Is there an equalizer on windows 7. Using the Windows equalizer

Select the appropriate equalizer type:

VST equalizers


Pushtec is a 6 band equalizer. With a lot of settings and great sound. You can use it to create "Radio Effect" or "Phone Effect". The algorithm is based on the circuit diagram of one (well, two, to be precise), the most popular classic analog equalizer. The plugin has 64bit internal precision.


16-band, phase-linear, graphic VST equalizer. Absolutely free. Marvel GEQ allows audio engineers and musicians to apply a quick form of EQ adjustment to both audio tracks and the mix as a whole.


  • 16 stripes.
  • “Freehand drawing” mode.
  • There is a nine millisecond delay when processing the channel.
  • Ability to compare two settings (A/B).
  • Linear phase equalization.
  • Gain/cut frequency on each equalizer band by +/- 12 dB.
  • Ability to create groups of individual channels.
  • Mid/side processing.
  • Signal processing in 64-bit floating point.
  • Stereo and multi-channel processing.
  • Supports all sampling rates.

3. SonEQ.


SonEQ is a digital VST equalizer that emulates vintage analog equipment.


  • 3-band equalizer, Low, Mid, High.
  • 2 filters, high pass and low pass.
  • 64-bit floating point.
  • Up to 192 supports sampling rate


7 band graphic equalizer. Absolutely free.

5. EasyQ.


EasyQ is an easy-to-use equalizer with an arbitrary number of filters. Lightly loads the central processor. Does not add any additional coloring.

Main characteristics:

  • unlimited number of stage filters (“strips”)
  • + -48 dB gain range
  • minimum phase

Equalizers for Windows

Equalizer for Windows Vista/7/8/10, which is implemented as an audio processing object (Audio Processing Obejct) of the WASAPI (Windows Audio Session API) audio subsystem, which was first introduced in Windows Vista.

Equalizer APO 1.2 features:

  • in theory, the number of filters is unlimited;
  • unlimited number of channels;
  • low latency, which makes it possible to work with interactive programs;
  • practically does not load the central processor.


ViPER4Windows is a global Windows audio processing system primarily used for audio rendering. Also includes various audio effects, including Replay Gain, EQ.

Sound quality is one of the most important needs of most PC and laptop users. And in order for the acoustics to be good, sometimes it becomes necessary to “tweak” the equalizer, which is not so easy to find on a personal computer. If you have a Realtek sound card, then now you will learn about where and how you can configure the equalizer in Windows 7.

Equalizer settings

Open menu Start, select Control Panel and click on the button Sound.

Go to tab Playback, click on Speakers and press Properties.

In the window that opens, open the tab Improvements and check the box next to the item Equalizer.

If you did everything correctly, then an equalizer icon for the audio card you are using should appear in the tray near the clock.

When you open the equalizer window, you will see several tabs and sliders, by adjusting which you can change the sound quality. The important thing to remember here is that different sound cards support different settings. So, if you are using a powerful system, then a completely different window may open, and not the one shown in the screenshot.

A few words about the settings themselves: here we cannot give a specific answer about how exactly the equalizer should be configured, since this is rather a matter and taste of everyone. If you use an average sound card, then you definitely won’t get lost in the settings (since the range of tools will be quite meager), and after several tests you will be able to understand for yourself what needs to be changed in the equalizer to improve sound quality.

The user may have his own sound quality standards, which may be completely different from the default settings in Windows. You can fine-tune the sound using the equalizer. This is the topic that the article will be devoted to.

Sound quality is not always determined by expensive audio equipment. No, it plays a significant role, but if the equalizer is not configured on the computer, then the impression of even the most expensive and high-quality speakers can instantly deteriorate.

The operating system is equipped with a built-in equalizer, which can solve sound quality issues quite well.

To do this, open "Start" and go to menu "Control Panel" .

In the window that opens, select the menu “Equipment and Sound” – “Sound” .

In the window that opens, in the tab "Playback" double click on the icon "Speakers" .

Make sure that the option at the bottom of the window is activated "Use this device (on)" , and then feel free to go to the tab "Improvements" .

First, you can try setting up "Loudness of Compensation" , which will allow you to set a different bass level. To do this, check the appropriate box and click the button >"Settings".

You can work in exactly the same way with "Equalizer" . Simply select this item from the sound effects menu and press the button "Settings" . Choose one of the equalizer settings that best suits your sound preferences.

To complete the sound settings, do not forget to press the buttons "Apply" And "OK".

In addition, most modern players for Windows, including the built-in Media Player, have a built-in equalizer.

To do this, launch any audio or video recording and right-click in any area of ​​the player window. In the pop-up menu, go to “Advanced Features” – “Graphic Equalizer” .

A 10-band equalizer will launch, allowing you to fine-tune your sound settings.

There are also preset equalizer settings here, which are hidden behind the item "Default" . Changes will be automatically saved.

Many users appreciate high-quality, surround sound from their speakers. The audio component is important in all modern films, music tracks and even games. The sound does not always depend only on the speakers themselves; sometimes an equalizer for a computer, which you need to know how to configure, helps to achieve the desired result.

What is an equalizer for PC

Equalizer for Windows 7 is a virtual mixing console that allows you to adjust the ratio of the amount of high, mid and low frequencies from the speakers. As a rule, it is installed automatically along with the audio driver for the sound card or motherboard. As a result, it becomes possible to control the sound quality from the speakers, enable additional ambient effects, microphone and headphone settings, and stereo systems.

Where to download equalizer on PC

As a rule, the equalizer for Windows 7 is installed automatically along with the drivers for the audio card (or motherboard, if sound is built into it). In most cases, software from Realtek Audio HD is installed, which provides tools for controlling the sound in the system. This software helps the OS to correctly identify connected devices, front and rear outputs for speakers, and microphone. You can download the driver from the official website of the developers, but more often it comes with the motherboard disk.

If desired, you can use third-party solutions, which sometimes provide broader, more flexible functionality for adjusting sound. The equalizer program performs the same basic functions as the built-in version. In this case, the most popular solution is a desktop gadget that is constantly displayed on it. Such widgets are easy to find on the Internet; they are all distributed free of charge. Some of them offer additional decoration for your desktop, creating visual effects in time with the music.

How to adjust the equalizer in Windows 7

After installing the driver, the equalizer setting on the computer does not always appear on the taskbar. To correct this situation, perform additional manipulations through the PC control panel. For this:

  1. Click on the Start menu.
  2. Open the "Control Panel" section.
  3. Find the “Sound” item and click on it.
  4. The Playback tab should display a Speakers icon. Click the icon and click the Properties button.
  5. Go to the “Enhancements” tab and check the box next to “Equalizer”.

After these manipulations, when you click on the taskbar, a sound icon will be displayed, and when you click on it, the system will redirect you to the equalizer for Windows 7. Changed sound system settings are not always equally suitable for music and watching movies. For such cases, you can use internal tools, for example, in Windows Media Player. In the settings you can set the required sound spectrum.

Setting the equalizer for bass is considered the most difficult, especially if you do not have very high-quality speakers. It is better to set the acoustics to the volume level that you consider habitual for listening to audio and raise the first three mixer sliders until some “wheezing” or “crackling” appears from the speakers. If it starts, then lower each of the sliders a couple of millimeters - this will be the optimal low frequency setting for your system.

It is well known that human perception of sound is very individual. And if for some the sound reproduced by a computer may seem like the height of perfection, then for others it may hurt the ears.

Undoubtedly, the result largely depends on the quality of the speakers connected to the computer or the sound system as a whole. However, even if you have very modest computer speakers or headphones, the sound can still be improved if you use the equalizer in Windows.

Setting up and using the equalizer will be discussed in this material.

Enabling and adjusting the system equalizer

Windows has a system equalizer, changing the parameters of which affects the playback of all sounds - be it system notifications, or, for example, the sound of a running game.

To open and configure it, you need to do the following:

Hover the mouse cursor over the button Start, then right-click. In the context menu that appears, you will need to select the item Control Panel.

It should be noted that in Windows 7, to open the Control Panel, you must open the menu itself Start, and already there find and click on the item of the same name.

In the system window that opens Control Panel follow the path and discover the final destination Equipment and sound -> Sound.

The system window will open Sound. In the tab Playback double click on the item Speakers.

In the additional properties window that appears Speakers go to the tab Improvements. There, check the box Equalizer, and at the bottom, select either a preset option for sound equalizer settings, or by clicking on the button with three dots, adjust the frequency range of the sound to your own taste.

You can also check the box Loudness compensation, this will slightly raise the low frequencies, thereby enhancing the bass.

After adjusting the equalizer, press the button OK to close the window and save the settings.

Turn on the equalizer in the music player

Today, even the simplest video/audio player has a built-in equalizer, so you can quickly adjust the frequency range of the audio or audio track being played.

Naturally, initially built into the system Windows Media Player also has its own equalizer.

To open the equalizer in Windows Media Player, you must do the following:

While playing audio or video, you need to right-click on the program window, and then hover the mouse over the item in the context menu Additional features and click on the sub-item Graphic equalizer.

As a result, a small window will open in which a ten-band equalizer will be presented.

In it you can choose both a pre-prepared sound profile and flexibly customize your own. These settings will only appear on audio playback in the player itself, and will not in any way affect audio played from other sources in the operating system.

Let's use the equalizer that comes with the drivers for the sound card

In conclusion, we cannot help but talk about the equalizer that comes with the sound card. If you are using a built-in sound card, then with an 80% chance it will be an audio chip made by Realtek.

When installing drivers on it, the kit also includes Realtek HD Manager. When you click on its tray icon, a window will open in which you can configure both the equalizer and apply other sound effects.

The sound settings will apply to absolutely all sound that is played on the computer.


In this article we looked at the possibility of enabling and adjusting the equalizer both in the operating system and in a separate player. Choose the solution that is most convenient for you from the list above and customize the sound to suit your personal preferences.

If you have any questions, please immediately post them in the comments.