Facebook free new user registration. Facebook registration on a social network

Facebook is a social network and part-time messenger that this moment very popular. It is also very functional and interesting, which attracts millions of users every day. You can send SMS messages, post, rate and comment on other people, add subscribers and much more. But before using the service you need to register. This usually happens with the help of mobile phone, but sometimes it may be that this is inconvenient or impossible. And today we will look at how to register on Facebook without a phone number.

Creating an account without a number

Since Facebook is very popular all over the world, it was adapted and made into versions for different platforms. Therefore, we will look at ways to create an account both through the website and through mobile app. This happens via email. The actions performed for each method will be slightly different.

Web site

First, we go to the website https://www.facebook.com/. There will be a page where you can enter your username and password, or register. We choose registration.

There we enter data and fill out the proposed fields. Fields that must be filled out will be marked with an asterisk, dot, or other symbols. These are, for example, a password or username. We enter our email twice, and after that a confirmation email will be sent to it. We follow the link in the letter and after that you can already configure the page. All is ready!


So now we will look at the situation for those who use Facebook on mobile devices. Applications are available on both the Android and iPhone platforms. You can download it from the Play Market or App Store. After that, we go into the application and, instead of entering our data, click on the “Create account” button below. We will be asked to enter a phone number, but at the bottom we select registration using an e-mail address.

After that, in the next field, enter your email, come up with a password, login, write your name and click Continue. Thus, we confirm registration and can use our account. It is advisable to come up with a password that is not simple, but also memorable, because recovery may take some time.

Here is a way to register without a phone number for different devices. Everything is very simple, and there are no difficulties. We hope this information was useful to you, and if a similar problem suddenly arises, there will be no difficulties in solving it.


Facebook is the most popular social network in the world and not so well known here in Russia. Here I will present to the public my vision of correct registration in this social network. network and will explain in detail each of the stages of registering and setting up the page in order to ensure both personal security and the security of the page from hacking.

Unlike social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki - so popular here in Russia, you don’t have to register here by phone number. The number can be linked later, and an email address will be sufficient for registration. That’s why you can do such a registration on Facebook, but our services don’t? It’s unsafe without a phone number, they tell us. But here it works. Moreover, in such a large social network. networks. At the time of printing this article, registration without a phone number is possible, but after a couple of years of intensive changes to the rules of social networks. networks, the opposite may be true. As in contact - until 2012, registration was only by email address, but then they did it only by phone number.

Registration on Facebook is very simple, even much easier than in contact, although it may seem the other way around. Now you will understand this.

Facebook registration. How to register in a minute

Before registering on Facebook, be sure to read the latest version of the help at this link - https://www.facebook.com/help/188157731232424.

Open the main page social networkhttps://www.facebook.com and enter all the data necessary for registration right here - first name, last name, date of birth and contact information. We must come up with a complex password - with Latin letters and numbers; to select a password, it is advisable to use, for example online service- http://www.onlinepasswordgenerator.ru for creating complex passwords or the KeePass 2 program for generating and saving passwords on your computer in encrypted form. Complex password harder to crack than a simple set of numbers. Therefore, we don’t think that you need to enter an easy password so that you can simply remember it. What you need is a complex and long password. The same applies to email security. If possible, be sure to link the phone number to the page, and even if hacked, the page can be restored in just a minute.

The next step is to confirm the entered email address. If you entered a phone number instead of an email, a confirmation code will be sent via SMS to your phone.

Open your mail or look at messages on your phone. We confirm the address by clicking on the Confirm your account button. Until you confirm your email or phone number, you cannot use your account; all social functions are networks will become available only after confirming contact details.

After confirming your contact details, you will immediately be taken to the newly created page.

If you carefully study the reference materials, most questions will immediately disappear if they exist. Well, remember that official technical support is the best assistant in solving problems that arise during registration and page restoration. Neither eminent experts on forums, nor hackers, nor anyone other than support will help as much as the official Facebook support service can, even if these people often seem too slow.

After registration, you just need to fill out the page with your data, put your photo on your avatar, find friends and start fully using the Facebook page.

Do I need to enter my real data when registering on Facebook?

This is a rhetorical question of course. Almost everyone now has pages on social media. networks, and registered with real passport data. However, we can definitely say that it is not safe. Firstly, if a person leaves a social network account. The network contains a lot of personal information, data about your location, tastes and interests - almost anyone can easily find out everything about you from the Internet. If you plan to leave your real data on the page, hide everything possible in the privacy settings. So that only you can see all the information, and some of this information your friends and enemies can only see your avatar.

For personal security and to protect the page from hacking, open your privacy settings using this link -

Hello, dear friends! Today we are starting to explore a new social network called Facebook. It is not as popular in the countries of the former CIS as, for example, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, but many people still use it. The first article, as always, will be devoted to registration.

Register from a computer

You can register on Facebook for free on the official website, which is kindly provided to us in Russian. Follow the link https://ru-ru.facebook.com/.

Please note: right side the page that opens, this is where the registration form is located.

Please pay attention to the fields for entering your mobile phone number. If you want to register on Facebook without a phone number, then simply enter your email address in this field.

It would be logical to assume that if you want to register without an email, you will have to enter a phone number there. Entering nothing and leaving this line empty will not work.

Enter all the data and click on the “Create account” button:

At the next stage, they offer to find friends through their accounts on other services. You can skip this step by clicking on the “Next” button.

Skip the step:

In principle, the main registration is over, we just have to confirm our mailing address. They remind you of this at the very top of the Facebook page. Let's go to our Mailbox and looking for a letter.

In the letter we find the “Confirm your account” button and click on it. They also provide us with some kind of confirmation code, but I personally haven’t used it.

That's it, congratulations, you have registered. So far, of course, there is nothing on your page.

Register from a mobile phone

You can also go to the official website from your mobile phone through any browser and do everything that we did in the first point, or you can download the mobile application and register from it. Let's take a closer look at the second method.

We go to the Play Market and look for the Facebook application there.

Install it:

Here you are asked to enter your phone number for registration. Not everyone likes this, so we can not enter the phone number, but pay attention to the very bottom of the screen and click on the “Register using an email address” button.

This window may be more suitable for you. Here we register using email.

It seems to be specific to registration in this social network There is nothing more to explain, so we will discuss the remaining questions in the following articles.

Register from a computer

The most common and probably convenient method for most users is registration through the Facebook website using a personal computer:

Now your email will be used as a login when logging in.

Advice! To add Facebook to your mobile phone, there is an Install Facebook for mobile button on the left.

Register from your phone

Facebook without email or phone

You can't sign up for Facebook without an email address. The fact is that with its help you can recover your password, use it as a login, and notifications will also be sent to it.

But it is quite possible to register without a phone. To do this, you go through the entire standard registration procedure. Just enter an email address instead of a phone number.

If you want to watch a video of how to register on Facebook, then below is a video with explanations (by the way, you can read about how to download videos from Facebook).

You now have an account on Facebook and can use all available services. I hope the procedure described above will help you avoid problems and complete registration as quickly as possible. Good luck to all!

Some Internet users who register on a social network want to keep personal information, including their mobile phone number, secret. Without a phone it is possible - simple and proven techniques will come to the rescue. In this case, the account will not be linked phone number, and the email address.

Creating a Facebook account without a number

When registering on Facebook, you must enter your mobile phone number.

When registering on the social network Facebook, the user must enter a phone number to receive an SMS confirmation code. The community creators have introduced a verification procedure to ensure the safety of profiles. If the user does not wish to specify his own mobile number, he can use someone else’s for these purposes. There are special paid services that generate phone numbers for registration on social networks. The confirmation code is sent to the user’s profile in this service, and registration can be considered complete. The approximate cost of the service is 10 rubles.

In some cases, you need to create an account without linking any number.

This can be done in the following two ways.

Via website

To register a new account you need to go to the main Facebook page and click on the “Registration” tab. Here you need to indicate your personal data in Russian in the required fields:

  • surname, first name;
  • date of birth;
  • e-mail – twice.

You can add friends from various sources later, so you can skip this point. Finally, click on the submit form button. In this case, the user will register his profile without linking his phone - for confirmation he will use Email. After this, you need to open your mail and find the letter from Facebook - it will contain a link, following which you can get to the newly created user account.

Via mobile application

Registration on Facebook through the mobile application.

You can use your smartphone or iPhone. First you need to download the social network’s mobile application from Google market Play or App Store. After installation, you should open the application on your device and go to the “Create an account” section. You need to skip the prompt to enter your mobile number; instead, you need to click on the line “Register using an email address.”

On next page you need to provide the following information:

  • E-mail address;
  • login and password.

other methods

In some special click systems, users are paid money for completing various tasks on social networks. Through these sites you can register for free on any social network - you won’t have to enter your phone number in case of instant registration.

What difficulties may arise?

If the user did not want to link his mobile phone number to his account, in the future, if he loses access to his profile, it will be difficult for him to restore anything. When using a temporary number, after some time the data about it disappears in the database - you will also not be able to reactivate your page using it.

Each account on the social network Facebook is monitored by robots; they analyze what changes occur to the profile or community, taking into account the limits set for certain actions. Any suspicious activity can be a reason to block your account; the situation is worse with fake profiles that have not passed the verification procedure.

Greater loyalty is shown to owners of pages with attached thematic communities (one or more) or groups. It is recommended to open the community immediately after registration and attach the post to home page groups, write and send messages.