What is Microsoft Excel used for? Key features of Excel

Purpose of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets

Microsoft Excel spreadsheets are designed to provide a user-friendly experience when working with tables of data that primarily contain numeric values.

Using spreadsheets, you can get accurate results without performing manual calculations, and built-in functions allow you to quickly solve complex problems.

Rectangular tables often store ordered data and are used to visually represent both numbers and text information in various areas of human professional activity. Tables can store both source (primary) data and the results of performing various types of operations on them. Before the advent of computers, tables were used that looked like graphed sheets or card indexes.

Computers have made it much easier to present and process data. Data processing programs are called spreadsheets or spreadsheets because of their similarity to a regular table drawn on paper.

Note 1

Today there are a huge number of programs that provide storage and processing of tabular data, among which Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro, Calc, etc. are the most widely used tabular processor for personal computers is Microsoft Excel.

MS Excel is used to solve economic planning, financial, technical, economic and engineering problems, to perform accounting and banking operations, for statistical processing of information, data analysis and project forecasting, for filling out tax returns, etc.

Also, Excel spreadsheet tools allow you to process statistical information and present data in the form of graphs and charts, which can also be used in Everyday life for personal accounting and analysis of spending your own funds.

Thus, the main purpose of spreadsheets is:

  • data entry and editing;
  • formatting tables;
  • automation of calculations;
  • presentation of results in the form of charts and graphs;
  • modeling the processes of influence of some parameters on others, etc.

Spreadsheets can be easily integrated into a document created, for example, in the word processor Word or another application that is included in the package Microsoft Office. Tight integration of the applications included in the package increases user efficiency, makes it possible to create professionally designed documents and use the capabilities of local and global information networks (World Wide Web) for collective work and data publication.

The main feature of MS Excel is the ability to use formulas to create relationships between the values ​​of different cells, and the calculations using the formulas occur automatically. When you change the value of any cell that is used in a formula, the cell with the formula is automatically recalculated.

The main features of spreadsheets include:

  • automation of all final calculations;
  • performing similar calculations on large data sets;
  • the ability to solve problems by selecting values ​​with different parameters;
  • the ability to process experimental results;
  • the ability to tabulate functions and formulas;
  • preparation of spreadsheet documents;
  • performing a search for optimal values ​​for selected parameters;
  • the ability to construct graphs and diagrams based on the entered data.

Advanced features of MS Excel 2013

Note 2

When starting the spreadsheet processor, the user sees a full-fledged web resource in front of him, and not a regular program. On home page There are various templates that can be downloaded from the Internet. This version The programs are also convenient to use on smartphones and tablets.

Let's take a closer look at the changes made:

  • Save to cloud server data is performed by recording in Live ID. Saving documents on a cloud service makes it possible to obtain all the necessary files using any equipment that has Internet access. After saving a document to a cloud service, the user can invite other users to edit or view it. In parallel, the user can create a special web link that will direct other users to the document with the data, and set a set of actions allowed to be performed. Moreover, the big advantage of using cloud service is that it does not take into account the version of Excel installed on the user's computer.
  • With such a direct connection of some documents to the Internet, the issue of information security is especially important, which the developers have completely resolved. In addition, in Excel 2013, the Check Out function is responsible for creating new versions of a document when editing it.
  • The ability to set rights and restrictions for other users who have access to a specific file. For example, you can prevent the page from being shown or edited.
  • The ability to search for pictures on the Internet directly from the program and directly insert them into the table. The search is carried out using free image collections, Flickr and SkyDrive.
  • A wider list of data sources, which allows you to increase efficiency when working with databases; ability to import data.

Applications of spreadsheets

The Excel electronic spreadsheet processor is widely used for creating a variety of forms, keeping records of orders, processing statements, production planning, personnel accounting and production turnover. Excel also contains powerful mathematical and engineering functions, which allow solving many problems in the field of natural and technical sciences.

Spreadsheets are widely used to automate calculations. In tabular form it is convenient to perform a number of tasks, for example, accounting, mathematical problems, etc. The ability to use mathematical formulas in spreadsheets makes it possible to represent the relationship between different parameters. With the help of spreadsheets it became possible solution many computing problems that were previously solved exclusively using programming.

Thus, the areas of application of spreadsheets include:

  • accounting and banking;
  • resource planning and allocation;
  • design and estimate work;
  • engineering and technical calculations;
  • processing large amounts of information;
  • study of dynamic processes;
  • sphere of business and entrepreneurship.

Note 3

One of the important functional extensions of the MS Excel spreadsheet processor has become the built-in environment Visual programming Basic for Applications (VBA), which is designed to solve applied problems in MS Office. Thanks to VBA, Microsoft was able not only to expand the capabilities of the Excel macro language, but also to introduce a new level of application programming, since VBA allows you to create full-fledged application packages that, in their functions, go far beyond the processing of spreadsheets.

Any person who uses a computer in their daily work has, in one way or another, encountered the Excel office application, which is included in the standard Microsoft package Office. It is available in any version of the package. And quite often, when starting to get acquainted with the program, many users wonder whether they can use Excel on their own?

What is Excel?

First, let's define what Excel is and what this application is needed for. Many people have probably heard that the program is a spreadsheet editor, but the principles of its operation are fundamentally different from the same tables created in Word.

If in Word a table acts more like an element in which a text or sheet is displayed Excel table- this is, in fact, a unified mathematical machine that is capable of performing a wide variety of calculations based on specified data types and formulas by which one or another mathematical or algebraic operation will be performed.

How to learn to work in Excel on your own and is it possible to do it?

As the heroine of the film “Office Romance” said, you can teach a hare to smoke. In principle, nothing is impossible. Let's try to understand the basic principles of the application's functioning and focus on understanding its main capabilities.

Of course, reviews from people who understand the specifics of the application say that you can, say, download some tutorial on how to work in Excel, however, as practice shows, and especially the comments of novice users, such materials are very often presented in a too abstruse form, and It can be quite difficult to figure out.

I think the most the best option training will be the study of the basic capabilities of the program, and then their application, so to speak, “by scientific poking.” It goes without saying that you first need to consider the main functional Microsoft elements Excel (the lessons in the program show exactly this) to get a complete picture of the principles of work.

Key elements to pay attention to

The very first thing the user pays attention to when starting the application is a sheet in the form of a table in which cells are numbered in different ways, depending on the version of the application itself. In earlier versions, columns were designated by letters, and rows by numbers and numbers. In other releases, all markings are presented exclusively in digital form.

What is it for? Yes, only so that it is always possible to determine the cell number for specifying a certain calculation operation, similar to how coordinates are specified in a two-dimensional system for a point. Later it will be clear how to work with them.

Another important component is the formula bar - a special field with an “f x” icon on the left. This is where all operations are specified. At the same time, the mathematical operations themselves are designated in exactly the same way as is customary in the international classification (equal sign “=”, multiplication “*” division “/”, etc.). Trigonometric quantities also correspond to international notations (sin, cos, tg, etc.). But this is the simplest thing. More complex operations will have to be mastered with the help of the help system or specific examples, since some formulas may look quite specific (exponential, logarithmic, tensor, matrix, etc.).

At the top, as in other office programs, there is main panel and main menu sections with main operation items and quick access buttons to a particular function.

and simple operations with them

Consideration of the question is impossible without a key understanding of the types of data entered in table cells. Let us immediately note that after entering some information, you can press the enter button, the Esc key, or simply move the rectangle from the desired cell to another - the data will be saved. Editing a cell is done by double-clicking or pressing the F2 key, and upon completion of data entry, saving occurs only by pressing the Enter key.

Now a few words about what can be entered in each cell. The format menu is called up by right-clicking on the active cell. On the left there is a special column indicating the data type (general, numeric, text, percentage, date, etc.). If the general format is selected, the program, roughly speaking, itself determines what exactly the entered value looks like (for example, if you enter 01/01/16, the date January 1, 2016 will be recognized).

When entering a number, you can also use an indication of the number of decimal places (by default, one character is displayed, although when entering two, the program simply rounds the visible value, although the true value does not change).

When using, say, text type data, no matter what the user enters, it will be displayed exactly as what was typed on the keyboard, without changes.

Here's what's interesting: if you hover the cursor over the selected cell, a cross will appear in the lower right corner, by pulling it while holding down the left mouse button, you can copy the data to the cells following the desired one in order. But the data will change. If we take the same date example, the next value would be January 2, and so on. This type of copying can be useful when specifying the same formula for different cells (sometimes even with cross calculations).

When it comes to formulas, for the simplest operations you can use a two-pronged approach. For example, for the sum of cells A1 and B1, which must be calculated in cell C1, you need to place the rectangle in the C1 field and specify the calculation using the formula “=A1+B1”. You can do it differently by setting the equality “=SUM(A1:B1)” (this method is more used for large gaps between cells, although you can use the automatic sum function, as well as the English version of the SUM command).

Excel program: how to work with Excel sheets

When working with sheets, you can perform many actions: add sheets, change their names, delete unnecessary ones, etc. But the most important thing is that any cells located on different sheets can be interconnected by certain formulas (especially when large amounts of information of different types are entered).

How to learn to work in Excel on your own in terms of use and calculations? It's not that simple here. As reviews from users who have mastered this spreadsheet editor show, it will be quite difficult to do this without outside help. You should at least read the help system of the program itself. The simplest way is to enter cells in the same formula by selecting them (this can be done both on one sheet and on different ones. Again, if you enter the sum of several fields, you can write “=SUM”, and then simply select one by one while holding down the Ctrl key the necessary cells.But this is the most primitive example.

Additional features

But in the program you can not only create tables with various types data. Based on them, in a couple of seconds you can build all kinds of graphs and diagrams by specifying either a selected range of cells for automatic construction, or specifying it in manual mode when entering the corresponding menu.

In addition, the program has the ability to use special add-ons and executable scripts based on Visual Basic. You can insert any objects in the form of graphics, video, audio or anything else. In general, there are enough opportunities. And here only a small fraction of everything that this unique program is capable of is touched upon.

What can I say, she’s there the right approach can calculate matrices, solve all kinds of equations of any complexity, find, create databases and link them with other applications like Microsoft Access and much more - you just can’t list it all.

Bottom line

Now, it’s probably already clear that the question of how to learn to work in Excel on your own is not so easy to consider. Of course, if you master the basic principles of working in the editor, setting the simplest operations will not be difficult. User reviews indicate that you can learn this in a maximum of a week. But if you need to use more complex calculations, and even more so, work with reference to databases, no matter how much anyone wants it, you simply cannot do without special literature or courses. Moreover, it is very likely that you will even have to improve your knowledge of algebra and geometry from the school course. Without this, you can’t even dream of fully using the spreadsheet editor.

Excel is a spreadsheet program that allows you to store, organize, and analyze information. In this lesson, you'll learn some ways to work with the Excel 2010 environment, including the new fly-out menu that replaces the Microsoft Excel 2007 menu button.

We'll show you how to use and modify the Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar, as well as how to create a new workbook and open an existing one. After this lesson, you will be ready to start working on your first book in Excel program.

Introducing Excel 2010

The Excel 2010 interface is very similar to the Excel 2007 interface. However, there are some differences, which we will look at in this tutorial. However, if you are new to the Excel environment, it will take you some time to learn how to navigate Excel.

Excel program interface

1) Quick access panel

The Quick Access Toolbar gives you access to some of the commands you need, no matter what tab you're currently on. By default, the Save, Cancel, and Redo commands are shown. You can add commands to make the panel more user-friendly.

2)Field Name

The Name field displays the position or "name" of the selected cell. In the image below, cell B4 appears in the Name field. Notice that cell B4 is at the intersection of column B and row 4.

3) String

A row is a group of cells that runs from the left edge of the page to the right. IN Excel rows are indicated by numbers. In the figure below, line 16 is selected.

4) Formula bar

In the formula bar, you can enter and edit information, formulas, or functions that appear in a specific cell. In the image below, cell C1 is selected and the number 1984 is entered in the formula bar. Please note that the information is displayed in both the formula bar and cell C1.

5) Sheets

By default, a new workbook contains 3 sheets. You can rename, add or delete sheets.

6) Horizontal scroll bar

You may have more data than can fit on the screen. Click and hold the horizontal scroll bar and move it left or right, depending on what part of the page you want to see.

7) Column

A column is a group of cells that runs from the top of the page to the bottom. In Excel, columns are identified by letters. In the image below, column K is selected.

8) Page view

There are three ways to display a spreadsheet. To select one of them, you need to click on the page view buttons.

  • Ordinary– selected by default, shows you an unlimited number of cells and columns. Highlighted in the picture below.
  • Page layout splits the spreadsheet into pages.
  • Page allows you to see an overall view of the spreadsheet, which is useful when you add page breaks.

9) Scale

Click and drag the slider to change the scale. The number displayed to the left of the slider indicates the zoom level in percentage.

10) Tape

The Ribbon contains all the commands you might need to perform common tasks. It contains several tabs, each of which has several groups of commands. You can add your own tabs with your favorite commands. In the lower right corner of some groups there is an arrow, clicking on which will show you even more commands.

Working in Excel environment

The Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar are where you'll find the commands you need to perform common tasks in Excel. If you're familiar with Excel 2007, you'll see that the main difference in the Excel 2010 Ribbon is the placement of commands like Open and Print in the pop-up menu.


The ribbon contains several tabs, each with several groups of commands. You can add your own tabs with your favorite commands.

To customize the Feed:

You can customize the Ribbon by creating your own tabs with the commands you need. Teams are always located in a group. You can create as many groups as you need. Moreover, you can add commands to the default tabs as long as you create a group for them.

If you can't find the command you need, click the Select commands drop-down list and select All commands.

To collapse and expand the Feed:

The feed is designed to quickly respond to your current tasks and be easy to use. However, you can minimize it if it takes up too much screen space.

  1. Click on the arrow on the right top corner Ribbons to roll it up.
  2. To expand the Ribbon, click on the arrow again.

When the ribbon is minimized, you can show it temporarily by clicking on a tab. However, the tape will disappear again when you stop using it.

Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar is located above the Ribbon and gives you access to some useful commands no matter what tab you're currently on. By default, the Save, Cancel, and Redo commands are shown. You can add commands to make the panel more user-friendly.

To add commands to the Quick Access Toolbar:

  1. Click the arrow on the right side of the Quick Access Toolbar.
  2. From the list that appears, select the commands you want to add. To select commands that are not listed, click More commands.

Pop-up menu

The pop-up menu gives you various options for saving, opening files, printing, or sharing documents. It is similar to the Office Button menu in Excel 2007 or the File menu in earlier versions of Excel. However, now it is not just a menu, but a full-page view that is much easier to work with.

To get to the pop-up menu:

1) Basic commands

2) Details

Details contains information about the current book. You can view and change its permissions.

3) Latest

For convenience, the last books you worked with are shown here.

4) Create

From here you can create a new blank workbook or choose a layout from large number templates

5) Print

In the Print panel, you can change print settings and print your book. You can also preview how the printed book will look.

7) Help

From here you access Microsoft Office Help or Check for Updates.

8) Parameters

Here you can change various Excel settings. For example, you can change your spell check, auto-recover, or language settings.

Creating and opening books

Excel files are called workbooks. Each workbook contains one or more sheets (also known as “spreadsheets”).

To create a new book:

  1. Select Create.
  2. Select A new book in the Available templates section. It is highlighted by default.
  3. Click Create. The new workbook appears in the Excel window.

To save time, you can create a document from a template, which you can select from Available templates. But we'll talk about this in the next lessons.

To open an existing workbook:

  1. Click on the File tab. This will open a pop-up menu.
  2. Select Open. The Open Document dialog box appears.
  3. Select the book you want and click Open.

If you recently opened an existing workbook, it might be easier to find it under Latest in the pop-up menu.

Compatibility Mode

Sometimes you'll need to work with workbooks created in earlier versions of Microsoft Excel, such as Excel 2003 or Excel 2000. When you open these workbooks, they appear in compatibility mode.

Compatibility mode disables some features, so you can only use the commands that were available when you created the book. For example, if you open a workbook created in Excel 2003, you can use the tabs and commands that were in Excel 2003.

In the picture below, the workbook is opened in compatibility mode.

To exit compatibility mode, you need to change the book format to the current version. However, if you work with people who work with earlier versions of Excel, it's best to leave the workbook in Compatibility Mode and not change the format.

To convert a workbook:

If you want to have access to everyone Excel functions 2010, you can convert the workbook to Excel 2010 format.

Please note that converting a file may cause some changes to the original file.

  1. Click the File tab to open a pop-up menu.
  2. Select the Convert command.
  3. Then press OK twice.

  1. The book will be converted to a new format.


  1. Open Excel 2010 on your computer and create a new, blank workbook.
  2. Roll and unfold the tape.
  3. Go through all the tabs and notice how the ribbon options change.
  4. Try changing the appearance of the pages.
  5. Add any commands to the Quick Access Toolbar.
  6. Close Excel without saving the workbook.

Microsoft Excel (also sometimes called Microsoft Office Excel) is a spreadsheet program created by Microsoft Corporation. It provides economic and statistical calculations and graphical tools. Microsoft Excel is part of Microsoft Office and today Excel is one of the most popular applications in the world.

Application areas of spreadsheets:

    accounting and banking;

    resource allocation planning;

    design and estimate work;

    engineering and technical calculations;

    processing large amounts of information;

    study of dynamic processes.

Main features of spreadsheets:

    analysis and modeling based on calculations and data processing;

    design of tables and reports;

    formatting the data contained in the table;

    constructing diagrams of the required type;

    creating and maintaining databases with the ability to select records by a given criterion and sort by any parameter;

    transferring (inserting) information into a table from documents created in other applications running in the Windows environment;

    Printing the final document in whole or in part.

Advantages of using ET when solving problems:

Solving problems using spreadsheets frees you from creating an algorithm and debugging a program. You just need to write down the initial data and mathematical relationships included in the model in a certain way in the table.

When using formulas of the same type, there is no need to enter them multiple times; you can copy the formula to the desired cell. This will automatically recalculate the relative addresses found in the formula. If it is necessary that when copying a formula, the reference to a certain cell does not change, then it is possible to specify an absolute (unchangeable) cell address.

Practical lesson No. 1 Analysis of data series. Calculation of the trend line for cases of single-factor and multi-factor dependencies.

Statement of the problem: it is necessary to analyze the presented data series and find statistical dependencies between them.

Initial data:


Freight rate, $/day

Demand, million dwt

Supply, million dwt

A. Find the equation for the one-factor dependence of changes in the freight rate over time by constructing a trend line.

1. For analysis, from the presented data, take the columns “Month” and “Freight Rate”. Construct a graph, presenting the data in the form scatter plot. At the same time, along the axis X the month is located along the axis at – freight rate (Fig. 1).

2. Add a trend line to the chart (Fig. 2-4):

Right-click to select the graph points and select “Add trend line” in the menu that appears (select linear trend line type);

In the same menu, in the last tab, select the items “Show the equation on the diagram” and “Place the approximation reliability value on the diagram.”

The trend line that appears on the chart can be edited by calling right click menu.

The type of trend line is selected, depending on the analyzed data, according to the approximation reliability indicator R 2 . The closer R2 is to one, the better the trend line describes the data.

3. Add an additional column “Theoretical freight rate 1” to the table. Using the linear trend formula presented in the graph ( y=70.536x+1855), calculate the theoretical values ​​of the freight rate.

B. Find an equation for the multifactorial dependence of the freight rate on supply and demand for tonnage by performing regression analysis.

1. In the “Service” menu, select “Data Analysis”. In the menu that appears, select the “Regression” analysis tool.

2. In the menu that opens, enter in the active lines of input intervals: input interval at– the entire set of actual values ​​of the freight rate; input interval X– the entire set of indicators on which dependence is sought (namely, supply and demand) (Fig. 6).

3. The result of regression analysis is presented in Fig. 7. For the regression equation, the coefficients from the lower table are used.

The regression equation for this example is:


Variable X 1

Variable X 2


4. We create another column in the table “Theoretical freight rate 2”. In the column, using the resulting regression equation, we calculate the values ​​of the freight rate.

The result of the calculations is depicted graphically (Fig. 9).

Microsoft Excel (also sometimes called Microsoft Office Excel) is a spreadsheet program created by Microsoft Corporation for Microsoft Windows, Windows NT and Mac OS. It provides economic-statistical capabilities, graphical tools, and, with the exception of Excel 2008 on Mac OS X, the macro programming language VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). Microsoft Excel is part of Microsoft Office and today Excel is one of the most popular programs in the world.

A valuable feature of Excel is the ability to write code using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). This code is written using an editor separate from the tables. The spreadsheet is managed using an object-oriented code and data model. Using this code, the data from the input tables will be instantly processed and displayed in tables and charts (graphs). The table becomes the interface of the code, allowing you to easily work with it, change it, and guide calculations.

Using Excel, you can analyze large amounts of data. In Excel, you can use more than 400 mathematical, statistical, financial and other specialized functions, link different tables to each other, choose arbitrary data presentation formats, and create hierarchical structures. Truly limitless methods for graphically presenting data: in addition to several dozen built-in chart types, you can create your own, which can be customized to help visually display the subject of the chart. Those who are just learning to work with Excel will appreciate the help of "wizards" - auxiliary programs that help when creating charts. They, like good wizards, asking leading questions about the expected next steps and showing, depending on the planned answer, the result, will guide the user “by the hand” through all the stages of constructing the diagram in the shortest way.

Working with a table is not limited to simply entering data into it and drawing diagrams. It is difficult to imagine an area where analysis of this data would not be required. In Excel included powerful tool analysis - Pivot table. With its help, you can analyze wide-format tables, contain a large number of unsystematized data, and with just a few clicks of the mouse button you can bring it into a convenient and readable form. Mastering this tool is simplified by the presence of an appropriate wizard program.

There are two main types of objects in Microsoft Excel: book and letter.

Book in Microsoft Excel is a file that is used to process and store data. Each book can consist of several sheets, so you can put a variety of information in one file and establish the necessary connections between them.

Letters serve to organize and analyze data that can be entered and edited simultaneously on multiple sheets, as well as perform calculations based on data from multiple sheets. Once created, charts can be placed on an email with the relevant data or on a separate email email.

Sheet names appear on tabs at the bottom of the workbook window. To switch from one letter to another, you need to specify the appropriate label. The name of the active sheet is in bold.

Microsoft Excel has a lot of different functions, for example:

1. Financial, among many special functions that calculate interest on a deposit or loan, depreciation charges, rate of return and a variety of inverse and related quantities.

2. Date and time functions– most of the functions in this category are responsible for converting date and time into different formats. Two special functions TODAY and TDATE insert the current date (the first) and the date and time (the second) into the closet, updating them every time the file is called or when any changes are made to the table.

5. Link and arrays. This category contains functions that allow you to access a data array (by column, row, rectangular interval) and obtain a variety of information from it: the numbers of columns and rows it contains, their number, the contents of the array element you need; you can find which compartment of this array contains the required number or text, etc.

6. Text– There are about two dozen teams in this group. With their help, you can count the number of characters in the collar, including spaces (DLST), find out the symbol code (CODE), find out which character is first (LEFT) and last (RIGHT) in a line of text, place a certain number of characters from another into the active box collars (PSTR), place in the active box all the text from another box in capital letters (UPPER CAPITAL) or capital letters (LOWER), check whether two text boxes match (COICH), find some text (SEARCH, FIND) and replace it with another (REPLACE ).

7. Checking Properties and Values– here are commands with which you can get information about the type of data in the collar (a number is there, text or some other information), about the format, about the current operating environment, about typical mistakes, which appeared in the formula, etc..

8. Working with the database– here you can find commands for statistical accounting (BDDISP - variance for a sample from the database, BDDISP - variance for the general population, DSTANDOTKL - standard deviation for the sample), operations with columns and rows of the base, the number of non-empty (BSCOUNT) or (BSCOUNT) cells, etc. .d.

9. Chart Wizard– built-in EXCEL program, which simplifies working with the main features of the program.

Purpose of MS Excel.

MS Excel is one of the most popular spreadsheet programs today. It is used by scientists, accountants, journalists, etc., with its help they maintain various tables, lists and catalogs, prepare financial and statistical reports, calculate the state of a trading enterprise, process the results of a scientific experiment, keep records, and prepare presentation materials. Excel's capabilities are very high. Text processing, database management - the program is so powerful that in many cases it is superior to specialized editor programs or database programs. Such a variety of functions may at first confuse you, rather than force you to use it in practice. But as you gain experience, you begin to appreciate the fact that the limits of Excel's capabilities are difficult to reach.

Over the long history of tabular calculations using personal computers, user requirements for such programs have changed significantly. At first, the main emphasis in a program such as VisiCalc was on counting functions. Today, along with engineering and accounting calculations, the organization and graphic image data are becoming increasingly important. In addition, the variety of functions offered by such a calculation and graphics program, should not complicate the user's work. Windows programs provide the ideal prerequisites for this. Recently, many have just switched to using Windows as your user environment. As a result, many companies creating software, began to offer a large number of programs for Windows.

Excel provides both ease of handling data and its safety. Excel allows you to quickly complete work that does not require a lot of paper and time, and also involves the involvement of professional accountants and financiers.

This program will be able to calculate the amounts in the rows and columns of tables, calculate the arithmetic mean, bank interest or dispersion; here, in general, you can use many standard functions: financial, mathematical, logical, statistical.

Excel has many more advantages. This is a very flexible system that “grows” with the user’s needs, changes its appearance and adapts to you. The basis of Excel is the field of cells and the menu at the top of the screen. In addition, up to 10 toolbars with buttons and other controls can be located on the screen. It is possible not only to use standard toolbars, but also to create your own.


In order to know Excel you need to work in it. Using this program, you will certainly discover more and more new features and properties. Explore and experiment. If you don't like the results, try again. Almost everything you do in Excel can be undone, so you won't lose anything more than a few minutes of your time by experimenting.