How to attract people to your youtube channel. How to attract real followers on Instagram

Hello, friends! I hope you have already missed new useful articles. Today’s post will be of interest to bloggers of a wide variety of topics, novice businessmen on the Internet, those who are just trying to create their own permanent source of income, or those who are making far-reaching plans. In general, this article is for those who look forward. Today we will deal with you, how to attract subscribers to the subscription database.

So that you don’t close the article ahead of time and scold yet another “pseudo guru”, I’ll note that I tried everything that will be said below from personal experience.

My subscriber base is gradually growing, and paid methods have NOT been used to attract subscribers.

This article was written as part of the “7 Tips” competition for $5,000, which is conducted by the famous blogger Vladimir Karpeev. You can also take part in the competition. By the way, I recommend subscribing to updates on this blog - you will find a lot of useful and interesting things. I'm subscribed)

Frankly, I thought for quite a long time about what topic to write a competition post on and whether to write it at all. If you write, it should be relevant, based on personal experience, give some “cases” to those who read it.

You could, of course, try to tell readers about rewriting, but this is still a rather narrow topic. And regular readers are aware of all the features and news; if not, subscribe to updates.

So, for your attention 7 tips about how to attract subscribers to your subscription base.

This is the cornerstone on which the development of your subscription base will be built in the future. Give that course, book, product that SOLVES the subscriber’s PROBLEM. It must be really valuable and useful.

My bonus is “How to start making money from copywriting.” For those who do not want to read the description at the link above, I will briefly tell you what is in this book.

The reader finds here:

  • Introduction to copywriting, drawing up an income plan;
  • Secrets of making money on content exchanges;
  • Rules for writing articles that will sell;
  • Working on the most popular freelancing resource - how to get started;
  • Reasoning on financial topics;
  • What to do to grow professionally

I will give a few reviews from subscribers who read the book and followed the recommendations in the newsletter.

Hello Dmitry! I just read your book. I must admit, at first I thought that the book would be 300 pages long! :) My impressions after reading it were positive - I wanted to move mountains! Written in accessible language, many examples and, best of all, personal experience.

Alexander Shalovkin

Thanks for the book. Everything is clear, clear and to the point.

[email protected]

A very useful book, especially for beginning authors. The book is presented in accessible language, so I learned a lot of useful information. Thank you very much, I hope I will learn a lot of useful things. Thank you very much!

Just a minute :)

Surely, you are interested in making extra money on the Internet.
I offer tools that I have been using myself for several years:

Best regards, Maxim.

I won’t copy many reviews; I hope the reader understands that the book has a certain value.

And there is no need to say that writing (recording a video) such a product will take a lot of time, effort and money. I literally wrote the book in a weekend. True, I’ve been planning it for much longer. You just have to take it and do it.

The next important step is to create a subscription page, a special subscription form. This is actually the person where you will direct traffic. I repeat, the traffic is not purchased, but visitors to your blog, sometimes the readers themselves will recommend you.

Again, creating such a page is not difficult. I learned this thanks to the course by Alexander Borisov, about which. Of course, the landing page can be made drop-dead beautiful, polished, and bright. The question is different - what is your goal? subscription page? In my opinion, it is extremely simple: convert a visitor into a subscriber.

I wrote in more detail about the secrets of landing pages in. I recommend that you read it carefully. I am sure that you will learn a lot of useful things for yourself.

For those who have the opportunity, experiment with designs, shapes, etc. But the most important thing is value. If it exists, the person will subscribe. Don't believe me? The numbers tell a different story))

Tip #3. Recommendation from a reputable specialist, a recognizable person.

Just recently I felt the full power of such a recommendation. I'll tell you in detail how it all happened. I got acquainted with the course “Money” by Vladimir Belyaev, studied it, and began to implement tips and recommendations into my life. Naturally, I wrote a detailed, truthful review about this product and how it affected me -.

To be honest, I was very surprised that Vladimir Belyaev paid attention to me. And just at this time he was recording a video course on copywriting and making money from articles. I asked to see the book...

I just read your book from A to Z. Very insightful. Today I’m recording a short video course on this topic and I’ll put your book in the archive, if you don’t mind.

I promise to be useful to all those readers who have already come (will still come) on his recommendation. And there are already a lot of them - 81 subscribers in less than 6 days. See the screenshot below.

Tip #4. Guest posts, natural links to you.

Guest posts have a good effect not only on traffic to your resource, but also on a certain level of expertise and your authority. In your guest post, it is advisable to include both a link to your blog and to your newsletter.

Unfortunately, due to lack of time, I spend little time on guest posts. But good work were written. Here, for example, is one of them.

Natural links

It’s not for nothing that they say that natural links work best. After all, it’s true that when an author puts a link to you without asking, for free – this is only a plus. Try to build up your natural link mass. I especially liked the article by “my teacher”, where he talks about his best students.

Competitions are a great opportunity to express yourself and attract a regular audience that didn’t know about you. There was a significant surge in traffic and comments on the blog after winning the prizes, the same effect was noticed in, where everyone described their personal experience.

Yes, most readers will simply look at the competition posts, or, at most, write something in the comments. But there are also those who will look at what kind of newsletter this is, and look at the page about me. Eh, I wish I could take a place in the top three and evaluate the effect))) Under no circumstances am I hinting at anything to the jury members of this competition.

Re-read the title of this paragraph again. Yes, you won’t believe it, a subscriber is a person. This is by no means a soulless e-mail, of which there are simply a lot today. If you decide to solve a reader’s problem, help, answer letters, give advice, conduct webinars, etc. And do it for free. Of course, for those who want everything at once, there are paid products and consultations, I don’t argue with that.

Respect your readers, share with them interesting content, personal experience, arrange surveys to find out what exactly they want to see in the newsletter/blog.

Trusting, friendly relationships with the reader are the key to success. I don’t even have anything to add here.

If you don't understand that subscription base- this is your golden asset, a source of income that constantly needs to be developed, re-read this post again. I would like to emphasize the following – TARGET SUBSCRIBER BASE. There is no point in having 1000, 10,000 subscribers who will not open your letters, read them, look at offers, and in the future, buy from you.

Therefore, focus specifically on the target subscriber base, plan how to increase it, think about where to get subscribers, what work needs to be done for this. Use social media for these purposes. I won’t write about them, because of my personal experience of promotion in social networks Hardly ever.

You can find me in:

Not long ago, “Media Station” was in trouble interesting question: Is buying followers effective for promoting an Instagram account? The experts interviewed were clear: the benefits of “dead souls” are practically zero. This brings up a new question: what methods can provide users with a continuous increase in the number of followers? Is only interesting content enough for this? Let's listen to the opinions of professionals.

Svetlana ZamaratskayaHead of PR agency Promo Interactive

You won't live on content alone. Before your engaging posts start working for you, attracting more and more followers, you have to put in a lot of work. And here the main question is - what to do? As Keanu Reeves said, “Something as simple as paying attention can take up a lot of your time.” And here two words will help you: mass following and mass liking. Simply put, in order to attract attention to your account, you must take the initiative yourself: subscribe to the accounts of potential partners, clients, find relevant accounts using hashtags, like them, leave your comments. Small, but important note: comments, not advertisements! You can search for users by geotags or hashtags of your competitors. If it’s difficult to do this manually, then today there are already services that allow you to like and follow in automatic mode. And here there is already freedom for the soul who wants followers: you can choose a city, gender, indicate interests, etc. Perhaps this is the only legal way to attract not bots, but real people.

Alexey Bodrov Co-owner, director of client service Little Big Agency

Of course, content is 80, I would even say 90% of the success of your Instagram account. You cannot achieve popularity on Instagram without quality content. Unless you are already popular all over the world and simply announce that you are getting yourself new account(this most likely applies to world show business stars, athletes, presidents), then a huge number of people can immediately subscribe to it. And all the same, if interesting content does not begin to appear in the account over time, people will gradually unsubscribe.

By high-quality and interesting content, I mean not only photographs High Quality, it could be some cool idea brought to life by an artist (illustrator) or some kind of technological account that can be linked to other accounts, an account with funny videos, useful account and much more.

As I said, a lot depends on content and it is the most effective method of increasing the number of subscribers. High-quality content that is interesting to your audience will work as word of mouth and promote you yourself. Moreover, the content can be not only visual, but also textual; I have come across quite popular profiles where long texts were the main feature of the account, and there is an audience who likes it. Again, the text should be interesting, or useful, or all three. But personally, I still think of Instagram as more of a visual social network with beautiful images.

At the end of 2015, it became possible to place targeted advertising on Instagram, this is done through Facebook, many articles have already been written about this. This is an effective method that allows you to clearly target the audience you need. But this is a relatively expensive method, and not everyone can afford it.

At Little Big Agency, we periodically use the mass liking tool, but we use it consciously and unobtrusively. For example, we unload a competitor’s subscriber base, remove from it accounts that we don’t need at all, and give the ones we need one like on the photo from the brand’s account. It works; some part of the competitor’s audience subscribes to our brand and subsequently interacts with us.

Also, many people use mass following tools, but we don’t resort to it only if the client really wants it.

I would also include the use of hashtags and geolocation as traditional methods of increasing the number of subscribers. People interested in the topic of the hashtag or the location where the photo was taken will see your content, and if they like it, chances are they will become your followers.

The new Instagram feed also makes its own adjustments. If previously posts were published in chronological order, now they are arranged according to the degree of interest and audience interaction with this content. How exactly the search algorithm works, I cannot say, but there are rumors that the more interactions (like, share, comment), the higher the photo is in the search results; it is also shown to those users who constantly interact with your content. If you previously published photos and did not write any captions for them, now it is better to avoid this. Provoke your audience into discussions, tag other users and respond to comments.

As part of Little Big Agency, we manage several Instagram accounts for large transnational brands, we did the first Instagram quest in Russia since forty linked accounts. We love this social network, and we have some more cool ideas that we can implement with new clients.

Irina Makarova Head of SMM department Kokoc Group

Unlike buying an audience, legal methods of attracting followers to Instagram work longer, but do not give an immediate effect after the first publication of a high-quality photo or launch of a competition. However, the quality of the attracted followers is higher: these are real people who are loyal to the brand. Here are the main ways to attract and retain them.

First, content is important. It doesn’t matter how many subscribers an account has, 50 or 5000 people, you need to create high-quality photo content in any case. Initially, it is useful to think through a creative concept - how the brand’s publications will stand out in the general feed. And further develop your idea, presenting content in a unified style.

It’s good if the photo is accompanied by an interesting, sharp eyeliner. On the one hand, this will help increase audience interest in the post. On the other hand, it will demonstrate the “humanity” of a brand that enjoys communicating with subscribers. The liner should motivate users to engage in dialogue, so it is useful to include a call-to-action (call to action) in the text, for example: “Share your impressions in the comments.” Add several popular thematic tags to each post - this will increase the chances of getting into the feeds of new users. By the way, it is useful to create your own hashtag, for example, with the name of the company or one of its areas of activity.

Posts should include geotags—the location where the photos were taken. Especially for network companies with several offline locations, which will help attract a local audience.

The timing of publications is also important. On average, a post on Instagram “lives” for about 4 hours, after which it drops lower and lower in the users’ feed. Study the hours when subscribers are most active; publications at this time will receive the greatest coverage.

Communication with the audience should also be noted. The method is simple, but, unfortunately, not all brands use it. You need to respond to any user comments, be it a question or a compliment on a product. You should not delete negative reviews: subscribers should see that the company is solving problems and not hiding them.

A traditional, but still effective method of communicating with the audience is promotions and sweepstakes, which create the image of a non-greedy brand. The optimal duration is 7-10 days, and one of the prerequisites is to indicate a subscription to the account.

Naturally, when launching competitions, there is a risk of attracting “prize-catchers” who are active only during the draws, but the number of “live” followers also increases significantly.

You can also use advertising to achieve your goal. It is useful to involve opinion leaders in promotion who can recommend the product to their subscribers. Naturally, you need to choose them based on target audience: designer jewelry is unlikely to interest followers of an autoblogger.

Direct advertising is the most expensive (from 60 rubles per subscriber), but also the fastest way to attract quality subscribers. The main thing is to correctly target your ad according to the interests, gender and age of users in order to attract the most relevant audience.

Maria Malkova Smm manager of digital agency Deltaclick | AG Deltaplan

Instagram is changing so quickly that not everyone can keep up and still use ancient methods such as mass following and mass liking. What is in the mind of the user who subscribes to the twentieth page per day about weight loss or information business? Of course, irritation. But one of the goals of social networks is loyalty. Therefore, in our projects we use only white (honest) methods of promotion.

Let us immediately note that not all methods are equally useful. What will cause a surge in the promotion of a personal page may not “shoot” for business accounts.

We highlight 10 methods (5 paid and 5 relatively free).

1. Publics. A custom post in well-promoted public pages is similar to seeding on VKontakte. Their advertising costs from 300 rubles. You need to choose a public page based on the topic and presence of the target audience.

2. Bloggers. This method is now the most popular. It’s beneficial for everyone: both the advertiser and the blogger (by the way, many become bloggers just for this reason). But it’s better to discuss the picture and text in advance: openly corrupt posts are no less annoying than mass followers. The price of one advertising post for popular housewives and fit girls starts at 10,000 rubles, although you can bargain.

3. Stars. These are the ones who large screens moved to the online world. They have several million subscribers, that is, a large base of potential subscribers, but the price for one post reaches 300,000 rubles.

4. Official Instagram advertising – targeting, which is configured through Facebook. It is shown in the news feed of potential clients/subscribers and leads to the account. If everything is done correctly and placed good post, then the influx of audience will be noticeable.

5. Marathons . This direction of attracting subscribers has been actively used by bloggers recently. The marathon is a club of interests, sometimes participation in it is paid. Bloggers unite, provide a lot of useful information, give tasks, and participants share the results on their accounts. You can become the organizer of the marathon yourself or sponsor the endeavors of others. From you - gifts, from the organizers - advertising.

6. Flash mobs. Flash mobs of beauty, sports, and awareness have taken over Instagram. It resembles a marathon, the only difference is that flash mobs are free for participants. The mechanics are the same: you need to post the results of your efforts in your personal profile with hashtags, so your reach increases. A striking example is the “no pants week” flash mob for girls. Participants post photos in skirts and dresses for 7 days and use hashtags. The main prize is a new dress, spa treatments, etc. To attract users, you can organize a flash mob yourself or provide a valuable prize.

7. Competitions. You won’t surprise anyone with a repost competition; besides, this method no longer produces the desired effect; people have learned not to notice such posts, and some have learned to benefit from it, littering their profile with hundreds of reposts. But other interesting mechanics appeared: tag three friends under a post, a contest of signatures, names, “guess a false fact,” etc.

8. Barter. A post for a product or service is another way to call this method. You can practice barter either with novice bloggers or with opinion leaders. You can also contact popular bloggers if the product offered is approximately equal in price to the cost of their post.

9. Reviews with mentions. Ask customers to leave a review tagging your profile in their personal accounts(in return you can promise a discount). Such recommendations do not always bring many users, but they will definitely be loyal.

10. Mutual posting. A technique that is effective when implemented correctly. It is better to choose a platform with the same number of users so that it is a mutually beneficial cooperation. The biggest mistake is publishing about each other at the same time. It is better to publish a mutual post at least 2 weeks later so as not to irritate users.

Do you want to become famous on YouTube? Do you want to get as many subscribers as possible? Regardless of your topic, to achieve this goal, you need to attract visitors to your YouTube channel. In this article, I will explain how to increase the number of views on your channel and the number of subscribers.

Post videos as often as possible

Post a new video at least once a week on your YouTube channel. This is very important to attract new visitors to your YouTube channel. The more videos you post on the channel, the faster it will become popular.

Your videos will appear more often in results search engines, which in turn will bring even more new visitors.

Make yourself a schedule and stick to it

Try uploading your video at the same time of the week, every week. Tell your visitors when your next video will be available, which will entice them to return to your YouTube channel as soon as you add a new video.

YouTube users prefer to subscribe to channels that upload videos regularly rather than those that post occasionally.

Add the right tags to your videos

If someone does a search online and your video shows up in the results, but the subject of the search doesn't match your video because you didn't put the right tags, they'll stay on your channel for a few seconds and leave, never to return.

Appropriate tags allow your video to appear in search results for of this type video.

Use multi-word tags as well as single-word tags. People often search the Internet by typing complete sentences.

Take the time to come up with a good title for your video. A video with a good title is more likely to end up at the top of search results than a video with a worse title. Take, for example, a video where you show a cookie recipe. A poorly titled video would be “cookie recipes.” Instead, consider the title as "Make Delicious Cookies in Under 15 Minutes."

You see the second title gives more detailed information about the video, it also contains several keywords, which search engines love.

Descriptions that give detailed information about the video

Only the first lines of your description will appear in search results, so make sure those first lines give a good idea of ​​the content of your video.

Include the required number of keywords in the description, but do not overdo it, two or three are enough.

Planning the structure of your videos

Good script.

This will help you create very good videos without, it will allow you to stay consistent in your video content. The script will also help you not to be distracted from the topic of your video and focus the audience’s attention on its content.

Post a video on a topic you know well

The most successful videos are made by people who love what they do. Stand out and not make films that look the same as others. You will have much more success if you focus on what you want to do to develop and become famous.

Start phrase

The intro is one of the most important parts of the video. It must attract the viewer's attention, it must inspire the viewer to view. The introduction should be short but captivating. Viewers will not be able to stand an introduction that lasts more than 10 - 15 seconds. These frames include the name, graphics and some details. Pay attention to them quickly, and then immerse the viewer in the center of your video's theme.

Pay attention to the rhythm of your video

It is important to monitor the pace of your video so that the viewer does not get bored. Don't try to give too much information at once. If you are making a large video tutorial, consider dividing the video content into several parts.

On the other hand, make sure that your content is interesting enough to justify the length of the video. If a viewer begins to lose interest in a video, even for a second, there is a chance that they will not stay and go watch another video.

If you're making large videos, adding small breaks will also give the viewer a chance to think about what they saw before continuing.

At the end of the video, ask the viewer to help you

Use annotations to insert a Subscribe button on your YouTube channel. Make sure this button does not interfere with the video and allow it to appear at the end of the video.

Create your own clips

Video editing.

Some small changes can make a big difference between your videos and the thousands of videos posted on YouTube. Remove all errors and bad frames.

Take some time to learn how to use video editing software. You can find and download a large number of such programs on the Internet for free. In addition, many cameras are sold with software for video editing.

Use transitions

If you are making a series of videos based on the same topic, use the transitions and effects that you can include in your video. These effects will give a unique and personal touch that will appear more professional to the person watching your videos.

Don't underestimate the impact of the transitions you use in your video.

Make your name popular

Consistency, the leitmotif of your channel

Make sure the videos you create are relevant to the theme of your channel. For example, if you started with videos where you review movies, don't upload videos showing you cooking. You will lose visitors if they realize that the videos you create are not what they expected.

You can create multiple YouTube channels to solve various issues. This will allow you to link your different channels while maintaining your original content and keeping your subscribers on topic.

Contact with your subscribers

You will strengthen this community on your channel by constantly responding to comments left by visitors to your channel. Also promptly remove comments that may disturb other visitors.

Subscribe to other channels

Find channels with common interests and subscribe to them. Leave smart and well-written comments and you will see that they attract visitors to your YouTube channel. Remember that YouTube is a community, you will get good results in terms of gaining subscribers by communicating with them than if you only post videos.

Advertise your channel

You can also promote your YouTube channel using other social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. Tell your friends on Facebook and Twitter that you have uploaded a new video. If you also have a website or blog, you can provide a direct link to your YouTube channel so that your readers learn more about you and watch your videos.

Be confident in yourself and the videos you upload.

Avoid making promises that you cannot keep.

Be unique.

YouTube is looking for people who can offer what others can't. Design, personal signature, name, sound, or anything that you alone know how to do. Don't give up, it will take time, but don't despair.

Do not use obscene words in your videos, it has a negative impact on viewers who are watching the video for the first time.

Don't pay attention to the nasty comments, they are written out of envy. Remove them and continue on your way.

Try to upload a video every two or three days, if you can do it with your schedule, it will strengthen the connection between you and your subscribers.


Some people will not appreciate your videos and will leave you comments filled with insults. Don't take it personally, just try to improve in your videos.

In addition to this, some users insult you in the comments for their own pleasure to insult you. Be careful, some people would like to act like idiots, you will only encourage them if you start responding to their insults.

This is how today’s article turned out. If you read it to the end and liked it, I invite you to subscribe to the newsletter of this site (form below), and also visit my channel YouTube, you will find a lot of interesting things!

To attract subscribers to your mailing list, you need to perform a certain set of actions. Most of these activities are quite well tested.

In general, any action that can attract new subscribers to the mailing list should be perceived as useful and necessary. Another thing is that there will always be more or less successful actions.

The most effective and efficient ways to attract subscribers are discussed in the article by Max Heeger...

“Finally, the 10 Main Secrets of Collecting Targeted Subscribers for Your Mailing List Are Available to You!”

This article talks about the most effective ways to attract targeted subscribers to your email list.

And, of course, we are talking only about legal and voluntary ways to create your “hot” subscription list.

But first, let's deal with the question -


Many people don't understand this, so I'll explain.

"Subscription list"– this is your main ASSET in electronic business. An ASSET is something that brings you a constant stream of profit. PASSIVE, on the contrary, only takes away your money. Your subscription list consists of those people (subscribers) who, of their own free will, entrusted you with their email address in order to receive interesting, useful and free information from you on a periodic basis.

This information should help these people better understand the area you are writing about and, of course, help them solve their own life problems.

That is why, if you have a subscription list of several thousand email addresses to which you periodically send valuable and useful materials, advise subscribers, respond to FAQ to this audience, you recommend to them from your experience how to save time, effort and money on solving problems on the topic of your newsletter, then, thus, you will form a multi-thousand “hot” audience of your future grateful clients and partners.

Once you have collected your subscription list (with high-quality mailing), you get the cheapest and most effective advertising method known today! Having such a “fat” channel for instant communication with thousands and thousands of people who are interested in your activities, who trust you, you automatically get the opportunity to benefit from permanent basis unlimited profits. The restrictions here depend only on the size of your subscription list and on your skill as a newsletter author and advertiser.

Another important point is that in order to maintain your subscription list in a “hot” state, as well as in an ACTIVE state, you need to devote only 3-5 days a month to maintaining the mailing list. And the costs of maintaining your subscription list can be absolutely ridiculous - from $10 to $40 per month. In some cases, these costs can be reduced to zero! The profit from each issue of your newsletter can range from $100 to $10,000 and more! Moreover, there is no upper limit for these figures. If you have a large subscription list, if it is brought into a state of increased trust in you as a professional, if you masterfully manage the mailing list, then you can earn disproportionately more!

So, to the question “WHY DO YOU NEED TO HAVE YOUR OWN SUBSCRIBE LIST?” there is a direct answer:

Because it UNPRECEDENTEDLY PROFITABLE AND PROFITABLE at the right approach to the point!

So, in order to attract as many subscribers as possible to your invaluable subscription list, you need to follow 10 steps:

1. Create your website (thematic center) on the topic of the future newsletter:

Absolutely right! Your newsletter is not created for the site, but on the contrary - your site is created so that its visitors can then be converted into your subscribers. It is an old mistake to think that a website is the main tool for making money on the Internet. Of course, it will bring you some income of its own, but this income will never be comparable in size to the income that you can derive from your subscription list.

The site is simply an intermediate point that brings people to your mailing list, and then helps these people order something through you (or from you) and purchase. But 80% of advertising work and communication is carried out thanks to the mailing list on your subscription list.

What kind of website do you need to create? This should be a topical information center containing a lot of useful materials on the topic in which you are going to develop your business. This site should attract targeted traffic from the Internet.

For example, if you are going to sell information materials about how to properly grow flowers, how to become a competent gardener, then you must create a website - a thematic center on gardening and floriculture. You should fill it with quality materials on this topic and present them in the most convenient form for visitors.

Your first task is to achieve constant incoming targeted traffic to this site. You need people who are interested in this topic on the Internet and they can get to your site through search engines, through catalogs, through contextual advertising, and through various other methods, and then become subscribers to your mailing list.

The method of attracting subscribers through a website, in my experience, is the most effective and fruitful. It is through the website that you can attract targeted subscribers. Subscribers interested in the subject of the subscription.

2. Place a subscription form for your newsletter on your website.

After you have created your website, you immediately need to open your mailing list, for example, on the mailing list service, then create a subscription form for this mailing list, and then place a subscription form for your mailing list along with a small advertising text on each page of your thematic center.

A small advertising text preceding the subscription form should show the main benefit of subscribing to your newsletter and motivate every visitor to immediately become your subscriber. In general, this is the main goal of your site and remember this!

3. Create a pop-up POPOVER window on the main page of your site.

Once you have placed a subscription form in a prominent place on each page of your site - thematic center, the next important step in attracting subscribers is to create a pop-up window in which you also need to place a motivational text for subscribing to your newsletter and then a subscription form.

This text can be made more detailed, but still small. And when you have a pop-up POPOVER window ready, you make it pop up on the main page of your site right under the nose of every site visitor.

With this technique alone, you can attract three times as many subscribers to your subscription! To implement the pop-up window function, you can use a special pop-up window generator POPOVER on the service inside the mailing list author’s account.

4. The best motivation to subscribe to your newsletter is to receive a free gift!

One of the most effective ways to encourage a subscriber to subscribe to your newsletter is his desire to receive something very valuable from you for free! And in order to best satisfy such a person’s impulse, there are two methods:

Firstly, you can create some small e-book (or several) on the topic of your newsletter and website. In this e-book you can share some useful tips and valuable tricks from your personal experience, or from the knowledge of other people on the topic of your site and newsletter. The main thing is that this book is truly of interest and value to your potential subscriber. So, when subscribing, you write everywhere that every subscriber, after completing the process of subscribing to your newsletter, will receive this e-book as a gift! Then you upload this book to your website.

If you use the service to conduct your mailing, then you need to create your mailing as a series of letters and load only one letter into it (with the letter sending offset = 0). Such an email will be sent to the subscriber automatically immediately after confirming their subscription to your newsletter. In this letter, you thank the subscriber for trusting you and subscribing to your subscription list, and at the bottom of the letter you provide a link to the bonus e-book already located on your website.

Secondly, you can create an email course consisting of a series of messages automatically delivered to the subscriber’s address. This could be some kind of training course, divided into separate lessons or chapters, connected sequentially. This could be some kind of successful presentation of your products or services, consisting of a certain number of steps. This can be consistent and exciting instructions on how to achieve some result in your field of activity.

One way or another, you first write such an email course in the form of separate, but interconnected email letters. Then, if you use the service for your work, then you create a new newsletter as a series of automatic letters and load all the messages from your email course there one after another.

What does this give? This allows each subscriber to dose and gradually receive valuable information in a certain sequence. This method does not immediately overload the subscriber big amount information, and this allows a person to remain interested in what will be in the next letter and so on until the end of the email course. You kill two birds with one stone with a series of letters - first you give free enticing information, and then gradually dissolve mistrust on the part of the person, because he gets used to receiving some kind of information from you. useful information in the form of emails.

Thus, you gain new subscribers at a high rate, then a series of letters automatically dispels their doubts and increases the degree of trust in you, and then you have the opportunity to send separate periodic newsletters to these people (for example, 1-2 times a month) and there personally communicate with subscribers, post thematic materials and advertise.

5. Create a separate mini-site for your newsletter

You should never stop at methods of attracting subscribers to your subscription list! That is why I recommend that you create (the sooner the better) a separate mini-site (one or more web pages), on which you should place:

Firstly, on the main page there is an advertising and motivational text that explains to potential subscribers what the newsletter will be about, what benefits it promises them, what type of materials will be placed in the newsletter, how often the newsletter will be sent out, how many and what benefits the newsletter provides to its subscribers. Place a subscription form for your newsletter at the top and bottom of this page. Collect feedback from your existing subscribers about the quality of the newsletter and the most best reviews place it during the advertising and motivational test. Be sure to give your guarantees that each subscriber will not receive any SPAM from you and will be able to unsubscribe from your mailing list at any time without any questions. In a word, the entire main page of the newsletter should literally suck visitors of this mini-site into the list of subscribers to your newsletter.

Secondly, on an additional page, place an archive of previous periodic issues of your newsletter. Constantly replenish this archive with issues that you periodically send to the list of your subscribers. Let new and old subscribers always have direct access to information from past newsletter issues. At the end of the archive page and on the page displaying the newsletter issue, do not forget to also insert a form for subscribing to the newsletter, as well as a small text inviting you to subscribe.

Thirdly, on another additional page you can place all the reviews about the newsletter from your subscribers. You need to constantly offer such feedback to your subscribers and encourage them to do so with various bonuses. All reviews do not need to be placed on the main page of the minisite, because only the highest quality and motivating ones should be inserted there, but full list You can post reviews about the newsletter on a special page, which I suggest you create separately. At the beginning and end of the page with reviews, also do not forget to insert a form for subscribing to the newsletter, as well as a small text inviting you to subscribe.

Let each visitor to this newsletter minisite have only two routes: either subscribe with home page to your newsletter, or be able to go to additional pages and then again have the opportunity to subscribe to your newsletter. Additional pages, in general, are just additional arguments that dispel the visitor’s doubts about whether or not to subscribe to your newsletter.

The purpose of the newsletter minisite is only ONE. Use any “tasty” ways to attract a subscriber, that is, convert a visitor to this site into your subscriber. Then, when he is yours, you can come to his mailbox yourself whenever you deem it necessary (of course, if he continues to be your subscriber of his own free will and interest).

Since your subscription list is your main ASSET, you are obliged to advertise your newsletter in new ways and increase this ASSET in volume. One of effective ways attracting targeted subscribers is mailing advertisements placed in specialized thematic catalogs.

For example, the mailing list service has its own mailing list catalog. This directory is quite visited and from there you may receive another trickle of your target subscribers. In order for your mailing list to get there, you just need to correctly fill in its data when creating it and meet the requirements for mailing lists put forward by the service.

In addition, there are other specialized mailing directories. For example, you can use other thematic centers on the topic of your mailing, which offer the placement of links or mailing lists. If your activity is somehow related to e-commerce, then your newsletter can be published within 1-2 days on the portal in a special section “Email newsletters”.

Since the portal’s traffic is already approaching and sometimes exceeding 1000 unique visitors per day, then this can give you hundreds and hundreds of subscribers in a fairly short period of time.

There are many other directories in which you can advertise your newsletter completely free of charge. It is enough just to search for them well using search servers (,, etc.).

7. Place paid contextual advertising announcing your newsletter.

When you have a mailing list minisite, you can experiment with paid advertisements for your mailing list, which you can place on services contextual advertising(such as:,, This is the easiest way to attract targeted subscribers directly from search engines and from the most visited sites on the Internet related to the topic of your ad.

Of course, this advertising method will already require some financial expenses, so you can start using it not immediately, but when all other methods of attracting subscribers are already quite well established and worked out.

If you use the service to conduct your mailings, then be sure to use the “SUBSCRIPTION CHANNELS” function (it is available inside the author’s account in the “MARKETER” section). This function will help you collect complete statistics about which channel each of the subscribers in your subscription list was attracted through. Based on such statistics, you can clearly judge which of the methods you use to attract subscribers are the most effective and which do not bring the desired result.

8. Use viral marketing to get a stream of subscribers.

Viral marketing is implemented through the creation and proper distribution of copyrighted materials, each of which contains blocks with advertising for your mailing list and “backlinks” (generate return traffic) to the minisite of your mailing list. Such materials can be your original articles, your e-books, Your multimedia products on the topic of the newsletter, which you distribute for free so that they can then begin their own reproduction and wide distribution among your target audience. It all depends on the quality and usefulness of the materials. If you create truly worthy materials, then people will definitely study them themselves, and then pass them on to others, etc. This way they will begin to be transmitted like a virus to others :)

Remember that each such material must contain advertising of your newsletter and a mandatory link to a page of either the newsletter minisite or thematic center where a person can quickly subscribe to your newsletter.

This is the main point of creating and distributing such materials for free, so you must make sure that this advertising is present there in a prominent place and cannot be removed from there.

A very powerful method of receiving immediately large quantity target subscribers to your newsletter is partnership and mutual exchange of materials with other authors of newsletters who already have quite significant subscription lists (from 3000-5000 subscribers and above). They can be found in mailing directories, including the directory on

But such a partnership will be possible only if you can offer the other newsletter author really high-quality and interesting materials, or favorable financial terms of cooperation. If this is the case, then it is quite simple to agree on the publication of your material in another newsletter. Such material should not be an advertisement for anything, it must contain a valuable benefit in itself, and at the end of this material you can place a small author’s block in which you can indicate an advertisement for your mailing list and provide a link to the mailing mini-site.

Affiliate marketing is generally a very powerful thing, if, of course, it is used correctly. And the main rule here is this: think about your partner and his interests more than your own. If you can find out what your partner needs and offer it to him in good quality, then you are guaranteed cooperation for a long time. It is very important to stop being selfish in this type of interaction and pulling the “blanket” over yourself.

If you already have several thousand subscribers on your subscription list, then you can agree with the author of another mailing list on a related topic about mutual advertising. That is, about the exchange of subscribers.

It looks like this - you advertise his newsletter in yours, and he advertises your newsletter in his. This way you share your audience with another author. Both sides always benefit from this.

10. Create and properly manage your electronic diary– BLOG.

Do you think that running your own BLOG is just fun? Nothing like this! Blogging is an excellent marketing tool that has several main objectives, two of which are:

Firstly, of course, attracting target subscribers to your subscription list. This is realized thanks to the subscription form, which you need to integrate in a prominent place on your blog. Everyone who ends up in one way or another on your blog, if they are interested in you and your materials, will be happy to subscribe to your newsletter.

Secondly, establishing feedback with the audience and challenging them to respond.

It is very important not only to attract subscribers to your list, but also to constantly communicate with them feedback in order to evaluate their attitude towards you, your materials, your actions, as well as find out their opinion on different topics Your newsletter. For this purpose, blogging and constantly provoking subscribers to visit your blog through your newsletter is an ideal tool.

On a blog you can experiment, publish what was not included in the newsletter, talk about yourself and your life. In short, a BLOG is an excellent tool for erasing mistrust in you as a living person and person, in you as a specialist.


There are many other ways to attract subscribers to your subscription list. It’s difficult to even list them in one article, so I just concentrated on the most effective and accessible to any of you.

One way or another, in this article I tried to explain to you how important it is to have your own “hot” subscription list, constantly maintain your mailing list, and how to quickly expand your list of subscribers to tens of thousands of people and even hundreds of thousands.

If you constantly and competently apply the described methods, then FAT and HOT Your subscription list is guaranteed!

If you collect your subscription list based on the above methods, and also conduct your mailing using such modern and high-quality tools for email marketing as the mailing list service -, then your success and high profits will now depend only on your personal ingenuity and mastery of mailing!