Where is the clipboard on your phone? Clipboard - what is it and where is it located? How to add a system keyboard shortcut to clear the clipboard

Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog site, today I want to show you a very useful utility that can greatly simplify and, most importantly, speed up the life of any copywriter, webmaster, or just an ordinary office employee who often works with the clipboard. It is he who is responsible for so that you can transfer the necessary information to Right place. Today we will talk about Windows 10 clipboard Redstone and how to optimize and clean it.

What is the windows 10 clipboard

Before you change or clean something, you need to understand what it is, let's look at the concept of the Windows 10 clipboard - it's part random access memory, which is allocated for temporary storage of necessary information in the operating system in order to move or copy it somewhere. Its principle is very simple: any new copying displaces the previous one. You've probably seen that when you copied a file and then copied a piece of text to the clipboard, you won't paste the file until you copy it again to the Windows clipboard. You'll agree that this is not entirely convenient, you want this area to remember more meanings, I'll show you how to increase clipboard history.

Clipboard keyboard shortcuts

Let me remind those who do not know what keyboard shortcuts are used to work with the Windows buffer:

  • CTRL+C > copy to Windows clipboard
  • CTRL+V > paste from Windows clipboard
  • CTRL+A > select all
  • CTRL+X > cut and save to Windows clipboard

How to find the clipboard in windows 10

Let's play explorer a little and try to find the clipboard in Windows 10. In Windows, a regular file is responsible for storing the buffer, the tasks of which include managing and interacting the buffer with RAM; it is this file that stores the latest data placed in it ( this file duplicates the contents of RAM in case of failure). With a stretch, this file can be called a clipboard database. Let me show you where this clipboard file is physically located.

Previously in operating systems before Windows 8.1, a clipboard file called clipbrd.exe lay along the way:


Now it is no longer there, and according to Microsoft the file is outdated and now this process is organized a little differently. But no one is stopping you from downloading clipbrd.exe from previous versions Windows, for example, from Windows 7 and transfer it to Windows 10, as in my example. The clipbrd file itself will run freely, and if you copy something to the clipboard, it will appear there.

To be honest, it is of no use, since I wrote above that the Windows 10 clipboard replaces all old values ​​with new ones as soon as you copy them. This is connected exclusively with security and only with it; you always have to pay for convenience, since by increasing the number of stored records in the Windows buffer, it will be easier for hackers to intercept information.

The logical next question for most users is what utilities are there that expand the Windows 10 clipboard and how to quickly clear it if necessary.

How to open the clipboard in windows 10

I showed you everything that in the Windows 10 operating system, you can view the buffer only with additional utilities, including clipbrd.exe, but there are more convenient utilities. Although I am a fan of security, I love convenience more. At one time I had a task, I needed to find something like this software, which would save a large number of operations when exchanging Windows clipboards, with the ability to search and perform your tasks through hot keys in the system. Over the past few years, I have tried a very large number of programs and in each of them, something did not suit me, until I discovered the clipdiary utility.

Clipdiary > in my opinion is the ideal program for managing the clipboard of the Windows operating system, it allows you to store the history of the memory buffer for any amount of time. One of the advantages of Clipdiary is that the program is completely free for non-commercial use, it can be downloaded in portable form, for those who don’t know, this is a version of the program that does not require installation, you can download it and run it on any computer, it’s very convenient. The buffer history itself is stored in a database specially designated for this purpose (a regular file)

I had a case where I was working on a new article, after writing it, I copied all the text to check the spelling, but before I had time to paste it into Word, the computer suddenly turned off and I caught the blue screen of death 0x00000051. After the reboot, I naturally lost my unsaved post, since I have revisions disabled on WordPress, and if I didn’t have saved text in my Clipdiary buffer, I would have lost 5 hours of my work. Let's get acquainted with the clipdiary utility

Where to download clipdiary

To download Clipdiary, you need to visit their official website. At this moment current version is 5.0 as of February 10, 2017. Select the type of distribution you need.


The installation of Clipdiary itself is very simple, you open the downloaded file and click next on the first window.

We agree to the license agreement and click i Agree.

If you wish, you can change the installation location of Clipdiary

All that remains is to click install.

Leave the Run Clipdiary 5.0 checkbox, as soon as you click the Finish button, the utility setup wizard will open.

The first thing you need to do is indicate in which language you prefer to use the program.

Now you will be asked to set a hotkey combination with which you will copy the necessary information to the Windows 10 clipboard, by default it is CTRL + D, it is more convenient for me to change it to CTRL + E.

The first thing you will be asked to do is press a key combination to copy a piece of text to the clipboard, after which you will see that the test clips have been successfully copied.

As a result, an additional window will open in which you will see the clipboard history.

Please note that the utility is in preview by default, you will have an evaluation license to obtain free license do the following.

Click the help menu and select activate for free.

You will be redirected to the manufacturer’s website, click the get a key button.

Now copy it.

and paste it into the registration form.

Clipdiary will restart. As you can see, serve the cache buffer windows records it's a pleasure to be with her.

After restarting the Clipdiary program, you will receive a fully activated version and can safely continue to study it, as it has great capabilities. And so now, every time you press hot keys, everything will go into the operating system buffer. Over time, you will accumulate a large number of records; by selecting any, you can familiarize yourself with the details, understand what and when was copied to the Windows 10 Redstone clipboard. Below you will find arrows to scroll between pages. By default, 50 records are shown on one page, but this can be fixed.

In order to copy the desired entry from this list you can double-click on it or just press CTRL+C to paste CTRL+V, everything is standard.

By default, after each copy, the utility is minimized to the Windows system tray. Sometimes you need to copy several values; for such cases, there is a function on the top of windows in the file menu.

It is very convenient that Clipdiary implements a search in the clipboard database; to do this, enter the desired value at the very bottom, you will immediately see the search results.

Let's take a look at what settings Clipdiary has. To do this, click File > Settings or just press F4.

The first thing you will see is the general tab, in it:

  • Show icon in system tray
  • Minimize to tray on startup
  • Minimize to tray instead of closing
  • Run at system startup
  • Check for updates every 30 days

Here you can select the program language.

On the hotkeys tab you can reassign the combination.

On the Database tab, you can see where all the information that goes into the Windows 10 clipboard is stored. Please note that there is an option to set a security password on the database, I would recommend using this.

Enter the password you need twice.

How to clear the clipboard in windows 10

I told you where the Windows 10 clipboard is stored, but I haven’t yet told you how to clear it, there is also a task that can be completed different ways. Let me give you a simple example: you have a computer with 4 GB of RAM installed on it, you copy a 500 MB file, it ends up in the WIndows buffer and continues to lie there until something overwrites it, you will agree that this is not very rational, since at this point the memory may be needed elsewhere.

It's called a clipboard intermediate storage place data when copying them between different applications or parts of one. It is usually provided by the operating system, but individual programs may have its own buffer, accessible only to them. The standard components of operations are functions: copy(Ctrl+C), cut(Ctrl+X) and insert(Ctrl+V), that is, transferring information from place to place.

In addition to the above hotkey combinations, the copy-paste procedure can be carried out using context menu called by the right button.

Where is the clipboard and how to view it

Simply put, the clipboard is invisible part of memory, where the copied information is stored, which can be retrieved by pasting it into a specific location, usually with the same format. It is located in the computer's RAM and is its allocated area.

In this case, you can paste the copied data an unlimited number of times. When copying again content is replaced new data, and the previous content disappears. After reboot The computer's buffer contents, as well as all RAM, are cleared.

View what it contains at this moment possible using special utilities. IN Windows XP – « Exchange folders"("Clipboard Viewer") - launched using Start / Execute we put there " clipbrd.exe».

Here you can view information that has been copied as text (RTF) or image to BMP format(as well as WMF and EMF).

Later versions (7, 8, 10) do not have this program. No problem, there is special programs for working with the buffer, which will be discussed below.

How to clear the clipboard

Cleaning procedure in different versions Windows is slightly different.

On Windows XP

In XP version it is easy to clear the buffer using the above utilities clipbook viewer. There is a special cleaning button in the form of a cross - highlight contents and click on her.

Cleaning via command line for Windows 7, 8, 10

In versions subsequent to XP, you can clear the buffer using command line . To avoid running and entering a cleanup command every time, we recommend creating a special label.

Then write the command in the window:

cmd /c “echo off | clip"

With arbitrary name.

Launch the shortcut by double-clicking the left button when required clear buffer.

For convenience you can secure it on the taskbar.

Buffer programs

Let's look at the 3 most popular programs for these purposes.

Punto Switcher and CLCL

A program from Yandex whose task is to automatically switch layouts.

The required function is enabled by checking the boxes on the tab Additional settings.

The downside of this program is that you can copy to the clipboard text only.

Have you ever thought that our computer carries out hundreds of thousands of different processes every day? IN everyday use There is always a clipboard that inexperienced users have most likely never even heard of. In this article you will find answers to questions such as what is a buffer, where is it located and what is it used for?

Clipboard - what is it?

The clipboard is an intermediate data storage used to transfer any selected information, for example, from an Internet page to any text editor. Information contained in the clipboard (original word - from in English), can be reused. That is, there are no restrictions on the use of one selected piece of text.

What can you copy to the clipboard?

Intermediate data storage allows you to transfer not only text information, but also media files. For example, thanks to it, every user (PC user) can transfer images of various formats, audio and videos.

How to save to clipboard?

Clipboard works on the same principle in all Windows operating systems. Transferring temporary information to a special storage compartment is a very easy process. The first step is to copy (or cut) the necessary portion of the information you want to use. The selected information is placed in a special area of ​​RAM, where it is stored.

Only one record at a time is stored in the intermediate storage. That is, if you first copied some text, and then any other information (for example, an image), then the first entry will be erased, and a second one will appear in its place (in our case, the image that we copied). This suggests that the information in the clipboard is constantly being rewritten. This process occurs in automatic mode, but not without the participation of the user.

Working with clipboard is possible using special “hot” keyboard shortcuts:

Full automatic cleaning of the clipboard occurs when you turn off or restart the computer. Using this function simplifies and facilitates working with the device, since thanks to it, the information that is available in most Windows programs does not need to be typed on the keyboard yourself; you can simply copy and paste it into the file you need.

How to find the clipboard?

Most users, having learned about clipboard, wonder: how to open the clipboard? Despite the fact that it is hidden from users, it can still be found.

On computers with different operating systems Windows systems The location of the clipboard has remained virtually unchanged. And yet, how to view the clipboard?

  • Windows XP. In this operating system, the temporary temporary data store is located in the system folder, which can be found in two ways:
  1. directly to the address C:/WINDOWS/system32;
  2. via the Start menu: enter the menu and open the command line by simultaneously pressing the “Windows” keys (located between the “fn” and “alt” keys) + R. In the window that opens, enter “clipbrd.exe” and click “OK.”

By launching clipboard in one of the listed ways, you can view all the information stored in it.

  • ​Clipboard in Windows 7 and Windows 8. On these operating systems, the name of the staging store has been changed to "clip.exe". The location of the file remains the same, but there is no longer an option to open it.
  • Clipboard in Windows 10. As already mentioned, in latest versions Windows OS name changed to “clip.exe”. But as in the previous two versions, users are not given the opportunity to open and view it. Unless using special widgets, which can be downloaded from various Internet resources completely free of charge. Such additions allow you to see not only latest story saving information, but also for a certain period (day, week, and in some for a whole month).

How to clear the clipboard in Windows?

This article has already mentioned that clipboard has the ability to overwrite information automatically. As a result, the information previously contained in it is cleared. This is one of the ways to clear the buffer in Windows OS - copy new information.

You can delete information from clipboard using the command line. To do this, having called it (how to do this has already been discussed above), you must enter the following command: C:\Users > echo off:clip and press the Enter key. After this, permanent cleaning of the temporary file storage will begin.

If you often clean the clipboard, for your own convenience, you can create a shortcut on your desktop with this combination in its location: cmf c “echo off | clip". After launching such a shortcut, a window will immediately open for you to clear the temporary file storage.

In short, then clipboard is what you just copied. Text, picture, or other object when copied is placed in temporary storage.

Sometimes, it becomes necessary to clear the clipboard, since various viruses, such as Trojans, can steal data from there, and very important ones at that. Thus, clearing the clipboard is not done just like that, but for the sake of security.

If you work on someone else's computer and use hotkeys to copy and move information somewhere, then you would probably like to remove information about your work from the clipboard.

In any case, we have looked at the reasons that might prompt you to clean the buffer, let's now get down to solving the issue itself.

First option to clear the clipboard

The simplest and fastest option is to copy any element that will be useless to attackers, that is, you copy the card number or password, paste it somewhere, and then quickly copy other information, for example, a set of letters from text editor to overwrite the previous information. Thus, no one will find out your password, card number, or any other information.

Second option for clearing the clipboard

If you do not want information that differs from what was on the clipboard before your intervention to remain there, then you can make sure that after finishing your work, the entire contents of the buffer will return to its original state, that is, before you started working with a PC. And you can do this in the following way: open the command line as administrator and enter the following command:

echo off | clip

You can use a shortcut to clear your clipboard in a couple of seconds. Create a shortcut on your desktop. In the "Location" line, enter the following phrase:

cmd /c “echo off | clip"

A shortcut has appeared on the desktop that will clear the clipboard in one action. You can place it either on the taskbar or in the Start menu.