Arbitrary waveform generators application advantages. Arbitrary Waveform Generators

A.A. Dedyukhin, PriST JSC

Signal generators are one of the main tools designed for Maintenance, repairs, measurements and research in various fields of science, industry and communications. In recent years, there have been major changes in the approach to the functionality of signal generators. If ten years ago generators could be divided into such groups as synthesizers, noise generators, sinusoidal signal generators, pulse generators, complex signal generators, RF generators, now, due to the rapid growth of digital and microprocessor technology, the development of software technologies it became possible to create a new class of generators that would combine all previously existing types of generators. These are multifunctional signal generators with the ability to generate signals of complex and arbitrary shapes…

Signal generators are one of the main tools intended for maintenance, repair, measurements and research in various fields of science, industry and communications. In recent years, there have been major changes in the approach to the functionality of signal generators. If ten years ago generators could be divided into such groups as synthesizers, noise generators, sinusoidal signal generators, pulse generators, complex signal generators, RF generators, now, due to the rapid growth of digital and microprocessor technology, the development of software technologies it became possible to create a new class of generators that would combine all previously existing types of generators. These are multifunctional signal generators with the ability to generate signals of complex and arbitrary shapes. These generators make it possible to generate not only the so-called “standard signal shapes” (sinusoidal, rectangular, for which separate types of generators previously existed), but the “standard signal shapes”, which have recently included signals of triangular, sawtooth, pulse shapes, noise signal and exponential, logarithmic, sin(x)/x, cardioform signals, constant voltage signal. Constructed on the basis of digital technologies, modern multifunctional generators, in comparison with their analog ancestors, have a unique frequency change discreteness - up to 1 μHz, excellent stability and frequency setting error - up to 1 × 10 -6 and a low level of harmonic components for a sinusoidal signal. Requirements for signal generators from consumers are constantly becoming more stringent in the direction of expansion frequency range, increasing the number of generated forms, including the ability to simulate arbitrary waveforms, expanding the types of modulations, including digital types of modulations and other auxiliary capabilities.

One of these modern signal generators is the special-shaped signal generator AKIP-3402 (see Fig. 1).

Picture 1. Appearance generator AKIP-3402

The operating principle of the generator is based on direct synthesis (DDS) technology. This principle is that digital data, representing the digital equivalent of a signal of the required shape, is sequentially read from the signal memory and fed to the input of a digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The DAC is clocked at the oscillator's sampling rate of 125 MHz and produces a sequence of voltage steps that approximate the desired waveform. The voltage step is then smoothed by a low-pass filter (LPF), resulting in the final waveform being restored (see Figure 2). The use of a sampling frequency of 125 MHz allows the AKIP-3402 generator to generate a sinusoidal signal with a frequency of up to 50 MHz.

The AKIP-3402 generator is an extension of the GSS-05....GSS-120 generator line and, in terms of the set of parameters, the AKIP-3402 special-shaped signal generator can be placed on par with such generators as 33210, 33220 and 33250 from Agilent Technologies or AFG3011 and AFG3021B from Tektronix (and in some parameters the AKIP-3402 generator is comparable to the AFG3101 generator from Tektronix).

Length of internal memory and vertical resolution of the ADC.

One of the most important parameters of special waveform generators, in addition to the sampling frequency, which determines the maximum output frequency, is also the length internal memory and vertical resolution of the ADC. Returning to the principle of direct synthesis outlined above, and taking the generation of a sinusoidal waveform as an example, it can be argued that vertical resolution affects the height of the voltage step, and the length of the internal memory affects the length of the voltage step. And the higher the resolution of the generator ADC and the longer the memory, the smaller the size of this step will be. And as a consequence of this, the output signal will have a lower level of harmonic components for a sinusoidal signal. When generating signals of complex and arbitrary shapes, the higher ADC resolution and long internal memory allow the generation of a more complex and “intricate” signal. For clarity, Figure 3 shows oscillograms of a sinusoidal signal with a low ADC resolution and memory length (on the left), as well as with a large value of these parameters (on the right).

The AKIP-3402 generator has a memory length of up to 256,000 points. For example, the Agilent Technologies 33250 generator has a memory length of 64,000 points, and the Tektronix AFG series generators have a memory length of 128,000 points.

User interface, generator control and mode display.

The AKIP-3402 generator has a very convenient and intuitive user interface. The generator is controlled by three main groups of controls. Group 1 – buttons for selecting basic signal forms and operating modes. Group 2 – digital dial field for entering parameters. Group 3 – rotary control and two movement buttons (left/right).

  • Group 1 of buttons allows you to quickly select basic signal shapes, modulation and packet formation modes, and enter the service menu. Also, this group of buttons, for already defined signal shapes, allows you to select and change the basic parameters inherent in the selected signal. For example, switching between frequency and period of a signal; for a pulse signal - select the pulse duration or duty cycle; to set the signal amplitude, select the root mean square value (Vrms), peak value (Vp-p) or level in relative power units (dBm).
  • Group 2 of buttons is intended for entering numerical data on the values ​​of frequency (period, duration), amplitude, constant offset, modulation or sweep parameters. Units of dimension after entering data are entered by group of buttons 1. This method of entering data is very convenient for directly setting the values ​​of signal parameters or changing them to non-multiple values. For example, if the original output frequency is 23.567 kHz and you want to change to a frequency of 47.8309 kHz, it is most preferable to use direct digital input.
  • Group 3 of controls is designed to smoothly change the specified parameters in the selected category. For example, if at the initial value of the output signal frequency of 23.567 kHz there is a need to smoothly adjust the frequency with a resolution of 1 Hz, then this is undoubtedly more rational to do with a rotary regulator.

Obviously, if necessary, the user has a number of his own settings “at hand” and reconfiguring the generator every time is not very convenient. To solve this problem, the AKIP-3402 generator has the ability to store up to 4 control settings profiles into the internal memory. At the same time, it is possible to assign your own name to each profile using Latin letters and numbers, for example “PRIST 1”. In addition to the 4 main settings, one more can be saved - the 5th profile, which calls the factory settings of the generator (by default).

The graphic matrix display of the AKIP-3402 generator is designed not only to display the numerical values ​​of the output signal parameters, but can also be switched to the “Graphics” mode. In graphical mode, the display shows simplified icons of output signals with set or limit parameters, depending on the type of signal selected. When generating a modulated signal, the graphic display shows all the contextual information about the signal, including the parameters of the modulating and modulated oscillations.

Possibility of correct operation on loads with different ratings.

By tradition, low-frequency generators operate on a load with a resistance of 600 Ohms, accepted as the standard for acoustic measurements. High-frequency generators operate at a load of 50 Ohms. For television equipment, a resistance of 75 Ohms is accepted as a matched load. In addition, paths with a resistance of 25 Ohms and 135 Ohms are widely used in telecommunications. Because most modern but simple special waveform generators are designed to operate only into a 50 ohm load. Some generators, for example GSS-05... GSS-120, are designed to operate both at a 50 Ohm load and to operate at a high-resistance load of 1 MOhm. Obviously, theoretically, generators have the ability to operate on almost any load (naturally, the permissible output power should not be exceeded), but the correct relationship between the displayed level on the generator indicator and the true voltage value at a load other than 50 Ohms will not be ensured. An explanation of this “phenomenon” is given below. Figure 4 shows a diagram of a complete signal generator circuit with a 50 ohm external load connected.

This is a matched mode and for it, as you can see, the indicated voltage on the generator display is 2 times less than the voltage on the external load. This voltage value is automatically calculated when the generator output level is indicated.

The formula for voltage on an external load taking into account the resistance of this load has the form:

So, Figure 5 shows an example of connecting a generator to a high-resistance load of 1 MOhm (for example, the input of a universal voltmeter or the 1 MOhm input of an oscilloscope).

Obviously, in this case, if the amplitude of the output signal is not recalculated, the signal level displayed on the generator indicator will be 2 times less than the signal level measured at a 1 MOhm load. With an external load ranging from 50 Ohm to 1 MOhm, depending on the load value, the readings of the generator level indicator will differ from true meaning at load from 0 to 100% in the direction of increase. And vice versa - with a load less than 50 Ohms, the level on the generator indicator will be higher than it actually is.

To eliminate this drawback in the AKIP-3402 generator, the user has the opportunity to set the external load rating in the range from 1 Ohm to 10 kOhm or select a fixed load value of 1 MOhm.

However, we should not forget that all of the above is intended only for the correct recalculation of the output signal level, but not for changing the actual impedance of the signal generator. The value of the matched load is always 50 Ohms, for which all output parameters of the generator are normalized - the error in setting the reference level, uneven frequency response, rise time of the pulse signal, peak surge and other parameters.

Arbitrary waveform generation (AFS).

The ability of arbitrary waveform generators to reproduce complex and arbitrary waveforms gives the user very broad capabilities. The AKIP-3402 generator does not have a manual mode for generating arbitrary waveforms (using the front panel controls), since this method of generating the output signal is very labor-intensive and “painful” for the user due to the fact that the length of the generator’s internal memory is quite large and allows you to create long-term parcels. Arbitrary waveform generation is only possible using the included Wavepatt software.

The software is easy to use, has a convenient menu configuration, a clear user interface and allows you to generate signals different ways:

  1. Creation of standard forms and their modifications. On desktop software Wavepatt There is a set of signal shapes such as sine, rectangular, triangular, sawtooth, cardiogram, exponential and noise. The user needs to select one of these forms and set the segment length (number of points), amplitude, phase, displacement level and number of cycles for generating this signal. The resulting segment can be edited with a pencil, changing its shape, applying the mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to the segment, changing its amplitude or the number of points that make up this segment. You can also invert, create mirror images and apply filters. Then, to this segment you can attach the second, third, and so on segments created in the same way. In particular, using mathematical function By adding two waveforms it is very simple to obtain an amplitude modulated signal. An example of waveform generation in the program and the result of playback on an oscilloscope are shown in Figure 6.
  2. Loading forms from external files. The Wavepatt software table allows you to load data files created earlier in its own shell, as well as files with the “csv” extension. CSV files allow you to create your own, “intricate” signals of absolutely any shape. CSV files can be created using mathematical formulas describing various processes or manually based on user requirements. "csv" files can be created using Excel programs included in the standard package Microsoft Office or using the MATLAB program, which has greater capabilities for modeling arbitrary waveforms. Uploaded files can be individually edited using the Wavepatt tools described above. An example is shown in the sequence of figures 7a, 7b, 7c.
  3. In this case, an interesting combination for practical applications is a combination of a digital oscilloscope and an arbitrary waveform generator. A digital oscilloscope, displaying an input signal - analog or digital, is capable of writing it to a file with the “csv” extension, then this file is opened in the Wavepatt program and the data is transferred to the AKIP-3402 generator. The generator generates exactly the same signal as displayed on the oscilloscope screen. This is very useful when necessary, when the oscilloscope captures a rare or single signal in real conditions and there is a need to reproduce this specific signal multiple times. So, Figure 8 shows an example of capturing the first four lines of a video signal, the upper oscillogram in red is the “original” signal, the lower oscillogram in yellow is the oscillogram of the subsequent “cloning” of these lines using the capabilities of the software and the AKIP-3402 generator.
  4. In addition to analog signals, Wavepatt software allows you to create 16-bit digital bus signals (they are output to a separate connector located on the rear panel of the generator). Logic signals are tied to a clock generator, the frequency of which, in turn, is set by the user in the program shell. An example of an image when constructing a digital bus in the Wavepatt software shell is shown in Figure 9.

Nuances in the formation of “simple” signals.

Pulse signal and DC compensation . Many users, when choosing an arbitrary waveform generator, do not pay due attention to a thorough study of the capabilities of a particular generator, believing that when generating fairly simple and “traditional” signals, all generators reproduce signals the same way. But this is not true; a number of generators have features in signal generation that can reduce the performance of the generator, significantly complicate the signal generation process, or make testing impossible due to measurement conditions.

Such signals include the formation of a standard pulse signal. All arbitrary waveform generators, by default, generate signals that are symmetrical in amplitude relative to zero voltage. But if a symmetrical sine wave or square wave is normal, then a pulse signal, mainly intended for testing and debugging logic circuits that have either a positive or negative logic one value, is preferably of the same polarity. By default, any arbitrary waveform generator will produce a pulsed signal of symmetrical amplitude, but generating a signal of positive or negative polarity is easy using internal offset constant voltage. The bias voltage level will be

An example of the default symmetrical amplitude pulse generation and subsequent offset compensation is shown in Figures 10 and 11.

There is no offset of the original signal, the amplitude of the original signal is symmetrical relative to the zero level.

The pulse signal is shifted by half the amplitude by positive bias.

In this case, another correction of the constant offset is required. Every time you need to constantly change the amplitude of a pulse, you will need to monitor the level of constant displacement of this pulse, all this significantly reduces the performance of a signal generator of any company. Alas, this is how most arbitrary waveform generators currently present on the Russian market work, and this applies not only to pulse signals, but also to signals of other forms.

The duty cycle of the pulse signal. The duty cycle of a pulse signal is understood as the ratio of the pulse duration to its repetition period, expressed as a percentage (%). In other words, with a lower duty cycle of the pulse, it has a shorter duration and a rare repetition period. Existing mass arbitrary waveform generators today, for example GSS-120, allow the generation of pulses with a duty cycle of 0.1%. Tektronix AFG3000 series arbitrary waveform generators allow you to generate pulses with a duty cycle of 0.01%. The AKIP-3402 signal generator allows you to generate pulses with a duty cycle of 0.0000002%! This means that when generating a pulse with a minimum duration of 20 ns, the repetition period is 10 s! Short pulse signals, with the parameters indicated above, have an extremely wide frequency spectrum, depending on the pulse duration, repetition period and rise time, and can be used for wideband measurements of various radio devices.

Possibility of adjusting the rise time of the pulse signal. Not all radio devices require the use of pulsed signals with the fastest possible rising (or falling) edge. A signal with a very short rise time has a virtually infinite frequency spectrum. When the bandwidth of a radio engineering device is limited, due to the presence of an infinite frequency spectrum of the testing pulse, distortions occur in the paths of the devices under test. For example, when testing the impulse response of oscilloscopes, a significant spike (up to 10%) is observed on the oscilloscope screen at the top of the pulse, which is not actually present in the input pulse. The reason for these distortions is a mismatch between the frequency spectrum of the test pulse signal and the bandwidth of the oscilloscope. These phenomena can be eliminated by “cutting” the spectrum of the pulse signal, increasing its rise time (the steepness of the edge).

The AKIP-3402 signal generator allows you to adjust the rise and fall times of the pulse signal in the range from 5 ns to 100 ns, so Figure 15 shows examples of one pulse signal with three different rise times.

Formation of packages. All modern signal generators of complex shapes have the ability to generate signal packets (Burst). A packet is a close analogue of a radio pulse, but its filling, unlike a radio pulse, can be not only a sinusoidal signal, but any signal generated by a generator - pulse, sawtooth, triangular, etc. The main parameters in this mode are the maximum filling frequency, number filling cycles, packet repetition period. Most complex waveform generators in this mode have serious limitations on the above parameters. For example, for generators GSS-05...GSS-120, the minimum duration of a packet is 25 μs, or this means that a single pulse cannot have a frequency higher than 40 kHz, moreover, for generators GSS-05...GSS-120, filling a packet is possible only with a sinusoidal signal . The AKIP-3402 generator does not have such a functional limitation and allows you to generate packets with all signal forms as padding, except for modulated signals. The burst rate is limited to 10 MHz, but this is sufficient for most applications. Thus, Figure 16 shows a package of two periods of a sinusoidal signal, symmetrical relative to the zero line.

Of interest to the user in burst mode are bursts of pulse signals. As is known, any pulse generator, in addition to generating single or periodic pulse signals, has the ability to generate paired pulses - two closely spaced pulses with an adjustable delay time between pulses and an adjustable repetition period of such pairs. Obviously, a paired pulse is a packet of 2 pulses, the formation of which is not difficult for an arbitrary waveform generator. And moreover, the AKIP-3402 arbitrary-form signal generator can generate parcels of three, four, five, etc. up to 50,000 pulses, which is not available for most pulse generators. This advantage, of course, significantly expands the areas of possible application of the AKIP-3402 generator. An example of the formation of a sending of four pulses is shown in Figure 17.

Signal integrity when level changes. The output stages of specially shaped signal generators are a combination of several amplifiers and attenuators that make it possible to obtain the required level at the generator output. Using combinations of amplifiers and attenuators, the user has the ability to adjust the output level over a very wide range. By default, the generator automatically selects the most optimal combination of amplifiers and attenuators to avoid unnecessary noise in the output signal. As the output level changes, the combination of amplifiers and attenuators involved also changes. This leads to a short-term dip in the output signal at the moment of mechanical switching of the attenuators. So, Figure 18 shows an example of an oscillogram of a change in the output level of the generator from 900 mV to 1000 mV. The level dip in time is about 15 ms.

To eliminate this phenomenon, the AKIP-3402 generator has the ability to block attenuators. When attenuator range lock is enabled, both amplifiers and attenuators are locked in their current state and do not switch when the output level changes. The output level changes only due to electronic gain control of the output amplifiers. This eliminates short-term signal loss. However, it should be understood that such attenuator blocking worsens the error in setting the output level and DC offset by eliminating the use of mechanical attenuators. So, Figure 19 shows an example of a similar measurement of the generator level from 900 mV to 1000 mV (as in Figure 18), but with the attenuator blocked. As can be seen from Figure 19, the signal level changes smoothly and without interruptions.

Synchronous operation of several generators.

The AKIP-3402 generator is a single-channel signal generator. Therefore, if it is necessary to generate two, three or more common-mode signals, it is necessary to use, respectively, two, three or more generators. Since all generators have their own reference frequency source, although highly stable, it still has a slight frequency deviation from other similar generators. This does not allow receiving signals of absolutely the same frequency from three identical generators; the situation is aggravated by the fact that the phases of signals from three different generators will be completely different and cannot be controlled. In order to obtain common-mode signals from individual generators, it is necessary to use one common reference frequency source for all. For this purpose, the AKIP-3402 generator has an external reference frequency input. At the same time, the external reference frequency input allows you to reduce the error in setting the output signal frequency due to the use of an external, more stable source than the internal reference oscillator. Using internal settings and using a digital oscilloscope or an external frequency meter that has a mode for measuring the phase between two signals, it is necessary to set the required phase between the signals of independent generators. In addition to the external reference frequency input, AKIP-3402 generators have an output of their own reference frequency generator. This solution allows you to abandon the external reference oscillator and use a reference frequency signal from one of the oscillators that generate the multi-channel signal. In addition, AKIP-3402 generators have a synchronization output on the front panel. It should be especially emphasized that, unlike other SPF generators, a signal synchronous with the event, which is the main operating mode at the current moment, is actually generated at this output, and not just a rectangular signal that coincides in frequency with the signal at the main output. The external clock input is the external modulation and gate window input in packet shaping mode. Connecting the clock output of one generator (it is the master) and the clock inputs of other generators (they are slaves) allows you to form multi-channel systems and ensure synchronization of events occurring in independent generators with a time delay of only 20 ns.

Formation of binary signals.

The vast majority of arbitrary waveform generators produced in the world today, including such leaders as Tektronix and Agilent Technologies, generate, although diverse, only analog arbitrary waveforms. But for research, development or configuration of modern radio devices, only analog signals are not enough. Any modern radio device inevitably includes logic circuits, microprocessors, memory devices, parallel and serial data buses, digital display devices and much more. To debug such objects, analog signals are not enough; multi-channel logical buses with programmable signatures are needed. The Tabor company, which professionally specializes in the development and production of signal generators, offers a 16-bit digital output in its older models, but these generators, like any professional tool, are quite expensive.

The AKIP-3402 generator also has a digital 16-bit output located on the rear panel of the generator. The memory length in this mode is 262144 bits per bus. Programming the state of logic outputs is only possible using software Wavepatt(by analogy with intrinsic signals of arbitrary shape - see Fig. 9). In digital output programming mode, the user has the opportunity to:

  1. Set the clock generator frequency within a range of up to 5 MHz;
  2. Set the edge of the clock pulse at which the logical state changes - positive or negative;
  3. Set the level of a logical unit - low or high state;
  4. Using the cursor (mouse), form a combination of logical states on any of the 16 buses;
  5. Scale the tire image;
  6. Move to a given bit;
  7. Save and load external logic state files.

Correction of metrological parameters after verification.

The AKIP-3402 generator is a modern radio engineering device and is designed on the most modern element base, which significantly increases the reliability and metrological parameters of the generator as a whole. The only mechanical elements in the generator design are the controls for the output level attenuators (unfortunately, today the parameters of all-electronic attenuators are significantly inferior in technical characteristics to mechanical attenuators). There are no construction resistors or capacitors inside the generator designed to adjust the levels or frequencies of both the main and auxiliary paths. All internal correction elements are electronically controlled from central processor. Over time, due to the inevitable aging process of the analog element base, fluctuations in the generator parameters occur. During the verification interval (1 year), these fluctuations should not lead to an exit beyond the established normalized limits. technical characteristics. But after 3..5 years, the aging process of the element base can cause some deterioration in the parameters of the generator, for example, the frequency of the master oscillator, which leads to an increase in the error in setting the frequency of the output signal. A change in the parameters of the output amplifier over time leads to an increase in the error in setting the reference level. Correction of metrological parameters of the AKIP-3402 generator is carried out programmatically when comparing output parameters with precision measuring instruments - frequency meter, voltmeter, power meter, spectrum analyzer, modulation meter, etc. In most cases, this procedure is not available to the user (closed with a password) and is performed by competent specialists only in a specialized service center.

Methods of connecting to a computer.

The AKIP-3402 generator has all the modern capabilities for connecting to a computer - Ethernet (LAN), USB and optionally GPIB (KOP). Moreover, the USB connection is carried out using a full-fledged T&M USB - Test and Mesurement USB interface.

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Why do we need arbitrary waveform generators?

When testing various systems their developers must study the behavior of the system when both standard signals and signals with various deviations from the norm are applied to its input. In real operating conditions, the system may be subject to interference that distorts the signal shape, and the designer needs to know how the device will behave under certain distortions. To do this, he needs to either simulate the interference during the passage of a standard signal, or apply a distorted signal obtained using an arbitrary waveform generator (ARSG) to the input. The first path is much longer and more expensive, so the second path is most often used.

Arbitrary waveform generators are also used in cases where, for debugging and testing devices, it is necessary to apply signals of a non-standard shape to their input, the obtaining of which without the use of such generators is extremely difficult.

The concept of building the GSPF

The construction of the GSPF is based on the synthesis of an analog signal according to its image recorded in the generator RAM. The typical structure of GSPF is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Typical structure of an arbitrary waveform generator

The phase angle generator (PAG) generates a periodic linearly increasing sequence of RAM cell addresses (signal phase). The steepness of the sequence increase depends on the frequency specified by the control unit (CU).

In accordance with the change in addresses at the RAM input, the data at its output also changes. The sequence of output data forms a digital image of the generated signal. It is converted into analog form using a digital-to-analog converter, then the signal is attenuated according to the specified amplitude and the desired constant offset is introduced into it. After amplification, an output signal of the desired shape, frequency, amplitude, with the required constant offset is obtained.

Generator Specifications

  • Generated signal frequency 0.0001…22000 Hz

  • Output signal amplitude 0…10 V

  • Constant output bias -5…+5 V

  • Output current up to 100 mA

  • Number of samples per period 8192

  • Temperature relative frequency instability less than 10 -5 1/

  • Long-term relative frequency instability less than 10 -5 1/1000 h

  • Frequency setting accuracy 7* 10 -6 Hz

  • Supply voltage 10…12 V

  • No-load power consumption 0.9 W

  • Overall dimensions of the generator board 125x100x15 mm

Structure of the GSPF complex

The software and hardware complex for generating arbitrary waveforms consists of the generator itself, connected to the computer via the RS-232C serial port, and a generator control program running under Windows 95/98, Windows NT 4.0.

Generator hardware structure

The hardware is made in accordance with the structure shown in Fig. 1. The only difference is that the control unit of the developed generator is connected through an interface unit to the computer. The shape and other parameters of the signal are set from the computer using a control program.

Control blockThe generator is based on the AT89C52 microcontroller. It receives commands from the computer to change signal parameters and issues corresponding commands to other generator blocks. In addition, the generator has an SPI-like interface for connecting a control device other than a computer. The presence of such an interface will allow the generator to be used as part of a mobile compact complex for measuring frequency characteristics, which is currently being developed.

The control unit receives and sets the frequency, offset and amplitude of the signal. Data on the output voltage shape also passes through the control unit. Standard shapes (saw, square wave, white noise and sine) are calculated directly by the microcontroller.

Signal amplifierbuilt on a low-noise operational amplifier MAX427 and allows you to obtain an output current of up to 100 mA. Constant bias DAC AD7943 – Multiplying 12-bit DAC with serial data input, allowing you to obtain a signal offset in the range from –5 V to +5 V with a resolution of 2.44 mV. Amplitude DAC AD7943 – 12-bit multiplying DAC with serial input. Allows you to set the amplitude of the output signal in the range from 0 to 10 V with a resolution of 2.44 mV. DAC MX565A – Fast 12-bit DAC with parallel data input. The settling time, accurate to half the least significant digit, is no more than 250 ns. RAM UM6264 contains a digital image of the form. The shape is stored as 8192 12-bit samples. This allows you to obtain an output signal of sufficiently high quality. Phase Angle Generatorbuilt on the basis of FPGA EPF8282 from ALTERA. The structure recorded in the FPGA is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Structural scheme FPGA configurations

The circuit can operate in three modes:

In normal generation mode (at the inputMode unit) the phase increment register (PIF) is loaded from the control unit with the value corresponding to the frequency.

During normal generation, the contents of the RPF are summed with the low-order bits of the phase register (RF), and the sum is written to the RF upon arrivalS.I.. The thirteen most significant bits of the Russian Federation are supplied to the address inputs of the RAM block. Thus, the RF overflow frequency corresponds to the frequency of the generated signal.

In standby mode (at the inputMode zero) HFC waits for the arrival of a strobe signal at the inputStrob. Upon arrival of this signal, a signal is generated from the initial phase recorded in the initial phase register (IPR) until the end of the period. After the period ends, the HFC returns to the strobe-waiting state.

When loading data into RAM, they are first written sequentially into the data register (RD), and then, when a signal is applied

InRAMOE, are set to the data inputs of the RAM block. This is done to save the number of microcontroller pins used and simplify the PCB topology.

As can be seen from the structure of the FPGA, the implementation of such an operating machine on microcircuits with a low degree of integration would require large quantity different types of elements (more than 30 cases), which would lead to an increase in size and a decrease in the reliability of the system. Therefore, it is convenient to use FPGAs.

Generator prototype

The prototype was assembled on a double-sided printed circuit board size 175

x 110 mm. The consumption of the prototype without load is 0.9 W.

The appearance of the prototype generator is shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3. View of a prototype generator board

Generator control program

Arbitrary Waveform Generators are memory-based digital generators with the ability to transmit any waveform through a digital-to-analog converter, including a hand-drawn one or one reconstructed by capturing a real signal using a digital oscilloscope. With its capabilities and capabilities, an arbitrary waveform generator allows the user to increase or decrease amplitude and frequency, repeat signals at as many frequencies as necessary, or change signals in various ways. The main feature of an arbitrary waveform generator is its variable sampling rate, which allows it to generate highly repeatable output waveforms of complex waveforms (Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3 Arbitrary Waveform Generator Circuit

The signal frequency will be determined by the sampling frequency used and the number of points in the memory table using the following formula:

Formula 1

Either the sampling rate or the memory table length, or both can be adjusted to produce the desired output frequency. Therefore, with an arbitrary waveform generator, any signal is repeated accurately, without overlaps. Being memory-based, the arbitrary waveform generator allows the user to program its memory by dividing it into data segments and using each segment individually.

Additionally, arbitrary waveform generators typically feature a sequential mode that allows segments to be chained or repeated in any manner the user chooses. Several advanced modes provide different output paths: continuous, step, single-shot, mixed, etc.

Figure 1.4 Reproducing a signal using segments: sine, square wave, triangle, exponential, noise, repeating a square wave segment

Arbitrary waveform generators can be synchronized to provide multi-channel solutions (Figure 1.5). However, the use of different sampling rates in arbitrary waveform generators makes it difficult to implement standard types of modulation and rapid tuning of the output signal frequency.

Figure 1.5 Multi-oscillator synchronization

Description of analogues

To convert digital signal To analog, devices called digital-to-analog converters are used. As a rule, they exist in the form of separate microcircuits, which are sometimes difficult to obtain. If there are no serious requirements for the digital-to-analog converter, then you can make it yourself from ordinary resistors. This DAC is called R-2R. It got its name because of the values ​​of the resistors with resistances R and 2*R used in it. Resistances can be anything, but within reasonable limits. If you put very large ones, for example, several megaohms, then the load that is connected to the output will introduce significant distortion into the signal. The tension will begin to subside. This analogue uses resistors with resistances of 1 KOhm and 2 KOhm.

Figure 1.5

On the development board the DAC looks like this:

Figure 1.6 R-2R matrix on a printed circuit board

Description of work:

Each input of a digital-to-analog converter has its own “weight”. The inputs are arranged in order of decreasing weight from left to right. Thus, the left input has the largest effect on the output signal, followed by half as much, and so on. The very last input changes the output to small millivolts. If the combination of bits arriving at the input of the digital-to-analog converter is known, then calculating the voltage is very easy. Let's assume that we have the number 10010101 at the input, then the output voltage can be calculated using the formula:

Uout = Upit * (1 * 1/2 + 0 * 1/4 + 0 * 1/8 + 1 * 1/16 + 0 * 1/32 + 1 * 1

/ 64 + 0 * 1 / 128 + 1 * 1 / 256) Formula 2.

According to formula 2, the output voltage will be 2.91 volts. Upit - microcontroller supply voltage. The calculation used a value of 5 volts. Thus, an eight-bit digital-to-analog converter is capable of producing 256 different voltages in steps of about 20 millivolts, which is quite good. Application

This digital-to-analog converter has several applications. In particular, a signal generator of various shapes.

Formation of a sawtooth signal:

Figure 1.7 Ramp wave

Formation of a triangle signal:

Figure 1.8 Triangle signal


Figure 1.9 Arbitrary signal

Advantages and disadvantages:

The advantages include:

Possibility of increasing the bit depth;

Sampling frequency;

Circuit simplicity and repeatability;

Disadvantages include:

The quality of the digital-to-analog converter is highly dependent on the resistors used;

The resistance of the microcontroller port keys is distorted;

Large dimensions

Good day to all!
Today I would like to present to the readers a review of the JDS6600 arbitrary waveform generator.
This generator model is capable of displaying information on a 2.4 inch TTF color display, outputting a signal to two independent channels with a frequency of up to 15 MHz of sinusoidal, rectangular, triangular shape and a frequency of up to 6 MHz of CMOS/TTL logic signals, pulses and arbitrary waveforms with a swing from 0 up to 20 Volts, has an input for measuring frequency, period, duration, duty cycle. The device allows you to change the signal phase from 0 to 359.9 degrees in steps of 0.1 degrees, and shift the signal from -9.99 to + 9.99 Volts (depending on the signal amplitude). 17 standard signals are registered in the generator’s memory, and it is also possible to edit (create/draw) the required signal shape and record it in 60 memory cells.
The generator can do a lot of things and, as an average radio destroyer, I’m unlikely to use everything.
The JDS6600 line of generators includes five modifications of the device with frequency ranges of 15 MHz, 30 MHz, 40 MHz, 50 MHz and 60 MHz. In the review, the younger model is 15 MHz.
For details, I invite you to the cat (lots of photos).
I’ll start, perhaps, not with beautiful pictures, but with a photograph that gives an idea of ​​the desktop or shelf working positioning of the generator, indicating the overall dimensions and a table with the characteristics of the entire line of JDS6600 series generators. The table is taken from the manual.

You can study the manual in Russian.
The overall dimensions in the manual are slightly different, but one or two millimeters do not matter.
The device arrived in an unsightly box, which was slightly damaged by the post office/customs, but the contents were treated with respect - everything was intact and nothing was lost.

The kit consists of a generator, a 5 Volt 2 Ampere power supply with a foreign plug, a very decent network adapter, a disk with software, a cable for connecting to a PC and two BNS crocodile cords. The generator was wrapped in bubble wrap, and all other components were packed in individual bags.

Connecting via USB as a power source is not expected here and therefore the power supply unit has a regular 2.1*5.5*10 mm plug. But later we will try to power the generator from another power supply to find out the current consumption in case of power supply from Powerank.

Cable USB type A - USB type B for connecting the generator to a PC, 1.55 meters long.

BNS crocodile cords are 1.1 meters long, with flexible wires soldered to the crocodile clips.

Well, actually, the culprit of the review from different angles.
On the front panel there is an on/off button, a screen, a row of gray buttons to the right of it for controlling signal parameters, selecting measurement and modulation modes, a WAVE button for selecting the type of generated signal, MOD for activating the modulation mode, SYS system settings, MEAS for selecting the measurement mode, arrows selecting the digit of the frequency value, etc., the OK button to confirm the heap of everything and turn on/off two channels, CH1/2 buttons to turn on/off each channel, encoder, measuring input and outputs of two channels.
On the back side there is a TTL connector, USB and power connectors, a sticker with the name of the model and modification 15M (15MHz), ventilation holes.

There is nothing interesting on the side edges except for the ventilation slots. The top cover is blank.

At the bottom there are four plastic black legs, which unfortunately slide on the table, and a folding stand for convenience.

Then I’ll probably replace the legs with non-slip ones.
The weight of the generator is 542 grams and the body itself apparently weighs most of it.
Let's take a look inside. To do this, unscrew the four long screws from the bottom, use a plastic card to snap off the front panel, and remove top part housing and before us is the inner world of the generator.

As expected, there is plenty of space inside. The power supply could easily fit inside the case, but apparently there are reasons for its external version.
The boards are connected by a cable, the connectors of which fit tightly into the sockets.
The generator board is clean, as if it had not been stained with flux.

At first glance, we see that there are quite a lot of components on the board. Among the outstanding ones are a brain activity chip from Lattice, Omron relays, a small radiator, a logo, the name of the manufacturer and a model with a revision - JDS6600Rev.11. The revision number gives reason to believe that the manufacturer is thoroughly working on the model, constantly improving it.

I apologize in advance that this time I will not provide datasheets for all the key elements, but I will show them all closer.
A programmable chip is responsible for brain activity

I'll put the rest under the spoiler.

I’ll dwell in a little more detail on the components hidden under the radiator. This is a pair of high speed amplifiers.

They were covered with a radiator without thermal paste, which may not be critical, but it was added during assembly.
The control board contains much fewer elements. Traces of flux are only in places where manual soldering of the on/off button, encoder, display cable and connector was done.

The buttons here are quite mechanical and should last a long time.

Let's move on to the essence of the device.
Turning on the generator is accompanied by a message on the screen about the choice of language - Chinese or English, the loading process, model, lot number. Loading takes literally 1-2 seconds.

Immediately after loading, information about the preset signals supplied to both outputs of the generator appears on the screen. The activity of the generator outputs is indicated by the inscription ON on the screen and the glow of green LEDs above the output connectors. You can turn off both outputs at once by pressing the OK button or individually each channel using the CH1/2 buttons.
Information about the signal parameters on the channels is identical for the first (upper) and second (lower) channels, with the exception of the waveform image.

In general, it doesn’t take much time to master the generator; the purpose and meaning of the buttons is intuitive. Describing it in words so that readers can understand it is more difficult than using it in reality. Therefore, we will use pictures from the manul.
Once again about the purpose of controls and information display.

The essence of the displayed information and buttons to the right of the screen.

Functional button assignments

When enabled, the two outputs default to a sine wave with a frequency of 10 kHz, 5 Volts peak-to-peak, 50% fill, 0 Volts offset, and 0 degrees phase shift between channels. The gray buttons on the right change these parameters and there is nothing special to tell here. Select the desired parameter, then use the arrow buttons to select the digit of the parameter being changed and use the encoder to change the value.
The most interesting buttons are WAVE for selecting the type of generated signal, MOD for activating the modulation mode, SYS for system settings, and MEAS for selecting the measurement mode.
When you press the WAVE button, the following image appears on the screen and the waveform selection becomes available.

The gray buttons are assigned 4 main signals (sine wave, square wave, pulse, triangle) and an arbitrary shape written in the first memory cell reserved for this.
Much large quantity signals can be selected by rotating the encoder knob. This method allows you to choose:
17 preset signals – Sine, Sguare, Pulse, Triangle, PartialSine, CMOS, DC, Half-Wave, Full-Wave, Pos-Ladder, Neg-Ladder, Noise, Exp-Rise, Exp-Decay, Multi-Tone, Sinc, Lorenz
and 15 arbitrary Arbitrary signals. From the factory, these 15 cells are empty, nothing is written in them - the output is 0 Volt, 0 Hertz. We will consider filling them out after installing the software.
The manual talks about the signal amplitude and its adjustment from 0 to 20 Volts. In fact, we can only talk about adjusting the amplitude for individual signals; we are mainly talking about the range.

A sine wave with a swing-to-peak value of 5V (on the generator ampl 5V, the oscilloscope shows the swing-to-peak value, although it writes about the amplitude).

Square wave 5V (on the generator ampl 5V, the oscilloscope shows the swing value, but writes about the amplitude).

I didn’t notice any difference between Sguare and Pulse on the oscillogram. The meander remains the same when switching, so I’m not posting a screenshot.
Fixed thanks
Until then, you can’t see the difference until you start changing the DUTY fill factor. DUTY changes only in Pulse; in Sguare square wave mode, the duty cycle changes only on the generator screen - this is not reflected in any way on the oscillogram.

Triangular signal (on the ampl 5V generator, the oscilloscope shows the peak-to-peak value, but writes about the amplitude).

The next signal, Partial Sine, is a partial sine, but I also didn’t notice any difference from Sine on the oscillogram and I’m not posting the screenshot.
Fixed thanks
Here the situation is the same as with the Pulse signal, we change the duty cycle and get changes in the sinusoid. DUTY changes only in Partial Sine; in Sine mode, the duty cycle changes only on the generator screen - this is not reflected in any way on the oscillogram.

The next signal is CMOS. Here the span/amplitude is adjusted from 0.5 to 10 Volts, despite the fact that the encoder knob on the screen is set to 20 Volts.

The DC signal comes next, but there is silence on the oscillogram.

Next, the Half-Wave signal is where we see the amplitude. For comparison, I installed a sinusoid on the second channel. Although the amplitude of 5 volts is indicated on the generator and the oscilloscope writes ampl, we see that it is the peak-to-peak sine wave and the Half-Wave amplitude that are being measured.

On Full-Wave we also see the measurement of amplitude and, with the frequency set on the generator at 10 kHz, 20 kHz on the oscillogram.

The Pos-Ladder and Neg-Ladder signals were set on the first and second channels, respectively. We see the scope again.

The noise on both channels makes noise independently of each other with different parameters.

Again, for clarity and to save readers time, the Exp-Rise and Exp-Decay signals are on different channels.

According to the same scheme Multi-Tone and Sinc.

Lorenz signals.

The next useful function of the device is the measuring/counting function. The device allows you to measure a signal with a frequency of up to 100 MHz. The function is activated by the Meas button. Switching between measurements and the counter can be done in three ways - the Funk button, the arrow buttons and the encoder.

Use the Coup button to select open or closed entrance, Mode button – frequency or counting periods.
The reviewed JDS6600 allows you to measure what it also generates. We set the parameters of the signal at the output of the generator and connect it to the measuring input.

Next modulation function. Activated by the MOD button. Three modes are available here: Sweep Frequency, Pulse Generator and Burst. Modes are selected using the Func button.
Sweeping is possible on two channels, but not simultaneously - either the first or the second.

Use arrows or an encoder to select a channel, set the start and end frequencies of the signal (select the signal shape in advance in Wave mode), linear or logarithmic dependence, and turn ON.


Pulse Generator mode (first channel only).

Burst pulse burst generation mode (first channel).

Here you can set the number of pulses in a burst from 1 to 1,048,575 and select modes
Two packets of pulses

One hundred pulse packs

471 packs.

Pay attention to the change in Vmin, Vmax with increasing number of packs. When their number is small, the pulses have negative polarity, then the picture is different. If anyone can explain, please clarify in the comments.
Fixed thanks , which pointed out an error in selecting the AC coupling mode on the oscilloscope. When I changed to DC, everything fell into place, for which I ask you to register in qu1ck.

In Burst mode there are four types of synchronization (As I understand it. Correct me if I’m wrong) - from the second channel of the generator - CH2 Trig, external synchronization - Ext.Trig (AC) and Ext.Trig (DC) and Manual Trig - manual.
The next functional button is the SYS button, which provides access to the generator settings. Perhaps I should have described this part at the beginning, but I moved according to the greatest demand for functions.

In addition to turning on/off sound signals when pressing buttons, adjusting screen brightness, selecting a language (Chinese, English) and resetting to factory settings, here you can change the number of displayed/called arbitrary signal cells (from the factory 15, you can set all 60), load/ record 100 memory cells and synchronize channels by signal shape, frequency, amplitude (peak-to-peak), filling, offset.

The essence of 60 cells and 100 cells will become clear a little later, after connecting to a PC.
To connect the generator to a computer, you need to install the software from the included disk.
After unpacking the archive, you first need to install the CH340Q driver from the h340 drive folder (Ch340.rar archive), then install the VISA software driver from the VISA folder (setup.exe installer), and only then the control program installer from the English\JDS6600 application\Setup.exe folder
When the generator is connected to the computer and the program is launched, you must select the virtual COM where the device is connected and click the Connect button. If the port is selected correctly, we will see the following picture.

The interface shell is represented by four tabs - the first is Configuration for connecting to a PC.
The second tab is Control Panel – the generator control panel. Everything here is the same as when controlled from the front panel of the device, but much more convenient.

All options are collected on one screen and the usual mouse manipulations make it very easy to manipulate the generator. In addition, on this tab, simultaneously with operations on signals, channel synchronization is available, which had to be done from the front panel of the generator through the system settings of the generator.
Next, the Extend Function tab is analogous to the actions of the MEAS and MOD buttons on the front panel of the device, only on one screen. But there is a difference - there was no place in the virtual environment for the Pulse Generator function in Modulation Mode (MOD). Three functions are available from the front panel in MOD mode - frequency swing, pulse generator and pulse burst generator. Only Sweep Frequency and Burst are available from the computer.

And the last Arbitrary tab allows you to create your own waveforms and write them to the initially empty generator memory cells (60 pieces).

You can start from scratch, as in the screenshot above, or you can take a preset signal (17 pieces) as a basis and play around with it, and then write it into one of the 60 cells of arbitrary signals.

For clarity, I recorded such a signal in memory cell Arbitrary 01.

And on the oscillogram we see the following:

Here you can change the amplitude, offset, phase, but for some reason you cannot change the duty cycle.
Now I want to go back to 60 and 100 cells. Using the method of scientific poking and comparing results, I calculated that using the SYS button on the generator panel you can open and make available up to 60 cells of arbitrary signals (15 from the factory), which can be created using software and recorded in these 60 cells.
Thus, 17 standard and 60 arbitrary signals become available from the generator panel and the Control Panel tab.
But, if this set is not sufficient, if some signals are in demand by you, but some are not at all (such as the absence of forward and reverse saws) and they cannot be created using software (for example, due to the impossibility of manipulating with duty cycle from the software shell), then a new signal can be created from the generator panel by changing any parameter. Next, you need to select a cell number from 00 to 99 (the same 100) in the SYS menu and use the SAVE button to record the signal in this cell. Now, when you need it, go to SYS, select the cell number with this signal and load it from memory with the LOAD button.
Those. in fact, you can use 177 signals!!! 17 preset + 60 random + 100 loaded from memory when required.

In the final part of the review, we’ll see up to what frequencies the generator retains decent signal shapes.
Sine wave 100 kHz 5V and 1 MHz 5V.

Sine wave 6 MHz 5V and 10 MHz 5V

As we can see, there is a decrease in the signal swing and it does not depend on the load value. Without load at all, 1 kOhm, 10 kOhm, 47 kOhm - there is always a decrease in swing, but always around 0.5 Volts.
In the region of 13 MHz, the swing decreases by 0.7 volts, but further, with a set swing of 5 volts, the drop does not increase.

Sine wave 15 MHz 10 Volts - here the decrease in swing is already greater. But this is already 15 MHz.

Next, a feature of the JDS6600-15M generator was identified - the declared amplitude of 20 Volts applies only to signals (of any shape) with a frequency of up to 10 MHz. Expected amplitude/span is below the set values. Dipstick 1/10.

In the 10-15 MHz range, the maximum possible amplitude/peak-to-peak is 10 Volts. Using the encoder or in the program, we set 20 Volts (we see the set 20 Volts on the generator screen), then the frequency is above 10 MHz and the amplitude readings on the device screen switch to 10 Volts. Accordingly, the output is 10 Volts. Such a feature.

Everything seems to be in order with the shape of the sinusoid, let's look at the meander.
10 kHz 5V and 100 kHz 5V.

1MHz 5V and 6MHz 5V.

6MHz 10V and 6MHz 20V.
Here you can already see that at high frequencies the meander tends to a sinusoid, which is inherent in many generators.

Triangle 100 kHz 5V and 1 MHz 5V.

As the frequency and amplitude increase, the signal shape begins to change.
5 MHz 5V and 5 MHz 12V.

Signal shapes at high frequencies are far from ideal, but I was prepared for this. For experienced people, the price of the device will tell a lot, for inexperienced users I have presented the material - I hope it will be useful. There is marketing in the description of the generator, and I probably didn’t outline everything that can be squeezed out of the device, but I showed the main thing. Perhaps the older models in the 6600 line are less sinful, but they also cost more. The provided copy can be described as an entry-level, budget-level generator for its range of tasks - familiarization, training, amateur radio, perhaps some not particularly complex and demanding production.
Among the minuses, I note a decrease in the amplitude/span of the signal with increasing frequency, the absence of saws (but you can generate it yourself by changing the duty cycle and recording it in a cell).
I would like to encourage the developer not to get carried away with marketing and to finish up the software a little.
The advantages include a wide range of functionality, the ability to edit signals, record them into memory cells, intuitive controls, two independent channels.
Finally, replace the standard power supply and measure the current consumption.

The current consumption does not exceed one Ampere and you can power the generator from a Power bank by acquiring the appropriate cord.
If you haven’t shown something, then formulate a detailed question - the generator is on the table, I’ll conduct an experiment.

The product was provided for writing a review by the store. The review was published in accordance with clause 18 of the Site Rules.

I'm planning to buy +17 Add to favorites I liked the review +43 +61

The two-channel virtual digital arbitrary waveform generator is a 12-bit digital device in the standard design of the AKTAKOM USB-laboratory devices, and produces an arbitrary waveform or a signal of one of the standard waveforms (sine, rectangular, triangular and some others) through two channels simultaneously. The shape and parameters of the signals are specified by the user using a computer independently for each channel. The device has a common external synchronization input for both channels to trigger generation based on an external event. The signal generator also produces an output signal to synchronize the triggering of other instruments.

Signal Generator Specifications

General characteristics
Number of output channels2
Output waveformfree or standard
Shape selection for both channelsindependent
DAC12 bit
Maximum number of points per channel128 K
Switchable low pass filter15 MHz
Maximum sampling rate80 MHz
Bandwidth at 1% level0...10 MHz
Maximum Peak-to-Peak Output Level:
without additional amplifier
with additional amplifier (only for ANR-3122)

±2.5 V into 50 ohm load
±20 V into 50 ohm load
Output signal voltage change stepno more than 2.5 mV; 10 mV with amplifier
Limits for changing the vertical signal shift±2.5 V
Rectangular signal rise timeno more than 20 ns
Sampling frequencyselectable from 2.44 kHz to 80 MHz
Errorno more than 10 -6 from the output frequency
Selecting synchronization modes
restartsingle or continuous
sourceexternal or manual (internal)
polarityon an ascending or falling edge
External clock input
formsquare pulse
amplitudeTTL level
durationnot less than 25 ns
Sync output
formsquare pulse
amplitudeTTL level at 1 kOhm load
durationnot less than 25 ns
Power and design parameters
Nutrition220 V, 50 Hz, no more than 20 W
dimensions260x210x70 mm
Weightno more than 2.0 kg
Relative humidityno more than 90% at a temperature of 25°C
Atmosphere pressurefrom 495 to 795 mm Hg. Art.



The AKTAKOM Arbitrary Generator application is designed for full-featured control of supported instruments, creating, editing and loading data to generate signals for two channels.


The application provides detection and compilation of a list of available signal generator modules connected to the computer locally (via USB interface) or via an Ethernet/Internet network; initialization and testing of the selected device instance.

The application provides control of all parameters available for configuring this type of equipment (see description of supported devices) and recording of waveform data into the signal generator memory. Waveform data can be specified by the user graphically, in the form of a mathematical formula (there is a built-in formula calculator) or a binary sequence: selected from a list of standard signals (sine, rectangle, triangle, saw, flash, pulse) or be loaded from a previously saved file independently for each channel.

The application also allows you to set the waveform for two channels simultaneously in the form of a parametric curve, i.e. in the form of a two-dimensional Lissajous figure (Laser Show function).

The application contains a built-in analysis module for signals prepared for generation. The functions of the analysis module include:

  • virtual oscilloscope (shows the shape of the generated signals, taking into account the limitations of the equipment);
  • automatic measurement of pulse parameters;
  • spectral analysis of signals;
  • functions of a voltmeter and phase shift meter.

The application allows the user to manually adjust the colors of graph elements and the thickness of oscillogram lines or load these settings from previously saved color scheme files. The size and location of all application windows can also be customized by the user. All program settings can be written to a configuration file and then loaded.

Minimum computer requirements

  • USB 1.1 port;
  • Installed operating system Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8;
  • VGA video system (640x480 resolution, 256 colors), 800x600 or higher resolution recommended, 24-bit color;
  • To use the program's audio messages, a sound card and audio system are required;
  • To use all the features of the program, we recommend using a processor of at least Pentium II 400 and RAM of at least 32 MB.

Standard equipment

  • device
  • USB cable type A-B - 1 pc.
  • power cable
  • brief instructions
  • manual**

** The complete operating manual as standard does not have a physical medium and can be downloaded from the website after purchasing and registering the device, indicating its serial number.

  • Software
    • AAG Aktakom Arbitrary Generator Arbitrary Waveform Generator Software
    • AUNLibUSB Driver for USB laboratory virtual instruments

To download the software, click the “Download” button or go to the “ ” -> section

Additional equipment

  • BNC cable and
  • Software AHP-3121_SDK Complete software development kit

The standard software does not have a physical medium and can be downloaded on the website in the “ ” section after purchasing and registering the device, indicating its serial number.

To download the software, click the “Download” button or go to the “ ” -> “ ” section, then log in by entering your username and password. If you have not previously registered on the site, follow the “Register” link and provide all the required information.

If the software is lost, downloading it will cost an additional fee. The software may be supplied on physical media (CD-ROM). Burning the software onto media (CD) and delivering it is available for an additional fee.