ERR EMPTY RESPONSE The server terminated the connection without sending any data. Fixing the error ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE Err empty response on android what to do

Today, the Internet has become very a large number inhabitants of the planet as a daily necessity. No wonder that possible problems, associated with access to the page of the desired resource, immediately spoil the mood of a person. Unfortunately, there are a lot of options to face one of the troubles in the vastness of the network. One of them is the appearance of the inscription " err empty response".

Naturally, you should first find out - what kind of error is err empty response? Dr. Ai-Tupit has done this for you, so do not waste time looking for information on this subject in other sources. If explained to plain language, then the code err errors empty response appears due to the fact that something, directly on the user's computer, blocks access to the desired web page, even if the site responds perfectly to the person's request.

So, there are two main root causes that lead to the "data not received err empty response" state:

  • The defeat of some of the most important areas of the operating system by virus programs.
  • The user has configured incorrectly network connection or it, for some reason, was shot down.

The reasons are quite banal, so solving the question of how to fix err empty response should not cause complications for a person with properly growing hands.

Let's start treatment

It is clear that it is best to start treatment with the first variant of a possible cause. Firstly, it can get rid of trouble, and secondly, it makes it possible to carry out preventive maintenance of the entire computer.

So, what to do - err empty response? Everything is just so disgusting:

  • Temporarily disconnect from the Internet.
  • Run any up-to-date antivirus program and completely scan the system for malware.

Naturally, you will need to wait a while, then restart your PC and try again to go to a previously inaccessible site or even be on the Internet.

  • in Yandex browser "err empty response";
  • in chrome "err empty response";

or in any other browser, then you do not need to look for the reason in the settings of these software - the way out is to perform several other procedures. Namely - a return to the factory settings. To do this, you just need to open command line and drive the phrase "netch winsock reset" into it. Next - reboot and try again to enter the desired site.

Usually these two solutions are enough to finally get rid of the problem. However, a few other, very simple steps can sometimes help:

  • Momentary shutdown of the Internet router or network card.
  • Performing the procedure for updating the browser to the most current and working version.
  • Increasing the trust level of a site that is not accessible by changing the settings in antivirus program and Windows Firewall.

err empty response google chrome

Google Chrome is a great browser, but sometimes it creates problems while using it. Err_Empty_Response also known by its codename " 324 ". The main reason for this error net err empty response, is that the browser is trying to connect to the website, but cannot download data from its server due to lack of Internet connection. Wrong setting Internet and possibly a server problem associated with this site.

Error 324 (net::ERR EMPTY RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data what to do.

What is the err empty response error? You may be seeing this error on a particular website, and it is also possible that the site may also be your own website. Don't worry about it because I have some great solutions that you can easily use using Chrome or your own website.

So, I have classified all solutions according to different conditions:

  • Presence of this error err_empty_response on one or more websites.
  • Having this error on your own website.

Err empty response how to fix? I'll start with the first condition. If this problem occurs on your site, simply skip this part of the article.

#Condition 1 - Problem on one or more websites

Solution 1 – Reset Internet settings

When I talk about resetting Internet settings, I mean that you need to clear your DNS and update your network IP address:

These procedures are the same for all versions Windows (err_empty_response windows 10/8/7):

# To update the IP in Windows OS, you need to do the following:

  • First you need to open a command prompt Windows cmd.
  • When it opens, type " ipconfig/release" (without quotes) and click " Enter».
  • After that enter " ipconfig /renew" (without quotes) and click " Enter" again.
  • Now type " exit» and press again enter.
  • Restart your computer and test it, if the problem persists, move on to the next solution.

Solution 2 – Reset Java Preferences

If any version of Java then the second thing you can try is to reset this software to the default state, to eliminate failed to load resource net err_empty_response.

# Condition 2. You are the site owner.

This error err_empty_response wordpress completely indicates that your website is down or maybe something is going on with your websites coding and whatever the reasons it could be your server going down or maybe it could to be high loading the traffic that is causing the problem, or the Plugin or code that is causing the problem.

If you are a user WordPress, you can try the following steps:

  1. The best place to start is to make sure all the plugins you use are up to date and compatible with your version. WordPress. So just go to cPanel and open the main root directory of your website. Locate the plugins folder, and once found just rename it to " plugins1' and save the new name.
  2. After that, try to open your websites and if they work, rename this folder back to " plugins» and re-enable the plugins one by one on the admin page WordPress.
  • Check your file .htaccess, because sometimes it can be changed for various reasons. So make sure you have the file .htaccess in the root directory of your site and open this file to make sure everything is in order.
  • Contact your hosting provider the best way which you can do.

The appearance of the inscription "err empty response" is associated with the user's direct activity on the Internet. In order to understand what kind of error err empty response is, you should carefully study all the information that accompanies such a nuisance.

If explained in a simple way, then the error code err empty response indicates that a person is trying to contact a specific address on the network, the remote server easily answers him, but something in the user's PC system prevents the necessary data from being received.

There are two main reasons for the "no data received err empty response" message:

  • Infection of important elements of the operating system with viruses.
  • Incorrect network connection settings.

Based on these root causes, you can understand how to fix err empty response.

Solving a problem situation

So, what to do - err empty response? Treatment should begin with consideration of the first proposed option, as it occurs most often. What needs to be done:

  1. Stop trying to connect to the internet.
  2. Run current version one of the antivirus programs.
  3. Force the software to perform a full scan file system and, of course, her treatment.

After completing this process, you should restart your computer and try to perform a previously impossible procedure.

If the above option did not help, then go to the second method. It should be understood that such a nuisance has nothing to do with the settings of Internet browsers, therefore, in the Yandex browser “err empty response”, in chrome “err empty response” or in other programs, it will still occur until a solution to this issue is found.

To correct wrong network settings you will need:

  1. Launch command line.
  2. Drive in a command that will return the parameters to the factory state: "netch winsock reset".
  3. Restart PC.
  4. Resume the interrupted procedure.

Almost always, these two methods are enough to save yourself from this type of unpleasant situation. However, very rarely, but the problem continues to occur after such treatment. What to do in this case?

Experts advise to perform a few more simple steps before contacting them for help:

  1. Turn off the router or network card for about one minute.
  2. Update or completely reinstall your Internet browser to the latest version.
  3. Check the antivirus and firewall settings - perhaps the required resource is considered by these applications as dangerous. You should increase the level of trust, but, initially, try to visit any other site - perhaps this is precisely the reason for the complication.

Today, in everyday work with Internet resources, users quite often encounter a situation where, instead of the expected access to the page, the user receives a message stating that the connection was interrupted. Usually, ERR_CONNECTION_RESET or "Connection reset" error is given as the cause. Why might there be given error? How can you fight it? Now we will try to figure it out. To fix the error, we will use several basic methods.

What does the error code ERR_CONNECTION_RESET 101 mean?

If you try to understand the cause of the failure, we can conclude that it occurs in several cases. So, for example, your pages on the Internet may be blocked by the system's security tools. This may be due to the unreliability of the resource or the likelihood of containing threats. Error code 101 ERR-CONECTION_RESET in some cases may indicate incorrect web browser settings. As a rule, this concerns the settings of proxy servers. Also, sometimes there are situations when problems occur in the network itself. Because of this, access to the Internet simply becomes impossible.

Fixing the hosts file when an ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error occurs

First of all, you need to look at the hosts file. Blocking settings can be written in this file. You can find this object in the main system directory. To do this, first in this folder you need to go to the System 32 directory, and then to the etc directory. hosts file in most cases is hidden. Therefore, in order to see it, you first need to set the appropriate options for displaying hidden objects, such as files and folders, in the view menu. Just like that open given file it won't work either. Here you need to use the command context menu, which can be called by right-clicking the mouse. Next, you need to select the item "Open with ...". As an editor, you can use the standard "Notepad" or any other text editor of such kind. Now we need to look at the content. Everything that is located below the line indicating the local host address and the next line with a unit, after which localhost is written again, must be deleted. These are special blocking records. After that, you just need to save your changes.

Network and web browser settings

Error code 101 can still occur for the simple reason that the browser settings are incorrect. As an example, let's take the popular Internet browser Google Chrome. Suppose an ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error occurred while trying to visit a website. How can I fix this situation using the settings? Simple enough ... To do this, by pressing the button with three buttons or a wrench, enter the parameter settings. After you scroll down the window a bit, you will need to go to show advanced settings, then you need to go to the "Network" section. There should be a line for changing the proxy server settings. It needs to be activated. In the new window, you must select the browser properties. After that in the settings local network automatic detection of these parameters is set. In this case, if the provider does not provide for the use of a proxy, then the corresponding scripts do not need to be used. By the way, the same applies to the settings of the Internet Explorer browser or any other browser. Disabling proxy settings in general is general rule for all programs for Internet access. The same applies to the settings of Internet Explorer or any other Internet browser. Disabling proxy settings in general is a general rule for all programs for accessing the Internet. As for the connection parameters that are used to configure local protocols and networks, then, as a rule, it is required to set automatic receipt of DNS, IP addresses, etc., unless something else is set by the provider. The problem is in this case can only consist in incorrect data entry, so you just need to check them against those that were provided when creating the connection. Usually, a checkbox is also set next to the line that disables the use of proxies for local addresses.

Antivirus and firewall exclusion lists

Internet resources are often blocked by the security system. This is what the error code ERR_CONNECTION_RESET (connection reset) indicates. There is a fairly simple way out of this situation: you need to add the browser itself, which is used for Internet surfing, to the firewall in the list of exceptions by setting a new rule. A blocked resource in an antivirus package must be marked as trusted, but only if it is trusted.

Troubleshoot network problems using the command line

The ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error, which indicates a reset of the current connection, can only be associated with problems in the local network itself. To fix the crash, you can use various programs"fixers". Name of this type programs comes from the English word "fix", which means "fix". But in the general case, you can do even easier. To get started, from the Run menu, you need to call the command line. In the console that appears, you need to register the command ipconfig / all, and then press the enter key. Using this tool makes it possible not only to scan the network for problems, but also to automatically fix the detected failures.

Optimization with third-party programs

In some cases, you can fix the ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error using specialized software. So, for example, you can use the AdvancedSystemCare software package, which has its own module designed to optimize the Internet connection. This program allows you to increase the speed of access to the network. It can also detect potential and existing failures when trying to open certain resources. User participation in this process is of course not required. However, it must be understood that this is rather a backup, and not the main method for eliminating errors of this type. Great care must be taken when working with this module. There have been cases when automated error correction did not lead to the desired result, and even had the exact opposite effect.


By itself, the problem of the appearance of the failure described above is not critical. However, in order to solve this problem, first of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the problem. If you approach this issue from a practical point of view, then you can perform all the necessary operations in the sequence that was described in this review. It should be added that the article did not consider possible reasons the occurrence of failures associated with the activity of viruses. Some of the malicious objects are capable of blocking pages on the Internet.

Internet users often encounter a variety of errors. These include ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE. As always, this message pops up at the most inopportune moment, disrupting the smooth operation of the Web. What does ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE mean, how to fix the error on your own and what are the reasons for its appearance, we will analyze in this article.

Certificate termination message

Why does the error appear in the browser

So, let's start in order. ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE means - "Error: insecure response". What is causing this error? Many sites use additional protection against hackers. In this case, the connection is made not only via TCP, but also via a special WebSocket protocol. When visiting such resources, the user receives a response with an ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE error message and a security certificate that has not been verified. How to fix this problem, we will consider further.

How to fix ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE error by updating browser version

Often the cause of this error is an outdated version of the browser. In this case, the steps are very simple - you need to update the browser that is usually used to access the Internet.

  1. Each browser has a settings menu. It is always in the right upper corner open window and represents three dots or three stripes located vertically or horizontally.
  2. Click and see a number of options in front of you. Select “Advanced” → “About browser” (Yandex Browser), “Help” → “About browser” (Google Chrome), and so on.
  3. If you have an outdated version of the browser installed, the system will prompt you to update it.
  4. Follow the suggested instructions and after the operation is completed, try to go back to the site where you encountered the ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE error.

Along with the updates, valid security certificates will also be downloaded to the browser, which will be verified when connecting via the WebSocket protocol. These actions will not take much time from the user (of course, a lot depends on the quality of the connection), and you can again enjoy working in your preferred browser.

How to fix ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE error by changing browser settings

If the first option with updating the browser version did not help, you should try adding the root certificate. Where to do it? In the settings of the browser itself.

Certificate text

Then go back to the browser. AT advanced settings find "Certificate Management" (Yandex Browser) or "Configure Certificates" in the "Privacy and Security" section (Google Chrome). In any case, the same window will appear in front of you.

Changing browser settings

Click "Import" and follow the prompts of the Wizard. When asked to add an import file, provide the path to the document you previously saved and renamed. Be sure to refresh the browser page where the ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE error appeared.

Disabling certificate checking as a way to fix the ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE error

If you trust a resource that suddenly became unavailable due to an ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE error, consider disabling certificate verification.

How to disable certificate verification in Opera, Yandex Browser and Google Chrome

These three browsers have a similar algorithm of actions. You need to go back to advanced settings and manage certificates. An additional window will appear in which do the following:

  • find the certificate of the problematic site in the “Untrusted Publishers” tab and export it to your computer;

Certificate export

  • go to the Trusted Publishers tab and import the saved file;
  • when working with Google Chrome, pay attention to one point - before transferring the certificate, disable the protection of your computer from dangerous sites in the settings (do this only when visiting a resource you trust).

Disabling protection in Google Chrome

Actions in Mozilla Firefox

Go to the "Certificates" tab in the advanced browser settings and click "View Certificates".

Viewing certificates in Mozilla Firefox

Then in the "Servers" tab, click "Add exception". A window will open in front of you, where enter the address of the site on which you do not need to check certificates. Confirm your actions.

Completing actions in Mozilla

One of the solutions discussed above is sure to help you deal with the ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE error on your own. If the problem persists, then the problems are detected on the server itself and you just need to wait until the programmers fix the error.