Where to watch recorded World of Tanks battles. How to record a battle in WoT? Fight recording management

Many fights in game World of Tanks I want to record and then watch them again and again. The save can be sent to the “Replays of the Week” program, or another competition to win a big and tasty prize. And also from other people’s and their own defeats and victories they learn and teach others. With its help, you can confirm the correctness of the game administration. And finally, the video can be posted on a YouTube channel or social network, to the judgment of friends and the public.

People take selfies on their phones! Why is a tanker worse?

One WOT replay takes up 800 kilobytes of hard drive space

The game developers are constantly improving the graphics., introduce new models in HD quality. The World of Tanks client is continuously updated and downloads gigabytes to your computer new graphics. But this does not mean that the battle replay takes up a lot of space. On the contrary, it is compact enough to store many battles played.

If we establish that one battle lasts on average five minutes, then without a break for lunch, toilet and sleep, a little less than three hundred battles can be fought in a day. The recorded replays of these hours will take up only a quarter of a gigabyte. With modern volumes hard drives- this is not a number. Less than one episode of the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” takes.

The whole point is that a fight recording is not a video. These are dozens of video cameras not installed on the map, which record the player’s car in real time from different points. Not at all. The replay contains a schematic, digital picture of the battle. To put it simply, the tank is designated by one number, when it goes, another one is added, for example, “2”. Shot - “3”.

In other words, there is no video in the replay, but only mathematical model. The decoder program uses these numbers and builds a video sequence based on them. To do this, you need a game client on your computer, from which the video and graphics are taken. All this allows you to store many fights on disk, rather than turning on the recording before one outstanding, significant event. You never know at what moment the tank genius will create another masterpiece. Therefore, you can write all the battles in a row. It's never too late to remove unnecessary things.

How to enable World of Tanks replay recording

After installing the game, saving battles in the client is disabled. Still, those who like to see how the suitcase flew from art are much smaller than those who are of little interest in why the team merged. To start recording battles, you need to change the client parameters.

Saving replays is enabled in the game settings, on the main tab. To go to the parameters, press “ESCAPE” on the keyboard in the running client, select “Settings”, click on the “Game” tab. In the lower right corner there is the “Record battles” item. Select the desired option: last or all. Click OK. Now completed battles will be saved on your computer’s hard drive.

Where is the World of Tanks replay storage located?

Recorded fights are stored in the game folder in the “Replays” directory. If you don't know where it is installed, right-click on the application launcher shortcut and select "File Location". Windows will open the main World of Tanks folder, where there will be a directory with replays. Here you can copy, delete, rename and view them.

Each file corresponds to one battle. To make it easier to find the required entry, their names contain the date and time of the battle, the level and name of the equipment the player fought with, as well as the name of the map. This storage order greatly facilitates navigation when large quantities records.

How to play back a fight recording

The World of Tanks battle replay is reproduced by the game client itself. To view the save you need to install it. If the game installation went smoothly, everything necessary for operating system the data was recorded in the correct places, double-clicking with the left mouse button on the file with the recorded battle will start playback. There is no separate replay manager in the game; it must be installed as an add-on.

In case the file does not open by double clicking, and it is proposed to find a match on the Internet, or select a program from the list, then tell the system to open it using “worldoftanks.exe”, which is located in the game folder. To do this, when selecting a program, click the “Browse” button and go to the WOT installation location, where you specify this file.

For those who lack the functionality of a standard replay player, enthusiasts have released many mods and add-ons for playing and working with recordings. For example, W.o.T. R.i.R. And also to view old battles recorded by earlier versions of the game client, use the WoT Selector application.

Best mods and programs for working with replays:

  1. MoD Replays Manager.
  2. W.o.T. R.i.R.
  3. WoT Selector

How to record a World of Tanks replay video

To post a recording of the fight on YouTube, social network or just getting a video, one replay file is not enough. The video that the player plays needs to be recorded third party program. There are many such applications on the Internet; they are made not only for recording the world of tanks, but also for saving any video from the monitor.

For example, one such program is Bandicam. Simple software with easy settings. All you need to do is start the replay and start capturing video in the program. After playing the entire fight, its recording will be created in a regular video format. This file will open in any video player and can be posted for viewing on the Internet.

Utilities of this kind belong to the S c re e n Recorder line. For this query, the search engine will find programs with various functions and capabilities.

List of popular applications:

  1. Fraps.
  2. Bandicam.
  3. Icecream Screen Recorder.
  4. ZD Soft Screen Recorder.

World of Tanks- an exciting game with many fans. Among them, unusual battles, well-played battles, classic tactics and unconventional behavior are valued. For a successful replay, awards are given at various competitions. They can attract an audience to your YouTube channel. Or just show it off and keep it as a souvenir of a successfully fired landmine.

What person hasn't heard of WoT these days? The phrase World of Tanks or simply “tanks” is now heard by every second citizen. This online game became popular in 2010-2011, and today the number of players exceeds 60 million people. On the WoT battlefields, thousands of battles are fought every day between players from all over the world - professionals in their field, or beginners who have only recently entered the world of tank battles.

What is a replay and why is it needed?

How to record a battle in WoT?

Many users don’t even realize that battles can be recorded and later viewed. It's very easy to do.

  • Open the game client on the desktop.
  • After the game has loaded, in the right top corner select settings.
  • Go to the “Game” tab, scroll down, find “Record battles”. In the drop-down list we see three values:
  1. Last

If this value has not been changed previously, then the default value is “No”. Change to “Last” (records and saves only the last played battle) or “All” (records and saves all played battles). After setting the desired value and saving the settings, all subsequent games will be recorded.

How to watch and where to find a replay of a battle in tanks?

If the settings for saving battles are set correctly, The logical question arises: “how can I watch battles?”.

IMPORTANT! Before watching the replay, you need to exit the game and close the client.

Is it possible to save replays of WoT battles selectively?

Can. To do this in the game settings select “Last” in “Record battles”. Let's see how this works.

All battles are not needed, selective ones are needed. For example, we played a good fight, we need a replay of it. Go to the “replays” folder in the root folder. Select the replay, right-click, then “Rename”. We indicate a new name. Thanks to these simple steps, the selected replay will be saved and will not be erased by the next one.

Viewing a recording of a tank battle

Here's the replay loaded. It can be controlled, that is, you can manipulate the camera, set the playback speed, change the view, and so on. This is done using the keyboard and mouse. For example, with the left mouse button you can change the viewing radius (free or real, through the eyes of the player), the up-down arrows on the keyboard speed up and slow down the recording, the right-left arrows can fast forward or rewind the battle, and the spacebar will put Pause the game recording and continue playing.

Wotreplays - what is it?

The wotreplays project was created for downloading your own replays or watching battles of other players. You can upload your battle on it, copy the link to it and send it to a friend for viewing in any convenient way. This project contains a lot of professional battles that you can watch at any time and strive to be better. You can launch replays directly from the site without installing additional programs. Among other things, it is possible to download for viewing at another time, or watch the live broadcast anywhere in the world. And also participate in competitions, win and upgrade your tank!

For several years now, WoT has been part of the game, almost every World of Tanks player has seen great combat videos on social networks or on YouTube. And many wondered, how to do something similar? First, let's look at the options in the game itself.

First we need to go to the game settings section. After launch World of Tanks, go to “Settings”. The “game” tab will open in front of you, because... she goes first. There, find the “Record fight” item and check the box. Now all fights will be recorded. Please note that this activation does not only apply to the next battle. This means that space on your hard drive will disappear at the speed of light. All videos will be located in the game folder.

You can find the path using a shortcut on the desktop: open the properties of the “World of Tanks” shortcut and find the “file location” button. In the “replays” folder you will find all the battle recordings.

They open with a double click of the mouse, and the Worlds of Tank client plays a recording of the battles.

They are named by the date of shooting, so you can find the video you need.

After that video was filmed, players want to publish their creation. You will be able to post the recording on the social network Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki or Facebook. There, your friends and random users who visit your page will be able to see the replay. There is another option: upload the replay to WoTReplays - a resource where people share their videos.

This resource with replays will be useful to all players, because... here you can find all the necessary notes on the strategy and tactics of each tank. To do this, you need to set the types of equipment in the filter or even specific models tanks that interest you. Replays will be sorted according to your requirements.

Recording World of Tanks battle videos for YouTube

If you decide to record a video for this resource, then you will no longer be able to use a standard client recording. There are many programs that are designed to record gaming videos. One of the most popular and available programs- this is Fraps. Run this program before starting the game. In the Fraps settings, set the key that will start recording the video (standard - F9 or F10). Then go into the game, find a match and press the key that activates recording before starting. After the end of the match, press this key again to end the recording.

You can find the video in the root folder of Fraps. Also in the settings of this program you can specify a different location where the videos will be saved. For example, the “Replays” folder in the main “World of Tanks” directory. Now we have a recorded video that can be posted on YouTube. You can correct it in special video programs. Log into your YouTube account and upload your video. Now you can show your battle recordings to people who are far from the world of tanks and who do not have the World of Tanks client on their computer.

Many also want to make their successful battle public, but not everyone knows where World of Tanks battles are recorded, how to open them and why the client does not play replays.

Where are replays recorded and stored in wot?

First of all, you need to make sure that world of tanks battles are recorded, and to do this, in the game client settings you need to select recording of all battles:

After this, records of all the battles you played can be found in the folder replays, which is located in the game directory. Replay titles have the following format: Year Month Day_Hours Minutes_ Nation_Tank Name_Card Number_ Card Name.

Example: 20150720_1550_germany_Ltraktor_10_hills.wotreplay was created on July 20, 2015 at 15:50 and contains a recording of the battle on the Leichttraktor tank on the “Mines” map.

How to open it and how to watch World of Tanks replay

As you may have noticed, the replay file is in wotreplay format, which is quite easy to open and watch on a computer: you need to close the game client and run the replay file. If the computer cannot recognize the format, then you will need to specify the path to the program through which playback will occur:

Click item Selecting a program from the list installed programs , press OK, using the button Review go to the game folder, then point to let to the file WorldOfTanks.exe. After this, the battle recording will be played back, and the system will learn to reproduce the wotreplay format without such manipulations.

Managing replays is very easy:

  • Left mouse button- switches the camera view to free or real (as the tanker looked during the game).
  • Down-up arrows- replay playback slower/faster.
  • Left-right arrows- rewinds the replay back by 40 seconds and forward by 20 seconds. When rewinding, a battle loading screen appears, so don’t be alarmed, the screen will disappear and the replay will continue.
  • Space- pause on/off.

How else to open and play the replay

In addition to the client, you can open the replay using various programs and mods for world of tanks

One of these programs is, which adds the ability to view information on replays in the hangar and launch them without leaving the game.

You can choose any other program for reproducing battles on our website in a special section.

Why does the wot client not play replays of the old version?

It happens that a well-played battle has been stale and the World of Tanks client is not able to turn it on and play the wotreplay file old version very necessary. To do this, there are two ways to watch the replay of the old version:

  • Method 1

Let's look at how to watch a battle in World of Tanks. And so, go to your personal game account using Email and password and look for the settings menu there. In them you need to make a mark to the entry “Record fights for playback”.

After these actions, you will be more accurately aware that all played battles are now recorded

The next step is to look for the installation folder of this gaming application(most people have it on their hard drive). There is a “replays” folder, all the files of your recorded battle battles are saved in it.

At double click left mouse button on the selected entry, the file will automatically launch using the gaming application client. In order to figure out what kind of battle is needed, you should look at its written name. When recording a battle, it is stored under encryption, which begins with an indication of the date, time, nation, equipment, in general, briefly and clearly about when and what was used during the battle.

If the file does not open for viewing, use manual program selection

For this:

Select with one click required file;
then click right button, as a result you will get an expanded menu tab;
in this tab, select “open with...”
a new window will offer options for installed players with which you can open the recording.

If the question “how to watch a battle in World of Tanks” remains unresolved, you need to do the same steps again and at the end select the item “search and select a program on the Internet.”

Such actions will help if, when opening a fight recording, it displays an empty video and indicates that there is no recording.

When recording a fight, no mistake can be made that results in the pacifier waking up. These are most likely programs that cannot recognize a small file during playback.

Another way to start recording would be to do the following:

Find the folder of stored replays in the game installation folder;
select the properties of one of them;
in properties, click “Edit”;
in the “Overview” that opens, find the file that launches the game, it has a game icon;
then select “Open”;
check the box "Use as default for this application»;
When exiting all windows, click “OK”.

After these steps, go to the replays folder as at the beginning and start the recording of interest.