Stages of development of information systems. Processes that ensure the operation of the information system




On the topic: “Trends in the development of land information systems”

Discipline "Geodesy and cartography"

Completed by: Student gr.60212

Barlukov Alexander

Checked by: Gabeeva D.A.

Bokhan, 2014


general characteristics

Example of work

. "Development of a land information system for the territory of the subject Russian Federation"


An information system is a set of processes for manipulating source data in order to obtain information necessary for decision-making. A land information system (LIS) is an information system focused on data on land resources. Definition of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG): A land information system is a tool for making legal, administrative and economic decisions, as well as providing assistance in planning and developing future solutions, consisting, on the one hand, of a database for a certain territory containing spatial data relating to land and immovable property firmly associated with it, and, on the other hand, from procedures and techniques for the systematic collection, updating, processing and distribution of data.

Land-related information becomes extremely important for the orderly, favorable and intelligent use of land. In the past, such information was collected, stored, updated and distributed on paper in registers, books, plans and maps. With the advent modern technology these types of jobs are now being computerized and automated throughout the world. The variety of VIS is wide and includes financial systems, legal land registration systems, and demographic and social data systems. The main importance in creating effective, important and flexible VIS are:

the presence of a publicly accessible system framework;

constructive government action to coordinate existing land-related functions;

standardization of procedures and terminology.

The most important, complete and significant land information system is the automated information system of the state land cadastre. AIS GZK is intended for accounting, registration and assessment of lands, is aimed at regulating land relations and includes information about the legal, economic and natural state of the lands of the Russian Federation. AIS GZK is described in detail above and contains basic information about land information systems, therefore in this subsection we will limit ourselves to general ideas about the ZIS.

1. General characteristics

An analysis of the state of land information systems of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation showed that at present, to solve complex problems of territorial management, it is no longer enough to use only cartographic data (topographic maps, plans, diagrams, thematic and cadastral maps). It is necessary to have databases of heterogeneous information (geospatial and semantic). Such integrated storage of information is possible only with the use of geographic information technologies and information systems to support decision-making for territorial management.

The spatial or geographic factor is one of the dominant ones when solving problems of territorial management, as well as for solving production problems by various services and organizations. It is obvious that spatial data bases generated for use in land information systems are in great demand when solving a wide range of problems of territorial management.

On this moment The program to create a territorial information system is actively developing. This is due, first of all, to the modern economic policy of development of the region. The main task of the first stage of work is to prepare a scientific and technical substantiation of the principles of creating and operating a land information system using spatial data about the territory, researching the areas of its application and, importantly, the integrated use of the results of its work.

The developed land information system will make it possible to generate, within a single geoinformation space, information about the territory, regulations for its use, real estate objects, transport and engineering infrastructure, centralize and streamline the storage and updating of information about objects, and ensure public access to open information resources of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Thus, solving problems associated with the creation of a land information system, as well as its main component, the development of the structure and content of a database of heterogeneous spatial data, is relevant.

The degree of development of the problem. The research is based on the principles of the formation of modern information and geographic information systems, modern methods of collecting cadastral data, geodetic methods for creating topographic and cadastral maps, methods of land cartographic modeling, methods of cadastral zoning and territory monitoring.

The structure and content of the land information system have been developed, the practical implementation of the land information database on territorial objects has been carried out, and the geoinformation component of the land information system has been introduced.

The theoretical significance lies in the development of principles for collecting, processing, storing and updating spatial data for the functioning of a land information system for the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and organizing the information basis for monitoring the territory.

land information cadastral

2. Example of work

For the operational management of territories, public authorities of any level, it is necessary to attract, in a short time, diverse (cadastral, topographical, statistical, geological, environmental, economic, etc.) information, including coordinate-referenced information. This information should be presented in a form convenient for analysis and ensure the adoption of the most optimal management decisions. Land information systems allow you to integrate heterogeneous information and process it various methods and presented in a form convenient for analysis.

The creation of land information systems for territorial management is a very urgent task for a number of reasons:

a land information system allows you to manage a city, district, territory as efficiently as possible, and clearly plan the expected types of work and their cost;

it becomes possible to quickly respond and dispatch operational management decisions for civil defense and emergency services and law enforcement agencies;

work efficiency increases territorial bodies Rosreestr in the implementation of the regional development strategy;

it becomes possible to maximize and fully use cadastral information as a single source of information about real estate and the boundaries of various territorial entities.

The main component of this system is an up-to-date cadastral and cartographic database for the territory. Therefore, the problem of developing the structure of integrated cadastral and cartographic databases for the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is one of the priorities on the way to building a land information system and a unified geoinformation system for the adoption operational decisions.

To develop a strategy for automating territorial management processes, it is advisable to divide all tasks solved by local governments into groups according to the level of required information resources. The required level of information resources is determined in accordance with the following groups:

a) tasks the solution of which requires the availability of spatial information on the territory;

b) tasks whose solution requires the presence of spatial and descriptive information on the territory;

c) tasks for which it is possible to use only semantic information;

d) tasks for which it is necessary to use an automated system for managing and analyzing heterogeneous data;

e) tasks that can be solved without using spatial and semantic information.

Consequently, the developed land information system is a software package that provides storage, search, visualization and editing of information on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as its transformation to solve problems of cadastre, urban planning, design, analysis, planning and accounting, carrying out intermediate and final calculations , generation of reporting documentation based on a database for municipalities, regions and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

If this system If properly organized, the collection and processing of data can be distributed among various authorities and organizations, which will eliminate duplication, and the information can be used not only by an individual authority, but also by a wide range of users.

A land information system focused on the tasks of managing the territories of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation must have the following functionality allowing to provide:

entering and displaying current changes in data on the state of the territory and real estate located on it, caused by economic activities and natural factors, in attribute and cartographic databases;

quick search information in accordance with various request conditions;

design various situations on an electronic card;

work with modern navigation equipment;

prompt exchange of attribute and cartographic information about completed activities between different levels of management;

accumulation and analysis of information about ongoing business activities;

generation of reporting documentation.

The land information system must ensure compliance with the requirements that define a set of informative indicators for the basic level of management:

each physical object depicted on the map must be identified by the system as one object (and not as a set of points) with a corresponding list of semantic characteristics;

duty cadastral maps of territorial planning and urban zoning (zones) must be associated with documents defining the functional purpose and regulations of zones in accordance with territorial planning documentation and land use and development rules;

the system should allow the creation of spatial queries in order to determine the main indicators of land objects and territorial and functional zones;

When taking into account spatial queries for any object,<#"justify">List of sources used

1. the federal law dated 20.02.95 No. 24-FZ "On information, informatization and information protection":

Temporary regulations on organizing the editing of digital cartographic products Text. / Developed by Gosgiscenter. M.: TsNIIGAiK, 2000.

Digital topographic maps. System of classification and coding of digital cartographic information Text. / GOST R 516062000 M.: GOSSTANDART of Russia, 2000.

Digital topographic maps. Rules for digital description of cartographic information. General requirements Text. / GOST R 51607-2000 M GOSSTANDART of Russia, 2000.

Federal Law No. 221-FZ of July 24, 2007 “On the State Real Estate Cadastre”.

Federal Law No. 122-FZ of July 21, 1997 “On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.”

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 10, 1999 N 266 “On the procedure for maintaining a unified state register of taxpayers” in the Appendix to the Rules for maintaining a unified state register of taxpayers.


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Economic systems belong to complex systems of organizational management, as they have an integral hierarchical structure with multilateral connections and complex management functions. Management of an industry, region, enterprise, etc. can be considered as an economic system. In the management system of an economic object of any level, one can distinguish control and controlled subsystems.
The management subsystem carries out management functions, sets general goals for the functioning of the economic entity as a whole and subgoals for its divisions. The management subsystem at the enterprise is represented by the divisions and services of the management apparatus: personnel department, accounting department, economic planning department, office, etc.
The management subsystem, represented by the heads of departments and services of the management apparatus, uses information about the production and economic activities of the economic entity and external information to develop and make management decisions, which are transferred to the managed subsystem.
The controlled subsystem carries out functions related to the production and release of finished products or the performance of socially necessary work. The managed subsystem includes divisions and services of the enterprise directly involved in production and economic activities.
The control and controlled subsystems have feedback, which allows you to monitor and take into account the actual state of the object and make appropriate adjustments to it. With the help of cybernetics, it has been established that control by a feedback system is one of the most general and important principles that unite technical devices, living organisms and economic systems. Information is a type of causal relationship that arises in the management process. Thanks to it, the control subsystem influences the controlled one, and vice versa.
Thus, any management system has its own information system, and the management system of an economic object has an economic information system.
The purpose of the work is to consider information systems in economics, their content and types, as well as current trends in their development.

An information system (IS) is an information service system for employees of management services and performs technological functions for the accumulation, storage, transmission and processing of information. It develops, is formed and functions in accordance with the regulations determined by the methods and structure of management activities adopted at a specific economic entity, and implements the goals and objectives facing it. Information systems are diverse and can be classified according to several criteria (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Types of information systems.

An economic information system (EIS) is a set of internal and external flows of direct and feedback information communication of an economic object, methods, tools, specialists involved in the process of information processing and the development of management decisions.
Industry information systems operate in the industrial and agro-industrial complexes, construction, transport, healthcare and other sectors of the production and non-production spheres. These systems solve the problems of information services for the management apparatus of the relevant departments.
Territorial information systems are designed to manage administrative-territorial regions; the activities of territorial systems are aimed at the high-quality performance of management functions in the region, the generation of reports, and the issuance of operational information to local government bodies.
Intersectoral information systems are specialized systems of functional management bodies of the national economy (banking, financial, supply, statistical, etc.).
Having powerful computing systems, intersectoral multi-level information systems ensure the development of economic and economic forecasts, the state budget, regulate the activities of all parts of the economy, as well as control the availability and distribution of resources.
Management Information Systems technological processes are most widely used in industry, and primarily in industries with continuous technological processes. In the metallurgical industry, they are used to control the smelting of steel, the process of producing cast iron, in the chemical industry to control technological processes for the production of ammonia, nitric and sulfuric acids, etc. In mechanical engineering, automation of technological processes is carried out through the use of machine tools with program control and robotics ; in transport - through the use of special machines and devices for automatic driving of trains, airplanes, cars, sorting cars, etc.
With the help of information systems of organizational (administrative) management, large teams of people are managed, performing enormous work on accounting, planning, analysis and control of activities at all levels of economic management: intersectoral, sectoral, territorial and at the level of enterprises, organizations, firms.
Examples of such information systems are:
 banking information systems;
 IS of the stock market;
 financial information systems;
 insurance IP;
 Information system of tax authorities;
 IS of the customs service;
 state statistical information systems;
 IS management of enterprises and organizations; a special place in importance and prevalence in them is occupied by accounting, reference and legal, personnel information systems, as well as office work systems, information and analytical systems;
 other information systems.
Information systems for managing organizational and technological processes are complex integrated systems and combine the functions of managing technological processes with the functions of managing the facility as a whole.
In automatic systems, all control operations are performed automatically by a computer. The role of humans in these systems is limited to monitoring the operation of machines and performing control functions. Automatic systems are used to control technical objects and technological processes and usually work in real time.
In automated control systems, operations to transform information are performed using technical means, but with human participation. A person here selects and adjusts the goals and criteria for management effectiveness, introduces a creative element into the search for the best ways to achieve set goals, makes the final selection of decisions and gives them legal force.


The emerging transition to a market economy in Russia requires new approaches to management: economic and market efficiency criteria are coming to the fore, and requirements for flexibility are increasing. Scientific and technological progress and the dynamics of the external environment are forcing modern enterprises to turn into increasingly complex systems that require new methods of ensuring controllability.
A new direction in management was the emergence of controlling as a functionally separate area of ​​economic work in an enterprise, associated with the implementation of financial and economic functions in management for making operational and strategic management decisions. Controlling – (English to control – to control, to manage) is the management of management. Controlling functions:
– coordination of management activities to achieve the goals of the enterprise;
– information and consulting support for making management decisions;
– creating conditions for the functioning of a general enterprise management information system;
– ensuring the rationality of the management process.
Controlling is a kind of self-regulation mechanism of the organization and provides feedback in the control loop. Occupying a special place in the management system, controlling contributes to information support making decisions in order to optimally use existing opportunities, objectively assess the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as to avoid bankruptcy and crisis situations.
The effective operation of a modern enterprise is possible only if there is a single integrated unifying one: financial management, personnel management, supply management, sales management, controlling and production management. Integrated systems (corporate information systems, CIS) become a means of achieving the main business goals: improving the quality of products, increasing production volume, taking a stable position in the market and winning the competition.
In order to provide support for most of the company's needs, the CIS must be created taking into account the latest information technologies, including the methodology for creating distributed systems - from simple “client-server” applications to complex geographically distributed systems. The complex system being created must be flexible and easily modified, allowing it to track continuous changes in the business.
The practice of creating information systems using the “as is” company model has shown that automation without reengineering business processes and modernizing the existing management system does not bring the desired results and is ineffective, since the use of software applications is already a transition to new forms of business management. -document flow, accounting and reporting. A business reengineering project involves the following four phases.
1. Developing an image of a future company - specification of the main goals of the company based on its strategy, customer needs, the general level of business in the industry (determined based on an analysis of the related industry of another leading company) and the current state of the company.
2. Creating a model of an existing company - developing a detailed description of the existing company, identifying and documenting the main business processes, assessing their effectiveness.
3. Development of a new business (direct engineering):
– redesign of business processes, creation of more efficient work procedures (elementary tasks from which business processes are built), determination of ways to use information technology, identification of necessary changes in the work of personnel;
– development of the company’s business processes at the level of labor resources: designing a list of work performed, preparing a motivation system, organizing a team to carry out work and a quality support group, creating a specialist training program, etc.;
– development of supporting information systems: determination of available resources (equipment, software) and the creation of a specialized information system with the active participation of future users of the system.
4. Implementation of redesigned processes - integration and testing of developed processes and supporting information system, employee training, installation of information system.
When reengineering business processes, first of all, the main problems and needs of the business are formulated and models of business processes are built, which include all the events and sequences of operations that the information system must support. In parallel, a technical audit of the existing information system and the development of technical architecture are carried out: the basic principles of the technical construction of the system are determined, a strategy for data security and access control, user interfaces, data copying and recovery is determined.
Then recommendations are formed for changes in the organizational structure of the enterprise and the structure of business processes. During the implementation of the project, department employees, together with developers, must work with information and models, and participate in the selection of technological solutions. Only with the implementation of CIS from top to bottom and the active cooperation of management can it be possible to initially correctly evaluate and carry out the entire range of work without unplanned costs. To implement a CIS implementation project, including the reorganization of the enterprise management system and reengineering of business processes, it is necessary to attract qualified specialists, so consulting companies are usually involved.
At the beginning of the 21st century, standards and models for organizing the management of a continuously developing enterprise appeared - quality management standards. Most modern management information systems fully implement the principles reflected in these standards (ISO9000:2000 series), which, in fact, are standards for the effective organization of activities.
Currently, along with systems that implement resource management models MRPI, MRPII, ERP, CRM, and SCM, the following systems are widely used:
Project Management System – the system supports the creation, modification, launch and implementation of company projects with the ability to automatically calculate and optimize deadlines and financial costs for the project;
Business Process Management – ​​the system supports the launch and execution of business processes;
Personal Task Management (Personal Information System) is a system that supports the execution of received tasks by staff, the creation of managers’ own tasks, and the creation of tasks for subordinates.
Currently, information systems based on data processing algorithms are most widespread. Algorithms are fixed in the program code of the systems. To change the properties of the system, it is necessary to change the composition or parameters of the algorithms and test the modules independently or as part of a new version of the system. Algorithms differ in the number and structure of functional modules. There are three types of algorithmic systems.
1. Monolithic systems. Created over years of programming. To maintain the current state, it is necessary to maintain a group of specialists, otherwise the systems can be used as storage devices and suppliers of data to application systems capable of dynamically and inexpensively changing properties locally.
2.Modular systems. Systems built on a complex of specialized software modules integrated according to data. The creation of the systems marked the beginning of the evolution of resource management systems and led to a significant reduction in time and price.
3.Component systems. The systems are based on open standards for information exchange of components from independent developers and a developed ability to integrate components. The properties of the components are developed by its author. System modernization comes down to replacing individual components or their versions and their new integration. Building systems from components significantly reduced the time, cost and risks and created favorable conditions for combining the services of independent integrators and consultants.
The development of an algorithmic system is limited by the composition of the system modules. The functionality of the system develops to a large extent independently from the development of the enterprise and business goals. During the period of changing system versions, there is a risk of loss of control stability. The development of the system can be carried out by the developer and integrator. The limits for changing the properties of systems are predetermined by the developer. It is assumed that with further growth in requirements for flexibility and adaptability, algorithmic systems will either die out or occupy the niche of local systems.
The main trend in the development of information systems is the transition from algorithmic systems to intelligent systems capable of accepting and combining knowledge. Intelligent systems are distinguished by the presence of a business component editor and a business rules interpreter. Such systems do not have built-in program code algorithms are controlled on the basis of data processing rules accumulated in the system and are therefore capable of receiving and processing knowledge.
The limits for changing the properties of intelligent systems are not set in advance, since their properties are completely determined by the organization’s model. Replacing the model leads to changes in the properties of the system. Due to the fact that changing the description of a business resource or the rules of operations leads to a change in the model, the properties of intelligent systems change with each input new information or data. Putting the system into use represents training the system. The functionality of the system develops along with the development of the enterprise and business goals. It is possible to simultaneously manage an enterprise and change the organizational model.
In the near future, standards for the presentation of data, information and knowledge will be adopted, which will significantly reduce transaction costs and create conditions for the accelerated creation of new knowledge and its exchange. The level of knowledge integration already exceeds the scale of one country. Information systems, like enterprises themselves, are becoming virtual, globally distributed organizational and technical systems, the components of which are integrated on the basis of standards into the infrastructure of the information society, supporting activities, managing activities and developing the activities of the organization.


In conclusion, the following conclusions can be drawn:
An information economic system is a system of information services for employees of economic services, which performs technological functions of accumulating, storing, transmitting and processing information.
An information system includes subsystems that can be considered as independent systems, which in turn are divided into functional and supporting. The functional part is a model of the economic object management system. The supporting part contributes to the effective functioning of the system as a whole and its individual subsystems.
It is important to understand that information systems directly support almost all aspects of management activities in such functional areas as accounting, finance, human resources management, marketing and production management.
Information systems in the real world are usually combinations of several types of information systems because conceptual classifications of information systems are designed to emphasize the different roles of information systems. In practice, these roles are integrated into complex or interconnected information systems that provide a range of functions. Thus, most information systems are designed to provide information and support decision-making at various levels of management and in various functional areas.


1. Automated information technologies: Textbook / Ed. prof. G.A. Titorenko.- M.; UNITY, 2007.
2. Vendrov A.M. Design of software for economic information systems: Textbook. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2006.
3. Golkina G.E. Accounting information systems: Textbook. - M.: MESI, 2008.
4. Information systems in economics: Textbook / Ed. prof. V.V. Dick. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2006.
5. Information Technology: textbook allowance / O. L. Golitsyna, N. V. Maksimov, T. L. Partyka, I. I. Popov. M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2006.
6. Klykov, M.S. Information systems and technologies in economics: Textbook. allowance / M.S. Klykov, N.P. Grigoriev, T.I. Balalaeva; edited by prof. M.S. Klykova. – Khabarovsk: Publishing house DVGUPS, 2007. – 480 p.
7. Computer technologies based on automated systems: Workshop. - M: Fintatinform, 2005.
8. Nadtochiy A.I. Technical means of informatization: textbook. allowance / Under general. ed. K.I. Kurbakova. M.: KOS-INF; Ross. econ. acad., 2003.
9. Fundamentals of computer science ( tutorial for applicants to economic universities) / K. I. Kurbakov, T. L. Partyka, I. I. Popov, V. P. Romanov. M.: Exam, 2004.
10. Fedorova G.V. Computer information systems // Collection of scientific papers “Problems of computerization of information systems”. - M.: MESI, 2007.
11. www.

Modern trends in the development of economic information systems

2. Modern information economic systems. Development trends

The emerging transition to a market economy in Russia requires new approaches to management: economic and market efficiency criteria are coming to the fore, and requirements for flexibility are increasing. Scientific and technological progress and the dynamics of the external environment are forcing modern enterprises to turn into increasingly complex systems that require new methods of ensuring controllability.

A new direction in management was the emergence of controlling as a functionally separate area of ​​economic work in an enterprise, associated with the implementation of financial and economic functions in management for making operational and strategic management decisions. Controlling - (English to control - to control, manage) is the management of management. Controlling functions:

Coordination of management activities to achieve the goals of the enterprise;

Information and consulting support for making management decisions;

Creation of conditions for the functioning of a general enterprise management information system;

Ensuring the rationality of the management process.

Controlling is a unique mechanism of self-regulation of the organization and provides feedback in the control loop. Occupying a special place in the management system, controlling contributes to information support for decision-making in order to optimally use existing opportunities, objectively assess the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as to avoid bankruptcy and crisis situations.

The effective operation of a modern enterprise is possible only if there is a single integrated unifying system: financial management, personnel management, supply management, sales management, controlling and production management. Integrated systems (corporate information systems, CIS) become a means of achieving the main business goals: improving the quality of products, increasing production volume, taking a stable position in the market and winning the competition.

In order to provide support for most of the company's needs, the CIS must be created taking into account the latest information technologies, including the methodology for creating distributed systems - from simple “client-server” applications to complex geographically distributed systems. The complex system being created must be flexible and easily modified, allowing it to track continuous changes in the business.

The practice of creating information systems using the company’s “as is” model has shown that automation without reengineering business processes and modernizing the existing management system does not bring the desired results and is ineffective, since the use software applications- this is already a transition to new forms of document management, accounting and reporting. A business reengineering project involves the following four phases.

1. Developing an image of a future company - specification of the main goals of the company based on its strategy, customer needs, the general level of business in the industry (determined based on an analysis of the related industry of another leading company) and the current state of the company.

2. Creating a model of an existing company - developing a detailed description of the existing company, identifying and documenting the main business processes, assessing their effectiveness.

3. Development of a new business (direct engineering):

Redesigning business processes, creating more efficient work procedures (elementary tasks from which business processes are built), determining ways to use information technology, identifying necessary changes in the work of personnel;

Development of the company’s business processes at the level of labor resources: designing a list of work performed, preparing a motivation system, organizing a team to perform work and a quality support group, creating a specialist training program, etc.;

Development of supporting information systems: identification of available resources (hardware, software) and creation of a specialized information system with the active participation of future users of the system.

4. Implementation of redesigned processes - integration and testing of developed processes and supporting information system, employee training, installation of an information system.

When reengineering business processes, first of all, the main problems and needs of the business are formulated and models of business processes are built, which include all the events and sequences of operations that the information system must support. In parallel, a technical audit of the existing information system and the development of a technical architecture are carried out: the basic principles of the technical construction of the system are determined, a strategy for data security and access control, user interfaces, data copying and recovery is determined.

Then recommendations are formed for changes in the organizational structure of the enterprise and the structure of business processes. During the implementation of the project, department employees, together with developers, must work with information and models and participate in the selection of technological solutions. Only with the implementation of CIS from top to bottom and the active assistance of management can the entire range of work be initially correctly assessed and carried out without unplanned costs. To implement a CIS implementation project, including the reorganization of the enterprise management system and reengineering of business processes, it is necessary to attract qualified specialists, therefore consulting companies are usually involved.

At the beginning of the 21st century, standards and models for organizing the management of a continuously developing enterprise appeared - quality management standards. Most modern management information systems fully implement the principles reflected in these standards (ISO9000:2000 series), which, in fact, are standards for the effective organization of activities.

Currently, along with systems implementing resource management models MRPI, MRPII, ERP, CRM, and SCM, the following systems are widely used:

Project Management System - the system supports the creation, modification, launch and implementation of company projects with the ability to automatically calculate and optimize deadlines and financial costs for the project;

Business Process Management - the system supports the launch and execution of business processes;

Personal Task Management (Personal Information System) is a system that supports the execution of received tasks by staff, the creation of managers’ own tasks, and the creation of tasks for subordinates.

Currently, information systems based on data processing algorithms are most widespread. Algorithms are fixed in the program code of the systems. To change the properties of the system, it is necessary to change the composition or parameters of the algorithms and test the modules independently or as part of new version systems. Algorithms differ in the number and structure of functional modules. There are three types of algorithmic systems.

1. Monolithic systems. Created over years of programming. To maintain the current state, it is necessary to maintain a group of specialists, otherwise the systems can be used as storage devices and suppliers of data to application systems capable of dynamically and inexpensively changing properties locally.

2.Modular systems. Systems built on a set of specialized software modules integrated with data. The creation of the systems marked the beginning of the evolution of resource management systems and led to a significant reduction in time and cost.

3.Component systems. The systems are based on open standards for information exchange of components from independent developers and a developed ability to integrate components. The properties of the components are developed by its author. System modernization comes down to replacing individual components or their versions and their new integration. Building systems from components significantly reduced the time, cost and risks and created favorable conditions for combining the services of independent integrators and consultants.

The development of an algorithmic system is limited by the composition of the system modules. The functionality of the system develops largely independently of the development of the enterprise and business goals. During the period of changing system versions, there is a risk of loss of control stability. The development of the system can be carried out by the developer and integrator. The limits for changing the properties of systems are predetermined by the developer. It is assumed that with further growth in requirements for flexibility and adaptability, algorithmic systems will either die out or occupy the niche of local systems.

The main trend in the development of information systems is the transition from algorithmic systems to intelligent systems capable of accepting and integrating knowledge. Intelligent systems are distinguished by the presence of a business component editor and a business rules interpreter. Such systems do not have algorithms built into the program code; they are controlled on the basis of data processing rules accumulated in the system and are therefore capable of receiving and processing knowledge.

The limits for changing the properties of intelligent systems are not set in advance, since their properties are completely determined by the organization model. Replacing the model leads to changes in the properties of the system. Due to the fact that a change in the description of a business resource or an operation rule leads to a change in the model, the properties of intelligent systems change with each input of new information or data. Putting the system into use represents training the system. The functionality of the system develops along with the development of the enterprise and business goals. It is possible to simultaneously manage an enterprise and change the organizational model.

In the near future, standards will be adopted for the presentation of data, information and knowledge, which will significantly reduce transaction costs and create conditions for the accelerated creation of new knowledge and its exchange. The level of knowledge integration already exceeds the scale of one country. Information systems, like enterprises themselves, are becoming virtual, globally distributed organizational and technical systems, the components of which are integrated on the basis of standards into the infrastructure of the information society that supports the activities, management of activities and development of the organization's activities.

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Information systems development trends

Parameter name Meaning
Article topic: Information systems development trends
Rubric (thematic category) Technologies

Organizational components of IS

The separation of organizational components into an independent direction is determined by the special importance of the human factor (personnel) in the successful functioning of the IS. Before implementing an expensive data processing system, a lot of work needs to be done to streamline and improve the organizational structure of the facility; otherwise, the efficiency of the IS will be low. The main problem in this case is to identify the degree of compliance of existing management functions and the organizational structure that implements these functions with the company’s development strategy.

The introduction of information systems contributes to the improvement of organizational structures, as it involves the determination of the calculated value. scientifically based number of management staff by structural divisions.

The logic of information technology development over the past 30 years clearly demonstrates the pendulum effect: the centralized data processing model based on mainframes, which dominated until the mid-80s, gave way to a distributed peer-to-peer architecture in just a few years. local networks(PM) personal computers, but then a return movement began towards the centralization of system resources. Today, the focus is on client-server technology, which effectively combines the advantages of its predecessors.

There are several generations of IP.

First generation IC(1960-1970) was built on the basis of central computers according to the principle of “one enterprise - one processing center”.

Second generation IC(1970-1980): the first steps towards the decentralization of IP, during which users began to promote information technology in offices and departments of companies, using mini-computers of the DEC-VAX type. In parallel, the active implementation of commercial packages began application programs. However, the cardinal innovation of this generation of information systems was a two- and three-level model of organizing a data processing system (central computer - mini-computers of departments and offices) with an information foundation based on a decentralized database and application packages.

Third generation IC(1980 - early 1990s): boom in distributed network processing, the main driving force of which was the mass transition to personal computers (PCs). Logics corporate business required the unification of disparate workplaces into a single IS - computer networks and distributed processing appeared. With the development of third-generation information systems, the idea of ​​pure (peer-to-peer) distributed processing noticeably faded and began to lose its position to the hierarchical client-server model.

Fourth generation IC is in its infancy, but it is already clear that the distinctive features of modern IS and, above all, the hierarchical organization, in which centralized processing and unified management of IS resources at the upper level are combined with distributed processing at the lower level, are determined by the synthesis of proven solutions in systems of previous generations. Information Systems fourth generation accumulate the following main features:

full use of potential desktop computers and distributed processing environments;

modular construction of the system, which assumes the existence of many different types of architectural solutions within a single complex;

saving system resources (in the broadest sense of this term) due to the centralization of data storage and processing at the upper levels of the IS hierarchy.

Trends in the development of information systems - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Trends in the development of information systems" 2017, 2018.

An information system is an interconnected set of tools, methods and personnel used for storing, processing and issuing information in order to achieve a set goal.

The modern understanding of an information system assumes the use as the main technical means processing personal computer information. In large organizations, along with a personal computer, the technical base of the information system may include a mainframe or supercomputer. In addition, the technical implementation of an information system in itself will not mean anything if the role of the person for whom the information produced is intended and without whom its receipt and presentation is impossible is not taken into account.

It is necessary to understand the difference between computers and information systems. Computers equipped with specialized software are the technical basis and tool for information systems. An information system is unthinkable without personnel interacting with computers and telecommunications.

The development of information systems can be considered:

1. From the standpoint of the development of technology itself, the emergence of a new technical base that generates new information needs.

2. From the point of view of improving the automated information systems (AIS) themselves.

The first aspect involves two stages: one - before the advent of computers, associated with the names of the inventors of the first computing devices, such as B. Pascal, P.L. Chebyshev, Ch. Babbage and others; the second - with the development of computers.

The first generation of computers (1950s) was built on the basis of vacuum tubes and was represented by the following models: ENIAC, MESM, BESM-1, M-20, Ural-1, Minsk-1. All these machines were large, consumed a large number of electricity, had low speed, small memory capacity and low reliability. They were not used in economic calculations.

The second generation of computers (1960s) was based on semiconductors and transistors: BESM-6, Ural-14, Minsk-32. The use of transistor elements as an elemental base made it possible to reduce electricity consumption, reduce the size of individual computer elements and the entire machine, the memory capacity increased, the first displays appeared, etc. These computers have already been used to solve economic problems.

The third generation of computers (1970s) was based on small integrated circuits. Its representatives are the IBM 360 (USA), a number of unified system computers (ES computers), and small family machines from SM I to SM IV. With the help of integrated circuits, it was possible to reduce the size of computers, increase their reliability and performance.
The fourth generation of computers (1980s) was based on large-scale integrated circuits (LSI) and was represented by the IBM 370 (USA), EC-1045, EC-1065, etc. They were a number of software-compatible machines on a single element base, a unified design and technical basis, with a unified structure, unified system software, a single unified set universal devices. Personal computers (PCs) have become widespread, and they began to appear in 1976 in the USA (An Apple). They did not require special premises, installation of programming systems, and used languages high level and communicated with the user interactively.

Currently, during the period of informatization, computers are being built based on ultra-large-scale integrated circuits (VLSI). They have enormous computing power and are relatively low cost. They can be represented not as one machine, but as a computing system connecting the core of the system, which is presented in the form of a supercomputer, and a PC on the periphery.

This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of human labor and effectively use machine labor. The main trend in the development of AIS is the constant desire for improvement. This is achieved through the improvement of technical and software, which gives rise to new information needs and leads to the improvement of information systems.

Let us characterize the generations of information systems.

    The first generation of AIS (1960-1970) was built on the basis of computer centers according to the principle of “one enterprise - one processing center.”

    The second generation of AIS (1970-1980) is characterized by a transition to IS decentralization. Information technologies penetrate into departments and services of an enterprise. Packages and decentralized databases appeared, and two- and three-level models for organizing data processing systems began to be introduced.

    The third generation of AIS (1980-early 1990): characterized by a massive transition to distributed network processing based on personal computers with the consolidation of disparate workstations into a single IS.

    The fourth generation of AIS is characterized by a combination of centralized processing at the upper level with distributed processing at the lower level. There is a trend towards a return in large and medium-sized enterprises to the use of powerful computers in IS as the central node of the system and cheap network terminals (workstations).

    Modern information systems at enterprises are created on the basis of local and distributed computer networks, new technologies for making management decisions, new methods for solving professional problems of end users, etc.

    The history of the development of information systems and the purposes of their use at different periods is as follows (Table 1).

    Table 1 – History of the development of information systems and the purposes of their use at different periods

    Period of time

    Information Use Concept

    Type of information systems

    Purpose of use

    1950 - 1960

    Paper flow of settlement documents

    Information systems for processing settlement documents on electromechanical accounting machines

    Increasing the speed of document processing

    Simplifying invoice processing and payroll processing

    1960 - 1970

    Basic assistance in preparing reports

    Management information systems for production information

    Speeding up the reporting process

    1970 - 1980

    Management control of sales (sales)

    Decision support systems

    Systems for senior management

    Sampling the most rational solution

    1980 - 2000

    Information is a strategic resource that provides a competitive advantage

    Strategic Information Systems

    Automated offices

    Survival and prosperity of the company

    The first information systems appeared in the 50s. During these years, they were intended for processing bills and payroll, and were implemented on electromechanical accounting machines. This led to some reduction in costs and time for preparing paper documents.

    60s are marked by a change in attitude towards information systems. The information obtained from them began to be used for periodic reporting on many parameters. Today, organizations needed general-purpose computer equipment capable of serving many functions, and not just processing invoices and calculating salaries, as was previously the case.

    In the 70s - early 80s. Information systems are beginning to be widely used as a means of management control, supporting and accelerating the decision-making process.

    By the end of the 80s. The concept of using information systems is changing again. They become a strategic source of information and are used at all levels of any organization. Information systems of this period, providing the necessary information on time, help the organization achieve success in its activities, create new goods and services, find new markets, secure worthy partners, organize the production of products at a low price, and much more.

    The processes that ensure the operation of an information system for any purpose can be roughly represented in the form of a diagram consisting of blocks:

    – input of information from external or internal sources;

    – processing of input information and presenting it in a convenient form;

    – output of information for presentation to consumers or transfer to another system;

    Feedback- this is information processed by people of a given organization to correct input information.

    An information system is defined by the following properties:

    – any information system can be analyzed, built and managed on the basis of general principles for building systems;

    – the information system is dynamic and developing;

    – when building an information system, it is necessary to use systems approach;

    – the output of the information system is the information on the basis of which decisions are made;

    – the information system should be perceived as a human-computer information processing system.

    Currently, there is an opinion about an information system as a system implemented using computer technology. Although in general case An information system can also be understood in a non-computer version.

    To understand the operation of an information system, it is necessary to understand the essence of the problems that it solves, as well as the organizational processes in which it is included. So, for example, when determining the possibility of a computer information system to support decision-making, the structure of the management tasks being solved should be taken into account; the level of the company's management hierarchy at which the decision must be made; whether the problem being solved belongs to one or another functional area of ​​the business; type of information technology used.

    Figure 1 – Information system structure

    The technology of working in a computer information system is understandable to a specialist in the non-computer field and can be successfully used to control processes professional activity and management of them.

    The introduction of information systems can contribute to:

    obtaining more rational options for solving management problems through the introduction of mathematical methods and intelligent systems, etc.;

    freeing workers from routine work due to its automation;

    ensuring the reliability of information;

    replacing paper storage media with magnetic disks or tape, which leads to a more rational organization of information processing on a computer and a reduction in the volume of documents on paper;

    improving the structure of information flows and the document flow system in the company;

    reducing costs for the production of products and services;

    providing consumers with unique services;

    finding new market niches;

    tying buyers and suppliers to the company by providing them with various discounts and services.

    The role of the management structure in the information system

    General provisions

    The creation and use of an information system for any organization is aimed at solving the following problems.

    1. The structure of the information system and its functional purpose must correspond to the goals facing the organization. For example, in a commercial company - effective business; in a state enterprise - solving social and economic problems.

    2. The information system must be controlled by people, understood and used in accordance with basic social and ethical principles.

    3. Production of reliable, reliable, timely and systematized information.

    Building an information system can be compared to building a house. Bricks, nails, cement and other materials placed together do not make a house. A project, land management, construction, etc. are needed for a house to appear.

    Similarly, to create and use an information system, you must first understand the structure, functions and policies of the organization, management goals and decisions made, capabilities computer technology. The information system is part of the organization, and the key elements of any organization are the structure and management bodies, standard procedures, personnel, subculture.

    Construction of an information system should begin with an analysis of the organization's management structure.

    2 Technology for creating expert systems. Identifying the Problem Area

    When developing expert systems, the rapid prototype concept is often used. Its essence is as follows: at first, it is not an expert system that is created, but its prototype, which must solve a narrow range of problems and require little time for its development. The prototype must demonstrate the suitability of the future expert system for a given subject area, verify the correct encoding of facts, connections and reasoning strategies of the expert. It also provides an opportunity for the knowledge engineer to involve the expert in an active role in the development of the expert system. The size of the prototype is several dozen rules.

    Today, a certain technology for developing expert systems has emerged, which includes 6 stages.

    Stage 1. Identification. Problems that need to be solved are identified. The development of a prototype expert system is planned, the necessary resources (time, people, computers, etc.), sources of knowledge (books, additional specialists, methods), available similar expert systems, goals (dissemination of experience, automation of routine actions, etc.) are determined. .), classes of problems to be solved, etc. The identification stage is the introduction and training of the development team. Average duration is 1-2 weeks.

    At the same stage of expert system development, knowledge extraction takes place. A knowledge engineer helps an expert identify and structure the knowledge necessary for the operation of an expert system using in various ways: text analysis, dialogues, expert games, lectures, discussions, interviews, observation and others. Knowledge extraction is the knowledge engineer's obtaining a more complete understanding of the subject area and decision-making methods in it. Average duration is 1-3 months.

    Stage 2. Conceptualization. The structure of the acquired knowledge about the subject area is revealed. The following are determined: terminology, a list of main concepts and their attributes, the structure of input and output information, decision-making strategy, etc. Conceptualization is the development of an informal description of knowledge about a subject area in the form of a graph, table, diagram or text that reflects the main concepts and relationships between the concepts of the subject area. The average duration of the stage is 2-4 weeks.

    Stage 3. Formalization. At the formalization stage, all key concepts and relationships identified at the conceptualization stage are expressed in some formal language proposed (selected) by the knowledge engineer. Here he determines whether the available tools are suitable for solving the problem under consideration, or whether the choice of other tools is necessary, or whether original developments are required. The average duration is 1-2 months.

    Stage 4. Implementation. A prototype of an expert system is created, including a knowledge base and other subsystems. At this stage, the following tools are used: programming in ordinary languages ​​(Pascal, C, etc.), programming in specialized languages ​​used in artificial intelligence problems (LISP, FRL, SmallTalk, etc.), etc. The fourth stage of development of expert systems in to some extent is key, since this is where creation takes place software package, demonstrating the viability of the approach as a whole. The average duration is 1-2 months.

    Stage 5. Testing. The prototype is checked for the convenience and adequacy of input-output interfaces, the effectiveness of the control strategy, the quality of test examples, and the correctness of the knowledge base. Testing is identifying errors in the chosen approach, identifying errors in the implementation of the prototype, and also developing recommendations for fine-tuning the system to a production version.

    Stage 6. Trial operation. The suitability of the expert system for end users is verified. Based on the results of this stage, significant modification of the expert system may be required.

    The process of developing an expert system is not reduced to a strict sequence of the stages listed above. During the course of work, it is necessary to repeatedly return to earlier stages and revise the decisions made there.

    The stage of identifying the problem area is determining the requirements for the developed ES, the contours of the problem area under consideration (objects, goals, subgoals, factors), allocating resources for the development of the ES.

    The problem area identification stage includes determining the purpose and scope of the expert system, selecting experts and a group of knowledge engineers, allocating resources, setting and parameterizing the problems to be solved.

    The start of work on creating an expert system is initiated by company leaders. Typically, the need to develop an expert system is associated with difficulties for decision makers, which affects the efficiency of the problem area. Typically, the purpose of an expert system is related to one of the following areas:

    — training and consultation of inexperienced users;

    — dissemination and use of the unique experience of experts;

    — automation of the work of decision-making experts;

    — optimization of problem solving, generation and testing of hypotheses.

    After preliminary definition of the contours of the developed expert system, knowledge engineers, together with experts, carry out a more detailed formulation of problems and parameterization of the system. The main parameters of the problem area include the following:

    — class of tasks to be solved (interpretation, diagnostics, correction, forecasting, planning, design, monitoring, control);

    — criteria for the effectiveness of the results of solving problems (minimizing the use of resources, improving the quality of products and services, accelerating capital turnover, etc.);

    — criteria for the effectiveness of the problem solving process (increasing the accuracy of decisions made, taking into account a larger number of factors, calculating a larger number of alternative options, adaptability to changes in the problem area and information needs of users, reducing decision-making time);

    — goals of the tasks being solved (choosing from alternatives, for example, choosing a supplier or synthesizing a value, for example, distributing a budget among items);