G mail com mail. Gmail mail login to your page

If you access Gmail through search engines, you may lose access to your mailbox. A user going to sites from a search runs the risk of ending up on phishing (fishing) sites. These sites are visually indistinguishable from postal services and were created with only one purpose - to find out the login and password for the victim’s account and gain access to his mail.

By going to such a site, you will see an interface that is familiar to you and, without suspecting a trick, you will enter your account data into the fields of the authorization form (login form). After entering, you will see a notification - “the service is temporarily unavailable, try again” and will be redirected to the official website mail.google.com, where when you re-enter the data you will be safely logged into your mailbox. Unfortunately, Internet scammers have already obtained your username and password the first time you try to log in to the “fake” site.

Having access to your Gmail mail, an attacker can use the password recovery functions from social networks, cloud storage and even find your credit card information.

Registering a new Google Mail mailbox

Google mail has a number of advantages compared to other email services. For owners mailbox Gmail, everyone becomes available online services and Google tools, the so-called all-in-one (all in one).

To register in Google mail, it will take about 5 minutes and a minimum set of data: First name, Last name, come up with your unique login (mailbox name like [email protected]) and a password convenient for you (8 characters: letters, numbers and special characters). To ensure additional security, you will be asked to link your phone number and additional email address.

Login to Gmail

It is best to enter your Google mail mailbox from the start pages that are available in any browser. If you can't access it from the start page or need to log into Gmail on someone else's computer, the best solution will use the "Incognito" mode in the browser (called by the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + N). IN this mode Your authorization is not saved and when you close the browser window, access to Google mail will be interrupted.

The second correct solution for logging into Gmail

To login to your Gmail account or Google needs to enter the authorization data that was specified during registration: Phone number (if it was specified and confirmed) or login from your postal address.

Gmail is one of the most popular email services in the world, developed by Google.

The service was launched in 2004, in closed beta testing mode. In 2007, Google Gmail became available to all users. Thanks to the large volume of the mailbox, the service's audience grew rapidly - in 2012, the number of users who have Gmail mail exceeded 420 million, and the service was recognized as the most popular in the world.

Gmail email is free for all users. To create a Gmail.com mailbox, you must create a Google profile.

The created account is useful not only for Gmail.com email, it can be used for all Google services.

If the user already has Google account, it can be used to log into Gmail.

To write a new letter, you need to go to Google Gmail and select the “Write” button:

After this, a small window appears in the lower right corner in which you can write a message. The window can also be maximized to fill the entire screen.

To send a letter, in the “To” field you need to indicate email address recipient of the message. In the “Subject” field you can briefly describe the essence of the letter.

In the bottom panel of the window there is text editor, as well as functionality for adding pictures, files and emoticons.

To send a message, you need to click “Send”.

When a user opens Gmail, the page with messages from the Inbox folder is always opened by default.

The following folders are also available in Google Gmail:

  • Tagged,
  • Important,
  • Sent,
  • Drafts,
  • Spam,
  • Basket,
  • Hangouts chats,
  • Thematic folders for letters that the user can create.

A number of actions are available for each letter. To open the menu, you need to select the letter - check it in the column on the left, or simply click on it with the mouse.

The following actions are available for each selected letter:

  • Archive,
  • Send to spam
  • Delete,
  • Move to another folder,
  • Add a shortcut,
  • Mark as read/important,
  • Filter,
  • Ignore.

How to set up a Gmail inbox

Google Gmail users have the following mailbox settings:

  • General settings (language, images, text style, shortcuts, shortcuts, etc.)
  • Labels,
  • Inbox,
  • Accounts and import of mail from other mailboxes,
  • Filters and blocked addresses,
  • Shipping Gmail emails and receiving them through third-party mail services,
  • Hangouts chat,
  • Laboratory where you can turn on/off the functionality that is being tested,
  • Design themes.

To delete email Gmail, you need to go to the user account and in the Account Settings section, select “Disable services and delete account”:

In the window that appears, select “Delete services”:

After entering the password, a list of services that can be disabled will appear:

To restore a deleted mailbox, you need to enter your email login and follow the system instructions on home page Gmail.

Gmail.com email is the most popular email nowadays. This mail is provided by Google absolutely free of charge.

Of course, a popular corporation could not create something simple. That's why mailboxes of this service are increasingly being chosen by users.

Due to wide popularity Google service It is very difficult to get a login you like. A large number of previously created accounts suggests that a large number of names are already taken.

Therefore, you will have to think carefully to write down not only a convenient and unique, but also a memorable login.

What is very convenient is that creating a login involves the ability to insert dots, dashes, underslashes, etc. into it. This will greatly simplify the task.

Check that mail creation occurs on the Gmail.com platform, and not on Gmail.ru. Since the second service is paid and there is a real possibility of losing your account.

So, how to create a gmail email and register on your computer.

1 To do this on the main page search engine Google needs to find the "Mail" button.

Google Mail button

3 After this, a new window will appear in which you need to fill in all the fields. At this stage you will have to come up with a name for the mailbox.

If such a login already exists, the system will indicate this and the user will have to change something.

Choosing a password

Read also: Our TOP 10: The best programs for comfortable work with your email

4 Password is also a very important aspect of security. It should not only be memorable, but also heavy enough to prevent a hacking attempt.

The system will indicate the complexity of the password - an indicator will light up next to it, and as soon as the bar turns green, you can understand that the password is secure.

You need to specify a phone number and an additional mailbox in order to secure your mail.

Notifications will be sent to your additional email that your email has been logged in, which will help you react quickly and change your password if something happens.

And a mobile phone, in addition to protection, gives access to additional features.

After correctly filling out all the relevant fields, click “Next”.

5 After correctly completing the previous steps, it will appear in which the rules of use and privacy policy will be written. Scroll down and see the “Accept” button. Click on it.

Will need to confirm account with help mobile phone. To do this, you can select one of two options and the system will either send a message or make a call using a robot.

After completing these steps, the system will congratulate you on purchasing a new mailbox and offer to go to your account settings.

Don't neglect these settings. They include 3 points:

  • Security and entry.
  • Personal and confidentiality.
  • Account settings.

Each item has a number of subitems. Here you can customize the service “for yourself”, making it as comfortable as possible for use and subsequent work.

Create gmail using phone

Read also: How to make Google your start page: instructions for all browsers

1 In each modern smartphone I immediately installed a program called Gmail.

Typically, a mailbox is created at the moment when the smartphone is configured after purchase.

However, sometimes it happens that they are produced in a store, for this they use basic mail with simple password or create a simple email with a simple password.

It often happens that the user is not satisfied with this option. In this case, you can create a personal mailbox that will be configured as convenient.

First, we find the corresponding application, which is described above.

2 Find the side menu (click on the three stripes on the left top corner. Select “Settings” and click "Add account".

After which the email settings page will open. You need to click on Google (first item).

After which the system will prompt you to either enter an already registered address/phone number, or create new account. Select the second item.

After this, you will have to wait some time until the robot sends you an SMS with a code, but you will not have to enter it, since the program will recognize it and enter it automatically.

After this, you can fill out the proposed fields, such as date of birth and gender.

4 The next step is to create a login (mailbox name). I'll have to think about it. If such a name is already taken, then after clicking the “Next” button, the system will display an error and offer free options for selection.

5 You can choose from those available, or you can try to enter what you like, but there is no guarantee that the system will not reject the following. If there is no such name, then the transition to the next item will take place.

Hello! Today I would like to talk about Gmail email service(email from Google). Surely, you are already familiar with him; I personally met him relatively recently, about 4 months ago. Before that, I used Mail.ru, but after switching to Gmail, I realized that the latter is truly the best in the world. Why? I'll tell you more about this below.

What made me switch to another email service? This is beautiful, that is, now my mail looks like this: petr@site. Not bad, right? Yes, of course, this can be done in Yandex, but for some reason I settled on Gmail and I don’t regret it at all. Register for Gmail.com will not be difficult, but I still recommend that instead of the usual registration, you immediately make a beautiful mail with your own domain name(I told you how to do this).

How I use Gmail email

1. I empty my inbox.

In the “Inbox” folder I only have relevant letters that require some action: reply, follow up on some actions, etc. When a certain letter becomes irrelevant, I just I'm sending it to the archives. What is an archive? These are emails that are not visible in your inbox but are searchable. Here is the “Archive” button:

Also, letters that are sent to the “Archive” are available through the “All Mail” folder. This way, my inbox is always clean. If you are sure that you will definitely never need a particular letter, then instead of “Archive” you can safely click on the “Delete” button.

2. I mark important emails.

Some letters require an urgent response or are extremely important to me. And while I’m sorting through mail, the first thing I do is go to the “Tagged” folder:

Marking a letter is very simple: just click on the “star” in the upper right corner:

If one star is not enough for you, you can use a bunch of marks. To enable them, you need to go to Settings -> General -> Stars:

3. I use “Shortcuts”.

For example, in this moment passes and it’s very convenient for me to collect letters from each participant in a separate folder. What did I do for this?

  1. I opened a letter from a marathon participant and clicked on the arrow in the upper right corner:
  2. From the list I selected “Filter similar emails”:
  3. In the “From” field, I entered the email address of the marathon participant and clicked on the “Create a filter according to this request” button:
  4. In the “Apply shortcut” line, click on the “Select a shortcut...” button:
  5. Already there I clicked on the “Create shortcut” button:
  6. I gave the shortcut a name (in my case, I wrote the website address of this participant) and clicked on the “Create” button:
  7. That's all! The shortcut has been created, now all letters from [email protected] will automatically go to the pupkin.ru folder:

This way you can filter letters by mailbox, subject, etc.

Assign a specific color to each label, thereby increasing visibility significantly:

4. I mark automated emails as read.

Letters often come from exchanges such as Rotapost and others. I need them, but I don't like them to be “unread emails.” For such letters from exchanges, I also create filters, just in step 4 of the previous paragraph (see above), I check the box next to “Mark as read” (I do not create labels for these letters):

6. I actively use search.

Do you need to collect all correspondence with a specific recipient? No problem! This is very easy to do in Gmail. Just enter the mailbox address of the person you need and voila! , all the letters from him are before your eyes:

It really helps when the person you are corresponding with does not use the message history in their email. Then they wonder why I don’t answer their letters? And sometimes I don’t even remember what I talked about with this person. Honestly, the search is very useful. I'm also looking for all sorts of keywords and I actually find the letters I need.

Also, what’s great about Gmail is that all emails that are replies are collected in email chains(saving space in the list of letters and making it easier to track history).

7. It is very convenient to use Gmail email through your mobile phone.

You can easily find an application for almost any phone here http://gmail.com/app. Or you can use the browser version of the Gmail website, which is still very convenient (mail is “narrowed” to fit the screen size). There are also a lot of applications released third party developers. For example, on my beloved iPhone I use the Sparrow app, which is really very convenient. On the iPad, I use mail in the browser, everything works great.

Google is the largest search engine, processing over 40 billion queries monthly. The main difference between the most easy-to-use and accessible system is the presence of numerous interconnected and constantly developing services.

One of the most popular is gmail.com mail - logging into Google mail opens up the widest possibilities for its functionality. It is not surprising that today Google mail has overtaken many of the most famous email services in the world in popularity.

Why gmail?

It would seem, how can a search engine’s mailbox differ from stationary services? But the capabilities of gmail.com can surprise many “advanced” users. In addition to the usual functions of collecting correspondence, the ability to tag it and distribute it into thematic folders, gmail mail offers a lot of other “useful things”:

  • An excellent filtering system allows you to sort letters according to dozens of criteria automatically.
  • Import contact list from other mailboxes.
  • Thanks to Google's reliable anti-spam protection, many people prefer to collect correspondence from other services in this mailbox.
  • Mail can be accessed from any device connected to the Internet.
  • Unlimited use of all search engine products without separate registration.
  • Providing 15 GB free storage for photographs, letters, documents, etc.
  • The ability to create corporate addresses, receive 24/7 support, and organize free video conferences.
  • It is possible to use a secure protocol and receive a warning from gmail mail, which is logged in from an unfamiliar IP address.

How can you gain access to all these delights and properly configure your mailbox?

Creating a Gmail box is a piece of cake

Registration in the service is trivial, but has some nuances. Firstly, you should not confuse it with gmail ru, which has nothing to do with Google. In general, receiving a gmail com email address is a bonus for users who create an account in the system. If there is none, just go to the page of the mail service gmail.com mail - logging into Google mail will be accompanied by a proposal to correct this “flaw”:

  1. After clicking “Create an account” you will see a web form where you need to carefully fill out the fields.
  2. First, enter identification data: first and last name, information about gender and date of birth, telephone number, alternative mail address, country. The main problem at this stage is to come up with a login, because this is what your future box will be called, and strong password. Google mail is very popular, so you will have to use your maximum imagination to come up with a simple, empty name. The same goes for the password. Although gmail mail is highly protected, a simple combination may not protect your mailbox from hacking.
  3. Now you can attach your photo and select the interface language.

It is recommended to enter real information. The telephone number and address of an additional mailbox will help you easily restore access in the future if you lose your password or your email is hacked. Upon completion of registration, a letter with a code for the solution will be sent to an alternative mailbox possible problems with entrance.

If you have gmail.com mail, logging into Google mail is easily done from all system services by pressing the button located in top menu next to the username. Also, when you enter gmail in the browser, access to your mail will be available.

Login to Gmail.com

If you have gmail.com mail, logging into Google mail is easily done from all system services by clicking the button located in the top menu next to the user name. Also, when you enter gmail in the browser, access to your mail will be available. You can use your mailbox from any device.

Log in to mail from your computer

  • Go to the service page, enter the name and password that you specified when creating your Google account. If you wish, you can log in under a different login.
  • Click “Login” at the top right of the page if you saw a list of mail services when you logged in.

Login to Google Mail from Android

To use mail, add your account and update the gmail application if it is not up to date.

  • Log in to the application and select “Add account” from the menu that opens (three horizontal bars with an arrow).
  • Here you will need to enter the type of new account and follow all the steps according to the instructions.

Login to Gmail from iOS

To access mail, you need to add one or more accounts.

  • After logging into the application, select your account from the menu with the three-bar icon. If you're using an iPad, you skip this step.
  • In the account management section, you must select “Add an account” and enter your login credentials.

Getting to know the interface and settings of Google Mail

When you have created a mailbox on gmail.com mail, logging into Google mail will allow you to very quickly configure the necessary functions. Let's start with the interface. It is familiar, as understandable as possible and does not change for a long time. Convenient tools include:

  • Separating letters according to destination. You can distribute correspondence related to social networks, forums, alerts, or leave it in an unsorted folder.
  • The ability to organize Skype-like videos and regular chats. If your browser does not support it, which is automatically checked, the standard HTML version will be loaded.
  • 15 GB of storage is provided by default, but can be increased for a small fee.

What is noteworthy is that if you registered at gmail.com mail, logging into Google mail does not at all cancel the use of other mailboxes. It is very easy to set up forwarding of correspondence to a new address in any other mail service. Get acquainted with the main features that it offers gmail com, such as transferring a list of contacts and correspondence from third-party mailboxes or about the search engine’s social network, you can do so in letters sent to your address immediately after registration.

Google mail sorting settings

To conveniently and quickly sort letters, gmail mail offers effective tools:

  • Labels. They are functionally similar to the familiar folders, but differ in broader capabilities. Initially, you will see a minimal set located on the left side of the page, which is expanded and customized for your purposes.
  • To get started, go to the “Settings” tab, located in the drop-down menu in the form of a gear. In the “Shortcuts” section, by changing the “yes/no” activation, you can hide, activate or delete the necessary menu items. And by clicking the button at the bottom of the window or directly from the letter, you can easily create a new shortcut folder.
  • If you don't like the specific icons in gmail com mail, change them to regular text labels in general settings button labels.
  • Mail innovation - organization of nesting of shortcuts without installing add-ons. To configure a shortcut, just click on the arrow located to the right of it. In this case, you will be asked to select a color and configure the label according to several criteria.
  • If you delete one of the shortcuts, for example, "Inbox", the contents of the folder are not destroyed, but are moved to "Archive" and remain available also in the "All Mail" folder.

No one, of course, has canceled the manual “scattering” of letters into folders while reading them using the usual “Move” button. Google mail features allow you to avoid this routine and make your work much easier.

  • Filters. This tool is indispensable when you need to automate the process of sorting correspondence. To use Google's miracle mail filters, you also need to enter the settings menu under the gear icon.
  • The window that opens shows the existing filters and a link that will allow you to create an ideal, logically organized mail.
  • You can filter letters, for example, by subject, by addressee (both recipients and senders of your own and attached mailbox), by certain terms, etc.
  • Next, specify what to do with the filtered correspondence: send to one of the folders, archive, mark, apply a label or forward, delete, etc.

If you have already used a similar service, there should be no problems with creating a convenient sorting algorithm.

Gmail.com mailbox security

The indisputable advantage of the service is the ability to track suspicious attempts to access the mailbox, as well as set up alerts in such cases. This can be done using the link " Additional Information" in the "Settings" section.

  • If the correspondence you exchange or store is extremely important, it is worth sacrificing convenience and properly setting up the security of your mailbox. In the Security and Login section, it is recommended to create two-factor authentication. When logging in, you will not only need to enter a password, but confirm access with a code sent to your phone.
  • Carefully check your tab settings for unnecessary links in email signatures that are included in the autoresponder without your knowledge.
  • Make sure there are no unknown names in the account access section and no unauthorized addresses in the email sending settings.
  • Check POP and MAP settings, filters, etc.

Of course, this is not all the capabilities of the gmail email service. More detailed information You can always find information about the huge functionality, settings of various tools and security on the system website and in the extensive help section.