love or baseless suspicions - there are situations when. Even the most accommodating man understands when he is being deceived. Suspicions can drive you crazy, and you just need proof, you just want to know the truth.

10 signs when you need to spy on your wife

  1. She suddenly dramatically changes her habits, became interested in such things that had not previously occupied her at all.
  2. She begins to pay a lot of attention to self-care and does it not “for you”.
  3. Your opinion is no longer important to her, she does not brag about new outfits, achievements at work and does not wait for approval.
  4. She stays late at work, disappears in the evenings, but at the same time she does not want you to meet her, stop by, pick her up.
  5. Doesn't always pick up the phone when you call.
  6. She suddenly began to hide the phone, which used to be lying around, wherever she got, she even takes it with her to the bathroom.
  7. Sex is not in the standard mode.
  8. Money - either disappears strangely, or, conversely, you notice expensive things beyond your means and gifts. When asked “from where”, he laughs it off or says “a girlfriend gave it away”, “colleagues gave it away”, “I bought it at a sale”, “this is not an original, but a replica”.
  9. She offers to spend the weekend, vacation separately.
  10. You feel that she is lying, confused, if you start to clarify or “catch” her on mismatches, she gets annoyed.

In this case, hidden surveillance of the wife will be very good decision problems and help to finally resolve all doubts. In fact, the establishment of the fact of adultery - the most common reason that makes people turn to a detective agency. Unfortunately, you are not the first and not the only person who has doubts about the fidelity of his wife.

Perhaps nothing bad is happening. Perhaps she really decided to go in for fitness, and new girlfriends influence her so much that she always wants to wipe their noses with new outfits.

Wife's girlfriends are an indicator of relationships. When a woman is happy in a family, there are usually no friends around her, or they rotate in a distant orbit, appear on holidays. If you have gatherings in the kitchen all the time, or if your spouse constantly disappears somewhere “with girls”, then this is an occasion to think: “Is she happy at home?”. And in some cases, and a reason to hire a detective to spy on his wife.

When relations are tense in the family, then any mistake can be a reason for a break. Suspicion can be an excuse for infidelity. And if an innocent spouse convicts you of distrust, then this can ruin the relationship forever. The private detective to whom you entrust the case is well aware of its delicacy. All procedures for collecting information are carried out by professionals and are completely invisible to the person under supervision.

Some ways to control

Social networks in modern world- this is an ideal place to find a partner, in this case, imperceptible surveillance through the phone and the Internet is possible. Your spouse will not suspect anything, but incriminating calls, texts and correspondence will be available. It is also possible to find out from what addresses they write to her, with whom she meets and calls up during the day.

If you want to understand where and with whom your spouse is, then, of course, you do not need to play detective yourself. Spying on your wife in Moscow - a huge metropolis that hides the secrets of millions of people - is a job for professionals. We use modern technology, cars and surveillance equipment. In addition, all our employees have special skills that allow them not to attract the attention of other people.

Most people can't call themselves and spend days and weeks following the other person's heels. In addition, if the spouse begins to look for confirmation of his fears, then it is very difficult for him to be an outside observer. A lot of irreparable things happen precisely at the moment of establishing the fact of adultery. Turning to professionals will allow you to remain an outside observer and make a civilized decision regarding your family future with a cool head.

Why, in case of doubt, it is better to contact the detective agency Razvedka.RU

  • We work individually with each client.
  • We provide complete confidentiality, no one except you will know that you were watching your own wife, and what were the results of this check.
  • We present evidence, only reliable facts on any medium - text, audio, video.

We do not give advice on what to do, but we will help you get out of the maelstrom of jealousy and suspicion. You can find the cost in the price spying section. Can you imagine if all suspicions turn out to be groundless? What a load will fall from your heart when you realize that in fact your spouse is faithful to you. Do not waste your time on suspicions, knowing the truth is always better than being tormented by doubts.

Life taught me a lot and I understood one thing. In terms of trust between husband and wife, you can only trust one person, only yourself. Yes, there are people who will say: -what about trust? Understanding? Love? I can say in marriage at the expense of trust, only one saying works: "trust, but verify." In my desire to check and monitor my wife, I came to use the opportunities Avast apps. All advice is advisory in nature and all risk and responsibility belongs to those who read this entry and decide to act. Recommendations for android phone owners, this does not mean that the owners of "apple" phones can calm down. There will be time to write about "apples". I hope this post will help open the eyes of the deceived and dispel the doubt of those who live in distrust.

The first thing you need to create is an account on the site

Creating an account is necessary in order to link the victim's phone to your account and further surveillance and control. Next in Play Market download three applications.

1. Avast mobile security and antivirus

2. Avast anti-theft

3. Avast mobile backup

After installing these applications, you need to configure them to work for you.

1. Open Avast anti-theft and enter the name of the owner. Don't skip this item. Be sure to enter at least something.

2. Enter your pin, it's important. Don't forget your pin. If you forgot your pin, you can change it through your avast account.

3. Set up an avast account. Enter the e-mail and password that was specified during registration.

4. We add the name of a friend and his number, that is, your name is not necessary, although then enter your number and you can already be found by this number. The decision to add a number that your soul mate does not know.

5. Open Avast mobile backup. We agree with the policy.

6. Select items to back up. Put a tick on: all contacts, calls and sms, and all images.

7. Uncheck the item: Allow backup only if the device is connected to WIFI networks. Otherwise, you will receive data on the location, and on calls and SMS only when the phone connects to WiFi

8. Open the item: events that trigger backup. We put ticks everywhere.

The settings are ready. Now by logging into the site . You should see such a picture. The green circle must be filled.

By installing all these programs, you can find out the location, calls and SMS, as well as view images taken by the owner of the phone. In addition, it is possible to send SMS commands, the list of commands is here

My post is purely advisory in nature, the entire responsibility of using this application is on you. The only questions that may arise are why you need to install Avast mobile security and antivirus. This will explain that you installed the antivirus and install and configure the rest of the campaign. Good luck and don't be fooled and don't give your phones to strangers. Good luck!!!

Thanks to the unique spy app, you can get real time and full information about the person you want to monitor, for example, listen phone conversation with any interlocutor. To do this, it is enough to have a smartphone with Android, register on the program website, get a link and download the application on mobile device surveillance object. This simple procedure gives you complete control over the phone, and you can not only easily track it online, but also read an SMS message or listen to the phone conversation of the owner of the device, if you have such a need.

Nuances of telephone surveillance:

You need to open the official website and go to your account registered earlier. There you will see a menu with phones on which the application is installed. IN this case only one phone will be shown. First of all, we connect the required functions, thanks to which you get a unique opportunityhow to monitor your phone , and use it as a bug. Let's consider each function in more detail.

Function calls

The screen displays a list of all calls, incoming and outgoing, the date and time, you can also see the phone number and name of the subscriber, as indicated in the directory, as well as the phone model. It is even possible to listen to a telephone conversation completely.

SMS messages

Allows you to see the date, time of receiving or sending SMS, number and name of the subscriber. Allows you to read messages.

Phone location

This function of the program allows you to quickly obtain information about the coordinates of the owner of the phone, determines the speed and direction of its movement. Thus, you will have such an opportunity to follow your husband or wife! The location is determined by gps or using signals cell towers. Information about this is reflected in a convenient form using a Yandex map.

Control of photos and videos

All photos and videos stored on the phone are sent to the server, where you can see them and save them in their original format.

Web browser

You get access to all the addresses on the Internet that the user visited with the exact time.

Keep track of installed applications

Gives information about actions such as turning the device on and off, connecting it to USB, and switching to offline mode work.


You will be able to turn on the microphone of the device remotely and hear what is happening in its environment. Now you know how you can listen to a telephone conversation quickly and conveniently.