EVic VTC mini – and kanthal... what to do? Lithium iron phosphate battery modeling charging mode Dependence of NRC on SoC when charging the battery. Oleinikov equation.

Hello everyone.
The device reviewed below belongs to the “electronic cigarettes” category.

The Eleaf iStick TC100W box mod is a continuation of the line of popular budget devices from the Chinese company Eleaf. The main difference from its older brother (and the decisive factor for me when purchasing) is that the hero of the review has a temperature limiting mode (thermal control) on nickel, titanium and, most importantly, on stainless steel.

I ordered the box on January 27th, I was prepared for the fact that they wouldn’t have time to send it before the start of the all-Chinese drinking binge, but by some miracle I was lucky) I picked it up at the post office on February 19th.
At the time of purchase the price was $32.39, the final price with points and e-package delivery was $24.68

The box mod is packaged in a box made of thick cardboard, familiar to Eleaf devices. Notice the Firmware Upgrade icon.

On the back of the box all the main features of the device are listed and there is a sticker with an originality verification code.

Inside the box: box mod, USB cable for charging and firmware, instructions in several languages ​​(Russian available).

The body of the box mod is made of metal. At the top of the device there is a 510 connector with steel threads and a spring-loaded brass pin and a fire button lock switch.

In the area of ​​the connector, two chips have already been discovered on the paint (ceramic coating?)

At the bottom of the case there are 5 “ventilation type” holes and a microUSB connector for flashing the mod and charging batteries.

On the front side there is a display, “+”, “-” buttons and a mode selection button

On the reverse side there are 5 more holes for ventilation, Eleaf and iStick TC100W logos

The batteries in the device are located in different compartments under metal covers that are attached to the body using magnets. The inner surface of the seats is marked +-. The contacts are brass, the lower contact is spring-loaded.

The lids are the same, they fit very tightly, do not rattle, do not play, or fly off. If lost, a set of replacement covers can be found in Chinese stores for 5-6 dollars.

Under one of the covers at the top of the device there is a Fire button. The button travel is about 1 mm, with a distinct click.

Photo to assess the dimensions of the device

Compared to "big brother"

Boxmod can work in wattage, thermal control and mechanical modes.
Briefly about the variable watt mode: the coil resistance is supported from 0.1 Ohm - 3.5 Ohm, output power from 1 W to 100 W. In variwatt mode, the duration of the puff is displayed.

Mechanical mod mode (bypass) - the helix resistance is supported from 0.1 Ohm - 3.5 Ohm. Pressing the Fire button also displays the duration of the puff.

Thermal control mode (TC-Ni, TC-Ti, TC-SS) - the box mod works with coils made of nickel, titanium and 316 stainless steel. Supported resistance 0.05 Ohm - 1.5 Ohm, temperature adjustment 100-315°C.

It is also possible to manually adjust the temperature coefficient of the spiral material and save the obtained values ​​in the form of three presets (M1, M2, M3).

In thermal control mode, the device display shows: remaining battery charge, resistance of the installed coil, selected temperature in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, selected coil material or TCR preset (Ni, Ti, SS, M1, M2, M3), output power. When the resistance is locked, the Ω icon changes to the image of a lock. In short, the same as in 40 and 60 watt isticks.

Boxmod can measure battery voltage (one battery). To do this, you need to install the battery in any of the seats, turn off the device by pressing the Fire button five times and hold down the Fire and “-” buttons. The instructions allow the use of batteries with a potential difference of no more than 0.3V.

By the way, about the instructions. It is very detailed, written in clear language and has 13 pages.

Let's move on to testing in practice. I bought the box mod for the sole purpose of testing thermal control on stainless steel. I successfully used stainless steel in variwatt mode on my old 100V iStick, so after unpacking the new device I simply screwed an atom onto it with already installed spirals with a resistance of 0.26 Ohm. I chose the SS mode, set the power to 50W, the temperature to 200°C, pressed Fire... and grabbed a mouthful of excellent high-quality smoke. It's a shame. In short, it turned out that on firmware 1.00, with which the device came to me, thermal control on stainless steel does not work.
- downloaded firmware 1.10 from here, flashed it in two clicks - the TC started working, the maximum power of the device increased to 120W.

General impressions and conclusions:
Compared to the previous 100W iStick, the device under review has slightly decreased in size, but gained weight. The battery charge is enough for me to use for a day, just like on the old “100-watt” one. After changing the firmware, we get a 120-watt box mod with correctly working thermal control, pleasant appearance and other goodies, such as replaceable indestructible metal covers. At a price of 33-36 bucks, I see only Cuboid from Joyetech as the iStick's competitors.

Thank you for taking the time to read the review. I probably missed a lot of things - I’m ready to answer in the comments.
All the best.

UPD: coupon ETC100W, discount up to $28.89 per device

Thermal control on Kanthal evic vtc mini - this term will not raise any questions among experienced users of electronic cigarettes. But it can cause a multi-minute “load” for users who have only recently entered the vaping industry.

Let's figure out in order what evic vtc mini is, and how the words kanthal and thermal control apply to this concept. We will gradually understand all these strange words.

The electronic cigarette, from the industry flagship company Jotetech.Vtc, is the older brother of a device called evic-VT, which at one time made some noise in its circles. When developing vtc, the successes and flaws of the previous version were thoroughly analyzed, and a truly interesting device hit the market. It is worth noting that vtc can hardly be called a device for a beginner.

As in the previous model, our baby has a simply gorgeous huge display. This is good news, but more on that a little later.

When developing vtc, numerous requests and comments from users were taken into account, and this led to a clear improvement of the product:

  1. The older brother has become much more compact and lighter.
  2. The connector is now located on the button side.
  3. The chrome on the lids is finally gone.
  4. Now the mod runs on a standard 18650 battery, which can be replaced very quickly. You can also not remove the battery, but charge it via the built-in charger via a USB connection.
  5. The shuttle, which was not convenient for everyone, has been replaced with the more familiar plus and minus buttons.
  6. Power adjustment in thermal control mode varies from 1 to 60 watts.
  7. Working in the TC mode in general began to show its best side.
  8. The board in this model does not buzz or tick, as was the case with its predecessor.
  9. The new matte finish, although it has taken away some of the charm from the device, is now safe to use without a case.
  10. Very important point that the firmware can now be updated. Updates will expand the capabilities of the board and add new functions.

The improvements are numerous and significant, which indicates serious work carried out on the device. Now let's look at what our mod is basically equipped with. What's under the hood?

Mod equipment

Simply huge compared to competitors o-led display has a vertical location. All the information that you may need when using the device is very conveniently located on the screen and can be read without the need to turn the mod. Instead of the standard battery charge indicator, it is possible to install a puff counter, or a vaping time counter.

Incredibly convenient controls. Switching on, as well as switching off, is done by pressing the button five times.

Technical characteristics of the vape.

Enter the menu by pressing it three times. eVic-VTС Mini can operate in 4 modes:

  1. Thermal control on nickel.
  2. TK on titanium.
  3. Mechmod.
  4. Variwatt.

There is a lock against changes at the selected power. To do this, press “+” and “-” simultaneously and hold for 2 seconds. The device will continue to operate, but changes to power settings will not be available. Unlocking the Key Lock function occurs in a similar way.

The stealth mode is implemented very competently in this device. This mode is entered by simultaneously pressing the Fire button and the minus button. In this mode, the screen will not work while vaping. If you need to change the vaping parameters, the screen will light up while the value is being changed and go off again. If you just need to look at the information on the screen, then you need to quickly press the Fire button once and the necessary information will appear on the display for a short time.

During the puff, the information on the display changes dynamically, showing the real characteristics of the device at a given second. In the mechanical mode, the voltage and resistance values ​​will change, and in the thermal control mode, the real temperature and power will be shown. The inconvenience of this function is that only in the mirror can you see this data, since after releasing the button the screen will return to normal and go dark after 30 seconds.

The mod contains all possible protection options:

  • the mod constantly monitors changes in resistance and adjusts the voltage in real time;
  • short circuit protection is constantly working;
  • winding resistance in TC mode on nickel and titanium is fixed separately for each selected mode;

The board, in principle, is very responsive and instantly responds to turning it on or off, without long loading times, which occur in most other BBs.

Operating modes

I would like to pay a little attention to the operating modes of this device and explain the main points of each of them.

The device has several main operating modes: VW (variable watt), Temp Ti, Temp SS, TCR, Bypass, Start. To switch between modes, press the main button 3 times.


This mode allows the user to control the device's power output from 1 to 75 watts.

In this mode, the following characteristics are displayed on the screen:

  1. Power, power.
  2. Volt, voltage.
  3. Menu showing additional information
  • Amp – current strength;
  • Puff – number of puffs;
  • battery charge.

To select the desired parameter, press the main button three times and select the desired parameter. To reset the number of puffs or vaping time, you need to select the desired characteristic and hold down the main button for a few seconds.

Bypass mode

This mode will give the user of an electronic cigarette the opportunity to supply voltage from the battery directly to the atomizer, that is, work in mechanical mode mode, but with short circuit protection. The resistance of atomizers that supports the device in this mode is from 0.1 to 3.5 Ohms.

In bypass mode, the display will show the following characteristics:

  1. Power, power.
  2. Volt, voltage.
  3. Coil, atomizer resistance.
  4. A menu that displays additional information.

The following options will be displayed in this menu:

  • Amp – current strength;
  • Puff – number of puffs;
  • Time – total puff time, measured in seconds;
  • battery charge.

Thermal control mode

In thermal control mode, the user can control not only the output power, but also the maximum temperature of the coil, which is set in the atomizer. Controlling the overheating of the coil is very important to prevent the coil from overheating and thereby increase its service life. But this is not the only main function of thermal control.

In mods with thermal control, the most the best material, as practice shows, is titanium. This will provide better temperature control and ultimately reduce battery power consumption. In addition, titanium has a fairly high resistance, which will make it easier to customize the device for this metal. If we consider the physicochemical characteristics, titanium will be the safest material for a spiral, unlike nickel.

It is around this metal that the most controversy flares up on forums and in user circles. If we consider nickel as a material for the spiral in a device without a TC, then there is some risk. In case of overheating, nickel releases some toxic substances that tend to accumulate in the human body. Over time, this effect will cause negative consequences.

It is generally accepted that devices with thermal control completely relieve the user of this problem. Scientists say that the danger is not going away. The only difference is that the amount of toxins released is several times less.

The main risk group for nickel vaping is people with individual intolerance or allergic reactions to nickel evaporation products. Laryngeal edema is the easiest thing a person can expect. Or there may be consequences that are invisible, but with a much less favorable outcome.

Regarding nickel, people are divided into 2 camps. If the first sound the guard about nickel soaring, then their antagonists provide specific numbers and arguments. There are 2 cases of complications from nickel vaping per 1000 people. But statistically this is an indicator of danger. And if we consider the physical overheating of nickel, then the wire must be used for a long time at a temperature of about 600 degrees, which is impossible with modern devices.

In its standard configuration and software Our device cannot run on Kanthal.

TCR mode

TCR mode – temperature coefficient of resistance. This mode will allow the user to adjust the TCR for the metal that is used in the evaporator. This means that if the TCR value of the metal used in the evaporator is known, then the user will be able to use the evaporator in temperature control mode.

For some materials, TCR values ​​are important:

  • nickel – 600-700;
  • NiFe – 300-400;
  • titanium – 300-400;
  • stainless steel – 80-200.

Kanthal is not included in this table because basic settings devices do not allow vaping on this material. But this problem was eliminated with the release of firmware v3/0 for Joyetech eVic VTC mini.

This firmware brought the following points to users of this device:

  • new interface;
  • faster scrolling by watts;
  • in VT mode the spread is now from 0.05 to 1.5 Ohms;
  • The mod should now automatically recognize 304 and 316 stainless steel;
  • new TCR mode – mode manual installation temperature coefficient.

Exactly last point and I would like to pay attention because it is this innovation that will allow us to establish the temperature coefficient of the wire, which was not previously officially supported.

You can find the firmware itself on the manufacturer’s website and related forums, and there you can also find tables of characteristics of different metals and calculators that will allow you to make correct winding calculations.

Steam, don't oversteam

Now even the most inexperienced user has a more or less clear picture of what the difficulty of vaping kanthal on the eVic VTC mini was.

With the exit latest firmware this problem has exhausted itself, and the user will again begin to discover new horizons for vaping such a cool and modern device. We will wait for new firmware and new features for our mod.

Dimensions: 40*50*84 mm.

Operating modes: VW/TC-Ni/TC-Ti/TC-SS/TCR

Output power: 1 -200 W.

Resistance range: 0.05-1.5 Ohm in thermal control modes 0.1-3.5 Ohm in variable watt mode

Evaporator temperature range: 100-315°C/200-600°F

Turn on and off:

Open the battery compartment cover, then, observing the polarity, install 3 high-current 18650 batteries. The device turns on by pressing the main button five times. The device turns off in the same way, by pressing it five times. (Note: Do not use batteries with damaged insulation. Pre-set the power based on the installed evaporator.)

Vaping: Keep the main button pressed and take a puff.

Attention: Before starting use, be sure to adjust the power according to the capabilities of your atomizer and your own preferences.

Stealth mode:

This mode allows you to hover with the screen turned off. When the device is turned on, simultaneously hold down the main button and the Left button to turn off/on the display. You can continue to use the device, and by pressing the main button once, the display will show the current characteristics.

Locking adjustment buttons:

With the device turned on, hold down the “Left” and “Right” keys simultaneously. The main button is not blocked and the device can continue to be used.

Changing the display orientation: With the device turned off, press the “Right” and “Left” buttons simultaneously for a few seconds until the image on the display flips 180 degrees. The reverse coup is carried out in the same way. This feature will allow you to maintain the ease of use of the device, regardless of which hand you prefer to hold it in.

Switch between VW/TC-Ni/TC-Ti/TC-SS/TCR modes:

1. Turn on the device by pressing the main button five times. The display shows

Mode (VW, TC-Ni, TC-Ti, TC-SS, TCR) and battery charge indicator
Temperature (in TK modes) or Power (in VW modes)
Power (in TK modes) or Voltage (in VW modes)
Additional information (Amperage, Number of puffs, Time of puffs) and resistance.

2. Quickly press the main button 3 times to enter the menu. Switch modes with the Right button. Press the main button to confirm your selection.

3. VW (Variwatt) mode: In this mode, the output power is adjustable in the range of 1-200W.

4. TC-SS316 mode: Designed to work with SS316 stainless steel evaporators.

5. TCR mode (M1, M2, M3): Temperature coefficient of resistance. This mode allows the user to adjust the TCR for the material used in the evaporator.

In TCR mode, when the mode indicator is blinking, press the Left button to enter the TCR submenu (M1, M2, M3). To switch modes (M1, M2, M3) use the “Right” button. To confirm your selection, press the main button.

How to use TCR mode?
With the device turned off, simultaneously hold down the main button and the Right button for about 5 seconds to enter the TCR mode settings menu:

Select item M1, M2 or M3 using the control buttons;
Press the main button to confirm your selection;
Use the control buttons to select the desired coefficient value;
Press and hold the main button for about 10 seconds to save the settings.

Table of TCR values ​​for various materials:
The values ​​shown are the actual temperature coefficient of resistance values ​​multiplied by 106
TCR range: 1-1000.

Material TCR value
Nickel 600-700
NiFe 300-400
Titan 300-400
Stainless steel SS (303, 304, 316, 317) 80-200

Additional functions of thermal control modes:
Lock/unlock evaporator resistance:

While the resistance menu is blinking, press the Right button to lock. (Note: This procedure is performed at room temperature.)

Only block the resistance when the evaporator is at room temperature. This gives the device the correct “base” resistance, based on which the electronics can correctly calculate the temperature of the coil until replacing the evaporator. The blocked resistance makes it possible to disconnect and reconnect the evaporator regardless of its temperature.

Temperature setting:

In thermal control modes, you can independently adjust the desired temperature of the evaporator coil within the range of 100-315°C or 200-600°F using the “Right” and “Left” control buttons.

Switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit scales:

When adjusting the temperature, when the upper or lower limit is reached, the device automatically switches from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa.

Power adjustment:

Power adjustment: While the power menu is blinking, use the adjustment buttons to change the power. Press the main button to confirm your selection.

Message “New Coil, Same Coil”:(6)

If you are installing an evaporator with a higher resistance than the previously installed evaporator, you may need to "upgrade" the base evaporator resistance at room temperature.

After disconnecting the atomizer from the device, press the main button to “reset”, and then when you attach a new atomizer, you will see the message “New Coil, Same Coil” on the display. In case you have indeed replaced the evaporator with a new one, press the “Right” button.

You can see the same message if you installed the same evaporator, but it has a high temperature (it did not have time to cool down) and, accordingly, a higher resistance than it had at room temperature. The device's electronics need confirmation that it is still the same evaporator with the same "base" resistance - so when the message appears, press the left button, thus confirming that the evaporator has not changed.

Do not forget to correctly perform the steps described above for the correct operation of the thermal control modes.

1. In temperature control modes, resistance up to 1.5 ohms is maintained. If an evaporator with high resistance is installed, the device will automatically switch to variable watt mode.

2. If you accidentally try to use the Kanthal vaporizer in one of the temperature control modes, the device will automatically switch to vari-watt mode after two seconds of vaping.

Error and protection messages:
Over 10 Second Protection: If the main button is pressed for more than 10 seconds in a row, protection against accidental pressing is activated and a corresponding message appears on the display.

Atomizer Short-circuit Protection: This message appears when short circuit in the evaporator.

Weak Battery Alert: If the battery voltage drops below a certain limit while vaping, the device will display a corresponding message and reduce the output power.

Imbalanced Alert: This message appears on the display if the device detects that the difference in voltage between the installed batteries is more than 0.3 V. In this case, remove the batteries and charge them in an external charger for balancing.

Check Battery Alert: This message means that at least one of the batteries is not installed correctly. You need to open the battery compartment cover and install the batteries correctly.

Check USB Alert: The message appears when the voltage supplied through the connected USB cable exceeds 5.8 Volts.

Low Power Alert: If the battery voltage drops below a certain limit, the message “Battery Low” appears on the display. In case you continue to press the main button, the device will automatically lock with the message “Battery low lock” on the display and stop working. For restart operation, charge the batteries.

Atomizer Low Alert: If the evaporator resistance is less than 0.1 ohm in variable watt mode, or less than 0.05 ohm in temperature control modes, the device will display a warning accordingly.

Temperature Protection: If in thermal control mode the current temperature of the coil has reached or exceeded the user-specified value, a corresponding message appears. IMPORTANT: This message is not a message about any error or failure.

Device too hot: This message appears when the internal temperature of the device exceeds 70C. In this case, the device automatically turns off and needs some time to cool down.

"Charge Error Alert": This message indicates that charging does not occur for some reason when the USB cable is connected.

"Low Power Alert": This message indicates that the battery charge has dropped to 10%. The battery indicator will flash to indicate that the batteries need to be charged.

Charging and firmware update
We recommend using an external compatible Charger For Li-ion batteries. You can also charge batteries directly in the device by connecting it to a power source using micro USB cable. The same cable is used to connect to a PC to update the firmware.



  • Connector: 510 connector
  • Battery type: 26650 format (possible to use 18650 format through a special adapter)
  • Dimensions: 46 x 30 x 93 mm
  • Modes: VW/Bypass/TC-Ni/TC-Ti/TC-SS/TCR
  • Supported resistance in VW/Bypass mode: 0.1 - 3.5 Ohm
  • Operating power: 1 – 100 W
  • Adjustable temperature range: 100 - 315 °C / 200 - 600 °F



1. Turn on/off

First, install the 26650 battery in the designated compartment.

Then press the main button five times to turn on the device. The device turns off in the same way, by pressing it five times. It is also possible to use an 18650 battery using a special adapter, with a maximum recommended power of 75 W. (Please note: Before use, set the power according to the specifications of your clearomizer. Do not use defective batteries or batteries with external damage.)

2. Stealth mode

With the device turned on, simultaneously hold down the main button and the left button for a few seconds until the message “Stealth ON” appears on the screen. In this mode, the screen will be turned off when vaping. To turn Stealth mode off, repeat this procedure again until the “Stealth OFF” message appears.

3. Locking control buttons

With the device turned on, press the “right” and “left” buttons simultaneously for a few seconds until the “Lock” message appears. To remove the lock, repeat the procedure until the “Unlock” message appears.

4. Lock switch

Move the lock switch left/right to mechanically lock the main button.

5. Micro-USB port function

The USB port can be used for charging and firmware updates.

6. Flip the display

With the device turned off, press the left and right buttons simultaneously for a few seconds until the image on the display flips 180 degrees. The reverse coup is carried out in the same way. This feature will allow you to maintain the ease of use of the device, regardless of which hand you prefer to hold it in.

Switch between VW/Bypass/TC-Ni/TC-Ti/TC-SS/TCR modes


1. To enter the menu, quickly press the main button 3 times in a row.

The display shows:

(1). Mode: Power (Variwatt), BP (Bypass), Temp Ni, Temp Ti, Temp SS and TCR.

(2). Temperature: 100 - 315°C/ 200 – 600°F.

(3). Power (W) and Resistance (Ω) in thermal control modes or Power (W) and Voltage (V) in Variwatt/Bypass modes.

(4). User information(Puff: Total number of puffs, Time: Total puff time, PCB: Board temperature) and current (A).

(5). Battery charge indicator.

After entering the menu by pressing the main button three times, the first information line begins to flash. Press the right button to select the desired mode: VW, Bypass, TC-Ni, TC-Ti, TC-SS or TCR. To confirm your selection, either press the main button once or wait until the selected line flashes ten times.

Variwatt mode (VW)

In this mode, the output power can be adjusted by the user in the range from 1 to 100 Watts. To change the power output, simply press the left and right buttons.

Bypass mode

In this mode, voltage is supplied directly from the battery to the evaporator.

The range of supported resistances in Bypass mode is 0.1 - 3.5 Ohms.

TC-SS mode

This mode allows you to use SS316 stainless steel as a heating element.

TCR (M1, M2, M3)

TCR, Temperature Coefficient of Resistance, is the newest mode that has been introduced into Wismec products to support a variety of coil materials and fine tuning when using temperature control.

In TCR mode, with the first menu line flashing, press the left button to enter the submenu and select one of the items (M1, M2 or M3) using the right button. To confirm your selection, press the main button.

Setting TCR mode

With the device turned off, simultaneously hold down the main button and the right button for about 5 seconds to enter the TCR mode settings menu:

(1). Select item M1, M2 or M3 using the control buttons;

(2). Press the main button to confirm your selection;

(3). Use the control buttons to select the desired coefficient value;

(4). Press and hold the main button for about 10 seconds to save the settings.

Table of TCR values ​​for various materials


1. The indicated values ​​are the actual temperature values

resistance coefficient multiplied by 10 5.

2. The general range of TCR1 values ​​is 1000.

Additional functions for temperature control mode

Temperature setting: In thermal control modes, you can independently adjust the desired temperature of the evaporator coil within the range of 100 - 315 °C or 200 - °600 F using the left and right control buttons.

Switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit scales

When adjusting the temperature, when the upper or lower limit is reached, the device automatically switches from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa.

Even while in temperature control mode, you can set the maximum power that the device will supply to the evaporator. To do this, press the main button three times to enter the menu, then press the left button, the “W” icon will flash. Use the right button to adjust the power, and press the main button to confirm.

Lock/unlock evaporator resistance

Press the main button three times quickly to enter the menu. After this, press the left button twice so that the third line of the display (atomizer resistance) blinks. Now press the right button to lock or unlock the atomizer resistance. A lock icon next to the resistance value indicates that resistance lock is enabled. ( IMPORTANT: Only block the resistance when the evaporator is at room temperature.)

Installing a new evaporator

If you are installing an evaporator with a higher resistance than the previously installed evaporator, you may need to "upgrade" the base evaporator resistance at room temperature.


1. If the resistance of the installed atomizer exceeds the previously determined value by at least 5%, the notification “new coil right, same coil left” will appear on the display. Confirm your choice by pressing the appropriate key: “left” - if you are using the same atomizer, or “right” - when changing the heating element.

2. The maximum allowable resistance in TC modes is 1.5 Ohm. If

resistance will exceed permissible value, the device will automatically switch to VW mode.

Switching information line modes


Setting the maximum power

Press the main button three times to enter the menu. Press the left button three times to make the information line flash. By pressing the “right” button, select the desired display mode - the number of puffs (Pusff), the total time of puffs (Time) or the temperature of the device itself (PCB).

Current current display

The current current value is shown in one of the lines on the display.

Error Messages and Warnings


No Atomizer Alert

The message appears if, when you press the main button, the device cannot detect the connected atomizer.

Atomizer Low Alert

If the evaporator resistance is less than 0.1 ohm in variable watt mode, or less than 0.05 ohm in temperature control modes, the device will display a corresponding warning on the display.

Atomizer Short-circuit Protection

This message appears when there is a short circuit in the evaporator.

Device Too Hot

This message appears if the internal temperature of the device exceeds 70°. In this case, the device automatically turns off and needs some time to cool down.

Over 10 Second Protection

If the main button is pressed for more than 10 seconds in a row, protection against accidental pressing is activated and a corresponding message appears on the display.

Temperature Protection

If in temperature control mode the current temperature

spiral has reached the user-specified value, a corresponding message appears.

IMPORTANT: This message is not a message about any error or failure.

Weak Battery

If, while vaping, the battery voltage drops below a certain limit (2.9 V), the device displays a corresponding message and reduces the output power.

Low battery

If the battery charge drops below 10%, the battery symbol on the display begins to flash, alerting the user to charge the battery.

Creates steam thanks to the heating element. And everyone knows that heating elements need to be serviced and evaporators need to be replaced.

If everything is clear with evaporators and coil windings made of Kanthal, it works in vari-watt mode, and the power is set depending on the resistance. With evaporators and coils based on nickel (Ni) and titanium (Ti), everything is somewhat different: they can no longer be used in vari-watt mode. Let's figure out what gives temperature control mode(TC).

The filling of electronic cigarette mods limits the heating of the atomizer coils to a user-defined temperature. The temperature range set on the power supplies of your electronic hookah can range from approximately 100 to 300 degrees Celsius.

  • All this functionality is intended for wires made of nickel (Ni), titanium (Ti), steel (SS), nichrome (NiCr) and other unusual materials.
  • Coils made from the materials listed above constantly increase their resistance when heated.
  • It is for such materials that the thermal control (TC) mode is intended.

When using any of the above materials as a coil in an evaporator, or in a serviced atomizer, the electronics of the mod in thermal control mode will constantly (up to several times per second) measure the resistance of the coil and supply different power. Thus, the TC mode on mods (power sources of electronic cigarettes) will prevent the possibility of rapid burnout of the coil.

If you use, for example, nickel (Ni) as a coil in the normal wattage mode, the resistance of a nickel (Ni) coil will go up when heated, but the wattage supplied to it will remain the same, which means the power will be too high for the coil and the coil will burst.

Coyles and replaceable evaporators made of nickel (Ni), titanium (Ti), stainless steel (SS) and nichrome (NiCr) should only be used on battery mods with a thermal control (TC) mode.

In addition to measuring resistance, thermal control limits heating to a certain temperature set in the vape device menu.

The temperature limit is set for safer vaping. At extremely high temperatures, over 350 - 320 degrees Celsius, some components of e-liquids become not entirely safe. That is why in temperature control mode(TC) heating temperature will be limited.

Electronic cigarettes without temperature control(TC) are almost unable to heat their evaporative systems over 300 degrees Celsius, but thermal control gives much more confidence.

Replacement evaporators designed for temperature control mode are more durable than conventional ones, with coils made of simple kanthal. While a conventional evaporator with a kanthal coil will overheat and quickly accumulate carbon deposits from boiled liquid and burnt-out cotton wool, thereby quickly failing, evaporators based on nickel or titanium will not overheat too much, and, accordingly, will not collect There's a lot of scale on you.

The service life of replaceable evaporators based on nickel (Ni) or titanium (Ti) is many times greater than their counterparts with kanthal coils.

Summarizing all that has been said, we can highlight several advantages:

  • Different materials - nickel, titanium, stainless steel, nichrome - can reveal the taste of vapor from e-liquids in different ways.
  • Increased safety of inhaled steam.
  • Longer service life of replaceable heating elements.

There are many vape devices that have a thermal control (TC) function:

  • Ergonomic battery mod with parallel installation of Eleaf iStick 100 W TC batteries
  • The famous hit from the industry's flagships, the single-battery Joyetech eVic VTC Mini
  • Very similar to the previous Kanger Toptank Mini
  • The most beautiful and stylish Smok R80 Starter Kit, which continues the idea of ​​a “boxed” design.

There are also many clearomizers and atomizers for which evaporators are made on nickel and titanium. Advanced vapers will enjoy using thermal control (TC) by winding coils made of titanium, nickel, nichrome and steel onto the drip. Buy electronic cigarette (electronic hookah) with temperature control mode and replacement evaporators are available on our website, we have a wide selection of mods with thermal control (TC) and replaceable evaporators on nickel (Ni) and titanium (Ti).