How to become a public figure on Instagram

Instagram is the most fashionable social network with more than 130 million registered users. Instagram has its own stars. They have thousands of subscribers and are always at the top. But they are popular not only because they have learned to tell their stories through high-quality photographs. Anyone can become popular on Instagram using 6 simple ways.

In turn, on other profiles you can see sequences of photos that, after switching to the main profile, form the entire image. This great way for the brand to present an important message - for example, about the premiere of a new collection.

Many people keep profiles not because they want to buy the products featured, but because they can find inspiring content on them. It's not just photographs that can inspire you ready-made sets clothes, interior design suggestions or a delicious dinner recipe. Since users will certainly find elements in them that they will later use, they are not inclined to share this type of content. So what do you do to make photos accessible?

Get your profile right

You should start your ladder of fame on Instagram with your personal page. Information about yourself in your profile needs to be presented in an interesting and original way. Write a few lines that represent you, center the text, and add a couple of interesting emoticons.

Do not make your account private under any circumstances, this will only complicate the task of gaining a large number of subscribers.

If you link both profiles, you can use the ability to post photos in both places at the same time. When choosing photos to publish, try to immediately reject low-quality photos. During processing, pay attention to the frame itself and its sharpness. Most of them are too intense, which makes the processed photos look artificial. Play with colors, be moderate.

Remember - the more natural, the better! Is your profile tagged in a picture posted by a fan? Or maybe someone called you out on a photo comment or email? Remember that direct contact with followers is The best way increase loyalty among them. Everyone wants to feel honest and valued, so express emotions, praise and enjoy with your fans!

Accounts in which photos are marked with one common theme look stylish and original. Of course, you can always go beyond your topic, but a page dedicated only to fashion will attract fashionistas and fashionistas who will subscribe and show interest in your photos.


The best way to promote on Instagram is to post really cool photos. If you love to travel, then you simply must share pictures of beautiful landscapes with your subscribers.

Is there an easier way to attract users? Most often, you can observe competitions that consist of sharing photos posted by the brand, creating your own post with a highlighted hashtag, or submitting competition entries using the so-called.

This way, the content you post will also appear in the tabs. However, if you think this will give them a free ad, which you'd rather avoid, create tags that don't sell.

Do you have a pet? Great! This is a sure step towards wild popularity, because everyone loves cats, dogs and other pets.

Do you like to pamper your household with delicious dishes? Amazing! You are practically an Instagram star already. As statistics have shown, Instagrammers most often like photos:

  • cool cars,
  • expensive and beautiful things,
  • children,
  • family holidays,
  • animals,
  • original food.

By adding a photo of the streets of Warsaw, you can tag Accounts, creating similar content. Don't forget to regularly remind your fans of your existence. User interest is very difficult, but it takes some time to lose it. So stick to high-level and fixed photo posting posts.

In the end, the most important principle is the absolute basis of marketing in in social networks. Do not buy fans under any circumstances! Increasing the number will not result in any real increase in engagement in the form of comments or likes, and you may be exposed as a follower. Fake bills can be recognized very easily because they usually look the same.

A unique dog named Tyuna became popular on Instagram due to his malocclusion.

The most followed person on Instagram is Justin Drew Bieber, a Canadian pop-R&B singer, songwriter, musician and actor.

Have you tried one of the above methods? Or maybe you have your own methods to attract fans? Share your ideas in the comments! By using them we can give our photography a unique character. Thanks to filters, even not very good photos can look at least decent. If you post your first photos or videos using the right filters and relevant hashtags, you will quickly gain your first followers. We should always publish content for our recipients.

What hashtags are they checking to find interesting photos? It is worth remembering the search more recipients. If you like other people's movies or comment on interesting photos and start following someone, you have a chance to gain another follower. Do you want to explore examples of interesting profiles and custom campaigns? But with sheep fever, they began pouring out their soup of information, hoping that following a fashion trend would bring them closer to success.

The owner of the most beautiful butt in the entire history of Instagram.

The most popular photograph is that of American fashion model Kendall Jenner.


Be sure to sign your photos with hashtags. In combination with beautiful photographs, tags can really give a large number of new followers. Instagram users very often look for photos of certain things or places, so describe your photos with hashtags in as much detail as possible, and then those who find an informative photo using your tag will definitely follow you.

He will not get closer until he understands that most of these tendencies are being compressed by those who have become the environment. In the last century, Canadian communication theorist Herbert Marshall McLuhan came up with the theory that is currently most widely used. "The medium is the message."

He believed that media is not only television or radio, but also the telephone, home, car and even clothing. And what does this have to do with success in the blogosphere? Have you ever wondered how it is that you can say exactly the same thing as a media traffic expert or celebrity, but your thoughts and words go unnoticed? In the end, you speak exactly the same, and sometimes you even realize that you are wiser and speak much more interestingly.

Don’t forget about popular hashtags and be sure to include them in your photos.

Today there are quite a lot of such tags, monitor them and choose the ones most suitable for your account topic.

Communication in the community

An active position and friendliness in communities is the key to your future popularity. People love communication, but be sincere, as falsehood can be felt even through the Internet. Be sure to find people with similar interests, rate their photos, and leave comments. As statistics show, it is a pleasant and sincere comment under a photo that arouses the interest of its author and, as a rule, this person goes to the profile, likes and subscribes to the commentator.

McLuhan believed that content is secondary. Much less important than the environment itself is that it controls and shapes the scope and form of human activity. And what’s important is that it becomes an “extension” of ourselves, one of our senses or their various combinations.

No matter what you say, it matters who says it. Therefore, if you are an internet creator, blogger, want to succeed, you need to understand one important thing. You are the most important and you must become a medium within yourself. You, with the environment of blood and bones, you are like a means. Because they are today, they will not be tomorrow. The world is dynamic, trends fade, but you will survive.

Promotion in other social networks

Surely you have accounts on other social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter and VKontakte, so why not use them to promote your photos? Set up simultaneous posting or share links to your photos on other social networks and you will significantly expand your potential audience.

A popular blog is dominated by the person who survives without it. Most often by topic, i.e. keywords. But where do you stay for long? Mainly for those who were convinced by the author himself. You will understand this better with the example of the dark knight. Why did Batman become average? Because he went beyond his natural environment, which was a comic book. No matter where or how it appears in the future, it will be a recognizable medium, a transmission medium in itself. And the same thing today distinguishes the best, popular bloggers who are successful and make money from their activities.

Use filters

Statistics show that users like photos processed with special filters more than others. Thanks to the built-in photo editor, you can apply filters right on Instagram. But of the 28 built-in filters, the most popular are:

  • X-Proll,
  • Normal,
  • Hefe,
  • earlybird,
  • Rise,
  • Amaro,
  • Valencia,
  • Brannan,
  • Hudson
  • Lomo-fi.

These filters will help significantly improve the quality of your photo and give it an interesting highlight.

This is transmedia. They can be perfectly transferred to another aircraft and be effective without a blog. Sign up for charity campaigns, write a book, guide, blog post, launch a program, speak at an event, comment on media events, be a news inspiration.

It is the ability to adapt to a completely different place and context. The more you can operate outside of your blog, the more you become transmedia and the more you become a medium. A medium that people will want to listen to, inspire, quote. Because it's important that you say it.

If you stick to these simple tips, then you will quickly become popular on Instagram. But remember that the most important thing in achieving success is beautiful photographs filled with history. Without high-quality photographs, any action will not bring any results. Live a rich life - travel, attend interesting events, do what you love, relax and when you realize that you have something to tell and show to the world.

You can then blindly follow trends because people will follow their favorite medium wherever it appears. We give you 12 tips to increase the number of your friends, followers. For many of us, “success” on social media depends on the number of followers.

Before you get too wild, you can count on your friends to build a solid base of followers. To do this, go to the options and then find people to follow. Go to the "Edit your profile" section and make sure that the "positions are closed" option is not selected.

There are already several dozen photos on your Instagram, but no one except your best friend likes them, and new friends are in no hurry to appear? For a cozy home “event recorder”, which is kept in personal diary mode, this is normal. You simply leave marks as a souvenir. If you want something more, then you need to take a closer look at Instagram and slightly adjust the strategy for its development. It won't take much time.

Make sure your profile is public. Most users probably won't even notice, but for those who take the time to read your bio, it will be just a presentation to make them want to follow you. Your biography can be read by everyone.

Add a caption to your photos

Describe the situation as accurately as possible to provide users with a bit of context, while avoiding overuse of hashtags.

Feel free to specialize in one sector

This way, users can more easily identify with the type of photo and choose to follow you or not. So, let your imagination run wild.

1. Have something to say

First of all, you need to decide on the theme of your Instagram. Photos of coffee from Starbucks and new sneakers, as well as other everyday nonsense, which is often called the buzzword lifestyle, will not attract subscribers. Unless you have already become a famous person. Analyze your own life: what interests you most, what could you constantly find new facets of? See which photos on your account have the most likes and comments. Now there are so many directions that you can take very narrow segments: your own drawings, landscapes, textures, shadows, books... Whatever! At least take pictures of the same place on the street every day, showing how it changes depending on the weather, time of day and people around you. The main thing is that it is interesting.

Post photos at the right time

Our language is of course used by the Italian community, but if you want to get more followers we recommend using English language. Some sites offer wonderful solutions, but do not adhere to the terms of the social network. One of the most common ways to get liked is to appear at the top of search results for a specific hashtag. It is a matter of a few seconds, but in such a short time you will have to win the majority of followers.

Use third party applications to provide original content

Unfortunately, you can't schedule your posts at this time, so you'll have to do some research and arm yourself with good will. Follow all these tips and you will see the number of followers gradually increase. The increase won't be immediate, but the key to success is persistence.

You can combine a couple of different topics in one account, for example, photographs of cats and smiling people on public transport. Maximum - 3 if they are closely related. If there are more topics that you can cover efficiently, then create a separate account for each of them. It will be more difficult to post photos, but it will be much easier to attract subscribers.

Chapters for our guide. However, recently one of these applications has become increasingly popular. Do you want to get more and more ratings on your profile and want your visibility to grow in this environment? Well, it's not as difficult as you imagine! No one will click next if you come across a profile with no photos, little or no interest. However, for this you need powerful phone to capture the best shots. Another important thing is to know the preferences of those who follow you, to know what is suitable for publication and what is not.

2. Let there be light!

The most important technical detail when posing a shot is light. Try to keep everything in your frame well lit. Then the pictures will be clear. If you decide to photograph something at dusk, you will have to find high-quality equipment that will take good pictures. A regular smartphone camera will only be able to capture vague shadows or objects unnaturally illuminated by the flash.

3. Every day as scheduled

Photos need to be posted regularly. Moreover, this does not mean at all that the more often the better. Regularly means measuredly. It is not necessary to make a new post every day, but if you don’t appear for more than 2-3 days, your subscribers will forget about you or get bored. If you took a whole bunch of beautiful and suitable shots at once, then “save” some of them. A large flow of even the most beautiful photos will irritate users of the service. Post a couple, tell us what else you have as a starter, and then post 1-2 photos per day.

4. #How to be hashtags

Think of hashtags as an acid that you need to add to a chemical compound for a reaction to occur. You can’t do without it, just like you can’t do without hashtags - it’s through them that many subscribers find topics that interest them. But if you add too much, everything will spoil or even explode into thin air. Have you ever seen an Instagram post where under a regular frame there are several dozen hashtags that are much longer than the caption? This annoys everyone.

It is advisable that there are no more than 5-6 hashtags. In this case, 2-3 can be made as general as possible, and the rest - as “point-specific” as possible in relation to what is happening in the frame. This is how you can attract the maximum audience.

5. We are not alone here

To successfully promote Instagram, you need to interact with other users. Feel free to like your friends and similar channels, feel free to subscribe to everyone with a similar topic. If there are other people with Instagram accounts in your photos, be sure to tag them. Geotagging can also be useful: the more precise, the better. But you shouldn’t get involved in adventures with “you give me, I give you” and bots.

Real users don’t like such cheaters, but you want to convey your creativity to real people, and not get several thousand “dead souls” as subscribers.

6. Black and white is the hit of the season

A difficult question: is it worth using Instagram’s built-in filters? Some of them may actually look good in average quality photographs, but in most photographs they are immediately visible and are quite crudely arranged. If you want to process your own photos with filters, then it’s better to put additional application with great possibilities. At the same time, this will help you stand out from other Instagram accounts on your topic.

7. It's all about technique

Don’t be lazy and study the technical capabilities of your camera, even if it is very simple, built into a smartphone. Any camera has nuances of light, correction, focusing and other things. They may not always be useful to you, but technical diversity will help you make good shot, unlike the others.

Reading books on photography will also benefit you, even if you definitely won’t use half of the techniques you read. The literature on reportage photography is especially good, since any Instagram user is first and foremost a reporter of his own life.

8. Shall we talk?

Each photo must have a caption in addition to hashtags and geotags. Sometimes people follow Instagram precisely because of witty comments. There is no need to make it too large and expanded - after all, people don’t come to Instagram to read. However, it will be useful to ask questions from the audience from time to time to get feedback - answers and comments. At the same time, you will learn first-hand what people like or don’t like about your posts.

9. Fashion for the people

Fashion trends often appear on Instagram, which in one way or another affect almost all users. Remember, for example, the Prisma application, which turned photos into paintings. Or endless photos of Pokemon from the game of the same name in unexpected places. Such “fashionable things” must be used carefully. If they have just appeared, then you can use them when they fit the theme of the channel.

But if the “trend” has been around for several weeks, then it’s better not to touch it, even if it suits you. Users are probably tired of the dominance of this topic in their feed, so there is no need to annoy them again. You can use the idea in a month, when the hype subsides. Then it will look like a kind of retro reminder.

10. From every iron

Cross-promotion can attract many new subscribers. This means that you need to set up automatic messages about new Instagram photos on other social networks. Almost all major social networks now work perfectly with Instagram, so you won’t need to do anything, but your friends and any “mimicrocodiles” will be able to follow the link to your photo channel.