Where can I get my Microsoft account password? How to recover your Microsoft account on your phone

Email address and phone number. You may need this information to provide more secure two-step authentication when performing actions that involve changing key account settings.

What is two-step verification?

Why does Microsoft offer additional addresses and phone numbers?

In this case, you will receive a code for the second stage of authentication, even if you find yourself without a phone and/or forget the password to one of your email addresses.

In other words, providing additional information reduces the risk of account suspension. You can add up to 10 email addresses and/or phone numbers to your account.

ZIP code is not accepted when creating a Microsoft account. What index should I enter?

Before entering an index, enter your desired email address and make sure it is available.

  1. Make sure you select your country.
  2. Enter your postcode . If that doesn't work, enter any postal code for your country's capital or largest city. For example:
  • 121087 (Moscow)
  • 194100 (Peter)
  • 01001 (Kyiv)
  • 200400 (Minsk)

What requirements does Microsoft have for account password complexity?

The password must contain at least eight characters. Additionally, in your account settings on the Microsoft website, you can set the requirement to change your password every 72 days.

What should I do when I can't log into my account?

What to do if your account is blocked?

If these steps do not help you regain access to your account, create a temporary account and contact free Microsoft technical support

Trusted PCs

Strictly speaking, the concept of a Trusted PC is not new, as it relates more to the Microsoft account management aspects than to Windows. However, Windows 8 introduced features that only work on trusted PCs.

Why make your PC trusted?

The main point of a trusted PC is to simplify a number of actions related to changing and synchronizing confidential data.

On the one hand, only between trusted Windows PCs can you synchronize credentials. In Windows 8, you had to manually make the PC trusted, and in Windows 10 - only the first time you used a specific Microsoft account on this PC. In other words, in Windows 10, after reinstalling the system and logging in with the same Microsoft account, you no longer need to make the PC trusted again.

On the other hand, from a trusted PC you can change a number of account settings without additional authentication, although in some cases you may still need it.

Which PCs should be trusted?

Obviously, this must be your personal PC. You should not trust a public or work computer.

How to make your PC trusted?

In Windows 10, go to Settings - Accounts - Your data. If you do not see the option shown in the figure, your PC is already trusted.

You can also do this from the Microsoft Account Settings site by signing in from this PC. Instructions.

How to remove a trusted PC?

You can only delete all trusted devices at once. Go to this page (requires login).

Working with a Microsoft Account on Windows

Windows 8 became the first Microsoft OS in which you can create an account Microsoft entry and switch between it and a regular account without losing your familiar environment.

How is a Microsoft account different from a regular local account on Windows?

A Microsoft account in Windows is the most common local account that you sign into with your credentials. Microsoft data. She has exactly the same profile (%UserProfile%), she can also be a member of any groups (for example, Users and Administrators), etc. You can always link any local account to your Microsoft account, as well as break the link.

After installing the system

On Windows 10, go to OptionsAccounts and switch to a Microsoft account.

How do I switch from using a Microsoft account to a regular account?

On Windows 10, go to OptionsAccounts and switch to a regular account.

Can I sign in with a Microsoft account without an Internet connection?

Certainly! An Internet connection is only required when you create a Microsoft account or switch to using it from a local account.

Credentials are cached locally, just like in a domain environment, so you don't need an Internet connection at login.

Is it possible to log into Windows without a password if using a Microsoft account?

Sync settings and apps in Windows

In my opinion, synchronization is one of the most useful Windows features, although it may be fraught with surprises.

Which applications are covered by settings synchronization?

Only for stores. This also applies to automatic login. Microsoft applications with a company account (Mail, Skype, etc.).

Traditional Microsoft applications do not know how to pull up their settings from the cloud and automatically recognize that you are working with a Microsoft account (OneDrive is rather an exception).

Is it possible to disable syncing for certain applications?

No, you can only disable groups, see the picture above

How to completely disable synchronization?

Use the very first switch in the picture above

Diagnosis of problems

If you're having trouble switching to or using your Microsoft account, follow these diagnostic steps one by one:

  1. Make sure you can sign in with your Microsoft account at https://account.live.com/
  2. Run Microsoft Accounts troubleshooter
  3. From a command prompt running as administrator, run sfc /scannow

    If you receive a message that your files cannot be recovered, archive the \Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log file.

  4. Remove third-party firewall and antivirus.

If the problem is not resolved, post a report of your actions, CBS.log and the result of the Microsoft Accounts troubleshooter in this forum thread.

Archive (outdated information)

The information in this section of the article has lost its relevance over time, as well as due to numerous changes in Skype.

I decided to devote a separate section to Skype because I am sure that many blog readers use it.

Skype versions

There are two versions of the application:

How do Skype and Microsoft accounts get along with each other?

You can:

  • link both accounts
  • log into Skype from either of the two accounts, regardless of whether they are linked

What benefits can you get from merging accounts?

You will be able to sign in to Skype with a Microsoft account. A traditional app doesn't require you to remember another password, and a modern app doesn't require you to enter credentials at all.

The general contact list will be displayed in traditional and modern Skype applications, allowing you to communicate with contacts from Windows Live Messenger. On the other hand, the same picture will be in the People application, which will extend all its capabilities to Skype contacts.

However, Skype cannot completely replace WLM in a number of aspects. Thus, it is impossible to transfer files from Skype to WLM and vice versa, and group chats do not work. In addition, it is not possible to link Skype and WLM contacts.

How to link your Microsoft account to your Skype account

Communication can be done in both traditional and modern applications.

Traditional Skype

The feature is available in versions 6 and higher. Sign in to the program with your Microsoft account (if you sign in to Skype automatically, sign out to see this option). You will see the window shown in the figure below.

Attention! Do not select the "Register" option if you have has already Skype account. Otherwise, your Microsoft account will immediately be linked to the new Skype account.

Modern Skype

Immediately after installation, you will be offered exactly the same choices as in the traditional application. Therefore read bold red warning above the text.

How to unlink your Microsoft account from your Skype account

I hope I answered all the questions you asked in the comments to the previous post. If you have new questions, feel free to ask them so I can add to this article. However, this offer does not mean that I undertake an obligation to resolve any issues you may have. Problems. With them you can contact free Microsoft technical support, creating a temporary account if necessary.

As my experience tells me, many Windows 10 users, after installing it, disable the login password so as not to constantly enter it when turning on the PC.
After some time, some kind of failure may occur, after which the operating system again begins to request authorization. And the user forgot his account password Windows entries 10! Or he didn’t know him at all - the installation was done by a friend, neighbor or on-call technician. So what should I do? How to log into your computer?! There are two ways out.
First - reinstalling Windows. But at the same time, you may lose data stored on the system partition.
Second - try to reset forgotten password Administrator or the login you use. This is what we will talk about today.

First, let me remind you that in Windows 10 two types of accounts can be used:

1) Local account
2) Microsoft account

I will tell you in detail about password recovery for both cases.

Reset Windows 10 password

To perform this procedure, you will first need a bootable USB flash drive or installation disk, from which you need to boot. After selecting the OS installation language, you should see the following window:

Select the “Diagnostics” section and go to the following menu:

Here you need to select the item “ Extra options" A third menu will appear:

Click on the “Command Line” item. After this, a regular command line with Administrator rights will launch, which will help us reset the password Windows user 10 if he forgot it.

But it’s not so easy to do this from an installation flash drive - the installed OS must be loaded first. But you can’t launch the command line from the Windows authorization menu! What should I do? Here we will resort to a stratagem - we will replace the accessibility utility utilman.exe. To do this, enter the command:

move c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe

This is what we will do first backup copy this utility file utilman2.exe. He will then allow you to return its functionality back.
Now let's copy executable file cmd.exe to the utilman.exe file with the following command:

copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe

Now, when you try to launch the Accessibility Wizard, the console will open with Administrator rights.

We reboot and launch Windows 10 in normal mode.
As soon as the authorization window appears, click on this icon in the lower right corner:

We click on it and, if all previous actions were performed correctly, we get a window command line:

Net user username password

In it, instead of username, you need to enter the name of your account, instead of password - New Password To her. For example, like this:

Net user setos 1234321

Press the Enter key. Now you can close the console window and try to log in to the system.

1) If suddenly you forgot not only the password, but also the user name itself, then you can see it in the list of system users. To do this, enter the command net user. All users will appear with a description of the role of each of them.
2) If you need the accessibility tool, then remember to start your PC again with bootable flash drive or disk and return the utilman.exe utility back. To do this you need to enter the following command:

copy c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe

After this, it should function as before again.

Recovering your Microsoft account password

Now let's discuss what to do when you forgot your Windows 10 password with a Microsoft account. Then you will have to look for another computer with Internet access to access the site login.live.com. There you need to enter your login (this is either an email address or a phone number) and click on the “Next” button.

Now you need to pass verification. The most convenient option is to receive a verification code by email or answer a security question (if you remember the answer, of course).
The most extreme option is to click on “I don’t have this data.” Then you will restore authorization by contacting Microsoft technical support and following their instructions.
In any of these cases, the solution will be a link to the page for changing your password. You will receive a link to change your password. When entering a new one, you will need to meet all the requirements - the length of the key phrase must consist of numbers, letters and no shorter than 8 characters.
And only after all these misadventures will you be able to remove your forgotten password and successfully log into your computer! Good luck!

Each user can create an account in Microsoft system. It is necessary when using the products of this company. Namely - Windows, Office, Xbox 360 and others. It often happens that passwords are lost. But in such a case, almost any system provides tools that solve this problem. Now you will find out how on the page account.live.com/password/reset you can reset the user password. And also how to increase the chances of your application being approved through the support service.

Resetting your Microsoft account password via account.live.com/password/reset

You can return a lost password for logging into the Microsoft online system using the form at an already known address. This process is similar to the standard data recovery procedure. You can also change it using any device: computer, phone, game console, etc. The first window prompts you to enter your Outlook email, Skype or mobile phone number.

When you enter one of the suggested contacts, you will see the following window where the system will ask you which option is best:

Most likely you don't have access to email from Microsoft either. Therefore, use the telephone option. The case of a blocked device will be discussed below. Specify how you would like to receive the password: via messages or call. When you confirm that the phone belongs to you, the system will prompt you to enter new code and repeat it.

Further actions:

How to Increase Your Success in Getting Help with Tech Support

According to the form that you fill out when recovering your password on the page https://account.live.com/password/reset, employees technical support Microsoft determines whether you can be trusted. And do you really need this account? Any data in the “I don’t have data” form can be decisive:

  • When you created your Microsoft profile, you probably specified an additional email address where you can be contacted. This is what you need to use when filling it out. This will be another confirmation that you are the real owner of this account;
  • You can also indicate in the form the passwords that were used on this profile. Old ones that you have already replaced in the past will do. The same applies to other changeable data;
  • You need to send this information from a device on which you have already used your Microsoft account. For example - phone, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC, laptop, etc. The operator displays this information. And she will testify in your favor;
  • Complete information must be entered on the product usage form;
  • You can indicate the device, its model, from which you most often used your account. Those to whom they have lost access.

After you submit the form, it will be reviewed by specialists within 24 hours. During this time you will receive a response to the email provided. Usually, this happens much earlier than 24 hours. Perhaps you entered an email address and can't wait to receive a response with a link. In this case, check your mailbox again. Open your Spam folder and look here. For various reasons, its delivery may be delayed. In any case, there is no need to worry. The link is valid for three days.

What to do if you forgot your Microsoft profile password on your mobile device

For mobile devices To reset your password, the link account.live.com/password/reset will not work. In this case, you need to reset your smartphone or tablet and then create a new profile.

For example, for popular model Nokia Lumia With Windows Phone 8.1 this is done as follows:

  1. Disconnect the device as usual;
  2. Then press the Power and Volume Up buttons at the same time until you see signs of response to these actions;
  3. Next, press in turn - volume up, volume down, power button and down again. This will reset to default settings.

The user sets a password on his computer to protect himself from third parties logging into his account. But sometimes the irreparable happens - after a while you can forget your password, or when changing it to a new one, you make a typo, and then you certainly won’t be able to log into your Windows account. What to do in this situation? The first thing you need to try is to type the password by changing the keyboard layout, Russian to English and vice versa, enable Caps key Lock and try again. If you don’t succeed, then you need to move on to a more complex solution, and this instruction will help you figure it out. The methods described below are suitable for resetting Windows password, for both Microsoft account and local account Windows 8.1 and Windows 10:

Reset your Microsoft account password online

If your PC has one of the latest versions Windows, then most likely it uses a Microsoft account, which gives much more capabilities compared to a local one. To reset the password on such a computer, you need it to be connected to the Internet, and then use another computer, tablet or even smartphone to change the password.

Step 1 Open a browser on another device and go to account.live.com/resetpassword.aspx

Step 2 Select “I don’t remember my password” and click Next

Step 3 After that, enter your email address and enter verification characters. Click Next to continue

Step 4 When registering for a Microsoft account, it is mandatory to provide an additional email or phone number, so at this stage you will need to indicate this. Then check your phone or email and enter the code sent to change your password

The last step is that you will need to enter a new password for the account on the locked computer.

Changing a user's password using the command line

To use this method, you will need to boot from a LiveCD, system recovery disc or bootable USB flash drive with Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10. We will give an example of how to do this with boot disk or flash drives.

If you decide to use LiveCD, then you will need to open the disk on which Windows is installed and go to the Windows → System32 folder, there find and rename the file utilman.exe to utilman2.exe, and also make a copy (duplicate) of the cmd.exe file and rename it to utilman.exe. Next, restart your computer and begin Step 6 this instruction.

Step 1 Insert the Windows disk or flash drive into your computer and boot into the Windows installation environment

Step 2 After the screen appears with the choice of language, keyboard and regional settings, click Next and in the lower left corner of the window click on the link System Restore and select Troubleshooting (Diagnostics)Extra optionsCommand line or press the keyboard shortcut Shift + F10

Step 3 Now you need to find out on which disk the system is installed. At the command prompt, enter the following commands:

After which a list of computer disk partitions will be displayed on the screen; you will need to remember the partition letter with installed Windows(you can determine it by size), we will need it for further actions. Exit Diskpart with the command:

Step 4 Now that you know the letter of the partition with the installed OS, enter the following commands with your letter (in our case it is C):

move c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe
copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe

Step 5 Restart your computer to normal mode. To do this, use the command:

Step 6 After loading the password entry window, click on the “Accessibility” icon in the lower right corner. You should see a Windows command prompt

Step 7 At the command prompt, enter the following command:

net user username new password

If you don't remember the username, use the net users command to list all users on the system. Usernames consisting of two or more words must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Now you can safely log into your account with a new password.

Changing a user password using the built-in Administrator account

Only owners can use this method operating system Windows 8/8.1/10 Professional and Enterprise, and Windows 7 also Ultimate. Also, one of the conditions for opening an Administrator account is the activated Command Line, as we described above.

Step 1 Open the Command Prompt program on the screen, to do this, in the lower right corner, click on the “Accessibility” icon

Step 2 Activate the Administrator account using the command:

net user Administrator /active:yes (for users using Russified Windows version)
net user Administrator /active:yes (for users using the English version of Windows)

After restarting your computer, you should have another account: Administrator

Step 3 Select Administrator account and login

Step 4 Open the program Computer management, press the Win + R key combination and enter: compmgmt.msc

Step 5 In the left pane, go Local users→ Users. In the right pane you will see a list of computer users. We would like to warn you that this method Only works for local Windows accounts. If you have a Microsoft account, then you need to use the very first method.

net user Administrator /active:no or net user Administrator /active:no
and return the files to their places so that the "Accessibility" icon displays them on the screen, and not the Command Prompt. To do this, boot again from the bootable USB flash drive or disk and call the Command Prompt, then enter the following commands:
del c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe
move c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe

You can also boot from any LiveCD and delete the utilman.exe file, and rename utilman2.exe back to utilman.exe. These files are located in Windows folder→ System32.

We hope the article was useful to you, and now, when you forget your password, you can easily reset it.

Many others useful tips You can find it on our pages on social networks.

How to recover your Microsoft account password so you don't lose access to personal account?

The Microsoft Live system is an online service for monitoring all devices to which a user account is connected.

You can connect several computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones that run the Windows operating system to the service.

Accordingly, if a user has forgotten their login information, they may lose access to all associated devices.

Microsoft has foreseen this scenario and developed a comprehensive data recovery system for logging into your account on the service.

Let's take a closer look at each of the methods.

Resetting your password on your computer

If your account was only associated with a computer, you can reset your account without regaining access to Microsoft Live.

To gain access to the computer, you first need to boot the device into the recovery environment and create a new system user there who will have administrator rights.

This way you can reset your forgotten password and regain access to the operating system.

However, in this case, all user data will be deleted and cannot be restored.

Follow the instructions to reset your password, login and setup new way access:

  • To restore, use the OS installation disk that you were using before you lost access to the system. Insert it into the drive, configure the boot queue order in the BIOS and turn on the computer. The installation window will appear;
  • After the initial installation window appears, press the Shift+F key combination on your keyboard. This way you can open the command line - the basic version of the operating system. Using the command line, you can give any instructions to the computer using a special set of commands;
  • In the command line window that opens, enter the command to call the notepad program – notepad. An example of calling a program using a command is shown in the figure below. To run the command, press Enter;

  • In the explorer that opens on the left, select the “This Computer” window and go to the directory local disk WITH;

  • Now close the Explorer window and pay attention to the command line dialog box, more precisely, to the commands that appeared in it after performing all the actions in Notepad and Explorer.
    The first command is to create a copy of the executable file called utilman - this file was created when the System Restore window ran (step 1). Another command replaces the previous executable with a command line exe file;

  • In the "Replace..." line, enter the word yes and press Enter. Now you need to turn off your computer. Change the boot order - the operating system should load first, not the recovery disk;
  • Turn on the device again. Wait for the screen to enter your account password to appear. Then, in the lower left corner, find the Accessibility key and click on it, as shown in the image below;

  • Instead of the Accessibility window, a Command Prompt window will open (this is because in the previous step we replaced the two executable files);
  • In the line that appears, enter the command “net user chaser /add” (without quotes). Press Enter. This command is intended to add a new user to the system with the name Chaser. You can choose absolutely any name for your new account;
  • Now you need to enter one more command - “netplwiz” (also without quotes). Examples of entering these commands are shown below in the figure;

  • After entering the second command, the window for creating another system user will open. Click on the properties key;

  • Open the groups tab and give the account system administrator rights;

  • Now change the password of the newly created entry as shown in the figure and restart the system;

  • After reboot, sign in using the account you created. This way you can reset a forgotten password and restore access to the OS.

Recovering your account password on the Microsoft website

The previous method helps restore access to the OS, but it will not be possible to log into your account on other devices.

If the account is installed on a phone running Windows Phone (Nokia Lumia), you can restore access on the service website.

To do this, go to the page https://account.live.com/ResetPassword.aspx?mkt=ru-RU and follow the instructions:

  • Please provide a reason why you cannot log in;

  • Enter your email address, the code from the picture, click on the continue key;
  • The system will prompt you to recover your password using a link that will be sent to email or using an access code that will be sent via SMS to the phone number you provided during initial account registration;

If you do not have access to your email or phone number, select the appropriate item and leave a request, they will call you back at the new number you specified and help you restore access.

Other problems logging into your account

If you notice suspicious activity in your account, you should immediately change your password.

Payment data of the user’s cards (for making purchases in the app store) are linked to the personal account, so an attacker can easily withdraw money from the cards.

Go to the access recovery page and select the third reason, as shown in the figure:

Nokia Lumia: Windows Phone accounts

How to recover your Microsoft account password - Step-by-step examples