Where is the visit log? Search and browsing history in Yandex - how to open and view it, and, if necessary, clear or delete it

If you recently visited a site and want to return to it again, but can't remember its address, check your browsing history to find it. The browsing history is also called “Browser History” or “Browsing History”. To open it, click on the button Favorites and select a tab Magazine to open the corresponding panel.

Click the downward black arrow and select a method for sorting links to viewed sites.

  • View by date. Sorting by date of site visit.
  • Browse by Node. Sorted alphabetically by site name.
  • View by attendance. The most frequently visited sites are displayed first, the less frequently visited ones are at the bottom of the list.
  • View in order of visit. The most recently visited sites appear first in the list.
  • Today. Sort by the order in which you visited sites today.

You can also click the arrow to the right of address bar, to display links to sites you have visited.

Select an item from the history combo box Log search to display a search box that you can use to search for sites you've visited.

Clearing Internet Explorer browsing history

If necessary, journal entries can be deleted partially or completely. To partially delete entries, open the visit log as described above, click right click on the desired entry and select context menu"Delete". Thus, you can delete one entry at a time or all for any selected day.

For complete cleaning log, open the IE browser settings menu by left-clicking on the gear icon in the upper right, and select the “Security” menu item, where by clicking on the “Delete browser history” submenu item, open the “Delete browsing history” window and click the button in it Delete. The entire visit log will be erased.

Good day.

It turns out that not all users know that by default any browser remembers the history of the pages you visit. And even if several weeks, or maybe months, have passed, by opening the browser log, you can find the treasured page (unless, of course, you cleared your browsing history...).

In general, this option is quite useful: you can find a previously visited site (if you forgot to add it to your favorites), or see what other users sitting at this PC are interested in. In this short article I want to show how you can view your history in popular browsers, as well as how to quickly and easily clear it. So…

How to view your browsing history in your browser...

In most browsers, to open your website history, just press the button combination: Ctrl+Shift+H or Ctrl+H.

Google Chrome

In Chrome on the right top corner window there is a “list button”, when clicked, a context menu opens: in it you need to select the “History“ item. By the way, the so-called shortcut keys are also supported: Ctrl+H (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Google Chrome

The history itself is a regular list of Internet page addresses, which are sorted depending on the date of visit. It is quite easy to find sites that you visited, for example, yesterday (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 History in Chrome


The second most popular browser (after Chrome) at the beginning of 2015. To enter the journal, you can press the quick buttons (Ctrl+Shift+H), or you can open the “Journal” menu and select the “Journal” item from the context menu Show entire log«.

By the way, if you don't have top menu(file, edit, view, log...) - just press the left “ALT” button on your keyboard (see Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 Opening a log in Firefox

By the way, in my opinion, Firefox has the most convenient visiting library: you can select links from yesterday, from the last 7 days, or from the last month. Very convenient when searching!

Rice. 4 Visit Library in Firefox


In the Opera browser, viewing history is very simple: click on the icon of the same name in the upper left corner and select “History” from the context menu (by the way, Ctrl+H shortcuts are also supported).

Rice. 5 View history in Opera

Yandex browser

The Yandex browser is very similar to Chrome, so almost everything is the same here: click on the “list” icon in the upper right corner of the screen and select “ History/History Manager"(or simply press the Ctrl+H buttons, see Fig. 6).

Rice. 6 Viewing your visit history in the Yandex browser

Internet Explorer

Well latest browser, which I couldn’t just not include in the review. To view the history in it, just click on the “star” icon on the toolbar: then a side menu should appear in which you simply select the “Journal” section.

By the way, in my opinion, it’s not entirely logical to hide your visit history under the “star”, which most users associate with favorites...

Rice. 7 Internet Explorer…

How to clear history in all browsers at once

You can, of course, manually delete everything from your history if you don't want anyone to be able to view your history. Or you can simply use special utilities that will clear the entire history in all browsers in a matter of seconds (sometimes minutes)!

One of the most popular programs For Windows cleaning from "garbage". It also allows you to clean the registry from erroneous entries, remove programs that in the usual way are not deleted, etc.

Using the utility is very simple: launch the utility, click the analysis button, then check the boxes where necessary and click the clear button (by the way, browser history is Internet History).

Rice. 8 CCleaner - cleaning history.

IN this review I couldn’t help but mention another utility that sometimes shows more top scores for disk cleaning - Wise Disk Cleaner.

Alternative to CCleaner. Allows you not only to clean the disk from various types of junk files, but also perform defragmentation (will be useful for speed hard drive, if you haven’t done it for a very long time).

Using the utility is just as simple (besides, it supports the Russian language) - first you need to click the analysis button, then agree with the cleaning points that the program has assigned, and then click the cleanup button.

That's all for me, good luck everyone!

Computers > Internet > How to see which sites have been visited?

1Are you interested in what sites your child visited while on the Internet? Or maybe you want to delete sites you visited from your browser’s memory? Use the visit log.
Today, any browser has the function of recording the addresses of visited Internet resources in a visit log. So in order to view this log, you need to:

2Open the browser you are using (Internet Explorer, Mozilla FireFox, Opera, Apple Safari, Google Chrome).

Several browsers can be installed on a computer at the same time, and each one can be used from time to time.

So, if you don’t know which browser was used to visit the resources you are interested in, you will have to look at your browsing history in all browsers.

3Find your website browsing history, and to do this you will need to perform a number of simple steps:
If we are dealing with Internet Explorer, you need to use the hot keys CTRL + H. After clicking, a side window will open where you can view the history.

4If you are using the Opera browser, the same hot keys will help you, or you can enter the “History” item through the Main Menu.
WITH Mozilla browser FireFox is a little more complicated. Select the section in the menu called “Journal”, then click on the “Show entire journal” item, then select “Meeting”. This is where you can view and edit visit records.

5Apple's Safari browser gives you access to History directly from the menu at the top of the window. However, this setting may be disabled on your computer. Then you can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + H or click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the browser.
As for the Google Chrome browser, everything is simple: you can use the same keyboard shortcut or click on the icon with the image of a wrench located in the upper right corner of your browser. After this, you need to select “History” from the drop-down list.

6View the history and edit if necessary.

Other instructions on the topic

More instructions

How to clear history in Yandex browser

Browser history is a place in the program where all the Internet pages that you opened on your computer are recorded.

Viewing history in Yandex is very simple: you just need to click on the button with three horizontal lines (top right), select History and History again.

A list of all the pages you have visited will appear. Here you can delete them by clicking on “Clear history” on the right.

A small window will appear with three checkboxes. At the top of it, from the list, you can select the period of time for which you want to delete records.

Actually, if you understand everything here, you can simply click on the “Clear history” button. But for those who are curious, I will still explain what is hidden behind each point :)

Download history. Records of those files that you downloaded from the Internet are erased (but not the files themselves!).

By the way, by default they are “folded” into a computer folder called “Downloads”. If you want to hide them, don't forget to clean out this folder too.

Files saved in cache. A cache is a special browser storage that stores data that can speed up work with certain sites.

For example, the site is replete with various visual elements (animation, pictures, etc.). When you open it, the browser has to download a lot of different files in order to show these elements. And if you go there often, this procedure will cause a number of difficulties: the amount of data to download can be large, and this is an additional waste of time and traffic.

The cache is designed to avoid such situations and speed up the browser.

How to see what sites you've visited

But if this storage is full, then the program, on the contrary, will start to work more slowly (slow down). Clearing the cache solves this problem.

Cookies and other site and module data. Thanks to “cookies”, you are automatically logged into certain sites: your mail, pages on social networks, etc. If you check this box and clear the history in the Yandex browser, this data will be erased. This means that you will not be able to enter your personal space on a particular site unless you enter your username and password.

After such cleaning, many novice users cannot get into their mailbox or page on Odnoklassniki - they simply do not know their logins and passwords. In this simple way, many people lose access to them forever. Therefore, before deleting cookies you must make sure that you remember all logins/passwords for your pages.

Leaving cookies is dangerous in some situations. After all, if another person uses your computer, he will have full access to all personal accounts. This means he will be able to read all your correspondence.

Passwords. If you check this box, all passwords that Yandex.Browser remembers will be deleted.

If other people have access to your computer, it is better not to save this data in the browser at all, or at least use proven password storage programs such as LastPass.

Autofill and form data. When you fill out a form somewhere on the site (indicate your first name, last name, phone number, etc.), Yandex remembers this data. The next time you fill out similar forms, he will offer to select them from a list. This is convenient when you have to enter the same information frequently.

Summary: when clearing history, the first three points (where there are already checkmarks) are mandatory and completely safe. Other data should be deleted only if you remember all your logins/passwords (from email, pages on social networks, etc.).

Other ways to clear history

Hotkeys. For those who like it to be fast, there is a keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Press the keyboard key Ctrl without releasing it, Shift and, without releasing both of these buttons, Delete (del). Immediately after this, the log clearing window will appear.

Through the menu. If, on the contrary, you do not like hot keys, then this window can also be called up through the browser menu: - Advanced - Clear history.

Deleting individual pages

Let's say you suspect that while you're away, your computer might be subject to scrutiny. For example, a wife realizes that instead of donating to orphanages and cat shelters, half of her salary goes to dating sites.

Then you should clean up individual records - because if you delete everything, it may look suspicious.

2. In the list, hover the cursor over the unwanted site. WITH right side a small arrow appears. Click on it and select “Delete from history.”

You can also select “More from the same site” and find its other pages to immediately delete them all.

How to delete multiple pages at once

If there are a lot of pages to delete, you can use the bulk method of erasing them.

1. Place the cursor on the page. Instead of its icon, an empty window appears on the left - click on it.

2. In this way, mark all the pages that need to be removed and click on the inscription “Delete selected elements” (at the top).

Search history

It happens that you need to find and delete some page that was opened a long time ago. Then manually searching through sites can be a very long and tedious task. Yes, and it’s not a fact that you will be able to find this page at all.

For this purpose, Yandex has a special search function. In the upper right corner, above the list of visited sites, there is a “Search in history” field. You need to enter some keyword into it.

For example, if we are looking for a site about fishing, then we enter the word “fishing”, “bream”, etc. into the field. Then all pages in the title of which this word appears will appear in the search results.

You can also search by site address, if you remember it. To do this, type its name in whole or in part in the field and press the Enter key on the keyboard.

Incognito mode

If you have to delete history often, and this is too tedious for you, then Yandex.Browser has a mode in which the history is not saved at all.

You can launch it using the key combination Ctrl + Shift + N or through the menu: - Incognito mode.

A new program window will open. It will be dark gray and look something like this:

It is through this window that you need to open sites so that they do not end up in the browsing log. To exit this mode, you just need to close this window.

A link to the site always helps you return to the desired Internet resource. But what if you forgot to bookmark the address of the site you visited, but now there is a need to visit this resource again? Every browser stores a browsing history, which keeps a record of previously visited web pages.

You will need the computer from which you last accessed the site.


1.If you are using Google browser Chrome, then to view records of sites visited, you first need to click on the image in the form of a wrench in the upper right corner of the screen. A list will open in which you need to select the “History” item.

    To speed up the process of finding the website you need, use the search bar at the top of the page. To do this, you need to enter one or more words from the description or title of the site page.

2. If you need to access web pages visited in Internet Explorer, then you should click on the star located in the upper right corner of the screen between the images of the house and the gear. A window will appear in which you need to select the “Log” tab.

    To find a web page viewed on a specific day, you need to select the line “View by date” from the list with an arrow, which is located at the top of the history module. Then click on the desired date and find the one you are interested in in the list of visited pages.

    If you want to find out the address of a section of a specific website and the list of queries in a search engine, you should follow this list select “View by node”. After this, find the required address in the list of visited pages and, after viewing all the pages of this website, go to the page you need.

    To find a page you recently viewed, you need to open the list of ways to organize your search history, then Click on the entry “View by order of visit”. There you will find the resource you need.

    If you remember a few words from the description or name of the desired site, then you should select from the list with an arrow Log Search entry. Then, in a special field, enter a word or phrase in the desired language and click the “Start Search” button. To complete the process of finding matches in the list of visited addresses, click on the desired entry.

3. To find a visited website in the browser Mozilla Firefox First, you need to click on the orange rectangle with an arrow where the Firefox inscription is located. After this, hover the cursor over the “Journal” entry, which is located in the list that opens, and select the “Show entire journal” item.

    After that, in the window that appears, click on the date you need from the list shown and select the page you are interested in. To find a site by name and description, you need to enter the corresponding word or phrase into the search form, which is located in the upper right part of the module, and go to the found page.

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History in Google Chrome

Firefox Browsing History

In order to clear the history of the Firefox Internet browser, you need to click on the corresponding item in the Journal menu.

The following window will appear:

Internet Explorer

Microsoft Edge

Opera - browsing history

The following window will appear:

Yandex browser

Click the “Clear” button.

Website History in Apple Safari



Screenshot from Google Chrome:

  1. For today;
  2. For yesterday;
  3. During the week;
  4. Per month.


We look at the list of visits in the browser and delete it

How to view your website visiting history? How to clear history in all browsers?

Good day.

Rice. 1 Google Chrome

Rice. 2 History in Chrome

Yandex browser

Internet Explorer

Rice. 7 Internet Explorer…

One of the most popular programs for cleaning Windows from junk. It also allows you to clean the registry from erroneous entries, remove programs that cannot be removed in the usual way, etc.

Rice. 9 Wise Disk Cleaner 8

Social buttons:

Want to see what sites you visited in the last week, month, year or more? Or maybe you want to find out what virtual pages another person was viewing on your or even his computer. Perhaps you are the head of a company and want to know what exactly your employees are doing on the Internet during working hours? A browser that stores the history of visiting sites will help you with this.

The visit log will be able to tell you a lot: what queries the user typed into search engines, which pages he honored with his presence on a particular site.

How to view your website visiting history?

The log will also tell you about the dates and times of your visit and quickly take you to where you were or whoever accessed the Internet on this computer.

How to view history in Internet Explorer?

For example, let's take one of latest versions Internet Explorer 8, in other versions everything is approximately the same.

The log, which records the history of visiting sites, can be opened by clicking on the “Favorites” tool. It is located in the upper left corner (if you have not changed the standard arrangement of tools) and is equipped with a yellow asterisk. There you will see three tabs: the “Favorites” itself is a list of sites that you have bookmarked, “Channels” is a list of RRS channels or web channels that you use (if you use), and the third tab is the “Journal” we are looking for. .

Everything is simple here: you see a list of periods, for example “Monday” or “today”. If you click on these names, you will see the whole story for this time. To close a thread with history for a certain period of time, click on its title again.

To see which pages were visited on a particular site, find this site in the list, click on it with the mouse, and a list of pages that were viewed on this resource will appear below it. By clicking on one of the pages, you can immediately go to it.

As you can see, the tree menu is very similar in principle to how a regular Windows Explorer works.

You can remove the window with the favorites control center, including the magazine, from the visible area of ​​the browser, or, on the contrary, you can pin it. To do this, click on the square with a green arrow in the upper right corner of the window with your favorites, and if you no longer need it, just close it by clicking on the cross there.

How to view your website visit history in Opera?

Let's see how you can restore the picture of website traffic in Opera using version 12.15 as an example. You need to go to the main menu (the very first button in the upper left corner called Opera) and find “History” there, after which the magazine will open in a separate tab. Everything here is very similar to the log in Explorer - a similar tree-like menu consisting of time periods, when selected, you can see which sites the user visited and what pages they viewed.

If you plan to access the attendance log frequently, you can add it to sidebar tools, which is on the left. By the way, this is very convenient, just like making a passport via the Internet. To add a magazine to your sidebar, there are two ways:

  1. Click on the cross at the very bottom of the panel and check the box next to “History”. An icon in the form of a clock will appear on the panel; this is the log of site visits. In the same way, you can add or remove other tools, such as bookmarks;
  2. Hover over the sidebar and right-click, then “Customize” and check the box next to “History.”

If you no longer need the story, just close the tab; to open it again, click on the “clock” in the side panel. There is another convenient feature: you can make the magazine appear in a separate area on the left, and the page you click on in the magazine will open on the right. If you have already found what you were looking for in it, do not close the entire tab, but simply click again on the clock icon, then the magazine will close, and the page that was found with its help will remain in front of you.

Don't forget to periodically clear the history log, which takes up space on your hard drive.

If you view another person's browsing history without their knowledge, you will probably agree that it is like peeking through a keyhole. Remember that everyone has the right to privacy and confidentiality.

How to find out which sites were visited from a computer if the history is deleted

How to view your browsing history on your computer and delete it

Your computer is watching you! All your movements across sites and pages on the Internet are recorded and saved in the operating system! Reminds me of the speech of a paranoid, doesn’t it?! But it is true - each of the installed web browsers keeps a thorough history of visiting sites, watching online videos, as well as downloading them. HDD files. True, this is done more for the convenience of the user himself, rather than for spying on him. Imagine, you closed a tab with some interesting page, a couple of days later you needed it again, but you forgot its address. To find it, you just need to look at the site history of the browser you use. Let's look at the most popular Internet browsers.

History in Google Chrome

Another submenu will open, which will display the most recently viewed and recently closed pages on the Internet.

If you need more detailed information or you want to look further in time at what happened and when - click on the “History” item in the submenu. The following window will open:

Here everything will be described in detail and in time. To clear history in Chrome, you need to open it and in the upper right corner click on the icon in the form of three horizontal lines. The following menu will appear:

Click on the line “Clear history” and get this window:

Here you need to check the lines “Browsing history”, you can also delete download data. Next, you need to select the time period for which the information will be deleted. Click on the "Clear History" button in Chrome and your entire history will be erased!

Firefox Browsing History

To view site history in Firefox browser you need to open the main menu of the application:

Click on the “Journal” icon and a small list of recent visits will open:

To see a more detailed history in Mozilla Firefox, you need to click on the “Show entire log” link at the bottom of this list.

In order to clear the history of the Firefox Internet browser, you need to click on the corresponding item in the Journal menu. The following window will appear:

We select the period of time for which the list of visits to browser sites will be cleared, check the boxes for the necessary logs and click on the “Delete now” button.

Internet Explorer

You can’t just find the browser history in the good old “donkey” Internet Explorer. First you need to open “Favorites” by clicking on the star icon in the upper right corner of the main program window:

In the menu that appears, you need to go to the “Journal” tab - that’s where it is!!! As you can see, the information here is sorted by time for ease of information retrieval.

In order to clear the history in Internet Explorer, you need to open the browser settings menu and select the “Security” section:

A submenu will open in which you need to select the “Delete log” line.

Microsoft Edge

On Windows 10 Microsoft company abandoned the “old man” Internet Explorer, which is already obsolete today and switched to a new, faster and smarter one Edge browser. Here you can view your browsing history on the Internet by opening the main menu and selecting the “Journal” section (the clock icon):

To delete this information, click on the “Clear all logs” link at the very beginning of the menu:

Click on the “Clear” button and all information will be deleted.

Opera - browsing history

In the Opera browser, you need to open the main menu of the application:

One of the items in it will be “History”. Select it and get into this window:

All statistics of site visits by the user will be shown here.

To erase this data, click on the “Clear history” button:

The following window will appear:

Select the time and check the boxes for the data that needs to be deleted. Click the “Clear browsing history” button and Opera will quickly erase all statistics.

Yandex browser

Clearing your browsing history in Yandex Browser is done one-on-one, like in Google Chrome (Of course! It’s the same platform!). In the main menu of the browser we find the corresponding item:

Alternatively, you can press the key combination Ctrl+H. A log window of sites opened by the user will appear:

To clear it and delete data, there will be a “Clear history” button in the upper right corner of the window:

Then you need to tick the data that you want to erase:

Click the “Clear” button.

Website History in Apple Safari

Don't forget about users of Apple devices - MAC books, iPhones and iPads. Despite the fact that this is a completely different platform, the sequence of actions to delete browser history in Safari is practically no different from its counterparts in Windows. The first step is to open the main menu of the application:

Select “History” and a list of sites visited by the user will open:

To reset the history in Safari, you will need to open the main menu again, but now select the “Reset Safari” item:

A small window will open in which we check the boxes “Clear history”, “Reset Top Sites” and “Clear download window”:

All you have to do is click on the “Reset” button and the visit log in Apple Safari will be reset!

How to find out your browsing history in your browser

All modern browsers support the function of saving the user's history of visiting websites in a browsing log. It is active by default and daily collects data about the Internet resources you have visited. In this article I will tell you how to find out your website visiting history, as well as how to clear it.

This feature has both positive and negative aspects.


  1. If you want to find a previously viewed site, then you do not need to go to search engines again and look for it there. Just go to your browsing history and view the list of sites from the archive.
  2. You are the boss. Your subordinates are lazy assholes who are always on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. The visit log is your evidence that will help catch scoundrels, shame them and force them to work and not engage in nonsense.
  3. You are a caring parent of a teenager, whose interests can be easily found out by looking at the history of website visits.


  1. You are an office worker who likes to surf VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. What's the big deal? Everyone does it. And this “ghoul” (chief) is always yelling and swearing in bad words. How does he even know where I am sitting? But he knows - from the visitor log (or - spyware).
  2. You are a teenager bursting with energy. And here are these annoying parents with their teachings. Moreover, from somewhere they know about the adult sites you visit. It's all from there!

View your browsing history on your computer

In order to find out and see which sites have been visited on your computer, you need to open your browser and use the Ctrl+H key combination.

Despite the fact that all browsers are different, the hotkey combinations are the same. Standards no matter what. So it doesn't matter if you use Opera, Google Chrome, Yandex browser, Mozilla Firefox, or Internet Explorer, this method will work.

If for some reason you cannot press Ctrl+H. Well, let's say you were digging ketchup out from under your keyboard and accidentally knocked out the "H" key. Well, could this happen, theoretically? Then you should go to your browser settings and click “History”.

Screenshot from Google Chrome:

In Opera, Firefox, Yandex browser, you should do the same. In some cases, the option “Journal” is possible, instead of “History”.

View visited sites in IE

For Internet Explorer the technology is slightly different. You need to click on the asterisk, which is located in the browser navigation (mine is in the upper right corner).

Logs in different browsers are similar to each other and allow you to view the history of visited sites depending on the day, week, month. In Chrome, for example, the following are available:

  1. For today;
  2. For yesterday;
  3. During the week;
  4. Per month.

For convenience, the magazine has a search field that can be used to find the page of interest.

How to delete your browsing history

If you are not happy with the fact that someone can invade your privacy in this way, then you can take action - delete your website history from the browsing history in your browser.

In order to do this, you need to go to the browsing history (Ctrl+H) and click “Clear browsing history”.

In the pop-up window, you should select the time for which you want to clear, and also specify the elements:

How to clear your browsing history in Internet Explorer

In order to clear your browsing history in IE, you need to go to settings and click “Browser Options”.

In the “General” tab, find “Delete...”.

Confirm the operation by clicking the “Delete” button again in the window that opens.

I hope this article helped you understand viewing your browsing history, as well as clearing the log.

How to view deleted browser histories in Windows 7?

How can you recover or view deleted browser histories in Windows 7 if, for example, you need to know what sites your children visit? The answer to this question depends on exactly how tech-savvy your children are. If they know how to use features such as browsing Internet Explorer in InPrivate mode or Google Chrome in Incognito mode, then their browsing histories will never be saved.


A little more simple option would be to use services like OpenDNS to capture web access logs for you. It also offers users a fairly sophisticated feature parental controls.


But there is one quick way (regardless of the browser) - by looking at the DNS cache. To do this, open a window command line(search for cmd from the start menu), type “ipconfig /displaydns” and press enter. This will allow you to get a list of all Internet sites visited from your computer. Please be aware that this applies not only to web pages visited through a direct link, but also to any content accessed from such pages. This may include questionable advertisements that have been posted on seemingly innocent pages, so be careful before making any accusations. Web pages that were directly accessed typically begin with “www.”

But this is not yet a guarantee of success. Even pages that were accessed in private mode views will appear in the DNS cache. But a truly tech-savvy person, of course, knows that entering the command “ipconfig /flushdns” will delete all such stored information.


There is a more reliable one, but technically more the hard way control network usage. You must configure your broadband router to save its own logs using the SysLog system. This will allow you to save your own browsing history records from all computers on your network, and they cannot be deleted without administrative access to the router. Almost all routers have the SysLog feature, although using it requires advanced technical knowledge and availability and capabilities vary depending on the router model. Either way, it's worth checking what features your router has to see if it offers parental controls and data logging.

How to recover deleted browsing history

Recently I was wandering around the Internet and came across a very interesting question from a female person on one of the forums. The fact is that her boyfriend clears his browser history. And this fact worries her. She wondered if it was possible to restore deleted history visiting sites in a browser and if so, how?

By the way, she is not alone in this matter; there are so many people like her. Someone wants to spy on a child, someone on their husband or wife, and someone simply stupidly deleted their browsing history and now wants to look at it again.

Is it possible to restore browser history after deletion?

Turning to the Internet again, I found some advice. These include system recovery and the use of index.dat files to recreate the history.

I want to disappoint you, they both don’t work.

Index.dat files containing the history of visited sites, once cleared by the user, become completely useless.

And only narrow-minded people can advise using system recovery in order to return browsing log files. Yes, such people should be burned at the stake... heretics.

Firstly, in order to use this method, you need to create a restore point in the interval between the time your subject finished browsing sites and the immediate moment when he cleared his browsing history. As you understand, taking away his computer at this very moment is very problematic.

And even if you succeeded, system restore would still not give results, since it is intended to solve problems with system files, in case of their malfunction.

So, give up this idea. Computer, like mobile phone- This is a person’s personal space, which should not be violated.

How to view your website visiting history? How to clear history in all browsers?

Good day.

It turns out that not all users know that by default any browser remembers the history of the pages you visit. And even if several weeks, or maybe months, have passed, by opening the browser log, you can find the treasured page (unless, of course, you cleared your browsing history...).

In general, this option is quite useful: you can find a previously visited site (if you forgot to add it to your favorites), or see what other users sitting at this PC are interested in. In this short article I want to show how you can view your history in popular browsers, as well as how to quickly and easily clear it. So…

How to view your browsing history in your browser...

In most browsers, to open your website history, you just need to press the button combination: Ctrl+Shift+H or Ctrl+H.

In Chrome, in the upper right corner of the window there is a “list button”, when clicked, a context menu opens: in it you need to select the “History” item. By the way, the so-called shortcut keys are also supported: Ctrl+H (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Google Chrome

The history itself is a regular list of Internet page addresses, which are sorted depending on the date of visit. It is quite easy to find sites that you visited, for example, yesterday (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 History in Chrome

The second most popular browser (after Chrome) at the beginning of 2015. To enter the journal, you can press the quick buttons (Ctrl+Shift+H), or you can open the “Journal” menu and select “Show entire journal” from the context menu.

By the way, if you don’t have a top menu (file, edit, view, journal...) - just press the left “ALT” button on your keyboard (see Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 Opening a log in Firefox

By the way, in my opinion, Firefox has the most convenient visiting library: you can select links from yesterday, from the last 7 days, or from the last month. Very convenient when searching!

Rice. 4 Visit Library in Firefox

In the Opera browser, viewing history is very simple: click on the icon of the same name in the upper left corner and select “History” from the context menu (by the way, Ctrl+H shortcuts are also supported).

Rice. 5 View history in Opera

Yandex browser

The Yandex browser is very similar to Chrome, so almost everything is the same here: click on the “list” icon in the upper right corner of the screen and select “History/History Manager” (or just press the Ctrl+H buttons, see Fig. 6) .

Rice. 6 Viewing your visit history in the Yandex browser

Internet Explorer

Well, the last browser that I just couldn’t help but include in the review. To view the history in it, just click on the “star” icon on the toolbar: then a side menu should appear in which you simply select the “Journal” section.

By the way, in my opinion, it’s not entirely logical to hide your visit history under the “star”, which most users associate with favorites...

Rice. 7 Internet Explorer…

How to clear history in all browsers at once

You can, of course, manually delete everything from your history if you don't want anyone to be able to view your history. Or you can simply use special utilities that will clear the entire history in all browsers in a matter of seconds (sometimes minutes)!

CCleaner (office website: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner)

One of the most popular programs for cleaning Windows from junk.

How to delete your browsing history?

It also allows you to clean the registry from erroneous entries, remove programs that cannot be removed in the usual way, etc.

Using the utility is very simple: launch the utility, click the analyze button, then check the boxes where necessary and click the clear button (by the way, browser history is Internet History).

Rice. 8 CCleaner - cleaning history.

In this review, I couldn’t help but mention another utility that sometimes shows even better results in disk cleaning - Wise Disk Cleaner.

Wise Disk Cleaner (office website: http://www.wisecleaner.com/wise-disk-cleaner.html)

Alternative to CCleaner. Allows you not only to clean the disk from various types of junk files, but also to perform defragmentation (will be useful for speed work hard disk if you haven’t done it for a very long time).

Using the utility is just as simple (and it also supports the Russian language) - first you need to click the analysis button, then agree with the cleaning points that the program has assigned, and then click the cleanup button.

Rice. 9 Wise Disk Cleaner 8

That's all for me, good luck everyone!

Sometimes out of interest, sometimes out of necessity, the user has to look for the latest views of sites or files on home computer. This way you can see what your children or spouse are doing on the computer when you are not at home. In this article, you can find the most popular ways to display previous activities on PC.

How to see the latest activity on this computer

Let's turn to simple ways find out the actions of the previous user of the device:

  1. To get started, open the content Windows Recycle Bin. Its contents can be very useful.
  2. Pay attention to the first files in this folder. If you didn't delete them yourself, someone else might have. Deleted files contain the time when they were moved to the trash.
  3. To see the deletion date, right-click on the file and click “Properties”. The “Deleted” line will contain the date and time it was moved to the trash.
Time to move file to trash

Now let's move on to another method. All browsers have default settings such that any file you download from the Internet ends up in the “Downloads” folder. It is located on the system disk.

If you don’t go into details, you can find it quite quickly:

  1. Press WIN+E to open Windows Explorer (regardless of version).
  2. Pay attention to the side column with the “tree” of system folders. There will be the necessary “Downloads” folder with the latest files.
  3. Open the folder and view its contents.
  4. Select one of the RMB files and click “Properties”.
  5. Pay attention to the block below, where the file modification time, opening time and creation time will be located.

The time when a file is created is when it is downloaded from the network. In this way, you can also find out a lot about the past activity of unauthorized persons on your computer. You can change the display type of “Downloads” files and see these dates for all files in it at once. To do this, you need to select the arrow at the top right that expands the folder settings panel, and select the “Details Area” item on the left. After this, another area will appear in the window, which will contain full information selected folder.

How to find out recently launched programs

This method of searching and viewing previous activity on your PC works for all versions except Windows XP. With it, you can see who opened programs and games and when.

To do this you need:

Here you can see when this or that application was last launched. If you have several accounts on your computer, you can even find out who did it. To do this, you need to display this column in the settings, as you did now with the access date. For computers that have a 64-bit OS, you need to do the same with the “Program Files (86)” folder. If you launched one of these applications in this session, then, accordingly, your action with the program will be displayed here.

View Windows log on your computer

In the journal operating system Many events that occur on the computer are recorded. Including previous actions on any PC.

To open the magazine you need:

The Windows log has predominantly technical information about action codes, failures and other incidents in the system. The main thing for us here is the time of some event. If you saw that some actions took place during your absence, you can draw your own conclusions from this. Interesting feature log is to link a task to an event. In other words, you can configure your computer so that every time you turn it on you receive email to the specified address.

It's quite easy to do this:

Now, when you start your computer in your absence, you will be notified about this by a message to the specified e-mail.

Last visited sites in the browser

You can find out what recent sites and files other users have viewed on your computer using a browser. This is the program most often launched to visit social media, watch movies, products in online stores, etc. Therefore, by studying its history, you can understand quite a lot.

To do this you need:

After this, a window opens with a log of visits to pages on the Internet by all users who accessed the network from it. The history window contains the entire history of the browser. You can select the desired period of time to display information about visited sites. Select history from today, the past week or month.

In the “View” tab, you can configure the display of additional data in the window - the number of visits to certain sites, the time of the last visit, etc. You can search sites here. To do this, enter the desired query in the “Search by Journal” window. To find the latest views on your personal computer no internet connection needed. All information is on the hard drive.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. When you surf the Internet, you use two mandatory tools for this task - a browser and a search engine (in RuNet this is most often Yandex).

Both of them know how to lead and store history of your visits, page views and search queries that you entered. If necessary, you can restore the chronology of events and find the page that you opened yesterday, or the query that you entered into Yandex search six months ago. It is very comfortable.

But often the opposite situation arises, when you need to erase all traces of your activity on the network. In this case, you have a question: how to delete history in Yandex? How to “clean up after yourself” in your browser? How to find and remove all other traces?

Today I just want to draw your attention to this topic. We will talk about both cleaning your searches and deleting all traces of your online activities in your browser (including the Yandex browser).

How to view the history of searches and views in Yandex?

As I mentioned above, history is kept not only by the browser, but also by search engines. For example, in Yandex, a special set of tools called "My Finds".

P.S. Unfortunately, Yandex developers considered this functionality unnecessary (unclaimed by users) and removed it completely. Now you won’t be able to dig into the history of your searches. Although, it seems they left it.

I decided not to delete the information below so that you can see what it all looked like before, if anyone finds it interesting.

It is there that you can delete the entire history of your communication with this search engine and, if desired, completely refuse to keep a log of your views and visits (although it may be useful, for example, in order to restore a page lost in bookmarks to which you came from Yandex, which is very convenient).

Which is used by more than half of RuNet users. Recently, we already looked at its settings, in particular, we talked in detail about, and also discussed in detail the issue: at a professional level. But the settings of this search engine are not limited to this, because there are also settings for the history of your visits, which are definitely worth touching on.

So, first you will need to go to the main page of this search engine. It is from this that we can get to the settings section we need, which are accessible from the drop-down menu of the gear located in the upper right corner.

We select the lowest item “Other settings”, and on the page that opens we will be interested in, in terms of studying the history of your actions in Yandex, two items of the menu given there:

When you click on the item “Search results settings” you can at the very bottom of the page that opens allow or block the search engine from logging with the history of your search queries, pages visited, and you can also separately prohibit or allow the use of this data to generate search results and search suggestions.

Here you can only sort of disable or enable history recording, but you can see what has already been recorded by clicking on the inscription “My finds” (in both screenshots above). Here you will find a lot of interesting things and will be able to restore previously found but then lost information. Yandex search history is quite a powerful tool:

Here, using the switch located in the upper left corner, you can again stop or re-enable event log recording. In the left column you can separately view the history of your search queries, products in the Yandex Market store, and you can also save and download (export) all this data if necessary.

At the very top there is a time line, which will very quickly allow you to move to the moment where you want to find something or, conversely, delete it from the history of your visits on Yandex. If you have accumulated a huge number of requests, views and other requests, you can use history search, whose line is located directly above the timeline. Oddly enough, this is not at all an obvious action - searching according to search results.

How to partially delete or completely clear history in Yandex?

P.S. As I wrote above, Yandex completely destroyed the “My Finds” service, but the opportunity remained "Clear query history" on the linked page. There you can click on the button of the same name.

As you've probably already noticed, you don't have to clear the entire history, but delete some individual requests or pages visited, simply by clicking on the cross next to them. Will be deleted this request and all the pages you went to when searching for the answer to it.

For example, when viewing the Yandex Market magazine, you can delete individual viewed products from it, or you can clear the entire history using the button of the same name located at the top:

By the way, I forgot to say that the search history will be saved (written) only if you are authorized in Yandex (you can see your login in the upper right corner). If you are not authorized, then no “My Finds” will be available to you, which means there will be nothing to clear.

Yandex, of course, still keeps its own internal statistics, but there you will appear only as the IP address of your computer or as the one through which you searched. You won’t be able to delete this history (only), but almost no one will be able to access it, so you don’t have to worry about it. IMHO.

If you want to, . If this doesn’t seem enough, then , which allows you to leave virtually no traces on the network, so you don’t have to delete your history on Yandex or anywhere else.

Yes, I almost forgot to tell you, how to clear all Yandex history en masse, not one at a time. To do this, on the “My Finds” page you will need to click on the “Settings” button located in the upper right corner:

Well, on the page that opens you can both stop recording and completely clear the already accumulated history using the button there:

This is all about the search engine and the statistics of your activity maintained in it.

How to view and clear Yandex Browser history?

However, history is not only driven by search system, but also the browser you use. If this is enough (see), then it also keeps a history of views and pages you visited, which means there may be an urgent need to clear it. How to do it? Let's get a look.

To call the history clearing window, you can use key combination Ctrl+Shift+Delete, while in the browser window, or go from the button menu with three horizontal stripes in the browser settings and find the “Clear history” button there.

In both cases, the same window will open for deleting the history of your Internet browsing using the Yandex browser:

Here you need to select the period for which the entire history will be deleted (for complete clearing, it is better to select the “All time” option), tick the required fields, and click on the corresponding button below. That's it, your browser history will be completely cleared.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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