Where to find your Microsoft account password. Forgot code for nokia

As my experience tells me, many Windows 10 users, after installing it, disable the login password so as not to constantly enter it when turning on the PC.
After some time, some kind of failure may occur, after which the operating system again begins to request authorization. And the user forgot his account password Windows entries 10! Or he didn’t know him at all - the installation was done by a friend, neighbor or on-call technician. So what should I do? How to log into your computer?! There are two ways out.
First - reinstalling Windows. But at the same time, you may lose data stored on the system partition.
Second - try to reset forgotten password Administrator or the login you use. This is what we will talk about today.

First, let me remind you that in Windows 10 two types of accounts can be used:

1) Local account
2) Microsoft account

I will tell you in detail about password recovery for both cases.

Reset Windows 10 password

To perform this procedure, you will first need a bootable USB flash drive or installation disk, from which you need to boot. After selecting the OS installation language, you should see the following window:

Select the “Diagnostics” section and go to the following menu:

Here you need to select the item “ Extra options" A third menu will appear:

Click on the “Command Line” item. After this, a regular command line with Administrator rights will launch, which will help us reset the password Windows user 10 if he forgot it.

But it’s not so easy to do this from an installation flash drive - the installed OS must be loaded first. But you can’t launch the command line from the Windows authorization menu! What should I do? Here we will resort to a stratagem - we will replace the accessibility utility utilman.exe. To do this, enter the command:

move c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe

This is what we will do first backup copy this utility file utilman2.exe. He will then allow you to return its functionality back.
Now let's copy executable file cmd.exe to the utilman.exe file with the following command:

copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe

Now, when you try to launch the Accessibility Wizard, the console will open with Administrator rights.

We reboot and launch Windows 10 in normal mode.
As soon as the authorization window appears, click on this icon in the lower right corner:

We click on it and, if all previous steps were performed correctly, we get a command line window:

Net user username password

In it, instead of username, you need to enter the name of your account, instead of password - New Password To her. For example, like this:

Net user setos 1234321

Press the Enter key. Now you can close the console window and try to log in to the system.

1) If suddenly you forgot not only the password, but also the user name itself, then you can see it in the list of system users. To do this, enter the command net user. All users will appear with a description of the role of each of them.
2) If you need the accessibility tool, then remember to start your PC again with bootable flash drive or disk and return the utilman.exe utility back. To do this you need to enter the following command:

copy c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe

After this, it should function as before again.

Recovering your Microsoft account password

Now let's discuss what to do when you forgot your Windows 10 password with a Microsoft account. Then you will have to look for another computer with Internet access to access the site login.live.com. There you need to enter your login (this is either an email address or a phone number) and click on the “Next” button.

Now you need to pass verification. The most convenient option is to receive a verification code by email or answer a security question (if you remember the answer, of course).
The most extreme option is to click on “I don’t have this data.” Then you will restore authorization by contacting Microsoft technical support and following their instructions.
In any of these cases, the solution will be a link to the page for changing your password. You will receive a link to change your password. When entering a new one, you will need to meet all the requirements - the length of the key phrase must consist of numbers, letters and no shorter than 8 characters.
And only after all these misadventures will you be able to remove your forgotten password and successfully log into your computer! Good luck!

To date modern computers need to create a password that will be as resistant to hacking as possible. Sometimes code words can include up to forty different letters and symbols.

As a result, account holders often forget their own passwords, thus losing a huge amount of personal data. To avoid such situations, large information companies such as Microsoft, Google, Yandex and others have created a system for quickly restoring access to user accounts.

Recovering a Microsoft account if your password is lost

When the user is completely sure that he is entering the password correctly, but access to the account is still blocked, you should make sure that uppercase character input is disabled on the computer. This may be the reason for the incorrect entry. keyword, since it is sensitive to it. Next, you should make sure that the keyboard layout matches the language that was used when entering the password. It is worth noting that Latin and Cyrillic letters, which visually seem the same to the user, are recognized differently by computer technology.

It's also a good idea to reconsider your email writing. Sometimes it happens that it is entered incorrectly. If all the options listed above do not work, you will have to reset your existing password before restoring your Microsoft account. To do this, visit the support page located on the official Microsoft website.

You need to familiarize yourself with the proposed options for possible loss of access to your account and select the “Forgotten Password” option. The user will then be prompted to enter the third-party virtual email address associated with the page. A short message is sent to this email containing a temporary link intended to reset a lost password. You can then visit the web address for one hour, after which it becomes inactive, so you will have to repeat all the steps again.

In addition, this is also relevant for those who are looking for a way to recover a Microsoft account on mobile device. The recovery service allows you to use a phone number that is associated with your account. In this case, a free message is sent to your mobile phone containing secret code.

It should be entered into a specially designated field located on the access recovery page. The SMS message arrives within two minutes maximum. If it is not delivered, and much more time has passed, you will have to resend the code. When all the instructions described above are completed correctly, recovering your Microsoft account password is quite simple. Moreover, this will be easy to do even for novice users.

Lost user login

Often, account holders forget their own nickname. It should be noted that the Microsoft system represents the login as an email address. Thus, it is he who is indicated during the registration procedure. In this case, you cannot send an email containing the web address to restore access. To know forgotten login There is a possibility when using the Skype service. When opening their own page, the user will see it.

If recovery methods are not suitable account Microsoft, presented above, should write to the support service so that specialists can help solve this problem. In the same way, you can view your login using an open account in the Xbox service. All you have to do is turn on your own gaming console and check the latest notifications. At the top of each of them is an email that has been forgotten by the user.

How do I recover my Microsoft account after deleting my profile?

Each user should know that they can restore their own page within thirty days from the date of account deletion. After that this action will be inaccessible, and all information will be deleted from the Microsoft cloud database. To recover your Microsoft account password and also gain access to a deleted account, you must follow these steps:

1. Go to the official portal of the company.
2. Enter your own username and password. If you forget it, you will have to send a secret recovery code to a specific phone number.
3. When you are logged into the deactivated account, you must click on the “Activate” button.

The profile becomes operational again when no more than thirty days have passed since deactivation.

Account recovery Windows Phone

It's time to provide detailed instructions on how to recover your Microsoft account on the Windows Phone operating system. Thus, you should visit the profile mobile version OS of the Windows family. The same account exists here that is used to log into Personal Computer. It follows from this that in order to restore access, you must follow the steps described above in the article. If your phone is lost, it is possible to restore all data, files and user accounts.

To do this, you will need to perform a backup first. It is worth noting that it is done in automatic mode every week on devices running the Windows Background operating system. You will have to go to your account after first restoring access to it. Next you need to find the menu item “ Backup data" and follow the instructions there. Thus, it becomes clear how to restore a Microsoft account on a mobile device.

Account hacked

If an account is hacked, this means that unauthorized access by other persons or spyware has been applied to it. software. Why is this being done? The main purpose is to send spam and various malware, capable of stealing users' personal data. In the event that the fraudster has changed the login information, you can return access to your profile in the same way as restoring your Microsoft account. Therefore, if there is a suspicion that your profile has been hacked, you need to change your password and deny access to your own account from another location.

Activating two-step identity verification

In order to create maximum protection for your own profile from hacking, it is recommended to enable a two-step user identification system. This login method consists of entering your username and password. Next, a short SMS message containing an access code is sent to the specified phone number. This procedure will be repeated every time you try to log into your account. Two-phase authentication makes it possible to increase the level of protection of your own data, as well as provide greater cryptographic strength to message encryption.

To use the full functionality of Windows 10, you need. This is a universal profile that can be used on any device running Windows 10. As with any system, a login and password are required to log into your account. But what should those users do who for some reason have forgotten their data?

Recovering your account

Advice! When logging into your account, be sure to check your keyboard layout to see if CapsLock is enabled or not. You may be entering data in a different language or in a different case.

To restore your account, go to the Microsoft website and select the appropriate option.

If you lose your password

There is an alternative option for logging into your profile using a one-time code:

  1. Click "Log in with a one-time code."
  2. Enter your phone or email associated with your account.
  3. Enter the phone number to which you want to receive the code.
  4. Click "send SMS with code".
  5. And then enter the code and log in to your profile.

You need to do the same steps when you forgot your account password Microsoft records on the phone. Use the smartphone recovery form and follow the prompts.

If your email is lost

If you forgot which email you used to log into your account, you can see it in two cases:

Otherwise, contact Microsoft Support.

After removal

Once deleted, your Microsoft profile can be restored within 30 days. On the 31st day it is deleted forever. To restore a deleted profile, use the account login form and click the “Activate” button.

When was it hacked?

If you suspect your account has been hacked:

If an attacker changes your password, use the “ ” form and check the box next to “My profile is used by third parties”, then follow the prompts.

Increasing protection

To increase the security of your account and remove password logins, you can use additional protection. Go to Security & Privacy → Security Options and enable additional protections.

Two-step verification

Including two-step verification (also called two-step authentication), you can log into your profile only by entering a password and a one-time code that will be sent to the specified phone number. To enable it, click “Set up two-step verification”.

Identity Verification App

Use special application Authenticator on your smartphone to verify your identity.

To set up this feature, click Install Identity Verification App.

Recovery code

Set up and use a special code that will give you access to your data. To do this, click “Set up recovery code”.Also, you can use all available methods protect your profile together.

If you have any questions. Describe in detail what the difficulty was so that we can help.

Nowadays, there are practically no fundamental means of protection against hacking. computer devices and gaining access to personal confidential information user.

Setting an administrator password is also not very effective in protecting your computer, since there are at least several ways to hack and bypass it.

Hack the Administrator's password and log in using his account - easily and effortlessly

What these methods are will be discussed in this article.

Tip 1. Reset your password using the Command Interpreter in Windows

To do this, we sequentially perform the following steps:

  • Click “Start” and select “All Programs”;
  • in the tabs that open, click “Standard” and literally in the first lines of the list we see the “Run” option;
  • V command line“Run”, enter “cmd” and “Ok”;

    In the “Run” command line we write “cmd”

  • A Command Interpreter window opens in front of us, into which we write the command “control userpasswords2”, then press “Enter;

    In the Command Interpreter window, enter the command “control userpasswords2” and click “OK”

  • “User Accounts” appears on the screen – in the “Users” field, select the account we need;

    In the "Users" field, select the account we need

  • uncheck the option “Require username and password”, then “Apply” and “Ok”;

    Uncheck the "Require username and password" checkbox

  • in the “Automatic login” window that opens, enter and confirm the password or leave these fields empty, click “Ok”, “Ok” again;

    In the "Automatic login" window that appears, enter the password or leave the field empty.

  • close the command line window and restart our computer.

Tip 2. Reset the password for the Administrator account in Safe Mode

To reset the built-in “Administrator” account, we proceed step by step according to the instructions below.

Step 1. Restart the computer and press the F8 key while loading.

To enter Safe Mode when you turn on or restart the computer, press the F8 key

Step 2. In the menu that appears, we are asked to select one of additional options boot the Windows operating system - select “Safe Mode”.

In the menu of additional boot options, select Safe Mode

Step 3. Next, log in to the system using the built-in Administrator account, which usually does not have a password by default. To do this, enter “Administrator” or the same word in Russian in the login field. Leave the password field blank and just press “Enter.”

In safe mode, select the non-password-protected built-in Administrator account

Step 4: A window will appear warning you that Windows is in Safe Mode, click confirmation “Yes”.

Click "Yes" to continue working in Safe Mode

Step 5. We start working in security mode - as soon as the desktop loads, click the following sequence of options:

Start –> Control Panel –> User Accounts

In Safe Mode, select "User Accounts"

Step 6. Place the cursor over the user name whose password you need to edit or reset, and click on this account icon.

Step 7. In the menu that appears on the left, select the “Change Password” item, enter a new password and confirm it. If we are simply resetting the password, then we leave this field empty.

In the menu on the left, select the “Change Password” option, then enter a new password and then confirm it

Step 8. Click the “Change Password” button.

Enter the password and confirm it

Step 9. First close the “User Accounts” window, then the “Control Panel” window.

Step 10. Reboot the computer.

Tip 3. How to reset the password for the built-in Administrator account

This advice will be useful to those who are faced with a problem when the built-in account is protected by a password, which we, of course, conveniently forgot. So, we act according to the instructions below:

  1. We need a CD (or flash drive) with a set of resuscitation programs for Windows recovery, which we insert into the drive, after which we restart our computer.

    A recovery disk is ideal for system recovery.

  2. When starting the computer, enter the BIOS by pressing the “Dilete” key.

    Entering the BIOS using the Dilete key while restarting the computer

  3. In the BIOS, we change the installation priority and assign the computer to boot from the CD-ROM. Next we place our boot disk with the operating system into the drive and reboot the PC.

    In the BIOS we set boot priority from CD-ROM

  4. After the computer boots from the CD-ROM, the recovery disk menu appears on the screen, in which we select the edited copy of Windows and go to “System Restore”.

    In editable copies of Windows select "System Restore"

  5. Next, in the dialog settings of this window, click “Command Line”.

    In the System Recovery Options dialog box, select Command Prompt

  6. In the command field that opens, enter “regedit” and confirm the command with the Enter key.
  7. Find and select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section, and select File from the menu, and then Load hive.

    Find and select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section

  8. We need to open the SAM file, then select the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\hive_name\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\000001F4, then double-click on the F key and go to the very first value in line 038 - the number 11, as shown in the photo.

    Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.. and double-click on the F key

  9. We replace this number with the number 10, while being very careful, since only this number needs to be changed; other values ​​are strictly prohibited from being touched.

    We replace this number “11” with the number “10”

  10. In the same section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\hive_name\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\000001F4, select the File menu, then Load hive and then “Yes” - confirm the unloading of the hive.

    Select the menu File - Load hive and confirm unloading the hive

  11. Now we close the registry editor, as well as the entire installation process, take out our disk and reboot the computer.

Hack the Administrator password in Windows 8

The Windows 8 operating system has its own simple way to reset the Administrator password. All you need to do to do this is follow the steps below:

Step 1. Go to the “System Restore” section, and then the “Diagnostics” console, where we select the “Advanced options” section.

Go to "Diagnostics" and select "Advanced options"

Step 2. Go to the command line and enter the following command:

copy from:\windows\System32\sethc.exe from:\temp – and copy the sethc.exe file so as not to accidentally lose it.

Copy the file "sethc.exe" to avoid losing it

Step 3. Now on the command line we write the following:

copy c:\windows\System32\cmd.exe c:\windows\System32\sethc.exe, that is, instead of “sethc.exe” we enter “cmd.exe”.

Replace the file “sethc.exe” with “cmd.exe”

Step 4. Exit the command console using the “exit” command.

Step 5. Reboot our computer and boot with the usual parameters.

Step 6. Press the “Shift” key five times to launch the command line.

Press the Shift key five times

Step 7. Enter in command console“lusrmgr.msc” and see the administrator’s name.

Enter “lusrmgr.msc” into the command console and see the administrator’s name

Note: if the account is disabled, it can be activated using the command “net user “Admin_name” /active:yes”

Step 8. Set a new password - type the command “net user “Administrator name” password”.

Using the command net user Administrator name password set a new password

Step 9. Reboot the computer and log into the administrator account with a new password.

Login to the administrator account with a new password

It should be noted that this method is equally suitable for earlier versions of operating systems.

These are the simple ways you can reset the administrator password on your computer and laptop: operating systems Windows 7, 8 and 10.

Useful video on the topic

The videos below will clearly demonstrate how you can also hack the Administrator password.

Reset the Administrator password in Windows 7 using a small program

How to reset your Windows 8 login password

Resetting the Administrator password in Windows 10

Once again I'm back to working on resetting account passwords, this time I'll talk about a bootable USB flash drive with Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home, after that I'll continue to look for new ones effective ways to reset the administrator password.

The program does not have a Russian interface, but this is not a problem, especially since in this article I will show everything and tell you with an example. Also, work will occur without problems both on a regular computer with a BIOS and on a device with a UEFI BIOS.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive from the Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home image

Well, let's go to the official website of the utility and download the version Home– the only free version is http://www.lazesoft.com/download.html.

Run the installation of the program and follow the installation instructions, everything is very easy. Then launch the icon program.

In this window we need to select the item "Disk Image & Clone".

Step 1: Let us know why you're having trouble logging into your account.

Step 2: On the next screen, enter the email address for the Microsoft account you want to recover.

Note. If you don't know your Microsoft account email address, you'll need this information before you can change your account password.

Step 3: In the second text box, enter the characters shown on the screen. They are there to make sure you are not a robot.
Click the button Further".

Step 4: The next screen will provide the option to receive a security code to an alternate email address or phone number, previously added to your account. When selecting a shipping method, you will be asked to confirm the missing details to verify your identity.

If you can use one of these options, click " Further" below to get the security code.

What should I do if I can’t use any of the password reset options?

If you can't use any of the password reset options, you can access your Microsoft account by filling out the account recovery web form. To do this, go to the page Microsoft account recovery and follow these steps.

  1. In field E-mail address Enter the email address for the Microsoft account you are trying to access.

  1. In field Contact address Email: Enter your current email address where you can be contacted or sent a link to reset your password.
  2. In the third text box, enter the characters shown on the screen. They are there to make sure you are not a robot.
    Click the button "Further".

To ensure the security of your Microsoft account, you will be required to answer several questions to verify your identity, which you answered at the time initial setup Microsoft account. Fill in as many fields as possible.

Tips for completing the account recovery web form

  1. Please provide an additional email address. Please ensure that you have access to this email address so that we can send you a password reset link once we have verified that the account is yours.
  2. Answer all the questions you can. Enter as many previously used passwords as possible, even if you are not sure they are correct.
  3. Use the information provided when creating or latest update account. Have you changed your location since creating your account? Changed your name?
  4. Submit the form from a computer that you use frequently.
  5. Please note that the email address may be in a country-specific form. For example, if you created your account in Sweden, your domain would be "hotmail.co.se" instead of "hotmail.com".
  6. After completing the account recovery web form, you will receive an email confirming receipt of your request, and you will receive a response to that request within 24 hours (usually much sooner).

Note. The password reset link expires 72 hours after being sent so you don't have to keep an eye on it. If you have not received an email by e-mail, check your spam folder or junk mail to see if the account recovery email is there.