How to make a home page in Chrome. How to make Google your start page

The start page is the page that opens immediately after starting the program for viewing Internet pages. It allows you to quickly access the required site or service. We will tell you in this article how to make Google home page. Since there are quite a lot of browsers at the moment, and the settings in them differ, information will be given regarding the most basic and common programs for using the Internet.

Google Chrome Browser

Despite the fact that this browser is a product, the start page also needs to be configured. How to do it? 1. Click on “Setting up and managing Google Chrom”.

3. We are interested in the “Initial group” block. As we can see, in this Internet client you can set several start pages. We only need one. Select “Next Pages”.

4. In the window that opens, enter the address we are interested in. All is ready!

Browser Internet Explorer

If you prefer a product from Microsoft, then to set the Google search engine as your home (start page) you need to do the following:

1. Go to the “Service” - “Internet Settings” section.

2. In the window that appears, click on the “General” tab.

3. Find the line “Home page” and enter the address in it.

4. Confirm the entered information with the “Ok” button and rejoice.

Mozilla FireFox browser

In this program? It's simple:

1. Select the “Tools” menu item.

2. Find the “Basic” tab.

3. In the “At startup” field, set “Start from the home page”.

4. In the “Home” field, enter our address.

5. Click “Ok” and start working!

Opera browser

If you have Opera browser installed? The setup of this program is similar to the previous Internet client.

1. Select “Tools” from the menu.

2. Then " General settings».

3. Click “Basic”.

4. In the “At startup” column, set “Start from the home page”.

5. In the “Home” field, enter the address of the Google search engine.

6. Click “Ok” and you’re done!

Safari browser

How to make Google the start page in a browser from the Apple company? The settings here are more specific, but also absolutely simple.

1. Find the “Edit” menu.

3. In the window that appears, click on the “Basic” tab.

4. Click on the “Open a new window” field and activate the “Home Page” item.

5. Enter the address in this field.

6. That's it!

We looked at how to make a starting Google page in the most popular and popular browsers. In all others the principle is the same. What else can you do in the settings that is useful for work? Almost all programs for viewing Internet pages have basic settings and extended. The second type is recommended for advanced users. At your discretion, you can specify the default search engine, update options, set or cancel automatic saving of passwords, and so on.

We hope that it became clear to you how to set Google as your start page, and you will not have any more similar questions. If over time you need to change the initial site to some other one, then this is done in a similar way.

Google is undoubtedly the most popular search engine in the world. Therefore, it is not at all strange that many users start working on the network with it. If you do the same, setting Google as your web browser's start page is a great idea.

Each browser is individual in terms of settings and variety of parameters. Accordingly, the installation home page in each of the web browsers may differ - sometimes very, very significantly. We have already looked at how to make Google the start page in the browser. Google Chrome and its derivatives.

In this article we will tell you how to set Google as the start page in other popular web browsers.

And the first thing to consider is the process of installing a home page in a browser from Mozilla.

There are two ways to make Google your start page in Firefox.

Method 1: Drag and Drop

This is the easiest way. In this case, the algorithm of actions is as short as possible.

Method 2: Using the settings menu

Another option does exactly the same thing, however, unlike the previous one, it is manual input home page addresses.

This is how easy it is to install home page in the Firefox web browser, it doesn’t matter whether it’s Google or any other site.


The second browser we are considering is . The process of installing Google as the start page should not cause any difficulties either.

All. Now Google is the start page in Opera browser.

Internet Explorer

And how can you forget about the browser, which is more the past of Internet surfing than the present. Despite this, it is still included with all versions of Windows.

Although in the “top ten” a new web browser has come to replace the “donkey” Microsoft Edge, the old man IE is still available to those interested. That's why we also included it in the instructions.

All that remains to be done to apply the changes is to restart the web browser.

Microsoft Edge

- a browser that replaced the outdated Internet Explorer. Despite its relative novelty, Microsoft's latest web browser already provides users with a wide range of options for customizing the product and extensibility.

Accordingly, the start page settings are also available here.

Ready. Now, when you launch the Microsoft Edge browser, you will be greeted by the main page of the well-known search engine.

As you can see, Google installation as an initial resource is absolutely elementary. Each of the above-mentioned browsers allows you to do this in literally a couple of clicks.

It often happens that after installing a program, the settings in the browser are lost.

New applications are often added in addition. They all replace regular Google, and are also mostly annoying.

Such programs impose third-party software only due to the user’s carelessness. He could simply not notice that he needed to uncheck the boxes.

Also, not all browsers have preset settings for the start page. It can be either tabs, a kind of menu, or a page of a specific site.

In some cases, these are other search engines like Yandex, Bing and others. In addition, you can set the start page and the sites you visit most often.

Some browsers have implemented express panels. From them the user can go to any resource. Google Chrome, in particular, automatically determines the most visited sites and adds them to the panel.

It all depends on the convenience of the user. For example, many are already accustomed to Google and would like it to be their starting point.

This process is simple and can be done in any browser.

Advantages of Google as a starting point

Setting Google as your start page is also convenient because of what to send search query you can do it right away, no need to go to the page itself.

In addition, you can find any site. The search engine also works in such a way that it will first show resources that you visit frequently.

Thus, Google is better Just set it as a starting page for those who are constantly looking for new information.

The browser plays an important role in installing Google as a starting one. The procedure is different. However, as a rule, all this is regulated in “Settings”.

Let's take a closer look at how exactly to change the start page.

Google Chrome

Now it is one of the most popular browsers. By default, either the express panel or the Google search engine opens first.

Only if installed third party software or user intervention, the home page will change.

To return everything to its original place, follow the instructions:

  • click Settings (upper right corner, icon with three vertical dots);
  • Scroll down to “Open at startup”;
  • select “Specified Page”;
  • enter the search engine address (;
  • confirm the changes.

Attention! It is not possible to change the home page in Google Chrome on mobile devices.

Also, in some cases, you need to change not only the main page, but also the default search engine.

Otherwise, when you enter a request through the line where sites are registered, you will be knocked out to, for example, or another search resource.

How to change search engine

By analogy, go to Settings and scroll to “ Search system" There you can select Google, Yandex and others.

Attention! Ukrainian users who have Yandex, or installed should also manually change the search engine so as not to constantly switch to Google and search there further. The only alternative is to install anonymizers.


The process is very simple. First, go to Firefox, then write in the address bar.

Then hold this tab and drag it to the house icon. A notification should appear indicating that the home page has changed. Confirm this by clicking “Yes”.

Internet Explorer

This browser is already inferior to Microsoft's latest development - Microsoft Edge, but nevertheless, IE still remains in the top.

To change the starting one, follow these instructions:

  • In the upper right corner, click Tools.
  • go to Internet Options.
  • then to General.
  • In Home Page, enter
  • click OK.
  • restart the browser; without this, the new settings will not be activated.

Microsoft Edge

The browser that appeared in Windows 10, although it is different from its predecessor, has not yet been able to overtake Chrome in popularity.

If you need to change the main one in it, then you need to do the following:

  • click in the upper right corner of Settings;
  • go to the “Open with” section;
  • select Specific page;
  • select Custom list;
  • click the cross next to the current start page;
  • enter in the field and click on the plus.

Basically, try everything out. If it doesn't work, restart your browser.


Although it is not possible to change the start page in Google Chrome on your phone, you can use the standard browser on mobile device. Usually it is called either “Internet” or “Browser”.

First run it. In the upper right corner, click on Menu, and then Settings. Next, go to “ Home page” (in some versions “Another page”). Then simply enter and confirm the changes.


Different popular browsers have significantly different menu systems, so let's look at how to make Google the start page for each browser separately.

Internet Explorer

In the Tools item of the main menu, select Internet Options, then in the window that appears, go to the "General" tab. In the "Home Page" section, enter the website address in the special field: That's all, now when launched, the browser will immediately switch to Google.

Google Chrome

To set the home page, click on the wrench icon and select the "Options" option from the menu that opens. On the "Basic" tab, find the "Home Page" section, in it - the "Open this page" item and enter the address. However... you wanted to set Google as your start page, right? In my opinion, it is there by default.


In the main menu, select "Settings", then - "General settings". In the Home field on the General tab, enter your Google address. Don't forget to also set the "Start from Home Page" option in Settings.

Mozilla Firefox

To set the start page, select Settings from the Tools menu. There is a "Home Page" field. In this field we specify the address we need. Change the value in the "When Firefox starts" field to "Show home page", unless, of course, this value was not previously set. Click Ok to save your changes.

Apple Safari

Click on the nut icon in the upper right corner and select the Settings option in the menu that appears. On the Basic tab, find the Home page field and write down the Google address there. Don't forget to save your changes.

I hope this information is useful to you. Google - indeed good search engine. Google for your health!