Foolish to send a copy to your email address. Secrets of business email correspondence backup over the network is carried out using the "E-mail" plugin using the IMAP protocol. Handy Backup provides direct backup Mail without using local clients and intermediate sites.

Principles of backing up using Handy Backup

The "E-mail" plugin provides access via the IMAP protocol to any remote mail server that supports this protocol, including the mail service (backup A backup copy of Mail ru mail using this plugin is created in automatic mode.

How to backup mail using the E-mail plugin?

To do mail backup automated Handy Backup task, please use the following instructions:

  1. Open Handy Backup. Call new task using the Ctrl+N keys or the button.
  2. In the Create Task Wizard, select data backup in Step 1.
  3. Go to Step 2 and select the plugin from the list of data sources Email.

  1. Double-click on the plugin, or click the add button - the plugin window will open.
  2. In the dialog that opens, enter your account information for backup
  3. >

On a note: full set standard settings for mail backup - server, port 993, connection type SSL/TLS, authorization “Plain’.

  1. Click OK - the program will establish the connection. Return to the plugin window.
  2. Mark the data for copying mail.

Note. You can backup Mail down to one message.

  1. Once you have checked all the required information, click OK again and return to Step 2.
  2. Continue creating your task. More details about the steps of the task can be found in the User Guide.



Version 8.1.1 dated December 16, 2019. 106 MB
Backup program Handy Backup. 1200 RUB for a license

The Standard solution contains the entire set of functions for backup and copy storage mail messages on popular storage media.

Advantages of mail backup with Handy Backup

Wide range of data storage options

You can choose in Step 3 where you will save the backup mail. Choose from a wide range of storage options, including local and removable disks, FTP servers, network drives and NAS devices, Yandex.Disk clouds, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, special storage HBDrive, etc.

Data protection and compression

Encrypt your messages with a 128-bit key using a modified BlowFish algorithm. Compress data into a single file or individually into a ZIP archive. Or leave the data unchanged to view and modify mail backups without restoring.

Variety of Mail backup options

Choose from incremental, differential or mixed mail backups to save time and network traffic. Store several versions of backup, provided with timestamps if necessary. Get rid of outdated backups.

Calling other programs before or after a task

Take the opportunity to run other tasks, for example, an email client with the POP3 protocol or a garbage collector, before or after running the mail backup task. Automate Mail Copy as part of your workflow!

Automatic launch and repetition of tasks

Run a Mail backup at a specific time, and repeat it at set intervals from months to minutes inclusive. Link the launch of a task to a system event or connection USB drive. Use autorun for missed tasks.

Other control options

Launch Handy Backup as Windows service or as a program in command line so as not to distract the user. Send notifications by email about the work done. Use reports and logs to monitor work. Run tasks manually from the main panel. mail backup with Handy Backup is a fully automated, highly efficient method of saving your messages. Try it now by downloading a free 30-day trial trial version!

Majority mail clients, including Gmail,, Microsoft Outlook , Mozilla Thunderbird, allow you to put multiple recipients in A copy(on English language abbreviation adopted SS), or Bcc (CCB). IN Copies recipients can see other people's addresses. In the second case, the identity of additional recipients is hidden.

Adding a recipient's address

To specify the recipient(s) of the email, enter their address Email in field To whom (That):

Some email clients allow you to simply enter your username into a field, which is then automatically filled in by the program.

If you use this field to send an email to multiple people, each of them will be able to see full list other recipients.

How to create a copy of an email

Field CC or Copy used to exchange electronic messages in a more indirect way than the field To whom. If you are not directly addressing the person in your email, but would like that person to follow the conversation in the email thread or simply be aware of the topic, the field Copy would be a great option. The addressee, who is in Copies letters, receives an unread letter in his mailbox, just like the one who was placed in the box To whom; the only difference is who you address the letter to first in the body of your email. In the professional world, mailing to Copies is used very widely and serves to keep colleagues informed about various events and topics.

You can list email recipients by simply entering a list of addresses in the field Copy, which is usually located immediately below the field To whom. Everyone in this chain of recipients will be able to see the names and email addresses of all other recipients:

How to BCC an Email

Every email client (Gmail, Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, Yahoo, etc.) allows the sender of an email to reach a large number of people without exposing their information to other users in the email chain. This function is called BCC or Hidden copy. You can hide recipients by entering their addresses in the field Hidden copy instead of using fields To whom And Copy:

You can use this feature for both individual and group emails. This is especially useful if you want to keep your contacts private, protect them from spam and unwanted emails, or simply if you don't want your recipients to know who received the same message.

Field Hidden copy not always available by default for all email clients. For example, in Outlook You will need to go to Options to access settings; V Thunderbird you will need to select this function from the drop-down menu; V Gmail need to press a button Copy And Hidden copy; V Windows Live Mail You will need to press the keys simultaneously Alt + B.

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How to send a document by email for dummies, three easy ways.

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With development World Wide Web More ways to communicate between people at a distance have appeared. Now you can not only call someone without leaving your home, but also send an email.

At the same time, using e-mail, you can send letters with attachments in the form of various text documents, presentations, photos, videos and more. Of course, the whole process of sending an email with an attachment is quite simple.

However, it is sometimes difficult for novice users to cope with this task without outside help. This article will take a closer look at sending emails with attachments.

How to send a document by email

Despite the many various services, providing the ability to send letters to in electronic format via the Internet (Yandex.Mail, Gmail,, Yahoo, Rambler and others), they all work according to the same algorithm.

Only attaching a file on such services may vary slightly. But in general, to send an email with an attachment, you can follow the following procedure:

  • First, you need to log into your account on the service and click on “Write” or another button provided by the mail service for writing a letter electronically.
  • Then indicate in the “To” line email address addressee's mail.
  • If necessary, you can specify the subject of your letter in the “Subject” field.
  • Further, except plain text, if you need to send a document or other file from your computer, you need to find the tool that is responsible for this on the service you are using and click on it. For example, if you use Yandex.Mail, Gmail or Yahoo for these purposes, then you need to click on the icon in the form of a paper clip, and on and Rambler there is an “Attach file” button.
  • After you find the document you want to send, click on it with the mouse to select it and click on the “Open” button.
  • After uploading the files to the mail service, check that the letter is formatted correctly (to whom you are sending it and what exactly). If there are more documents than needed or you have chosen the wrong thing, then next to it, as a rule, with right side a trash can icon appears, clicking on which deletes it unnecessary file. To add a document, again click either on the paperclip or on “Attach file”.
  • To send an email to the recipient, click on the “Send” button.

It is also worth noting that when using mobile version mailboxes, the algorithm of actions is similar to the extended one. That is, if you are on the road, and the necessary document is on your phone or tablet, then if you have mobile application, it can also be sent by e-mail.

In this case, also fill out all the required fields, and then click on the paperclip or “Attach file”, thus adding the document and sending. As you can see, everything is quite simple and convenient.

Send link

If your document is stored on cloud services, such as Google Drive, Yandex Drive, and others, or you created a document in Google Doc, then you can send a link to the document.

To do this, open the document, click on access settings and copy the link, which can be sent in an email. If these are documents stored on Drive, then you can download them to your computer; if this is a document in Google Docs, then you can jointly edit it, make amendments, comments, and so on.


If you use the Word program to create and edit documents, you can set up the email sending function once and then use it.


Pay attention to the top panel, namely the tab - mailings. A new icon should appear there, with the name you gave it.

Now, after creating or editing a document, click on this icon. You only need to indicate the recipient's email, and the document will be sent to the specified address.

How to send a document by email, summary

I showed you three ways to send a document by email, choose the one that is most convenient for you. Once you send a letter, you will understand that there is nothing complicated in this process.

The main thing to understand is that you do not send the paper document, it remains with you. You send an electronic copy of it, and the recipient will print it himself if necessary.

But to send the paper original of any document, you should use our regular, all-usual mail and send the document by registered mail.

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Every day we send dozens emails. Sometimes these are very short messages, for example: “Shall we go to lunch?” Sometimes - with the help of which you present your business or website. When there are a lot of letters and little time, we begin to rush and make mistakes. Usually trivial, like a typo, but sometimes things happen that can seriously harm your reputation and spoil your relationship with a client or employee.

This can be avoided, you just need to be collected and know about some pitfalls. Here are the most common mistakes made when sending emails. Read carefully and remember that you first need to take a short pause, check if everything is in order, and only then click on the “Send” button.

You are typing the wrong address

The most common and most unpleasant mistake. Imagine you want to send rather personal photos to a friend, but you automatically type the address of your boss or customer. And only after the letter has left do you realize with horror what has just happened. If it’s any consolation, each of us has found ourselves in this situation at least once in our lives: lawyers sent confidential documents to the opposite party, designers sent website layouts to the wrong client, etc. But when this happens to us, it seems that the ground disappears from under our feet.

Fortunately, many email services, for example Gmail, have a function. Turn it on and specify a large time interval - it’s quieter, you know.

You forgot about the attachment

You wrote that a certain file was attached to the letter, but you forgot to attach it. Another common mistake that often leads to misunderstandings and apologies. On the one hand, it’s okay, no one is perfect, but it’s better to check everything first and only then send the letter. And to avoid questions from the recipient, we recommend listing all attached files directly in the body of the letter. For example, like this:

Hello, Maxim! I am sending you several files, they are attached:

Service Agreement

GIF with a cat

You don't think about the design

They greet you, as you remember, by their clothes. If you want to prevent your email from making you want to immediately delete it, work on its form. They say you need to devote as much time to it as to the content. Fortunately, today it's easy. To do this, we recommend using the Wix ShoutOut application, selecting a suitable template and adding your text to it. No special knowledge is required, just make sure everything looks neat and beautiful. By the way, a good newsletter has its own secrets and rules, so we recommend reading our email marketing director. Don't thank me.

You do not specify the subject of the letter

The subject of the letter performs approximately the same role as the title of the text. It appears next to your name, the recipient sees it and understands what you sent him: an invoice, meeting results, job offer, website layout, etc. Remember that the topic must be clearly formulated so that if necessary, a person will quickly find your letter, and convincing so that he becomes interested, if we are talking about, say, a newsletter. Not long ago we wrote about how, if you have forgotten, it’s worth re-reading.

You don't save drafts

If you like writing letters to text editors, then save more often, otherwise it will turn out that you spent the whole day working on a letter, and then suddenly the computer froze and everything was lost. Or write directly to postal service- then all your sketches will be automatically saved in the “Drafts” folder.

You are being rude

Politeness in correspondence is no less important than in life. Here are the basic rules that must be followed by everyone:

    Always thank the sender for the letter, especially if you see that he did a good job. Remember when we were all taught “magic” words as children? Let's not forget them, even though we are adults.

    Stay calm, even if the matter is extremely urgent and important. Nervousness and reproaches will definitely not lead to anything good.

    Begin and end your letter with common phrases. The degree of formality will depend on who you are corresponding with. If this is your boss or just an official person, do not use “Hello”, “Bye” or “Kisses”. And vice versa, if you are writing to a colleague or friend, you can do without the traditional “Sincerely.”

You don't proofread the text

Typos can ruin the whole impression, so carefully re-read the written letter, preferably several times. If you have doubts about spelling or syntax, go to It’s better to measure seven times, that is, check, than then apologize for typos and prove that you are actually literate.

And by the way: if you are afraid of accidentally sending an unfinished letter, first write the entire text in full, and only then type the recipient’s address.

You are not putting the right people on the copy of the letter

Let's figure out who might actually receive your letter. The To field is the primary recipient. Field "Ss" - the person who will receive the copy. He is not directly related to the issue being discussed, but wants or needs to be aware. The "Bcc" field is the hidden recipients. You add them, but the primary recipient doesn't see them. And here you need to be careful: you can confuse Cc and Bcc, and then the recipient will think that he is being spied on.

Keep in mind that it is important for some people to be aware of what is happening. You don’t want to listen to reproaches about “How could you not add me to the copy?! I worked on this project for two months!” If in doubt, add everyone who has anything to do with the question. Maybe not everyone will be happy that they are being distracted, but there will be no complaints against you.

You don't subscribe

You wrote “Sincerely, Masha” and think that everything is in order, but the recipient of the letter sits and wonders what kind of Masha this is. From the printing house? Or maybe an illustrator? To avoid leaving him guessing, set up a signature and it will be automatically added to the end of each of your messages. Be sure to include your first and last name, company name, position, and contact information, such as Skype or phone number. You can add an address - although this is advertising, it is unobtrusive.

You're choosing the wrong time

Writing letters at night is not a good idea. Reason one: you are probably terribly tired during the day, you don’t think very well and you risk doing everything specified errors. Reason two: the avalanche of morning mail will bury your midnight letter, and the addressee will definitely not see it in the near future. And third: apparently, you have nothing better to do if you are writing business letters at three in the morning.

Our advice: if nothing Important or Urgent has happened, send messages from Monday to Friday and during working hours, like all normal people.

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Good time! Today we will talk about backup SMS, by sending all messages from your smartphone to email. This may be required simply for the purpose of saving correspondence, or for further processing of messages, for example, searching for the necessary information in messages (contacts, names, prices, etc.) third party applications, which in turn work with E-Mail. Let's look at an option for such copying using a smartphone running Android.

Create a mailbox

To send and save all messages by E-Mail, you first need to register a mailbox; mail from is perfect for this. You can also use your existing mailbox, but I recommend registering a new one. Firstly, over time it will accumulate big number SMS messages, which can interfere when working with regular letters, and secondly, if you connect your mailbox to a third-party service for analytics, do not indicate the login and password from the main E-Mail in it.

Install the SMS Backup + application on your Android smartphone

To send everyone SMS messages to your mailbox, you will need to install and configure special application SMS Backup +, which can be downloaded from or (an alternative for smartphones that do not use Google Play) or .

The application has been tested on Android: 3.xx, 4.xx, 5.xx, 6.xx; Support for version 2.xx is declared.

Setting up SMS Backup +

  1. Launch the application;
  2. After launching the application, in the menu that opens, select the item: Advanced settings;
  3. Next, go to Backup settings;
  4. Check the boxes for Backup SMS and Email subject prefix, uncheck the boxes for Backup MMS, Backup Call log (we don’t need MMS and call history, although you can backup them too);
  5. Return to the previous menu and go to the IMAP Server settings section;
  6. Select the Authentication menu item,

    set the parameter value to Plain text;

  7. Select the Server address menu item, enter the value:

  8. Select the Security menu item and enter the value: SSL

  9. Select the Login (You IMAP account) menu item, specify your login, then select the Password (You IMAP account password) menu item, specify the password for mail;
  10. In the main menu, check the box for Auto backup;
  11. Next, go to Auto backup settings, select the Regular schedule menu item and set the time interval with the frequency of which SMS will be sent to the account we specified mailbox(for example every 2 hours).

The SMS Backup + application allows you not only to do backups to E-Mail, but also to recover messages from it. The corresponding recovery settings can be found in the Advanced settings -> Restore settings section.

After sending messages by E-Mail, they will all be placed in a folder called: SMS.

Analyzing SMS sent to Email

After receiving the list of SMS messages to your email address, you can use a special software analyze the data they contain. For example, you can track SMS from the bank with messages about cash receipts and debits, based on which you can keep financial records automatically. I implemented a similar solution for a “joint shopping site”, when all SMS messages from the Bank received by the JV Organizers are collected in one place, analyzed and based on them, the system displays data in the control panel about which user who placed the order made the payment.