Homemade control panel. How to make a universal remote control with your own hands

In the house of a modern person there is a large number of technology and electronics, without which we can no longer imagine our own lives. To control such equipment, we use a variety of remote controls, which not only take up quite a lot of space, but also have the unpleasant property of getting lost at the most inopportune moment. All this creates many minor household inconveniences, causing discomfort and irritation. Today we will tell you how you can easily and simply solve this problem. To do this, you just need to watch the short lesson offered to your attention. From the video lesson “Do-it-yourself remote control” you can learn how to how to make it yourself Universal remote remote control . As such a remote control you can use a regular mobile phone, which almost everyone probably has today.

How to make a universal remote control

If you have an outdated and unnecessary smartphone lying around at home that is lying idle, you can give it a new life by turning the useless gadget into a universal remote control. This remote control can be used to control a wide variety of equipment that you find in your home: TV, air conditioner, DVD player, and so on. The author of the video lesson tells and shows what parts and equipment you will need to make a universal remote control. Everything is quite simple and clear, so even those people who consider themselves not very knowledgeable in technology and electronics can cope with this task. To make a remote control, do not forget to prepare two infrared diodes, because they will allow your remote control to perform the control function technical devices. This video lesson is very visual; all the author’s explanations and manipulations are simple and understandable. Watching this video will help you once and for all solve the problem with the abundance of various remote controls of all types and stripes that litter the house and create a lot of inconvenience. Now, in a matter of minutes, you can make a universal remote control with your own hands, which is suitable for various household appliances and electronics.

A TV remote control is a device that has, let’s say, a narrow specialization. It can control one or more related TV models. The universal TV remote control has a slightly broader specialization: it can be configured for a huge number of TV models, in addition, many remote controls can control other household appliances with an infrared receiver. But can these same functions be performed by such a universal electronic device How's the computer? Of course it can!

Firstly, this requires hardware, namely an infrared signal transmitter. If your TV remote control (or other electronic device with IR control) failed to download the appropriate profile for software, the hardware will have to be supplemented, at least temporarily, with an infrared signal receiver - in order to remove control codes and save them in the form of a set of signals, a remote control profile.

Let's tell you a secret, there is nothing “military” about this: it is not difficult to make such receivers and transmitters yourself (there are many corresponding circuits on the Internet, and there are no problems with the element base), besides, you can use ready-made solutions with a little modification them to pair with a computer.

Now let's move on to the software part, because to control such a universal tool as a computer, you definitely need a suitable program. And there is such a program! An example is RCExplorer - a program that can turn a PC into a universal remote control for a TV, and more.

RCExplorer is a program written primarily for engineers service centers and software developers for infrared equipment. But at the same time, it also has a purely practical purpose: it can be used as a full-fledged remote control for a TV.

What can RCExplorer do? Firstly, receive and record infrared signals. To do this, you can use a sensor connected to the COM port or to the input sound card. An interesting possibility is to view the signal in real time: this kind of “oscilloscope” allows you to easily and naturally diagnose faults in the remote control!

But we are interested in another possibility - reproducing signals. You can play back both signals available in the database and those received from external sources and recorded in the database. The developer offers a huge number of signal sets, collected in a database and systematized, which allows you to minimize problems with setting up an improvised remote control.

By the way, this TV remote control is not just a toy. This is also an opportunity to solve a seemingly insoluble problem: programming a learning universal remote control for a TV with external source, if the original TV remote control is missing or has completely failed. To do this, you just need to find the appropriate remote control model in the database and consistently reproduce all known signals, memorizing them using the learning remote control.

People are not born with a good memory, they develop it. Try to apply these mnemonic techniques, and the necessary knowledge will be consolidated in your head much easier. 1. Come up with phrases The method of mnemonic phrases has been familiar to all of us since childhood. A classic example is a phrase that helps to learn the order of colors in the rainbow: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits,” where the first letter of each word is associated with a specific color: “k” - red, “o” - orange, “z” - yellow and so on. Another example is the phrase “Dress Nadezhda, put on clothes,” which allows you to avoid mistakes in using the words “dress” and “put on.” And this is how many taught exception verbs of the second conjugation at school: “Drive, hold, breathe, depend, see, hear and offend, and also turn, look, hate and endure.” How to use. You can compose any memory phrase yourself. It is important that the images are close and understandable to you, even if they are absurd and funny. Here's how you can, for example, remember words with similar stress: agreement - sentence - conversation. 2. Link images This method is based on linking information and certain images. Suppose you need to remember a few words: “pen”, “table”, “butterfly”, “house”, “mirror”. Make these items into colorful cartoon characters. To enhance the effect, you can distort the proportions and imagine some kind of action. For example: a huge butterfly flies into the house, sits on the table, takes a pen and threatens it at the mirror. It’s absurd, but the picture is vivid and will be remembered for a long time. How to use. Try to learn foreign words using images and associations. For example, the German wetter (weather) is similar in pronunciation to “wind”. Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine a picture: a breeze blowing into the sails or a tornado rushing towards the city. The English owl (owl) is consonant with the word “aul”. A good way to remember is to imagine an owl flying in the mountains above the village. 3. Visualize Numbers and letters look like certain objects. And you can take advantage of this. For example, the number 210 can easily be represented as a swan (2) swimming towards a flag (1) with a donut in its beak (0). How to use. Practice visualization more often, and you will get used to turning the data you need to remember into certain images. For example, many people associate the number 4 with a chair, 8 with a snowman or a curvy woman, and 3 with a hero (three heroes). Use these images constantly. 4. Sing and Rhyme A great way to remember something is music. It structures information, makes it easy to repeat and remember. Surely, from childhood, obsessive songs stuck in your head, with the help of which you learned some rules. This is how, for example, children sing and learn notes: “Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si - the crucian carp have arrived. Si, la, sol, fa, mi, re, do - that means they have a nest here!” And in English lessons they often use the ABC song. The same goes for rhymes. With the help of the funny poem “Dear Hokkaido! I love you Khonshu. For your Shikoku, I give you Kyushu” - many memorized the names of the four main islands of Japan in geography. And the phrase “A bisector is a rat that runs around the corners and divides them in half” helped to teach geometry. All this will remain in memory for many years. How to use. Compose your own poems, try to remake your favorite songs, using the information you need to remember. 5. Draw pictograms A method of memorization that is well suited to visual people. TO keywords and expressions, pictograms - graphic images - are selected. There is no need to be clever here. For example, if we are talking about a holiday, draw a glass or fireworks, if we are talking about sports - dumbbells or a ball, and so on. How to use. If you need to remember text, highlight key phrases or words as you read and draw pictograms for them. After reading, try to reconstruct the meaning of what you read from your drawings. After practice, you can use such a coded letter instead of notes and also cheat sheets. 6. Build a memory palace Memory palace (or Cicero's method) is another one good way remember information using associations. It involves creating a matrix of images. The base for it can be anything: your room, your favorite place in nature (for example, a clearing in the forest), the path you walk along, an empty room. You will need to fill this space with images. Imagine that you are placing objects in certain places. Think over a scheme by which you will mentally examine them. In the room this can be done clockwise, from wall to wall, on the path - moving forward. How to use. Let's say you need to remember the sequence of your speech for a presentation. You imagine a room in which there is a flower in a pot on the windowsill. For it, you set the key part of your speech. For example, talk about how your company developed. Then you turn to the wall, where there is a picture of mountains that look like a graph, the data of which you need to voice. Next you see a chair in which the sage is sitting, whose quote you want to quote. And so on. You can have shelves in your room for different subjects (physics, mathematics, etc.) or events. Arranging a memory palace is limited only by your imagination. Choose the space and images that are most convenient for you, as well as the pattern by which you will walk around. The main thing here is consistency in use. 7. Determine intervals In order for information to be absorbed and remembered well, it must be repeated at certain intervals. This technique is called spaced repetition. The interval should increase over time. For example, you learned a new English word. It needs to be repeated after a couple of minutes, then after an hour, after that - after two days, five days, 10 days, three weeks, six months and so on. How to use. There are apps that help you memorize using spaced repetition. For example, Anki cards. Follow these tips: 1) Don't try to use all the memorization methods at once. Start small - what you like best. And then move on to the next techniques. 2) A simple way to consolidate and better understand the material read on the eve of the exam is to retell it to someone several times. 3) It’s easier to remember any information in small portions. A striking example - phone numbers, which are difficult to remember with a single set of numbers (for example, 89003546892), but much easier - divided into blocks (8 900 354 68 92). 4) If you need to remember the names of several unfamiliar people, look for distinctive features. For example, a person has an aquiline nose, you associate him with a bird and then attach his first and last name to it. More useful information in the "Education" group. Join us!