Document control the sufd button is not active. JavaScript Errors and How to Fix Them

General information

9. When signing a document, the error “No certificates/No valid certificates found” appears

The error can occur for several reasons:

1) Valid certificates are not installed - you need to install the necessary certificates.

2) The date and time on the working machine is incorrect - you need to set the correct date and time!

10. Problems with the SUFD Portal in Windows 7

For stable operation of the SUFD Portal in the operating room Windows system 7 you need to launch the Portal ( Mozilla browser Firefox) as administrator. To do this you need to do the following:

Right-click on the desired shortcut (browser shortcut Mozilla Firefox) and select "Properties".

Go to the "Shortcut" tab, click "Advanced", check the "Run as administrator" checkbox (Fig. 12):

Or go to the "Compatibility" tab and check the "Run this program as an administrator" checkbox (Fig. 13):

The problem is this, you need to connect the script from externally:

The external script is generated dynamically and must fill

By text.

External script example:

the error document.getElementById("v1") has no properties appears
However, if you use this code it works:

Window.onload= function () ( document.getElementById("v1").innerHTML="this is dynamic text"; )

The problem with this solution is that window.onload will not work more than 1 time, while the HTML may contain id v1, v2, v3, etc.
plz tell me the solution.

message moderated

Scripts and styles are loaded first before the page is rendered (what if there is document.write()). Accordingly, parsing occurs before rendering. This means your code cannot access a non-existent element. Now, if instead

document.getElementById("v1").innerHTML="this is dynamic text";

then there would be no problems.
Change the filling logic.

Evgeniy Petrov[dossier]

document.getElementById("v1").innerHTML="this is dynamic text";

The fact is that the script can be called from any page and even from other domains.

Evgeniy Petrov[dossier]

Scripts and styles are loaded first before the page is rendered

Styles - yes, but not sure about scripts. At least I haven't encountered this before. Usually, the page is not parsed beyond the point where the script is encountered. Just because of the ill-fated document.write, because there may be unclosed tags.

David Mzareulyan[dossier]
You see, I will have to insert this handler into http://localhost/my/load/1
Thus, if the http://localhost/my/load/2 script is called on the same page, then you get 2 such handlers, doesn’t it seem strange to you?
And further:

Function setGlobalOnLoad(f) ( var root = window.addEventListener || window.attachEvent ? window: document.addEventListener ? document: null if (root)( if(root.addEventListener) root.addEventListener("load", f, false) else if(root.attachEvent) root.attachEvent("onload", f) ) else ( if(typeof window.onload == "function") ( var existing = window.onload window.onload = function() ( existing() f() ) ) else ( window.onload = f ) ) )

setGlobalOnLoad is a function that needs to be called, as I understand it! The question is how?

Alexey V. Ivanov[dossier] Imagine, I write document.write() in an external script. The page loaded, rendered, and then bam - this script finally loaded (the connection was stuck). So what should the browser do now?

Bulat[dossier] I don’t understand how you include scripts on the page.
What prevents you from making 1 common script and registering handlers in it?

Before starting to work with the SUFD system, you must ensure that the following technical requirements are met:
1. The organization has access to the Internet with an access speed of at least 128 kb/s, and for comfortable work with SUFD-online 512 kb/s the Organization allocates a computer with characteristics not lower than:
Processor/x86 frequency 2.0 GHz;
RAM/256 MB;
ROM/40 GB;
2. Network/FastEthernet (100+ Mbit/s)

3. At the workplace where work with online SUFD will be carried out, the following software must be installed:
3.1. Crypto Pro version 3.6
3.2. Continent-AP
3.3. Java versions 8.25
3.4. Internet Explorer browser version 8 or higher or Mozilla Firefox versions 3.6 and higher
Java software and the Mozilla Firefox browser version 3.6 are installed independently from the installation package of the automated workplace DUBP (all distributions and instructions are posted at the address in the block “Information for clients switching to SUFD”), and are configured in accordance with the “Software Installation Instructions.doc”, located in the archive.

4. The organization installs the cryptographic information protection tool (CIPF) CryptoPro version 3.6 on a dedicated computer.
Note: CIPF distribution kit CryptoPro version 3.6 and the license is provided by the authority Federal Treasury by proxy. Installation/removal of CryptoPro CIPF is carried out by the Organization’s specialists using the “Software Installation Instructions.doc”.

5. The organization installs Continent-AP software on a dedicated computer.
Note: Continent AP software is provided by the Federal Treasury. Installation and configuration of the Continent AP software is carried out by the Organization’s specialists according to the instructions given in the file “Software Installation Instructions.doc”. Win7 OS is installed with Continent-AP software version

6. The Organization must define a list of officials who, by virtue of their job responsibilities will have a production need to directly work in SUFD-online.
Note: At the beginning of the implementation of the software “ASFC Portal for DUBP” (SUFD-online), the specified list of persons is determined by the Orders on granting the right to electronic digital signature, published by the Organization during connection to the FC EDMS and work in the FC EDMS.
If necessary, the list can be adjusted by issuing a new order by the Organization, similar to the existing orders regarding the FC EDMS. A certified copy of the new Order must be provided to the Federal Treasury. Generalized information on the adjusted list (full full names of employees, positions) must be provided to the Federal Treasury for the formation of accounts (“establishments”) in the PPO “ASFC Portal for DUBP”.

7. The Organization must produce electronic signature keys for the Organization’s employees mentioned in the adjusted list (See clause 6). Note: ES keys are produced by the Organization’s specialists according to the instructions “Creating ES keys.doc”, located in the archive. The electronic key generation program is provided by the Federal Treasury and is available for download at. When generating ES keys in the program, it is recommended to set the extended purpose of the public key certificate according to the maximum possible option (This will minimize the likelihood of alteration of ES keys due to possible errors when vesting powers with employees of the Organization).

8. Employees of the Organization must promptly receive logins and passwords to enter the SUFD online.

9. At the workplace where work with online SUFD will be carried out, a root certificate of the Federal Treasury and personal ES certificates of the Organization’s employees must be installed in accordance with the instructions below.