How to install games from a computer to an iPhone. Installing games on iPhone without iTunes

Many iPhone owners in order to install a new game on your phone without using iTunes, apply special program Installous. This software is installed on the phone along with the jail. Installous allows you to install and download games on your iPhone without using a computer.

To install a new game on your phone using the InstallAusa program, you must select the Categories tab. In this tab, click on the section we need.

However, if you know the name of the game or application in advance, you can use the Search tab. This will significantly reduce the procedure time.

After you have selected the desired game or application, you need to click on it. A window will appear in front of you in which you will see a description, necessary requirements, price in the AppStore and other parameters of the selected application.

If everything you have read about the game suits you, then you need to click on the green button labeled Ddownload. After which the first stage of downloading the game will begin.

The Downloads folder contains links to download the game. The first link leads to the official website of the game. You use it if you like the game and want to buy it. By doing this you say thank you to those who developed it. The following are links to your game, where you can download the game for free on the Internet.

You select the link from which you will download the application and click on it. The page for saving the application in the Installous program will open. Some Internet pages will ask you to wait a while or enter a certain code, after which a link to download the game will appear.

After you start downloading the game, it will begin to be saved into the Installous program. This entire process can be tracked in your Downloads folder.

When the application is completely saved in the Installous program, you just need to click on the game and it will automatically be installed on your iPhone. After all these operations, the game icon will appear on the phone screen. By logging into the game, you can fully get acquainted with the purchased application. If you are completely satisfied with it, then you need to go to the AppStore and buy official version games.

As soon as a new iPhone or iPad appears in the hands of a user, he first of all wants to evaluate its capabilities and, of course, play latest news gaming industry. Of course, first you can get by by downloading applications through Apple's official online store, called the AppStore. However, over time, users realize that the cost of traffic and the speed of downloading games will not allow them to properly evaluate all the new products and download them to a portable device in a timely manner.

Over time, players got used to downloading applications onto their computers and transferring them from there. setup files directly to the gadget - this will not only save money on traffic, but also install games with cache, which are provided in the AppStore only after paying for the content, the cost of which can vary from $1 to $10. However, how to install the game through iTunes?

Installing games via iTunes

iTunes is the official program for working with Apple devices. With its help, you can both install new games and update existing ones, as we talked about in the guide: “”.

Step 1. Run iTunes program and connect mobile device to the computer via USB cable. In the left column in the “Devices” category, open the tab with the name of your gadget (in the screenshot it’s an iPhone 3G).

Step 2. After clicking on the tab with the device name, a window will appear with information about your gadget and firmware version. IN horizontal menu Select the “Programs” section at the top.

Step 3. A list of programs and games that you have downloaded from the official AppStore online store will appear in the left column of the program. The user needs to check the boxes the games you need or programs that he wants to install on his device. You can also sort by application type to speed up your search for games that interest you.

Step 4. Check the “Synchronize” box at the top of the program. Next, click the “Apply” button, which is located in the lower corner of the window, and wait for the installation of the selected applications to complete.

Step 5. When installation is complete, disconnect the device from the computer and check the presence and functionality of installed games and enjoy new entertainment!


In rare cases, the visual appearance of the iTunes program differs from that presented in the screenshots above. In this regard, many users have difficulty installing programs on mobile devices.

If you do not have a side menu in the program, then you need to launch iTunes and in the top horizontal menu, click the “View” category and select “Show Side Menu”. Or download the latest version of iTunes from the official Apple website.

When buying an Apple gadget, be it an iPhone or an iPad, its owner will at some point be faced with the need to download and install applications on the device themselves. In order to do this, it is not necessary to go to service center for help or jailbreak your gadget. There are a few simple ways How to install the game without jailbreak.

Installing apps on iPad

For iOS devices on this moment More than 650,000 programs have already been developed and every day there are even more of them. This is due to the fact that the popularity of Apple devices is constantly growing. For example, you need to install the Yandex taxi application on your iPad. The question arises: where to download applications and how to install them on the tablet?

There are three simple methods for this, but in addition to the tablet itself, you will also need a registered Account Apple ID. In order for you to be able to install applications from the AppStore, you will need your tablet, an ID account, and an Internet connection. The following methods will require installed latest version iTunes programs on your computer and a file manager (for example, iTools, iFunBox).

Applications that can be downloaded from the AppStore have an archive in .ipa format. When they are downloaded to your computer via iTunes, they are placed in the “Applications” folder . This folder can be found by sequentially going to the “user” folder, then “user name”. Find the “music” folder here, and “iTunes” in it. In the area that opens there is a folder “iTunes Media ", which contains "Mobile ". This is where you will find “Applications”.

iTunes has an “applications” section in the main menu. No jailbreak is required to install via the AppStore. Install the desired program Using these three methods you can do it on both iPad and iPhone.

Method 1: directly

This method is easy to use, you do not need to connect to your computer to synchronize, the application will be installed directly on your tablet. All you need is good signal Internet networks. Better connect via Wi-Fi.

Open the AppStore (its icon is on your desktop). Next you will see a work area with a selection of categories. Find what you need by viewing the most popular and using the search (the magnifying glass icon is located on the bottom control panel). When you have selected the desired program, click on it, you will go to the section with its detailed description.

On the right next to the main logo there is a button: “free” or “buy”. The first means that you can install it for free, and the second means that it is a paid program. There is also an “install” button (installation), which means that this is a shareware version, i.e. Internal purchases are possible. After clicking, an authorization window will appear where you must enter your Apple ID and secret code.

If you don't have an account yet, click "Create...". Next, follow the instructions. As soon as you log in, the automatic download will begin, after which the device will install the application itself. On the desktop, where there is space, its icon will be displayed and you can use it.

Method 2: Via iTunes

This method is more complicated than the first, but has several advantages: all applications are recorded on HDD and are installed on a gadget without access to the Internet. If you had to restore your device, you can easily reinstall everything you downloaded earlier without extra charges. You can transfer all purchases to your PC at any time.

Any installed ipa file can be transferred by synchronizing the tablet with the PC. After this procedure, all games (and not only) are recorded in memory hard drive and become available in the “Applications” section of iTunes. So, when synchronizing with a restored gadget, you can select the ones you need and install them again.

You can do the transfer manually without connecting the device to the PC. To do this, you need to open the updated iTunes version. Authorize the PC. If you have an iMac: in the file menu, select “devices” and click “Transfer purchases from...”. If Windows: press ALT, then “file - devices - Transfer purchases” With…". Once the transfer is complete, you will be able to use all of your purchases.

Method 3: File Managers

Before this procedure, you need to download the ipa archive. Connect your tablet via cable or Wi-Fi connection. Open file manager and make sure the device is found (in the Current Device menu). The iFunBox panel has an “install application” menu. An archive window will open, specify the right application and click “open”. After this, the archive will be downloaded and automatically installed on the tablet. The icon will be displayed on the gadget’s desktop and in application programs iFunBox . Now you know how to install an application using several methods.

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Instructions for happy owners of iOS devices on how to install games correctly and safely can be useful for both beginners and experienced users. Mostly, the official Apple store - iTunes - is used for this procedure. Don’t be afraid of the word “shop,” it doesn’t mean you have to buy something. Installing apps on your iPad via iTunes is free in most cases.

Using iTunes to search and install applications

To get to the Apple store, you will need to go to a special iTunes resource and be sure to install software. You can access the resource both from a computer and from an Apple device.

If you own a MAC, iTunes will be installed by default, but how can you download games to your iPad via your computer if you own a desktop PC? - Install the suggested iTunes program for Windows. To do this, enter your e-mail address in the appropriate field, indicate the location and click the “Download Now” button.

To get to the apple store with iPad devices, iPad touch and iPhone, you just need to find the corresponding icon on your desktop.

Registering with iTunes and getting an Apple ID

Briefly and clearly: after registering in the store you are assigned an identifier (login) App Store. Registration can be done on this page. After registration, this ID can be used on all personal Apple devices and install applications on an iPad or other device.

How to install an application on iPad from a computer

Let's consider this situation: you are working on a computer (no matter what platform), go to the iTunes store, select and download the game or application you like. What to do next? How to install games from computer to iPad? Next, you have to synchronize your iPad device with your computer by connecting it with a USB cable or wifi module.

Step-by-step instruction:

Installing games on iPad using file managers

Another way to install applications via a computer is special ones. Let's look at the advantages of this method:

  • You don't need to sync devices
  • You don't need to be logged into iTunes
  • Does not require device access to the Internet
  • It's absolutely safe
  • High installation speed

How to install a game on an iPad via a computer using iFunBox

iFunBox is the same file manager that allows you to download applications to your iPhone (iPad) via your computer. The manager is distributed free of charge for iOS and PC platforms. You can download the program from the official website of the developer

Installation Guide (just a few clicks):

The article discussed the two fastest and safest ways to install games and applications on an iPhone, iPad or iPad touch via a computer. Moreover, it does not matter at all from which platform the application was downloaded from a computer, Mac or Windows, in any case you will be able to reliably use the functions of the iTunes store.