Where is the plugins page located? What are plug-ins in Yandex Browser

Adobe plugin Flash Player in Browser Google Chrome is a fairly important addition that allows you to run animation, multimedia files, games, etc. on websites. Despite the active transition of web resources to HTML5 technology, there is a demand for Adobe Flash still high. But sometimes you may encounter problems with the stable operation of the plugin when launching video players on websites. We will tell you how to solve this bug and how to properly update Flash Player and connect it via chrome://plugins.

Adobe Flash Player plugin connection error

Why does the error occur?

So, when loading a video in the Chrome browser, the user may receive the following notification on a gray screen: “The Adobe Flash Player plugin is disabled. To enable it, follow the link chrome://plugins". This notification is caused by a malfunction of the plugin and there can be many reasons for such a bug.

  1. Single failure- is caused by an error in packet transmission and can be solved by simply restarting the browser or website via CTRL+F5.
  2. Long no updates- the presence of old versions of the plugin that do not have fixes and additions may cause an error.
  3. Technical problems on the web resource server are a very rare occurrence and are resolved unilaterally by the site owners.
  4. Impact of virus programs- there may be problems with displaying the plugin in Google Chrome due to the presence of hijacker Trojans or third-party software.

We have listed the main types of failures, but there are many more. All these problems are solved in a completely standard way.

Enable Adobe Flash Player in chrome://plugins?

If such a problem cannot be solved by a simple reboot, you need to check if the plugin is connected to plug-in modules.

Here's an additional one Video instruction By this action

In most cases this helps, but it happens that even after doing all these steps, the problem still remains. Below we will show you how to carry out a complete update and configuration. Attention (!) - make sure that modules are not duplicated in the list

Removing the error through a full update

So, let's follow a few steps that will help remove the “Adobe Flash Player plugin is disabled” error.

After all these points, open the browser - check again and connect via chrome://plugins. If the problem does not go away, write about it in detail in the comments. We will try to analyze the situation and give you practical advice.

Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers for surfing the Internet. This is due to its functionality and stable operation. In addition to extensions, it uses a whole list of plugins that allow you to watch videos, listen to music, open files in a browser window, and play online games.

Chrome supports the following plugins:

- – is automatically integrated and activated in the browser, and its updates are included in general Google Chrome updates.

A tool for viewing PDF files directly in the browser window, without having to download and open the file in Adobe programs Acrobat, Adobe Reader.

- is a programming language that is used in website development. If the browser works without the java plugin, then some sites are displayed incorrectly and not in full.

- – a tool for viewing web content.

Real Player is a media player for playing video and audio materials.

QuickTime is a media player from Apple that allows you to view QuickTime media audio and video files.

MicrosoftSilverlight is a plugin that also allows you to properly display websites and play multimedia video and audio files.

In order to view all the plugins that are connected to Google Chrome, you need to enter “chrome://plugins” in the address bar and press “Enter”.

In our case, there are 10 connected modules. Among them there are also those that were not listed above:

Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer – provides the ability remote access to the computer desktop.

Chrome PDF Viewer – a plugin that opens documents PDF format in the browser window.

iTunes Application Detector is a plugin for working with Apple devices and data.

Native Client – ​​with the help of this plugin it becomes possible to make web applications better: good sound and high resolution graphics.

Ace Stream P2P Multimedia Plug-in is a plugin that works as a live broadcaster, server node. With its help, you can watch videos on a P2P network without downloading it to your computer.

After opening all the plugins in the Chrome browser window, the user has the opportunity to configure their use: disable or always allow their use.

To view detailed information about all plugins, you must click the “Details” button. After this, a full description of all plugins will open: name, description, version, location, type, Mime types.

Now you know how to manage Google Chrome browser plugins, I hope this will be useful to you for further use of the browser.

Are you using Windows, Mac or Linux OS? The Google Chrome browser supports the most popular plugins:

Windows 8 users: Due to system limitations, only plugins that use the Pepper API, such as Flash, Native Client and View PDF documents in Chrome, function as expected when Chrome is running as Windows program 8.

Installing browser plugins

If you allow sites to use plugins, and Google Chrome detects that a certain web page does not have a plugin to display, it will prompt you to install that plugin at the top of the page.

In the message, click Install the plugin. For some plugins, installation begins by downloading a file to your computer. To confirm the download of these plugins, click the "Save" button in the download bar that appears at the bottom of your browser window. When the download is complete, restart Google Chrome, closing everything open windows to complete the installation process.

Blocking Google Chrome plugins

Plugins are allowed by default. However, since they can sometimes pose a threat, Google Chrome blocks outdated or rarely used plugins. For example, Java, RealPlayer, QuickTime, Shockwave, Windows Media Player and Adobe Reader are older than Adobe Reader X. To block all plugins, you can use dialog box Content Settings.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click the Chrome menu and select Settings.
  2. Select Show advanced settings.
  3. In the "Privacy" section, click the button Content Settings.
  4. In the Plugins section, select one of the options below.
    • Click to play. Chrome will block all plugins. However, you can click the plugin icon to launch it this time.
    • Block everything. Chrome will block all plugins from running.

To set permissions for specific sites, click Exception management.

Running blocked plugins

  • If you select the option Click to play Gray fields will appear on the page where plugins are blocked. In the center of the window, click the plugin icon to launch it this time.
  • If you select the Block all plugins option, address bar A blocked plugin icon will appear and gray boxes will appear on the page where the plugin is blocked. To change plugin settings for a specific site, click the blocked plugin icon.
    • In the menu that appears, click Always show plugins to allow plugins to run on this site in the future. An exception will be added for the site.
    • To run all plugins during this visit only, click the button Run all plugins this time. The prompt will appear again the next time you visit this site.
    • Click Setting up plugin blocking to manage browser plugin settings.
  • To always allow a specific plugin to run on every site, go to chrome://plugins , find that plugin and check the box Always allow.
  • Outdated plugins are blocked by default. When the browser blocks outdated plugins, a message is displayed at the top of the page. Click Run this time in the message to run the legacy plugin (not recommended).

Disabling certain plugins

You can completely disable certain plugins. Unlike blocked plugins, disabled plugins will not be able to run on specific page. When visiting a page with a blocked plugin, you will see the message “Plugin missing” in place of the plugin.

To disable plugins, go to the plugins page: chrome://plugins. Find the plugin you need to disable and click Disable. You can also re-enable disabled plugins on this page.

Another way to get to the plugins page is to click the link Disable individual modules in the Plugins section of the Content Settings dialog box.

Operation of many functions in Google browser Chrome depends on additional plug-ins called plugins. They introduce many new functions to the program’s functionality and “teach” it to recognize various technologies and data formats. You can change the settings of some extensions in the browser settings menu. The control panel with the most important addons is hidden from users so that they cannot tamper with normal work programs. This article describes how to add, enable, and disable plugins for Google Chrome.

Extension Manager is a special interface in Chrome with which users can easily enable and disable existing installed extensions, and also delete it from your browser. In addition, through it you can open Google’s online application store and add new useful add-ons. To open the manager, users need to do the following:

This page provides a list of all addons that are connected to your web browser. Opposite each of them there are checkboxes with which applications can be temporarily disabled and enabled again. The trash can icon allows you to completely remove the plugin and all associated information.

Some addons allow you to change their configurations. Click on the “Settings” hyperlink under the element’s name to go to its settings page. Here you can enable or disable the use of extensions in incognito mode.

Alternative way get to this page through the menu Google settings Chrome. You need to open the control panel and open the section called “Settings”. On the left side of the page that opens there will be a navigation menu with which you can go to the desired section.

Adding new extensions

By default, the Google Chrome distribution contains practically no extensions, with the exception of an add-on for working with documents online. At the same time, there are a huge number of plugins that can make your work with the browser much more convenient. This page describes the most useful applications for Chrome.

In order for the plugin to start working, you need to install and enable it. There are 2 ways to do this: through the Google online catalog and through the official website of the application. The first method is universal, since not every addon that you want to install has its own website.

The second one is faster, since you don’t have to look for extensions among a large catalog. You just need to go to the desired resource and click on the “Install” button. For example, this way you can connect Yandex Elements. Go to https://element.yandex.ru/ and click “Install” next to the desired application.

To get to the Google directory, you need to click on the “More Extentions” hyperlink in the plugin manager. An alternative way is to go to https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions?hl=ru. Here you can use the search menu, as well as sort by category or rating to find the addon you need. Select the application and click the "Install" button to enable it.

Two types of plugins

All plugins for Chrome can be divided into 2 types: user and service. The first ones are intended for the convenience of people who work at a computer. These are various translators, programs for downloading music, ad blockers, postal services and widgets for the toolbar.

Service addons are installed and connected automatically, without user intervention. They are needed for the browser to work correctly with various technologies and interfaces. A striking example is Adobe Flash Player. It is included in the Google Chrome distribution and updates itself. Without it, it would be impossible to play most browser games, watch videos, listen to music, use online banking services, and so on.

To prevent users from accidentally deleting or disabling any of the important addons, the developers “hid” them in a separate menu. It cannot be accessed through the Chrome browser settings. How to do this is written later in the article.

About Plugins

This is a special panel designed for experienced Google Chrome users. Here you can disable any of the service plugins, configure their launch, or find out detailed information about the technologies used.

To get to this page, enter the command “chrome://plugins/” or “about://plugins/” in the address bar and press Enter. You will see a list of all utility plugins used. Each of them can be easily disabled using the “Disable” hyperlink.

Many users modern browsers I have repeatedly come across so-called plugins (add-ons), which are integrated into the corresponding web browser to expand the capabilities of working on the Internet. Their settings can be accessed in many browsers through the about:plugins command entered in the address bar. How to make settings or fix problems that arise in the operation of this or that add-on will now be discussed.

About:plugins. Options for accessing settings

Largely this command used in “Chrome-like” browsers, that is, in programs created based on Google Chrome. A striking example is the use of the about:plugins command for the Yandex browser, Chromium application, etc.

However, in exactly the same way, you can access extension settings in a popular browser. As for Chrome itself, two types of commands can be entered in the address bar, depending on the version of the program.

Thus, in different modifications the commands about:plugins or chrome://plugins can be used. The second command is used in newer versions. In any case, the user is taken to a menu where all installed extensions (active and inactive) are shown.

About:plugins. Plug-ins

All modules presented in the list can be divided into two: large groups: built in installed version browser and downloaded by the user.

An example of built-in extensions in the same Google Chrome web browser would be Adobe Plash Player and PDF Viewer, which are present in the program initially and are in an activated state.

In some browsers you can find a plugin called AdBlock or something like that. Such extensions allow you to block drop-down menus, advertisements, banners, and sometimes even questionable content. In this regard, the Chinese 360 ​​Safety Browser excels most of all, since the blocking module is activated by default in the settings. This creates quite a lot of problems, the solution to which will be proposed below.

Disable unnecessary or unused add-ons

So, to access the list of extensions we use the command about:plugins ( Yandex Browser or Chrome, it doesn't matter). IN in this case We are interested in the issue of deactivating plugins.

After entering the command about:plugins, there are two ways to disable the plugin. In some browsers, opposite the line with the name and description of the plugin, there is a special box in which a check mark is placed to activate it. There is nothing easier than simply removing it and restarting the program for the changes to take effect.

Other apps use a blue hyperlink to disable it. As a rule, it is called “Disable”. To re-enable, the hyperlink changes to “Enable”.

Major performance issues

Everything is clear with the options for accessing the list of extensions and questions about their activation (deactivation). No one should have any problems here. But there are situations when the plugin seems to be turned on, but its correct operation remains in doubt (it may not work at all). Often the browser itself begins to display messages stating that some add-on is not supported, has an outdated version, etc. Such problems can be solved very simply.

and browsers

Let's start with the situation when the extension is not supported by a specific browser or its version. The simplest solution would be to search for a plugin specifically for this browser and modify it.

On the other hand, the problem can often be solved by updating the extension itself. In most cases this applies to Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Shockwave Player. Usually, when installed independently or as a built-in extension in the browser, they integrate into the system a special updater program that works in background, and if there is a constant connection to the Internet, it monitors the emergence of new updates.

In the very simple case you need to agree to the update offer, download the latest version from the official resource, and then install it using the installation file and run as administrator. Before installation, you must close all browsers. type are integrated into all Internet browsers installed on the system, regardless of their developer.

As for other extensions, after entering the command to access the about:plugins list, buttons or hyperlinks will be shown next to plugins for which updates are available, clicking on which will update them automatically.

Finally, if for some reason the extension cannot function correctly, the problem may also be that the web browser has an outdated version, which is why installing a plugin designed for a more recent modification does not lead to the desired result. In this case, you can do two things: either find the update item in the program settings menu, or simply download installation distribution the latest version, and then install it, or set the automatic update option.

Please note: for some browsers it is not recommended to install a new modification over the old one, since a conflict may arise between them, and the system will begin to rush around in search of a solution to the preferences for one of them. Therefore, before installation, you should first uninstall old version at least from the standard programs and components section (add and remove programs), or use third-party utilities.

For these purposes, the most powerful uninstaller iOBit Uninstaller is best suited, which removes not only the main application files, but also keys system registry. Not to mention the residual components.

Another situation with plugins not working can only be due to the fact that a certain resource simply does not support its functioning. But this is a purely technical issue that depends solely on the site owner.

Problems blocking web content

It is worth mentioning the AdBlock module, which is built-in and activated by default in some browsers. The extension is undoubtedly useful, but its false positives often cause criticism.

Of course, when you go to the list of extensions using the about:plugins command, you can completely disable it. But this will only result in the fact that the plugin will not block any page, which will invariably lead to discomfort from intrusive advertising and the appearance of a huge number of independently opening windows.

To avoid this situation, you need to go to the extension settings. It has two types of disable data: blocking drop-down (pop-up) windows and disabling questionable page elements. It is better to activate only the first parameter.

In addition, just below the blocking enable/disable sliders there is a special Exception websites button, which is responsible for accessing a list of exceptions similar to the one found in antivirus programs. Here you just need to enter the full addresses of pages using the http://www prefix that are not subject to blocking, and save the changes.

Instead of an afterword

As you can see, regardless of the browser, you can configure the plugins at your discretion without any problems. As for eliminating possible problems, you should first find out the root cause of the failure. Most often (and this is confirmed by many users), problems are resolved by updating the software, without involving any system settings or web browser settings. The same option applies to the problem of extension compatibility with installed browsers.