Guide: what to choose a smartphone or tablet? The difference between a smartphone and a tablet The difference between a phone and a smartphone and a tablet.

Naturally, comparing the two is completely different devices it does not occur to the consumer in detail and step by step. But it happens to choose whether he needs this or that device to solve specific problems. The tablet and mobile phone are firmly established in our lives, and both provide it with a certain level of comfort. In conditions of constant development modern technologies the clear boundary between devices is blurred, at least in terms of functionality.


Telephone(in our context - mobile) is a communication device that allows, by connecting to cellular networks, to transmit and receive sound and data packets over long distances.

Tablet(Internet tablet) is a keyboardless mobile computer made in a monoblock form factor.


What is the fundamental difference between a tablet and a phone - two completely different, but popular devices? The functional purpose of the phone is to receive and transmit voice calls by connecting to a cellular network. The functional purpose of the tablet is to surf the Internet and perform multimedia tasks. Most modern mobile phones allow you to run low-resource applications, games, view videos and photos, listen to music and radio. Some tablets allow you to make traditional calls and use other services from mobile operators.

Philips mobile phone

There was a time when Cell phones strived for miniaturization. Today, with the advent of multimedia in phones, their sizes are increasing - primarily due to the increase in screen diagonal. However, up to the size of even small tablets, the most big phones far: diagonal 3.2 inches versus 7 inches. The ergonomics of phones correspond to one-handed operation, while a tablet can only be operated with two. The vast majority of tablets use touch screen, but for phones this method does not seem to be the only one: many models are equipped with a keyboard unit.

Samsung tablet

When it comes to software, the difference between a phone and a tablet is fundamental. The latter necessarily work under a unified operating system, while phones are content with software shells. Accordingly, the capabilities of tablets in terms of installing applications, for example, are much wider.

The hardware of tablets always looks more solid: powerful processors, graphics chips, a large number of RAM and significant amounts of internal storage. Phones do not need such a rich set, so their performance is minimal and is approximately at the same level. Required for phones are a GSM/CDMA/analog communication module, microphone and voice speaker. Tablets do not need these elements; for them, modules are included in the required set wireless communication and communication ports for connecting to a computer. A phone is an energy-efficient device with batteries of minimal capacity; in tablets, the larger the battery, the better, but even the most powerful ones do not last long, depending on the intensity of use.

Mobile phones are tens of times cheaper than tablets, and today they occupy a separate niche in the electronics market: they have been replaced by smartphones. Users of these devices know what they want: high-quality communication, compactness, mobility and a little entertainment. Tablet users primarily want entertainment while completing business tasks, and cellular communications can only serve as a pleasant addition.

Conclusions website

  1. The phone is designed for voice communication, tablet - for media and Internet access.
  2. A tablet is much larger than a phone.
  3. Information can be entered on a phone using both the keyboard and a sensor; on a tablet, only the sensor can be used.
  4. Tablets run operating systems, phones - software shells.
  5. The hardware platform of tablets is much more powerful than that of phones.
  6. Phones must have a module for connecting to GSM or similar networks, a microphone and a voice speaker.
  7. Phones are more energy efficient.
  8. Phones are cheaper.

We would not be lying if we say that visitors website are not millionaires. We all try to save money. Therefore, we had a question: should we choose a smartphone or a tablet? If you only have enough money for one device, which one is better to buy? Let's figure it out.

Of course, it’s hard to imagine modern life without a smartphone. Therefore, in our article we are most likely talking about an additional smartphone - with a large screen, ideal for watching movies. After all, you should definitely have a compact device, since it’s impossible to take a tablet with you everywhere - it’s too big.

If you buy yourself a smartphone, you automatically get the ability to make calls. A tablet, even if it has a slot for a SIM card, can only be configured for an Internet connection. And is it necessary to mention that it is more convenient to talk on a smartphone, even if it has a 5.5-inch display?

For some reason, the cost of producing smartphones is very low. Therefore, now they are appearing with might and main, which have good characteristics. They often also have a light sensor, which makes their use quite comfortable. But they are equipped with less advanced characteristics, which is why they regularly experience slowdowns. We can conclude that you will most likely spend more money on buying a good tablet computer than on purchasing a smartphone.

If you are a gaming enthusiast, then only an expensive “tablet” will suit you. Cheap models are simply not capable of providing modern games with adequate frame rates. But smartphones cope much better with launching them - even relatively inexpensive devices. Moreover, if the device includes a gyroscope, then it can also be inserted into it! There is no way you can place a tablet in it.

Now in stores you can easily choose a smartphone with a protected case. What can I say, even the super popular Galaxy S8 is not afraid of water! In this regard, you can easily buy a device for. You can take it with you outdoors. You will be confident that falling onto rocks or into water will not have harmful consequences. As for “tablets,” they rarely get a shock-resistant and waterproof case. Of course, such models still exist. But their cost is inadequate, and their characteristics are outdated.

By the way, when traveling, your smartphone will also delight you with its navigation module. You'll open the Maps app and immediately see your location. Tablets often also have a GPS chip. But think about it: will you want to take such a bulky device out of your backpack every time?

Advantages of tablets

Whatever one may say, but tablet computers They have a very large screen. Even 7-inch tablets seem like real giants compared to smartphones. A number of advantages flow from this. The most important of them is comfortable viewing of videos. This, of course, is not a TV or even a computer monitor. But compared to a smartphone, it's simply amazing! Especially if you compare devices of the lowest price category - now even inexpensive tablets have an IPS display with wide viewing angles.

On a large screen, greater detail is most often achieved (unless the pixel density is reduced to some 150 PPI). Due to this, it is easier to crawl around various sites on a tablet. On a smartphone you often have to use mobile version resource, which usually turns out to be less functional. Photos also look great on a tablet computer. Especially if they were obtained using a camera with a high-resolution matrix.

Some of us have read at one time e-books using mobile phones with tiny screens. But this does not mean that you need to continue using your smartphone to read. The fact is that even a 5-inch display is small. If you read information from such an LCD panel for a long time, your eyes may hurt, and if you do this regularly, problems may occur. Of course, this is not excluded when using a tablet. But its screen is still larger, so such devices are better suited for reading books. By the way, they are not the largest in size and have minimal weight - you can easily take them with you on the subway or to work.

Not everyone thinks about it, but the “pill” can be used by several family members at once. IN latest versions Android has even introduced quick switching between profiles for this purpose. It turns out that you are buying a device for several people at once - this is profitable. A smartphone is a purely individual gadget.

Another important advantage of the tablet is its reliability. Yes, the gadget usually includes the simplest things. But if a tablet computer falls, it is extremely rare and at home with a soft floor. And the “tablet” cannot be placed in the same pocket with the keys. Therefore, such a device can serve, if not forever, then for many years. And if you think about it, the service life will increase even more - due to a suitable cover.

What's better?

It's time to decide whether you should buy a smartphone or a tablet. In fact, it all depends on the tasks that the device will solve. If you want to give something to your child so that he can watch cartoons, your choice should be a tablet. And in general, tablet computers are best suited for watching all kinds of videos. But for a VR helmet and outdoor use, you should take a smartphone. But do not forget that its service life will most likely be noticeably shorter.

11.03.2017 16:00:00

In one of the articles we looked at the question of how to remove a program from Android once and for all.

Several years ago, tablets appeared on the mobile device market and users were faced with a new choice problem. In addition to having to rack your brains when choosing between one smartphone or another, you now have to decide what to choose: a smartphone or a tablet.

Tablets gained enormous popularity at a time when the average smartphone was clearly inferior to them in size and technical content. The choice is complicated by the fact that modern smartphones in terms of screen size and built-in power are approaching, and sometimes even surpassing, tablets.

It's best to choose both. But many buyers, firstly, are limited in funds, and secondly, they expect that they can solve their problems with the help of a single device.

We will analyze in detail the main parameters of each gadget and find out what advantages and disadvantages a smartphone and tablet have.

Smartphone and tablet: main differences

If we analyze the differences between smartphones and tablets in a global user sense, then in terms of functionality between them we can trace the following difference:

  • A smartphone is a phone with a variety of functionality close to personal computer. One smartphone embodies the means cellular communication, Internet access point, gaming area, library, mini-cinema and audio player.
  • A tablet is a mini-computer in which the communication function comes second.

Question of price

When deciding which is better to choose: a smartphone or a tablet, the user studies the price tags for the gadget for a long time and in detail. Nowadays the mobile device market offers a wide range of prices. Whether you choose a tablet or a smartphone, a model can be found within 10 thousand or more than 50 thousand rubles. Cheap tablets, about 8-9 thousand, are not always powerful and reliable. While for the same money you can find a good productive smartphone.

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Screen size and overall dimensions

The screen diagonal of the tablet ranges from 7 to 12 inches. With a high-resolution display on the tablet, it is convenient to watch movies, videos, read e-books, digital newspapers and magazines, surf the web, draw in design programs and play mobile games.

Take any modern smartphone and you will see that in nine cases out of ten you will have in your hand a gadget with a screen diagonal of at least 5 inches. Smartphones with a diagonal of 5.5 inches are especially popular among users. The gadgets are called phablets or tablet phones.

On the 5.5-inch screen, you can easily browse websites on the Internet, play games, work with various applications, read books and watch movies, and work with documents.

The screen diagonal is related to the dimensions of the gadget, and therefore ease of handling and transportation. A tablet, be it square or rectangular, can only fit into a bag or backpack. To use it you need a surface or a special folding cover. You have to hold it with both hands, which may not always be convenient, for example, in transport or on the street.

A smartphone with a screen diagonal of 5.2 to 5.5 inches can be easily held with one hand. Interface elements are within the reach of the thumb. The smartphone is compact: it can be put into a pocket, case or holster, or attached to a special holder on the forearm during fitness classes.

If the smartphone does fall out of your hands, repairs will cost much less than for a tablet.

Mobile operating system

When choosing a smartphone or tablet, it is better to focus on the OS to which the user is accustomed. Android comes on both types of gadgets, and there is practically no difference in functionality on a tablet or smartphone. The same applies to the iOS operating system. But with Windows OS everything is not so obvious.

operating room Windows system 8, and after it Windows 10, were initially developed with a focus on tablets and touch monitors. Judging by the reviews, manage Windows tiles much more convenient just for large tablet than on a 6-inch smartphone screen.


A modern tablet, like a smartphone, is equipped with a module for mobile communications and a slot for a SIM card. Another thing is that it’s convenient to use a SIM card exclusively for launching mobile internet. Using a tablet to make calls can be quite difficult. In this aspect, the smartphone is beyond competition.

When considering which of the two types of gadgets is better to choose, it is important to pay attention to power. A tablet in the mid-price category, from 12 to 15 thousand, is usually equipped with a 4-core processor with a frequency of 1.5 to 2.5 GHz and a RAM capacity of 1 to 3 gigabytes. A smartphone for the same money is equipped with no less powerful hardware.

In terms of hardware, the main difference between a tablet and a smartphone will be as follows:

  • The tablet is equipped with a more powerful graphics processor, so this option is suitable for avid gamers who prefer games with “upgraded graphics”.
  • The internal memory of a tablet is usually larger than that of a smartphone.
  • The slot for external storage on the tablet is designed for a larger memory card than that of a smartphone: from 64 to 128 gigabytes.


Due to its size, the tablet is equipped with a larger battery than a smartphone. Therefore, manufacturers manage to significantly gain in battery capacity. While the maximum battery capacity limit for a smartphone is 4400 mAh, the tablet can accommodate a battery with a capacity of 6000 mAh or higher.

The most energy consuming component in mobile gadget is the screen. The larger its diagonal and the higher the resolution, the more the load on the battery increases.

By running a smartphone with a battery, for example, 2500 mAh, and a tablet with a 6000 mAh battery at full power, you can achieve almost identical operating times.

The smartphone has the advantage of a removable battery. If there is something wrong with the charge, you can always remove the damaged battery and install a new one. The tablet is equipped with a built-in battery, and in the event of a breakdown, you have to spend much more effort, time and money on repairs.

Camera Features

The quality of photos and videos is the main parameter in which a smartphone is significantly ahead of a tablet. Modern smartphone can be equipped with high-quality multi-lens optics, a light-sensitive matrix, high-quality software to process the image. Even a smartphone for 10,000 rubles is often equipped with a decent camera with autofocus and flash and sometimes takes better pictures than a digital point-and-shoot camera.

The tablet is equipped with a camera, rather “for show”. At best, the camera on the tablet is needed for video communication. You are unlikely to find detailed modes and calibrations in the tablet camera settings. And almost no camera on a tablet can boast of autofocus.

When taking a picture on a tablet, we managed to increase the maximum resolution to 1600 x 1200 pixels. Autofocus, of course, was not provided. But the smartphone produced a clear, well-developed image in a resolution of 4160x3120 pixels.

Let's move on to comparing extremely popular gadgets - a smartphone and a tablet. If you have neither one nor the other, and want to buy one, then this article is for you.

  • The first is weight and shape. The tablet looks larger, unlike a smartphone. Naturally, the tablet weighs significantly more. What are the pros and cons of this? The advantage, definitely, is that the image is larger and better quality on a tablet. But the smartphone, with its fairly decent image quality, is lighter in weight, which adds to its comfort.
  • The most important difference, for sure, is that smartphones act as phones and connect to cellular networks, and also support a 3G network. It is quite rare to find 3G technology in tablets.
  • Tablets run on powerful platforms, but smartphones can't compete in browsing the Internet. Potentially, no device can compete with a smartphone - powerful CPU from 1 or more Ghz, as well as two, four or eight cores. RAM in tablets it reaches 3 GB. And the last thing is operating systems; many tablets are made on the Windows platform, which cannot be said about smartphones.
  • The smartphone competes with the tablet on energy savings. Not very powerful processors that smartphones are equipped with consume little power. And on tablets with especially powerful processors, power consumption is off the charts, and if the battery is weak, the tablet will not work for even two hours. offline mode. But a smartphone, on the contrary, can work with good battery up to two to four days in operating mode.
  • The cameras on tablets are quite weak - up to 3 megapixels. Therefore, smartphones with cameras up to 13 megapixels take over here. high quality Images.

Advantages of the tablet: surfing the Internet and viewing, thanks to the large screen, support for powerful software and powerful operating systems, including Windows 7.

Advantages of smartphones: the ability to make calls via a 3G network, excellent compactness and lightness of the device, good quality cameras and high resolution for images and videos, a huge advantage in power consumption.

Before we begin to dissect the advantages and disadvantages of both options, I would like to immediately apologize for the fact that my review cannot claim to be completely comprehensive in all areas of application of the devices. I, as an ordinary average citizen, use devices for a very specific range of tasks. I present them below so that you can understand whether it is worth reading my opus, or whether you will have completely different tasks, and, therefore, other preferences.

What do I use my tablet and smartphone for?

  • Email,
  • Internet,
  • watching movies before bed (mostly educational, but you can also watch fiction films),
  • Reading books,
  • learning English,
  • monitoring the statistics of your sites (I have more than two dozen of them - they need an eye and an eye!),
  • viewing the weather forecast,
  • business planning,
  • tracking earnings from contextual advertising,
  • photographing interesting unexpected scenes when there is no camera at hand,
  • usage social networks(rarely),
  • communication with colleagues and file sharing,
  • calculator,
  • Dictaphone,
  • typing from an external keyboard,
  • using devices as routers to connect a laptop to the Internet (for example, when traveling).

Well, that’s probably all the big tasks. I tried to manage finances, but after I lost the results of several months when I froze, I don’t take the risk anymore.

I almost forgot - I sometimes make and receive phone calls :)

What I don't do on my tablet/smartphone

  • I don't play computer games, don’t ask for it, there’s no time,
  • I don’t listen to music and audiobooks (although this is possible, I have one for this - it’s much more convenient),
  • I don’t hang out on Contact or other social networks (short-term visits occur, but I don’t use them for a long time),
  • I do not use chats or other means of real-time communication,
  • I don’t listen to the radio (for this you need headphones, and I don’t want to bother with wires),
  • I may not do a million other things, but I tried to list the most popular ones.

What smartphone and tablet do I use?

I would like to introduce the heroes of this article. This is not some picture from the Internet, but the very devices that I have the pleasure of using in my work.

So, tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab GT-P1000- already obvious outdated model, which has served me faithfully for four years now. Smartphone - Samsung Galaxy ACE 4 lite.

For the first one, I paid exactly 20 thousand rubles. They had just appeared then and were still quite expensive. The smartphone cost much less - about 4 thousand rubles. In terms of technical characteristics, they are approximately the same, only the tablet has 16Gb internal memory versus 8Gb for a smartphone. In other respects (except for size, of course) they are almost twins - brothers.

Why did I buy a smartphone if I had a tablet?

This is a very good question. The fact is that in addition to the tablet, I had the simplest Nokia phone . So, nothing special - just call and sometimes, on occasion, take a photo of something. But unfortunately it started having problems with incoming calls, so I had to think about a replacement.

At first I wanted to buy something very simple again. After all, I could then perform all the necessary actions on the tablet. But then I came to the conclusion that carrying a tablet (even a small one) is not always convenient. For example, when you go to the park for a walk with your child, or to walk your dog... it can be a shame to take a bag only to put your tablet in it.

But if I had a smartphone, then everything would be completely different: after all, it is much lighter and more compact, and can do everything the same as its more massive older brother. You can carry it with you everywhere and respond more quickly to incoming email or do many other useful things literally in between.

And so the idea was born buy a smartphone instead of a regular phone.

I remember I spent a long time thinking about which smartphone to buy. They are very different. There are large screens, thin and stylish, but terribly expensive. There are very cheap ones - within 3 thousand rubles, but they are very tiny. On their small screens everything would be too small.

As a result, standing in front of the MediaMarkt store window, I decided on some kind of middle ground. Samsung Galaxy ACE 4 lite It seemed to me a good combination of low price (about 4 thousand rubles) and a sufficient level of performance. In terms of power, it was almost the same as my tablet bought four years ago. Of course, today it would be possible to buy something cooler, but for solving my specific problems, the power of the new smartphone was quite enough.

I would not like to give further details here technical description this particular smartphone. My task is different. I would like to find out, in principle, what is better for a person to buy if he has neither one nor the other.

To do this, let's go over the tasks that were outlined earlier, find out which device is more convenient to perform them on, and then summarize everything and decide which device is better.


Of course the opportunity to receive emails at any moment and in any place, wherever you are, this is a great benefit. It happens (at least for me) that I have to react quite quickly to some important e-mail. For example: a person bought my paid course, asks to confirm that money has arrived in the bank account and send me the login password to access the course on the website.

Here you need to respond as quickly as possible so that the buyer does not have bad thoughts that he was simply scammed: they did not send the data after payment and do not respond to letters. Even though on a small screen I won’t be able to write a long, detailed letter with instructions for accessing the course, but I can at least confirm that the money has been received and promise to send me a login and password as soon as I get to a normal computer.

It is important here that a person receives at least some kind of answer as soon as possible. As a rule, he is ready to wait a little if he knows that he is remembered and he will definitely receive the paid product (service).

Of course, it is somewhat more convenient to write on a tablet’s larger screen, but considering that a tablet, unlike a smartphone, is not always at hand, we put the first plus of a smartphone.


But here the tablet already wins. On its large screen, browsing the Internet is much more pleasant than on the microscopic screen of a smartphone. As for me, I generally only look at the news feed on the Internet on my smartphone. I usually leave more for the large screen of a laptop or tablet. So, plus gets a tablet. The score becomes 1:1.

Watching movies before bed

Here both devices have their pros and cons. At the tablet bigger screen, and the smartphone is more compact. If we are talking about individual viewing (that is, you are not watching this film in two or three with other viewers), then in principle the size of the screen does not matter. After all, even a small smartphone screen can be moved closer to you and everything will be fine.

On the other hand, according to the experience of traveling on business trips, a smartphone is a more convenient device due to its compactness - there is no need to carry unnecessary things. However, the tablet wins in terms of battery life. For example, a train from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod takes about 4 hours. During this time you can watch a couple of films. Panshet usually felt fine, but the smartphone barely survived until the end of the trip.

Of course, tablets and smartphones are very different in terms of time battery life. In my particular case, the tablet wins a little.

As a result, both devices receive a point. The score becomes 2:2.

Reading e-books

If a person has normal vision, then it will be convenient for him to read text from both a smartphone and a tablet. Another thing is that when reading text on the large screen of a tablet, your eyesight becomes less tired. especially when you read in transport, where the text constantly eludes your gaze. Therefore, on the one hand, the plus must be given to the tablet.

But the smartphone is always at hand. That is, to read a text in the subway or on a tram, it is enough to have a smartphone, and take a tablet with you if you still have to carry a large bag. If you are going somewhere light, then you don’t always want to carry a tablet with you just to read on the road. Thus, we give both devices an additional unit: “they both can.”

Learning English

This task is actually quite capacious. In theory, it should include watching movies in English, listening to podcasts, radio, reading news from websites, using an online dictionary, communicating via Skype with others like you... All this can theoretically be done on both devices. But again, there are pros and cons to each of them. A small smartphone is always with you: when you leave the house, even for a short time - to the bakery, you take it with you “by default” like money, keys and other absolutely necessary things. Therefore, you can improve your English anywhere, even in a queue, even on the subway, at any time when you have a free minute.

A tablet is not such a light thing. You can't take it with you to the bakery. But a much larger screen gives greater comfort when reading or watching a movie.

Both devices receive one: score: 4:4.

Monitoring your website statistics

This is a rather specific task. It is relevant only for those who have websites with a Yandex Metrica system counter. If this is the case, then you can install a program on your smartphone or tablet that will display a small informer icon on the main screen. It will show the number of visitors to your site today and show the dynamics of traffic over the past seven days.

The data is updated at certain intervals, so by looking at the screen of your smartphone/tablet you can monitor how your site or sites are visited, if there are several of them.

It would seem why this is necessary. Many acquaintances. To whom I show these informers on the screen, they also ask the following question: “Why do you need to constantly monitor attendance?”

I answer: there are two reasons:

On the one hand, this is excellent motivation. If I see that my sites have positive dynamics, that is, they are growing in terms of traffic, I will be very happy to develop them further. This is similar, for example, to how a gardener monitors the growth of the trees in his garden several times every day. He is simply pleased to see how the trees add a few millimeters per day.

On the other hand, this is an excellent opportunity to promptly detect a problem with the site and quickly solve it. For example, a couple of months ago one of my sites was attacked computer virus. You know that sites are hacked from time to time with the most vile intentions. That day I noticed that the counter at some point stopped at the reached value and stopped growing further.

I checked the site and indeed found a problem. The solution was very simple: I simply restored the site from backup copy as of yesterday, when there was no virus yet, and everything started working again.

But if I looked at my sites once every two or three months, as some comrades do, then at one point I would find a breeding ground for infection there, and the site itself would fail for a long time in the search engine rankings.

In this vein, it is very advisable to look at Yandex Metrics informers from time to time throughout the day. Of course, it is much more convenient to use a smartphone for this. It's always at hand, and big screen not required to view.

The smartphone gets +1, and the score becomes 5:4 in its favor.

Viewing the weather forecast

Again, this can be done on any device, but the smartphone is always nearby, which means it’s more convenient to look at the weather with it than putting off viewing until you return home, where the tablet is.

The score is 6:4 in the crawl of a smartphone.

Planning things

In general, it is more convenient to use a large desktop computer or laptop for this purpose. On the keyboard it is much more convenient to describe the task in detail and link it to a specific day of the week.

However, the specificity of my work is that I almost never have predetermined events, such as meetings, appointments, negotiations, etc. I work on a flexible schedule and decide for myself what things I will do and when. Thus, the main thing for me is not to have a calendar grid, but a simple list of tasks, preferably broken down into subtasks. Based on this, I make plans for a specific day.

In my particular case, a smartphone is much more convenient for planning than a tablet. He is always with me. If some idea came to me somewhere on the street or while walking with a child in a punk, I could not write it down right away, postponing it until I got home and got to my tablet or large computer. Naturally, most great ideas were simply forgotten.

Since the smartphone appeared, which is always with me, I have become less likely to forget about important things, matters, and new ideas. Considering that. that my entries are constantly synchronized with Google calendar, I know that even if I lose my smartphone, I will remember all my tasks and complete them in a timely manner. I give the smartphone a solid 1 for planning. I mean: +1.

The score becomes 7:4 in favor of the smartphone.

Monitoring earnings from contextual advertising

This is also something that not everyone needs. I have websites with advertising on them, which brings me income. This income can be seen in the widget on the main screen of your tablet and smartphone, you just need to install it in them special program. Since my smartphone is always with me, there are more opportunities to view statistics. This does not affect the earnings itself, but, you know, it’s nice to look at the widget and see that I was paid a dollar for a walk with my child, while we were having dinner - another dollar, etc.

I give the smartphone +1 for viewing statistics Google Adsense: The score becomes 8:4.

Photographing interesting, unexpected scenes when you don’t have a camera at hand

Everything is probably clear here. A smartphone accompanies us much more often than a tablet. He also gets +1 for his prompt reporting.

True, it is better to view the captured photos on the large screen of a tablet, but this is a different category.

Score: 9:4 in favor of the smartphone.

The situation here is twofold. On the one hand, it’s more convenient to use a tablet; on the other hand, a smartphone is more often at hand. Without going into details, I will supply one for each device.

Communicate with colleagues and share files

There is such a program as Ever Note. If you greatly simplify its meaning, then this is a network notepad. You can make entries there from any device: desktop computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone. Everything is stored on the server and is constantly available, no matter where you are, if there is Internet.

I use it instead of pieces of paper to write down ideas, smart thoughts, copy internet pages for later reading, etc. My wife writes me a shopping list.

In fact, neither a smartphone nor a tablet is very suitable for creating notes. Still, you can’t write large text on the on-screen keyboard. But for viewing, you can use both devices with their inherent advantages (large screen) and mobility (smartphone). I give one to everyone.

The score becomes 11:6.

Calculator, voice recorder

I decided to combine these two points, since in each of them, from my point of view, the smartphone is the leader. It is more compact and always with you, and the voice recording button can be located on the main screen.

The score becomes 13:6.

Typing with an external keyboard

But here the tablet has no competition. You can purchase a full-fledged keyboard for it (some models are initially equipped with one) and type texts with the same comfort as if you were writing on the keyboard of a regular computer. But smartphones... of course, you can also buy an external keyboard for them, but it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to fully work on it. The keys are very funny, and you can’t really get around on the small screen.

1 tablet: the score becomes 13:7.

Using devices to connect your laptop to the Internet

Both my devices have this property. I admit that there are models of tablets and smartphones that cannot do this. The essence of this feature is that a mobile device, having a constant connection to the Internet via a SIM card, allows another device to access the Internet through this channel.

That is, if I have a laptop, I went out into an open field with it, then most likely there will be no outlet there wired internet yes and coated wifi hotspots there will be difficulties too. But then I will have a tablet or smartphone that has a connection to the Internet via 3G - that is, via a SIM card. I'll include in mobile device appropriate settings and it (the device) will become a regular Internet access point via WiFi for the laptop.

Here you will have to give primacy to the tablet. Do you know why? Its battery is more durable. It will work longer :)

The score becomes 13:8 in favor of the smartphone.


As you can see, the smartphone is leading the race by a wide margin. Of course, you may have other tasks, other interests. Then, of course, the scales may tip in the other direction. You will still have to decide for yourself.

Before finishing the article I would like to give a few practical advice and dispel some myths.

  1. Keep in mind that you are not buying a device for life, but for 2-4 years, depending on how it turns out. It will be very problematic to use it further, since the battery will gradually lose its capacity. This will mean that you will have to charge your device more and more often. For example, my tablet, which previously worked fine on one charge for several days, now needs to be charged daily. It may turn off completely unexpectedly due to lack of charge. Sometimes after such a “restart” all settings are lost: mail, widgets on the main screen, etc. Therefore, you should not be so scrupulous about your choice, rummage through technical specifications, looking for the most best model. They simply do not exist - there is something good and bad in each. The main thing is that the device performs the tasks that you need, and becomes your assistant, and not its slave, who, God forbid, is forced to pay off the loan for the purchase for another whole year.
  2. Do not attempt to use the device to listen to music. The player will drain the battery and you will miss many important calls while you get to the outlet. It is better to have a separate player for music and English, for example - like mine. If the battery runs out, it doesn't matter. The phone will still work.
  3. If you type on the on-screen keyboard, your battery will drain faster than if you watched a video for the same amount of time.
  4. Try to buy a case for your tablet right away. If you drop it on the floor, the tablet will no longer be there, but the credit will remain :)
  5. Photos taken with tablets and smartphones only look good on small screens. If you need pictures of more or less decent quality, take them with a camera.
  6. You can make calls from the tablet (if a SIM card is inserted into it), but it looks comical, and everyone can hear your conversation: the tablet outputs sound directly to external speakers. So it is better to conduct confidential conversations through Bluetooth headset or even use a smartphone for this.