A graphical program for opening a dmg file. How to open a DMG file on Windows, Ubuntu and Mac OS X

Today, dmg is one of the most popular formats for saving various content and is actively used on Mac OS X, as it allows you to save large files (for example, movies) without losing quality. On the Windows platform, this type is also present, but is not as popular as iso due to the fact that the user will not be able to directly open the file due to standard operating system restrictions. But, with the help of special utilities, you can reformat the dmg format into a standard one, and how to do this will be discussed in today’s article.

What is this format and where is it used?

Dmg is a familiar disk image that is widely used on Mac OS X due to its ability to compress a large file without losing its quality. But, most standard Windows software and third-party utilities do not support this type, which is why you have to resort to third-party methods for converting this postscript. As a rule, ISO is used for this, since these 2 formats are very similar in their functions.

By the way, on a Mac, iso can also only be opened using third-party programs.

How to open a file

There are several ways to open an extension of this type, and each of them should be considered in detail.

We use 7-zip

If you need to open dmg, then the 7-zip utility will come to the rescue. This is a free archiver based on free type source code, which is why it is capable of converting almost any type of extension. Using this software, you can find out the file size (its weight), the number and names of archived postscripts and other additional information.

Open via Ultra iso

Ultra iso is a specialized tool designed to open as well as convert various formats. The application allows you to edit, extract and transform existing source data without unpacking the archive. Ultra iso works with almost all available images, and will also help tightly integrate postscripts from a third-party operating system simply by converting them.

Ways to check site traffic

Using Apple Disk Utility

Apple Disk Utility is native Mac OS software for working with built-in disks. On Windows, the application is used to convert Mac OS files. It allows you to convert files of various extensions, as well as change them if necessary.

Using HFSExplorer

HFSExplorer is software that allows Windows OS to work with postscripts and formats created on other operating system platforms. Integration occurs through free source code. The utility allows you to view and edit available files.

How to convert dmg to iso

Dmg2img is special software that allows you to directly convert postscripts from Mac OS to Windows OS. But the main drawback of the application lies in its functionality. It does not have a graphical interface, so all actions will have to be performed using the management console.


How to open dmg - Complete instructions

From time to time, users come across files in the DMG format, but they do not understand how to open DMG and find out the contents of a particular document.

Moreover, these can be various films, games, music or photographs - when a user downloads one of these, he discovers that the file he downloaded has a DMG extension.

Of course, most users encounter this for the first time and at first do not know what to do with it. On the Internet you can even come across the opinion that a file in the DMG format is a kind of virus that it is better not to mess with. In fact, this is just a myth.

Therefore, it would be useful to consider how to open the DMG and whether it is as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Before you can figure out how to open these files, you first need to understand what they actually are. Any DMG file is a disk image. This means that information is written as if on a regular CD or DVD, but without the disc itself.

Only it is used not in Windows, but in Mac OS X. Such images in Windows have the ISO extension. Most likely, it has now become clearer to ordinary users what this very DMG format is, but the question of how to open a document in this format remains open.

In Mac OS X, any file with this format can be opened by double-clicking the mouse. But in Windows, which we are all familiar with, everything is somewhat more complicated. Here you can open it in one of the following ways:

  • 7-zip archiver;
  • One of the free utilities for opening DMG.

You can also convert DMG into the ISO that is familiar and familiar to all of us. Let's look at each of these methods in more detail.

Return to menu

In fact, the 7-zip archiver is an almost universal tool that can recognize and open a variety of extensions, not only for reading, but also for fully working with them - copying, deleting, changing content and other manipulations.

The same goes for DMG. The opening process itself is absolutely standard and consists of clicking “File” in the main window (highlighted in Figure No. 1), and then selecting the “Open” command from the drop-down menu.

Next, the user will see a standard selection dialog in Windows, in which he, in fact, will need to indicate where the very file that needs to be opened is located. The pictures below show how this all happens.

No. 1. Main window of the 7-zip program

No. 2. File location selection dialog

What to do if such an archiver is not installed on your computer? No problem! It can be downloaded and installed within a few minutes.

This is the official website. On this page we will need to select one of two options – for 32-bit or for 64-bit. They are designed for different systems depending on the bit capacity. If you have Windows 7 and higher, select the 64-bit version.

On the download page, click on the “Download” button next to the desired document, after which the download will begin.

No. 3. 7-zip archiver download page

To install the archiver, you just need to run it and follow all the instructions. The disadvantage of this method is that in order to edit a file, you will need to extract it from the image.

This means that you cannot edit something and leave it in the image in a modified form. In principle, the same applies to the following methods.

Return to menu

In fact, to open a file whose format is DMG, there is more than one special program. But the paradox is that they all work exactly the same as the aforementioned 7-zip archiver.

They also cannot be used to change the contents of the image itself. Any file can be edited, but in the image it will remain in its original form. But the user will be able to take all the necessary information.

One of the most popular programs in this category is DMG Extractor.

This program looks quite standard. Moreover, its interface is very similar to the most common archiver. True, there is a button “Extract”, that is, “Extract”, which, in fact, allows you to take the contents of the image and use it at your discretion.

The DMG Extractor interface looks like shown in Figure 4.

No. 4. DMG Extractor interface

As you can see, the buttons are indicated by numbers in the figure. Their meanings are as follows:

  • Open file. By clicking on this button, the already familiar dialog appears for selecting the location of the file, the format of which is DMG.
  • Extract file. In order to use this function, you just need to click on the file in the image and click on this button. After this, three options will be available:
  1. all files to the last location;
  2. all files in ... (assumes that the user will choose their location);
  3. selected files in...
  • Write to the creators.
  • Help.

In general, there is nothing complicated here, and, as we see, this terrible format is quite amenable to viewing and editing.

You can download this program completely free of charge directly on the official website - www.dmgextractor.com.

On the main page you can find a large button “Download free edition now”, that is, “Download the free version now”. There is also a paid edition, the disadvantage of the free one is that it will not be able to process images that weigh more than 4 GB.

No. 5. Download button for the free version of DMG Extractor

Another similar program is called HFSExplorer. But for some reason DMG Extractor is more popular among Internet users.

Return to menu

There is also an option to convert from DMG to the ISO format that is more familiar to all of us. The following programs can help with this:

There is also UltraISO, which is familiar to all of us, but, unlike previous programs, it is not free. True, there is a trial period during which you can convert all the images you need. You can see how to use UltraISO to open DMG images in the video below.

Thematic video:

The video describes in detail the procedure for opening the dmg format.


Opening a DMG file on different platforms

A DMG file is a disk image created in Mac OS. The analogue in the Windows environment is an image in ISO format. Since this format is used on Apple computers, the question of how to open DMG in Windows or Linux causes serious difficulties for users. However, in practice, the problem is quickly resolved: it is enough to know which programs can read the DMG format in order to open the image on Windows or Linux.

Using the 7-Zip archiver

If the 7-Zip archiver is installed on your computer, then use it to view the contents of the image. The WinRAR program does not provide this option, but the powerful 7-Zip successfully copes with the task.

  1. Launch 7-Zip. Expand the "File" menu and select "Open".
  2. Specify the path to the DMG.

You won't be able to mount the disk or add new data to it - you can only view and extract the contents. You can also use other programs: the free PeaZip archiver, the DMG Extractor utility (limited to 4 GB in the free version), AnyToISO Converter (limited to 870 MB in the free version) or Magic ISO Maker.

Viewing via UltraISO

UltraISO is actually a paid program, but it has a fully functional demo period, which should be enough to perform simple actions with the DMG file. The advantage of UltraISO over 7-Zip is the ability to add/remove files from the image.

  1. Launch UltraISO. Expand the File menu and select Open.
  2. Specify the path to the DMG.

You can mount the disk, but its contents will not simply appear in the Windows environment. The problem is resolved by conversion, which is done using the UltraISO program.

The duration of the conversion depends on the size of the source file. After completing the procedure, you need to open the resulting ISO image in UltraISO and mount it into a virtual drive.

Opening DMG on Ubuntu

There are a huge number of Linux assemblies, but we will look at how to open DMG on Ubuntu, one of the most popular Linux systems.

Instead of Mounty, you can use other applications for working with images - for example, AcetoneISO. The meaning of the work is the same: you specify the path to the file, and then mount the image, after which you can work with it as with a regular optical disk.

Convert to ISO on Mac OS

To avoid the hassle of finding suitable applications, it is better to convert DMG to ISO on Mac OS in advance. If you have a Mac computer at hand, then this operation requires a few steps:

  1. Launch a terminal.
  2. Run the command “hdiutil convert image-path.dmg -format UDTO -o image-path.iso”.

After the operation is completed, you will receive a regular ISO image that can be opened on any computer, no matter what system is installed on it.


How to open a dmg file?

Wandering around the Internet, you will one day be able to download a file with the .DMG extension from there. What kind of interesting file is this and how to open it in the Windows operating system. To be honest, at first I myself didn’t know how to cope with this problem and I also had no idea what kind of extension this was. After googling a little, I still managed to open this kind of file, which is what I want to talk about in this article.

And so, a .DMG file is an image that was created using the Mac OS operating system. This is the operating system that is installed on Apple products. Opening this file in Mac OS is not difficult, but most people have Windows installed.

How and with what to open a dmg file in Windows? And so, first you need to download the UltraISO program, you can’t do without it. The program is paid, so I don’t provide links from my website, but if you want to find it it won’t be difficult. And so, download and install.

We launch the program, click on the “File - Open” tab and look for your file with the .DMG extension.

As you can see, it was loaded into our program without any problems and we can easily view the contents of the archive and open the files you need.

Now you can try to extract all the contents of this image into a separate folder. To do this, click on the “Actions” tab and select “Extract” from the drop-down menu.

A file with the *.dmg extension is an image; it is intended only for the Mac OS X operating system; it can store everything from personal files and games to backup copies. Initially, there is no way to open this file in Windows. Using third-party programs, in particular UltraISO and PowerISO, it is possible to open, view and extract the contents of the image.

Ultra ISO

To open a dmg file, download the UltraISO program from the official website to your hard drive, following the installer's instructions, install and run it. When you first launch the program, you will be asked to enter a license key, select Trial period, if you have a key, then enter your registration data. During the trial period, the utility will operate in a mode with some restrictions.

In the window that opens, click on File and select Open. Select the required file with the dmg extension and click open. Wait while the program calculates and downloads the image. After opening, the entire structure, folders, subfolders and files will be visible. Now you can work with the contents of the image. View and retrieve necessary information. You cannot read information directly; you must first extract the document. To extract, select the desired file, right-click, in the drop-down menu click Extract to... A folder overview will open, indicate the destination where the extracted file will be saved. Then click OK. A display of the extraction process will be visible on the screen; upon completion, the file from the image will be on your hard drive.

Power ISO

An analogue of the previous program is PowerISO. First, download and install the utility by following the link to the official website. Follow similar instructions to install the program. Launch the program via a shortcut on your desktop.

Since the program comes free of charge, you will be asked to enter a registration code. Click continue. The main program window will open. Click Open, select the file you want in the file browser and click OK. If the file you are opening is large and the program may take a long time to read it, wait until the download completes. The image has loaded. The list of files is displayed on two screens, on the left is the folder tree, on the right is the content, files and their attributes. Review the files and proceed to the next step. If you have decided which file you need to extract, select it with the right mouse button, select Extract, indicate where you want to save it, and click OK.

Now we will learn how to open a dmg file. This format can be classified as a disk image, but you need certain software to open it. In this material we will try completely disassemble This question and we will discuss those applications that can solve the difficulties with this format.

Which utility to open dmg file

The dmg format is considered disk image, executed in the Mac OS environment. This data contains raw blocks of information that are often encrypted and compressed. In most cases, this format is used for installers of programs taken from the network. The DMG format replaced IMG, which was previously used on Mac.

Images of this type can be mounted using the Apple Disk application, which is included in Mac OS. This format is required for use on the Mac operating system. At the same time, the “DAEMON Tools” application works with Windows and can mount some DMG images. Different applications can format images in standard formats for the Windows system.

Simple DAEMON Tools

  • The DAEMON Tools “Lite” part will tell us how to open a dmg file. It is better to analyze it in more detail. The application can function with materials that are protected from copying. We are talking about a special program for disk emulation.
  • Once enabled, this application minimizes automatically, and directly from there you can perform frequently used operations without launching the main window. This software helps to produce 4 virtual disks. The program converts files and has the ability to correctly protect images with code, and in addition, configure disks (change DVD region and letter).

Archiver 7-Zip

  • If you are wondering how to open a dmg file, try installing "7-Zip". We will talk about a very popular and free archiver, which is based on free source code. Among other things, it provides for managing the application using the command line. At the same time, the manager has a function for testing certain files.
  • It turns out that the user can find out the number of files in the archive, and also the size of the archive (current and compressed state). In addition, the number of errors is shown if a particular file was damaged. It is not necessary to turn on the application to pack or unpack material; you just need to right-click on a specific file, and then specify the selected action.

Convenient AnyToISO

  • The AnyToISO application also has a personal answer to the question of how to open such files. This tool can convert different kinds of images into standard ISO format. You can also create images from DVD, CD or Blu-ray discs. You can also work with RAW data. Images can also be created using any file or folder with materials.
  • Ready-made ISOs made using this program are fully compatible with different operating systems, as well as any program that has the ability to burn discs. The program provides 28 languages. The application goes to Windows Explorer, while supporting the command line. There is a free version of this program.

Document with dmg formats: PeaZip program

Dmg format - how else to open it? The PeaZip program, which is considered an archiver, can also handle this task. The interface can change at the user's request. You can customize skins, and also save them as text for further modification. In addition, the use of transparency is available. The application can be run portable.

If we talk about the version for Windows, it is made in the form of a separate and fully automatic package that provides the ability to integrate PeaZip into Explorer. PeaZip has a special interface. In this case, the utility can function from the command line, and also through GUI capabilities.

TransMac app

The last application that we will talk about in this material, and which can solve this difficult problem, is called TransMac. This program gives access to data that was recorded in Apple Macintosh format. The utility helps to read such data, copy it and transfer it to a simple computer.

In addition, it is allowed recording materials, as well as formatting drives in the Macintosh HFS system. TransMac works with almost all types of media, including hard drives, floppy disks, DVDs and CDs. If you run the program under Windows 7 or Vista, remember that in this case the application will need a more serious level of privileges.

It should be enabled with administrator rights. To do this, you need to click on the application shortcut using the right mouse button and select the selected item in the open menu. You can also find the “Properties” menu item, and then go to the “Compatibility” section and enable the same function.

Thanks to this article, you learned and understood how to open the dmg format. I wish you success in your work and in your new endeavors. Do not forget that not all programs may be suitable for your PC. Carefully study the installation manual and the algorithm for working with the selected program.

DMG is an extension of the disk image in the MacOS operating system (analogous to ISO for Windows). It is used to read the virtual disk data and launch the program installer. DMG is supported in all OS versions, starting with MacOS X.

Format features

The format appeared as a replacement for IMG images, which allows data compression with a minimum number of errors. The resulting files take up less space on your hard drive, and there is no need to download third-party programs to create them. It is enough to use a standard explorer, with which you can generate a DMG or view its contents.

How to open dmg extension?

To open the dmg format on a Mac operating system, simply select the file in Explorer to start the installation. To view compression properties and edit DMG content, you must use one of the following programs:

  • Apple Disk Utility is a standard MacOS application for working with disk emulators;
  • Incredible Bee Archiver - a packer and unpacker for DMG, with which you can extract the contents of a file to move it to other file systems;
  • Catacombae HFSExplorer is a simple explorer for all disk image formats that are supported on MacOS. The program finds all virtual media files stored on the PC and displays them in the main window.

To view DMG on Windows, use the following software:

  • 7Zip - the archiver only allows you to view the contents of the disk, without the ability to convert, execute or edit it;
  • PeaZip - opens the contents of the image and allows you to add new files to it;
  • Acute Systems TransMac - converts files with MacOS code for Windows.

Convert DMG to ISO

To install DMG images on Windows, you need to convert the file to ISO using Magic ISO Maker, AnyToISO or UltraISO.

Sooner or later, any user encounters a dmg extension file and wonders: how and with what to open it?

But to do this, you must first understand what the “dmg” format is?

Table: general data

Utility for working with this extension DOWNLOAD
Graphical file managerFree DOWNLOAD
Shareware / Price: 29.95 USD DOWNLOAD
ArchiverFree DOWNLOAD

Daemon Tools

Manager for working with imagesThere is a free and paid version DOWNLOAD


Image conversion utilityShareware / Price: 22.95 USD DOWNLOAD

DMG file - what is it?

Read also:

For those who first encountered a file of this format, it is unclear what kind of file it is and how to use it. But those who often use virtual disk images see them regularly.

Initially, the dmg format was used exclusively on the Mac OS operating system from Apple.

This extension was created to optimize the work with archives of Macintosh users. This is usually how you save a boot disk to reinstall Mac OS.

In this case, it will not be possible to open the file using standard means, so you will have to resort to the help of special programs, most of which are provided free of charge and in the public domain.

You can unpack the file, or you can convert it into a format available for these platforms.

On the Mac OS operating system, opening such a file is not a problem, since a program called Apple Disk Utility is preinstalled specifically for it.

It is impossible to open such a file in Windows, but there are a number of third-party applications created to unpack it.

However, you can not only open it in the downloaded application, but also convert it into the .

In any case, it is worth paying attention to this article, as it reveals the secrets of unpacking files of this type.

How to open a DMG file on Mac OS

The dmg file format is originally a format of this operating system. Therefore, in this case, third-party programs are not required to open the file.

The unpacking process is quite simple:

1 Double-click the left mouse button to open the file. A preinstalled program will automatically launch and mount the image.

2 Launch Finder, look for the mounted virtual disk in the left column and go into it.

3 After this, you can run the program on your computer.

Thus, we see that on Mac OS it is much easier to open a file of this extension than on Windows thanks to the pre-installed utility.

However, there are special programs that can convert this extension into one available for Windows. Or you can open the file without converting it, but simply download third-party software.

The utility is in first place in the top programs that can open a file with the dmg extension.

It allows the user to see the contents of the file before unpacking begins, which is a big plus. It is not unique in appearance, but in functionality it is slightly superior to similar ones.

The most convenient and popular program to open files of this type on Windows.

In appearance, the program resembles a standard archiver utility. But there is a distinctive feature - the “Extract” button, which means “Extract”.

After clicking this button, files are copied from the image to the computer’s memory, which can later be modified or used as you wish.

The application menu is quite simple, consisting of four commands: open, extract, settings and help. The program is shareware, you can download it on the official website of the developer.

In the Free version, the maximum size of the unzipped file cannot exceed 4 GB, but when you purchase a license, the limitation will be removed automatically.

  • “Great program. Easily unpacks dmg files."
  • “Good interface, quite clear and simple program. I recommend it to everyone!”

An alternative to the previous option for opening DMG extension files. The program is completely free and available for download in the public domain.

It provides the ability to view system files used by Mac OS. This utility can open files of any size without restrictions.

The downside of this application is that it cannot convert or emulate .

To use the program, you need to install additional software, namely Java Runtime.

After installing HFSExplore, shortcuts to dmg format files will change their appearance and will open when double-clicked.

The program has a Russian-language interface that does not distract the user's attention while working.

Simple controls will help even a beginner to cope. There is a user manual that you can open at any time if anything is unclear. But most likely you won't need it.

User reviews about the program:

  • "Very grateful! The program is simply super!”
  • “An excellent program, I always use only it, it never lets me down!”
  • “A proven option, albeit a demanding one.”
  • "The best of its kind!"

Works with many formats, and dmg is no exception.

You can download the program on the developer’s official website or on a third-party resource, but it is free only in the trial version. The limitation is only in functionality. You can unpack files no larger than 300 MB in size.

But there is also an advantage in this program - conversion from the DMG extension to ISO.

You can open the dmg file as follows:

1 Open the program and select “File” in the top menu. In it, click the “Open” button.

2 In the explorer that opens, select the path to the desired file.

3 We wait until the opening process is completed.

4 By right-clicking, open the menu and select “Extract to”.

5 Select a location to save the file.

Thus, we unpack the file in a short period of time. Among the majority of users, this program has been a huge success for several years.

In reviews, people admire the simplicity of the interface and functionality of the program, as well as the capabilities and constant “weight” of the program.

Among other similar programs, UltraISO has a rating slightly lower than.

User reviews:

  • “The program is just super, I recommend it to everyone”;
  • “For opening dmg files, it’s the easiest. No hassles, easy to use. You can open almost any extension, which is undoubtedly encouraging”;
  • “I think the biggest advantage is that it’s free. So many years of consistent quality of the program is simply amazing! Respect to the developers and further success."


This program is the easiest way to extract a DMG file. The utility is so versatile that it unpacks a great variety of extensions.

Allows you not only to unzip the file, but also supports reading it directly in the program. You can work with the contents without unpacking the file.

This way you can edit, copy, delete and change the content. You can download and install the application for free from the official website.

Let's look at the instructions for using this program:

1 Find the required file in Explorer.

2 Right-click and select “Open with...”.

3 In the proposed options, find and click on “7-Zip”.

4 The program immediately opens the contents of the file, which you can work with freely, and all changes will take effect upon completion of work.