Print formats. Book formats

GOST 5773-90

Group U35




Book and magazine editions. Sizes

ISS 01.140.40

OKP 95 2010
95 3010

Date of introduction 1991-07-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Press

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards dated June 11, 1990 N 1477

3. INSTEAD GOST 5773-76

4. The validity period was lifted according to Protocol No. 5-94 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 11-12-94)

5. REPUBLICATION. December 2003

1. This standard establishes the formats of book and magazine publications, hereinafter referred to as “publications”.

The standard does not apply to the formats of albums, atlases, toy books, booklets, facsimile, bibliophile, music publications, calendars, publications produced for export, publications printed abroad, as well as miniature, unique and experimental publications.

2. The formats of book and magazine publications must correspond to those indicated in tables 1 and 2.

Table 1

Paper sheet size, mm

Leaf share

Book format


Dimensions, mm



M denotes which side of the sheet of paper the machine direction should coincide with.

table 2

Sheet size
paper, mm

Leaf share

Magazine format


Dimensions, mm



Note. It is allowed to produce small-volume magazines of the "Crocodile" type with a format of 270x350 mm without trimming on three sides, printed in a format of 70x108/8 on specialized equipment.

The format of publications is conventionally designated by the size of a sheet of paper for printing in centimeters and fractions of a sheet.

The publication format in millimeters is determined: for an edition with a cover - its dimensions after trimming on three sides, for an edition under a binding cover - the dimensions of a block trimmed on three sides, with the first number indicating the width, and the second - the height of the publication.

Maximum formats are preferred for application.

It is allowed to reduce the format of the publication to the minimum height and (or) width when printing the publication on machines of outdated designs, imported equipment, as well as taking into account the technological features of production.

The use of paper with the machine direction indicated in Table 1 is mandatory when printing on sheet-fed printing machines (in this case, the use of half- and double-format sheets is allowed), newly designed and imported roll-fed printing machines.

3. Maximum deviations of publication formats from those established for a given circulation should not be more than 1 mm in the width and height of the block.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication

M.: MPK Standards Publishing House, 2004


Good afternoon friends! Today I want to talk about the formats of printed sheets that we use when printing.

In digital printing we use the European system of printed sheet formats, which is based on the A0 format 840x1190 mm. I will not reprint the encyclopedia, I will only remind you of three main things:

  • each subsequent smaller format is obtained by dividing the base sheet in half, that is, A1 = 1/2A0 or 594x841, A2 = ½ A1 or ¼ A0 or 420x594 mm, etc.
  • such strange dimensions were obtained as a result of the search for an optimal aspect ratio close to the golden ratio
  • there are formats of group “B” - they are more used in offset and formats of group “C” are used to designate envelopes, for example, an envelope for A4 sheet 210x297 mm - C4 229x324 mm, an envelope for A5 148x210 mm = C5 162x229, an envelope for A6 105x148 mm - C6 114x162 mm. But the “Euroenvelope” is called E65 205x105 mm

Expand full format table

Row A Row B Row C
Designation mm Designation mm Designation mm
A0 841x1189 B0 1000x1414 C0 917x1297
A1 594x841 IN 1 707x1000 C1 648x917
A2 420x594 AT 2 500x707 C2 458x648
A3 297x420 AT 3 353x500 C3 324x458
A4 210x297 AT 4 250x353 C4 229x324
A5 148x210 AT 5 176x250 C5 162x229
A6 105x148 AT 6 125x176 C6 114x162
A7 74x105 AT 7 88x125 C7 81x114
A8 52x74 AT 8 62x88 C8 57x81
A9 37x52 AT 9 44x62 - -
A10 26x37 AT 10 31x44 - -
A11 18x26 AT 11 22x31 - -
A12 13x18 AT 12 15x22 - -
A13 9x13 - - - -

At the same time, in book publishing, formats that denote a portion of a sheet are more accepted, for example, 70x100/16, which means a format of 1/16 of a sheet of 700x1000 mm or 170 mm by 240 mm. Book formats and all other types printed publications standardized (GOST 1342-78 and 5773-76).

Expand the table of the main formats of book publications

Paper sheet size, mm Leaf share Book format
Symbol Dimensions, mm
maximum minimum
600 x 900 1/8 60×90/8 220×290 205×275
840 x 1080 1/16 84×108/16 205×260 192×255
700 x 1000 1/16 70×100/16 170×240 158×230
700 x 900 1/16 70×90/16 170×215 155×210
600 x 900 1/16 60×90/16 145×215 132×205
600 x 840 1/16 60×84/16 145×200 130×195
840 x 1080 1/32 84×108/32 130×200 123×192
700 x 1000 1/32 70×100/32 120×165 112×158
750 x 900 1/32 75×90/32 107×177 100×170
700 x 900 1/32 70×90/32 107×165 100×155
600 x 840 1/32 60×84/32 100×140 95×130

In book publishing, formats that indicate the proportion of a sheet are more accepted, for example 70x100/16

The choice of print format is very important. On the one hand, it is necessary to choose the most best option for information visualization. And this is the area of ​​responsibility of designers and layout designers. On the other hand, the economics of the publication are important. That is, it is necessary to use the capabilities of printing technology, including digital, as efficiently as possible.

The choice of print format is very important.

For color printing in digital publishing, the site uses a Ricoh C7100X digital printing machine. In this machine we have as many as five feed trays.

Digital printing is necessary for publishing books with a circulation of 1 to 250-300 copies in color or from 1 to 1000 copies in black and white.

I won’t talk about trays 1 and 2, since they are intended for office printing and they are practically not used by us, since they do not have a vacuum supply, but I will tell you about trays 3,4, A, since each of them has its own characteristics.

The main standard for digital printing is SRA3+ 320x450 mm. This format is ¼ of the 640x900 mm format.

Tray number 4 is the main tray of the machine, since the sheet is fed without bending and due to this it is possible to print very dense materials up to 350 g/m2 or 400 microns thick.

The maximum format is 330x487 mm and these additional millimeters can be very important when printing books or plotter cutting.

To obtain this format, we divide a sheet of 700x1000 into 4 parts.

There is also an intermediate format for printing 325x470 - ½ of the 470x650 format (half-format) - the most common paper storage format in our warehouse. Simply because it is convenient to use.

The main standard for digital printing is SRA3+ 320x450 mm. The maximum format is 330x487 mm and these additional millimeters can be very important when printing books or plotter cutting.

Tray number 3 has an elongated shape and its maximum format is 330x700 mm!

It is also vacuum, with the only difference - it prints only in simplex in one pass, that is, for double-sided printing, the sheets will have to be turned over and sent for printing on the second side. Also, paper feeding is no longer direct, so the density of materials is limited to 300 g/m2.

The capabilities of this format are very popular and necessary for printing, for example, the following products:

  • landscape brochure A4 – spread format 210x594 mm, printed sheet 300x640 (1/3 sheet 900x640)
  • cover for album publications A4 with fastening along the short side of the KBS or with printing bolts, the size of which is 210 * 594 + spine thickness
  • booklet “3 A4” with two folds, trim size 297x630, printed in sheet 330x700 (1/3 sheet 700x1000)
  • super book cover or cover with flaps and much more.

Maximum format 330x1300 mm. The tray is frictional, so the paper limit is 220 g/m2. This density is sufficient for printing liners.

Maximum format 330x487 mm. The trays cope very well with thin offset papers from 65 g/m2. Thin chalk of 90 g/m2 can also be fed without any problems. Even if it is after offset printing.

For other manufacturers of printing equipment, the situation with formats is similar, so in the digital publishing of books the following formats are most popular:

Close to A4 - edged block format 205x290 mm

Close to A5 – trimmed block format 145x200 mm

Close to A6 - edged block format 100x140 mm

On the one hand, such format names are already more familiar to a wide range of people, on the other hand, they are the most cost-effective, since they occupy the maximum sheet area and are laid out in multiples with a minimum amount of waste.

Why can't you print in formats smaller than SRA3+?

Therefore, paper of a smaller format will leave its mark on the belt after several hundred sheets, and already when printing in the working format, this mark will appear in the print area in the form of a stripe. The prints are discarded, the oven is for repair.

If you need to print a small number of sheets of a smaller format, this is allowed, especially since the Ricoh C7100X has a service function for straightening the oven belt. A special abrasive roller polishes the belt and can remove small artifacts and defects. Of course, if the damage is deep, the roller is powerless.

The formats and sizes of books and all other types of printed publications are standardized

(GOSTs 1342-78 and 5773-76).

The most common formats of modern books (in millimeters):

  • Miniature book format
    (70 100)x(100 125). Palm-sized dictionaries, guidebooks
  • Reduced (pocket) book format
    (100 130)x(140 177). Paperback fiction, some dictionaries.
  • Standard book format
    (130 145)x(200 215). Most fiction and textbooks are published in this format.
  • Increased
    170х(215 260). Some children's publications, special literature.
  • Encyclopedic book format
    (205 220)x(260 270). Most encyclopedic publications are of this size.
  • Very large book format
    (245 265)x(340 410). Art albums, atlases, children's books.

Book formats are usually indicated in abbreviations. For example, the expression 60x90/16 means that the book format is 1/16 of a sheet of paper measuring 60x90 cm.

Standard book formats (GOST 5773-76)

Edition after trimming (mm) Printing paper (cm)/sheet fraction Edition after trimming (mm)
84x108/8 265x410 60x90/16 145x215
70x108/8 265x340 60x84/16 145x200
70x100/8 245x340 84x108/32 130x200
60x90/8 220x290 75x90/32 107x177
60x84/8 205x290 70x108/32 130x165
84x108/16 205x260 70x100/32 120x165
70x108/16 170x260 70x90/32 107x165
70x100/16 170x240 60x90/32 107x140
70x90/16 170x215 60x84/32 100x140
60x100/8 245x290 84x100/32 120x200
84x100/16 205x240 84x90/32 107x200
60x100/16 145x240 80x100/32 120x190
84x90/16 205x215 60x70/16 145x165
70х84/16 170x200
Small format publications
84x108/64 100x125 70x100/64 82x102
70x108/64 82x125

In the USSR, the most common formats were 60x90/16 and 84x108/32.

Scope of application of the most common formats

Format 60x90/16It is most widely used for educational literature, which contains formulas and tables, as well as illustrations, and the total volume of material is quite large. Sometimes fiction is published in this format - when the volume of the work is large, when it is inappropriate to divide it into several volumes.

Format 84x108/32. Fiction is usually published in this format.

Book format 60х84/16has the same width as in the 60x90/16 format and the same height as in the 84x108/32 format. This format reflects the weaknesses of the mentioned two previous formats: given the width of the book, the line length is long for publications aimed at fluent reading, and the height of such a book page is not designed to accommodate complex formulas and tables. However, for certain publications this format may be suitable, although it is used an order of magnitude less frequently than others from the main group of book formats.

Formats 70x90/32 And 75x90/32- reduced ( pocket type) - often used for books intended for fluent reading: fiction, popular science literature, reference and production publications. The 75x90/32 format has one advantage over the 70x90/32 format - its stripe height is 12 mm higher. Due to this, the area of ​​the printed sheet increases, which improves the economic performance of the publication.

One of the interesting formats70x108/32. This is a wide format and not as portable as the previous two. This format is well suited and used for poetic works, as well as for art publications with extensive illustrations.

Formats 60x90/32 And 60x84/32often used and applied to pocket reference publications. These are various dictionaries, phrase books, transport reference books, guidebooks, and various reminders. Also widely used for paperback fiction. However, one must use such formats with caution, because... such a publication can easily be spoiled by sloppy printing: with poor printing quality, small print may be difficult to read. However, high-quality printing always matters when publishing a book of any format.

Wide enlarged format 70x90/16often used and applied for publications with big amount large illustrations and for publications with large print (mainly children's books).

If you have large formulas, large tables and illustrations, it is recommended to use the extended format70x100/16or extended format 70x108/16.

Among encyclopedic formats, the format is widely used60x84/8. These are voluminous dictionaries, telephone directories, and various types of encyclopedias. The text in such publications can be typed in two or three columns. This format is also convenient for books on art, which include many large illustrations, books on descriptive geometry, and for various publications for preschool children.

Format 84x108/16widely applicable for fiction published in magazine format (an example of such a publication is “Roman-Gazeta”, published in Soviet times). This format is not the best format in terms of readability, but it is the most economical due to the reduction in the volume of stitching work.

If you want your publication to stand out among the crowd of publications, then the best way to do this is to choosenon-standard format: square or, on the contrary, elongated. First of all, the choice of format always depends on the material to be filled.

In those publications where this is preferable (mostly illustrated publications), GOST allows the use of standard formats in the so-called landscape version, in which the width of the publication is greater than its height.

It would be useful to understand what print media formats are and what they are.

Paper size is the size of a paper sheet in width and height or its letter designation according to different standards. Unfortunately, there is no single universal standard. Historically, in different countries Different format standards have been adopted. Attempts to reduce formats to uniformity led to the development of the most used today international standard ISO 216 (GOST 5773-76).

ISO 216 standard

The basic A0 format has an area of ​​1 m2, with a length to width ratio equal to the square root of two (~1.4142).

A1 format is A0 cut in half. In other words, the height of A1 = the width of A0, the width of A1 = half the height of A0.

All formats smaller than A1 are obtained in the same way. If you cut the format An parallel to its short side into two equal parts, you get the format A(n+1).
Standard values ​​for the heights and widths of paper formats are considered to be rounded to the nearest whole value in millimeters.

ISO dimensions are defined in millimeters and have the following meanings:

Format AFormat BFormat C
4A01682x2378- - - -
2A01189x1682- - - -
A1594x841IN 1707x1000C1648x917
A2420x594AT 2500x707C2458x648
A3297x420AT 3353x500C3324x458
A4210x297AT 4250x353C4229x324
A5148x210AT 5176x250C5162x229
A6105x148AT 6125x176C6114x162
A774x105AT 788x125C781x114
A852x74AT 862x88C857x81
A937x52AT 944x62C940x57
A1026x37AT 1031x44C1028x40

The A series formats define the trim sizes of stationery papers, formats for the production of printed goods.

Series B formats are intended for posters and posters, flyers. It is used where A series formats are not suitable. The width and height of format Bn is the geometric mean between formats An and the following large format A(n-1). For example, format B1 is the geometric mean between A1 and A0, which means that the magnification factor of A1 format to B1 format is equal to the magnification factor of B1 format to A0 format.

Series C formats are designed to produce envelopes that will contain sheets of Series A formats.

Uncut paper sizes

Series A and B formats are so-called trimmed formats, that is, finished edition formats. The ISO standard also includes so-called unedged RA and SRA formats. (The abbreviation SRA stands for “supplementary raw format A”.) These sizes are only slightly larger than the corresponding A Series sizes. Sheets of these sizes are trimmed to the final size after printing and finishing. The ISO RA0 format has an area of ​​1.05 m2, ISO format SRA0 - 1.15 m2. These formats also follow the square root of two rule and the half area rule, but the dimensions of the basic formats are rounded to the nearest centimeter.

RA and SRA format sizes

RA0860 x 1220SRA0900 x 1280
RA1610 x 860SRA1640 x 900
RA2430 x 610SRA2450 x 640
RA3305 x 430SRA3320 x 450
RA4215 x 305SRA4225 x 320

Formats of book and magazine publications (according to GOST 5773-90)

Printing formats (books, magazines) are conventionally designated by the size of a sheet of paper for printing in centimeters and fractions of a sheet. They were developed taking into account the fullest use of the printed sheet for domestically produced machines.

Maximum formats are preferred for application.

Book formats

Paper sheet size, mm Leaf shareBook format



Dimensions, mm
600M x 9001/8 60×90/8220×290205×275
840 x 1080M1/16 84×108/16205×260192×255
700 x 1000M1/16 70×100/16170×240158×230
700 x 900M1/16 70×90/16170×215155×210
600 x 900M1/16 60×90/16145×215132×205
600 x 840M1/16 60×84/16145×200130×195
840M x 10801/32 84×108/32130×200123×192
700M x 10001/32 70×100/32120×165112×158
750M x 9001/32 75×90/32107×177100×170
700M x 9001/32 70×90/32107×165100×155
600M x 8401/32 60×84/32100×14095×130

M indicates which side of the sheet of paper the machine direction should coincide with.

Magazine formats

Paper sheet size, mm Leaf shareBook format



Dimensions, mm
700 x 10801/8 70×108/8265×340257×333
600 x 9001/8 60×90/8220×290205×275
600 x 8401/8 60×84/8205×290200×285
840 x 10801/16 84×108/16205×260192×255
700 x 10801/16 70×108/16170×260158×255
700 x 10001/16 70×100/16170×240158×230
600 x 9001/16 60×90/16145×215132×205
840 x 10801/32 84×108/32130×200123×192
700 x 10801/32 70×108/32130×165125×165

The standard does not apply to the formats of albums, atlases, toy books, booklets, facsimile, bibliophile, music publications, calendars, publications produced for export, publications printed abroad, as well as miniature, unique and experimental publications.

It is allowed to reduce the format of the publication to the minimum height and (or) width when printing the publication on machines of outdated designs, imported equipment, as well as taking into account the technological features of production.

© 2008 Publishing house "DPK Press"

Copying information is permitted only with the permission of the site owner.

planum- plane) - the size at which a book page is equal to the size of a printing sheet
  • In folio is the largest size; a book page is half the size of a printed sheet. The exact size depends on the size of the printing sheet. After switching to roll paper, “in folio” began to mean an approximate size of 38 cm (height).
  • In quarto - 4 pages are placed on a typographic sheet. In the case of rolling paper, this is approximately 30 cm in height.
  • In octavo - 8 pages are placed on a typographic sheet, 20-25 cm.
  • Derivatives for octavo:

    • Foolscap octavo 170 mm × 108 mm
    • Crown octavo 190 mm × 126 mm
    • Demy octavo 221 mm × 142 mm
    • Royal octavo 253 mm × 158 mm

    Book format in modern Russia


    Book formats are indicated in abbreviations, for example, like this - 60x90/16. In this expression, the number “60” denotes the width of the original paper sheet (in centimeters), “90” is the height of the paper sheet, and “16” is the number of pages into which the sheet is divided.

    Format groups

    In Russia there are five main groups of book formats:

    • extra large- (84×108/16; 70×90/8)
    • large- (70×90/16; 75×90/16)
    • average- (60×90/16; 84×108/32)
    • small- (70×90/32; 70×108/32)
    • ultra-small- (60×90/32)

    What determines the choice of format

    One of the main problems when choosing a book format is to choose the optimal combination of book width and height. According to one of the theories adhered to by Leonardo da Vinci, proportions based on the principle of the “golden section” are harmonious. When applied to book format, this principle means that the ratio of the width of the book to its height should be 1:1.618.

    According to another theory, close to the theory of the “golden ratio”, the ratio of the width of a book to its height should be equal to the ratio of neighboring numbers from the Fibonacci series, or “golden series”. Each term of this series is equal to the sum of the two previous ones: 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc. This means that the width should be related to the height as 3:5, 5:8, 8:13, etc.

    Book format Size Before trimming Leaf share After trimming Aspect Ratio
    Width, cm Height, cm Width, mm Height, mm
    84×108/8 Extra large 108 84 8 (4x2) 265 410 1,55
    70×108/8 - 108 70 8 (4x2) 265 340 1,28
    70×100/8 - 100 70 8 (4x2) 245 340 1,39
    60×90/8 Large 90 60 8 (4x2) 220 290 1,32
    60×84/8 - 84 60 8 (4x2) 205 290 1,41
    84×108/16 - 84 108 16 (4x4) 205 260 1,27
    70×108/16 Increased 70 108 16 (4x4) 170 260 1,53
    70×100/16 - 70 100 16 (4x4) 170 240 1,41
    70×90/16 - 70 90 16 (4x4) 170 215 1,26
    60×90/16 Standard 60 90 16 (4x4) 145 215 1,48
    60×84/16 - 60 84 16 (4x4) 145 200 1,38
    84×108/32 - 108 84 32 (8x4) 130 200 1,54
    75×90/32 Small 90 75 32 (8x4) 107 177 1,65
    70×108/32 - 108 70 32 (8x4) 130 165 1,27
    70×100/32 - 100 70 32 (8x4) 120 165 1,38
    70×90/32 - 90 70 32 (8x4) 107 165 1,54
    60×90/32 - 90 60 32 (8x4) 107 140 1,31
    60×84/32 - 84 60 32 (8x4) 100 140 1,40
    84×108/64 Ultra small 84 108 64 (8x8) 100 125 1,25
    70×108/64 - 70 108 64 (8x8) 82 125 1,52
    70×100/64 - 70 100 64 (8x8) 82 102 1,24

    * Ratios close to the “golden ratio” proportion (1.618) are highlighted in bold.

    The choice of format depends on the readership of the book, its intended purpose, the volume of published material, the financial capabilities of the publishing house, as well as technical capabilities printing houses.

    Book page format

    When choosing a book format, you need to keep in mind what the book page format, or dial strip format, that is, the size of the print on the page. For a book to look harmonious, the format of the book strip must be geometrically similar to the format of the book. There are three main dial strip formats:

    • economical(largest) - with very narrow margins - intended for books designed for a short period of use, as well as for publications in which it is necessary to present the material as concisely as possible, for example, for dictionaries and reference books;
    • normal(medium) - intended for a significant part of publications of fiction and scientific literature, as well as textbooks;
    • improved(smallest) - intended for books designed for a long period of use, for example, collected works, as well as for gift editions.


    • Dobkin S. F. Book design. To the editor and author. - M.: Book. - 1985.

    see also


    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    See what “Book format” is in other dictionaries:

      Book format- linear dimensions of the pages of the publication, their height and width. Measured in mm or printed fractions. sheet 1/2 in folio, 1/4 in quarto, 1/8 in octavo). First, the print format is indicated. sheet and only then its share per page... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

      A book is a quantity of paper, parchment or other sheet material containing text and/or illustrations transferred to them in some way, bound along one edge and protected by a cover. Each side of a sheet in a book... ... Wikipedia

      Noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? format, what? format, (I see) what? format, what? format, about what? about the format; pl. What? formats, (no) what? formats, why? formats, (I see) what? formats, what? formats, about what? about formats 1.… … Dictionary Dmitrieva

      - (French format, from Latin forma form). Size, size of a sheet of paper, book, etc. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. FORMAT size, shape, size. A complete dictionary of foreign words included in... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

      format- a, m. format f., German. Format. 1. Size of a book, sheet, card. BAS 1. Many people think that it is better to take the most accurate and colorful lists, also the measure. manuscript format, number of sheets and other details. 1805. AM 3 613. Right there on the wooden... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

      Format: size of a book, sheet, card, etc. (example: paper size); a certain structure of an information object (example: file format); method of construction and presentation, form of holding any event, activity (for example: ... ... Wikipedia

      FORMAT, format, male (from Latin forma). 1. Size of a book, sheet, card, etc. Large format book. 2. Length and height of the dial strip, line length (typical). Follow the format. Break the format. 3. Sample for copying (special). Dictionary… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

      Metadata, in general case Metadata is information about data. Information about information. Example: Name of the author of the edit in the text. This term in the broad sense of the word is used for any information about data: names of tables, columns in a table in ... ... Wikipedia

      A; m. [German] Format] 1. The size of a notebook, sheet, card, etc. Small f. Big f. F. books, albums. Regular format photos. Sheets of different formats. 2. Typogr. A value characterizing the length of the full line and the height of the typing bar. 3. Totality... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

      format- FORMAT, a, m Size of a printed publication (book, magazine), notebook, sheet, card, etc. The conference abstracts were published in the form of a large format book... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns