How to increase traffic from search engines. How to increase organic traffic from search engines

If you are not magicians yet, but are just learning, then I just have to start with concepts. What types of traffic are there?

Now that we have figured out the concepts and definitions, I want to focus on high-quality organic traffic (organic).

Basically, natural traffic can be obtained through high-quality, optimized and unique content. Hence the plus: if you work on your own, then organic will be free for you. In addition to the obvious plus, there is also a minus. In order for an article to get into search results, you need to give a little time to Yandex and Google to index your resource.

How to increase organic traffic, what is needed for this? Let's consider the most common ways to attract users.

Look for organic search traffic on forums

These are resources that allow users to ask a question or answer those already asked. As a result, a conditional social network is formed, in which each of us can become a participant. The most famous traffic source:

It's simple: you need to find questions that are close to you on the subject, answer them using blog articles, and then post links on the site with questions. Efficient and easy.

Low Frequency Search Terms - Light Search Engine Traffic

According to experts, more than 70% of search traffic comes from low frequencies. They include at least 3-4 words or more. Such queries are less competitive than high-frequency (HF) queries and are more likely to answer user questions. And most importantly, low frequency promotion will generate high-quality traffic from search engines... Although they have lower search volumes than HF, their conversion rates are usually very high.

Many major e-commerce players use LF to convert visitors to buyers. For example, Amazon generates about 57% of its sales using low-frequency search terms.

You can find suitable woofers using Yandex.Wordstat or Google Planner. Let's consider only the first method.

  • We go to Wordstat:

  • Enter a keyword, for example "buy an iphone" in the search field and click "Pick":

Redesign titles and get natural traffic from search results

This essentially means finding the top headlines from your competitors and making yours even better. About 80% of people will read the title of your article and only 20% will read the text itself. That is, the so-called Pareto law or the 80/20 rule comes into force - one of the most common ways to assess the effectiveness of any activity. Its essence lies in the fact that 20% of the efforts give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of the efforts are realized only by 20%.

For example, one of the ways is to look at the TOP-10 search results (without contextual advertising):

It is very common to see crude headlines, simply optimized for keywords, and equally dry boring articles that are not always useful for readers. It's important to understand that natural traffic requires natural copy and headlines written with people in mind, not search engines. It is the readers who will subscribe to your mailing lists, share articles, increase organic search traffic, and buy products. All this will have a positive effect on the behavioral factors of your resource, which are also taken into account by Yandex and Google when ranking.

Analyze and experiment: create compelling content for organic traffic

One way to get unique, shared content that will drive traffic is to research your topic from an unusual angle. Do this before writing. Try to analyze this or that situation differently than usual, conduct an experiment. Trust me, if successful, your article will be regularly linked to, which will give you quality organic search traffic. Otherwise, only time will be lost.

Some resource owners and companies that seek services in the field of Internet marketing believe that users who go to the site from search engines (SE) are less convertible than visitors who came through display advertising, SMM, SMO, contextual advertising , viral marketing, etc.

Is it really? Is traffic from search engines actually worse than from SMM, viral marketing and other types of advertising? Or is it even better under certain conditions? To answer these questions, I decided to raise the history of this opinion, find out what experienced SEO specialists think about this myth, and check its veracity with specific examples.

From the history of the search traffic myth

This myth began to emerge more than 10 years ago, when the first competitors of SEO services appeared. For example, in 2001 Yandex.Direct appeared, which to this day is one of the most serious competitors, and a year later, Begun and AdWords appeared. In 2006, SMM began to develop in Russia (after the appearance of the sites Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki), which has become especially popular since 2010.

The emergence of new players on the Internet marketing market has led site owners to think that there are other sources of advertising that may bring in more targeted visitors. It also added doubts to the owners of companies about their unsuccessful experience in promoting sites in search, if after a while sales did not increase significantly due to incorrectly selected or poor quality of the site. Many simply did not understand that the reasons lie not in SEO, but in the unprofessionalism of the specialist who optimized and promoted their resource.

Therefore, it is important to note that if an Internet resource is of poor quality, it has poor design and usability, and poor-quality texts are posted, then it does not matter where the traffic comes from, since it will be low from all sources.

Expert Opinion on Search Engine Traffic

“This type of traffic is considered to be of the highest quality for a reason. Judge for yourself. The visitor drives a request into the search box, which results in many sites. If this query is high-frequency, for example, "construction", then the user is most likely interested in sites entirely devoted to this topic, and not in any specific questions.

By given request he will easily find many good sites, many of which are likely to suit his needs. Now let's consider another situation: the user entered a low-frequency query into the search line, for which there were also many sites that reflect this particular question. If the sites are of high quality, which should be by definition, then the content on request is of high quality, the visitor is satisfied.

In addition, search traffic also provides mostly new visitors, which is more profitable in terms of earnings. It is very difficult to make a mistake, at least the subject of the site will coincide with the interests of the visitor. Last but not least: search traffic is the biggest, get it in large quantities easier than any other. ”

Ingate's opinions were also in favor of search engine traffic.

Denis Babitsky, SEO specialist:

“I think that the audience from the search engines is not only not worse, but also better than the other audience, because people themselves are looking for services and information, and in the TOP 10 there are sites that, according to the evaluation of search engine algorithms, give the most accurate answers to user queries. As opposed to resources advertised for money, which may not provide the best answers. ”

Kirill Shport, head of the SEO specialists group:

“The audience drawn from the search engine is one of the most loyal. This is directly related to a higher subconscious user trust in the search algorithm than advertising in any of its forms, be it commercials onYoutube, links from Yandex.Direct, or advertising on portals ”.

To test the myth, we will use information from and check which conversion of visitors is better - those who came from various PSs, or from contextual advertising.

Here are the statistics collected by me on one project.

Information about the site:
  • Subject - "Specialized medical care";
  • Site age - 1.5 years;
  • Pages in the Yandex index - 56;
  • Tit - 50;
  • PR home page — 3;
  • External links (by the Solomono service) - 181.

Visitors are attracted to the site using SEO (service) and. Statistics collected for the period from 02.08.2012 to 02.11.2012.

As you can see from the screenshot below, from Yandex PS, the conversion was 7.29%:

From the Google search engine, the conversion rate was 3.31%:

From the search engine 3.01%:

From the search engine 1.96%:

Thus, the average conversion of search traffic was 5.02%:

Now let's look at conversion from contextual advertising. It is worth noting that the CY, which was selected for contextual advertising, practically did not differ from the CY for SEO.

Google adwords(a service for placing contextual advertising, which is represented by Google). An example of placing AdWords contextual advertising on Google:

The conversion of traffic from Google AdWords was 1.62%:

It is obvious that the conversion from PS is much higher (more than 3 times).

But many will probably think, maybe the whole point is not in SEO, but in the fact that the company is very well-known and visitors only click on requests with the occurrence of the company name (for such requests, the conversion is usually better than other requests)? To test this, we'll take a closer look at traffic from search engines.

The conversion rate for the request "face thermolifting" was 13.04%:

The conversion rate for the query “cavitation in moscow” was 14.29%:

For the query “metabolic balance cost”, the conversion was 5.56%:

Thus, the conversion significantly differs for certain queries: those for which the site is more relevant attract more targeted visitors. If users click on requests, and the resource does not give them the answer they want, they leave it. So we can clearly see how an incorrect CL can significantly worsen the conversion of the site.


So, using practical examples, we have demonstrated that the audience that is attracted from search results is not worse than the audience from other marketing sources, but on the contrary, it is better. This is due to the fact that visitors really trust the algorithms of search engines and, when entering commercial queries, believe that the most optimal offers are collected at the top of the natural search results.

In our examples, the bounce rate for some requests was not very good, which indicates the importance correct selection XI for promotion. You also need to remember, no matter how traffic arrives on the site, the resource must meet the needs of users and have good usability. A low-quality site will alienate visitors, no matter where they came from.

Key benefits of search engine optimization:
  • Visitors trust PS algorithms more than advertising.
  • The ability to attract the most a large number traffic versus other marketing sources.
Disadvantages of search engine promotion:
  • Risks are high enough. For example, a site may fall outside the TOP 10 for most requests due to the imposed sanctions from the PS.
  • Enough time should pass, and a significant increase in traffic will take place only after a few months. If the site is young or it has other restrictions for promoting the selected requests, then the terms may be longer than standard (from 3 months).

Below is a list of conditions under which low-quality SEO can be inferior to high-quality types of advertising, as well as advice on what to do in these cases:

1. Search traffic goes to a page with incorrect information.

Check if the information on the page matches the request that users click on it. If an inconsistency, incorrect display of text and illustrations is found, then it is necessary to check the correctness of the technical settings of the page and, if necessary, rewrite the text.

2. There is not enough information on the page to interest users, or there is simply no information.

In this case, you need to fill the page. High-quality text, product catalog (if the subject allows), prices for goods and services, video can be used as content.

3. Incorrectly selected semantic core.

You need to check the SN for requests that are not profitable. That is, select requests that have a low conversion rate or a bad bounce rate (this can be done using counters such as Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica, Liveinternet, etc.). It is recommended to replace such queries with more conversion ones, with occurrences of commercial words (for example, “buy”, “order”, “sale”).

4. Low conversion qualities of the page to which the user went from the search engine. You can check them for free in the Rookee automated website promotion service:

If the page has low conversion qualities, then you need to add special elements to increase orders. That is, the phone should be clearly visible (it can be placed in the header in large print on the entire site), in the text, write the motivating words for the purchase of goods, place the order form either directly on the page, or make a link to it at the bottom of the page.

I wish you successful promotion and an easy road to the TOP! If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will be glad to answer them.

Greetings to all readers!

Everyone involved in the development of their site is promoting it in such a way as to get more traffic from search engines.

What is search traffic

What is website traffic? By traffic, we mean the traffic to the site by people. But people can get to the site in various ways: from search, from social networks, after clicking on the advertisement, from bookmarks.

The cheapest traffic from search engines. To get it, you need to write an article that will appear in the Top results of search results, and users from the search will go to it.

Traffic from Yandex and Google constitutes the bulk of the traffic to any site. Since Yandex and Google are the most popular search engines on the Russian Internet.

From the search comes the target audience because a person comes to your site in search of an answer to his request. And your task is to give the person the information he is looking for. Otherwise, he will return to the SERP and continue his search.

In the event that the site is relevant (answers the user's question), its authority in search engines will grow and the site will receive more visitors from search. You do not need to pay money for visitors, as is the case with contextual advertising.

Due to the fact that your site will be visited by the target audience, you can easily make money on contextual and banner advertising, as well as on the sale of information products, both your own and partner ones.

How to drive search traffic to your website

It will help to attract free search traffic. Web resources are filled with records that contain textual information, graphic in the form of pictures, video clips and audio. For website promotion greatest value has text and graphic information.

After analyzing the text of the article, the search engine robot decides whether to show your site for a specific keyword or not. Search engines have their own ranking algorithms, which select from the entire database of previously indexed materials on various sites exactly those that are most relevant to the user's request. And depending on other ranking factors, such as the behavioral factors of each of the sites, the sites are placed in the search results in a certain order.

Sites that are in the Top 5 SERPs for a certain search query receive greatest number transitions to your site. The rest get crumbs. In order for articles to get as high as possible in the Top SERPs, they should be properly optimized.

To get traffic from search engines, it is important to optimize all articles for keywords. When you write an article, you need to use those phrases in it that are search queries, from people looking for information on a topic. The easiest way to get a list of phrases is.

Internal linking contributes to the promotion of the site for low-frequency and medium-frequency queries. In the article, you need to put links to thematic articles that will complement the topic you are considering. Try to include links in articles so that the user would like to go to another article. If these links are not clicked on, there will be no benefit from them.

You can increase traffic from search using low-frequency queries. Competition for them is much lower than for MF and HF keys. As you know, search engine algorithms do not give new sites an opportunity to get into the Top SERPs for high-frequency queries. Write more articles or buy on the exchange from copywriters to increase search traffic from Google and Yandex.

But in order not to lose the traffic received from the search, you need to monitor the behavioral factors. Read about them in the article "". PFs now play a much bigger role than purchased links.

That's all for me. I am waiting for your questions and additions in the comments. See you!

Good afternoon friends! The first part of my article will tell you about types, sources and quality of traffic, will show its various types in terms of promotion and promotion of a web resource, help to select targeted traffic to the site. It will explain to you where visitors come from on web resources, and also give information about where and how to find them. The second part of the post is devoted to my new book for bloggers, which will teach you how to attract search engine users to your blog. It was in this post that I decided to announce the release of my next information product, because it deals with one of the traffic sources - the flow of visitors from search engines. So, let's start from the basics, with basic concepts, consider in order all the variety of traffic of Internet users to your sites.

Types of traffic

What is traffic? This is a constant stream of visitors going to the pages of a website or blog. Not a short-term, not periodic, but a constant flow. There are two types of traffic on the Internet:

Straight... It consists of visitors who know the site they visit very well, they have already visited it more than once. Typically, such people either type the address of a web resource in the browser bar or use bookmarks (usually the Favorites folder or a similar category name). This traffic is the most numerous for many bloggers. A visitor who liked a particular blog, in most cases, either remembers the address of this web resource, or writes it to bookmarks.

If you look at your statistics of visits with the help of any one, then you will definitely notice the prevalence of this type of traffic in comparison with indirect (more on this later in the text). This is especially true for young blogs. With age and experience as a blogger, this type of flow of Internet users changes. But still, its share is very large. The more direct traffic, the more popular the site is. In addition to blogs, various services and portals that people often use ( Email, search, social networks). Usually these are sites where visitors do something at some intervals, periodically.

Indirect... This type of traffic is obtained from the sum of clicks on external links from various Internet web resources. Everything is simple here. Such links are obtained in two cases. Or when the webmaster of the site himself achieves the appearance of this link (he rents or buys from other owners of web resources, changes with them or buys in bulk from automated systems promotion), or when such links appear naturally (due to the popularity of the web resource or its author). In the first case, for not the right approach links are not always useful for buying or exchanging, but in the second case, their quality is the same as in direct traffic.

It is easier to get just indirect traffic (except when the links come at the expense of the author's fame or the usefulness of his web resource). But it requires material costs (except for some exceptions, more on that later in the post), and its quality is much worse. Often, purchased or rented links are spam, which in most cases is not particularly beneficial to the site owner, and in some cases can be harmful. But direct traffic is always fun. And for advanced webmasters and profit!

Targeted traffic ... It is made up of visitors who go to the pages of the site with their specific task. They mostly know what they want to see on the documents of the web resource, so usually these people are more interesting from a marketing point of view. They are mostly buyers of goods in online stores, readers in thematic blogs, clients of various commercial structures. This is the most coveted traffic for both many bloggers and all business resources. But this flow of people is the most demanding of the content they require. If such a person does not see on open page the information he needs, in most cases he will close it, without even trying to go over other documents. Therefore with targeted traffic you have to be extremely careful. He can, with the wrong approach, really.

Paid traffic ... Everything is simple here - this is the flow of visitors who come to the site pages using the links for which the publisher paid and received through mutual exchange. It is often used when increasing the trust of a site, when promoting it in search engines, for commercial and advertising structures. For example, traffic from contextual media ads (for example, Yandex Direct) can, with the right approach, bring very high-quality targeted traffic.

Free traffic ... This is traffic received due to links that went to the webmaster of the site for free, clicks from bookmarks and typing the address in the browser. This is the most popular type of traffic among bloggers, social networks, forums, etc.

Sources and quality of traffic

Depending on the option for obtaining backlinks to the site, traffic is divided into link and search traffic. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Link traffic ... It is obtained due to the flow of visitors going to the pages of a web resource from different links. This is an indirect type of traffic; it can be either paid or free. Depending on the type of web resource, there are the following subspecies:

Search traffic ... It consists of a stream of search engine users who follow the links of the best documents on the Internet. Their usefulness and quality are evaluated by search engines in terms of theirs. Usually, people only look at the first page of search results, so this traffic is mostly targeted. Search engines are not interested in providing bad, unnecessary information to their users. Otherwise, they will quickly lose them, which means that their income will decrease. Search traffic can be either free (when a visitor clicks out of 10 shown links in a crescent) or paid (a person follows links in contextual media blocks). True, if a webmaster promoted their landing pages in the top 10 for competitive keywords, then of course they had costs. This means that such traffic will already be paid. One thing is good that there are much more free links than paid ones. SEOs and advanced bloggers have not yet captured all niches :).

Search traffic at the service of a blogger

Now it's time to tell you about my new book. I worked on it for a long time, each time correcting and supplementing the already received material. As you know, I am a big fan of experimenting on my blog. Therefore, I always have different experiences. Thanks to them, I get more experience and knowledge, which I always share with you on the pages of my blog and in.

Throughout my blog, my main sources of traffic are visits from my readers (bookmarks and direct browser typing) and search traffic. The first is due to your loyalty to my site. The second comes from my knowledge of seo and web analytics. True, in the last month it sank a little (I changed the design and structure of posts, so on it in this moment there is no manual linking and a new semantic core has not yet been introduced). But this is a fixable thing, because I know how to properly and competently promote your blog.

As the saying goes, you only need to take care of one thing while reading this book - the rest of the book will do everything for you. And this thing is expressed in the following - do what is written on its pages. Don't stop, don't postpone. Do and do. And if something doesn’t work out for you, or you don’t understand everything, do it anyway. The brain is a unique processor that only functions effectively under stress. And it is with constant work that he can better perceive the information received, and also begins to work more creatively and quickly. In addition, a trained brain constantly provides new ideas and insights.

I will not describe in detail the chapters of my information product - anyone who needs to increase the search traffic of his blog is already looking for a button to receive a book. But if you are still thinking about getting it, then I will tell you about two of its most important advantages. Firstly, it contains only the practical part and a little explanatory. Secondly, it's FREE!

Please write your comments, suggestions and comments on my book on this page (there will be a link tomorrow). Thank you in advance for your understanding - it is extremely important for me to know the feedback.

Access to the book is closed due to the irrelevance of some chapters of the publication.

Promotion for my readers

Before making my book, I downloaded many different free brochures, courses, webinars and video tutorials. I wanted to know how their authors made their information products, how they filled it with content, what goals they set and what happened in the end. After analyzing the results obtained, I realized that each blogger approached its creation purely on its own path. Of course, clearly traced general trends... But in general, everyone did what he was capable of and what he was aiming for. My goal was the usefulness and simplicity of my book. Although, maybe it just seems so to me? Therefore, I decided to consult with you, friends! Every blogger who wants to express his opinion publicly will receive from me not only personal gratitude, but also a number of goodies:

  • Each of my readers, who read my book and wrote their own review, will receive from me a ready-made semantic mini-core for one main request of his blog of my choice. It will include no more than 50 thematic information keywords with all the parameters for search engine promotion.
  • every blogger who reads my book and wrote a small post with a review about it (in the text of at least 1000 characters, there must be two open indexed links - to the main page of my blog and to the book subscription page) will receive a mini-bonus of 100 rubles and a discount of 20 % to my next paid information product (it is written about on the last page of my book).
  • The blogger who received the most comments on his post announcing my book will receive a prize of 1,500 rubles. The second place will bring another blog author 1000 rubles, and the third place - 500 rubles. The calculation will be carried out on the day of the start of sales of my new paid product.
  • using the knowledge described in my free book "Search Traffic at the Service of a Blogger" SEO SEO.