Exe system error. XRay Engine Error: Description and Troubleshooting

Few things are as annoying as not being able to stick to your routine without interruptions. The LogonUI.exe error appears when you think Windows has finally loaded and is ready to use. But, don't worry. We are here to help you fix this error.

LogonUI.exe error

The computer starts and Windows loads. But when booting Windows, the system lags and shows the LogonUI.exe error.

Cause of LogonUI.exe error

This issue may occur if the LogonUI.exe file has been renamed, moved, or modified.

How to fix LogonUI.exe error when booting Windows

Below are some ways to resolve the LogonUI.exe error:

What is LogonUI.exe?

LogonUI.exe is a program in Windows. This causes the login screen to appear when Windows starts.

Uninstall or disable antivirus and security software (temporarily)

Antivirus and security software can sometimes interfere with normal Windows work. Disabling it may then help the LogonUI.exe function again. You can do this by contacting command line.

This can be done by forcing Windows to run automatic start. Read on to find out how to do this.

Use automatic startup at boot

You can run automatic repair, forcing the computer to shut down every time it reaches the Windows logo. Press and hold the power button on the computer until the computer turns off. Do this 4 - 5 times.

You should see the Settings screen automatic recovery».

Command line access

On the Automatic Repair screen, select Extra options", "Troubleshooting", "Advanced Options" and finally "Command Prompt".

Run DISM command to fix LogonUI.exe

Command Prompt should open with a black screen and white text on it. Enter the following command:

  1. Dism / Online / Cleanup-Image / RestoreHealth
  2. And press Enter.
  3. The DISM command should find and fix any corrupted file.

Uninstalling security programs

If you have third-party login software installed on your computer, issues associated with it may be causing this issue. Since deletion software is not possible using normal means, you need to remove it using the command line.

Start your computer in Automatic Startup Repair mode and access the Command Prompt as described above. After that, enter the following command:

  • ren “C:\Program Files” “Program Files-old”
  • press Enter
  • ren “C:\Program Files (x86)” “Program Files (x86)-old”
  • press Enter
  • Wait for the installation to complete, even if the program shows some errors, just restart your computer.

Now open drive C and remove -old from these folders:

Program Files

Program Files(x86)

Also, be sure to uninstall any suspicious security program that might be causing this problem.

If you still have any questions on the topic “How to fix the LogonUI.exe error when loading Windows,” you can write them in the comment form on our website.

If you encounter an engine.exe system error, it means there is a Trojan on your computer. The virus functions as a “cryptocurrency miner,” using your PC data to extract profits and further transfer “useful resources” into the hands of scammers. In the article we will consider in detail: what is system error engine.exe and how to fix it.

Infection and symptoms

This virus can be found on torrent trackers, pirated software sites, etc. When installing unlicensed software on a PC, a virus is installed on the system. However, some antiviruses (for example NOD) may simply ignore its appearance in the system.

Symptoms of the malware:


Important! The malware called “Cube Miner” (other Trojan names are possible) can masquerade as Microsoft Visual C++ 2010.

To remove a virus:

  1. Go to the Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) in the “Details” tab and find the engine.exe task.

    Important! The virus may be hiding under a different name. To identify malware, check the CPU indicators, the amount of processor used physical memory and network congestion.

  2. Right-click on the task and select “Properties”. In the "General" tab, find out the location of the file. This is the path to the virus application folder. Remember it or copy it into a text document.
  3. Sign in.
  4. Go to the malware folder. Typically, it is located in the directory: (C:) → Users → User Name → AppData → Roaming → Virus folder. The folder name may differ depending on the modifications of the Trojan (x11, x13).
  5. Delete the cppredistx86.exe file and all contents, along with the folder.
  6. Then go to the registry editor (Win+R, regedit command) and open the branch:
  7. HKEY_CURRENT_USER → SOFTWARE → Microsoft → Windows → CurrentVersion → Run
  8. Find the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 setting that is responsible for engine.exe autoloading when the computer starts and remove it.
  9. Disable Startup Safe Mode and restart your PC.
  10. Use antivirus software and scan your system for any remaining malware in the system. Free utilities will come to the rescue:

Games on the computer are a great way to “kill time”, have fun and just relax. Even without being an avid gamer, a person often has his own preferences in the field of game development. Some people love shooters, others can't live without strategies.

Back in 2006, a real event was the release of STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl. The game has gained millions of fans around the world. Latest version, Call of Pripyat, was released in 2009, after which the number of fans of the game increased sharply: the atmosphere of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is so captivating that even adults can sit for hours at it.

Unfortunately, many users are complaining that the XRay Engine bug is preventing them from enjoying the game at all. What causes its appearance and how to get rid of it? This is exactly what our article is dedicated to.

What is XRay?

In order to find out how to solve the problem, you need to understand its root cause in more detail. Let's start with the fact that XRay is a game engine that is used in all parts of Stalker.

It was created specifically for this game, and this happened back in 2001. Since the STALKER project itself turned out to be simply an epic “long-term construction”, it saw the light of day only five years later. At first, the developers intended to use it exclusively with DirectX 8, but by the time the first part of the trilogy was released, they added support for DirectX 9. In 2008, when the release of the long-suffering Clear Sky was announced, version 10 was also added there.

Finally, “Call of Pripyat” also received DirectX 11. However, given some “roughness” in the game code itself, the engine was unable to fully unleash the full potential of the 11th version.

What is the manifestation of the error?

This moment cannot be confused with anything. The game suddenly stops and then crashes to the desktop. Since the dialog box describing the error code depicts a large beetle, the XRay Engine is often called a “green disaster” and a “misfortune beetle” on fan forums.

However, enough lyricism. What is the reason for the appearance of the “beetle”?

Reasons for appearance

Alas, but there is no clear answer to such burning question simply not. The developers from GSC did not particularly comment on the reasons even at the time when the company still existed, and now it is completely pointless to hope for detailed answers.

Using the trial and error method, it was found that the game most often crashes on the computers of those users who do not have the latest drivers installed for their video card. So if you don't know which version of this software is installed on your machine, it's time to update it.

We update the game itself

If you witnessed the appearance of Clear Sky, then you remember very well all those “flattering” epithets that players awarded the developers. And there was a reason for it! It was, in fact, completely impossible to play, and the XRay Engine error was still minor!

Just look at the immortal snipers and the completely empty “Dark Valley”! I was able to play normally only with add-on 1.5.04, and all the saves that were made on previous versions, didn't work. In short, if you have the Internet, don’t be lazy and go to the developer’s website. All existing patches for all games in the series are there, so you just need to download and install them. In this case, the XRay Engine error in Stalker will probably appear much less frequently.

Pirate versions

Since the developers did not take into account the interests of end users, the game is protected from illegal copying by the well-known StarForce system. It is not surprising that many users prefer to download NoDVD even in cases where they have licensed disk with the game.

Unfortunately, many of these “pills” cause the XRay Engine error to appear. What to do if you don’t want to spoil the StarForce operating system, but you also don’t want to see the “green bug” all the time?

Alas, there is only one way out. Buy the game on Steam. Since in this digital content store the game is also available to foreign users (where StarForce is prohibited in principle), you will definitely get rid of the problem.

Other reasons

Another important factor that may contribute to the error may be your computer hardware. Too new or old components may well not get along with the mysterious Ukrainian engine, after which you will constantly be haunted by the XRay Engine error. "Call of Pripyat" on this moment is the most recent version of the game, which has the least common hardware problems. "Shadow of Chernobyl" and " Clear sky"in this regard, they are much older, and therefore they often completely refuse to be friends with new video cards.


When “Stalker” was just released, the players’ delight knew no bounds. The game really gave a feeling of almost limitless freedom. The GG could go anywhere, being practically unlimited in the direction of his movement. As time passed, the enthusiasm became less and less.

It became clear that the developers were not going to return the cut locations, and there wasn’t enough action in the game. It was then that MODs (game modifications) appeared, sometimes making truly global changes to Stalker.

The most famous was the AMK project, without which gamers with experience now do not recommend completing “Shadow of Chernobyl”. Some mods were very successful, some not so much. But almost all of them have an XRay Engine error. “Call of Pripyat” is much less susceptible to this phenomenon for the reason that there are much fewer mods for this game.

So if you are using a MOD, then there is only one way out - to communicate with its developer directly or to sift through hundreds of pages of forums, where players sometimes post good homemade “patches” that, under certain conditions, can actually eliminate this error. Of course, you can’t always hope for this, since in the case of the XRay Engine (“Call of Pripyat” in particular), it’s difficult to say anything concrete.


Other players, who find some levels too difficult, often get too carried away with cheats, with the help of which they can build for themselves an unlimited number of weapons and equipment, and get the best artifacts at their disposal.

As usual, you have to pay for everything. In this particular case, this is expressed in a loss of program stability, when the XRay Engine error in Stalker begins to appear every few seconds. If this happens, simply try looking for a different version of the cheat. Fortunately, today they can be found in thousands of copies on the Internet. Finally, try to pass the difficult level honestly! Perhaps this way you will get much more pleasure from the game.


Alas, even the most logical and correct, at first glance, methods fail when it comes to this game engine. For example, if you are not playing with a “native” resolution, this may well be the reason for this error.

Your monitor resolution is 1280x1024, but do you prefer to play at 800x600? It is likely that the XRay Engine appears in Stalker precisely because of this. Change the resolution to the native one (recommended for this monitor). In some cases, such a simple measure helps to completely eliminate the error.

Sometimes the problem occurs when your page file is set to too small. Ideally, its size should be twice the volume random access memory.

How to increase the size of the swap file?

It's actually quite easy to do. To do this, right-click on “My Computer”, then in context menu select the “Properties” item. In the dialog box that opens, select the “Advanced system settings” option. Click on the “Options” button in the “Performance” item, and then select the “Advanced” tab. Then you need to click “Change” in the “Virtual memory” item, then enter the value you require there and left-click on “OK”.

Occasionally, the game can be launched if the system has less than 512 MB of memory, but you shouldn’t do this: the XRay Engine error and terrible “brakes” will still not let you play.

Finally, we need to talk about the features of the game itself. It is advisable to disable unnecessary image enhancement options. This statement is especially true when it comes to “Stalker Call of Pripyat”. XRay Engine appeared very often in version 1.6.0 when the player tried to set maximum settings quality.

And more about drivers. It is not so rare that an error plagues those users whose computers have a discrete audio card. Try updating the drivers for it, and in particularly difficult cases, disable the device from the Control Panel. Attention! Do this carefully, as otherwise you may lose all sound on your computer.

What can we say at the end of our entire story? We wish you that no errors prevent you from setting new game records! We hope that our recommendations will help you in this matter.

Engine.exe is one of the most important operating system control files. Windows systems. Its damage threatens the appearance of various failures in the most unexpected situations: when starting the operating system, trying to use various applications, and so on.

If an Engine.exe system error occurs, the PC owner should intervene promptly, since further delay can lead to the fact that after some time it will become completely impossible to use the OS and the likelihood of losing personal data will increase.

Almost always, the root cause of such a system error is the appearance and activity of one of the many viruses that the user could carelessly introduce to his equipment.

The problem also lies in the fact that malware not only damages this file, but also gradually affects other elements of the operating system. As a result, problems begin:

  • This or that application does not work;
  • On startup necessary programs unexpectedly a message appears that the application has stopped working;
  • It becomes difficult to log in or log out correctly, and so on.

In general, it is urgent to start treatment.

Correcting the situation (detailed instructions)

There are three main methods to fix the Engine.exe error. The first of them is to launch a very good and always up-to-date antivirus program, which must fully scan the OS for infections.

The second stage of treatment is searching and correcting system errors:

  1. Click the “Start” button and go to the search bar.
  2. Enter the “cmd” command.
  3. The OS will offer a link to launch the command line.
  4. You need to right-click on the link icon.
  5. From the list provided, select the option to run with administrator rights.
  6. After this, all that remains is to enter a new order “sfc /scannow”, confirm your actions and wait for the scan to finish.

The last course of action is to try to restore the OS to its previous normal state. Unfortunately, it is only suitable for those users who do not forget to periodically create restore points. If such a thing exists, then you need to do the following:

  1. Using the “Start” button, go to “Control Panel”.
  2. On the right top corners Set the viewing option to “small icons”.
  3. In the list provided, click on “Recovery”.
  4. Another window will open with several suggestions for further action. Naturally, you need to choose the one that offers the launch of the required procedure.
  5. All that remains is to click on the desired restore point and wait for the end of the running process.

The engine.exe virus is a Trojan. Secretly activates a Bitcoin miner on the victim's computer - an application that solves complex mathematical problems in order to obtain cryptocurrency. And then the results are sent via an Internet channel to attackers or to a third-party special resource, but again, with the details of their “owners.” In other words, it exploits the resources of the infected PC (RAM, computing capabilities of the video card) and “extracts” money, earning money at someone else’s expense. The user, or rather his machine, inevitably becomes a miner.

Infection and symptoms

Quite often, engine.exe penetrates Windows during the installation of hacked games. Unscrupulous releasers, or distributors, " free product", those who want to further enrich themselves are strongly recommended to disable the antivirus so that the installation is successful. Those who obey this advice personally allow the malware to pass through.

Four signs of the presence of engine.exe in the OS:

  1. Without running any applications, the RAM and processor load is observed at 80-99%.
  2. Actively used network connection(Internet traffic) without explicit connections of installed trusted programs.
  3. Regular Windows features and applications launch and work very slowly - the PC “slows down”.
  4. A process called engine.exe *32 appears in the OS task manager (sometimes in several copies).

Removal procedure

1. Click "Start".

2. In the search field, type taskmgr.

3. In the task manager, open the “Processes” tab.

4. Find the virus process named engine in the list.

Attention! The malware may have a different name. When analyzing, pay additional attention to digital signature objects (column “Description”). And also on the level of resource consumption (CPU column). Inflated readings (more than 70%) are a clear sign that the process is related to the virus.

5. Click on the image name (object) being examined right click.

6. In the context menu, click the “Properties” section.

7. On the “General” tab (properties window), in the “Location” column, copy into notepad or remember the path to the virus application folder.

8. Reboot Windows into safe mode.

9. Open the engine directory copied from its properties.

Note. In most cases, it is located at: drive C → Users → [username] → AppData → Roaming → [malware folder]. The folder name varies: known modifications are x11, x13.

10. Go to the Roaming directory (click at the top of the window, in the path bar, by its name).

11. Delete the cppredistx86.exe file and the folder with the virus.

12. Close the window and press “Win+R”.

13. In the Run panel, type regedit and click OK.

14. In the Registry Editor, open: HKEY_CURRENT_USER → Software → Microsoft → Windows → CurrentVersion → Run.

15. In the Run branch (the list of keys in the adjacent block), delete the entry with the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 parameter. This is a module disguised as a system package that autoloads the engine when the PC starts. Use the standard function: right-click → “Delete”.

16. Reboot the OS in normal operating mode.


After the cleaning procedure, be sure to scan all media with the main antivirus, having previously updated its database, or with additional healing utilities - Dr.Web CureIt!, MBAM ( Malwarebytes Anti-Malware), Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.