Add RemoteApps and configure global deployment settings. Installing and configuring RemoteApp and DIRECTUM About deploying RemoteApp applications through a network share or other distribution mechanism

A full remote session is not always required for users to work on a terminal server. desktop. Let’s say in your company users use only an application on the terminal server 1C: Enterprise 8.2. Here we can use technology RemoteApp, which appeared in Windows 2008.

RemoteApp are programs that can be accessed remotely through Terminal Services and run as if they were running on local computer user. Users can run programs RemoteApp along with their local programs. Users can minimize and maximize a program window, resize it, and easily run multiple programs at once. If the user is running more than one program RemoteApp on one terminal server, programs RemoteApp will be in the same Terminal Services session.

Setting up a RemoteApp application using an example 1C: Enterprise 8.2:

  1. Open (Fig. 1):

2. In the manager, on the action panel on the right, select "Add RemoteApps"(Fig.2):

3. Opens. Click Further(Fig.3):

5. In the next window, click Ready(Fig.5):

6. We see what's in the window "RemoteApp Manager" Below, the 1C Enterprise application appears in the list of remote RemoteApp applications. Click on it right click mouse -> "Create RDP file"(Fig.6):

7. Will open "Remote Application Wizard (RemoteApp)", click Further(Fig.7):

8. In the next window we set the parameters of our package. We can change the location where the RDP file is saved, change the server port, set the Terminal Services Gateway parameters and select a certificate. press Further(Fig.8):

9. In the next window, click Ready(Fig.9):

10. Copy to the right users our RDP file (we can change the location where the file is saved in step 8, by default - C:\Program Files\Packaged Programs. You can copy it manually or through a logon script in group policy. Open our RDP file (Fig. 10):

11. To launch the application, click To plug(check the box so that this question will not be repeated in the future) (Fig. 11):

12. Enter your credentials and click To plug. Remember that the user must have rights to connect to the Remote Desktop Service (Fig. 12).

Not everyone knows that in addition to the Remote Desktop Service, Windows Server 2008 R2 has a very convenient RemoteApp remote application service. The essence of RemoteApp is that any applications installed on this server can be accessed remotely from any computer connected to the network. In this case, the program will be executed on the server, but its window will be drawn as if the user had launched the program from the local computer. It is possible to minimize and maximize the window of a program running via RemoteApp, resize it and run several programs at once along with your local applications. This is a very convenient mechanism that can significantly simplify the administration of some programs and reduce the cost of purchasing them.

Below I will tell you how to configure RemoteApp applications in Windows Server 2008 R2 using the 1c:Enterprise 7.7 program as an example.

  1. What you will need

  2. Creating an RDP file or installer for a remote program

  3. Setting up users

1. What you will need

  1. Computer with Windows Server 2008 R2 (you can read about installation)

  2. Running terminal server on this computer(read about installing a terminal server)

  3. Also, on this computer the application that we will add to RemoteApp must be installed and configured, in my case it is 1C:Enterprise 7.7 (I wrote about the features of installing 1C:Enterprise 7.7)

2. Create an RDP file or installer for a remote program

Launch " RemoteApp Manager» (« Start» — « Administration» — « ") and in the menu " Actions"on the left click on " Add RemoteApps» .

Then this program will appear in the list of RemoteApps. Having highlighted it in the table, click on “ Create RDP file» in the menu on the left.

" RemoteApp Wizard", click " Further" and we get to the window " Setting package parameters". Here you can select the directory where the RDP file will be saved, set the Remote Desktop Gateway settings, as well as the certificate settings for secure connections. But most importantly, you can change the server name and port. Initially, the computer name and RDP port are set by default. With these settings, the application will only be available from local network. If it is necessary for the program to be launched from all computers connected to the Internet, then the server name must be replaced with an external IP address, and, if necessary, change the port that is forwarded on the router for this server, as shown in the screenshot below.

The port should also be changed if you changed the default port for the terminal server (you can read about how to do this). We complete the wizard by clicking “ Further" And " Ready", after which in the specified directory we will find a file with the extension rdp.
In a similar way, you can create an msi installer by clicking on " Create a Windows Installer package". When you run the resulting installer, it will create an RDP shortcut on the desktop and in the start menu with the icon of the selected application.
Now, if you run the resulting RDP file from another computer on the network, a window will appear to enter your login/password to log into the server.

After entering the data, we will see the 1C:Enterprise window as if we had launched it from a local machine.

3. Setting up users

If the application will be launched by several users with the same settings, then it is not necessary to add each one to the server. It is enough to create only one user, say User_1C(you can read about how to create a user), configure all parameters (list of databases, printers, etc.) for this user and allow multiple sessions.

In order to allow multiple sessions, go to “ Start» — « Administration» — « Remote Desktop Services» — « Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration"click 2 times on " Limit a user to a single session", in the properties window uncheck " Restrict all users to single sessions» .

The value should change to " No» .

In addition, you need to know about one more nuance. The fact is that when an application launched via RemoteApp is closed, the user is not logged out automatically, and the disabled account continues to “hang” on the server. To change this, in the properties of users who will run applications via RemoteApp, on the " Sessions» install « Ending a disconnected session» in 1 minute.

This completes the setup. We implemented it in such a way that several people can simultaneously work with the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 program under one account (for ease of use, you can create several accounts, for example, User_1c_Buh,User_1C_Operator, User_1C_Sklad etc. or a separate account for each user).

You may need to configure RemoteApp Applications.

They are programs remote access accessed through Remote Desktop Services, but they look like they are local applications. Simply put, a RemoteApp is a remote desktop access experience limited to a single application. However, despite the wording above, a user can run multiple applications or multiple instances of the same application in the same session.

Using RemoteApp applications looks like a good alternative to traditional remote desktops as it brings... system administrator a whole range of advantages. These benefits are due to the fact that the user no longer has access to the entire desktop and his actions are limited by the boundaries of the application being launched. And as you know, the fewer opportunities the user has to twist and configure, the more reliable and secure the system works. Users also find it convenient to use RemoteApp applications because they look the same as any local application installed application, which greatly simplifies the work.


  1. RemoteApp Application Publishing Process
  2. Checking the Health of RemoteApp Applications
  3. Change settings for published RemoteApp applications
  4. Unpublish RemoteApp Applications


In order to publish any RemoteApp application you need to open Task Manager, go to Remote Desktop Services and there follow the link with the name of the sessions collection. In the session collection window, click on the link Publishing RemoteApps. If there are already published applications, you must click on the button Tasks and select from the menu that opens Publish.

Fig.1 - Publishing RemoteApp applications

It should be remembered that publishing at least one application will cancel the publication of the remote desktop. This means that one collection can contain either the entire remote desktop or a certain set of individual RemoteApp applications.

You can publish both pre-installed applications and your own. Let's try to publish one pre-installed (Calculator) and one custom application ( Foxit Reader). In order to publish a built-in application, you need to mark it and click Next.

Fig.2 - Selecting published RemoteApp applications

With applications that are not on the list it is somewhat more difficult. Here one important condition must be met - It is necessary that the published application is located on the same path on all session host servers. If this is the case, then click the Add button and indicate the required application.

Fig.3 - Specifying the path to the published RemoteApp application

As can be seen in the figure, indicating the application in in this case, occurs on the RDSH2 server.

Once all applications are checked, click Next.

Fig.4 - Selecting published RemoteApp applications

In the next window, confirm your choice by clicking the button Publish.

Fig.5 - Confirming the selection of RemoteApp applications

After publishing RemoteApp applications, a window will be displayed showing the status of the applications and errors encountered during installation. If no errors occur, click the Close button to complete the publishing process.

Fig.6 - Report on publishing RemoteApp applications


After successfully publishing remote RemoteApp applications, we will check the correctness of their operation. To do this, we will provide web access to RDS from one of the domain workstations. Let me remind you that in order to gain web access to Remote Desktop Services, you need to follow a special link like https://servername/rdweb. In this case, this link is https://rdwh.domain.local/rdweb.

Fig.7 - Web access to RemoteApp applications

Fig.8 - Foxit Reader remote application

The application has launched successfully and is ready to use. The fact that this application is RemoteApp is indicated by an icon with two arrows pointing towards each other next to the icon of the main application.

Let's see how the connection is displayed on the server side. Let's go to the session collection properties and look at the Connections panel.

Fig.9 - Connections to the session collection

The screenshot above shows the completed connection. As you can see, despite the fact that we specified the path to the Foxit Reader program on the RDSH2 server, the connection was made to the RDSH1 session host server.


Each RemoteApp application has a number of key options that can be changed to suit your requirements. In order to go to the application settings menu, just go to the session collection window (in this case, the RDS Session Collection window) on the panel RemoteApps call context menu application whose parameters need to be changed, and select a single item there Change properties.

Fig. 10 - Calling the RemoteApp application properties window

On the tab Are common The following settings are available in the application properties window:

  1. RemoteApp name. Allows you to set a custom name for the published application.
  2. Show the remote application in the Remote Desktop Web Access service. If you select No, then the application will not be displayed in the list of applications on the web access page and will not be available to users, although it will be installed on the session host servers and will have a published status.
  3. RemoteApp folder. This setting allows you to organize your RemoteApp applications into folders.

In addition to settings, this window displays information about the path where the application is located, its alias and icon.

Fig. 11 - General parameters of the RemoteApp application

The folder for the remote RemoteApp application can either be specified manually by writing the desired folder name in the corresponding field, or by selecting from an existing list if folders have been created previously. Let's place the Foxit Reader application in the Office Applications folder and see what happens to the web access page.

Fig. 12 - Using folders to sort RemoteApp applications

As you can see, the selected Foxit Reader application was successfully placed in the Office Applications folder.

Here you can also download a shortcut to any of the published applications or use alternative ones

On the tab Options you can set parameters command line for the application. This is where you can allow the use of any command line parameters or disable their use altogether. In addition, you can set forced use preset parameters. In a number of cases, the last parameter is very helpful.

Fig.13 - Application command line parameters

Tab properties Assigning Users allow you to configure the visibility of an application in the web access system for specified users or user groups. Because by default, all users of a session collection have access to all applications published in it, this tab allows you to flexibly configure user access to RemoteApp applications within the collection itself.

Fig. 14 - Assigning application users

On the tab File Type Mapping You can set the types of files that will be automatically opened using the selected RemoteApp application.

One very important limitation to keep in mind is that this option does not work in case of web access to applications.


When a removed application is no longer used, it is advisable to unpublish it. Let's consider performing this operation using the Calculator application as an example.

In order to call the wizard for unpublishing remote applications, you need to select the item Unpublish remote RemoteApp applications on the menu Tasks on the panel RemoteApps.

Fig. 15 - Calling the application unpublish wizard

At the first step of the wizard, select from the list of published RemoteApp applications the application that needs to be unpublished. You can select all applications, and in this case, after canceling their publication, access to the entire remote desktop will become possible.

Fig. 16 - Selecting an application whose publication is canceled

In the selection confirmation window, you are prompted to check the correctness of the selected applications and click the button Cancel publication.

Fig.17 - Confirmation of selection

Once the unpublish operation has been successfully completed, a window will appear informing you that the unpublish operation has been completed.

Fig.18 - Successful unpublishing of the RemoteApp application

As you can see, the processes of adding, deleting and configuring remote RemoteApp applications are quite quickly and conveniently carried out from a single RemoteApp Applications panel on the session collection tab.

Recently, a lot of clients want to use DIRECTUM through terminal servers. In this blog I will talk about new technology Microsoft, which is called RemoteApp.

RemoteApp is a technology that allows applications that can be accessed remotely through Remote Desktop Services to be presented as if they were running on the user's local computer. In other words, the user simply launches a shortcut on the desktop, and the application runs on the terminal server.

Stages of installing and configuring remote applications

  • Configuring a Remote Desktop Session Host Server to Host RemoteApps;
  • adding programs to the list of remote applications RemoteApp;
  • creating an RDP file and creating a Windows Installer package.

Configuring a Remote Desktop Session Host Server to Host RemoteApps

There are installation prerequisites that you must complete before you can configure RemoteApp for use. The following sections discuss setting up the server to work with RemoteApps.

  • install the Remote Desktop Session Host role service;
  • installation of programs;
  • checking parameters remote connection.

RemoteApp Manager is installed as part of the Remote Desktop Session Host role service.

This section describes how to install the Remote Desktop Session Host role service.

Note: After you install the Remote Desktop Session Host role service, you must restart your computer.

  • processor: Quad 3.00 GHz;
  • memory: 1000 MB for windows+ 350 MB for each session;

Install the Remote Desktop Session Host role service

  1. On the computer on which you want to install the Remote Desktop Session Host role service, open Server Manager. To open Server Management, click Start, Administrative Tools, and then Server Management.

2. In the Role Summary group, select Add Roles.

3. On the Before you begin page of the Add Roles Wizard, click the button Further .

4.On the Select Server Roles page, select the Remote Desktop Services check box and click Further .

5. On the Remote Desktop Services page, click Further .

6. On the Select Role Services page, select the Remote Desktop Session Host check box, the Remote Desktop Licensing check box, the Remote Desktop Web Access check box, and then click Further .

7. On the Uninstall and reinstall applications to determine compatibility page, click Further .

8. On the Specify the authentication method for Remote Desktop Session Host page, select Don't require network level authentication, click the button Further .

9. On the Specify licensing mode page, select the desired mode, “Per User” mode is recommended, and click the button Further .

10. On the Select user groups that are allowed to access this Remote Desktop Session Host page, add the users or groups that you want to add to the Remote Desktop Users group, and then click Further .,

11. On the Customize User Experience page, select the desired user interface and click Further .

12. On the Configure discovery scope for remote desktop licensing page, click the button Further .

13. On the Web Server (IIS) page) click on the button Further .

14. On the Select Role Services page, click the button Further .

15. On the Confirm your selections page, ensure that the Remote Desktop Session Host role service is selected for installation, and then click Install .

16. The Installation Progress page will display the installation progress.

17. The Installation Results page will prompt you to restart the server to complete the installation process. Click Close and then Yes to restart the server.

18. After restarting the server and logging into the computer using the same user account, the installation will complete. When the Installation Results page appears, verify that the Remote Desktop Session Host server installation is complete

Installing programs

Applications should be installed on the remote server after installing the Remote Desktop Session Host role service. Applications are installed on the Remote Desktop Session Host server in the same way as they are installed on a local desktop. However, you should ensure that applications are installed for all users and that all required application components are installed locally on the Remote Desktop Session Host server.

In our case, we will install the DIRECTUM system And Microsoft Office.

Checking remote connection settings

By default, remote connections are enabled immediately after installing the Remote Desktop Session Host role service. You can use the following procedure to add users and groups that need to connect to the Remote Desktop Session Host server and check or change the remote connection settings.

The minimum requirement to complete this procedure is membership in the local Administrators group (or equivalent) on the Remote Desktop Session Host server.

To check your remote connection settings:

  1. On the Remote Desktop Session Host server, run the System tool. To launch the System tool, click Start, click Run, type control system, and then click OK .
  2. In the Tasks group, select Remote Desktop Settings.
  3. In the System Properties dialog box, on the Remote tab, select one of the following options, depending on your environment.

    3.1. Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure)

    3.2. Allow connections only from remote desktop computers with network authentication (higher security)

3.3. For more information about the two options on the Remote tab, click the Help me choose link.

4. To add the users and groups that you want to connect to the RD Session Host server using Remote Desktop, select Select Users, and then click Add. The added users and groups are added to the Remote Desktop Users group.

Adding programs to the list of remote applications RemoteApp

To make a program available to users remotely through the RemoteApp Manager, you must add it to the RemoteApp Applications list.

The minimum requirement to complete this procedure is membership in the local Administrators group (or equivalent) on the Remote Desktop Session Host server.

To add a program to the list of remote applications RemoteApp:

  1. Open RemoteApp Manager on the Remote Desktop Session Host server. To do this, click the Start button, open Administrative Tools, then select Remote Desktop Services and RemoteApp Manager.

2. In the Actions pane, click Add RemoteApps.

3. On the Remote App Wizard page) press the button Further .

4. On the Select programs to add to the list of RemoteApp applications page, select the check boxes next to the programs that you want to add to the RemoteApp applications list. You can select several programs; in our situation, we choose DIRECTUM and Microsoft Office Application (Excel and Word). Click on the button Further .

5. On the RemoteApp Wizard page click on the button Ready .

Creating an RDP File and Creating a Windows Installer Package

CreationRPD file

Using the RemoteApp Wizard, you can create a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) file from any application in the RemoteApp Applications list.

The minimum requirement to complete this procedure is membership in the local Administrators group (or equivalent) on the Remote Desktop Session Host server that you want to configure.

To create an RDP file:

  1. In the RemoteApp Applications list, select the program for which you want to create an RDP file. To select multiple programs, press and hold the key CTRL when choosing programs. In our situation, select “DIRECTUM System Explorer”.

3. In the Actions area for the program or selected programs, click Create RDP File.

4. On the Remote Application Wizard page, click Next.

5. On the Set package parameters page, do the following:

5.1.In the Enter a location to save packages field, accept the default location or click Browse to specify a new location to save the RDP file.

OK .

5.3. To sign an RDP file digital signature, in the Certificate Options area, click Change to select or change the certificate.

6. When finished, press the button Further .

7. On the View Settings page, click Ready .

Creating a Windows Installer Package( MSI)

You can use the RemoteApp Wizard to create an installer package Microsoft Windows(.msi) from any application in the RemoteApps list.

The minimum requirement to complete this procedure is membership in the local Administrators group (or equivalent) on the Remote Desktop Session Host server.

To create a Windows Installer package

  1. Open RemoteApp Manager on the Remote Desktop Session Host server. To do this, click the Start button, open Administrative Tools, then select Remote Desktop Services and RemoteApp Manager.
  2. In the RemoteApp Applications list, select the program for which you want to create a Windows Installer package. To select multiple programs, press and hold the CTRL key while selecting programs.
  3. In the Actions area for the program or selected programs, click Create a Windows Installer package.
  4. On the RemoteApp Wizard page, click Next.
  5. On the Set Package Options page, do the following:

5.1. In the Enter a location to save the packages box, accept the default location, or click Browse to specify a new location to save the Windows Installer package.

5.2. Under Remote Desktop Session Host Server Settings, click Change to change the server name or Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) port number. When finished, press the button OK .

5.3. In the Remote Desktop Gateway Settings area, click Change to change the current setting or set whether clients use the Remote Desktop Gateway server to connect to to the target server Remote Desktop Session Host through the firewall. When finished, press the buttonOK .

5.4. To digitally sign a file, in the Certificate Settings area, click the buttonChange to select or change the certificate. Select the required certificate and click the button OK .

6. When finished, press the button Further .

7. On the Configure Distribution Package page, complete the following steps:

7.1. In the Shortcut icons area, specify where the program shortcut will be located on client computers.

7.2. In the Handle client file extensions area, specify whether the program will process client file name extensions.

If you map file name extensions on the client computer to RemoteApp, all file name extensions processed by the application on the Remote Desktop Session Host server will also be mapped to RemoteApp on the client computer. Note that users are not prompted to confirm that the RD Session Host server is processing file extensions for the application.

To see which file name extensions are associated with an application on the Remote Desktop Session Host server, click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Default Programs. Click the Associate File Type or Protocol to Program button to view file name extensions and the default programs associated with them.

8. Once the distribution package properties are configured, click Further .

9. On the View Settings page, click Ready .

After the wizard completes, the folder in which the Windows Installer package was saved will open in a new window. This way you can verify that a Windows Installer package (.msi) was created.

System testing DIRECTUM in RemoteApp mode

General information

In RemoteaApp mode, the DIRECTUM system operates in full mode, which means that all system components are available.

To connect to the DIRECTUM system in RemoteApp mode:

  • run the Rds file, created and issued to the client by the server administrator;
  • install on client computer*.msi package, also created and issued by the server administrator. In this case, a shortcut to the DIRECTUM system is created in the start menu, as if the system was installed on a local PC;
  • via web access terminal service.

I admit, I have long wanted to write an article about , but everything, as always, is “running out of time,” but letters still arrive in the mail, from which one can draw one conclusion: not many people still know about RemoteApp, but those who they know, they know little.

Of course, I couldn’t leave everything as it was and I really need to do something about it.

And it seems to me that this problem can best be solved by several detailed articles on this topic, and at the end, consolidate everything.

Actually, that’s what I decided to do!

So, what is this “RemoteApp” (remote application)?

Excerpt from an article on the Microsoft website (For objectivity):

RemoteApp allows applications that can be accessed remotely through Remote Desktop Services (RDS) to be presented as if they were running on the user's local computer. These applications are called RemoteApp programs. Instead of being presented on the server desktop. Remote Desktop Session Host integrates the RemoteApp program with the client's desktop, and the RemoteApp program runs in its own window that can be resized, can be moved between multiple monitors, and has its own icon on the taskbar. If a user runs multiple RemoteApp programs on the same Remote Desktop Session Host server, the RemoteApp programs share a single Remote Desktop Services (RDS) session.

A in simple words the user works in 1C, as if 1C is running on his PC.

In detail, in fact, 1C works remotely on our server, and it (our server) transmits to the user only a picture of what is happening with him. In this case, only the image of the application itself is transmitted, nothing more! And the user interacts with this picture thinking that this is a program.

In a word, “Smoke and Mirrors”)

Hence the user gets the impression that 1C Enterprise is really running on his PC.

The differences are visible only in the shortcut, including on the taskbar (if you minimize the application), and if you move the program window around the screen, you can notice a slight flickering of the picture.

“RemoteApp” is not a new word, even on Windows Server 2008 R2 it was possible to publish remote applications, but then everything was “damp”, and only with the release of Windows Server 2012 “RemoteApp” can be used to work in 1C.

Many people know about the good old “terminal server”, the official name is “Terminal Services” or “TS”.

But this technology has been replaced by a new one - RDS (Remote Desktop Services) - this technology is now being actively promoted Microsoft company and on it we will publish our “RemoteApp”.

Of course, if you were to deploy “RemoteApp” based on sessions, then a lot of things here will be familiar to you, since everything is based on the old RDP protocol, to connect the client, the mstsc client, which has long been known to us, is used, and as before, everything works in sessions which, like on “Terminal Server” is created and operated by users.

Administration occurs in the same way as on “TS”, and is licensed in the same way, only the licenses are no longer called “Windows Terminal Services” but “Windows Remote Desktop Services CAL”.

Many users are confused by these innovations (especially the “old school”), in fact, in this article I will try to talk in detail about both RDS and the RemoteApp on which it works, I will try to sort everything out, as they say, “on the shelves.”

What is RDS?

RDS allows us to centrally manage resources and deliver applications and data to users in a controlled manner.

There are two possible implementations in RDS.

1 – session-based technology. When a user connects to this server, opens a remote desktop and logs in under your session, under your user.

2 – technology based on virtual desktops, that is, using VDI technology.

Actually (Remote Applications) “RemoteApp” we will deploy on a session basis, according to the first type. It is easier to implement and suits most people.

It is also worth noting that the implementation of the second type based on VDI has its advantages.

When using VDI, each user works on their own virtual machine.

And if, for example, some trouble happened to the user on his virtual. machine, then only its virtual space will suffer. And if this happens on a “session-based” server of the first type, then all users whose sessions are located there, and all programs data on this server may suffer.

What does RDS consist of?

RDS is built on the basis of several roles, which can be configured both on different servers and within the aisles of one server.

Key Roles of RDS

1. Remote Desktop Connection Broker. It deals with connecting the client device to remote applications “RemoteApp”, as well as session-based desktops, or virtual desktops, depending on the technology on which we built RDS.

2. A role that provides web access to remote desktops. Its task is to provide resources through a web browser.

3. Remote Desktop Session Host - This role allows you to host remote applications, or session-based desktops, on the server.

4. Remote Desktop Virtualization Host. On this node, this is our Hyper-V server, on which we deploy everything virtual machines, access to which will be available to all users using VDI technology.

5. Remote Desktop Gateway is an intermediary between clients from the external network and a collection of sessions on the internal network and applications. The gateway is security, our service is absolutely safe. And thanks to the fact that RDS in 2012 and 2012R2 becomes more flexible, absolutely all the shortcomings that existed before have been worked out. Now this service is easily implemented for huge, large-scale projects, for large corporations. Previously, some questions arose.

So what's new?

Updated work with RomoteFX technology, that is, in RDS server 2012, 2012R2, 2016, work with graphics has been updated. We have optimized data streaming, and also support DirectX 11. For those who care about this aspect, it all already works. As we know, these are the things that received negative reviews previous versions systems.

Thanks to the use of RDS, we get a single entry point. The user logs into our domain and gets access to all our resources. RDS implements USB redirection, and USB both on the device on which we are running the session and to the server.

As we know, Windows server 2012, 2012R2, 2016 works perfectly with the SMB 3.0 protocol. The RDS server is affected in the same way, and we can store disks for storing user data using the SMB and RGCDSun protocols. In addition, since this technology is implemented in server 2012, 2012R2, 2016 this service easy to manage. That is, in the manager we have a bookmark, we looked at it once, thanks to which managing the RDS server becomes intuitive, just like all the tools implemented in Windows Server 2012-2016.

What is needed to implement RDS?

1. Windows server 2012 – 2016 Standard or Datacenter.

2. Call licenses for users, + RDS licenses + Windows license serv.

3. Static IP + external static if remote access is required.

4. Active Directory is required.

From the optional:

5. SSL certificate.

6. Domain name 2-3 levels.

7. CA - Certification authority.

Advantages of “RemoteApp” over the usual “Terminal Server”:

The user is not confused between the remote desktop and his local one.

The 1C program launches immediately when you click on the shortcut, and looks like it was installed locally.

The user does not see the entire desktop and works only with those programs assigned by the administrator.

Security is higher than on a regular terminal server.

The speed of image transfer from the server is higher than in comparison with a conventional terminal server. (Optimization by transferring not the entire image, but only the desired program).

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