GM managers (GR managers). GRP

Today, on Internet portals through which employees are searched, you can find a completely new vacancy - GR manager. What kind of profession is this? “Dzhiarshchik” is a specialist in relations with government agencies.

The larger a business becomes, the more the state becomes interested in it. This Russian axiom teaches some owners to keep a low profile, while others teach them to build interaction with authorities. Tatyana Baeva, editor of the press service of the UNITY personnel center, told us about the specialists whose tasks include establishing contacts with officials.

There are a number of companies that can no longer cope with the tasks of communication with officials without including GR managers in the company structure. Among them are organizations that work with state resources, have a share of state property in their assets, are dependent on government orders, receive quotas for the export of products, are closely related to the security of the country, and have simply reached the federal level. The wide spread of the new profession is also proven by the studies carried out. Thus, in the first ranking of the Center for the Study of Problems of Interaction between Business and Government for the title “Best GR Specialist of 2008” there were representatives only of the oil and gas, metallurgical, telecommunications, tobacco, and beer industries. Now it also includes specialists from such sectors of the economy as pharmaceuticals, electric power, and mechanical engineering. In addition, if previously a GR specialist could only be found in a large company, now medium-sized companies are introducing this position.

The art of negotiation

The tasks of the GR manager include establishing contacts with the help of which work issues can be resolved without the delays typical of the government apparatus.

Establishing relations with government authorities is a very vague description of responsibilities. What do GR managers do? “These specialists must participate in specialized exhibitions, conferences, seminars for representatives of government bodies, monitor legislative and political trends and changes, promote and protect the interests of the company in various departmental structures,” explains Yulia Vincha, manager of the Finance department of the UNITY personnel center. . Of course, the growing demand for “jiar specialists” is due to the growing income of the enterprise from their activities. On the one hand, this employee can influence the company’s financial flows by competently prescribing mechanisms for the implementation of created projects, “promoting” them to the city, regional or federal level by attracting budget funds. On the other hand, often the main problem that GR managers are forced to resolve is resolving controversial situations with supervisory authorities in the event of inspection or pressure. “A competent public relations specialist must neutralize as much as possible the negative consequences of state policy or the attitude of individual officials towards the company,” says Yaroslav Kabakov, Candidate of Economic Sciences and rector of the Training Center of the FINAM investment holding. A GR manager is precisely the specialist who is able to negotiate, even in the most unfavorable situation for the company, to resolve the conflict within the framework of the law and at the same time avoid fines. Thus, the FAS recently imposed sanctions on the metallurgical company Mechel for increasing the cost of its products. However, when calculating the amount of the fine, it was taken into account that the organization worked closely with the antimonopoly agency, and this is the result of the work of the company’s specialists. It should be understood that the GR manager is not the person who will do the work for other employees. He will not go to the tax office instead of an accountant in order to quickly, without delay, submit reporting documents. His tasks include establishing relationships with the Federal Tax Service so that government agencies do not have questions for the accounting specialist. Therefore, for an accountant, a “jiar specialist” is an indispensable assistant, because now many company specialists have to independently build contact with officials.

Interest of the authorities

A GR manager's day is scheduled minute by minute. He must visit most of the officials personally and discuss all the details of cooperation. The company benefits from interaction with government agencies. It is interesting to know why officials agree to “find out” time for a visit from such a specialist? In conditions of budget deficit, the state is looking for partners to implement socially significant projects and programs, organize public and cultural events. And these are the benefits that the authorities, in turn, receive as a bonus for cooperation with companies. Examples of such interaction surround us all around us. Companies improve playgrounds, buy the necessary equipment for schools and hospitals, etc. At the same time, the tasks of a GR manager are not only to draw up a program for interaction with the authorities and calculate the budget, but also to subsequently monitor the mutual fulfillment of their obligations and agreements; Among other things, the tasks of the “jiar specialist” include control over the “appetites” of officials. At the same time, there is one taboo in the work of a GR manager - no bribes. All issues must be resolved by legal means. You can interest an official with sponsorship support, allocating money for improvement, but not with money in the pocket of a civil servant.

GR demand

There is one taboo in the work of a GR manager - no bribes. All issues must be resolved by legal means.

Finding a good GR manager for a company is a great success. This profession does not yet have clear criteria for evaluating activities. “Starting from the late 90s, the “jiar people” were predominantly former employees of government bodies of the country who had personal and sometimes family connections in these circles,” says Yulia Vincha. Today, young people with a diploma work in the GR field higher education, not related to government authorities. Currently, training in this specialty is already being conducted in some universities in Russia, namely: at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, National Research University graduate School Economics, MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation and in other educational institutions. It would seem that the choice of specialists is huge - many young people dream of taking this particular position in the company. However, this is not so easy to do. According to experts from the UNITY personnel center, employers rarely openly look for GR managers. And this is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, with those that lie on the surface: university graduates rarely have communication skills high level sufficient to establish agreements with an official or resolve a conflict situation. In addition, newcomers simply do not have the necessary contacts, and companies do not want to wait for a young GR manager to develop connections. Secondly, many company managers are not yet quite ready to give this direction to an individual employee. After all, the best PR people are still the top officials of companies. “Top managers are afraid of losing important contacts if the GR manager suddenly decides to leave for competitors. In this case, connections will be lost along with the specialist,” says Yulia Vincha. – Important point It also lies in the fact that an official will never, at his own peril and risk, communicate with a stranger.” Therefore, if managers place communications with officials in the hands of an individual employee, they prefer that this person be a proven person who will not leave the company. GR management is the area of ​​activity in which personnel changes hit the company’s interests the hardest. Therefore, very often employees of an organization who have proven themselves positively and have gained experience working with government agencies become “jiar specialists”. In addition, officials who, within the framework of their job responsibilities collaborated with a certain company, they can count on an offer to take the position of “gear specialist” in this organization. Therefore, it is better to consider GR management not as a new profession, but as an opportunity for career growth for people with established connections in government agencies.

GRP (Gross Rating Points, GRP) is one of the most popular media planning indicators, allowing you to evaluate the layout of an appeal in several media. GRP is a marketing indicator that reflects the scale of advertising and information impact. It is considered a method of summing up the ratings of an entire advertising campaign across all media.

GRP shows, how many times an advertising message catches people’s eyes during the period of an advertising campaign and means the number of rating points scored for a certain time period by audience. A baseline for measuring the power of a campaign when determining its cost and comparing it with others.

To calculate GRP a marketing campaign needs to know all the ratings achieved by individual advertising message outputs. This rating is the percentage of the audience that saw the broadcast event in relation to the entire audience that could see it. Wherein, never do not combine GRPs from different target audiences.

GRP calculations are made when media planning advertising campaigns, including when drawing up television advertising schedules. All basic calculations on TV are carried out according to GRP forecast ratings. After the broadcast, the forecast GPR indicators are compared with the real ones.

Post-buying– reconciliation of forecast ratings with actual ones after the end of the placement. In this case, if the total rating turns out to be lower than the declared one by more than 15%, then the TV channels provide advertisers with airtime to show their previously paid advertising at the same time in order to reach the total GRP declared by the advertising agency.

Example of GRP calculation.

  • on the first day of the marketing and advertising campaign, the advertising message was seen by 30% of the audience, then the rating is 30;
  • on the second day, 40% of the audience saw the advertising message - the rating is 40;
  • on the third day - 30%, rating - 30.
Based on the results of three days of advertising campaign, the gross rating (GRP) will be 30+40+40=110. When mentioning the GRP value, the percentage sign is usually omitted.

The president Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev in mid-April 2010, having signed the Decree “On the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2010-2011,” instructed the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation to submit a proposal on the feasibility of formation of the institution of lobbying in the Russian Federation.” It will soon become clear whether an institute of lobbying will be created in Russia.

Lobbyists' activities are based on deep and comprehensive research. Potential customers of such studies, analytical materials, reports and others use political parties to lobby their interests, social groups, legal entities or individuals.

GR(Government relations management) is a type of modern management, the goal of which is to increase the profitability of the company in the short and long term. Jiar() this is not bribing the “right” official, but establishing an informal dialogue with the authorities to achieve favorable conditions for the company’s activities in a rapidly changing external competitive environment.

GR is formation of a positive attitude on the part of government authorities (including the State Duma and the Public Chamber) in relation to the structure to which GR specialists have joined.

Jiar management This first of all, greater openness in the dialogue between government and business and a reduction in the role of direct contacts (so-called “corridor lobbying”) with the widespread involvement of business and public non-profit structures in the development of public policy in various spheres of the economy. Technologies of influence grmanagement include work with public opinion, grass-roots lobbying, connections with the media community, etc. Without the help of a giara for communication with authorities, not a single serious political or business project can be implemented.

Where GR services are in demand (research-marketing-lobbying).

1. In companies whose activities depend on regulatory and licensing authorities not only at the start of their activities, for example, regular renewals of licenses for the right to operate the company, renewal of certificates, passing inspections, etc. are required.
2. In companies dependent on state-controlled resources - land, subsoil, water, energy, etc.
3. In companies that want to be a supplier to the state and government agencies
4. In city-forming or richest companies in the region, which regional authorities consider “donors”
5. In leading companies at the federal level, which are closely watched by the state. Or in companies where the state is their co-owner - for example, Gazprom, Russian Railways, Lukoil, Sberbank, Surgutneftegaz, Rostelecom, Norilsk Nickel, etc.
6. In companies tied to international quotas - for example, suppliers of foreign meat and meat products, in companies that must receive these quotas and which are controlled not just by our, domestic, but also by international government agencies.

Types of GR services (GR marketing classifier).

GR marketing is not only the activity of promoting services, but also occupying a certain market niche through an in-depth study and comprehensive study of the situation in the field of lobbying, the subjects of which include:

  • political lobbying
  • lobbying in legislative bodies, incl. using various levers to formulate a particular decision
  • lobbying in executive authorities
  • economic lobbying
  • regional lobbying
  • industry lobbying
  • business lobbying
  • entrepreneurial lobbying
  • information lobbying (conducting special information campaigns in government bodies in order to convey certain positions to them)
  • social/public/civic lobbying (associated with large-scale social or charitable projects, with the actions of government authorities)
  • foreign lobbying
  • corporate lobbying
  • narrow departmental lobbying
  • other types of lobbying (representation of interests, including interaction with judicial authorities, arbitration bodies)

GR research activities (types of GR research).

One of the central places in GR business is occupied by marketing and research activities. In a relatively short period, a lot has been done to establish and develop modern GR marketing and research business in new market conditions in the absence of a full-fledged legislative and regulatory framework.

There are other, no less popular, types of research, which include:

Unlike fundamental and applied scientific research, regular funding of which is mainly the prerogative of the state, marketing and research activities in the GR business are part of the free market. In this case, this type of activity can be classified as “innovative commercial projects.” With all the consequences arising from market relations: the difficulty of obtaining large state or municipal orders, their seasonality, instability of financing, fierce competition, all kinds of risks.

Jiar management in modern Russia.

Jiar in Russia is largely a legacy of the previous era, and represents a more civilized and partially decriminalized form of lobbying. GR in its current understanding is actually aimed at either influencing the position of legislative or executive authorities when adopting commercially important legislative acts, or integrating the specific commercial interests of commercial structures into public policy on a particular economic issue.

On the one hand, the political transformations of Russia over the past 15 years have given impetus economic development and increased investment attractiveness for foreign investors, on the other hand, they allowed Russian capital to rush to new markets. In the context of such penetration of companies, its management inevitably faces new demands from government and political structures, coming to the conclusion that it is necessary to attract professional consultants in the field of GR and PR.

GR activities in modern Russia are most widely spread and used in the sphere of relations between big business and government in such industries as the oil and gas industry, metallurgy, telecommunications, automotive, electric power, tobacco, beer and pharmaceuticals. The changed model of relations between large business structures and government bodies, due to the sharp strengthening of the position of the state and its obvious dominance in the political and economic spheres during the presidency of V. Putin, contributed to the loss of political weight and influence on the adoption of key economic and political decisions by representatives of big business . Large corporations in order to defend and protect their economic interests, they began to increasingly resort to technologies such as communication management, reputation management, investment management(IR), and especially gr-management.

GR specialists in Russia (classifier of GR specialists).

Jiar specialists in Russia can be divided into 4 groups, the representative of which is...

1. Negotiator. A representative of this group of GR specialists knows how to conduct competent negotiations with representatives of government agencies. The “negotiator” knows them personally well and knows how to negotiate, obtaining a balance of interests

2. Advisor (consultant). Often the first person of the company ( CEO) himself deals with issues of interaction with government agencies, and the GR specialist serves as a kind of referent, advisor to such a director. Representatives of this group of GR specialists are developing company plans - what the company can receive from government agencies and what it must do for this. The consultant draws up a program and budget for interaction with government agencies, monitoring their implementation. The adviser must monitor and promptly inform the company's management about all changes in laws, instructions, orders and acts of government agencies, as well as prepare all the necessary documents.

3. Controller. This representative of the business owner ensures that all obligations assumed by the company and government agencies are fulfilled by both parties. The controller, like the consultant, draws up a budget on these issues and monitors its execution and timely preparation. The GR specialist of this group monitors the payment of fines from the company by providing government agencies with answers and certificates to their requests.

4. Lobbyist. Russian companies most often resort to the services of a lobbyist, for example, “our man” in the Duma. There is a narrow specialization among lobbyists. For example, real estate market lobbyists can be divided into those who lobby the interests of realtors and the interests of builders, there are “steel lobbyists” (metallurgists) or “auto lobbyists” - those who lobby the interests of automakers, etc.

Which GR company to choose (classifier of GR companies).

Market research has shown that most GR companies provide services primarily in their subject of the federation or federal district, where no more than two or three, rarely four or five, regional companies dominate, controlling the local market for GR marketing services. In general, participants in the GR services market can be classified as follows:

Independent GR companies and research teams specializing in research that they perform on a “contractual basis” with “stakeholders.” Such companies work with both Russian and foreign organizations

Companies that include specialized sociological services purposefully engaged in the study of public opinion, political consulting and conducting relevant surveys and research on orders from “political elites”, including for the purpose of subsequent influence on the legislative or executive body to make decisions in favor of interested parties - lobbying

Subordinate services staffed by media holdings, united advertising agencies, large PR, GR and IR companies, sometimes state and municipal authorities, carrying out both “internal” and “external” orders

Industry marketers working in a certain branch of the national economy or a specific sector of the economy, providing, along with analytical and background information on this industry, which is important integral part GR marketing

Structures under scientific and educational institutions, research centers dependent on state or municipal funding. Representatives of this group use teachers as specialists and students as “interviewers.”

The complex group provides a (comprehensive) set of services that is beneficial for the “influence group”, including, along with GR marketing, consulting services of the widest range. This type of GR company includes CJSC “Research Institute for the Study of Problems of Economics and Law”.

Factors influencing the choice of a GR company.

1. Impeccable business reputation
2. Experience of managers of a GR company or a specific research project
3. Qualification of performers
4. Speed ​​of research (working ahead of competitors)
5. Cost of gr-services
6. Experience of a GR company in the market segment of interest to the customer
7. Availability of research specialists familiar with the problems and characteristics of this segment
8. Availability of a regional network and corporate resources GR companies. Ability to find a common language with the customer
9. Reviews and recommendations
10. Individual approach
11. Possibility of continuing cooperation in the long term
12. Confidentiality of the service
13. GR brand awareness

Requirements for the work of GR specialists.

The main requirements that customers place on the work of GR specialists, as shown by the results of the latest study “GR in the Russian Federation”, are:

1. Absolute reliability of the data obtained (during lobbying this the most important indicator the quality of any PR research forms the basis for making strategic decisions for clients)
2. Program, plan and methodology of GR research (clearly thought out and detailed)
3. Reality of the program
4. Feasibility of the plan
5. Transparency of the methodology
6. Representativeness and sample size, “regional coverage”
7. Report form (usually the customergrservices interested in additional " electronic version", attached to the report for the further possibility of practical use of information, including in the form of detailed practical GR cases).

What key tasks does the GR company solve?

1. Monitoring the activities of government bodies.
2. Analysis of the consequences of government action for the company.
3. Influence on the activities of government bodies.
4. Participation in the formation of sustainable and acceptable rules of the game in the market for the company.
5. Development of corporate relations in the company and the formation of effective teamwork.
6. Minimizing company risks and resolving emergency situations.
7. Ensuring positive relationships with the company’s main stakeholders and building the company’s brand.

How much do GR services cost - Pricing of GR marketing services.

The range of prices in this market segment is quite large, prices “float” from very expensive (“exclusive”) to the most “affordable”. Resource capabilities, level of capitalization, degree of recognition of the GR brand in the client environment, unique competitive and intellectual advantages, promising growth areas, the presence of a competent and thoughtful advertising and marketing strategy and a large number of factors influence the pricing of GR marketing and research services, as well as research of other types.

Also, when calculating the cost of gr-services, the level and scale of the task, the exclusivity of the order and the volume of work done, the technology of the type of research, the degree of urgency of the order, the result of the initial examination, the form of the contract and the provision of the report, printing costs, the need for purchase will be important additional information, attracted resources, cost of data processing and field work, retrospective of the analyzed period and depth of research, the possibility of further use of the information received for the lobbying process.

The cost estimate for conducting a survey or interview depends on: the chosen methodology; sample type and size; categories and degree of accessibility of respondents and target groups; duration of the interview; experience and number of interviewers, their payroll (based on hourly rates); difficulties of electronic data processing; administrative and overhead costs; the need to replicate survey questionnaires.

How to order GR services in Russia.

GR is, of course, an extremely important aspect of the political and economic life of a country in which representatives large companies and holdings play an important role. Everyone understands that cooperation with the state is necessary. This is why so much hope is placed on GR today when the interests of various companies directly collide.

Currently, there are relatively few professional organizations on the market providing similar types of services, this is due, first of all, to the fact that the Russian business market is still young and specific.

Of the 100 foreign companies that “entered and tried to gain a foothold” in the Russian market, in fact, no more than 8-10 remain and gain a foothold. One of the mistakes of most companies that “tried and failed” was that they followed exclusively the European business model, without taking into account Russian realities.

CJSC “Research Institute for the Study of Problems of Economics and Law”, as a result of research in the field of political consulting, GR - management and lobbying activities, has developed a methodology adapted to doing business in the conditions of Russian reality. When developing the methodology, not only the experience of international partners in the field of GR technologies was taken into account, but also the specifics of the Russian business mentality.

CJSC "Research Institute for the Study of Problems of Economics and Law" provides GR management services to Russian and foreign companies, information is posted in the Services section: GR / Lobbying

“Politics is as exciting as war. But more dangerous.
In war you can only be killed once, in politics you can be killed many times."
W. Churchill

They talk about this, of course, in whispers. Not a single company admits that they have a person on their staff who receives a salary for looking for potential bribe-takers in government agencies. That is, most likely, companies will confirm the existence of “ji-ara” in their staff. But at the same time they are probably lying. They will say that the goal of “ji-ara” is simply communication with the state.

This is where there will be deceit. Because it’s rare to be “easy” when it comes to establishing contacts with the government. That is why, as they whisper in the capitals, companies are willing to pay a lot of money for good G-Ars. After all, what is a good GI? This is the green light for everything. This is “yes” to the company’s most daring projects. This is status and excess profit.

Let's consider a hypothetical situation. For example, a certain development company was going to build a house with a million floors. For example, the territory on which they want to build a house is occupied by a kindergarten. And also, for example, under the kindergarten there is a karst sinkhole that cannot withstand a million-story building. What does a typical company do? He wipes himself and goes aside.

What does the company do and where does it work? good "gi-ar"? Right! She is building her skyscraper on the site where there was recently a kindergarten, and where there is still a karst sinkhole. The house will go underground in a couple of decades, but that’s okay. The apartments there have already been sold, and everyone is happy. And all because a good “ji-ar” managed to open the right one out of all the doors in the local administration.

Possibly a good "G-R" served with the head of the committee in the army. Perhaps they play with his first deputy on the same hockey team. Perhaps he made inquiries and found out that the second deputy had been partial to Ferrari cars since childhood. There were probably a hundred other options. But - one way or another - the kindergarten on the site of the future construction site was suddenly recognized Yu t emergency and inappropriate. The karst sinkhole magically disappears from documents. The place is free! And all because the company has a good “gi-ar”.

Who is hired for this job? They say that people who themselves once worked in government positions have a good chance of getting a job. They know how the machine works from the inside: which screws can be turned and which ones cannot be turned under any circumstances. Also, former political strategists are accepted into the role of “G-Ars” - the system is the same, the faces are the same, connections have already been established.

But the government apparatus is large, there are many departments, There are tons of responsible people, and you can’t go to the bathhouse with everyone. If this goes on, entire GR departments will have to be created: one is responsible for relations with the police, another with the sanitary and epidemiological station, and a third with construction supervision. Illegal houses. Tents with suspicious shawarma. Cafes selling alcohol without a license. Stores with “tomorrow’s” sour cream. Future G-Ars will have a lot of work to do.

JSC "G.R. Management" is a Russian law firm established in 2006 and specializing in providing services in the areas of distressed asset management, restructuring and debt collection, bankruptcy, representing clients in courts, real estate transactions, M&A, corporate law. Our priority is a comprehensive solution to issues from the client’s formulation of the problem to the implementation of the solution developed by the project team and agreed upon by the client. In the developed solution, we are focused on maximizing the reduction of the client’s risks while simultaneously achieving the result necessary for the client. High quality Our legal services are based on a deep knowledge of the subject of our activity, based on the long and successful work of our specialists in relevant fields, knowledge of the problems of our clients from the inside, as well as the use of an interdisciplinary approach, not limited to the framework of purely legal consulting. Our specialists support projects in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, regions and abroad of Russia, speak Russian and English languages. The GRM team consists of specialists with a wide range of competencies (lawyers, credit analysts, appraisers, accountants) who were educated at leading universities (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Higher School of Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation) and have more than 15 years of successful practical work in leading Russian credit institutions (included in the top 30 banks).

GRM is a Russian law firm established in 2006 and specializing in providing services in the areas of distressed asset management, restructuring and debt collection, bankruptcy, representing clients in courts, real estate transactions, M&A, and corporate law.
Our priority is a comprehensive solution to issues from the client’s formulation of the problem to the implementation of the solution developed by the project team and agreed upon by the client. In the developed solution, we are focused on maximizing the reduction of the client’s risks while simultaneously achieving the result necessary for the client.
The high quality of our legal services is based on a deep knowledge of the subject of our activity, based on the long and successful work of our specialists in relevant fields, knowledge of the problems of our clients from the inside, as well as the use of an interdisciplinary approach that is not limited to the framework of purely legal consulting.
Our specialists support projects in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, regions and abroad of Russia, speak Russian and English.
The GRM team consists of specialists with a wide range of competencies (lawyers, credit analysts, appraisers, accountants) who were educated at leading universities (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Higher School of Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation) and have more than 15 years of successful practical work in leading Russian credit institutions (included in the top 30 banks).