How to fix a dead pixel on a monitor. Dead pixels: what is it and how to deal with them

Causes: One dot or pixel is damaged on the monitor matrix.

Solution: Now what to do if you have found on the monitor dead pixel.Is it possible to remove a dead pixel from the monitor? It's worth a try. The reason for the appearance of such a point is most likely poor contact between the light emitting element and the substrate. That is, contact was simply lost. You can restore it in several ways.

The first one is the program pixelhealer.

Pixelhealer Program:

Move the red square with the mouse under the burnt pixel, select the program parameters in the window on the right. If you check the box "Automatically close after:" and set the time lower, then after the specified time the program will close itself. Or you can leave everything as it is and just press the Start flashing button. The square will begin to blink frequently in different colors, which will make the pixel stretch a little. Leave the program running for at least an hour. Better - more. Don't turn off your monitor :)

The second way is to wrinkle the pixel in the most natural way.

This is a crude but often the most effective method. We will need a soft cloth (such as flannel) or a pencil with an elastic band on the blunt end. Gently massage a point on the monitor with your finger through the fabric (or with a pencil eraser).

ATTENTION! Do not overdo it! So you can push the monitor matrix and crush the substrate. You must be careful but determined.

The third way is with heat.

Soak a rag in hot water(not boiling water, the hand should hardly tolerate the temperature of the water). Put the rag in a plastic bag (several). Attach the bag with a rag to the place where you have a dead pixel. hold for approximately 5-7 minutes.

The fourth way - if it's not a pity to throw it away

If all else fails and you are ready to sacrifice technology, you can try to freeze the matrix. If it's a phone - pull out all the SIM cards and the battery first.

Wrap the appliance in foil so that snow does not get inside the freezer. Freezing time - 5-10 hours. There is a chance that condensation or temperature changes will finally kill your equipment. You do everything at your own peril and risk.

Most modern liquid crystal (LCD) matrices used in computer electronics are resistant to physical impact and have a relatively long service life. And this fact makes us frivolous about buying a monitor or not paying attention to the condition of the smartphone screen surface. In fact, there is one problem that is common among low-quality displays, it is called “dead pixels”.

How to recognize a dead pixel?

It must be understood that the initial presence of “dead pixels” on the surface of the LCD monitor is a factory defect, but it is almost impossible to see them with the naked eye! This is because it is a continuously luminous or, on the contrary, extinct pixel, located anywhere in the matrix grid. It turns out that it is possible to consider a defective point only against a monotonous background, usually, the find makes itself felt when the device has already been paid for.

In the case of warranty equipment, everything is decided by replacement or service (depending on the terms of the warranty agreement). For example, for devices of the 2nd class according to the “ISO13406-2” specification, up to 9 “dead pixels” per 1000000 is the norm, that is, according to the law, you do not have the right to demand a known-good model. If a “broken pixel” is found after the allotted time, Krotek computer repair specialists recommend that you contact the problem to diagnose the problem, since in 70% it is possible to restore the incorrect display of the dot on the screen.

What's going on with the pixels?

If for a moment we imagine that the pixel grid has increased many times, it will become possible to understand the reason for the appearance of a “broken pixel”. Each dot is one pixel, which consists of a crystalline mass controlled by an individual transistor according to TFT technology. Moving in space, the crystals under the influence of light changes the color rendering of a given point on the screen. Each pixel consists of three sub-pixels according to the number of primary colors (RGB): red, green and blue.

  1. Incorrect operation of one of the transistors is the most popular reason for the appearance of a “broken pixel”. And basically, this is a problem of low-quality raw materials.
  2. The next reason is the operating conditions. A higher or lower temperature, as well as physical pressure on a certain area of ​​​​the matrix, directly affects the pixel image on the monitor.

The main types of dead pixels:

  • A black dot on a lighter background is a clear damage to the control transistor, which can only be repaired in a specialized laboratory, since filigree accuracy is required to replace a defective element.
  • A white dot on a darker background - the crystal stops in the open position, it is also practically not restored; has a "mirror" version, when the crystal remains closed.
  • A colored dot on any background shade is a stuck sub-pixel in one position, the most common type of “broken pixel”; can be restored software tools or "physical point massage" with a cotton swab.


Thus, we managed to understand the nature of "dead pixels". And most importantly, to conclude that excessive attention to detail will help save time and nerves.
As for the choice of new technology, the screen should be checked on the spot, and the seller should be asked to run a display test. Sometimes a simple test is included in the computer monitor settings, so there should be no problems with launching. Also, do not be too lazy to scroll through the manual included in the kit and make sure that the matrix specification is higher than the second class, and “broken pixels” are only evidence of marriage, and not the title of a cheap equipment model!

How to get rid of dead pixels? It is necessary to check for defects, including dead pixels, even before purchase. Later, most likely, it will not be possible to replace or return the monitor, citing the presence of non-working pixels.

Sellers argue this with the manufacturer's standards for dead pixels. And the allowable number of such pixels is unlikely to please you. So check right away.

Some damaged pixels are clearly visible, while others are more difficult to notice. It is better to use the special Nokia Monitor Test utility to check.

Testing for dead pixels

It is very easy to use it. Run the test so that all colors are displayed and carefully look at the monitor. If there are damaged ones, they will be clearly visible.

In total, there are three types of damaged pixels:

1) dark pixels that stand out against a white background. Can't fix it;

2) pixels that glow white against a dark background;

3) colored pixels that do not change color (usually red).

If the pixel is not displayed on the screen, that is, it is black on a white background, then you have to put up with it. He burned out physically, so "unblock" will not work. If the monitor has broken pixels of the second and third types, then the situation can still be corrected. The problem is that one of the subpixels is "stuck" on one color and now does not respond to attempts to switch it.

Sometimes dead pixels can only show up after a while. Such situations also happen. And when there is one or two of them, then not everyone service center wants to fix it. Especially if the warranty period has expired. That is, you have to act independently. The problem can be eliminated by two methods: software and mechanical.

Repair of dead pixels on the monitor

In the first case, it is convenient to use the specialized Bad Crystal program. This free utility and its very easy to use. The principle of its operation is that in a dedicated area with high frequency colors change. Due to this, the monitor pixels work in enhanced mode.

As a rule, 10 minutes of program operation is enough to “unlock” a pixel. But sometimes it takes up to several hours. Note that the utility will not harm the display, since the working pixels are designed for such intensive work.

In some cases, the software option does not help and you have to mechanically act on the dead pixel. The essence of the method is to gently massage the area of ​​​​the broken pixel. The main thing is not to overdo it. This should not be done with a finger or any hard object.

Take a cotton swab and lightly move it in a circular motion in the area of ​​​​the broken pixel. Remember that the monitor must be completely turned off. If you did everything right, then the chances of fixing problems with the pixel are great. We recommend that after all the manipulations with the monitor, check it again with the Nokia Monitor Test utility.

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For example, my friend has a computer that is installed in the kitchen so that it is not boring to cook and, in fact, have dinner. The computer is of medium power, but for home use it will do very well. But using it in the kitchen, in the summer heat, and even with the stove or oven turned on, the problems were not long in coming. Dead pixels began to appear on the monitor. While there are only a couple of them, urgent measures must be taken so that the problem does not worsen. Today I will teach you how to remove dead pixels, fix them.

For those who are not familiar with such a term as dead pixels, I’ll tell you - these are such non-working dots or parts of a dot on the monitor. You can also watch them on your phone. But most often they are visible on computer screens.

If the pixel does not work at all, then it will be black and it will be possible to notice it only on white or light colors of the monitor. This type of broken pixel is considered the most harmless. But, despite this, there is nothing to fix here.

The most popular and at the same time the most noticeable dead pixels are points of bright red, blue, green, yellow, turquoise or magenta. These dead subpixels are also called stuck pixels.

If any of these pixels appear in the middle of the screen, it will annoy you especially if it is red. Such a broken pixel is immediately noticeable.

One of the features of dead pixels is that they not only appear unpredictably, but they can also disappear unpredictably. For example, on my old monitor, when I first started using it, there were already three dots of different colors. Maybe I didn’t notice them when I bought them, or they appeared on the first day of use, I don’t know anymore. But I didn’t bother at all about these points, since they didn’t interfere with viewing the picture on the monitor at all. I have had this monitor for 5 years. And during this time, the dots didn’t bother me at all and I watched them very rarely, despite the fact that they were clearly in the middle of the screen.

Most likely, the points were not captured due to the fact that the monitor was on an MVA matrix, and not on the most popular TN. This matrix has one feature - small defects are not noticeable. Before writing this article, I decided to check whether it would be possible to remove dead pixels on my old monitor. I turn it on, and the pixels are fine. I did not find a single broken point.

How to remove dead pixels?

Naturally, we will not talk about methods using high technologies, since they are used only in special laboratories and with special equipment. But there is a treatment method that will help you remove dead pixels at home.

There are only two ways to remove dead pixels at home, this is programmatic way and mechanical. I'm sure you, like me, were also not aware that there are programs that can fix dead pixels. On this moment I managed to find only two such programs.

Software method for recovering dead pixels

This method became possible due to the technology of fast color change of adjacent pixels. Thanks to this process, a flow of energy is supplied to the subpixel in in large numbers which makes him come to life. Using this technology, you can resurrect from 55% to 80% of already dead pixels.

But, using this method, you need to be patient. Since it will take a lot of time to restore some pixels. You'll have to get out and experiment if you can't immediately restore the broken pixels. Experimentation will consist in changing the speed of changing colors and the running time of the program itself.

The restored pixels mayow fade away. Most often this is facilitated by hot weather. But, the repeated recovery procedure and the broken pixels work again. But, there are times when the pixel can no longer be restored.

Dead pixel repair software

As I said, I found only two programs that can restore dead pixels. One of them is " Bad Crystal". By downloading the free version, you can use it for 30 days, but with limited functionality. By downloading this version, you will not have access to advanced technologies. But there is an option to use more old version Bad Crystal programs 2.6. It works without restrictions, but after the first minute of operation, the program window is completely darkened. But you can solve this problem using a hardware tablet. You need to move the program window with the mouse and then do not release the left mouse button. It can be clamped in this position using a mug. In this position, you will watch the program window all the time. If someone finds a version of the program already with treatment, then before installing, do not forget to do . Indeed, in the downloaded file there can be very unpleasant surprises.

After installing the program, run it. You will immediately need to select the device with which you will need to work: screen, computer, mobile phone, console or plasma panel.

If you use the program on a phone or game console, the video file will be generated for the selected resolution. It will need to be played in repeat mode on mobile device. For a plasma panel, you can burn a DVD or HD disc with a finished video or run it from a computer in Full Screen mode. Since you are working with a monitor from a computer, so we need to select "Computer Monitor".

To open an additional menu, we need to move the mouse cursor to upper part program windows. You will see that only 4 modes are available to you: Common Clearing (CCM), System Modified (SMF), Complex Force (CFV), Personal Protection (PPM).

But even from these available modes in free version you will be able to use only two, these are CCM and PPM. The remaining modes provide a higher percentage of recovered pixels, so they are only available in the paid version. The CSM mode is selected by default.

When we figured out the interface, click on the "Launch" button. After that, the working window of the program must be moved to the area of ​​broken pixels. We wait 10 minutes and check the result. If the dots are still in place, then it is necessary to increase the speed of the program. To do this, press the "Speed ​​Up" button.

This button will not be visible until you hover over it. It is located on the left upper corner program windows.

We also wait 10-15 minutes and check the result again. If even after increasing the speed, the dead pixel does not disappear, we increase the speed of the program to the maximum and again check the result of the work. Thus, a lot of time can be spent on restoring a pixel. He will eventually recover, but do you have enough nerve for this procedure. I learned about cases when such recovery lasted for 10 hours.

In order for the pixels not to get stuck again, I advise you to turn on auto mode prevention - RPM. This mode works by changing colors on the monitor over time. You need to run this process a couple of times a month, at times when no one is sitting at the computer. IN manual mode you can also run this procedure. But I couldn't stop her. Maybe he waited a little, but when the program was running, it was written that there were 30 seconds left. In fact, the work went on all the time. To terminate the program, you must end the process called “ppm.exe” in the task manager.

The next program with which you can restore broken pixels is JScreenFix. Although, JScreenFix can hardly be called a program. This is a Java application. Java must be installed on your computer for it to work. More recently, this program was freely available and absolutely free, you can look for the old version.

The JScreenFix program is completely different from the previous one. The application will automatically determine the place of its work. You just need to click on the "Locale" button. The program window will turn black and you will need to move this window around the screen of your monitor. We are not in a hurry, because the program will have to determine all the dead pixels. In order not to look for points on your own, you need to select "Full Screen" so that the application scans the entire screen at once. The stage of checking for dead pixels is completely free.

But the second stage of working with the program, namely the restoration of dead pixels, will already require payment for use. In this, the program is similar to "Bad Crystal". On the application website, you can find ready-made videos depicting the operation of the program. You can use them to restore pixels. But given that the resolution of the video is significantly different from the original work of the program, it will not be effective. You can use any player for playback. Therefore, the video is played both on the phone and on the computer.

The manufacturers of both programs recommend that the monitor be prevented. To do this, you need to start the "recovery process". Honestly, I will not tell you how much it is really necessary and whether it is worth spending time on it. But if we are talking about plasma panels, then such prevention will really be useful.

Mechanical way to solve the problem

If the above programs have not coped with the task, it's time to move on to more serious intervention. In fact, the method is ridiculously simple - you need to give a kind of massage to your monitor. Yes, you read it right. We take an ear stick in our hands and with pressure we drive over the place where the broken pixels formed. It is not necessary to press hard, before the appearance of divorces. And in this way we massage the problem area on the monitor. Continue this massage for about 15 - 30 minutes.

If after this procedure the dead pixels disappear, then the problem was not serious. But, for prevention, you need to run "Bad Crystal" and process this very area. If the broken pixel has not sold, then you need to double-strike on the problem, namely, run the "Bad Crystal" program and at the same time massage the problem area with an ear stick. Massage can be stopped after 15 minutes, and the program will have to be left running for at least 10 hours. Then you will definitely be able to get rid of dead pixels.

I hope this knowledge will not be useful to you and dead pixels will not visit your monitors. And if they are formed, then they are imperceptible and will soon disappear.