Evernote - what is it? Evernote - what is this program, how to use it? Reviews of the Evernote program. Evernote what kind of program is this? Need evernote app


The site touched on my favorite topic - Time Management and Time Management in Evernote!!! Great! :) The article itself is not very useful, because... “moving” through life with a huge number of notebooks and tags is a waste of time in real life. :)

What am I doing? I’ll tell you a little - I already described this on one resource.

Case Management Tools:
1. Dropbox – shared documents.
2. Email is a constant work.
3. 1Password - a diary - a great relaxer and a collection of all logins and passwords.
4. Evernote – all things, all ideas, very a large number of reminders.
5. GoogleCalendar is still shared among initiative groups of people.

I will dwell in more detail on Evernote - at the moment, “it” has become the main tool for me and my team.

The first thing that happened to me with Evernote was the abandonment of many notebooks; now “everything and everything” is in three notebooks. These are the main notebook – “Main”, the “Offline” notebook and the “Implemented case” notebook. Based on the names of the notebooks, I think it’s clear what purpose each one serves. Why is that? Everything is very simple. A huge number of notebooks and tags will not allow you to work effectively with the system. Keep all notes in Main. Offline is necessary for notes with contacts - these are those contacts that are not needed very often and there is no need to clutter them notebook smartphone. As a rule, there are a lot of such contacts and, sometimes, they are “needed quickly,” so always stay on the device.

Second, the entire system is built on tags. The main thing here is not to overdo it! I have them as follows:
0_GTD: 0_Chif, 0_Day, 0_Home, 0_Maybe;
F_My_Family: F_Perents, F_Chaild1, F_Chaild2, F_Wife;
J_Jobs: J_Execute, J_Idea, J_Meeting, J_Travel, J_Contacts;
H_My_Hobby: H_Auto, H_Photo, H_GTD.

I think there is no need to comment on the tags. The most important thing here is not to overdo it! Otherwise, you will forever be stuck in the “remember tag” problem.

Lastly (or not least), it is very important to master the art of querying in Evernote. The syntax of network requests is described in detail. I will give a number of mine:
CALL: notebook:”Main” intitle:call
Inbox: -tag:*
Unfinished: notebook:”Main” intitle:yyy

All requests appear in the form of shortcuts - anyone who uses Evernote knows what shortcuts are. I will dwell on requests in more detail. In my opinion, Evernote's query system is horribly flawed. I suffered for a long time when setting up this or that request. The main problem is that there is no way to request “or”. But there is no need to despair!

Let me start with the fact that work in Evernote must be divided into several parts: 1 - collecting and organizing different materials; 2 is the actual management of affairs. The first does not require significant speed of working with the system. And, secondly, if you want to be effective, it requires fast data entry and fast retrieval. In this regard, my system is built on the following principle: quickly extract data using queries and labels. As you probably already noticed, tags related to GTD (0_GTD: 0_Chif, 0_Day, 0_Home, 0_Maybe) start with 0 (zero), this allows me to see them at the top of the list on any device, which saves me from scrolling through the list of tags. Evernote allows you to create lists with checkboxes as notes and allows you to highlight these lists when prompted (show unchecked checkboxes - I don’t remember what it looks like in the native syntax of the system). So, for a reason unknown to me (the developers also could not answer me), such requests will be processed differently in different clients. This forced me to introduce one rule for myself - “every business ends with “yyy”” and it is in the “Main” notebook. As soon as the case is completed, it moves to the “Implemented case” notebook and my request Unfinished: notebook:”Main” intitle:yyyyyyy doesn’t pull it into work area. The same rule has been established for cases that require a call - “any case that requires a call begins with the word “Call”” and it is located in the “Main” notebook. As soon as the case is completed, it moves to the “Implemented case” notebook and my request CALL: notebook:”Main” intitle: the call no longer pulls it into the work area.

Now about the inbox - a sacred place for every person who professes GTD. :) Everything is very simple here - a note without a tag is included in the inbox, they are displayed when the Inbox: -tag:* request is run, after which everything is sorted by tags. This is roughly how I organize things in Evernote. I have developed the system for more than a year and I can already say that it is efficient.

I completely forgot - Evernote makes it very convenient to use email as a tool for sending notes to the required notebook or to a specific tag. For example, an email is created with the subject: “Work under employment contracts yyy @Main #0_Day ​​#J_Execute” the letter contains the necessary information. The letter is sent by email *@evernote.com and rest assured that it will be there in this notebook and with these labels. And since I've given up on a lot of notebooks, I don't spend time writing "@Main".

I also wanted to especially emphasize that the positive effect of working in Evernote is only possible when you constantly work with it - the system is constantly open on the desktop and on the animal. What I love about working with an elephant is the ability to work in the same environment. Evernote already allows you to create reminders, but GoogleCalendar is still difficult to abandon. :)

The topic is very rewarding and I can write on it endlessly! Evernote, when properly configured, can make life easier, enormously easier, for a person working on completely diverse projects and constant meetings with people.

In this article we will talk about the Evernote program, which is very popular on the smartphone and tablet PC market today, namely the version of the application for the Android operating system.

Evernote for Android is a multifunctional application for creating all types of custom notes. Main plus this application is that Evernote allows you to sync the notes you create across all your devices, thus creating your own personal workspace.

Create your own workspace with Evernote

Evernote will allow you to save all the most important moments of your life in the form of convenient text notes, photos, videos and audio recordings. The application allows you to find the information you need wherever you are: at home, on the road, on a business trip or on vacation - manage your data quickly and easily!

Keep your work organized and fast with Evernote:

  • create your own notes, to-do sheets or even multi-page notes;
  • save interesting information - Internet pages, photographs, documents;
  • find any information you are interested in - quick search from Evernote will make your work faster;
  • show presentations and the results of your work on big screen in order to organize working interaction.

I would like to note that in the Evernote app on Android you can manage your expenses and credit cards. There is also the possibility of organizing a business trip: booking air tickets, hotel rooms and storing important information for trips.

How to use Evernote on Android OS?

Let's look at how to work with Evernote: creating the first note, note down your information. Everything is quite simple, the application is adaptive for user perception, and has a user-friendly interface.


In the article, I briefly described all the main features and operating principles of the Evernote application on Android. I also want to note that the application has paid versions: Evernote Premium and Evernote Plus. In these versions the user has access to:

  • offline notepads;
  • ability to edit PDF files;
  • additional data protection and other functions.

If you do not want to use the premium version of the application to use information offline, then you can choose for yourself. There are a large number of these today. For Android OS these are applications such as Catch Notes, Google Keep, WizNote, Cintanotes and others.

To summarize, I want to say that by choosing the Evernote application to organize your affairs, you get a huge workspace with big amount useful functionality that every user will appreciate. You can read about the Evernote Web Clipper browser add-on.

There were a lot of questions in Silicon Valley about exactly how to use Evernote (some wrote that a calendar, contacts and notes are enough for them to store all sorts of data, so nothing else is needed), and they asked for details on how to Why do I personally use this program? So I thought that from a purely practical standpoint it would be more useful to talk about why and how I use Evernote, and in this note I will also include various information that I received at the Evernote conference. About what Evernote is and what it’s for it is used, I wrote in the corresponding article for Likbez. Here we’ll talk about the purely practical application of this useful program, especially since, as it turned out, some features of its use are not obvious to many users. So. Evernote is a system for storing (and, accordingly, subsequent use) various text notes, documents, images, and media files. Evernote is cloud service , that is, your data can be stored on the project website, and in addition, the corresponding application exists for all major OS, including, of course, mobile phones.

Platforms (and browsers) for which Evernote is available

That is, wherever you take your notes - on a computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet - you can always have access to them on your other devices, as well as from any computer (smartphone, tablet) that has access to the Network. Notes are divided into so-called notebooks, which also have one nesting level, that is, one top-level notebook can contain a certain number of nested notebooks. (By the way, in some cases I would like to have a third level of nesting.) The note can be simply text, text with formatting, you can also attach some files to it - generally speaking, any, but they differ separately image files, documents and audio files. (The maximum size of a file attached to a note is 50 megabytes for a premium account, 25 for a free account.)

Text note

The image attached to the note is stored as a scalable preview and can be opened in the viewer or graphic editor, installed in the operating system by default. You can also save the image to your computer.

Note with attached image

All images attached to the recordings are recognized on the Evernote server and the results are included in the search index. That is, you can later search by text in images, which opens up very interesting application possibilities. For example, you can take photos with your phone and save business cards in Evernote, and then search for information on the corresponding person. It works very well, I use it all the time - here's an example.

The recognized text from the business card is found by search

Similarly, the text of handwritten notes and any photographs is recognized - for example, photographs of the working hours of an institution. (But here you need to understand that not every text in an image can be recognized qualitatively.)

Handwritten note

The audio attached to the note has a special playback icon, and this track can be played directly from the note.

Play the attached track

Audio can be recorded directly into the note itself: from a computer, phone, tablet. In this case, Evernote is used as a voice recorder, and the recorded track is automatically included in the created recording. Then, of course, it can be saved as separate file and use as you wish. I often use this opportunity for all sorts of journalistic purposes, when I need to record someone’s speech or interview so that I can listen to it again if necessary.

In one note - there is a recording, a video file and a picture are attached

PDF documents attached to a note are stored in a form that allows you to conveniently view these documents directly in the note - without opening it with some kind of PDF reader.

PDF document, attached to the note

When notes are written on a phone-tablet, Evernote can save it there your location data(if you allow it, of course), you can also manually specify coordinates when writing a note on a computer. Using location data, it is then very convenient to select notes from the series: “Hey, what did I write there when I was in Ibiza?”

General Map

Notes in Spain and Ibiza

Tags- when creating or editing a note, you can enter tags in a special field to facilitate further search and selection. (However, even if you do not enter them, Evernote itself will analyze the text and select the appropriate tags when copying pages with a web clipper.)

Tags in my Evernote

Web clipper - special program, available for various browsers. Using a web clipper, you can save a web page, an article from a web page (without unnecessary formatting) or just a URL as a note.

Web Clipper Options

Saving an article

Shared notebooks- any notebook can be made shared, that is, you can give access to it to anyone or a limited circle of people.

Setting up sharing

Offline notepads- during normal use of Evernote on mobile devices Oh Only titles are downloaded from the cloud, and if you want to receive the contents of the note, then your computer (device) must be connected to the Internet. This is not always convenient when traveling, when you may not have access to Wi-Fi or mobile Internet. In this case, it is advisable to download the necessary notes in advance, and offline notebooks are available for premium users: if a specific notebook is declared offline, the system will store all the notes, including locally - on all devices where the notebook is offline. Local notepad- any notebook can be declared local, and then its notes will be stored only locally, without synchronization with cloud storage. That’s all key features of this service. Now let's see how and why I use this purely practically. My personal uses for Evernote When some users say that they only need to store a contact database and a calendar, they are at least disingenuous. There is a large amount of varied information that needs to be stored and easily accessed, and if users say that they only use contacts and a calendar, this means that they save other information they need in various programs. Why store everything you need in various programs, when all this can be stored in one, which also provides cloud storage and is there for all platforms? Accordingly, with this, I store everything in Evernote that does not relate to the calendar and contacts. Namely: 1. Any useful notes and articles- on computer topics, household topics, and so on and so forth. If you see something interesting on the Internet, you copy the article into a note in the notebook you need, and then you can forget about it, because you will always find this note when you need it. By the way, for more comfortable work for online articles, there is the Evernote Clearly tool - it allows you to completely clear the article of all unnecessary design, read it on the site and/or save it as an Evernote note.

Article via Clearly

2. Any settings information. For example, my settings home Internet(there, at a minimum, you need to set the appropriate MAC address - I kept it on a piece of paper in my desk drawer for a long time, and how many bitter words did I say when I had to look for this piece of paper again), some specific settings of the router (port forwarding ) and so on. And they are still stored there important settings routers and other devices of my friends and relatives - how many times did this help me out when everything went wrong for them again.3. Business cards a wide variety of people. I hate keeping business cards because you'll never find anything among them later. Now I don’t store them in analog form. I made a note, took a photo of the business card, and threw it away: Evernote will index the data and then I can find this person by first name, last name, position, or company name.4. Trips. This is generally the most important thing. I travel often - once or three times a month. For each trip you need to store: e-tickets, program of stay (if any), booking hotels, cars, contacts of people I need to meet, and so on. It's all streamed into Evernote, and I've never lost anything. In addition, very often it is necessary to retrieve some data from a previous trip - well, they are all there, arranged in order: I do not destroy old data, they can always come in handy.5. Purchases. While communicating on the Internet or studying some data on a website, you come to the conclusion that you want to purchase this or that electronic toy. In order not to forget what I am going to purchase, the relevant information is written in a separate notebook - with all the data, links, images, and so on.6. Regular purchases. The house uses five types of light bulbs, two types of printer cartridges, and some other little things. All this is recorded in the appropriate notebook - markings, photographs. Now you can't go wrong when purchasing.7. Confidential information. The Evernote system, of course, is more suitable for storing more or less open information and is not seriously protected. However, it also has some built-in security features, such as encrypting certain pieces of text. I have some sensitive data that might be needed at some point, and I store it as encrypted notes. The storage system is organized in such a way that even if someone suddenly gains access to my account and at the same time decrypts the notes, he still will not be able to use them, since a rather cunning system is used to remember them. But I can use all of this if necessary. By the way, I know people who even store variable code cards for banking in Evernote - this despite the fact that the images here are not encrypted. (I talked to the developers about this topic, they promised to think about making this option optional.) These people explain this approach by the fact that, firstly, you can’t always tell from the card what bank it is from (for me, for example, there are almost identical cards from one Russian and Spanish bank), and besides, even if you understand - well, go find out your login login and password, plus take possession of my phone, where the SMS with confirmation arrives. When several types of protection are used, variable code cards can even be stored this way, although this, of course, is not very secure. 8. Wall signs. This mainly concerns the opening hours of certain establishments. How does your police passport office work? Take a photo of the sign once, put it in a note with the appropriate name - and that’s it, you can always see the opening hours.9. Constantly needed data. For example, I need to periodically look at the size of title and announcement illustrations on certain projects where I work as editor-in-chief. All this is recorded in the corresponding project notebooks and is available almost instantly. Also, all sorts of car parameters - wheels, tires, filled oil - are stored in a note.10. What films to watch. From time to time they recommend some films. Previously, I kept a similar list somewhere in Word, and, of course, adding data to it when you were not at the computer was very difficult. Now this is kept in the corresponding note in Evernote - and edited from anywhere.11. Wine. They recommended some wine, I liked some wine - I wrote down the name, photographed the label and threw it in the appropriate note. Then you can always get it in the store, look and look for the right brand.12. Cooking recipes. Write down an interesting recipe from the Internet, write down someone’s words, take a photo of the finished dish, and so on. By the way, for advanced eaters and cooks there is even special application Evernote Food. But for this task it is quite convenient to use regular Evernote.13. Banking. Accounts of various people to whom, for one reason or another, I can transfer money, protected and encrypted information on some of my cards, data on my accounts, data on some calculations and transfers (so that I can always return to them), etc., etc. 14. Cellular. It is very convenient to store various special options when traveling to other cities or abroad. I use this all the time.

15. Audio notes. All kinds. An interview with someone, speeches at conferences, my own audio notes, which I make somewhere along the way, when it is much more convenient to talk than to write down. It seems like everything. But I have only listed the main areas, and there are also all sorts of different side areas, plus about once a month I find Evernote some new area of ​​application, like storing some photos, which I would like to have access to in any case and from any platform .Many people also use Evernote as a structured and indexed repository for various documents that they would always like to have at hand - well, that’s also an option, although this is not particularly suitable for me due to the number of these documents and their volume. Well, I should note that Evernote - This is still not a file storage system. This is a system for storing information - including attached files. For cloud storage of large volumes of files, it is more convenient to use other systems - for example, Dropbox or 4Sync (they immediately give 15 GB, unlike Dropbox). Some data from the Evernote conference Well, and some more data from the Evernote conference, which was announced by Phil Libin, the company’s CEO.

Phil Libin performs

The company now employs 230 people (a year ago there were 88). There are 15,000 registered API developers (and companies). The system currently has 38 million users (accounts). A year ago there were 12 million. The company has seven offices around the world. The main one is in Silicon Valley, the second American one is in Austin, Texas, Zurich (Switzerland), Moscow (Russia), China, South Korea and Japan. Phil also spoke in detail about the upcoming release of a completely new product based on Evernote, The Evernote Business system is a common environment for storing and processing information for small and medium-sized businesses.
The following innovations are planned there: Administration
Administrators will have access to a special panel where they can manage user accounts and their rights within the organization.

Data management
Any information added to Evernote Business notebooks is controlled by the company. Everything that is created and stored in a user's personal Evernote account is controlled by the user.

Easy connection
Once a company installs Evernote Business, employees can be connected by simply adding their corporate addresses Email to the list.

Simplified payment system
Simple and convenient payments for the entire organization using corporate bank card or payment by invoice.

All this is planned to be launched by the end of 2012.

There are a number of programs without which it is simply impossible to work effectively. One such program is Evernote for Windows. We will mainly assume that it is for Windows, although the program will be used on many mobile devices. Cross-platform thing, oh how. But it’s advisable to start with an ordinary computer/laptop, then you can quickly understand why all this is happening.

What is evernote for?

When some bloggers begin to explain the essence of Evernote, they often confuse themselves, talking about some difficulties, some examples in order to understand why it was all invented. But there are people who understand the meaning of the program quickly and simply. I consider myself one of those people. Why? As a teenager and young adult, I was quite inquisitive. Therefore, in addition to books, I had a bunch of notebooks and notebooks, where I wrote down various information, breaking it down by topic. After all, it is inconvenient to store a dozen magazines if what is interesting takes up a small part of the notebook. Or you just need to write down an anecdote, a quote, a thought. Or sketch out a short plan.

It seems to get rid of the mess, but over time, when a large number of notebooks and notebooks accumulate, it becomes a little problematic to sort through them. But it’s still better than piles of magazines, newspapers, sheets and other things.

So, Evernote is primarily a program for creating and organizing notebooks in which notes will be written. Moreover, there are two levels of notebooks - a set of notebooks on a broad topic, and inside there are specific notebooks, inside of which, in turn, there are thematic notes.

When I installed the program, I very vaguely understood what it was for.

It’s just that Evernote was at its peak in popularity on the Internet, everyone was writing about it, describing all sorts of possibilities for accumulating and storing information (and I love this business). But there was no clarity on this issue.

No, to say right away that in a simplified form this is a set of notebooks on various topics and you can have access to these notebooks from any workplace or mobile phone. Everything else is bells and whistles.

Evernote sync

The main advantages of Evernote synchronization. All your notes will be synchronized via the Internet and you will have access from any of your devices. You just need to install the application; access can be obtained online by logging in through evernote.ru; various types of data are supported; very convenient search and selection of notes; sensitive data can be protected with a password.

Evernote cons

There are also disadvantages: free version limitation on the amount of information. 60 MB per month for synchronization.

This is why I use text notepads more than any multimedia. You can, of course, use other programs - but it’s convenient, damn it!

The paid version costs $45 per year. But many new features are added, such as access for multiple users, increasing the volume of synchronized information up to 1 GB.

Where can I download Evernote?

Go to the website and download the client for your computer by clicking the green “Download Evernote” button.

The installation is standard. You can see step by step how to install and how to register in this place. There's also how to create your first note, add an image or a piece of a web page with using the Web Clipper.

You can download all related applications here. Be sure to install Web Clipper to the desired browser. Using the clipper, you can save web pages directly from your browser.

In the applications, you can select and download the required mobile client for smartphones under iOS control, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone 7.

Evernote features.

Set of notepads

1. The very first thing to do is to identify key sets of notebooks. Several big directions. For example, the sets “Work offline”, “Work online”, “Hobbies”, “Household chores”. Or “Business”, “Leisure”, “Information”. In short, here you need to think about and choose the main priorities. I did everything quickly myself and it didn’t turn out very well. Although you can spend a little time and redo it.

2. Then notebooks are created in each of the sets. For example, in the “Work Online” set, notebooks are made for each specific blog, notebooks for external and internal optimization, general work on blogs, etc. There are local notebooks (that is, they are stored only on your computer) and synchronized ones (the information is posted online).

Evernote notes

3. The necessary notes are created in specific notebooks. It is advisable to assign short but informative tags to each note. Then information can be searched through the hierarchy of notebooks or quickly using a label.

Evernote protection

4. Confidential information You can additionally password protect it. I would be careful about storing all passwords for various services online. But you can save your passport data and additionally put a password on it. Paranoia won't hurt. Once again I’m talking about the main thing - in the free version only 60 MB are synchronized. per month. Therefore, you need to store text information online and attach optimized pictures to notes. That is, photos and pictures need to be compressed as much as possible, just like blogging.

Audio notes

6. It is better to store the rest of the media information using other methods. The only time when it is convenient to use Evernote is to make your voice recordings in audio notes, preferably in local notebooks, especially if the recordings take up a lot of space.

There is an opportunity to do handwritten note, recording a screenshot from a webcam.

Now, on your computer both at home and at work, you can log into the evernote desktop utility and work with notebooks. In the same way, you can work with these notebooks using a smartphone or from a browser anywhere. This will be the notebook that you are advised to carry and write down all your thoughts.

Evernote mailbox

8. Evernote creates for you Mailbox, type [email protected], where you can send the necessary postal letters from your any mailbox.

9. Evernote has the ability to search for text in images. Take a photo of the schedule, optimize the image and attach it to a note. After synchronization, you can search for text in the image.

Using Evernote

It’s better to consider the topic of blog promotion and making money online. Although I can’t help but mention other, vitally useful options: I keep separate notebooks with notes for each blog. Convenient and easy; analysis of paid and free video courses. You look and immediately write down ideas, methods and what needs to be done; webinar analysis. We look and immediately write down the necessary thoughts. When the presenter says, take a notepad and pen, then I open Evernote; saving pieces of web pages using a clipper or simply copying; saving useful thematic links in those notes where necessary; saving passport data, codes, bank details, e-currency wallet numbers, etc.

storage of addresses, telephone numbers, necessary schedules; recording the necessary codes used in creating a blog; I conduct planning, from global plans to their sequence for the week. I write down my daily activities manually; I save quotes, aphorisms, poems, clever thoughts; I write down books that are worth reading, films that are worth watching, music that are worth listening to, etc. I write down any of my ideas and plans.

Like this useful program. On this moment Without it, it’s like being without hands, I use it in everyday life almost every day. They say that there are other programs that replace notepads, but I'm already used to Evernote for Windows. And I don’t regret it one bit.

Hello! One of the most useful and frequently used applications on my smartphone is Evernote - the most thoughtful tool for collecting, organizing and storing a wide variety of information.

As of June 2016, the application had 200 million users worldwide and a company value of $1 billion. And all because Evernote repeatedly helps you to be more organized and productive. Read the article to the end and see for yourself.

In this post, I will talk about my ideas for taking notes in this application and how to use it effectively.

If you haven’t used this program yet, I’ll briefly tell you its main features:

1. Cloud service. The program works both through an application on a smartphone and is installed on a computer. You can also work with Evernote directly in the browser. All notes are automatically saved and accessible from any device, including, if necessary, multiple users at the same time.

2. Convenient organization. All notes are distributed among notebooks. Several notebooks can be combined into a set. Each note can also be assigned tags.

3. Multi-format. The note may be a regular text file, where you can add tables, photographs, and other images. The note can also be made in audio format. If necessary, a file from your phone or computer can be attached to the note. Using the WebClipper browser extension, an entire Internet page or part of it can be added to a note in two clicks.

Evernote also allows you to make a presentation from a note, and directly send any letter from your mail to a notepad, and set a reminder on any note. And these are not all the benefits of this application.

And now to the most important thing - how to use the program 100%?

How I Organized My Evernote

1. Goals

The “Goals” set combines several notebooks that I work with almost daily. It is very convenient to always have a list of goals with you. In this set I keep:

Given that Evernote allows you to add photos, it's easy to support your goals with relevant visualizations.

This is what a visual expression of one of my goals looks like:

2. Ideas

It all starts with an idea. And if an idea is not written down in time, it is forgotten very quickly and rarely comes back again. Therefore, as soon as some nice idea pops into my head, I immediately record this beauty in my Evernote.

Very convenient: Evernote allows you to create a small icon (widget) on your smartphone’s desktop, which opens a pop-up window without having to go into the application. This allows you to quickly capture your thoughts.

I also include notes that are created during my brainstorm sessions in the “Ideas” notebook. Such sessions represent certain periods of time when I, myself or together with someone, look for new ideas for my questions or projects.

I constantly re-read my ideas and think about how to breathe life into them. Some ideas become entire projects, some are moved to the to-do list, some bide their time, and some fade away before their time has come.

3. Juicy information

This is what I call one of my sets in Evernote. This application allows you to collect useful information in one place in a very convenient way.

The “Juicy Information” set contains 4 notebooks:

1. 3-P. I have already repeatedly your facebook page wrote about the 3-P method of working with information. In short, its essence is that after reading a certain amount of information, stop and formulate 3 theses for yourself:

When I listen to a training video, an audio podcast, or read a useful article, I formulate my theses on the 3-P system in this notebook.

2. Books. This notebook is actually a continuation of the previous one, only it concerns books. If I read an educational book, I write down the main ideas of each chapter in a separate note. The most useful thing about this is that I can refer to the key ideas of any book I read at any time. Thanks to such summaries of the main points, I very quickly refresh the information I need.

3. Quotes. Whenever I come across a strong motivational quote, I always write it down in this notebook to give myself inspiration if necessary.

4. Interesting information. This notebook contains particularly interesting articles from the Internet, the information from which is valuable.

4. Projects

One of my most important sets in Evernote. I have a separate notebook for each of my current projects. You can read about my main projects on the blog.

In these notebooks I write down ideas for my projects, work plans for them, information that directly relates to such projects.

5. Personal growth

My next set in Evernote is “Personal Growth”. What notebooks does it contain?

1. Motivation and mood. Have you ever had a situation when some information motivated you or simply shook you up, giving you a powerful impetus in your life? Or perhaps it simply allowed us to look at existing problems in a new light? These are the articles that end up in this notebook.

2. Personal development. A very important notebook related to my development. There are some notes here that are very valuable to me.

First is the “Implement” note. Here I write down various ideas that I want to introduce, “build” into my daily life. Most often I find these thoughts in books, interesting interviews, etc. For example, once upon a time I wrote down “Sunday is family day” in this notebook. Or “only publish on the blog what you have implemented in your life for at least 30 days.” Or “plan at least one thing every day that will force me to step out of my comfort zone.” I write down such ideas in this notebook and monitor their implementation in my life.

Another note is the decisions I made. This is where I write down the commitments I have made to myself.

In addition, in the “personal development” notebook there are notes:

  • with my main guidelines, which I strive to follow every day;
  • a list of people who inspire me;
  • a list of new habits I want to work on.

3. Useful information for growth. This notebook contains everything helpful information, for my growth and development. Here I also write down information with useful recommendations for books, films, and websites.

4. Education. A notepad that contains information related to my studies.

6. Plans

Planning aid kit. Here are my notebooks:

1. Buy. Here I write down what needs to be bought, broken down by “me”, “family members”, “home and comfort”. By the way, in the note “Buy: my wife” I write down all the wishes that my wife expresses during our time together. And as soon as I want to please my wife or some holiday comes up, the “that’s exactly what I wanted” gift is ready.

2. Planning algorithms. It turned out to be a little clever to name my notebook))). Here are the notes from general rules or time use patterns.

To make it clear, I will give a few examples of my notes: the note “Planning the week” - contains a list of activities for summing up the week and planning for the next week; note “Weekend with the Family” - contains a list of ideas, events, activities on how you can spend an interesting weekend with the whole family.

3. To-do lists. I don’t directly manage things and tasks in Evernote. I use the Wunderlist app for this. But I still use large strokes planning in Evernote. Here I have, for example, a “Training Plan” notebook, where I wrote a list in order of relevance of various educational programs and courses that I want to study.

7. Background information

This set includes various information that you have to refer to and that should always be at hand.

Here I have a systematic collection of all business cards, photocopies of the documents I need, contracts, and various useful information.

I have a separate notebook containing information that helps me on trips and trips. Here I have worked out lists of things that need to be taken for going to the sea, on a hike, or traveling to another city for work matters. Thanks to such lists, getting ready goes very quickly and nothing is forgotten.

8. Finance

As in the case of the “To-Do Lists” notebook, the “Finance” set is not my main tool for keeping track of personal finances. But still some important information stored here.

I photograph and save receipts and receipts here, etc. financial documents which will need to be addressed in the future.

I have a separate note dedicated to my personal financial system - an algorithm that helps me plan, save and spend money correctly.

9. Creative storage

In childhood, creativity flows out of our kids. And if you keep all their creative results at home, you will need at least several cabinets.

But even here Evernote can be useful. In this application, I created a gallery of my daughter’s creativity and at any moment of the day I can go there and admire her creations.

Like, for example, with a heart like this.

My conclusions about working with Evernote

At the moment, I have 155 current notes in Evernote.

Evernote has become an indispensable tool for me in everything I do, helping me organize and streamline almost every aspect of my life. It has become for me not only a tool for organizing information, but also daily inspiration.

And in conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to one important thing. You need to constantly work with your notes, re-read them and think about them so that this application does not turn into a useless dump of information. So instead of just scrolling through my Facebook feed, I prefer to work with my posts in Evernote.

I wish you to be productive!

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