Gogol mail. Google mail & How to create a Google account

What is google mail gmail? It is the ability to send, receive emails, in any quantities. As of today 07/16/1012 this is the best solution.

Why? Letters reach everything, and there are many good settings, including an autoresponder. I like Google mail gmail the most.

After that, you do not need to visit the gmail google mail page, all actions (receive and send) can be performed directly on the desktop of your computer.

These are far from all the possibilities (learn more at the link above).

How to set up google mail gmail

To use all the features of this service, you first need to register. To do this, go to the page: « www.google.ru », after that, at the very top, click "mail" (gmail) and go to the registration page.

Now on the top right side, click create. account, fill in all the fields and click next below.

If your page is displayed on English language, then at the very bottom, on the right, there is an opportunity to change it.

If the speed of your Internet connection is low, then click below to download a simplified HTML version.

How to use google mail gmail

Using this service is very easy. All letters to which you will leave your address will fall into this box.

At the very top, there are settings. If you will only receive and send regular letters, then you do not need to change anything there.

If you want, you can even set up an autoresponder. In this case, all letters that will be received will automatically be sent to the letter you specified.

In this article, I have touched only on the main features of this resource. If you wish, you can easily find out about the rest yourself.

Everything in Russian is simple and accessible. I hope this article has provided you with basic knowledge.

In addition to this service, there are many others: Yandex, Meta, Mail, Rambler, and so on, but all of them, in my opinion, are inferior to gmail in their capabilities. However, experiment and decide for yourself, they are all free.

G Suite More and more people are signing up for Gmail, but where do you get a good name? On mail.ru you can get an address of your choice: mail.ru list.ru inbox.ru bk.ru. So, what to do - follow the example of mail.ru? Google was the first to provide mail on their domain. And even for free .... though the shop has closed, now only for money. What are the advantages here? Let's say our postal services and yahoo.com can be hacked, where is the guarantee that something won't happen to Gmail? But it's most secure to have an address on your domain, especially if you have one, like eg. I have. The most reliable address is my personal one, besides it is more solid. Only now, I always preferred not to use my address, it's a pity for hosting space, that way my mail will take up all the space, plus spam. Well, you understand. So, this service allows you to have gmail under your own domain, with your own logo. Everything is the same as on regular gmail.. And there are no restrictions.

Benefits over @gmail

  1. Address, you can have any name, even shorter than 6 characters, for example [email protected] website.
  2. You can have aliases, for example by creating an address [email protected], in case someone makes a mistake in writing the address. All letters will be sent to one mailbox.
  3. The validity of the box is not limited. For example, you have mail at @mail.ru or @gmail.com, you return home after the army and your mailbox has been deleted, you have not used it for too long. Here everything is in your hands, you are the administrator.
  4. Easy to recover password. Just contact the administrator and he will assign you New password, when you log in you change it.
True, you need to tinker with the settings, but almost everything is described in detail and clearly. I will say that it is not described. When setting up the mail program, everything is the same as in ordinary gmail. For example, login: [email protected] website
password: *******
pop.gmail.com 995
smtp.gmail.com check the SSL box, enter 465 (for Thunderbird) 587 ) Please note that your domain is only in the login, in other places gmail.com. In principle, everything. Now, if you have your own domain, then you can give your relatives and friends or employees (if this is a business project) mailing address in your domain. And it's so easy to give a name (if only relatives don't intercept it earlier :)), besides, there are no "at least 6 characters" restrictions, as in a regular gmail.com address. I have watched the mailbox open more than once. They come in, register, and suddenly realize that they didn’t come up with a name. They leave the Internet, think, they came up with something for tomorrow, they come in, and this name is taken, another one at random is also taken. And time on the Internet is ticking, so frantically they are trying to come up with their own laconic unique name.


  • Domain- You can link another domain to your account to allow users with different email addresses use a shared mailbox..ru).
  • email is another address where you can send a message to the user.
    .ru, [email protected] Now, if someone misspelled your email by mistake, you'll still get it.


  • stylish,
  • it is easy to choose a name, unlike mail on gmail (where the name must be at least 6 characters long), here you can choose a name with 1 character,
  • securely, if something happens to Google or someone else, your address will remain with you anyway,
  • the possibility of a common address book, this is convenient if you have all relatives or employees,
  • the ability to receive letters from the entire domain, that is, if you are mistakenly written to [email protected] site, you still get if you want this option, you can give new addresses without creating mailbox,
  • internal mailing,
  • forwarding,
  • assigning multiple names to the same mailbox.
Or do you have an organization. You distribute addresses to employees, and redirect to the main address. Everyone has access to their mail and does not dissipate attention, and the manager controls the entire process. Once again, Google pleased and surprised us. If earlier we chose where to have mail: on mail.ru or gmail.com or ..., now we are not limited by the name.

How to create mail on your domain

  1. Sign up for Google services www.google.com/a/ by indicating your Domain name. Create an administrator account.
  2. Verify your domain name. (There will be a link on your main page).
  3. If you have hosting: In the site mail control panel, change MX records:
    Record MXPriority
    Then we activate the Gmail service in the Google Services Control Panel.
  4. You do not have hosting, you want to use the domain only for mail.
    1. Log in to your hosting provider account and go to the DNS management page.
    2. CNAME records can be found in sections such as DNS Management or Name Server Management. You may need to include the following to create CNAME records additional settings. Contact your domain hosting service directly if you can't find the CNAME control settings.
    3. Remove the existing CNAME record for the alias or unique string, if required.
    4. For example, if you create a CNAME record for "pochta", remove any existing CNAME records for "pochta".
    5. When creating a CNAME record, use the information provided in the table below. The conditions required to create CNAME records vary depending on the settings of the hosting service. Always enter google.com for ownership and ghs.google.com for custom URLs.
      The CNAME record will now point to google server. Keep in mind that it will take 48 hours for the information about changes in DNS settings to spread on the Internet. Once you have completed the verification of domain ownership, you can delete the CNAME record. However, in the case of custom URLs, you must leave the CNAME record intact.

Settings for the mail program

pop.gmail.com SSL connection 995
smtp.gmail.com TSL connection 587 (for Mozilla Thunderbird) or 465 (for Outlook or The Bat in SMTP)
login [email protected] Please note that instead of a login, as when setting up regular mail from google, in this case full email is written.

IF YOUR GIRL IS A TEACHER: 1. You're out of luck, a teacher is a diagnosis! 2. She is incurable! 3. On the first date, she comes with a huge bag, almost in sneakers (or maybe in them), because her legs are tired of heels ... 4. This bag contains fifty notebooks with homework and tests, in addition to textbooks. 5. She won’t have any more time, it will always be short, so you won’t have many dates either. And don't be surprised if she goes to the theater not with you, but with her class. 6. She does not have time to sort things out and resentment. 7. She is very good at hiding her emotions - this is professional, the mood of the teacher should not affect the students in any way. 8. You must know the schedule of her lessons, calls and activities if you want to see each other again. 9. a) You should go to all her public speeches at conferences and other events - this way she performs better; b) You should not go to her public performances at conferences and other events - she performs poorly in your presence. 10. No need to call her during the day - she can have a lesson. 11. Her legs and back hurt, her voice is hoarse - this is normal. Just give her a massage and drink warm tea. 12. She enjoys listening to silence - do not be surprised, she really misses it. 13. Summer, 2-month vacation!!! 14. Do not be too happy, although it is long, but she will rest only the first week, then she will have to write plans for the next school year, and then she will start to miss school. 15. The year does not begin on January 1, but on September 1, but " New Year"- this is another very important extracurricular activity, which means scripts, rehearsals, performances ... 16. Saturday and Sunday are not days off (who even came up with such nonsense ?!), these are methodical days on which notes are written for the next week and notebooks are checked, and you can also go where anything with class. 17. Her class is her class. 18. No, no, you didn’t understand again ... Her class is HER CLASS !!! These are her children! 19. Do not try to deceive her, she will understand before you finish, even if she doesn’t show it (teachers always see that students are cheating, but they don’t always talk about it). 20. She can write a script and make scenery overnight, sit at school for days and rehearse with the class if an important event is on the nose, because her class should always and in everything be the best. And she can learn Chinese overnight if she needs to have an open lesson in Chinese in the morning. 21. She is stubborn and very strong, you don’t need to lisp with her, you need to love her, even if you don’t understand. 22. And if, after all of the above, you still decide to be with her - congratulations - you are very lucky with her !!!