Frost security error while loading components. Message that pops up

If you get the error " Error loading game components. Status 6333574" means you recently updated the game from Fogame (the error is repeated on Lineage 2, Blade and Soul, Aion and many other games, because it is common).

What to do with error 6333574?

Launch Command Prompt with administrator rights. It will appear for launch if you start searching for “Command Line”

Click on the shortcut right button and select "Run as administrator"

It is necessary to turn off incompatible Windows settings and your game. To do this you need to run the command run command bcdedit.exe -set flightsigning off

Copy this command and paste it into the command line. But be careful command line does not support insertion via Ctrl+V, so click right click by field com. lines and in the appeared context menu select insert

After you have inserted the command, click Enter and the command will be executed

Error 1073 on Windows 7: to solve the problem, download update KB3033929. Below you will see a link to this update, which can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

Which games most often give you the “Status: 1073” error?

The error mainly appears in 4Game games. Namely:
Lineage, Lineage 2 (L2), Point Blank (PB), Blade and Soul (BnS), Aion, R2 Online, Devil's Third Online, RF Online, APB Reloaded.

Message that pops up:

Frost Security
Error loading game components. Try rebooting your computer. If the error persists after rebooting, please contact support. Status: 1073

Solution to the problem. What to do

Since September 2015, 4Game games have been updated, according to which support has been discontinued Windows Vista x64 and Windows 7 x64 without latest updates, in particular updates KB3033929.

To solve the problem, you need to download update KB3033929.
Download update KB3033929
(via direct link)

  1. Download the update from the given link.
  2. Run the downloaded file (it will be saved under the name Windows6.1-KB3033929-x64.msu).
  3. Follow the installer's recommendations to install the update.
  4. Reboot your computer.
  5. Launch the game, start playing and enjoy life.
In approximately 90% of cases, simply installing the update helps resolve error status 1073. If you are part of the minority for whom this did not help, then after updating and restarting the computer, follow these steps:
  1. Repair the game files. Reboot your computer. Launch the game. If everything is good, then we rejoice; if not, then the next point is fulfilled.
  2. Delete the contents of the Frost folder to knock out old driver Frost. Reboot your computer. Launch the game. If it doesn't help, read on.
  3. Disable your firewall and antivirus. Install all possible Windows updates through Update Center. Perhaps your operating system is pirated and does not have required components to start the game. Reboot your computer. Launch the game. It should help.

If the error still persists, restore the system to the moment when the game was working.

If it doesn’t help, then the most radical remedy remains - reinstalling Windows 7 . Try to install Windows 7 x64 of a different build, or even Windows 8 x64 or Windows 10 x64. 4Game games have long supported these operating systems.

After updating Windows 10, many users began to see the Frost Security window and the message “Error while loading game components: status 6194310” when trying to play their favorite games. Most often, players encounter the problem when trying to run Point Blank, Blade And Soul, Lineage 2, ION and most games from Fogame.

Status 6194310 indicates that operating system There is an unsupported setting. Thus, after installation Windows updates a conflict arises in the system configuration, namely in the registry. Many complaints have been sent to Microsoft support, but at the moment the error remains in the system. We hope that in the next versions the developers will make changes to the update and save users from this problem. Simply restarting the computer, which we are asked to do, does not help, so we will tell you which paths to take.

How to fix error 6194310

We have to work with the registry, so first of all, let's create a backup copy:

This file makes changes to the system registry regarding updates and application launch configurations. If the error returns again after the next update, perform the entire procedure again.
Do not forget to update the antivirus on your computer, remove unnecessary and junk files. The CCleaner program is suitable for cleaning temporary files and checking the registry for errors.


I hope you figured out why the Frost Security window and error 6194310 appear and know how to fix the problem.
Update your video card drivers promptly, motherboard and other computer devices and there will be fewer problems. If you have any questions, ask in the comments, we will definitely answer.

Modern companies that distribute licensed games are trying their best to block the possibility of pirated hacking, even to the detriment of players. Such an official platform is 4game. All games downloaded from it will be protected by a universal anti-hacking program Frost Security- anti-cheat system, which is installed by default along with the game. It is this decision of the company that leads to the appearance of the notification "An error occurred while loading components. Status 1073.".

Error “Status 1073” occurs when loading or launching many online games from 4game. Many people complain that they can’t launch Lineage 2, Blade and Soul, Point Blank, APB Reloaded and the like Online Games. Below we will show you what to do and how to fix this status.

What causes error 1073 in 4game

The 4game platform creates its own protection, regardless of other security systems that may be installed on the user’s computer. This is where conflict situations arise; the main obstacle often becomes software the computer itself, unable to work with the Frost anti-cheat system. Many people have an operating system not installed from official sources, the so-called lite versions of the pirated assembly. The resulting conflict between them creates the problem “An error occurred while loading components. Status 1073."

What to do about this problem

We have chosen two options that completely solve the problem and include downloading new updates and running scripts.

First way

  1. The user's first action should be a batch update KB3033929 for anti-hacking program from 4game. Download the update from the official resource Microsoft and install it as a regular utility on your PC, you can check the program in the menu: All programs. Afterwards you will need to license your operating system; unfortunately, this step cannot be bypassed. As a rule, these actions should already clear the error.
  2. The installation itself KB3033929 sometimes causes some difficulties, although such cases are rare. For example, when installing updates, error 0xc8000247 may occur, to fix which you need to find in Services "Update Center" and set the status - "Launch".
  3. If other problems occur, then check for the latest updates for SP1. They can always be downloaded from the official website of the developer – Microsoft. After completing this step, reboot the system.
  4. If something goes wrong, then carry out a series of sequential actions. Disable the firewall. Find and deactivate any security programs on your computer, including the main antivirus. Download updates for the operating system again through the Update Center.

The above points will only help if the OS is activated. Purely pirated Windows(7/8/10) in this case will not help correct the situation. The last resort solution would be to purchase a license or find a suitable one Windows systems, but you will need to conduct countless searches for it on the Internet. Service centers they can help with replacing the operating system.

Second way

The fact remains obvious that the problem is created due to low-quality builds of pirated OSes, as well as a good program for recognizing them - the Frost anti-cheat system, without which it is impossible to download games from 4game.

While loading a game (or while it is running), the user may experience a sudden crash of the program, accompanied by the message “An error occurred while loading game components.” At the end of such an error message, its code is usually indicated, for example, “Status: 6194310.” Such dysfunction is often associated with problems in the operation of the Windows OS itself, in which an important system update is not installed, or the debugger mode is enabled. In this material, I will tell you in detail what is the cause of errors 6194310, 1073, 2000022, and how to fix these errors on your PC.

How to fix error status 6194310

Error code “6194310” is due to the presence of an incorrect setting in the system related to the mechanism system updates. In the event that a game program (for example, "Blade & Soul") encounters the mentioned incorrect setting, the user receives the error message "Error loading game components status 6194310" and is asked to restart their computer.

To fix the error do the following:

  • Restart your computer. If the problem is of a random nature, it will disappear;
  • Disable the incorrect setting through the system. To do this, download and unzip this file, run it, and after the changes have been made, restart your PC. The problem must be resolved.

What to do with an error while loading game components and status 1073

Error 1073 usually occurs on Windows 7 (64-bit version), and is associated with Microsoft discontinuing support for certain security certificates. If your Windows 7 does not have the “KB3033929” update necessary for the game client to work correctly, then your game client will not start and you will encounter error 1073.

To fix this problem, you need to install the appropriate update KB3033929 from the Microsoft website Download the specified update, run it, and carry out the update procedure. After this, restart your PC.

If, during the installation of the specified update, you encounter the message “The update is not applicable,” it means that you have installed Windows version 7 without the necessary service pack No. 1 (SP1). To fix the problem, first install the mentioned Service Pack 1 on the system, restart your Windows, and only then install the necessary update “KB3033929”

Error 2000022

Usually this error occurs due to the debugger mode being activated on the PC. This mode could have been accidentally activated by the user while loading the Windows OS, causing error 2000022 to appear.

To disable this mode, you must use this file, which will make the necessary changes in the registry. Download, extract and run specified file, and after the transformations it has carried out, restart your computer. The problem must be resolved.

If these methods do not help

If these methods did not help, and the message “Error while loading game components” still appears, then do the following:


If you encounter the message “Error while loading game components” and a mention of one of the error codes 6194310, 1073, 2000022, then to correct the dysfunction, I recommend using a method that is relevant to each error to solve the problem. If the methods mentioned do not help (which is extremely rare), then I recommend checking the functionality of the system update component - perhaps it is not working correctly.