Euro jackpot draw. How to buy a ticket to the European EuroJackpot lottery online and take part in the jackpot draw

Game format: 5 main fields on the ticket (numbers from 1 to 50) + additional 6th and 7th fields of the EURO number (numbers from 1 to 8).

EuroJackpot lottery, also known as EuroPot or Euro Lotto– official European Union lottery. 14 countries take part in the lottery: Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

This largest transnational lottery, the size of the jackpot amounts in which reaches €90 million. In addition, the probability of winning in it is much higher than in EuroMillions. It's enough just buy an electronic lottery ticket– and if you're lucky, you could easily become the winner of the new European lottery and claim your Euromillions.

Jackpot size in this fairly new European lottery starts with the number in €10,000,000 Euro, and ends with this moment maximum possible - 90,000,000 Euro.

Draws take place every Friday evening at 21:00 Central European Time (CET) in Finland. The circulation can be broadcast on your local television, and its video recording can also be viewed on our website. The results are officially confirmed on the day they are announced. Winners can claim their prizes immediately afterwards.
Money is contributed to the prize fund of the EuroJackpot lottery by fourteen European countries. Thus, its jackpot sizes are much larger compared to the jackpot of any one country (this does not apply to the American Powerball lottery).

To participate in the lottery draw, you need to select a combination of 7 numbers on the ticket (of which 5 are the main fields and 2 additional ones are the “Euronumber” fields).

How is the lottery prize fund distributed among its participants?

50% of the EuroJackpot prize pool is returned to players. There is a total of 12 levels of EuroJackpot prize distribution. Any portion of the prize fund not paid to players is returned to the country in which the ticket was purchased and goes to organizations that sponsor sports, social services, cultural initiatives and environmental projects.

Distribution of prizes between participants of the latter EuroJackpot lottery draw 09/20/2013 (as an example):

12 levels in the winning distribution system number of winners Winning amount in €
1. (5 Numbers, 2 Euronumbers)
0 x 17,000,000.00
2. (5 Numbers, 1 Euro Number) 3 x 138,630.60
3. (5 Numbers, 0 Euronumbers) 5 x 43,039.90
4. (4 Numbers, 2 Euronumbers) 39 x 2,559.30
5. (4 Numbers, 1 Euronumber) 472 x 167.40
6. (4 Numbers, 0 Euronumbers) 644 x 77.40
7. (3 Numbers, 2 Euronumbers) 1.531 x 46.10
8. (3 Numbers, 1 Euronumber) 19,296 x 17.60
9. (2 Numbers, 2 Euronumbers) 21,147 x 13.50
10. (3 Numbers, 0 Euronumbers) 23,669 x 12.60
11. (1 Number, 2 Euronumbers) 113,908 x 8.70
12. (2 Numbers, 1 Euronumber) 257,832 x 7.40

The maximum EuroJackpot size is€ 90 million Euro.

From now on and always buy EuroJackpot lottery ticket online and any citizen of any state can take part in it.


Chances of winning

Prizes Correspondence Chances
1 Prize 5+2PB 1:95 344 200
2 Prize 5+PB 1:5 959 012
3 Prize 5 1:3 405 150
4 Prize 4+2PB 1:423 752
5 Prize 4+PB 1:26 485
6 Prize 4 1:15 134
7 Prize 3+2PB 1:9 631
8 Prize 3+PB 1:602
9 Prize 3 1:344
10 Prize 2+2PB 1:672
11 Prize 2+PB 1:42
12 Prize 1+2PB 1:128

EuroJackpot Lottery appeared three years ago in March, when its first circulation was presented and carried out. Every year, more and more countries appear that begin to take part in this exciting and profitable lotto.

What do you need to do to be able to participate in this lottery?

In order to become a participant in the drawing of the main prize in this lottery, you need to decide on five main and two additional numbers. These numbers may also be called star or euro numbers. The main numbers are all numbers from one to fifty, and the additional numbers are from one to ten. In order to become a jackpot winner, you must match seven balls at once, which are called lucky balls. In addition, the lotto also offers eleven other prizes, so do not be upset if you are not the lucky winner of the main prize, because some additional ones are worth hundreds of thousands of euros!

General information about the prize fund of each lottery draw

As for the amount of prizes offered, they directly depend on the prize fund available for each specific draw. According to general statistics, thirty-six percent is the jackpot, and nineteen percent is other prizes. As for another twelve percent, they are used by an increase fund, which guarantees that the main prize cannot fall below ten million euros!

What are the chances of winning the European EuroJackpot lottery?

If we talk about the chances of winning in the above lottery, then they are equal to 1 in 42, while the main prize is in the ratio of 1 to 95,344,200. If the winner of the jackpot is still undecided, the prize can be transferred to the next draws up to until it reaches ninety million euros! The excess prize fund must then be distributed to those participating in the next winning category.

Anyone can become a participant!

Although you may think that only European countries that participate in the EuroJackpot lottery can take part in this lottery, this is not at all the case: today, no matter what country you are in, you have a unique opportunity to take advantage of a lottery concierge service who will be happy to help you purchase lotto tickets online. Thus, with the help of the above service, you will not need to check your purchased tickets, because they are in automatic mode will be verified and, in the event of a winning combination, will be credited to your personal account.

Diversity of the prize fund and its main advantages

As for the prizes offered by the EuroJackpot lottery, they are characterized by extreme diversity: the main prize is a guaranteed opportunity to win ten million euros. If in one draw several winning tickets with a jackpot are determined at once, then in this case the main prize should be divided into equal parts among all the lucky owners of the winning tickets.

Features of the EuroJackpot game

Sometimes it happens that none of the players participating in the EuroJackpot lottery was able to guess the winning combination that provides the jackpot. In this case, the organizers of this drawing decide to transfer the entire amount of the main prize of this drawing to the next one. Thus, according to the official rules of this European lottery, the accumulation of the prize fund occurs, which concerns the amount of the main jackpot of a particular draw. Using the function of transferring the jackpot to the next draws, you can achieve an incredible amount of winnings: every person on the planet dreams of such a surprise! The maximum jackpot amount that will no longer be carried over is ninety million euros. If an amount exceeds the above maximum amount accumulates, the entire excess must be equally distributed among the participants who managed to become winners of the next prize category.

As for the variety of prize categories and chances of winning, the EuroJackpot lottery is a unique opportunity to become the owner of a surprisingly huge amount of money that will make all your dreams come true!

Thanks to European lottery EuroJackpot everyone can not only become a participant, but also the happy owner of incredibly nice prizes! In order to start your path to success, you don’t even need to look all over the city for the right ticket: now everything is available online, where, using automatic verification, you don’t even have to wait for the lottery time, because if you win, the cash prize will automatically be transferred to your personal account!

In this article we will tell you about the Euro Millions lottery and how to play it from Russia.

Not only employees of institutions involved in statistics, but also ordinary people noticed one interesting nuance: as soon as the economic situation in the country worsens, the number of lottery players increases. And they buy tickets not only from domestic operators - they are increasingly trying to place a bet in. The Euromillions lottery is very popular among our compatriots - the winnings there are simply sky-high, and in hard currency.

Such interest among Russians in foreign lotteries evokes mixed feelings. On the one hand, you are happy for the people who find the opportunity to participate in such popular projects, and those who are especially lucky also win. But on the other hand, it’s a shame that they don’t play out of a good life. Without the opportunity to receive a decent salary, they hope for a big win.

In general, pessimism is not our thing. And, I think, not yours, since you are reading this post and find information in it about where and how to play EuroMillions from Russia. Let's assume that playing is not about making money, but, above all, about excitement and pleasure - regardless of the result. By the way, it is people with such thoughts and such a sense of the game who most often become winners

To buy a ticket

I think it’s logical to learn a little about the history and traditions of the lottery before you start playing. And in EuroMillions, financial traditions are especially interesting - the distribution of funds. I'm sure they will pleasantly shock you.

But let's start from the beginning - from the very beginning, from the origins of the lottery.

This was not so long ago - the first draw took place in 2004 in Paris, the declared main prize was 15 million euros and it was won by a participant from France.

Initially, EuroMillions was established by three countries: Great Britain, France and Spain. Later they were joined by other participants, and now the number of co-founders is 13 countries.

The lottery jackpot is cumulative in nature with a limit “ceiling” - that is, when the amount of the main prize reaches a certain point (190 million euros), the increase stops. If no one wins this huge amount, the founders begin to increase the prizes of the second and third categories. And if the results of the Euromillions draws do not please the Jackpot, then they will certainly inspire the owners of secondary winnings, because then the entire amount is evenly distributed between them.

But this is not the most interesting thing about the lottery. It turns out that the founders of the project are very altruistic people. They keep only 0.5% of the proceeds from ticket sales.

The rest is distributed as follows:

  • 50% - for prizes for winners of all categories;
  • 28% - to support charitable foundations;
  • 12% - to the state treasury;
  • 5% — commission to ticket distributors;
  • 4.5% - for current expenses.

Rules of the game

The organizers use two separate reels for the drawing: for the main numbers (the player chooses from 1 to 50) and for additional, so-called star numbers, in the original - Lucky Stars (the player chooses two numbers from 1 to 11 - they become decisive when winning the jackpot ).

The main numbers are “responsible” for winning medium-category prizes, but if the player guesses two “star” numbers, the main prize is in his pocket.

By the way, the chance of winning at least one of the prizes in this lottery is quite high: 1/13. In European lotteries, the average prizes are quite high, so those who play Euromillions from Russia, and even manage to win, are happy with them.

To buy a ticket

When do the draws take place and how can I find out the results?

The time allowed for gambling in Europe is 21.00 GMT. For Russians living in different time zones, it varies depending on the region. If you focus on Moscow time, then you can watch the broadcast of the Euromillions draw at 00:00.

But why sacrifice sweet dreams or a night out at the club when Euromillions results are available online?

You can see them on the intermediary's website– they update the information promptly and accurately, or you can search for “Euromillion results of the latest draw » – and you will be taken to several resources at once, kindly providing not only the results, but also all the news from the lottery world.

For example, the June 2017 draw (June 27) gave great hope to all players - no one lost 79 million euros, and now all ticket holders are anxiously awaiting the next draw with a “round” Jackpot of 100 million euros.

How much does the ticket cost?

The pleasure of taking part in one of the largest European lotteries costs 2 euros per ticket. This is the price of a standard bet in most domestic lotteries, at the current exchange rate - at the level of 125-130 rubles.

There is, however, an unpleasant moment for Russian players: they are not available additional option for one euro Millionaire Raffle, which allows you to increase your chances of winning.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the intermediary’s price may be inflated, since he also takes a commission for his services.

Taxation nuances

Future millionaires, and possible owners of more modest cash prizes, before purchasing a ticket, it is useful to familiarize themselves with the nuances of taxation of winnings in force in their country.

EuroMillions winnings over €2,500 are subject to 20% federal tax. Tax is charged only on the difference between the winning amount and € 2,500. You will not have to pay tax in your country, since the winnings were received outside its territory.

How to play EuroMillions from Russia?

As we already said at the beginning of the article: to play we will have to use the services of intermediaries, that is, we will buy a ticket from “outbidders” who have their own agents in all countries where foreign lotteries are held. Russians and residents of all countries of the world can place a bet on the next EuroMillions draw through them

We have already said more than once that resources that distribute lottery tickets among foreign players must be chosen carefully and carefully.

Agentlotto is the best intermediary of international lotteries

The first question that should arise in most readers is: “Can he be trusted at all?”

To answer this, let’s look at what guarantees this intermediary gives us and generally find out how it works:

  • You go to the intermediary’s website (we recommend this one) and register
  • Next, you select the lottery you plan to play
  • Then top up your balance and pay
  • After half an hour or an hour, you get in your personal account scanned copy of the purchased ticket
  • After the drawing, if you win, you will be notified in your personal account
  • If the winning amount is small, then the money can be withdrawn to any electronic wallet, if it is large, then they will send you your ticket and you will go to the country where the lottery took place, or you can issue a power of attorney to a service employee and he, having received the money, will send it to you.

Actually, from this step-by-step description you should have understood that the main guarantee of the service is receiving a scanned copy of the ticket. This is the only guarantee. Also, a big advantage of this particular service is the fact that it has been working stably for 5 years.

Why don’t people play this lottery enough in Russia?

It would seem that it should be the other way around - knowing the reverent attitude of the organizers of European lotteries towards each of the real and even potential players, queues will line up for Euromillions coupons from Russia. But no, such a trend is not observed.

We decided to find out on our own why? And here are the conclusions we made:

  1. Despite a large number of There are still not enough resources covering lottery topics and information about foreign lotteries.
  2. Russian players are somewhat alarmed by the need, in addition to paying the bet directly, to also pay for the services of an intermediary (although this is normal practice, because they also have to earn money from their services).
  3. Low level of trust in the intermediary on the part of the players - not everyone will risk playing without the certainty that they will receive their prize if they win.

But the main reason for unpopularity is still lack of awareness.

Even if one of the gamblers has heard out of the corner of his ear that such a lottery exists, no one really knows the exact answer to the question: is it possible to play it from Russia. Also, players do not know how and where to place bets.

Therefore, it is so important that a comprehensive and detailed information was on one resource - a potential player could quickly study it, analyze it, compare the cost of bets on several lotteries, and choose the optimal one for himself.

To buy a ticket

Conclusion and conclusions + video instructions

It’s always nice to talk about pleasant things (sorry for the tautology, but, in our opinion, in this case it does not spoil the text). So I'll start with the positives:

  • high chances of winning
  • frequent circulations, which also, to some extent, increases the chances of winning
  • large jackpots
  • honesty of the organizers

Now about the disadvantages:

  • availability of taxation on winnings of all categories (in some countries the percentage is very high)
  • short deadline for applying for the main prize (for some countries)

We advise gambling people to try their luck in Euromillions at least once. Firstly, you will gain experience in the game, secondly, you will provide yourself with adrenaline for several days, and thirdly, if you are lucky, you will significantly replenish your budget.

This concludes our review of the Euromillions lottery. If you have anything to add, write in the comments.

The EuroJackpot lottery is a European lottery held once a week on Fridays, the first draw of which took place in the spring of 2012. Currently, the Eurojackpot includes 16 participating countries, which include: Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Slovenia, Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. According to statistics, the most active buyers of lottery tickets are residents of Germany - about 50% of all lottery tickets sold. This is not surprising, because among the countries participating in the lottery, Germany is by far the leader in terms of population (over 80 million inhabitants). In second place by a wide margin is Finland (a little over 13% of tickets sold), and in third place is Denmark (about 9%). Iceland sells the least number of tickets - only 0.32%. But taking into account the fact that the country has a population of about 320 thousand people, it turns out that there are not so few Eurojackpot players in Iceland.

The official website of the Eurojackpot lottery is Having visited it, you will see that the sale of EuroJackpot tickets online is not carried out by the official website, and links leading from the site to local sites of participating countries (or even states, as in Germany) of the lottery do not provide the opportunity to purchase tickets for residents of other countries through the site. Therefore, you will have to turn to trusted online intermediaries. The sale of lottery tickets is carried out only to persons over 18 years of age, which is the usual practice for lotteries.

History of the lottery

The idea of ​​creating a new European lottery arose back in 2006, two years after the official launch of the Euromillions lottery. The Eurojackpot lottery took root in Germany, because the Germans are a very gambling nation, and direct participation of German residents in the Euromillions lottery was not expected. Seeing that over the past two years the European lottery had become extremely popular, the organizers of the new alternative lottery understood that the new lottery would certainly be popular if there were more participating countries than the competitor, therefore, the jackpot of the new lottery could accumulate much faster. Of course, the rules of the new lottery were discussed most carefully, because simply copying the rules of an already known lottery was pointless and illegal. The main goal of the organizers was to increase the chances of winning the lottery compared to a competitor. This potentially increased the number of participants in the new lottery, partly due to the outflow of some participants in the competing lottery.

Despite the interest of the parties, the Eurojackpot lottery was in limbo for several years. In March 2006, several working groups were created to develop the game, intensive negotiations took place in 2009-2010, followed by the final development and test operation of the lottery. And finally, representatives of the lottery business from several countries organized another meeting in Holland on the eve of 2012. It was there that final agreements were reached between the countries participating in the EuroJackpot lottery. And in March 2012, a multilateral agreement was signed between the participating countries. Initially, the founders of the lottery were only six countries, including the main initiator - Germany, and later the rest of the countries listed at the very beginning of the review joined the lottery.

And soon after the agreement was signed, on March 23, 2012, the first official EuroJackpot drawing was held. Tickets began to be sold only 6 days before the first official draw. But since the lottery was already advertised and expected, the tickets for the new lottery sold out with a bang. And although no one hit the jackpot in the first drawing (moreover, according to rumors, the official results of the first drawing were not posted on time due to a hacker attack), over time, the first lucky ones appeared who won their jackpots. By the way, most often the Eurojackpot jackpot was won by residents of Germany, and the largest jackpot of just over 46 million euros was won by a resident of this country.

Lottery rules

The draws themselves are held once a week, on Fridays, at 21:00 local time (or at 19:00 GMT) in the capital of Finland - Helsinki. Initially, the live broadcast of the lottery draw was carried out on the Yle TV channel, then the right to show the lottery draw was transferred to the Finnish concern MTV3 Media. On Youtube channel There is Eurojackpot channel, where video recordings of the draw are posted. Ticket sales last until the day of the drawing and end several hours before the start of the official drawing. According to the rules, you need to guess five numbers out of fifty (these are the main numbers, like the lotto competitor) and two numbers out of ten additional ones. These additional numbers are called "Eurostars". It is precisely due to the fact that you need to guess two numbers out of ten, and not two out of eleven, as in Euromillions, that the chance of winning the jackpot is higher in Eurojackpot. To be completely precise, the chance of winning the jackpot is 1 in 95,344,200.

The EuroJackpot lottery prize fund is distributed as follows:

  • 1 number and 2 Eurostars correct – 7.8% prize fund
  • 2 rooms and 1 Eurostar – 19.1%
  • 2 rooms and 2 Eurostars – 3.1%
  • only 3 numbers – 4.3%
  • 3 rooms and 1 Eurostar – 3%
  • 3 rooms and 2 Eurostars – 0.6%
  • only 4 numbers – 0.7%
  • 4 rooms and 1 Eurostar – 0.9%
  • 4 rooms and 2 Eurostars – 1%
  • only 5 numbers – 3%
  • 5 rooms and 1 Eurostar – 8.5%
  • 5 numbers and 2 Eurostars (jackpot) – 36%

The remaining 22% of the prize fund goes into a special reserve, which will guarantee a minimum declared jackpot of €10 million. In addition, each draw includes 11 categories of consolation prizes. Those wishing to purchase EuroJackpot tickets can follow this link.

Lottery Jackpot

As for the jackpot, it minimum value– 10 million euros. Maximum permissible value jackpot – 90 million euros. Previously, there was another rule - the jackpot could not accumulate more than 12 times in a row. And then, if no one won the jackpot, it was distributed to the next category of prizes. However, as of February 2013, this restriction has been lifted. The current Eurojackpot lottery jackpot is as follows:

The largest jackpot won today is exactly the same threshold of 90 million euros. Interestingly, they were won in 2015 by a resident of the Czech Republic, a country that was one of the last to join the EuroJackpot lottery. In second place is a jackpot of just over 61 million euros, which went to a resident of Finland in 2014. And in third place is a jackpot of 58 million, which was won in the same year by a resident of Germany by filling a EuroJackpot ticket with a winning combination.

Eurojackpot results

The banner shows the results of the latest EuroJackpot lottery draw, by clicking on which you can download all previous lottery results in the corresponding section of the site:

Tax on EuroJackpot lottery winnings

The situation with the tax on EuroJackpot winnings is somewhat vague due to the fact that this lottery involves 14 countries, but not all of them, according to the legislation of a particular country, do not have a tax on lottery winnings. An example is Spain, which, as of January 1, 2013, introduced a tax on lottery winnings that exceed €2,500. Tax rate – 20%. The reason for its introduction is banal - replenishment of the state treasury, which was greatly weakened after the global financial crisis of 2008. Neighboring Italy generally has a progressive taxation system for lottery winnings.

Therefore, the question of tax on EuroJackpot depends on the country in which you purchased lottery tickets through an official representative. But this all applies if you purchased tickets as a resident of one of the participating countries of this European lottery. Since we are forced to turn to one of the online intermediaries for purchasing tickets to purchase lotteries, the issue of taxation is on a completely different plane. The issue of paying taxes on lottery winnings is discussed in more detail in this article, however, as applied to foreign lotteries, it is still a complete fog. So if you hit the EuroJackpot jackpot, you will need to contact competent financial advisors.