Former members of House 2 on Instagram

Nowadays, most ordinary people are devoted to social networks. What to say then about the stars?! Confident superiority is shared between the social networks Vkontakte and Facebook. A fairly new application is worthy competition to them. Instagram, its accessibility and practicality. Are you tired of long signatures and messages? Then feel free to go to Instagram, where you can just post your photo and people will know about your life.
Mega popular news and rumors about the life of stars. Instagram did not bypass its fate and the participants of the popular and, the longest, reality show in Russia - House 2. After analyzing search words in the Yandex and Google systems, we can conclude that more than 30% of all requests are searched for links to Instagramparticipants House 2. It is interesting for people to personally see and know what is happening in the personal and public, sometimes shrouded in mystery, life of the hosts of the show. Ksenia Sobchak, Ksenia Borodina and Olga Buzova. What does he do and where does he live? Alena Vodonaeva And NellieErmovaeva and other participants.
While watching a reality show, it would seem that the members are not doing anything outstanding. Ordinary guys come to cost their love, and with it the dream house. They create couples, disperse, quarrel, make up, have fun and cry. The main desire of the participants is not only to meet and create their love, but, most importantly, to win “their” audience. Coming to the project as ordinary people, they leave it, they are already popular. Bright participants serve as an example and model of behavior in the lives of many people, especially girls, most attract attention due to their appearance, demeanor and charisma. Fans want to know everything about the characters. Secrets of personal life, home improvement, manner of behavior and communication with friends and personal care of the participants. These aspirations spur to subscribe to accounts participants. Thus, personal pages in social networks and Instagram, serve as a threshold to create a personal reality show of popular heroes House 2.
The most interesting thing is to follow and observe the private life of another person as it crosses the threshold of publicity. Especially if you are presented with him as the most ordinary person, and simply due to participation in the show, this person grows from a simple person into a public one. Appendix Instagram created to demonstrate your personal life, because what better characterizes and shows you the personal life of a character than a photo? Many participants in the reality show, leaving the project, continue to tell and show their lives on social networks. The ones that don't have accounton Instagram– are happy to register. In short lines, many fans subscribe to them. All participants House 2 in their profiles, they post both chronicles of their family life and personal photos from different areas. Events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, sometimes even a funeral, are certainly covered in the profiles of the participants. Another direction of photography in accountsInstagramparticipants House 2, are fashionable bows, for every day, and for various events. Many female participants open their own business, most often fashion clothing brands. These participants include: NellieErmolaev, Xenia Borodin, Olga Buzova and many others.
The participants, who still take part in the reality show, cover their "project" life. They can collect over a thousand comments on a single photo. Often in such discussions under the photo, the heroes of the show themselves participate. Some participants managed to express themselves clearly on the project, to such an extent that interest in their person does not fade even after they leave the project. For journalists, only a few of them have a short interest, for their loyal fans, they remain a bright reality star.
If you consider yourself to this honorary team of fans of the longest-running reality show House 2, and you are interested in the life of the departed and current participants, then below we provide an overview accountsInstagram the brightest "simple guys" House 2.

Instagrams of participants Dom 2.

The host of the reality show House 2 is invariably Ksenia Borodina - The most discussed news of Ksyusha is her beautiful and very expensive wedding, which took place on July 3, 2015. Xenia marriedKurbanOmarovaand her possible/apparent pregnancy. She just returned from Disneyland and romantic Paris with her daughter Marusya.

In the first line-up of the presenters, together with Borodina, was Ksenia Sobchak— . Ksenia Sobchak wanders around the world. Still undecided whether she wants to live in Russia or abroad. She has not exactly decided on her political “faith” and shocks subscribers and no less famous colleagues with her statement about the complexion of women and the priest’s outfits that she puts on.

The next leader was Olga Buzova— . She is a newly minted designer, happy wife, beloved daughter and co-owner of a fashion jewelry brand along with her little sister,AnnaBuzovoy( ), which was also part of the TV project.

An ardent opponent of Buzova and the brightest and sexiest girl in the project was Alena Vodonaeva— link to Instagram . Alena managed to divorce her rich husband, change several boyfriends, but her heart forever belongs to the most important man in her life - her 5-year-old son Bogdan.

The first "project" love of Olga Buzova was rightfully Roman Tretyakov— On the this moment they do not maintain any contact and Roman has a completely new life.

No less bright and memorable for its explosive character was Nellie— . She works as a presenter on TNT and RUtv, opened her own boutique fashion clothes and is going to marry her beloved boyfriend.

The couple of the project is considered Daria Pynzar— and Sergei Pynzar— . They created a happy family and raise a beautiful son.

Failed duet Elena Bushina— and

Olga Gazhienko- became successful in a separate family life.

Eternal Bride Alexandra Gobozova, Nadezhda Ermakova- is happily married and sent her beloved daughter to 3rd grade.

Scandalous Elena Berkova— is the best in her “adult business” and simultaneously works as a model, presenter and DJ.

Forever cheerful and puppet Evgenia Guseva) - successfully married and enjoys all the delights of married and modeling life.

beautiful and sexy Katya Zhuzha- is friends with Ksyusha Borodina and Alena Vodonaeva and leads a secular lifestyle.

The eternal rival of Alena Vodonaeva, Victoria Bonya— once again marries a very beloved and rich man.

The best "project" friend of Vodonaeva, Rustam Solntsev (Kalganov)— remains true to himself: bright, outrageous and explosive.

Girl in the nomination "Best weight loss at home 2" Inna Volovicheva— writes books about weight loss, is pregnant and married.
And a few more accountsparticipants of the reality show House 2: Alexander Artemiev(, Liza Kutuzova(, AlianaGobozova(, MariaAdoevtseva( and Gleb Zhemchugov (Strawberry)

The scandalous television project Dom-2, which has existed for more than 10 years, has numerous broadcasts, a magazine, a website, individual fan sites, and chats in its piggy bank. Of course, the creators of the project could not do without the most popular at present social network. You can find Dom-2 on Instagram under the nickname @dom2_tnt.

A very outstanding tape contains screenshots from the broadcasts, photos of current participants and presenters. But the funniest and most interesting are the captions for the photographs. In your Instagram account, you can find news that is not shown on the air. Tremble fans and subscribe urgently! This is how many events happen daily on the television project house 2, that news that is not covered on the air is published on Instagram! For 10 years, about 1,000,000 people have visited the project, more than 500,000 people have subscribed to the account. This is just half of the former participants of the show.

House 2 does not forget about its "graduates" and constantly publishing photos of former famous participants, celebrating birthdays, advertising their current life behind the project, making reposts from their accounts. And another interesting feature of this Instagram is jokes and jokes on the project participants, their ridiculous statements, not knowing geography and wonderful outfits.

The owners of Instagram house 2 pursue several goals at once. First, with the help of popular social. networks can be promoted more without resorting to the services of journalists, especially if you post personal pictures of the participants. Their fans get instant, as they say, firsthand, and the people love it.

Secondly, with the help of Instagram, you can advertise your business, project. So, for example, the Pynzar, Gusev and Zadoinov families act. Well, if you don’t have your own business, you can advertise someone else’s. The Dom-2 account itself and its members on Instagram have the most popular profiles in Russia - the number of subscribers reaches millions. These are, for example, accounts of Ksenia Borodina, Olga Buzova and some others. Only successful models and some showbiz stars.

In general, unlike the television show, Instagram Dom-2 is filled with jokes, good humor and positive. There are only mentions of fights and swearing in the comments.

Member Name: Phil Kostorubov

Age (birthday): 9.07.1994

Moscow city

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Philip was born in Vladivostok on July 9, 1994. For the last few years he has been living in the capital. By nature, Phil is a leader. He positions himself as a principled and cruel guy who is ready to make all sorts of sacrifices for his beloved.

In the past, Philip was a professional hockey player, which is confirmed by his knocked out teeth. The game left reminders of itself for a long time, and therefore during the conversation one can hear how some words are difficult to pronounce by Kostorubov.

This is a very unpredictable person, once he broke a sports contract and went to be realized in the restaurant industry. Phil could not remain indifferent to sports, even today he plays amateur hockey, football and goes in for sports. He has sports categories in these activities.

In Moscow, the guy opened his agency for organizing holidays, which is very popular among the residents of the capital.

Philip's body is decorated with beautiful tattoos that successfully complement the toned muscles.

His figure is courageous and beautiful, which was noted more than once by the participants in the TV show.

Kostrorubov came to the House-2 project on July 1, 2017. In fact, this is not his first participation in a reality show. Behind him is the scandalous project "".

With his beloved, he took part in the show "Jeanne, marry." The couple played a beautiful wedding, but the relationship between the spouses did not work out, and therefore Phil went in search of a new love.

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Arriving at the Dom-2 project, Phil said that he liked it. She seemed to him not only bright, but also kind and cheerful. True, Marina soon gave him a refusal, and Phil found himself another lover in the Seychelles.

Irina Kazmina became his chosen one. The girl conquered him with her beauty and kindness. Despite the fact that he is not used to courting and seeking his chosen ones for a long time, this time Philip shows himself from the other side.

He pleases Irina with surprises and admits that he is ready to wait until they finally become even closer. Phil really likes Irina, and therefore there is every chance that they will become a strong couple in the future.

Phil Photos

The guy on Instagram often has new photos.