Hacker programs for Android. Hacker utilities for Android and iPhone

New from Chinese mobile application developers - SB Game Hacker in Russian. First of all, it helps to crack any number combinations in the game to achieve the best result, as well as to get maximum bonus points. Accordingly, you will reach the winning end faster and become an honorary winner.

For the application to work, you must install root user rights. After installing them, the application will work faster. This is a unique product of its kind that allows you to break the protection of games in a split second and change the necessary parameters there. Game Hacker is very clear and easy to use thanks to the Russian language built into it. The program will deal with hacking offline applications, but this is the only negative in the entire system.
Not many applications can change the quantitative parameters of applications to obtain all kinds of game values, checkpoints, versatile characteristics and other items; the most recognizable of them is the legendary ArtMoney. Later, the whole idea of ​​​​searching for values ​​​​for the sake of formatting characteristics in favor of the gamer, thanks to the thoughtful Chinese who created GameKiller with a similar meaning of work. And now another representative has been released - Game Hacker, but with cooler characteristics suitable for seasoned players.

The whole point of Game Hacker’s work is understood literally in a couple of seconds, and a properly designed and positioned interface will not allow you to get confused in the created operations. You need to start your “hacking” by simply turning on the game (only in offline mode, because in games in co-op mode, the values ​​are saved on a remote server, access to them will be limited). Next, the player must select the parameter that will change. For example, diamonds, of which there are ten pieces. A search is carried out by the number “ten”, then the return to the game is carried out, the number of diamonds is changed to any value, in the end it turns out, for example, “seven”, and then filtering is carried out according to the new value until several necessary parameters are highlighted . After finding the required value address, enter the number you need and play further!

Features of SB Game Hacker app:

  • Several types of search within the application;
  • Increasing the speed or slowing down the game;
  • Saving the desired search results and moving them to other devices;
  • Installing all kinds of mods from the network;
  • Game hack works with any type of processor
Instructions for use:
  • Turn on the game you want to patch;
  • Remember the amount of currency that is available (in addition to money, there may be various materials) and open the Game Hacker program;
  • Enter the number in the search bar and click on the search button;
  • Return back to the game and change the value of the currency by spending, and then again remember the number displayed at the end;
  • Enter the last number into the search and in the files you are looking for, change the found number to the required amount of currency.

Hello readers.
I’ll add to the topic of Android software, because I have something to recommend to you.
Some require root access, some don't. All this information can be found on the wonderful forum that you all know - 4pda.
So, without much preamble, I’ll get straight to the software.

ARP Guard.
A program designed primarily to protect and identify those who fuck online. That is, those who use, for example, WiFiKill. There are several operating modes, some require root access.

Network Utilities.
Huge functionality for testing the same Wi-Fi network. Similar to cSploit, I would even say that it is not inferior in capabilities. cSploit has features that this utility does not have, but the utility also has many features that cSploit does not have.
The hacker toolkit can only be unlocked through a special Easter egg. To use it, install the program, open the settings and quickly tap on the “Settings” inscription 20 times until the “Success” pop-up notification appears. After the notification appears, you need to restart the program. By the way, repeated 20 clicks deactivate the hidden functionality.
Available functionality:

  • IP Discover,
  • subnet scanner,
  • Ping,
  • Traceroute,
  • port scanner,
  • Telnet,
  • Sniffer,
  • Packet crafter,
  • DNS lookup
  • whois
  • IP calculator.
Hidden functionality (hackpack):
  • ARP spoofer,
  • DNS spoiler
  • HTTP sniffer
  • network spoofer,
  • Browser with Cookie Manager.
Functionality available without root:
  • IP Discover,
  • subnet scanner,
  • Ping,
  • Traceroute,
  • Netstat (socket status monitoring),
  • port scanner,
  • DNS lookup
  • Telnet,
  • whois
  • IP calculator.
SQL injection on Android. Is a port of sqlmap from Kali Linux. More automated. By the way, for those interested, on this forum I wrote an article on how to use sqlmap on Kali Linux:
To view the link, Login or Register

I don’t know why, but just in case, keep another piece of software that helps you attack the site using SQL injection. The principle is the same.

Secret Codes.
A very popular software that opens access to secret features of Android programs - hidden settings, undisclosed features, etc. You can also use it to steal information from VK accounts. By opening the secret settings on someone else’s phone, you will be taken to the hidden settings of the VK client, where you can copy the database, where all the information about the account is, including correspondence.

Show Java - a Java Decompiler.
Convenient reverse engineering on Android. For those who are not aware of what reverse engineering is, I will briefly explain - it is reverse engineering, decompilation of an application, which will help you look at the source code.

Wifi Analyzer.
Analyzes nearby Wi-Fi access points.

  • Shows graphs based on signal level ratio,
  • Shows the number of channels for each network, Ad Hoc properties, encryption,
  • Ranks channels by rank,
  • Shows network information after connection (IP, Gateway, DNS, ServerIP, Link Speed, Hidden SSID, Local Mac).
You can also find the location of the router using the signal.

We monitor the GSM mobile operator network. You can look at information about base stations, including neighboring ones.

  • CID (Cell ID),
  • LAC (Location Area Code),
  • mobile operator code,
  • signal level,
  • network type.
Base stations can be displayed on the map. You ask: "Why?" - I will answer you. The fact is that intercepting information transmitted via GSM is as easy as shelling pears. It's just like the principle of attack, the place is very vulnerable. The phone uses the station that is closest to it and has the best signal among its neighbors. It doesn’t matter what kind of station it is, it could be an attacker, but your phone will connect to it. This is how intelligence agencies can intercept cellular traffic. Therefore, I advise you to take a closer look at non-stationary stations.

Thank you for your attention to those who read. Everything is in the public domain, some are even on Google Play.
Good luck using the software.

Hello everyone, dear readers. Today we will touch on a very specific and hot topic, namely hacker programs for mobile gadgets on the Android operating system. These Android programs allow you to perform some hacking actions.

Attention: a selection of these programs is presented here for informational purposes only. You use all applications from the collection at your own peril and risk. Also, links to hacking programs are not published for the security of your Android mobile device.

The developer of this Android program is the famous software developer Andreas Koch. This application is designed to intercept and hack a browser session. To make it work, just install it from the application store, open it and click the Start button, after which it will begin scanning sessions that are suitable for hacking.

By the way, the application works with many popular sites: Amazon, Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, Linkedin, Yahoo, Live, Vkontakte, as well as Google branded sites, which are not encrypted by the developer himself! Why is Droidsheep needed? - you ask. Everything is quite simple, for example, you urgently need to send a message from another person’s phone, but you cannot do this, since it is blocked and its owner has moved away.

Being on the same Wi-Fi network, you can access his phone through the program and perform the operation you need in just a few clicks on the screen of your smartphone!

It is designed to quickly (literally instantly) check the license of any Android Market and gain access to it, emulate (falsely make) purchases within it (this feature is only available for the online market from which applications were officially downloaded or purchased).

In simple words, if you are tired of constant offers to purchase an additional contact, then you can remove them using Freedom, or vice versa, you want to make a purchase for free and again, Freedom is best suited for these purposes. For the application to work, you just need to install it (it is not in the application store) and get root rights to your device.

And Voila! You can now make purchases for free or remove all reminders about them altogether. Also, for such an adventure, of course, you need Google Apps with the Google Play Store and the Google Service Framework, and, accordingly, the Google Account itself.

Anonymous Hackers Android is the official Android application of the anonymous, but well-known group of hackers, which gives you quick, and most importantly secure access to the latest Anonymous Hackers Group news, videos, events, messages and more.

Application features:

  1. Anonymous Youtube channel, but the latest informational videos are always available on the court.
  2. News is updated daily and you are guaranteed to have access to the most reliable and latest events.
  3. Updates to your social networks (Facebook and Twitter).
  4. And much more.

What should you do if you urgently need to access the global web, and the only way to connect to the Internet is a secure router for wireless data transfer. Well, the rather useful Wireless cracker application for Android will help you bypass this blocking.

The program is available for download in the Google Play app store and is absolutely free! Launching the program is quite simple: you need to log in by first registering on the official website of the application. As a result, the user gets the opportunity to access any wireless access point, but this all sounds easy and simple in theory.

In practice, it turns out that gaining access to a protected point is not so easy, since the application can only calculate the standard password (for example, TPLINKart - 30000) that was installed on it by the manufacturer.

That is, the application will not be able to guess the password that the owners of the router themselves set.

Anti - Android Network Toolkit. This program itself consists of only 2 parts: the program itself and accessible, extensible plugins. It is important to know: the upcoming major update will add functionality, new plugins or vulnerabilities/exploits.
As you probably already understood, even a novice user who has a rather difficult time navigating the software can use Anti, since almost every time (no one canceled the program’s failures) startup, Anti displays a fully-fledged map of your entire network, searching for active devices and vulnerabilities, and displays relevant information.

It is important to know: many people do not know about the significance of flowers. For example, a green LED indicates overly active devices, yellow indicates available ports, and red indicates vulnerabilities found.

In addition, each device will have an icon indicating the type of device, after the scan is completed, Anti will generate an automatic report indicating the vulnerabilities you have or bad practices in use, and tell you how to fix each of them.

Nowadays, many issues can be solved with a few movements of a finger. This is largely achieved by storing a huge amount of personal information on our portable devices, so we should be wary of applications that can be used by attackers to gain access to personal data.

The purpose of this article is not to promote these applications, but to warn about their existence. Many Android users are not aware of them because most of them cannot be found on Google Play, but they can be easily found on the Internet.


APK Inspector

APK Inspector allows you to get the source code of absolutely any application, change it and gain access to the full functionality of the application you need. To use it, root user rights are required.

WiFi Kill

This application allows you to disconnect unwanted users from any Wi-Fi network.

Wi-Fi Inspector

Want to know who has joined your network without permission? Wi-Fi Inspector allows you to obtain information about all devices connected to your Wi-Fi network, simultaneously providing you with the IP address, Mac address, device name and manufacturer information.

Shark For Root

Shark For Root is used for network monitoring and dump opening. The application is based on tcpdump.


An excellent application for those who have just discovered the amazing world of personal data hacking. DroidSheep allows you to intercept social network sessions using a regular smartphone. But be careful, because your session can also be intercepted.


An application needed by testers, system administrators and computer security professionals to perform various tasks: reconnaissance, scanning executable files and other tasks.


DroidBox is capable of performing dynamic analysis of Android applications. The application provides the following information:

  • information leakage through the network, files or SMS;
  • permission bypass;
  • cryptographic operations performed via Android API;
  • SMS sent and calls made.

Representatives of the young modern generation are very interested in hacking programs for Android tablets and phones, which they use to obtain important information about a particular game, as well as closed-source software. Next, as part of the article, I would like to give a brief overview of several applications designed for hacking games and gaining access to previously closed code. Well, in order not to be an unfounded storyteller, I decided to devote the following lines to my favorite Android application, designed for deep scanning of the operating system for security breaches.

I would like to present to you the “Password Security Scanner”, which functions excellently among all other analogues, revealing information about the most complex and long passwords set by the user. In this program, designed specifically for the system preinstalled on a particular device, you can easily open browsers, and even mail servers with a large amount of information present there. It works on the simple principle of counting the number of characters required by one password and then displaying a general characteristic.

The main purpose of which is to hack Wi-Fi networks for an Android tablet or mobile phone, which, unfortunately, do not always work effectively. With an application called “Wi-Fi Hacker” you will not have a single difficulty or problem when bypassing a closed network, no matter how super complex and lengthy it may be. The main thing is to configure it correctly before work, so that the result can best meet your expectations of a user who is not sophisticated in professional hacking experience.

If you handle this hacker program correctly, you will be able to gain access to any private or restricted network, while only spending a one-time personal time on a free download for your device. I personally have not been able to come across any analogues to an application so powerful in terms of functionality, which I say with absolute confidence and without doubt.

You can proceed to downloading this software itself, where, by the way, root rights must be opened in advance, by clicking on the site link, which guarantees not only maximum speed, but also the absence of unnecessary advertising. Agree, these two qualities, complemented by the absence of registration requirements, are very attractive!