I forgot my apple icloud password. If iCloud asks for a password for your previous Apple ID

Greetings! Today's article is part of a series that every owner of an Apple smartphone should know. Why? Because to be able to change correctly account Apple ID or iCloud on iPhone can be useful to you in any case. Even if you don’t need it now, then someday you will need it... In general, as a rule, the user does not think about this operation, for the time being. After all, the smartphone works and this is of course good, but nothing lasts forever and different things can happen.

There are plenty of examples:

  • When selling.
  • Buying a new or not new gadget.
  • Someone has become aware of your Apple ID, password, iCloud - a sure way to protect yourself is to completely change your account.
  • Just start iPhone life from scratch:)

In general, it is clear that this is the right thing to do. So let's learn how to completely log out of the Apple ID and iCloud accounts linked to the iPhone, and log in with new data. Forward!:)

Important! It is necessary to understand that for those people who for some reason do not know (do not remember) the password and login of the identifier, this method won't work, they should do .

How to change iCloud on iPhone

Since iCloud is a more important account (here is the Find My iPhone function, etc.), let's start with it. Briefly point by point:

2 ways to change Apple ID

Now you can change the second identifier on your iPhone - Apple ID. There are two ways here:

  • In the case when you have already logged out of iCloud (how to do this is written above), then you can simply and then it will be completely new and clean “like from the factory.” Naturally, there will be no information left on it! Next, just accounting Apple entry ID and indicate it directly.
  • Or change Apple ID through the menu. What’s convenient is that in this case all games, applications, music, ringtones, etc. will remain on the device. downloaded using a previous account.

How to do it?

As you can see, all manipulations occur exclusively in the settings and do not take much time. Despite the fact that I tried to describe in as much detail as possible the process of replacing accounts on an iPhone, it may well be that something remains unclear. Maybe? Certainly! Therefore, do not be shy and write your questions in the comments - I will try to answer everyone.

P.S. And if you also “like” it, then I will answer quickly, in detail, joyfully and with pleasure! :)

The iCloud cloud service is an extremely useful thing for any owner of an iOS device. Users can store huge megabytes of content there without cluttering iPhone memory or iPad. But sometimes trouble happens when the password for a service is lost or forgotten. In this case, logging into your account becomes impossible.

Don't be upset if this happens to you. There is a way out. You can return password characters in two ways: by e-mail or by answering security questions.

We use e-mail

This method is the simplest and most convenient. The algorithm of actions here will be as follows:

  • We connect the device to the network. Open settings and go to iCloud. Click on the “Forgot your password?” item.
  • To gain access, enter your e-mail address (also known as your Apple ID login).
  • A window with reset options will pop up. What to choose is up to each user to decide for themselves.
  • If an additional email address was previously specified in the cloud settings, a link will be sent there, following which you can reset the current password. If this has not been done, you can look for the message at your main mail. If you don't find the letter anywhere, go to your spam folder. Don’t be too lazy to add Apple’s address to your contacts list so that in the future you can immediately see all letters from the company and safely receive them in your mailbox.
  • As soon as you click on the link, a browser will open with a cloud password reset page.
  • Hammer twice new key security for ID.
  • Click the reset password button. This completes the operation and no further steps need to be taken. Authorization in iCloud will now be carried out using “fresh” data.

Attention! Don't forget to check where the email with the long-awaited link came from. If the addressee is not [email protected], do not go anywhere or follow any instructions.

Emails from unverified sources may turn out to be phishing, the purpose of which is to block your iOS device. Afterwards, you will probably be asked to pay so that you can receive a code to remove the block. Otherwise, the gadget will become an ordinary dummy.

Now you know how to recover your iCloud password via email. Next, we’ll look at another way to recover your ID password.

We answer questions

The previous method of password recovery is the easiest. But what to do if there is a block on your e-mail? There will be nowhere to receive information with a link, so you will have to resort to the second method - answering security questions. For this:

  • Connect your iOS device to the network. Proceed to the settings, and then to the item iCloud management. Click on the forgotten ID section.
  • Enter your Apple ID login.
  • To restore access, click on the FAQ item.
  • Correctly enter the date of birth that you specified when creating your account.
  • Please provide other answers.
  • If everything is done correctly, a password replacement window will pop up. There, as with the previous method, you need to enter a “fresh” key twice and confirm your decision by clicking on the change button

Two-step verification

If 2-step verification has been activated in the Apple ID settings, then recovery of password characters will be possible when using a key and a trusted device. To this end, take the following steps:

  • Enter the characters of the key purchased when activating the 2-step verification.
  • Select a trusted device. This is where the message with the code will go.
  • Enter the code into the special field to reset your old password.

To restore access to iCloud, enter the “fresh” key twice. But what to do if it is lost or there is no access to a trusted device? Then you need to put the gadget on the shelf and forget about it. Or sell, because removing the block will become a completely impossible procedure. And even support from the Apple company cannot do anything here.

Recovering ID - identifier

Both methods discussed above are based on the introduction of an identifier. Using these symbols, the system determines the identity of the owner of the device in order to reset the key for a suitable account. But what to do if your login is forgotten? Can it be returned? First, remember that ID is just an email used to log into iTunes and iCloud. If you can’t remember it, you can restore it by first and last name, for this:

  • Go to Settings and then to iCloud Control.
  • Click on the section that says ID forgotten.
  • Enter the requested data.

If these steps do not help, try calling support. All contacts can be found on the Apple resource on the Internet. It is preferable to make a call from a landline number or via Skype, since the conversation can be lengthy. In the course, it may turn out that the user will be asked to provide evidence that he is the owner of the device. So you need to be ready to provide a purchase receipt, a photograph of the box, a bank card number and other documentation.

If the identifier has a block

Sometimes it happens that the user, instead of trying to recover the password, tries to return it using the usual selection of characters. After several unsuccessful attempts, a message will pop up on the display stating that there is a block on the identifier from now on. But do not worry - the blocking is carried out in order to take care of security. The legal owner of an iOS device can easily remove this block. To do this, he only needs to follow a few steps:

  • Proceed to iforgot.apple.com/en.
  • Remove the block from the identifier using password characters if you are lucky enough to finally remember or reset the security key.

So, in just 2 simple steps, everything will work again. The user will easily log into iCloud and, as before, will use its functionality 100%, as if he had not restored anything.

If the password recovery operation fails...

If you can’t remember the cherished symbols, an additional e-mail was not specified in the settings, and the support service also refused to help you, since you cannot prove that you legally own the device, there is only one method left. This is about complete shutdown iCloud functionality on an iOS device:

  • Open the settings and proceed to the "cloud".
  • Move the switch for all services to disabled.
  • Keep only the gadget search option active. Simply because it is impossible to disable it without a password.

All this must be done if you purchased a phone on the secondary market and did not ask the seller for an ID key. Or it happens that the seller registered the number, but did not provide you with the necessary accounting information.

If you disable the cloud on your phone, the person who has the password for it will be able to view all the information that exchanges data with it. If you created the ID yourself and simply cannot recover forgotten password characters. You can just leave everything as it is... After all, no one will have access to your personal data.

Anyone can forget a password, especially if there is no need to enter it often, because memory is far from the most reliable way information storage. But since it happened that I forgot my iCloud password, we will look for ways to solve the problem.

But before proceeding to a detailed analysis of the problem, it should be clarified that the iCloud password is apple password ID that is used when working with any Apple services. That is, when you activate your mobile device, it is always tied to certain Apple ID, which is then used to make purchases in iTunes Store And Apple Store, working with various services, as well as using the iCloud service.

How to recover iCloud password

There are a lot of different life situations through which you can find yourself in a similar situation.
  • You purchased a used iPhone or iPad without checking to see if the iCloud service was disabled by the former owner. Accordingly, you got a device with someone else’s account, which cannot be disabled thanks to the “Find My iPhone” function, which requires a password.
  • You were given an iPhone or iPad along with an iCloud account.
  • You entrusted the activation of the device to a salesperson in a store, who subsequently did not tell you the password and/or used a freshly created e-mail in iCloud as a password, which closes the circle: no password - no access to the mail to recover it.
  • You created your Apple ID yourself, but simply forgot your password.
In a number of cases when it was you who were involved in registering a new Apple ID, using your e-mail as a login, recovery forgotten password from iCloud will be simple. All we need is to follow these instructions -.

In such cases traditional ways restorations, such as via email or by answering security questions, lose their relevance and there is nothing left to do but contact Apple technical support. But even there they will help you only if you can prove that you are the true owner of the smartphone or tablet, that is, you will have evidence such as a receipt and/or box.

How to remove iCloud without password

If it is not possible to recover your password, the question arises: is it possible to completely delete the account? iCloud recording without password?

If the function is enabled, there is no possibility of recovery via e-mail or using security questions, you do not have a receipt and a box, and there is no other evidence that you are the rightful owner either - it's hard to imagine what else can be done in this case.

Nevertheless, this does not mean that the iPhone or iPad will immediately turn into a pile of useless iron, but the device will significantly lose functionality. All that remains for us is to disable it in the settings ( Settings > iCloud) sync apps with iCloud just in case (Photos, Mail, Contacts, Calendars, Reminders, Notes, Safari), and also start new apple ID, in order to use it to be able to download applications from App Store. You can do this on the “My Apple ID” page.

True, such a move is nothing more than a temporary crutch, since the main thing that you will lose is the opportunity iOS updates, which means that after some time the App Store will stop pleasing you. It will also be difficult to sell the device, since a competent buyer will never purchase a device with the “Find My iPhone” function activated, which cannot be disabled without an iCloud password. Therefore, never throw away the receipt and box, do not trust creation of Apple ID to unauthorized persons, use an additional active e-mail when Apple registration ID and don't rely on your memory.

If you haven’t found an answer to your question or something didn’t work out for you, and there is no suitable solution in the comments below, ask a question through ours. It's fast, simple, convenient and doesn't require registration. You will find answers to your and other questions in the section.

There are two ways to recover your iCloud password using standard methods: via e-mail and answers to security questions. If these methods do not work, you have two options - contact support or stop using iCloud services.

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The easiest way to recover your iCloud password is to send a reset code by email. To do this:

The code will be sent to the main and backup mailbox, if you added it. If you don't receive an email, check Spam. To be sure, add [email protected] to the address book at the post office.

Recover iCloud password if there is no access to mail

What to do if you forgot your iCloud password and don’t have access to your main or backup email? Answer security questions.

If the answers are correct, a password replacement window will appear on the screen. Enter your new security key, confirm it, and don't forget again.

If you've enabled two-step verification on your phone and have a trusted device connected, you can use it to regain access.

If you enter the key received when setting up the verification, a code will be sent to your trusted device, which will help you reset your iCloud password.

ID recovery

To recover your iCloud password, you need an Apple ID or login. If you don't remember it, follow these steps:

  1. Tap “Forgot Apple ID or password.”
  2. Select "Forgot Apple ID."
  3. Enter your last name, first name and email.

If you try to guess the ID, after several attempts you will receive a notification that your Apple ID has been blocked. To remove the lock:

  1. Go to iforgot.apple.com/ru.
  2. ID using your iCloud password (if you remember) or resetting your security key.

As you can see, the circle closes, so you may end up with a locked Apple ID and no iCloud password.

Contacting support or refusing to use

The question of how to remove iCloud without a password has a clear answer - no way. In iOS 7.0-7.6, it was possible to bypass the ban by changing the Apple ID password, but now there is no such loophole. Therefore, if you do not remember any data, then all you can do is write or call the support service. View contact information on the page http://www.apple.com/ru/contact.

Before contacting support, you must prepare a photo of the box, which shows the serial number, serial number the phone itself, as well as the purchase receipt. If you can prove that you are the rightful owner of the smartphone, the lock will be removed after activation and you will be able to set a different password.

If you cannot log into your account on iCloud, then disable all services associated with it on your phone.

  1. Open the iCloud section in Settings.
  2. Turn off all services except Find My iPhone. This option cannot be deactivated without a password.

Be sure to disable the services if you bought the phone second-hand, or if the password was set by the seller in the store. Otherwise, the person who still has the iCloud password will be able to remotely view information from your phone that is synchronized with cloud storage.

iCloud password restricts third party access to information (for example: messages Email) stored in iCloud. The entered password confirms that actions aimed at detecting the device or remotely erasing data using the device are carried out by the owner himself. To protect your information, you should change your iCloud password regularly.

Important: If you use the same Apple ID For iCloud, other Apple services (for example: Apple Online Store, iTunes Store, App Store for Mac), or for purchases in iPhoto or Aperture, changing your iCloud password also changes the password for those services. To enter these services you will need to provide a new password.

Changing your iCloud (Apple ID) password

    Go to the My Apple ID website (appleid.apple.com) and follow the instructions to reset your Apple ID password.

    About changing your Apple ID password.

    After you change your iCloud login password, be sure to update the password on all your devices and email apps that you use to receive iCloud mail.

When you enable iCloud features on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, be sure to set up device protection (Settings > General > Password Protection) for added security.