Where to find Roman numerals. How to put Roman numerals in Word

The ancient Arabs came up with a wonderful system of numbers! Almost everywhere on our planet it has been used quite successfully by various people for several centuries. But Roman numerals have not yet lost their relevance. The non-positional number system from the ancient Romans is used in writing to designate centuries and millennia, serial numbers of monarchs and volume numbers in encyclopedias, when designating the valence of chemical elements, and numbering wristwatch dials. But the task of typing Roman numerals on the keyboard can cause some difficulties for those who have never done this before.

At first it will seem to you that the Roman number system is quite cumbersome and inconvenient; it is difficult to use it to record specific dates, and it is also difficult to read. But you will learn to type Roman numerals quickly over time.

How to type Roman numerals on a computer keyboard
You, of course, have a standard keyboard with letters of the English alphabet, then entering Roman numerals into any text will not be difficult. You just need to know which letters correspond to which number.

To quickly type Roman numerals on your keyboard, switch to English. Press CapsLock to type capital letters.

Number 1 is a letter I.

The number 2 corresponds to two letters II and so on until three.

The number 5 corresponds to a letter V.

The number 4 in the Roman system is “5-1”, which means we dial IV. When typing, the smaller number is written before the larger one.

Number 6=5+1, that is VI. When typing, the smaller number is written after the larger one.

Number 10 is X. We do the same with nine as with four. 9=10-1, so we write IX.

The number 50 is indicated on the letter by the letter L. But 40=50-10, which means XL.

The number 60 is 50+10, which means LX.

Letter WITH– this is a hundred (easy to remember if you associate it with a centner), the letter D– 500, letter M- thousand.

If you need to write a complex number, such as 178, for example, then write a smaller number on the right, a larger number on the left: 178=100+70+8, which means СLXXVIII. If your birthday in Arabic numbering is 06/23/1977, then written in Roman numerals it will look like XXIII.VI.MCMLXXVII.

In some cases, when writing large numbers in Roman numerals, some difficulties may arise. To successfully overcome them, we recommend using one of the Roman to Arabic numeral converters. One of these converters is presented on the website.

By the way, the Roman number system was popular in Europe for more than 2 thousand years. It was only in the late Middle Ages that the Arabs replaced it with the simplified system we use today. Fortunately, the Roman number system is rarely found on the Internet.

How to write Roman numeral 1 on the keyboard of a computer, laptop or mobile device.

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There are situations when, when writing an article or document, you need to insert Roman numerals into the text, but they are not on the keyboard, what to do in this situation? Don’t be discouraged, there is a way, and it’s quite simple, especially since it’s suitable for all devices without exception.

How to write Roman numerals

Switch the keyboard layout to Latin, that is, to English and press the Caps Lock button (all capitals). Now, please note that many capital letters of the Latin alphabet can replace Roman numerals.

Let's decide what letters we need:

  1. The English letter I, that is - I looks like a unit;
  2. Two such letters in a row - II will replace the two;
  3. Three letters - III, three;
  4. In order to write a four, let’s call for help the letter B, only the English one (V), and don’t forget to write a one in front of it - IV.

I think that the principle of writing has become clear to you, at least up to eight inclusive - VIII. To write nine, we need the letter X (X) with the letter I in front - IX. To denote fifty, we need the letter - L, for a hundred - C, for five hundred - D, and finally, for a thousand - M.

That is, to write Roman numerals, we only need the Latin alphabet.

How to write in Roman numerals if you don't know how to write them

What to do if you are not sure how a particular Roman numeral looks like? For example, you don’t know what the number 83 looks like in Roman symbols. For this method to work, you need the Word program. It is possible that this method works in other text editors, I don’t know, I personally use Word and describe actions in it.

Press the Ctrl+F9 buttons on your keyboard at the same time. In this case, curly braces will appear, and the cursor will be in the center, press the equal sign, the desired number, for example 83 and the left slash, that is, such an inclined line \. Next, put an asterisk, press Caps Lock, and write the word in English - novel, that is, ROMAN and press F9.

Thanks to this formula, Roman numerals are automatically substituted.

I will repeat again:

  1. Ctrl+F9;
  2. =83\*;
  3. Caps Lock;
  4. ROMAN;

The result is the following formula (=83*\roman) which, after pressing the F9 button, is converted to a Roman numeral - LXXXIII.

But personally, it seems to me that it is much faster and more convenient to substitute capital English letters instead of Roman numerals without any formulas. Now you know how to write the Roman numeral 1 on a computer or laptop keyboard, choose the method that suits you best.

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Roman numerals are numbers in the form of letters of the Latin alphabet that were widely used during the times of ancient Rome. In the modern world, Roman numerals and numbers are used to indicate the numbering of centuries, millennia, monarchs, blood types, volumes, important events, documents, etc. You can learn more about Roman numerals in the corresponding article. Here we will tell you how you can type Roman numerals and numbers on any computer keyboard.

As mentioned above, Roman numerals are letters of the Latin alphabet. Therefore, to type Roman numerals, you can use the English keyboard layout, which includes all the necessary characters (I, V, X, L, C, D and M).

All you need to do is click on the keyboard layout icon on the taskbar (next to the system clock) and select the English keyboard layout. You can also switch the keyboard layout using key combinations. Typically, the combinations CTRL-ALT, CTRL-SHIFT or Windows-Space are used for this.

And after that, you can use the English keyboard layout to type Roman numerals and numbers. The screenshot below shows the placement of all Roman numerals on the English keyboard layout.

If you do not have an English keyboard layout on your system, you can add it. In Windows 7, this is done as follows: first you need to go to the “Control Panel”, go to the “Clock, Language and Region” section, and then open “Change the keyboard layout or other input methods”.

As a result, a window with keyboard layout settings will appear in front of you. Here you need to click on the “Add” button, select English from the list that appears and save the settings using the “Ok” button. As a result, you will have an English keyboard layout, which you can switch to and type Roman numerals.

In addition, Roman numerals can be typed using ASCII codes even without an English keyboard layout. To do this, you need to hold down the ALT key and, without releasing it, type the ASCII code of the desired character on the additional numeric keypad of the keyboard (under Num Lock). For example, if you hold down ALT and type 73, you will get the character “I”.

  • 73 - I
  • 86 - V
  • 88 - X
  • 76 - L
  • 67 - C
  • 68-D
  • 77 - M

But this method of typing Roman numerals is extremely inconvenient; the easiest way is to use the English keyboard layout.

Sometimes, users need to use Roman numerals. As a rule, they are used to indicate centuries and millennia, the serial number of the ruler, etc. Below we will look at several ways to help cope with this task for different situations.

Today we will look at:

Method 1

For example, you need to put Roman numerals in the text to indicate the centuries in which events took place. The easiest way to do this is using the English keyboard layout.

The Korean input setting is great! Now what? Scripting any language that doesn't work exactly like the Latin alphabet you're used to is a tiny task once you learn how to type it. Even in French-Spanish speaking countries, you might be surprised if the keyboard layout is slightly different!

While you have to get used to character conversion when typing in Chinese or Japanese, it's still relatively easy because the keyboard layout is essentially the same, and you type in the romanization: Pinyin and Rumaji respectively. This means you will need to find out where all the letters are.

To do this, switch the keyboard to English and, holding down the key Shift , type the necessary letters that will act as Latin numerals: I, II, III, IV, V, VI etc.

Method 2

In the next method we will use Latin numerals for numbering. To do this, select the list that needs to be numbered and right-click on it, selecting "Numbering" . Among the available numbering options, select the option that contains Latin numerals.

The most common Korean keyboard layout. Let me reinforce this point: don't be afraid of the word mnemonic. The concept of mnemonics is simply that: association: connecting something with what you are trying to remember. It becomes easier to remember because of that familiarity or because it makes the small piece of data "bigger" and therefore more "important" to your brain. So that's all you need to do!

Mnemonic list for Korean keyboard layout

Again, you should only use this as a guide when you need help. Making your own mnemonics is best and you don't have to put in the extra effort to learn my personal set if you don't need to. I hope this helps you learn how to type Korean. Now type what you've learned!

Method 3

This method is convenient to use if you do not know exactly how to write Latin numbers correctly. To do this, we will convert the Arabic number to the Roman number. It's quite simple to use:

Change your device's built-in keyboard

You can change your device's built-in keyboard or add additional languages. It also changes the dictionary used for automatic correction, the number of letters on the keyboard, and the layout of the keys. The keyboard language also determines the language of the dictionary that is used for it.

In some languages, you can change the layout of the keys. To get a definition of a word, select it and click Search. The dictionary is a software keyboard and is available in some languages. 2. You can write and complete entire sentences with just a few taps.

1. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F9 ;

2. Curly braces will appear in which you must enter a formula of the following type: =[Arabic number]\*ROMAN. For example, (=154\*ROMAN);

3. After entering the formula, press the key F9 , and the Arabic numeral will be converted to a Roman numeral.

Method 4

The final method, which involves inserting a Roman numeral from the available characters. To do this, go to Word in the tab "Insert" and expand the menu "Symbol" . Find the required Roman numeral from the available symbols.

Adding an app from a third-party keyboard

As you write, suggestions will appear for words and phrases you are likely to write; These suggestions are based on previous conversations and your writing style. You can install apps from third-party keyboards the same way you install other apps on your device. After installing a new keyboard, you must add it before you can use it.

While using the application, you can switch to a different keyboard, such as a keyboard from a different manufacturer or language. Just press and hold to scroll through the keyboard. You can also change the order of your keyboards. Third party keyboards are not always available.

When you need to print several Roman numerals in a document, but you don’t know how to do this, then, accordingly, there is an urgent need to gain new knowledge. It all depends on where exactly you need to indicate Roman numerals: this could be Microsoft Office Word and the like, editors on the Internet, personal correspondence via email. Depending on where you write, the order of actions will change. In total, there are two ways to write Roman numerals through the keyboard, one of them has variations. In this article you will see all the possible methods and evaluate their effectiveness yourself, simply by repeating the instructions.

If the app developer doesn't use third-party keyboards If you enter a protected text field If you use the numeric keypad instead of the standard keyboard. What you see in these cases will be the default keyboard until you finish typing.

Removing a third-party keyboard

This will also remove the settings panel.

Changing the physical keyboard layout

You can choose from several keyboard layouts that match the keys on your physical keyboard. You can also use an alternative keyboard layout that doesn't correspond to the physical keys on your keyboard.

How to quickly type Roman numerals on the keyboard

This method is the fastest and can be used on any Internet resource, in email and text editors, but it all depends on the font you use. If you are not satisfied with the first option, try putting the numbers in the second way.

How to type Roman numerals on the keyboard: English alphabet

The whole point of the method is to use the letters of the English alphabet as numbers. Remember what Roman numerals are: I, M, C, L... it looks like letters, doesn’t it?

Ways to write Roman numerals

Follow the instructions included with your keyboard to put them into discovery or communication mode. German, Chinese, Korean, Danish, Spanish, French, Hindi, English, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Thai and Turkish. Using the Internet carries inherent risks. for more information. Other company or product names may be trademarks of their respective owners. All symbols in Arabic and Roman are mentioned when referring to numbers.

Go to any editor or site where you need to put them. Turn on the English layout on your keyboard and hold down the SHIFT key - this will display only capital letters. An alternative could be the Caps Lock key, you need to press it once, and all letters will become capitalized.

With the SHIFT key held down or Caps Lock pressed, begin typing letters of the English alphabet, where:

There are others in the world, but they have not been used in many countries for use in the world. Are the Arabic numerals that we write, like most of the world, really Arabic? For us, numbers are convenient, easy to write and remember. Roman numerals are more complex and inconvenient. The reason is that there are only 7 digits and everything else is written as a combination of them. Numbers using Roman numerals are a combination of seven digits and an Arabic figure. In mathematical operations, Arabic numerals have a great advantage.

When you read a Roman numeral, it's important to think and calculate, and for Arabic, each of the ten digits corresponds to a number, and multi-digit numbers are easier to write. Five-digit numbers were recorded using a different system. You can see what a big inconvenience it is when using Roman numerals. How many characters must be written using four digits. Otherwise, both systems are adapted to use the decimal system. When using binary code, the complications are great. Arabic numerals, like numbers, are written from left to right, rather than from right to left like Arabic languages.

  • capital i is the number 1;
  • accordingly, two letters i will be the number 2;
  • M, C, L, D, X are easy to find on the keyboard, they exactly repeat Roman numerals.

Enter the entire number, remembering that the letters must be in capitals.

The alphabet is like an image. Around the world, Arabic numerals are superior to Roman numerals. The birthplace of the figures we use everywhere today, which we call Arabic numerals, is India. Culture and science, especially mathematics, have reached a high level of development. Around the same time, another Brahmi digital system was spreading parallel to the carriages in India. They come from the Indian alphabet. There is not one Indian alphabet, but many different languages ​​are written with different letters.

The precursors of Arabic numerals are brass and other Devanagari numerals. This alphabet, like Sanskrit, comes from brass and is a little late. From India it spread to many neighboring countries.

The table shows the changes in Arabic numerals over the years until the current version is reached. Roman figures appeared around 500 BC. in the Etruscan indigenous population of the Apennine Peninsula.

If you have the option, choose a font that makes the letters look more like Roman numerals. In Microsoft Office Word this might be Cambria.

So you got Roman numerals using your keyboard.

How to type Roman numerals on the keyboard: symbols

When a font doesn't allow you to use a capital i like the Roman numeral 1, resort to using the symbols on your keyboard.

However, creating the correct calculations requires a little more effort. In this article you will learn everything you need to know to create correct calculations in terms of Polish typographic and stylistic rules. If the enumeration paragraph contains quite a lot of text, then there are two possibilities: either the second or subsequent lines are folded across the entire width of the column, or we indent them so that the first letter falls directly below the first letter of the first line; Then the following lines of calculations will form a single block, and the calculation point will hang next to it.

Switch the layout to English again and hold down SHIFT, find the key with symbols next to the hard sign. Click on it and you will see a straight stick, which will replace the number 1.

This way you can write other numbers that require such a symbol. Again, you can choose the font that most closely resembles the Roman character. Enter the remaining Roman numerals using the English alphabet.

Visually, the difference is shown in the graph below. All Polish books about typography say clearly - we should use only the first method, in which the next paragraph of the paragraph we put on the entire width of the column. If, however, contrary to the recommendations of experts, you decide on the latter method, then remember that the labels after the enumeration point should create a vertical line. In other words, the alignment numbers must be set to the right.

Multi-line calculations are those calculations that contain sub-items. Ten levels are ten times more than what Polish typographic rules suggest. In general, we should avoid multi-row calculations. So if you feel like you need to go into the third line of the enumeration, you can almost certainly rewrite the text to avoid it.

How to Type Roman Numerals on the Keyboard in Microsoft Office Word

Some programs support entering Roman numerals automatically. You don't even need to remember exactly how to write a particular Roman numeral. Look at the example of Word to see how this can be done.

Enter the program and hold down the CTRL + F9 key combination on your keyboard. If you have a laptop, you may also have to hold down the Fn key. Curly braces will immediately appear in front of you.

The only exceptions are circuits, where multi-row calculations are the order of the day. When multi-row calculations are required, let's remember these two rules.

After Roman numerals we must put a period. In the lower register we must put the closing bracket. Capitals and Arabic numerals can be placed either within a period or in a closing parenthesis, but it is important to do so consistently throughout the document.

Punctuation at the end of a listing paragraph

An enumeration can be interrupted by one of three punctuation marks: a comma, a semicolon, or a period. We use a comma when individual paragraphs are very short. The following enumeration items begin with lower case. The last point ends with a period.

In these brackets you need to write a special function of this type:


  • Where number is the Roman numeral that needs to be translated.
  • Roman is a command for recognizing the number system.

In the screenshot you can see an example of how to get the Roman numeral 5400.

A semicolon is used when one of the paragraphs of an enumeration contains a comma. The period is used when one of the paragraphs of the enumeration contains a semicolon or consists of more than one sentence. The following listings begin with a capital letter. The last point, of course, ends with a period.

It is acceptable to raise this template, i.e. Instead of a comma, you can use a semicolon or a period, and instead of a semicolon, you can use a period. However, placing a semicolon or semicolon instead of a period is considered an error. You must take care of this yourself.

After you have entered the function, press F9 again or Fn + F9.