How to create a new social network. How to create a new social network.

Previously, creating a social network seemed incredibly difficult, and for many, impossible. But programming technologies are making such big strides that now every user has the opportunity to create his own personal network for public use or for a limited circle. Initially, social networks were created with the expectation that only those people who were interested in the topic under discussion would be on them.

If so, then we invite you to join Ning's community of like-minded people. You can create your own online world based on customizable and versatile designs. With Ning, your dream of becoming the creator of your own Internet network can be achieved at a glance! Your community can be public, completely private, or a member club. You can even designate specific sections of your website as public or private, as well as different levels powers for different participants.

In addition to collecting contact and demographic information about your members, you can create custom profile fields and add crawls to learn more about your members and what's working on your social site. If you value responsive design, anti-spam protection, custom pages, and seamless integration, you've come to the right place.

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about how to create social network like VKontakte or even better. This topic is criticized and discussed by different opinions. The main answer is the question of why another VKontakte network is needed and who will sit on two completely identical networks? This is of course correct, but there are people whose desire to have their own social network is above all else.

Plus, you can even create your own mobile app. Just drag and drop onto your site; You can easily change your navigation on the fly. Also, there are no disruptive ads, but you can include your own ads if you want.

Everything that belongs to your community belongs to you, whether it was created by you or your members, and you can even invite experts to participate in your online community. Profiles, photos, forums, blogs and events provide the tools you need to create your own online universe. “Ning allowed members to participate and submit their own photos, videos and blog posts.”

The author of the social network in contact, Pavel Durov, did not deny the fact that the idea of ​​his social network was copied from the more widespread network “Facebook”. So why block social networks if all the necessary information can be found without spending 24 hours a day in search engines? In fact, there is no point in disabling or blocking this or that system, since this dependence extends to the entire Internet and if one or another source is lacking, another will always come to replace it.

Plus, adding social networks and logging into your network has never been easier. That's over 1.23 billion active users. This is 104 billion dollars. The good news is that you don't have to become a development expert or have any advanced technical skills to start building your own social network.

It is accessible to everyone, regardless of generation or level of computer skills. This is a tool that can be used to represent your favorite pastime, as it can serve as a formidable communication tool when used correctly.

Creating your own personal social network networks nowadays do not involve any special difficulties. But the main difficulty is to find out how to set up a network via the Internet, since social networks require a large database, and this in turn means a large amount of memory on the hosting. The easiest way to have your own personal network in contact is to download a ready-made module, or rather a template of the famous network.

Are you dreaming of a well-targeted social network?

You can easily create an interactive social networking site and add all sorts of features that you would like to add to the existing ones. To start working on creating your own social network, you need to remember 3 extensions. There are many options that you will have at your leisure to activate or deactivate according to your wishes to get your social networking site as you can imagine. Users can then begin to create friendships with other users and form specific groups. Groups can view their own activity streams, and users can send themselves private messages.

  • Users can create their own profiles.
  • Easily set up email notifications.
Your members will be able to communicate online as well as directly between them, and in addition, they will be informed about all the community news that you have set up.

The possibilities of such a ready-made template are not very limited relative to the original, but, nevertheless, they exist. By installing this template on free hosting, the number of users is automatically limited. Based on this, the question arises, how to communicate online if you have twenty or even fewer friends.

You can create user profiles, create groups and create personal system messaging. The idea of ​​doing all this by installing a simple extension, if you want my opinion, is awesome! Not only does the plugin have a very strong support community, but it also has support.

Do you want to create a multilingual online website?

There are several options available that allow you to change the text that your participants see.

Customize as you like

This is your social networking site that you will create. So you'll probably want to appearance your site was the same as you expected. This extension makes it easy to customize your site without having to put your hands in the mud.

There is another way to create a social network for personal use or a group with certain interests. There is an application called JomSocial, which is installed on the Joomla website creation engine. This application can completely help you create a social network to your liking and likeness with certain functions. In addition, the module involves replacing templates for a brighter appearance.

Implement your social networking site for the purpose of connecting groups with a common interest, a high school, a meeting place for a school, a membership club, a meeting portal, or a community. You can build a social networking site around anything you want. If you have a hobby, a passion, and you want to meet and share with others who share that passion, that passion, or if you want to build a social networking site that will share news, International News; With this extension, maybe.

It's like it was a feature built into your existing website. Another alternative to these extensions may also be. The next step could be the introduction of a forum. This way, your users will be able to create their own profiles and add new topics to the forum. An appropriate step is to build a community, especially if you are in a “niche” sector.

The user will no longer wonder how to find out the name of the network or determine its parameters. It wouldn’t be a shame to put such a social network on paid hosting, since its individuality may suggest the presence of users interested in this topic. Creating social networks is a very painstaking work, so if the user does not intend to have any financial income from it in the future, then it is better to postpone such an undertaking. But if the desire still exists, then the user must prepare for the initial financial costs.

The extension itself is simple enough to be used by both an administrator and a forum moderator. This is an aspect that will help provide a certain degree of quality to your users without spending all your time there. It's a breeze to implement expansion! A step-by-step tutorial guides you through setting up your settings. With your account As an administrator, you will have an idea of ​​all the activities of the forum.

Using this extension will certainly be easier than those previously presented in the article. Of course, you won't have as many features, but it can greatly improve the user experience. Various reasons may motivate you to create a social networking site. Maybe you want to become the next Mark Zuckerberg? Or you can just create your own little community where people attracted to the same focus can meet, get together and share.

Yes, some may find this topic funny. Today there are so many social networks, how can we compete with them? But just think, what would have happened if millionaire Pavel Durov had thought in the same way? What would happen if he thought: “Why should I create a social network? After all, there are already projects such as Facebook and Odnoklassniki!” Then, perhaps, our website would not exist, your VKontakte pages would not exist, and Pavel Durov would have so much money. Therefore, if you think that some of the niches are still at least a little free, feel free to implement your ideas!

Have you created a social networking site for your business, community or niche sector? What tools did you use? Social Media Marketing: Which Social Network to Choose? What is the most suitable social network for my company and my brand? Should my company be on social media? What are the major social networks and the ones that deserve you to check them out to gauge their impact? What social networks offer best opportunities to communicate with your customers, and which ones offer powerful enough advertising programs to spend a second time once your strategy has been determined and confirmed by your first tests?

However, you should warn us right away: it is impossible to create your own social network for free. You will still need money! However, if the idea is worth it, then the project will definitely pay off. The main thing is to be patient and enthusiastic.

Step one: idea

First you need an idea. The very first step is the most important step.

If you have a good idea, consider that 50% of the work is already done. Think about how exactly your social network will differ from existing ones? What will be the “trick” in it? How will it attract users? What will be in it that will force people to tell their friends about this social network? Keep in mind that there are many similar sites today. There are even more of them than you might think (check out). Your social network should be radically different. Only then will it attract users. Also take care of the appropriate name for your web project.

Think about what the target audience will match your site and how to attract this audience. How to create a new social network from a technical point of view?

What strategy should you adopt on each social network? Review of social networks and their marketing potential. Social media has become a tool over the years for building a community around your brand, attracting and finding new customers, and supplementing your traffic sources.

The advent of social media created new uses: Social media facilitated content sharing and encouraged content creation. Companies are now turning to content that is more generic and more palatable to Internet users who have been vaccinated against traditional commercials. Finally, “native advertising,” ads embedded directly into your news feeds, is becoming the standard in advertising versus traditional banners that are less and less clicked.

Step two: technical aspect

Of course, to create your own social network, you will need some knowledge and skills. You should choose the platform on which your social network will be located. The most popular are:

  • Joomla. You can create a social network on Joomla. The functionality of this professional CMS is enough to create a social network. Another advantage is that this CMS is free and you can simply download it on the Internet, and then customize it at your own discretion. Approximately one month of study and you already own this platform.
  • Social Engine can be considered a leader in this area. And this is clear from the name. Many add-ons for this platform are paid, so be prepared to shell out a little.
  • Drupal - in principle, this engine is similar to Joomla. But, a little harder to learn. If something goes wrong and some error occurs, it will take a long and tedious time to figure it out.

Step Three: Implementation

The fourth step is the actual development of your web resource. Take a piece of paper and make some sketches and notes:

  1. The design of your social network: color, fonts, overall design, and so on;
  2. How user pages and social network functions will be displayed: will there be avatars, albums, music, and so on;
  3. Think about what privacy settings users will have and how their personal information will be protected;
  4. Develop rules and conditions for using the social network.
You can create a social network yourself or contact specialists, drawing up a detailed task for them.

Step four: promotion

When the social network is created and open, you should start promoting it. This is necessary, because otherwise, users will not come to you. Promotion must be competent, professional and will be costly. So be prepared for this. If you wanted to create your own social network for free, and then not pay money for its promotion, but only earn millions, then we hasten to disappoint you: this is impossible.