Formats and sizes of paper, application in polygraphy, international standards. International Paper Standards

GOST 2.301-68

Group T52


one system design documentation

Unified system for design documentation. Formats

ISS 01.100.01

Introduction date 1971-01-01

APPROVED by the Decree of the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR of May 28, 1986 N 751


Change No. 3 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification by correspondence (Minutes No. 23 dated February 28, 2006)

The national standardization bodies of the following states voted for the adoption of the change: AZ, AM, BY, KZ, KG, MD, RU, TJ, TM, UZ, UA [alpha-2 codes according to MK (ISO 3166) 004]

EDITION (August 2007) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in December 1980, March 1989, June 2006 (IUS 3-81, 7-89, 9-2006).

1. This standard establishes the formats of sheets of drawings and other documents made in electronic and (or) paper form, provided for by the standards for design documentation of all industries and construction.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).

2. Sheet formats are determined by the dimensions of the outer frame (made by a thin line) of originals, originals, duplicates, copies (Fig. 1).

When outputting a document in electronic form on paper with the dimensions of the sides of the sheet that match those indicated in Table 1, the outer frame of the format may be omitted. If the dimensions of the sides of the sheet are larger than those indicated in Table 1, then the outer frame of the format must be reproduced.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).

3. A format with side dimensions of 1189x841 mm, the area of ​​which is 1 m, and other formats obtained by successively dividing it into two equal parts parallel to the smaller side of the corresponding format, are taken as the main ones.

4. The designations and dimensions of the sides of the main formats must correspond to those indicated in Table 1.

Table 1

Format designation

Dimensions of the sides of the format, mm

If necessary, it is allowed to use the A5 format with side dimensions of 148x210 mm.

5. It is allowed to use additional formats formed by increasing the short sides of the main formats by a multiple of their sizes.

The sizes of derived formats, as a rule, should be selected according to Table 2.

The designation of the derived format is made up of the designation of the main format and its multiplicity according to Table 2, for example, A0x2, A4x8, etc.

table 2



6. Limit deviations of the sides of the formats - according to Table 3.

Table 3

Sizes of the sides of the formats

Limit deviations

St. 150 to 600

4-6. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

7, 8. (Excluded, Rev. N 1).

9. Documents in electronic form in their requisite part must contain the designation of the paper sheet format, upon output to which the display scale will correspond to the specified one.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 3).

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Unified system of design documentation:
Sat. GOSTs. - M.: Standartinform, 2007

When analyzing solvency by groups of assets and liabilities (A1, A2, A3, A4, P1, P2, P3, P4), assets are grouped according to the degree of liquidity:

  • A1 - the most liquid assets;
  • A2 - fast-selling assets;
  • A3 - slow-moving assets;
  • A4 - hard-to-sell assets.

Liabilities are grouped according to the degree of urgency of their payment:

  • P1 - the most urgent obligations;
  • P2 - short-term liabilities;
  • P3 - long-term liabilities;
  • P 4 - permanent (sustainable) liabilities.

To view specific lines of the balance liquidity assessment for the new balance, you can follow the links in the table above.

Assets2015 2016 2017
Passive2015 2016 2017
Payment surplus (+) or deficiency (-)2015 2016 2017
2015 2016 2017
A1-P1 must be greater than zeroA1-P1>0A1-P1>0A1-P1>0
A2-P2 must be greater than zeroA2-P2>0A2-P2>0A2-P2>0
A3-P3 must be greater than zeroA3-P3>0A3-P3>0A3-P3>0
A4-P4 must be less than zeroA4-P4<0 A4-P4<0 A4-P4<0
If all conditions are met, then the company is absolutely solventYes or noYes or noYes or no
If all conditions are not met - solvency crisisIs there a crisis or is there?Is there a crisis or is there?Is there a crisis or is there?
Limited solvency - in other casesLimited?Limited?Limited?

Sincerely, Alexander Krylov,

The financial analysis:

  • One way to aggregate the balance. Aggregation - "aggregation" of articles to simplify the analysis, since the fewer lines, the easier it is to analyze them Asset 2011 2012 2013 Non-current…
  • To perform this analysis, a table is compiled in which data from the balance sheet are copied Name 2011 2012 2013 Assets taken into account in the calculation 1. Intangible assets 2. ...
  • This table is formed on the basis of the aggregated balance sheet values ​​for a number of years Assets 2011 2013 Absolute change, thousand rubles. Growth, % Non-current assets Value for 2011…
  • The balance sheet prepared for the financial analysis of the activities and condition of the enterprise for three years is as follows: Indicator Indicator code 2011 2012 2013 COMPANY ASSETS I. NON-CURRENT ...
  • An analysis of the dynamics of liabilities answers the question of how much liabilities have changed over the period of analysis. This change is shown in absolute terms and as a percentage Liability 2011…
  • Analysis of the dynamics of assets is based on a comparison of absolute and relative changes in various interrelated items of the asset balance. The difference or the opposite direction of changes allows us to judge the nature and ...
  • Asset structure. The assets of the enterprise are divided into 2 large groups: non-current assets (immobilized funds), the life of which is more than 12 months; current assets (mobile vehicles), service life…
  • Structure of liabilities - the ratio of the shares of various types of liabilities and equity in the total liabilities of the enterprise. Liabilities are sources of own and ...
  • The calculation of net assets is as follows: We count the assets that are taken into account in the calculation We count the liabilities that are taken into account in the calculation We subtract liabilities from assets - this and ...
  • Financial stability is determined, firstly, with the help of coefficients, and secondly, with the help of a three-component indicator of financial stability First, I will give a list of coefficients: Equity ratio Factor of flexibility ...

Hello to all those who are not all equal to the life of a blog site and, of course, to people who looked for information. I am glad to see you all on this blog. Today I want to tell you everything I know about paper sizes What are the sizes and their standards. Agree, anyone needs to know the paper size and format, I’m already silent about artists and designers.

Let's first understand what are paper sizes. The world's most common ISO 216 format according to GOST 5773-90.
All paper sizes according to the ISO 216 standard, they have the same aspect ratio. In simple words, the length of an A1 sheet is equal to half the width of an A0 sheet, and if it is even easier to explain, then look at the picture below and you will understand everything that I tried to explain.

I propose to consider where and what paper formats are often used:

Sheet A0 and A1- drawings, posters and posters.
Sheet A3, B4 and A2- drawings, diagrams, newspapers
Sheet A4- office paper, documents, letters, letterheads, magazines, catalogues, advertising materials, consumables for printers and copiers.
Sheet A5- greeting cards, identification cards, notebooks, notepads, leaflets, letterheads, promotional materials.
SheetB5, A5, B6, A6- books, booklets, brochures, postcards.
C4, C5, C6 formats- envelopes for letters on a sheet of A4 paper: not folded (C4), folded in half (C5), folded in three (C6).
C series formats- This size was designed for postal envelopes to fit A-series paper.

Paper size and dimensions

ISO 216 paper sizes
width x length,
width x length
in (mm.)
size (mm.)
A0 841х1189 B0 1000x1414 C0 1297x917
A1 594x841 IN 1 707х1000 C1 917x648
A2 420x594 IN 2 500x707 C2 648x458
A3 297х420 IN 3 353х500 C3 458x324
A4 210x297 AT 4 250x353 C4 324x229
A5 148x210 AT 5 176x250 C5 229x162

Standard newspaper size:
A4 - 210x297 mm.
Berliner format - 470 x 315 mm.
A3 - 297x420 mm.
A2 - 594x420 mm.

Standard Envelope Sizes:
C4 envelope - 324x229 mm.
C5 format envelope - 229x162 mm.
C6 format envelope - 114x162 mm. - basic mail format

Standard business card size:
The standard of Russia and Ukraine is 90x50 mm.
Euro business card 85x55 mm.

Photo format and dimensions

On the topic of paper sizes, I have everything. If I missed something, add it in the comments.

Best regards webmasterok2009

Most of the standard printing products are printed in standard formats: A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, DL "Euroformat" - 99x210 mm (1/3 A4) or in sizes that fit comfortably on the sheet format.

This is understandable, the minimum amount of paper "waste" during printing is beneficial to everyone: manufacturers of printing equipment, paper manufacturers, printing houses and printing centers. Therefore, when developing a layout, this moment must be taken into account.

If you offer a printing house to print a non-formatted product, most likely you will have to overpay for paper that ends up in the trash, and at best for recycling. This mainly applies to papers that are designed for digital and offset printing. But, for example, designer cardboards and papers in most cases have a size of 700x1000 mm (approximately B1 format 707x1000mm). When printing on such papers, you need to be more careful about the size of the product, since the cost of such materials is orders of magnitude higher.
I will try to be as brief but informative as possible. print sheet format Serie A, as one of the main in the world. Understanding the difference in sizes will make it much easier for you to communicate with printer managers.

Paper size table (dimensions in mm), ISO 216

A6- 105x148 A2- 420x594
A5- 148x210 A1- 594x841
A4- 210x297 A0- 841x1189
A3- 297x420

Paper size table (dimensions in cm)

A6- 10.5x14.8 A2- 42x59.4
A5- 14.8x21 A1- 59.4x84.1
A4- 21x29.7 A0- 84.1x118.9
A3- 29.7x42

SRA3 sheet format

Mostly, digital printing presses have the main print sheet size SRA3- 320x450 mm. Maximum and optimally, this size will include such products (taking into account the bleed 2mm per side)

A4 size is paper sheet measurement parameter, which is commonly used in official and academic documents. In centimeters, the size of A4 paper is 21 cm x 29.7 cm .

A4 paper size can be displayed in various units such as millimeters (210mm x 297mm); or in pixels (2480px X 3508px). These dimensions are for vertical sheets, if presented in landscape format the values ​​must be inverted.

Example: A4 format landscape = 297 mm x 210 mm.

These configurations are defined through the Brazilian Technical Standards Association, in particular the NBR 10068/87 standard. However, according to ABNT standards, there are various standard sheet sizes that are suitable for each type of material or application.

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  • A0=84.1cm x 118.9cm
  • A1=59.4cm x 84.1cm
  • A2=42cm x 59.4cm
  • A3=29.7cmx42cm
  • A4=21cm x 29.7cm
  • A5=14.8cm x 21cm
  • A6=10.5cm x 14.8cm
  • A7=7.4cm x 10.5cm

As you can see, the paper size tends to be smaller in line with the increasing numbers. For example, A3 paper is twice A4 paper.