How to clean your computer from unnecessary garbage. iolo System Mechanic - cleans your PC, fixes errors and optimizes the operating system

In this article, I will tell you how to use the program to clean the computer of garbage and speed up its work, introduce the reader to several such programs and explain how to use them. Many of us would like our computers to always be stable, fast and reliable. And this is especially true for users of a modern operating room. Windows systems 10, which, unfortunately, is not without various failures, garbage, brakes and other similar shortcomings. To eliminate the latter, it is advisable to use the functionality special programs designed to optimize Windows work 7, 8, 10 getting rid of various kinds of errors.

What should the program do to clean the PC from garbage and speed up the CPU

So what does standard program to optimize your Windows 7, 8, 10 computer? Its functionality is concentrated in three main areas:

The best programs to optimize your computer Windows 7, 8, 10

So let's go straight to the list. the best programs, allowing you to increase the speed of Windows 7, 8, 10, as well as clean the registry and memory from garbage. I would like to highlight the following software products.

iolo System Mechanic - cleans your PC, fixes errors and optimizes the operating system

iolo System Mechanic(now the 15.x version of the product is on the market) is one of the most convenient optimizer programs for Windows. It detects and fixes many errors in the operating system, removes unnecessary files, speeds up loading and shutting down the OS, allows you to edit startup options, and also optimizes the settings for your existing Internet connection.

The utility has a number of unique and patented technologies (for example, ActiveCare) allowing you to more efficiently configure and optimize the system.

The disadvantages of the program, I would include the English-language functionality (for some users this may be a problem) and a paid basis (however, those who wish can look for the keys to the program on the network).

To work with the program, download it to your PC (official site), and install it on your computer. After launching, the program will automatically analyze your system, and then prompt you to go through activation via e-mail. After specifying your e-mail, you will get access to the functionality of the program and will be able to correct the errors found.

The functionality of the program is divided into 5 departments:

  • dashboard(information panel);
  • active care(setting background processes, allowing you to fix various PC errors, even if it is in an idle state);
  • liveboost– speeding up your computer;
  • Security– system security;
  • reports- reports and statistics.

Depending on the goals of the user, it is necessary to select the desired section and work with cash tools in it.

Advanced SystemCare - clean your computer of junk and speed up its work

If you are looking for software to remove malware, fixing errors in the registry and improving the performance of your computer, then Advanced SystemCare from the developer iObit is very a good option. The program is offered in two versions - paid and free, with an emphasis on speeding up your computer during computer games. This product works in the background and removes junk files that the computer automatically saves during its operation.

The program menu itself is divided into 4 main sections (the specifics may vary depending on the version of the program):

Select the desired partition and use the automatic tools in it to make your computer faster, safer and more reliable.

You can see how the functionality of the Advanced SystemCare product for cleaning up garbage looks like here:

Priform CCleaner - Removes unused files for free

If you are interested in a program to improve Windows 7 and 10, then one cannot fail to mention such a popular program as CCleaner- a product that has a high and well-deserved rating among optimization programs of this genre. The program has three main versions - free, professional, and professional plus, which differ in their capabilities and functionality. The product is localized (which is very convenient), has ample opportunities for cleaning the system of unnecessary files, errors (including those in the registry), working with system services, autoloading, and so on.

The functionality of the program is divided into four main sections:

  • cleaning- the program looks for errors, extra files and other garbage, deleting it;
  • Registry- analyzes the registry for errors, and then corrects the latter;
  • Service- this includes uninstalling programs, working with startup, system restore, searching for files, and so on;
  • Settings- here are the settings of the program itself.

To work with the program, select the desired section and use its capabilities.

Other software products

Other Windows optimization programs are Ashampoo WinOptimizer, Avnisoft Cloud Booster System, Slimware Utilities SlimCleaner Free, Magix PC Checker, and several others. These programs have similar functionality compared to the programs that were described above, allowing you to clean up your operating system from file garbage, fix registry errors, optimize system services, and so on. Anyone can install them on their computer and try to fix existing dysfunctions in their operating system.


How to clean your computer from garbage and speed up its work? If you need a program to optimize the performance of a Windows 7/10 PC, then I recommend paying attention to the products I have described, each of which has a fairly high user rating and rich features. In most cases, such software has some limitations in its free version, therefore, in order to gain access to the fullness of their functionality, it is worth either purchasing a paid license or trying to search for the latest on the network. As you know, who seeks - he finds.

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Best Methods PC optimization" data-essbishovercontainer="">

In fact, there is no universal program or tool on how to speed up your computer for free.

Accordingly, it is necessary to resort to several methods. Sometimes you even have to try everything.

Worst case you have to reinstall. operating system.


background programs

Most often, the reason that slows down the PC is a lot of background processes. We do not see or notice them, but they seriously load the system.

However, some of these applications are displayed in the lower right panel of the screen. Some programs in the background work secretly. You need to look for them using the task manager.

It shows all running processes. And most of them users do not need at all.

The fact is that sometimes such programs, which become background programs, are downloaded and installed automatically when you install other software.

Often, users do not notice the very checkboxes that allow the installation of additional programs.

Thus, you seem to have them, but you do not use them. Such unnecessary software simply loads your computer.

Internal component

In the brakes in the operation of the computer, not only a failure in the system or its overload can be to blame.

Responsible for this and equipment. For example, it may work worse after overheating.

You also need to install latest version drivers and additional software so that there are no application conflicts in the system.

You should not expect much improvement in work if you simply reinstalled the system on an old computer.

The internals of the PC remained the same. If they are the problem, then reinstallation is only a temporary solution, and sometimes it does not work at all.

Pay attention to the condition of your hard drive.

If it is overflowing with information or has begun to fail from the inside, then there is nothing to be surprised at the slowness of the PC.

signal that it is hard drive something wrong is coming from him strange noises, as well as serious violations in system performance.

The computer will not only freeze, but randomly reboot.

If you still need to change HDD, then it is worth considering: SSD or HDD. First on this moment provides improved performance and speed.


Viruses play an important role in the operation of a computer. They are not only the cause of glitches and brakes, but are also dangerous for your data in general.

The worst thing is that for a long time you may not suspect that you have picked up the virus. They disguise themselves by consuming the same system resources.

This leads to a deterioration in the performance of the PC. Accordingly, it is worth permanent basis conduct a full antivirus scan and avoid installing programs from dubious sites.

Remove junk from your computer

The first step to speed up the computer is to remove unnecessary and support the necessary software, that is, installing updates.

You can check which programs are installed and, in which case, you can remove them through the Programs section in the system settings.

On Windows 10, just go to Settings and click Applications.

You will see a menu with complete list installed software. In it, check the programs according to the following criteria:

  • How often do you use this software?
  • remember, did you install the program, or did it appear out of nowhere?
  • Is the software slowing down the system a lot?

Accordingly, unnecessary software should be removed so that it does not load the system.

Attention! Be careful with system programs. Usually their publisher is Microsoft. Also, do not uninstall software from your video card and other hardware, such as Nvidia.

In addition, you can use additional software for these purposes, so as not to uninstall the excess. For example, PC Decrapifier can help.


After you have finished with the uninstallation step, you need to move on to the update.

With a licensed OS, everything is relatively simple. Turn on automatic updates.

A cracked OS cannot be updated, but you can check the version of drivers and other programs.

Pay special attention to the drivers of the graphics accelerator (video card). It directly affects the quality of graphics in games and even just watching videos.

Clear startup list

If even after the first method you have quite a lot of programs left, you can speed up your computer for free using startup management.

By the way, it is the applications that start with the OS that affect the speed. Windows boot. The fact that you have to wait 5 minutes until the PC boots up is precisely the consequences of overloading the program at startup.

What to remove from autorun?

The problem is also that you don't always know how much software is included automatically.

Only a part is displayed in the panel. For example, Skype is visible.

But if you do not use it on a regular basis, then you can turn it off with automatic download when starting the computer.

You should also disable autorun for the following programs:

    • Software for printers and scanners. It is unlikely that you are typing all the time working on a PC. If you need some additional features of such programs, you can always turn them on when needed, and not keep them in the background. Moreover, you can simply print files without this software;
    • torrent clients - usually users need them only when downloading files in .torrent format and no more. Accordingly, it is worth running the torrent client only in this case. There is no need to give such software the ability to autorun;
    • software for system optimization, as well as other service software. Antivirus is not included in this account. But CCleaner and others like it are no exception. They need to be run as needed. Even if you clean something in the registry every day, clicking on the program icon several times with the mouse is not difficult. And by removing this software from the background, you will speed up your OS;

How to remove?

First of all, do not allow all programs to start automatically. That is, pay attention to this when installing.

Some software, on the contrary, asks about autorun when you first turn it on.

However, now you need to remove unnecessary things from autorun.

To do this, go to Settings in the AutoPlay option (it's located under Devices in Windows 10).

View the list of applications and deprive the autorun rights of the software that you do not need when you turn on the computer.

True, keep in mind that some software is generally difficult not only to change the autorun settings, but also to uninstall.

These can be intrusive programs in Chinese or software from Be prepared that you will have to tinker with them in some cases.

Disable autoloading of unnecessary fonts

OS performance is affected by the number of installed fonts. The standard set of fonts itself includes more than 200 names.

One is enough for a normal user no more than 10. This does not mean that you need to disable all the others, but you can delete at least those that you definitely do not use.

True, this method is not suitable for people who constantly work with additional fonts and install new ones.

For example, designers, typesetters, etc. on the contrary, you need a full set of fonts.

If you use mostly Times New Roman, hide at least some of the fonts you don't need.

You can do this through the Control Panel. In the Personalization section there will be an item Fonts.

Deleting temporary files

During the installation of the software and its operation, additional files are accumulated. They do not carry a special semantic load, there is no need to store them for a long time either.

But since no one deletes such temporary files, they become permanent.

However, with a large number of them, they simply clog the system. This causes performance and performance degradation.

Accordingly, you need to constantly clean the OS of garbage. You can do this with the help of special software, as well as manually.

The C drive contains Windows folder, inside pay attention to the Temp folder. From there, delete absolutely everything, then just empty the trash.

Disk Cleanup

You can free the system from unnecessary files without third-party software. The OS implements a solution called Disk Cleanup.

At first, this scares non-advanced users: after all, no one wants to completely format system disk. ABOUT

However, this function only cleans the computer from the cache and other garbage.

You can find such a utility in the System Tools section of the Start menu or in Administrative Tools (Windows 10).

Disk Defragmenter

You can also use the old proven method of disk defragmentation.

True, it is no longer as effective as it was with Windows XP.

Modern versions of the OS already carry out defragmentation in automatic mode, so if you do it manually, the situation may not change at all. However, it's worth a try.

To perform defragmentation, click on Properties in the disk menu.

Then go to Tools and enable Defrag.

Another way is to run the Optimize Drives app (Windows 10). Performs Disk Optimization the same functions as Defragmentation.

The process usually takes a long time. Keep this in mind when planning your activities.

At a minimum, it is better to give the PC an hour to process the data. However, you will be able to use the computer during this time, but with some hitch and jams.

Install SSD

Upgrading the internal component of the PC also makes sense.

It would be a great idea to install solid state drive(SSD).

Thanks to it, performance improves, respectively, and the speed of the PC itself.

This is done due to the internal characteristics of the drive. It processes commands faster and is smaller and lighter.

SSDs operate almost silently, and they also have an excellent indicator of wear resistance. True, such pleasure costs more than conventional HDDs.

Install HDD

If you are not yet ready to purchase a solid state drive, you can resort to installing additional hard disk.

You unload your PC, its speed and performance improves.

You can also carry out the installation procedure yourself. There are quite a few videos on the Internet on this topic.

Installing additional RAM

RAM handles already running processes on the OS. For a large number data needs an appropriate amount of RAM.

Otherwise, the PC will be very buggy. The reason for this is that the system begins to use internal resources.

Adding RAM is usually easy.

The main thing is to choose the appropriate option. For everyday purposes, 4 GB is enough, and for powerful games You need at least 16 GB.


Sooner or later, the insides of the PC become clogged, covered with dust.

As a result, the computer starts to heat up very much - the ventilation is clogged

In the worst case, dust, or rather overheating due to it, can lead to serious malfunctions due to equipment damage.

Cleaning can be done both at home and in a service center.

By the way, there you can change the thermal paste at the same time. She is also responsible for overheating.

However, you can clean your PC yourself. To do this, follow the following instructions:

  1. Turn off your PC at least half an hour before starting.
  2. Wear clothes made from natural fabrics. Synthetics can provoke a static charge. It is unlikely that this will bring much damage to you, but the insides may well.
  3. Turn on the vacuum cleaner at low power and gently remove dust from all parts of the PC. Particular attention should be paid to the power supply, processor cooler and video card.

After that, you can turn on the PC and see if the OS has become better. If not, you still have to come to grips with optimization.

5 Ways to Speed ​​Up Your Computer

How to clean your computer from garbage and speed up its work? Best PC Optimization Techniques

Most computer users, sooner or later, faced such a phenomenon that after a long time the computer starts to slowly but surely slow down its work. Often the cause of this phenomenon is various garbage accumulated in the system and dubious programs that slow down its operation. This article will discuss what can be done regular user to get rid of annoying brakes, and, if possible, restore the former speed of your personal computer.

One of the most simple methods Cleaning your computer to speed up its work is the use of special programs that have been developed specifically for this purpose. One of the most popular programs for this purpose - CCleaner. The program is absolutely free. Its capabilities are impressive - CCleaner can clean up browser files (journal, temporary files, etc.), remove various garbage from the system, fix errors in the registry, view and edit the startup list, and much more. You can download the program on the official website of the developer (). Those who wish can download a portable version of the program there.

Installing the program is quite simple, immediately after its completion, you can run the program and start cleaning your computer from debris.

If the program language is English when you start CCleaner, then you need to do the following:

  1. We find in the left menu the gear icon with the inscription " Options", and click on it.
  2. Now on the right side of the screen at the very top we are looking for the item " language" which has the English value selected, open this list, look for the value there " Russian" and select it.
  3. After that, the program should become completely in Russian.

Cleaning the system

In the program, most of the operations are grouped into tabs. The very first of them - cleaning. It allows you to delete all temporary files that use various programs- starting with normal Windows applications and ending with Skype or 7-Zip.

To clean the system from garbage, you need to put the necessary checkmarks next to the items that will be analyzed and cleaned.

If your browser's browsing log is important to you (the history of visited pages on the Internet), then uncheck the "Hit log" checkboxes in the paragraphs Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or whatever browser name you are using.

Window CCleaner programs, tab " cleaning".

As soon as all the necessary checkboxes are checked, and the ones that are not needed are removed, you can click the " Analysis" - the program will analyze the planned changes, report what will be done and how much space will be freed up. For real cleaning, you must click the " cleaning".

The results of the planned cleaning analysis procedure.

Cleaning the registry

The program also has the ability to check the registry for errors. The essence of this procedure is that the program looks for incorrect values, unused sections and other garbage in the registry, after which it offers its own fixes. To start this procedure, just follow these steps:

Uninstalling programs

In addition to cleaning the system and registry from garbage, CCleaner also has the ability to remove programs. To do this, go to the tab " Service".

To speed up the system, it will not be superfluous to remove unused programs on the computer - weak computers some programs that hang in the background and "eat up" computer resources can have a negative impact on performance.

To remove not desired application, just select it and click on the button " Uninstall" (not to be confused with the button " Delete"!).

Autoload refers to programs that are loaded along with system startup. You can see what is in autoload by going to the " Service", and then select "".

If you are confident in your actions, you can try to remove certain programs from startup by clicking on the "Turn off" button. There will be a separate article in the future about what can be removed from autoload, and what is better left untouched.

Search for duplicates

This name hides the ability of CCleaner to search for identical files on the hard drive, which can be useful for freeing disk space. For that. to use this feature, you need to go to the menu tab "Tools - Search for duplicates". In the "Inclusions" list, you need to mark the necessary sections of the hard disk(s), and click on the "Find" button.

Upon completion of the search, a notification will appear, and the program will display a list of duplicate files. In this list, you can check the box next to desired file and then click on the "Remove Selected" button.