How to change account on an Android device. How to change Google account on Android device

Anyone who uses a smartphone based on the Android operating system knows that many functions of this system are tied to a Google account. For example, without a Google account you cannot download applications from the store Google Play Market, also standard phone book synchronization and much more will not work without an account.

Therefore, if you lose access or have any other problems with your Google account, you need to change it on your Android device. In this material we will talk about how this is done using the example of Android 5.0 and Android 8.0.

Changing Google account to Android 5.0

In order to change your Google account on a smartphone with Android 7.0, you need to go to the settings and open the “Accounts” section, which is located in the “Personal data” settings block.

As a result, you will be taken to the list of services for which accounts are used on this Android smartphone. Here you need to find Google and go to it.

After this, a page will open with information about the Google accounts you logged into. In most cases there is only one account here, open it to continue.

Next, the synchronization settings for given by Google account. In order to change this Google account to another, you must first delete it. To do this, click on the button with three dots on the right top corner screen.

And in the window that opens, select the item “”.

Now you can proceed directly to the change Google account. To do this, return to home page Android settings and go to the “Accounts” section again. Now here you need to click on the “Add account” button, select “Google” in the list of services and follow the instructions that will appear

After new Google the account will be added, we can assume that changing the Google account on the Android smartphone is completed.

Changing Google account on Android 8.0

On smartphones running Android 8.0, changing your Google account is a little easier. First, you need to open Android settings and go to the “Users and Accounts” section.

After this, you will see a list of all accounts on your Android smartphone. Here you need to select the Google account that you want to change.

After opening the desired account Click on the “Delete account” button.

And we confirm the deletion of the selected account.

After this, you can change your Google account to a new one. To do this, return to the main Android settings page, go to the “Users and Accounts” section, click on the “Add Account” button, select the “Google” account and follow the instructions that will appear on the screen.

This completes the change of Google account to Android 8.0, old account deleted, a new one added, you can continue to use your smartphone.

They know that using it is closely related to access to your Google account. When problems arise with accessing an account, or when you need to delete or change it, many do not know how to do this, and all this time they cannot fully use their tablet or smartphone.

Therefore, let's find out how to change the profile on Android, change or add it on your gadget.

Synchronizing the system with your account

For more convenient use Android devices preferably have a Google account

Why can’t you just delete it and continue using your tablet or smartphone? The fact is that most Android services, for example, post office, store Play Market, where applications are downloaded, do not work without connecting to such an account. In addition, it is convenient in that the information you previously entered can be used by the company - you do not need to re-register for a particular service every time.

If you want to change it or add another account, the instructions below will help you.

How to change account on Android?

If you want to change it, first erase the old help entry for the following actions:

  • Go to the settings on your gadget.
  • Select the "Accounts" section and open an existing profile.
  • Click on the delete button.

If for one reason or another you are unable to complete this operation, you will have to use alternative methods.

For example, you can via Gmail change the password in your account, and after the next time you log in, the program will ask you to re-enter this data, and then simply enter a new email and password.

When you need to delete your data, but you cannot do it using the above methods, you will have to do a factory reset Android installations. However, in this case, you will lose your saved applications and information associated with your Google profile.

The return is done like this:

  • You must select the “Settings” section.
  • Open tab " Backup and reset."
  • In the tab window, click “Erase everything”.

After you have destroyed the past using any of the above methods Android account, follow these steps:

  • Connect to the Internet.
  • Go to your device's settings.
  • Open the "Accounts" section.
  • In the menu at the top or below the list of other services, select “Add an account.”
  • In the window that appears, click on “Google”.
  • Click on the add existing profile option and enter the required information.

Be careful! You perform all the same actions if you are using a gadget that previously did not have any records - you simply go to this menu and add your data.

How to add a new entry?

If you have not yet created an account for yourself, you can create one right in the process of adding it to your device. This is done in the same way as in the situation described above, but after the “Google” item you need to click on the “New” option, and not on the “Existing” profile.

  • Connect to the Internet.
  • Write your first and last name.
  • Create an address - make sure it is easy for you to remember. If a similar name already exists, the system will warn you about it - just select a different combination.
  • Create a strong password.
  • Enter your mobile number- it will come in handy if you restore access to your data, so we strongly advise you not to skip this step.
  • Next, you will be sent a code to your phone, which you must enter in a special field.
  • After this, you just have to confirm your agreement with the terms of use of your account, view your email and password information one last time, after which the setup will be completed.

Now you know how to change your Google account on Android under different conditions - if you have another account installed on your device that needs to be deleted, or when you log in from a new gadget. In addition, we looked at how to add a profile on Android if you create it with " clean slate". As you can see, the above operations do not require any knowledge and will not take too much time, so you can handle them without any problems.

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All actions are suitable for Android versions 4.0 and higher, but there are no fundamental differences in linking a Google account in earlier versions of this OS, so the instructions are applicable to all Android devices.

  • So, first you need to get to the synchronization menu. To do this, go to “Menu” -> “Settings” -> “Accounts”. After this, you will see a list of all accounts that are synchronized with the device on your screen.
  • After that, click the "Add account" button on the top panel:

  • Here you need to select the “Google” item. I note that for each user the list of services in this menu will be different, it all depends on the number of installed applications.
  • Then we will be offered a choice - add an already created account, or create a new one. We choose the first option:

  • After this step Android system will ask you to turn on Wi-Fi if it has not already been done. Immediately after successful connection you will be prompted to enter the address Email and password from your Google account. Do it:

  • After you press the "Login" button, information will appear on the display of your device indicating that you need to wait a little for the connection to be successful. Usually everything is ready in a minute:

  • After this procedure, you can link your bank card to your account. We'll skip this step:

  • You can then choose which services you want to sync and which you don't. For example, you can unnecessarily disable Google sync Drive if you do not use this service.

  • All! The new Google account is linked to your device. It now appears in the list of accounts available to you. At any time, you can turn off synchronization, or even delete your account from the device’s memory. Attention: all information related to account will be erased immediately after its removal! Be careful!

In fact, there is nothing complicated in the process of changing a Google account. You just need to strictly follow step by step instructions and you will succeed. Good luck!