Where and how to buy YouTube channel advertising? YouTube channel promotion strategy Youtube channel creation and advertising.

Friends, guys. I'M TRYING REALLY Guys. How much I read this on my channel...

Here's a pretty typical comment

And he comes in PM...

Even media networks are climbing

I approve of a lot of this, because when you have a small channel, the number of comments has a small plus in ranking positions. Even spam ones. Here, of course, I can’t say for sure, but it seems to me that this is so. But in general - almost all such comments automatically go to spam. It’s not me who put them there, it’s just that if someone deletes your comment or complains, then you fall into the category of spammers.

You can watch this video where a person explains how all this can be done

But personally I approach it a little differently, but his methods are what almost everyone does and it works.

Rule number one.

Rule number two.

Write human comments

Do not write a comment that was clearly copied from the previous one. This is immediately obvious.

Rule number three.

Write different comments. Adapt

You come to different channels, they have different audiences, different people watch them. By writing funny nonsense like AAAZAA LALKA, on a channel about nuclear physics you will definitely not attract attention and will end up in spam. And if you write something long and clever on a channel where it’s all nonsense, the effect will also be zero. Look at what others write, write the same, but better and more interesting.

Rule number four.

No need to write in English

Rule number five.

Don't write long comments

They will rarely get many likes. This is not always the case, it depends on the topic of the channel and how quickly you write a comment after publishing the video, but super-long comments with your theories are rarely needed. Brevity is the soul of wit. People scrolling through the comments are looking for a short comment to the point, something caustic and funny. Something useful and interesting.

The main task is to get likes

Maybe someone doesn't understand this, but the whole point is in the likes. Having received many likes, your comment will be higher and then the chance that other people will click on it increases significantly. That is why there are so many “like if you... X” now. But this, too, is already boring, especially the idiocy like “like it if you watch it in 2016.” I dislike these idiots. You can get likes by writing something useful, funny or interesting. But it's also important...

Be the first to comment

The most effective PR for a channel through likes is when a top channel has just uploaded its video. For example, I caught people with 800k subscribers this way several times, and then I don’t even watch a 10-minute video (well, or I watch a minute or two) and write a comment very quickly. In 10 minutes (when everyone watches this video) there will already be 500 comments! And no one will see yours. In 12-24 hours there will already be 2-5k comments and there will be practically no point in writing.

Be a pioneer, watch the top channels and write first. Best of all - your topic. Those channels where your potential audience is. Strange traffic doesn’t make much sense; there will be low conversion (the chance that they will subscribe, like, etc.).

-YOUR TEXT- // Strikethrough
_YOUR TEXT_ // Bold
*YOUR TEXT* // Italic

(Did not work out)

But by the way, write something like: LIKE WHO'S WATCHING IN 2016

Everyone is already very tired, like any begging. And this is what works:

At what, mind you. Those who get the most number of likes and will hang in the top receiving traffic are very often not YouTubers, but normal people. That is, the rule is - write human comments! And people will be drawn to you. All these GUYS I'M TRYING REALLY... already got it.

I'll give you two strategies, which can be combined

Strategy 1

By tops in your topic. Subscribe to 10-50 channels in your topic, the biggest ones. That's all. Sit and wait for them to release new videos. As soon as you see it, run there and write a comment as quickly as possible in their style. This can be your routine. Almost any such comment will give you traffic and at least 1-5 subscribers.

Strategy 2

For small ones. Go and search for videos like yours, with the same meta data. Then sort by newest. And you go there. If you see a new, promising channel on your topic, you can generally leave a comment there under each video. The author of the channel will be happy about this, and you will also get some traffic. If and when his channel grows, his videos will get significantly more views and your comment will always hang there. Work with beginners and promising ones. Work with those who are your size and your subject. Chat and comment on each other's videos. Put each other in interesting channels. You are not competitors to each other, if you both do interesting and good work, then a person can watch both him and you, nothing interferes.


Well, in general, you know... I comment on videos that are interesting to me and write what I think. That's all. Just by being a normal person and being active, you will already be gaining additional traffic, after all, people see when a normal person comments, and he also has his own channel... But what does he do...? Come and have a look :)

If you have an hour of time, this is very good video to which he can be dedicated. It also talks about comments.

If you want to become popular and make money from it, then you need to start promoting a YouTube channel now. YouTube is the most popular video hosting service, which has become a constant source of income for many famous bloggers, streamers and other interesting and enterprising people. But as you know, popularity does not come on its own, it has to be earned.

Preparing the channel for promotion

To quickly promote a YouTube channel from scratch, you need to use paid and free promotion methods in combination. But before you start optimizing and advertising your channel, you need to create and design it correctly.

To create a promising channel you need:

  • Decide on the topic and niche that the channel will occupy on YouTube. Choosing a topic is a very important step. The fact is that in popular and profitable niches it is much more difficult to promote a channel. But if you still manage to do this, then the earnings there will be appropriate. It's best to do what you really understand. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s entertainment, children’s, gaming or scientific content. Passion and dedication always attracts viewers.
  • Watch videos from popular bloggers and come up with your own personal trick. Every popular blogger on YouTube has their own “trick”. This makes the person memorable, which prevents him from being confused with anyone else.
  • Create a memorable image. Creating an image should be focused on target audience. The closer the presenter is to the viewer, the more attractive he will seem.
  • Shoot several videos using high-quality equipment. Good quality video in 2017 is an integral part popular channel. Therefore, the light, equipment, and sound must be of not ideal quality, but not worse than standard.
  • Before publishing, find out the opinions of friends and acquaintances and bring the image to perfection. The help of friends and acquaintances at first will help to identify all the shortcomings and work on all the weak points. Therefore, you need to try to connect as many people as possible, because in return you can get really valuable advice.

Types of promotion

When the user already has his own account with a small collection of videos, it is not clear what to do next. Wastefully leaking videos that no one watches is a very dubious activity. Therefore, you need to put the camera aside and get busy promoting.

There are two types of channel promotion:

  • paid;
  • free.

The issue of money is always relevant, but to achieve the goal you need to be guided by other characteristics available ways promotion, namely their effectiveness. Otherwise, instead of quickly gaining subscribers, time will be spent on meaningless and useless activities.

Channel promotion – do you need to pay?

Some people sincerely believe that to become popular on YouTube, it is enough to make a spectacular video, post it online, and a new trend is ready. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Even the most charismatic and ambitious blogger can remain unnoticed.

Advantages of paid channel promotion:

  • quick recruitment of “live” subscribers;
  • minimal investment of time and effort;
  • guarantee of results.

Most of the sites and applications that offer free money lie. After all, their main contingent are bots. They, in turn, are of no value to the owner of the YouTube channel.

Proper promotion can be much cheaper if you first take a short course on the basics of Internet marketing. But this takes time. Training includes working with Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords, the basics of SEO optimization, viral marketing and much more. If you plan to make working on the Internet your main field of activity, then such skills and knowledge will not hurt.

Paid promotion methods

If at the start you have at least a small budget that can be spent on promotion, then the chances of professionally promoting your YouTube channel are significantly higher than without it. But you need to invest money wisely, so first you need to familiarize yourself with the existing methods of paid channel promotion.

Paid methods include:

  • purchasing subscribers on specialized exchanges;
  • services of freelancers and professional promotion agencies;
  • purchase of advertising.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. But in general, their effectiveness has long been confirmed in practice. Many, without understanding the essence of each of these methods, hastily give money to just anyone, and receive nothing in return. Therefore, it is worth considering them in more detail.

Services for buying subscribers, likes and comments

Buying subscribers is in demand among “newbies” on video hosting. Some sincerely hope that after acquiring a couple of thousand subscribers, the channel will immediately get to the TOP and advertising prices will rise to exorbitant amounts. It should be said right away that this is not so.

No matter how many users are attracted through the exchange, they will not be able to make the channel popular. The fact is that the goal of such subscribers is to get money. They are not interested in the published content, therefore, there is little value from such viewers.

But for a developing channel a large number of subscribers make it more attractive to “live” users. It has been noticed that before people start watching a video, they look at how many users are interested in it and how many liked it. And only then do they decide whether it’s worth spending their time watching. Therefore, the larger the channel’s purchased audience, the more “live” users it will attract.

On specialized services can buy:

  • subscribers;
  • comments.

To promote a channel on YouTube, subscribers alone will not be enough. The number of views and likes are the main parameters for raising a channel to the TOP. And for the video hosting administration, it will be obvious that a large number of subscribers without activity on the channel is the result of cheating. And this, in turn, can lead to their mass write-off and account blocking. Therefore, to create the appearance of real promotion, you will need to not only gain subscribers, but also create imaginary user activity.

You can also see a selection of YouTube promotion services divided into categories on the blog of the service for working with bloggers EPICSTARS.

All operations for purchasing spectators are carried out remotely. The channel owner simply selects the desired package of subscribers (500, 1000, 5000 or more people) and pays for it with bank card or electronic wallet. There are no and cannot be any guarantees other than reviews from previous customers. Therefore, it is important to be vigilant so as not to run into scammers.

To do this, you need to follow some rules:

  • The official website may contain fake reviews, so before purchasing, you need to study the site’s reputation on third-party resources.
  • Before purchasing, you need to analyze sellers' prices.
  • The first costs should be minimal to ensure the quality of the services provided. It is better to buy packages of 100 or 500 subscribers.
  • Exchanges and services that promise to gain subscribers in a couple of hours should be treated with distrust. After all, a sharp increase in subscribers can be a reason to block a YouTube channel.
  • After purchasing, you need to carefully monitor the activity on the channel.

User activity shows the number of subscriptions, unsubscribes, likes and comments left over a certain period of time. If, after purchasing subscribers, the number of subscriptions increased sharply, and a week later gradually decreased by the same number, and during this time not a single like or comment was made, then you should no longer return to the services of the exchange that cheated them.

Professional channel promotion

The services of professionals in the field of Internet promotion can completely save the owner of a YouTube channel from any hassle. You can order full channel promotion either from a special agency or from a freelancer. However, the cost of such services is, to put it mildly, rather high.

The secret of specialists in the field of Internet marketing is a proven and tested promotion strategy, using techniques, competent SEO optimization and correct settings advertising campaigns. To master all these skills, the average user will need more than one month. Therefore, the price for specialist services is appropriate.

When choosing a suitable specialist to whom you can entrust your channel, you should make sure that he uses only “white hat” promotion methods in his work. Otherwise, published videos may be banned, views written off, and the channel even blocked.

YouTube channel advertising

  • On forums and social networks. Of course, you can post videos on forums and social networks for free. Only the owners of communities and forums will remove such “advertising” within a few minutes, so there will be little benefit from this. You can officially promote the channel either through advertising exchanges in social media, or directly through the administrators of the sites of interest.
  • WITH using Google AdWords. Google AdWords is a powerful advertising tool that allows you to publish video ads on YouTube. Advertisements placed in this way are published either on video hosting pages or broadcast during video playback. All the advertiser needs to do is shoot a commercial, determine the budget for the advertising campaign and set the parameters of the target audience.
  • On video blogs of other authors. Many of the popular bloggers offer their own PR services. developing channels on YouTube. When choosing a suitable person, you need to look at how many subscribers he has, whether there are fake accounts among them, and how many there are. If the majority of the audience of a supposedly popular blogger was recruited by a cheap program, investing in such advertising will be pointless. Bloggers set prices themselves and, as a rule, they depend on the advertising format. This could be adding an advertiser’s video to your favorites, holding a joint competition, a promotional video at the end of a video, or a joint release that is published simultaneously on two channels.

Paid promotion of a channel on YouTube will not necessarily extract the last money from its owner. If we analyze all available paid methods and you can combine them with free ones inexpensively and at the same time quickly gain the coveted popularity. Therefore, you should not stop halfway and give up on your intended goal. The sooner you start work, the faster this goal will be achieved.

The first thousand views on YouTube or the first thousand subscribers is always difficult, exciting, and for many it seems like a long time. Therefore, you should first figure out how to promote a channel on YouTube for free, and then add videos. At a minimum, this approach will prevent you from making serious mistakes.

Method One - Create Viral Content

A site can end up in the top search results thanks to a smart SEO, even if the content is, to put it mildly, rather weak. This won’t work with a video: if you artificially “increase” the required number of views, you can still be lowered in the search results by putting downvotes. In addition, employers have long learned to identify such channels. And deception is very harshly punished by YouTube - right up to until the account is completely blocked.

Therefore, the content must be of high quality, causing a natural (!) desire to watch it. A viral video often does not need any additional promotion. On the contrary, it helps draw attention to other projects. But how to shoot such a video is another question. Here you already need to study the niche, the target audience, what is in demand now and why.

Method two - Carefully consider the title, tags and description

Largely because of this point, the advice given above was to first deal with free promotion channel. If you add a video without a description, the chance that almost no one will see it will increase. It is also very important to correctly select appropriate tags and categories for the topic. And don’t forget to create a unique description with keys. The name should describe what is happening as accurately as possible, but not be too complex or long.

Method three - Make the channel unique

Think about the logo, splash screens, annotations... What will it look like? The result should be memorable - in a good way.

By the way, in the annotation you can carefully play with the subscription offer. It is usually much more convenient for the viewer to simply click on the link in the video itself than to search for where they can subscribe to you.

And then he can get distracted, change his mind, forget. And a competent annotation catches you right while watching. Which is very smart: after all, high-quality work evokes vivid emotions, on the wave of which you can subscribe.

Method four - Upload videos as often as possible

If you're going to add one video every month and you're not Lady Gaga, then we have bad news for you... In general, for active promotion you need at least one video every two days. More is better. Users need to be reminded of themselves, because they can easily be taken away by someone more active. It's incredibly easy to get distracted on YouTube.

Method five - Use third-party resources

For some reason, promoting a YouTube channel is often associated with the video hosting site itself. Meanwhile, a huge number of views can be obtained through social networks or a blog.

Let's say you have a page with several thousand subscribers. Do you want a lot of views? Just add a video and write something interesting about it. Often the numbers begin to grow literally before our eyes. The same tactics work with public pages, forums, in general, with any places where you can attract attention and where people frequent.

Method six - Just ask

Surprisingly, this method has become a real discovery for many. Meanwhile, it really gives results: in the video itself, for example, at the end (not so annoying) you can ask them to like you. And if you really liked the video, then tell your friends about you. As a rule, most people don’t mind making one click.

Method seven - Comment on top video bloggers

A significant proportion of subscribers love to exchange opinions on popular videos no less than watch the videos themselves. And the most attention is usually paid to the first comments. Feel free to leave comments - people will read and respond to them, and some will visit your channel.

By the way, you definitely need to respond to comments on your videos. Users like to be noticed. With active communication, you can get several hundred subscribers, which is not bad at the start.

Method eight - Mutual PR

On YouTube you can find very big number channels that are similar in topic to yours and agree with webmasters on friendly recommendations and mutual PR.

On his own channel, the webmaster must go to the “friends” or “interesting” section. This section may have different names. The webmaster must decide on it himself. Links must be provided to these channels.

It is better to negotiate an exchange with channels whose traffic and topics are close to yours.

Method nine - Annotations, tips

Not all channel visitors will watch the video to the end, so in order to increase the share of people who will take targeted actions, use two tools inside the video editor - Hints and Annotations.

Annotations are often used to direct visitors who are watching a video to relevant links—for example, links to the main site or links to cost-per-action (CPA) affiliate offers. To add annotations to your videos, you need to go to video editing mode and select the “Annotations” menu item there.

annotation is a typically clickable message that appears within the video and includes some information for the viewer. For example, it can encourage you to watch a new video on a channel or download Additional information Online.

Hints are convenient to use for unobtrusive recommendations to subscribe to the channel, as well as watch additional videos on this topic.

Video bloggers often abuse annotations and cover the entire video with them; naturally, this causes nothing but negativity. For a softer recommendation, it is better to use a new tool in Youtube - Hints.

Grow your YouTube channel wisely: Find out how to promote your YouTube channel and earn from $10,000 on it

Method ten - Closing screensavers

At the end of the video, you need to invite the user to do a simple set of actions - use calls to subscribe to the channel, like and leave a comment.
At the end of the clip, you can insert a frame that says that if you liked the video, then you need to click on like, and at the same time show where such a button is located. It will be good method to promote a channel on YouTube.

And, of course, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just one method. Experiment, combine different ways, come up with your own... Youtube loves creative people!

Watch this free master class, the video quality leaves much to be desired, but the sensei knows a lot about content marketing on Youtube:

In this issue we will tell you which services are best to use to promote your channel and videos on YouTube. The list includes only proven and reliable services.

Even if you have very high quality and interesting content– he needs to be pushed. We especially advise young YouTube channels to conduct advertising campaigns. Because without this, many people may never find out about your channel. But also for those who already have several thousand or tens of thousands of subscribers, but things are not going any further - run advertising.

Register on several sites at once to determine exactly which one is best for you. The functionality is similar, the differences are not big, each service has its own advantages. But it’s worth trying each of them in action.

Vktarget - increase subscribers and likes

  • Website: https://vktarget.ru/

Despite the fact that VK is present in the name of the site, you can also buy promotion on YouTube. The service has been on the market for a long time and has a good reputation.

Bosslike – wind up and earn money

  • Website: http://bosslike.ru/

On the Bosslike service you can not only promote your videos, but also earn money by completing various tasks. There are 6 social networks in total: YouTube, VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Odnoklassniki.

Cashbox is a large promotion exchange

  • Website: https://cashbox.ru

A large and professional exchange for promotion on social networks. Low prices will allow you to effectively conduct your advertising campaign. For example, watching a video on YouTube costs just 10 kopecks.

LikesRock – a new generation of promotion tools

  • Website: https://likesrock.com/

A relatively young, but very promising service with its own promotion philosophy. They often hold competitions and promotions.

Epicstars – an epically cool promotion service

  • Website: https://ru.epicstars.com/

You can read how effectively you can promote your YouTube channel from our friends from ★ EPICSTARS in their article - https://ru.epicstars.com/raskrutka-youtube/

How to effectively launch an advertising campaign on YouTube?

Watch the video to find out which advertising format is most effective - pre-rolls, post-rolls, mid-rolls, individual videos or embedded advertising in videos.

We wish you a successful marketing campaign and gain new subscribers to your channel!

Write in the comments if you would like to see on our website detailed reviews for each service?

Sales Generator

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The global network today is literally a limitless resource for self-realization. YouTube video hosting capabilities allow you to post not only video content, but also advertising. This is a very popular way to promote goods, services or a personal brand, with which you can earn real income. In this article you will find everything you need to know about advertising on YouTube.

Why YouTube advertising is so popular

Standard methods of promoting goods and services are gradually losing their effectiveness, so advertisers are increasingly considering video as a tool for working with their target audience. However, not all brand owners use the full potential of this resource.

If you look at the comScore report, it becomes clear that the vast majority of Runet users prefer to watch videos on YouTube. And the social networks “VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki” and the Russian-language segment of Facebook lag significantly behind in percentage terms.

The Russian-speaking audience of YouTube is over 40 million people, to whom the resource offers unique tools and its own analytics for working with video content. In addition, YouTube is search engine, providing additional opportunity for communication with potential consumers.

You can choose which YouTube features you want to use for your business. It can be a regular video hosting for storing video content and a platform for third-party special projects with bloggers. It can also become a tool with which you will turn your channel into a media platform for promoting information that ensures the constant attraction of new audiences and customers. No matter how this fact upsets some users, it is impossible to imagine YouTube without advertising today.

How much does it cost to advertise on YouTube?

TrueView In-Stream

Video advertising that runs at the beginning of a video on YouTube is called pre-roll, while watching it is called mid-roll, and at the end is called post-roll. It can only be seen in videos of those channels that are created to make a profit directly from the content. The frequency of inclusion of a YouTube advertising video depends on the wishes of the channel owner. It can be played in built-in players on Adwords display network partner sites and in the YouTube application.

An advertisement is considered effective if the user watched the entire video or spent more than 30 seconds on it (for long videos) or performed certain actions (clicked on a link to go to a channel, website or specific video). Each of these steps is considered confirmation of a view, which is subsequently paid for.

Types of interaction with the video:

  • mouse click on the channel name;
  • mouse click on the overlay with a call to action;
  • going to the advertiser’s website;
  • Click the mouse on the banner accompanying the video. If the banner is not loaded, thumbnails of the videos of the channel containing the advertising video are shown.

On average, the price for each view is 1-2 rubles. without VAT.

The recommended video length is from 12 to 30 seconds. The first 5-10 seconds should be spent focusing on the product or service. This will help improve interaction with your audience. In this part of the video, be sure to include all the YouTube assets: companion banner, call-to-action overlays, thoughtful display URLs. Traffic should be driven to a branded channel. This will help strengthen audience loyalty before moving to the corporate website.

Unskippable pre-roll

Such videos in the Adwords interface are called “Splash Ads”. This advertising in YouTube videos can appear at the beginning, middle or end, as well as on the resources of the contextual media network.

You cannot refuse to watch such video advertisements. It lasts a maximum of 6 seconds (compare with TrueView video ads, which are 5 seconds unskippable). The difference from the previous tool is the payment method - for every thousand impressions (according to the CPM model).

Submit your application

When you start creating a new video campaign in Adwords, you need to select the desired radio button to set up the display of such ads.

If you are interested in unskippable pre-rolls lasting 15-20 seconds, you can find relevant information in the English YouTube help. However, among the support materials for Adwords advertisers, it was not possible to find information about whether such pre-rolls are currently in effect and how they can be configured.

True Video Discovery

The difference from TrueView In-Stream is that these ads are banners with video previews on various YouTube pages and display network sites. When it comes to YouTube, video ads of this format appear on the search page before other videos, as an overlay while watching, and on the video viewing page among recommended videos.

You pay for every click on your ad that takes the user to the video viewing page. It is not necessary to play the video itself, since the user consciously opens the link with the name of the video. The price for such a transition is similar to the cost of viewing In-Stream advertising and is 1-2 rubles excluding VAT.

Creating video ads on YouTube using of this service, the channel owner pursues the same goals as when generating contextual advertising- attracting the attention of the target audience and encouraging them to click. The ad text should contain information about why the user should watch the video and what he will get from it. It would be useful to use contextual targeting by keywords, which correspond to the plot of video advertising on YouTube, and add interactive tools - tips and annotations.

Mobile app advertising

This is the second most popular type of video campaign on YouTube. Application advertising in the form of a banner is placed under the video and is played only on mobile devices.

TrueView Shopping

Settings of this type video campaign involves combining an Adwords account and a data feed from Google Merchant Center. First you need to go to the Adwords interface and select the “Video” type. The cost of each user interaction with advertising on YouTube (view or click) is about 1–5 rubles. The rate size is adjusted if it is necessary to change the reach of the target audience.

It is noteworthy that the source of video content in in this case There can only be links to videos uploaded to YouTube. The video format can be any, the main thing is to link it to your Adwords account in order to use advanced analytics and the ability to insert interactive elements.

Graphic advertising

Generated internally streaming video. All settings take place in Adwords, the format must comply with the Adwords display network requirements. Advertising is at the bottom of the video. Size - 728x90 and 450x50.

It is possible to create 300x250 banners that will be displayed in search results and on the video viewing page.

Text ads (text overlays)

The demonstration takes place at the same points in the video as for image ads. During viewing, up to ten advertising videos in the format of regular Adwords text ads can change. If your bid for impressions does not beat the bids of other ads (both text and image), there is a risk of not seeing an impression at all.


The specificity of this tool is that initially the banner is displayed as a regular display advertisement. But if you hover over it and hold it for two seconds, the banner becomes full-size and displays a YouTube video or image. A wide range of parameters can be found in the settings and you can even set a custom color for ad design elements.

Overlay with call to action

Call-to-action overlays are small banners that play only on reels. Their use in an advertising campaign helps increase CTR by 1.5–2 times.

This tool is configured in your personal Adwords account, which must be linked to your YouTube account. The image size on the banner is 74 x 74 pixels, the text volume does not exceed 25 characters, in addition, there is a link.

To set up an overlay with a call to action, you need to open a ready-made video campaign in Adwords, in which ad groups have already been generated, and go to the “Video” tab. In the drop-down list that appears next to the titles of your videos, you need to select “Edit call to action.”


Tips can be embedded in any video by generating them in the video manager in your YouTube account. You will find all the detailed information in the official resource help.

The body of the tooltip contains a link to a channel, website or video. The hint can also be made in the form of a survey, but in this case, when adding a link to the site, you must confirm the rights to it. A nice bonus is that there is no additional fee for switching to video.


Setting up this tool is similar to generating hints and is done in the YouTube video manager. The creation conditions are identical. However, when playing, a banner is displayed first, with a full-size version appearing when you hover and hold the cursor. Detailed information can be found in YouTube Help.

When choosing this tool, you must take into account the fact that the user can disable the display of annotations.

Reserved advertising

These impressive banners are hard to miss on the YouTube home page. The name of the format is Masthead. You can order reserved advertising only through the sales office of the Russian representative office of Google.

YouTube advertising (and the entire campaign as a whole) will cost you at least 600 thousand rubles without VAT. In this case, payment is made for each day the banner remains on the main page. Among other Google advertising packages you can also find:

  • Video Ads(skippable/unskippable pre-roll);
  • PRIME PACK(thematic package of premium channels, which are selected manually);
  • ROADBLOCK(guaranteed to receive 100% of all advertising formats on selected channels for the desired period of time).

Advertising with YouTube bloggers

On this method YouTube advertising placement has virtually no effect, since in this case we are talking about ordering promotion from well-known users. You don't have to look for channels on which to publish your ad. You need to attract a popular blogger and order advertising from him. This will not be difficult, since almost all video bloggers post personal contacts for communication and business offers in the description of their videos. Typically this is Email or a page on a social network.

The same information can be found in the discussion of the blogger’s group or on his page on the social network. Here you can find out how much advertising costs for YouTube bloggers. As a rule, this information is posted directly in the discussion. The price of such advertising depends on the format and what user actions you expect from viewing the ad. For example, one “like” of your video posted by a blogger with an audience of 500 thousand people costs about 4,000 rubles. And the price of a custom video, the purpose of which is to advertise your channel or resource, can increase tenfold or more.

The price of advertising depends on the popularity of the blogger: the larger the audience, the more expensive. Your advertising campaign will be more effective if your ads are published by users whose channels are close to your topic. This way, you will stimulate the interest of users to attract them to your own channel.

How to insert ads into YouTube videos: step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Upload the video to your YouTube channel.

Start by uploading your video to YouTube.

Open personal account on Google Adwords, on the right side home page Hover your cursor over the red “+Campaign” button and select “Video” from the pop-up list.

In the field that appears, enter the name of the campaign. Make sure Video is also selected from the Type menu.

Step 3. Set a budget for the day.

The price of advertising on YouTube depends on the selected display method, which can be standard (advertising is played throughout the day at regular intervals) or accelerated (advertising is displayed as quickly as possible).

The second option is preferable in cases where you need to benefit from a relevant video that has the same goals as your promotional video.

In both cases, it is necessary to generate separate campaigns to simplify the process of tracking their effectiveness. This recommendation is due to the fact that audiences different networks have their own differences and features, so campaigns need to be configured individually. This means that performance must be assessed separately.

Step 5. Specify the location of the target audience.

From the list, select the location of those users who are part of your target audience. If necessary, you can exclude some regions.

Step 6. We indicate from which devices users will be able to watch the video.

With AdWords, you can target specific OS, device models or telecom operators. For example, when you need to place YouTube advertising in Android or iOS mobile applications.

Here you can change the amount you bid for watching videos on mobile devices.

Step 7. Make additional settings (time and date).

By selecting the " Additional settings", record the start and end dates of the campaign. Here you can also generate a schedule for displaying an advertising video and set up a limited number of impressions and views per day for users.

This will help control the process of spending funds allocated for the campaign, preventing an unreasonable increase in the cost of advertising on YouTube.

Step 8. Create a video ad group.

In the field that appears, you need to enter the name of the ad group and provide a link to the video shown as an ad on YouTube.

For In-Display format, write a title and a short summary of the video.

Note: The title length should be no more than 25 characters, the description length should be no more than 35.

For those who are interested in how to place ads on YouTube videos, that is, for advertisers, there is a package of advanced link tracking settings. In addition, it is possible to enable a demonstration of additional advertising banner in the right top corner pages.

Step 9. Specify the rates.

Step 10. Set up targeting.

There are only two steps left to take, and the task of advertising on YouTube can be considered completed.

At this stage, you need to identify the characteristics of the target audience to whom your commercial will be shown. Among the main and available characteristics are gender, age and parental status.

Another characteristic is user interest. Depending on the preferences of the audience, you can show videos on the topic of beauty, hobbies, fitness, cooking and much more.

It is recommended to simultaneously launch several campaigns with different target groups. This way you can understand which one is more effective. This method is much more effective than showing advertising on YouTube to all potential viewers at once.

Selection of the target audience is also possible by keywords, topics or Internet resources on which you plan to display your advertising video.

Keyword targeting of In-Display ads is very effective when you want to identify users searching the search network for a video answer to their query. To select the most suitable groups of words, you can use special tools to find those that will bring the most views, clicks and conversions.

Video ads on AdWords can be useful for reaching users who have experience interacting with your brand. With this tool, you can launch remarketing and motivate people to work with your company again.

Step 11. Link the channel to your AdWords account.

Be sure to attach your AdWords account to your YouTube channel (if you haven't done so before). You need to link to the channel on which your videos are posted. Another way is to click the "End" button to start the video campaign.

Always track the results of your video advertising campaign

The results of an individual video are demonstrated in terms of each of the main types of metrics (views, audience, branding, conversion). They can be seen in the columns next to the corresponding campaign commercial.

  • Views.

This includes information about what percentage of your video was seen, what drove your ad to get views, and how it drove people to view other movies in your YouTube video ad.

  • Audience.
  • Branding.

The interest your viewers show in your ideas and videos can be tracked using the view rate.

  • Conversions.

Conversion tracking will help you establish the ROI of your video advertising project and also see if the campaign is generating lead generation.

Using these metrics, you can timely adjust the content and highlight the main goals of the campaign.

Don't be afraid to experiment with different targeting criteria. This way you can find the ones that are most effective for you. The type of video content also depends on your goals, since metrics may show different effectiveness for different types tasks (increasing brand awareness, lead generation, conversion, etc.).

Monitor underperforming ads

When you select an In-Display ad running on the Google Display Network, you can track where the ad appeared.

To do this, on the campaigns page in Google AdWords, you need to go to “Video > Placements > Where ads were shown.” This will help you see which placement formats provide the least performance on key metrics. To increase the cost per visitor (CPV), ineffective channels must be excluded from the advertising campaign.

Create your own thumbnails

You can make miniatures yourself or cut out still images High Quality from the video. The purpose of such an image is to encourage the user to click on it.

Thumbnails should be playable on all devices without loss of quality. Pay special attention to the design of such a freeze frame. If it depicts a person, his gaze should be directed towards the camera. The advertising image of a product should focus on it, and not on the surrounding background.

Add ads at the end of the video

To end the video, you can use a special advertising intro that encourages users to subscribe to your channel and page on social networks. This promotes brand awareness.

If a user watches the entire video, it means they are showing interest in your content. By skillfully taking advantage of this attention, you can turn the viewer into a subscriber to your channel who will wait for updates.

Customize advertising to unique users

If, when launching a long-term advertising campaign, the goal is to attract as many new users to the brand as possible, setting up a list will come to the rescue. It will only include people who won't see your ad on YouTube. To do this, on the campaign page in AdWords, in the lower left corner, you need to select “Shared Library”. Next – “Audiences” and “+ Remarketing List”.

This method will help to avoid unnecessary financial expenses, since the campaign will be aimed only at unique users. To do this, you need to set up YouTube remarketing in such a way that those who have already seen it, as well as those who visited your channel, shared, liked or commented on any of your videos are excluded from the list of potential video viewers.

Add subtitles

This advice is relevant for all videos on YouTube, but not everyone uses it.

The quality subtitles generated and verified by you will be indexed by Google, which does not take YouTube's automatic subtitles into account due to their inaccuracy. This will help promote your video in search engine rankings.

If the target audience of your video includes users who speak other languages, it is recommended to prepare subtitles for them as well. If this option is not available, invite these viewers to visit your website, where they can find a video with subtitles in their language.

Select your viewers carefully

Ordering advertising on YouTube from bloggers

If you are planning to advertise on YouTube with bloggers, you first need to contact those who are most relevant to your brand's theme. As a rule, popular millionaire bloggers communicate with customers through their representatives, who have complete information about the specifics, cost, etc. Contacts (mail for advertising offers, group on social networks) of such representatives can be found in the description of the video. Less popular bloggers communicate with potential customers directly, through email or social media accounts.

In addition, if a blogger publishes videos on issues that are not interesting to his audience, this may provoke dissatisfaction among subscribers. The fact of custom-made videos on third-party topics can increase the audience's indignation. To assess whether the characteristics of a blogger’s subscribers (gender, age, hobbies, wealth, etc.) correspond to the goals of your campaign, you need to analyze his content.

Placing an advertisement on YouTube with a blogger will not require much effort from you, except for that which will be spent on creating the video. However, there are often cases when bloggers want to create content themselves and refuse the option offered by the advertiser. In this case, the effectiveness of the advertising campaign will entirely depend on the talent of the blogger. Many advertisers make a serious mistake, believing that a blogger who has managed to promote himself will also successfully promote their product. However, in most cases this is not the case.

Don't forget about preliminary assessment content of the person you plan to offer cooperation to. In addition, a blogger may refuse to place your ad in his video if he considers your offer dubious, even if the amount included in the contract is very tempting.

However, on YouTube you can find bloggers who are not only not afraid of downright risky offers, but even base their content on such ads. Therefore, even to promote a bad product, you can find a suitable performer. How much does advertising cost for YouTube bloggers who are not afraid of reputational risks? Compared to regular ads, the price will be much higher, and your Commercial offer must be such that it will certainly not be abandoned.

The effectiveness of YouTube advertising depends solely on how much time, effort and investment you are willing to put into it. This type of promotion will not only help you earn money, but also attract an audience. However, we should not forget that popularity must not only be acquired, but also maintained even on the wave of success.

How to make money on advertising for a beginner blogger

Beginning bloggers who plan to popularize their channel for further promotion of goods or services on it (both their own and third-party ones to generate passive income) should carefully study the following tips and recommendations.

Channel monetization begins with creating the opportunity to withdraw received Money. This is where registration in a partner media network comes to the rescue, thanks to which both beginners and popular video bloggers can also improve the quality of their channels, learn recommendations for advertising on YouTube and get the opportunity to collaborate with brands working with this media network.

It will not be possible to increase clicks on advertising, since YouTube is struggling with manifestations of excessive user activity and blocks suspicious pages. You can only promote using an order. useful actions through exchanges. Since in this case the clicks come from different real users, the ad will not be considered fake. Owners of advanced channels should think about including advertising in their videos in order to make money.

Free YouTube channel advertising: 5 options

Option No. 1. VKontakte groups

To search for suitable groups, you need to enter a keyword that is thematic for your channel in their search bar. For example, “knitting”.

In the above image you can see that 29056 groups are responding this request, and in this mass you will surely find ones that are suitable for you.

It is recommended to publish daily using one link in no more than 3 groups, choosing a different one every day. This will reduce the likelihood of being blocked by the administration social network. Such actions can be classified as spam, but a competent approach will help bring real subscribers.

Option number 2. Post the video on the VKontakte wall»

Despite the similarity with the previous method, in this case you do not risk being blocked by the VKontakte administration, since the publication is carried out on your own wall.

The action algorithm is similar to the previous one: adding a link to the video on the wall so that the preview image of the video is loaded, and inserting text. Your friends will probably see this post and video. Quality content can go viral if friends share your post on their pages.

Option number 3. Video in “My World”

The social network “My World” is the brainchild of the Mail.Ru company. Here, as in other social networks, there is a section with videos. Here you can add a video using a link from YouTube, which guarantees an increase in views on YouTube when you show the video on this social network.

Going to the “Video” section, select the “Download” button in the upper right corner and in the window that appears, add a link to a video ad on YouTube. Click the Add button, select an album and save.

Within a few minutes the video will appear in video search.

Option number 4. Comment under the video

A regular comment won't do here. Your text should be such that people want to like it. The more endorsements demonstrated this way, the more likely your profile is to be noticed. It would be a good idea to add a request to subscribe in the comment.

The most popular comments contain witty phrases, good jokes, or constructive criticism.

Option No. 5. Mutual subscription

Mutual subscription means that you subscribe to someone else's channel, and in return they subscribe to yours. To start mutual subscription, you need to leave a few comments under popular videos. The text must contain a request for a return subscription to your channel.

These methods do not require much effort, and they are quite easy to perform systematically and every day for a month.

Of course, there are other, less legal methods, such as promotion. However, using services to increase subscribers will not bring you success. Firstly, most of these subscribers may turn out to be bots, which will not provide views, reposts, comments and popularity. And secondly, such methods are effectively monitored, which can lead to problems with your channel and even blocking it.

Top 5 best books about advertising on Youtube

  • Robin Goodin's YouTube. "Magic button" for success. Create a channel with a million views!”

  • Michael Miller "YouTube for Business. Effective marketing using video."

It is bright ideas that make you more noticeable among others. A non-trivial concept cannot be constructed using traditional ways. To stand out and attract attention without spending a lot of money, you need to promote yourself on YouTube. This is where those who are tired of passively watching TV channels come. By according to Google, the daily viewing time for YouTube videos is 164 minutes, while TV fans spend about 130 minutes every day. The monthly number of YouTube visitors is over 130,000,000 people. And among this colossal audience, there will probably be those who will enthusiastically accept your marketing campaign. To successfully promote your YouTube advertising, be sure to read Michael Miller's book.

In it you can find out:

  • as in YouTube help build an online marketing strategy for a company, brand, product, service;
  • what the right YouTube videos should be;
  • what is needed to create them;
  • what is needed to promote them.

After reading Michael Miller's book, you will surely include YouTube in your list of key resources for your business.

  • S. B. Arkhangelsky “Promotion and promotion on YouTube. How to attract customers using video marketing."

In this book you will find a new approach to promoting and promoting videos on YouTube. Here are detailed effective ways attracting targeted traffic from this resource: from channel optimization to the use of specialized software. This strategy will help you expand the traffic channel to your resource several times and thus increase the number of loyal customers. The book can be recommended both to experienced YouTube promotion masters and to beginners trying it out for the first time.

  • Nikolay Mrochkovsky, Timur Tazhetdinov, Andrey Parabellum “How to become the first on YouTube.”

The book will not only introduce you to the features of the YouTube media platform. Here you will learn about what affects the number of views of videos, what are the popular myths about YouTube, how to create effective videos, properly optimize and promote them.

It also contains good illustrations, lots of case studies and some very useful advice. This book can be recommended to anyone who wants to get maximum information about YouTube promotion in the form of a short guide.

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