The physical memory of the computer is loaded, what should I do? Ways to clear computer memory. Where does the RAM go? All RAM on the computer is occupied

If your computer has little RAM (for example, only 4 GB), resource-intensive programs can quickly take up all of it and begin to slow down, reducing the performance of the computer as a whole. Playing video games won’t be much of an option either, since to access the necessary data that doesn’t fit in the RAM, the game or program will have to access the slow HDD.

What to do if upgrading an old system seems impractical to you (it’s more logical to save money to build a modern one), but you still want to improve performance? We will share with you some tricks that will help increase the performance of hardware, be it desktop computer or laptop.

1. Close unused programs

All programs save the data they need in RAM while running. How more programs works, the more space in RAM they take up. If you close apps you don't use this moment time - this will have a positive effect on performance. For example, before playing a game, close your browser and messenger.

2. Remove unnecessary software from startup

Programs that run with Windows also won't do you any good when you're running low on RAM. In Windows 10, open Task Manager, go to the advanced display mode and click on the Startup tab. You will be surprised to find a bunch of software here that you don't need in your everyday life. For example, it is unlikely that you are going to reprogram your mouse every day. Then why do you need software that is always running to customize settings? And here system utilities You should not touch it so as not to damage the computer.

3. Manage background processes

Unnecessary background processes can also be disabled in the same “Task Manager” on the corresponding “Processes” tab in the “Background...” section. Monitoring services for program updates, software for taking screenshots, etc. They only eat up precious megabytes of RAM. But be careful: do not accidentally disable system processes, otherwise this may negatively affect the operation of the computer.

4. Disable unused services

If you don't have an Xbox console, you probably don't need Xbox Game Monitoring. The same goes for other services. Antivirus reliably replaces " Windows Defender", A Steam client can be launched on demand. Here the task before us is relatively simple: to understand which services we do not need, right-click on them and select the “Stop” menu item. The main thing is, as in the previous paragraph, to be careful and not disable anything necessary out of ignorance.

5. Check for viruses

Ordinary viruses can also cause a lack of RAM. Alternatively, a hidden miner, spyware, or worm may have been placed on your computer. The above methods will not help here. Only antivirus software will help correct the situation, which requires a deep analysis of the entire PC. And even if the antivirus does not detect anything, but there is a suspicion of infection, you should not refuse additional scanning with third-party antivirus utilities.

6. Clean RAM with specialized software

Those who are too lazy to manually optimize RAM can resort to the help of numerous utilities such as Advanced SystemCare. This program is a real harvester for removing unnecessary data and minor repairs. The software is even capable of finding and neutralizing viruses, and it is very simple to operate. The interface will be intuitive even for a beginner, and regardless of the selected cleaning mode, SystemCare will effectively free the RAM from junk.

7. Clear RAM using a simple script

Or you don’t have to install any utilities at all. If you have a couple of minutes of free time, it will be easier and faster to write a small script with which you can free up the required amount of RAM at any time. To do this, create on the “Desktop” Text Document by right-clicking the mouse. Name the file “Cleaning RAM”, for example, and enter the following data into it: MsgBox “Free up space in RAM?”,0, “Cleaning RAM”

FreeMem=Space (1024000000)

MsgBox “Space Freed”,0, “CleaningRAM” Now change the file extension from “.TXT” to “.VBS” and run the resulting script. After activation you will see text message“Do you want to free up space in RAM?” Click on the “OK” button and after completing the procedure, the script will notify you that “The space is free.” In our script, we set the value to 1 GB of RAM. If you need to free up more space, enter your byte value in parentheses. How much RAM is installed in your PC? 4 GB 8 GB 16 GB 32 GB 64 GB or more View results Loading... Read also: How much RAM do you need for computer games?

Choosing DDR4 RAM: 12 best kits for any budget

RAM is not recognized: what could be the reasons?

The free computer program described today (from a famous manufacturer) will help (perhaps) those users who are always running out of memory, who have little of it.

It will be about - she will allow you on time clear computer RAM by defragmentation.

Personally, I think that such programs are a temporary and forced solution to the problem of lack of RAM. This issue can only be fully resolved by physically increasing its volume (purchasing an additional stick of RAM).

But not all users can easily afford to fork out for such a purchase - RAM for a computer today it costs a lot of money :)

How to determine low memory

Very simple. After starting the computer, it works quickly for a while, and then begins to become “dull.” Programs begin to run slower and the browser can barely navigate website pages - the computer has little RAM.

Wise Memory Optimizer allows you to clear your computer's RAM by disabling unnecessary consumers, closing unnecessary background processes and its defragmentation.

Available in Wise Memory Optimizer manual mode and automatic - the program at the right moment (when the specified amount of occupied memory is reached) cleans itself.

By the way, the manufacturers of this program are the same ones that created excellent cleaners - .

Let's clear the RAM already (:connie_13. It's very simple - run the downloaded (from the official link at the end of the article) and installed Wise Memory Optimizer...

Go to the settings and set the Russian language...

Described today is free computer program(famous manufacturer) will help (perhaps) those users who are always short of memory, who have little of it. We'll talk about - it's for you...

RAM is an important attribute personal computer. It is often cluttered with unnecessary processes and files that interfere with its normal functioning. For proper and fast operation of your computer, you should periodically unload and optimize the system manually or using special utilities.

Differences in types of computer memory: RAM, physical and video memory

Computer RAM is memory that stores temporary information necessary for the normal functioning of running processes and programs. When the system shuts down, it is reset to zero.

The performance of a computer depends on the amount of RAM: as the amount of RAM increases, the number of processes running simultaneously increases.

The performance and speed of your computer depends on the amount of RAM.

Physical memory is implemented in the computer architecture in the form of microcircuits. It is divided into physical pages, and the address space is divided into logical pages. Physical memory includes hard disks, removable memory modules, external drives.

Performance problems most often occur due to insufficient physical memory.

A type of RAM is video memory. This is the memory that is used in computer video cards to handle graphics processes. Video memory supplies the GPU with all the information it needs to render an image. The higher the video memory size, the easier for the processor process computer graphics, which means that frames on the screen will change faster and with better quality.

Video memory is required for graphics processing

How to find out what is occupied by RAM

Through the “Task Manager” you can see all currently running processes and the part of RAM they occupy. To run it:

In order not to clog up your RAM, you should promptly minimize tabs in your browser program, close applications in the system itself, and periodically reboot your computer. This will avoid the problem of hanging processes that may not appear in the list of programs in the task manager.

Video: how to enable task manager

How to optimize RAM

You can optimize RAM in various ways.

Close unnecessary programs and applications

We start unloading RAM by closing unnecessary programs.

They are an integral element of any computer, playing the role of a link between long-term memory and long-term memory (. Over time, the forms and models of RAM chips have changed, but the main thing has not changed - the purpose...

Why is there not enough RAM?

Let's start with the fact that RAM today has higher characteristics, such as speed and frequency. Current computer builds mainly use DDR3, the latest RAM model that is naturally more productive than its predecessors. In new computers and laptops, about 3 gigabytes of RAM are increasingly installed (for example, for normal Windows operation XP required no more than 512 megabytes), this is due to the increasing demands of users on PCs.

The amount of RAM and user requests do not always coincide, then a noticeable shortage begins system resources, which most often results in slowdowns and problematic launching of some programs.

That’s when you should ask about the amount of RAM and what it is spent on in the system. Of course, if your computer only has 1 gigabyte of memory installed, you shouldn't expect much from performance in new versions of Windows operating systems.

What programs take up RAM?

There are a number of programs that often take up more RAM compared to other software. So, for example, the main “sink” of RAM will be, no matter whose development it is or what version it is. The second most occupied amount of RAM can be called video editing. Also, do not forget about computer games, which require up to 6 – 8 gigabytes of RAM per hour to operate in high-performance mode!

Note! In addition to the programs, the operating room itself Windows system, starting with version Seven, uses RAM resources as a cache for frequently used system files!

Instead of an afterword

  • If you expect to get stable and highly productive work, then you should think about it. Of course, it may happen that there is no free slot or your RAM model is not found at all, in such cases it ends with a complete upgrade of the computer!
  • If you are an average user, then you will get by with one or two gigabytes, which is more than enough for normal operation in the office work cycle. This amount of RAM is enough for small games and for working with office documents, accompanied by an antivirus program.

The main thing is to monitor the performance status operating system In general, try to exclude programs from startup and do not launch an excessive number of applications at the same time.

What takes up computer memory and how to clear it

If you remember, not so long ago I published a blog post in which I talked about CPU usage. So, here I would like to draw a parallel, since applications that load the CPU also occupy RAM.

This means that we will use the same tools to identify resource-intensive processes. This is good, because people are lazy by nature and do not always want to learn something new.

We should start, of course, with the Task Manager we already know. We press the magic combination CTRL+ALT+DEL on the keyboard and begin to figure it out. Oh yeah, that's interesting.

We immediately sort the “Memory” column in descending order and see the programs that consume resources the most. The simplest thing you can do is call right click Click on the additional menu and complete the process.

But again I want to warn you. Watch what you're covering. System Windows processes without a clue you shouldn't touch it. And you can find out that the system uses it using the “Details” function or using an Internet search. The picture above shows an example of such a (systemic) process.

Don't spawn browser tabs

We all love to surf the Internet. Well, what would it be like without him in our time? It often happens that a user has a whole pool of tabs open in his browser. Of course, many people manage to read the news and chat on social media at the same time. network and, for example, check email. Prodigies!

Each such tab is located in the computer's RAM. Imagine how easy it is to load it to capacity. Hence the conclusion: do not keep pages you don’t need open. Why, guys? Used it and closed it. It's so simple.

The following example shows that for each such page, Yandex.Browser launches separate process. And just imagine if the amount of RAM on the computer is already enough. There's a lot to think about.

Look at startup and services

I think everything is clear here. We go to the section of the same name in the Task Manager and see if everything from the list above is really needed to work in the background.

Quite often on the Internet, in cases of acute memory shortage, it is advised to disable services that are not directly related to Microsoft, that is, system ones. As for me, the measure is not entirely popular, but it has the right to life.

This is done as follows using Windows 10 as an example. In the search bar, enter the combination indicated under the figure below and go to the “Services” section.

Of course, after dealing with startup and services, it is advisable to restart the computer. Well, did it turn on for you? So you did everything right. And at this point I caught myself thinking that the post smoothly moved on to the topic of how to clear RAM. 😉

Let's summarize. Now you know how to analyze the used computer memory. If all of the above manipulations did not help you, perhaps it’s time to think about increasing its volume. What do you think about this? Write in the comments.