The DNS server is used for. DNS server: purpose and basic principles of operation

Today I have prepared an article for you that will help you solve one fairly common error that confuses even fairly advanced users: DNS server is not responding.

In this article, I will talk about the reasons for this error, as well as several ways to solve it. I will be waiting for confirmation from you in the comments what exactly helped you, as well as new options if anyone knows. Go!

1. What does “DNS server not responding” mean?

To proceed to troubleshooting, you need to understand what it means that the DNS server is not responding.

To understand the essence of the problem, you should know what a DNS server is. When accessing any virtual page on the network, the user gains access to a specific section of the remote server. This section contains and stores files that are converted by the browser used and presented to users in the form of a page with text, images and other information that is familiar to the visual perception of any user. Each server has an individual IP address, which is necessary to gain access. A DNS server is a functional means of comfortable and correct redirection of requests to a domain from a specific IP address.

Often the DNS server does not respond in Windows 7/10 when connected to the network via a modem and without using network cable, as well as for users who use another wireless Internet connection method. In some cases an error may occur after installing an antivirus.

Important! Often, users take personal interest and make changes to the modem settings, which lead to a loss of connection and an unwanted error. Therefore, it is not recommended to edit working settings unnecessarily.

2. Dns server does not respond - how to fix it?

If the user observes an error, then there are four ways to eliminate it:

. Very often it is enough to reboot the modem to fix the error. During the reboot process, the device returns to its original state. initial settings and parameters, which helps to quickly and effectively solve the problem;
  • Checking the correctness of entering addresses in the settings. To check the literacy and correct filling of the DNS address, you need to go to the properties tab “Connections by local network", there you need to find "Internet Protocol v4" and check the specified address. The information that must be indicated in this field must be in the contractual connection documents. You can also find out the server address from your provider by contacting him by phone or other means;
  • Updating drivers for network card . The problem can be solved by changing the provider and in some other situations;
  • Setting up antivirus and firewall. Modern programs that are designed to protect data and information on a PC from viruses and fraudulent activities can block access to the network. It is necessary to carefully review the settings of such programs.
  • To correct an error with a greater probability, it is necessary to consider specific situations in detail. This is what we will do below.

    2.1. On Windows

    There are several possible solutions problems listed in the table.

    Way Procedure
    It is recommended to disconnect the device from power or use the power off button, if provided in the configuration, and wait about 15 seconds. After the time has elapsed, you must turn on the device again.
    Using the Command Line Should be called command line from the PC administrator. To do this, click on “Start”, then find and click on “Search programs and files” and write cmd. After these steps, a program shortcut will appear. You should click on it right click computer mouse and select "Run as administrator".Then you should type and execute certain commands, after entering each command you must press the enter key:
    • ipconfig /flushdns
    • ipconfig /registerdns
    • ipconfig /release
    • ipconfig /renew
    Checking settings and options You need to visit the control panel and find “Network and Sharing Center...”. This subsection contains information about the network. You should select the connection you are using, then right-click the computer mouse and select “Properties”. A new window will open for the user, in which you need to select in turn:
    • Protocol (TCP/IPv6);
    • Protocol (TCP/IPv4).

    Then you need to click on “Properties”. You should check the boxes next to the items: obtain a DNS server and IP address automatically. When checking the settings, you must be very careful and take into account the information specified in the agreement with the provider, if any. This method only helps if there is no specific address specified by the provider.

    You can enter the addresses provided by Google, which, in the opinion of the search engine itself, help speed up the loading of web pages: or

    3. DNS server does not respond: TP-link router

    Majority modern users use routers and TP-link devices. Error DNS server is not responding can be eliminated in several ways:

    Attention! Some, especially inexpensive TP-link models, have lost parameters. In this case, you should follow the setup instructions that come with the device and enter the data and DNS addresses specified in the contract and provided by the provider.

    It is better to set TP-link on the router basic settings, unless otherwise specified in the agreement with the provider.

    4. DNS server does not respond (Beeline or Rostelecom)

    All of the listed methods for eliminating the error are designed to assume that it is the user who has the problem. But practice shows that in most cases, problems arise with the provider for a number of reasons, such as technical faults.

    For this reason, if an error occurs, you should not rush, but wait a while: during this period, you can reboot the computer and router without touching any settings. If the situation has not changed, it is recommended to contact representatives of the provider company and tell about the current problem, providing the specialist with the data he requires: contract number, last name, IP address or other information. If the problem arose with the Internet connection service provider, he will report this and tell you the approximate time frame for eliminating the problem. This is especially true for Internet owners from the Rostelecom company (I myself am one of them, so I know what I’m talking about). Very useful numbers:

    • 8 800 302 08 00 - Rostelecom technical support for individuals;
    • 8 800 302 08 10 - Rostelecom technical support for legal entities.

    If the problem did not arise with the provider, then a company specialist can, in some cases, help the user solve it by giving competent advice or recommendations.

    But for now we'll just talk about why you might want to change your DNS server.

    Speed ​​increase possible

    Third-party DNS servers may be faster than your ISP's DNS servers. This is not guaranteed and will depend on your geographic location - how close third-party DNS servers are to you and how slow your ISP's DNS servers are.

    If all you need is good speed, you may or may not see benefits from switching to a third-party DNS server. To find out for sure, you should run a DNS benchmarking tool like Namebench, which will make DNS queries to your current DNS server and other DNS servers, checking how long each of those servers takes to respond.

    Popular third-party DNS services, such as Google Public DNS or OpenDNS, may be faster for you. If so, Namebench will let you know.

    Please note that Namebench cannot evaluate the effectiveness of each factor. For example, Google Public DNS and OpenDNS participate in , which allows participating DNS services to learn your IP address and respond from IP addresses that are closer to you, thereby increasing communication speeds. Other DNS servers, like those offered by your ISP, are not as adept at implementing such new technologies.

    Possible improvement in reliability

    This is closely related to the speed improvement opportunity already noted. If your ISP doesn't care too much about keeping its DNS servers fast and stable, you may experience periods where websites fail to load or load very slowly due to DNS lookups taking too long. If your ISP isn't doing its job properly, switching to a third-party DNS server may bring you greater reliability.

    Parental control

    If you have young children and want to set up web filtering, there are many different ways you can do this. One of the most simple ways web filtering settings is to change your DNS servers to OpenDNS servers. Change the DNS server on your router and you can configure the settings parental controls on the OpenDNS website, which will allow you to block certain categories of websites and view websites accessible from your home network.

    This is especially convenient because once you change the settings on your router and set up parental controls on the OpenDNS website, the settings will apply to every device on your home network - PCs running any operating system, game consoles, smartphones, tablets, etc. When a DNS query for the IP address of such a website has been sent, OpenDNS returns a different IP address. The user's browser connects to this address and receives a message that the website they are trying to access has been blocked.

    Please note that this is not very reliable. A user on your network can simply change their device's DNS server to bypass filtering. Young children won't be able to do this, but teenagers might - just like most other parental controls.

    Phishing protection

    OpenDNS also performs filtering to block phishing sites. U modern browsers there is built-in protection against phishing, but if you work on a network that includes computers with Windows XP and Internet Explorer 6, then using OpenDNS will give all these computers some protection against identity theft that they would not otherwise have.

    Other DNS services do not offer this feature. For example, Google Public DNS does not include content filtering functionality because it aims to function simply as a fast DNS service without any frills.

    Means of protection

    Third-party DNS servers, such as OpenDNS and Google Public DNS, also offer security features that many providers' DNS servers have not yet implemented. For example, Google Public DNS supports DNSSEC to ensure that DNS requests are properly signed and are trustworthy. Your provider's DNS servers may not yet have such security features implemented.

    If SOPA had been passed, no US DNS servers would have supported DNSSEC because SOPA would have outlawed DNSSEC. If Americans wanted the benefits of DNSSEC, they would be forced to use foreign DNS servers.

    Accessing geo-blocked content

    Special third-party DNS servers may also allow you to access certain geo-restricted content. For example, by switching to Unblock-Us you can access media like Netflix, Hulu and BBC iPlayer no matter where in the world you are. When your computer makes a DNS query, the DNS service does some tunneling to make the service assume that you are somewhere else in the world. This is a convenient feature because it allows you to reach these services from any device just by changing the DNS server on your router.

    You shouldn't use free service as your primary DNS service - switching to it is bound to slow down your web browsing. If you use one of these, you'll need to use a tool like DNS Jumper to quickly switch to it when you need it, and switch back when you're done.

    And they work in the same way and do not have this limitation, but on the other hand, you will have to pay for them.

    Bypassing web censorship

    Some ISPs and governments only block websites at the DNS level. For example, an ISP can “block” by redirecting its ingress DNS to another website. If a website is blocked by this method, replacing your DNS server with a third-party DNS service that does not block the website will allow you to access it. As an example, we can cite an incident that occurred at a time when The Pirate Bay was blocked in the UK. People could change their DNS servers so they could use it again.

    Please note that websites are often blocked at the IP level, so this will not always work. For example, a firewall uses many techniques to block websites, including DNS blocking.

    Namebench includes an option that tests DNS servers for censorship to determine whether the output of current DNS servers is censored.

    If you want to change DNS servers, then you will probably want to change the DNS server on your router, which will have an impact on your entire home network. You can also change the DNS server on a single computer, which will only affect that specific computer.

    What DNS services do you use? For what purpose? Share your experience and settings in the comments.


    DNS (Domain Name System) is a domain name system designed to associate domains (site names) with the IP addresses of the computers that serve them. That is, this system designed to make it easier to find websites.

    The domain you enter in your browser is not the real website address. This is equivalent to sending a letter to a person, indicating only his full name on the envelope. and city of residence. But how to deliver a letter to him if the postman does not know specifically where the addressee is? To do this, indicate the postal address on the envelope.

    Role postal address IP address plays on the Internet (in Russian IP). All devices on the network have it, be it home network or Internet. With its help, devices can communicate with each other by sending and responding to requests at specific IP addresses. They specify which device the data should be sent to.

    IP consists of four numbers, starting from 0 and ending with 255. For example, one of the Internet addresses of the Google website looks like this: If you copy this combination of numbers and paste it into the address bar in your browser, you will automatically be taken to the page. Later we will explain why domains can have multiple IPs.

    You may ask: “Why complicate life at all and why can’t we just leave domain names?” The point is that anyone available in World Wide Web a website is, roughly speaking, the same computer with its own IP. All of its files, folders and other materials are stored on the server. Computers can only work with numbers; without DNS, they won't understand a character query.

    Unlike computers, it is difficult for a person to keep a lot of numbers in his head. The IP address is very similar to the long one mobile number. To avoid the need to remember phone numbers, we write them down in “contacts” and often call them by the names of the owners of these numbers. For example: Ivan Sidorovich, +7-123-456-78-90. The next time we want to call Ivan, we just need to enter his name, and we can completely forget about the number.

    On the Internet, the role of such a phone book is played by DNS. This system registers and stores the connection between relatively easy-to-remember site names and hard-to-remember digital addresses. But on the World Wide Web, such a “book” is not maintained by Ivan Sidorovich’s acquaintances, who in their own “contacts” can call him whatever they want, but by him personally.

    For example, to go to Ivan’s website with the domain address, which he chose himself, you just need to enter it in the browser, after which DNS will send the necessary IP address to the computer (through which you are using the browser). Let's say is an IP corresponding to the site Then the server (computer) on which the site is hosted will analyze the request entered by the user and send data to the browser to display the requested page.

    Where are domain-to-IP address records located?

    The Domain Name System owns its own DNS servers. They contain all the information about the ownership of a particular domain to a specific IP address. Similar servers a large number of and they perform two important functions:

    • storing a list of IPs and their corresponding domains;
    • caching records from other system servers.

    Here it is worth explaining the essence of the second function – caching. With each user request, servers have to find an IP address in accordance with the specified resource name. And if the page you are requesting is located too far away, you will need to “get” to the starting DNS server where this information is stored, which significantly slows down loading sites.

    To prevent this problem, so-called secondary DNS servers, located closer to your device (as a rule, they are located at your providers), are designed to prevent this problem. To avoid searching for its address again when you request a site again, they store data about it in their cache and promptly report the IP.

    Important! Caching is impossible without primary DNS servers containing the first IP connection to domain names. During the domain registration process, before your website goes live, you must notify the registrar about the DNS server where all information about your domain will be stored. And what kind of information exactly is, more on that a little later.

    What is a DNS zone?

    Above we gave the simplest example of an IP address matching a domain, which occurs according to the following scheme: one Domain name– one resource – one address. However, a single domain, in addition to the website, can simultaneously include a mail server addressed to a different IP. IN in this case It’s impossible not to mention the subdomains we wrote about earlier. A simple example of a subdomain of a popular mail service in Russia:

    Both a web resource and mail can have several IP addresses - this is done in order to increase their reliability and ensure speed. DNS zone– this is the contents of a file in which connections between domains and IP addresses are registered. It contains the following information:

    • A – the address of the “site” of the domain.
    • MX – address " mail server» of the same domain.
    • CNAME is a synonym for domain. That is, the domain address is a synonym for and if you enter a query in your browser without “www”, you will still be redirected to the site.
    • NS – this record contains the domains of DNS servers serving a specific domain.
    • TXT – this can contain any note in text format.

    This is an abbreviated list that includes the main fields of the DNS zone.

    Additional Information

    There are many more nuances regarding the description of domains. But to make it easier for a beginner to learn a new topic, we have avoided them. However, for a general understanding of the topic, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with a few more important details:

    1. We talked about domains with addresses that include four numbers. They belong to the IPv4 standard and can serve a limited number of devices: 4,294,967,296. Yes, more than four billion computers is a lot, but technological progress is rapid and devices connected to the Internet are multiplying every day. This has led to a shortage of addresses. To avoid this problem, new IPv6 addresses were introduced - addresses with six numbers, which are designated AAAA in the DNS zone. Thanks to the new standard, significantly more computers will be able to receive IP addresses.
    2. To increase the productivity and reliability of the site, one domain name is tied to several addresses. As a rule, when requesting a page, the DNS server gives out an IP in an involuntary order.
    3. The same IP address can be associated with multiple domains. In general, this does not in any way correspond to the principles of DNS, where an unambiguous connection between the IP and the domain is assumed. But, as we mentioned above, there are no longer enough IPv4 addresses for all Internet devices existing today, and we have to save money. In reality, it looks like this: several small web resources with different domains, but with the same addresses, are hosted on a server with a specific IP address. Receiving a request, the computer serving the sites processes the requested domain and sends the user the desired web resource.

    Let's sum it up

    The Domain Name System is needed to make it easier for people to find sites on the Internet. With the help of DNS servers, you can use symbolic names of sites that replace difficult-to-remember IP addresses, and also increase the speed and reliability of access to web resources by linking them to several computers.

    The Internet is a collection of local computer networks, which are located in all countries of the world. Typically, such communication lines communicate with each other, following uniform rules called protocols. Such conditions are accepted by all parties on a voluntary basis, because there is not yet a single government regulation that would force their use.

    What is DNS?

    DNS is one of the most important sets of rules. The name stands for "domain name system". DNS should be perceived as containing information about network devices: IP address, routing information mail messages, machine name.

    The very first domain system for BSD-Unix appeared 30 years ago. Berkley Internet continues to be included in most Unix systems to this day.

    DNS server - what is it?

    Any computer on the Internet has the status of a client. It can also play the role of a server in parallel.

    When there is a need to speed up the name resolution process, a DNS server comes to the rescue. What is this, you ask?

    A DNS server is a computer that resolves symbolic names into IP addresses and vice versa.

    If the computer is a client, network programs use the gethostbyaddr function to determine the host name from its network contact information. The gethostbyname option allows you to find out the IP address of the device.

    If the device is used as a DNS server, then this indicates the registration of at least one domain on the machine.

    The DNS server responds to queries from domains associated with it and forwards them, if necessary, to other computers from a foreign zone.

    DNS addresses on the Internet

    Based on the fact that DNS is every computer needs to be identified in it. That is why network devices are assigned their own unique names, which consist of letters separated by dots.

    That is, a DNS address is a unique combination consisting of the name real computer and domain contact information.

    Domain Name System Concepts

    The DNS structure is a tree-like hierarchy consisting of nodes and other elements that you will learn about in a moment.

    At the top is the root zone. It can be configured on various mirrors that contain server data and are responsible for the DNS domain. This happens on computers located all over the world.

    Numerous root zone servers handle any requests, even non-recursive ones. We have repeated this mysterious word more than once, which means it’s time to explain what its essence is.

    A zone can be called absolutely any part of the domain name tree system. This is a solid and indivisible sector on the map. Allocation of several branches into one zone allows you to delegate responsibility for this part tree to another organization or person.

    Each realm necessarily contains a component such as the DNS service. This allows you to store data that you are responsible for locally.

    As for a domain, it is just a branch of the DNS tree structure, a private node that has more than one device under it.

    There are a huge number of domains on the Internet, and all of them, except the root, are subordinate to higher elements.

    DNS Servers

    Secondary DNS Server- This is one of the main computers. It copies all files stored on the primary server. Its main difference is that the data comes from the main server, and not from the zone configuration files. The secondary DNS server can share information with other computers of the same level. Any request for authoritative server hosts will be forwarded either to it or to the master device.

    The number of secondary servers is not limited. There can be as many of them as you like. Notifications about zone changes or expansions are received regularly, but everything depends on the settings set by the administrator.

    Zone transfer is most often carried out through copying. There are two mechanisms for duplicating information: complete and incremental.

    Caching DNS server

    DNS Unlocker - what is this program?

    This is an optional module that is often included with installation free programs. It is extremely detrimental to the performance and efficiency of a personal computer.

    This is a program that can destroy the system or render it inactive. This is a virus that is spreading around the world at lightning speed. After the first intrusion into the system, DNS Unlocker begins to operate unnoticed by users. The module gradually installs malicious and dangerous codes on the computer, which lead to system threats. In addition, the virus module automatically disables the antivirus so that nothing can protect important files and documents that the program is slowly approaching.

    How to Determine If Your Computer is Infected with Malware

    What are the signs that your PC is infected with DNS Unlocker? What kind of program this is, you already know. Let's start studying the signals that indicate that your data is at risk.

    • The appearance of unknown windows. If you start seeing pop-up ads while using your computer, take the problem seriously. This is one of the signs that your system has been infected by a virus module.
    • Decreased PC performance. Has your PC recently started to perform very slowly standard actions that used to take seconds? Check the machine's performance. If this indicator has dropped rapidly, then it’s time to check the system and remove DNS Unlocker.
    • Emergency operation of the system. If your computer has recently started to freeze very often, this may also indicate the presence of a virus module.
    • Redirect to another web page. DNS Unlocker is a virus module that can change browser settings. This manifests itself in redirection to other resources. The appearance of the home page and the default search engine may also change.
    • New icons. Unknown shortcuts containing links to malicious and dangerous websites may appear on your desktop.
    • Hardware disputes. This case is characterized by the printer and other devices turning off without your direct intervention. You can choose one setting, and the computer will respond to your commands completely differently or not respond to them at all. This situation may also indicate that the system is infected.
    • Missing important files. While working with applications, your system may report a critical error - missing important data. It is likely that the virus module is working. Having penetrated the system, it is able to get into its settings and delete important files, without which the correct operation of applications becomes impossible.

    Dangerous effects of DNS Unlocker on Windows operating system

    • A malicious add-on can change the browser settings you are used to. This is about search engine, which is used by default, home page, all kinds of redirects to dangerous third-party resources.
    • By opening the browser, instead recent tabs you will see an unfamiliar web page.
    • Various pop-up windows will interfere with the workflow. And following links from them is an additional threat to your computer.
    • The “My Computer” shortcut is replaced with another icon with a link to an external malicious resource.
    • Having penetrated the system, the virus makes it vulnerable by placing fake system utilities and toolbars.
    • The browser's search engine begins to produce unreliable results, and this can be very harmful, especially when it comes to searching for official information.
    • DNS Unlocker changes standard settings OS and also disables the task manager.
    • Applications begin to work very slowly and only periodically respond to user requests.
    • Like most viruses, DNS Unlocker will get to your confidential data: name, passwords. The program will also open all your photos and personal files.
    • Some users claim that the malicious module is capable of blocking access to the desktop and demanding payment for opening it.
    • It is quite logical that DNS Unlocker blocks antiviruses, because it wants to remain undetected for as long as possible and distribute dangerous code.

    Therefore, it is very important to identify the malicious module and remove it as early as possible. Only such a radical measure will save your computer from losing important data.

    A site’s DNS (Domain Names System) is a system for distributed storage of keys and their values ​​that link information about the actual site’s domain name.

    How DNS works

    In this way, the Internet solved the problem of connecting domain names with the real Internet routing system - IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. The creators simply added a site directory function and called it DNS.

    Interesting fact

    When the Internet spread over only a few computers, and the number of sites could be counted manually, the well-known hosts file. The addresses of web pages were manually written in it in pairs with the addresses of servers serving this domain. Instead of, you could enter mysit in the / address bar of the browser e .com and get to the desired resource. But when the network grew to immense size, the need arose to create a centralized and constantly updated array. Hosts has been replaced by a common DNS.

    Let's consider the entire chain of requesting information about the site:

    • You entered in address bar browser site name, for example
    • The browser recognized that it was clearly not an IP address, which means it needed to be obtained manually. The browser generates a request to the most convenient DNS server.
    • The DNS server, having received a request from the browser, requests information about the site along a long chain that reaches the root servers.
    • After receiving the response, DNS sends as a response the IP address of the server to which the specified domain name belongs.
    • The browser directs you directly to the IP.

    We talked about contacting root servers, which was a valid but rather rough rounding of DNS routing information

    Root servers

    Root servers are the 13 main DNS servers that serve all existing websites in the world. All root servers are located in the USA.

    There are 9 replicas of these storage facilities in Russia, in the following cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Rostov-on-Don

    In real conditions, one request out of a thousand reaches the root node. If each browser request led to the passage of the entire chain of world servers, we would wait tens of times longer for loading, and at peak times we would not receive a response at all due to overloads. It turns out that the developers have created a powerful distributed data caching system.

    If you once requested a domain, its data is stored in the server cache for a very long time. When you contact again, DNS will not check the IP with other servers in the chain, but will simply give you the answer it received earlier.

    How to find out the DNS of a site

    In order to find out the DNS of a site, there are simple and free tools. They all simply follow the browser's steps, displaying the servers' response headers.

    • Go to the service page:
    • Enter the domain name of the resource you are interested in in the “Domain” field.
    • Select the type "ANY" and click "Check".
    • All available information about the domain will be displayed on the screen.

    How to set up and register a site's DNS

    Let's consider step by step the process of setting up parameters for a web resource.

    • After completing the domain registration process, you will be prompted to go to your control panel for delegation. Go to the NS records management section.
    • For many, it is much easier to keep the site server and DNS records under one account, so domains are delegated to the hosting company’s DNS servers. To perform this procedure, check with your hosting provider for the NS server addresses and enter them in the domain settings.
    • If you want to leave the default NS records, further configuration will have to be done in the control panel of the registrar. If you have changed the NS to the hosting server, go to its control panel and add your domain to the list. Most often, the procedure receives a technical response within 48 hours; do not expect the domain to immediately appear on the list.

    After completing all primary configuration settings You can proceed to directly configuring the parameters of DNS records. Each control panel has its own characteristics, but the principle is the same - select the domain editing mode, change/add/remove the required parameter-value pairs, save, and after 24-72 hours the result is reflected on the site

    Basic DNS resource records

    ATTENTION: There is always a dot after the hostname in DNS

    A A

    The main setting of any domain. Association of a name with an IP address. Configured by you immediately after delegation.


    Subdomain creation tool. If you create a subdomain on the site, specify it in the CNAME directive, otherwise it will not be accessible.

    MX MX 0

    Record a mail server for your site. Without specifying this directive, sending and receiving mail for the site will not be possible. If you use third-party services, such as Yandex.Mail, carefully read the instructions for using this directive. The value of the second parameter is set to a priority number from 0 to 65535, where the priority decreases as the number increases. This means that attempts to contact servers will begin with the highest priority, but if it fails, they will go further down the hierarchy.


    Any text information. Used to connect services, check domain rights and enter additional data into the DNS structure.

    TXT mailing policy record

    Contains information about servers that are authorized to send email on behalf of the domain.