How to make comments on a separate page? Commenting on a blog or how to get readers to leave comments

Hello dear website owners.

Today there will be a fairly simple article on the importance of comments on absolutely every site.

Many people think that comments are not important in website promotion. Part of it is. You can disable them altogether and the resource will be successfully promoted. But, if we are talking about the constant growth of the project, about attracting traffic for new LF or microLF requests, then comments are vital.

I will prove this to you now using the statistics of one request from my Yandex metrics account as an example.

Do you need comments on the site?

I can say with confidence, yes! But why?

The first 3 factors are important, but without them, the resource will be able to confidently move forward, since these are just a few of the hundreds of factors that are taken into account by search engines. But on the last one (attracting additional traffic), I would like to dwell in more detail, since this is a real plus that you can and should use.

I have seen many opinions about the uselessness of comments on the site. Someone completely turns them off by removing the comment form completely. Someone puts comments from Vkontakte in order to increase the number of responses to their materials.

If we take into account the first 3 factors that I brought out, then the comments are not so important. But, if we take into account the attraction of additional visits, then comments should be used, because the main task of the site is to attract traffic in order to make money on advertising or in other ways.

In this case additional traffic will not be superfluous, and hence the comments too. But here is an important point. It is necessary that comments be indexed, that is, they are perceived by search engines and entered into the search base along with the page where they were left. There is no need to be smart here. Standard comments of any engine cope with this role. Here are the comments from social network Vkontakte will not roll.

So, let's now move on to the last factor in the importance of comments.

Attract visitors from search engines through comments

Everything is quite simple here. It has already become clear that comments are also content that updates the main content of the page. This means that if the comments are good, with competent answers or questions, then they will also be able to drive traffic from the PS to the site.

It happens in the following way. Sooner or later, our site will begin to comment on the sly. These will be various answers, from thanks to very voluminous descriptions of problems. It is the second moment that interests us, when the visitor describes his problem (perhaps his experience) and uses additional key phrases of the article and their synonyms in the context of the comment, which will also be indexed later and begin to rank in the PS.

As a result of such commenting, so-called non-obvious requests appear, that is, keys that we cannot see through the collection services keywords. Such requests are born during brainstorming and from the same user problems.

This is very similar to non-forum threads, which quite often rank high in search results. There is no actual content there. Only some answers from the forum members. It turns out that our page is 2 in 1 - both the main content and a kind of forum thread in the form of comments (discussions).

If you have a website and a large number of high-quality comments on articles, I can say with 100% certainty that some of the visitors come precisely for the requests that are contained in the answers. Analyze the statistics and see for yourself.

That's exactly what I noticed today when I got a click through to one of the pages for a request that was formed from my response to a visitor's comment.

A visitor came to my article, read it and tried to implement it. But he had a problem that no standard code page navigation in his template. So he asks me a question in the comments and I answer it. Additional content is created and over time it starts to rank and brings a little extra traffic.

As you can see, the snippet was formed from a comment that is relevant to the person's request.

Naturally, not a single user has such a problem. Therefore, an influx of visitors is guaranteed, as we can see in one of the images above.

It turns out that your page is constantly updated due to comments, becomes more informative, covering a more extensive list of requests in this matter. As a result, we get more traffic to this page. Moreover, this traffic will be targeted, and the visitor will receive a solution to the problem in the comments.

You can ask:

And why write high-quality answers in the comments, if you can write a new article for each user’s problematic question and get traffic from it?

And I will answer:

Can. But high-quality comments will bring traffic to a ready-made page, which, apparently, already has traffic. In this case, additional visitors to her from the comments will increase her rating in search engines and it will rise even higher according to the requests we need. Thus, we win twice - we increase the main positions of the document due to behavioral factors and get additional traffic.

Here the choice is yours. Either create new materials, or answer questions in the comments. I prefer to communicate in the comments. Although, if the issue is worthy of full-scale consideration, then I can make an article. It is also important to understand when to hit on all fronts.

Finally, briefly, I would like to discuss important points, which should be observed if we want to squeeze the maximum out of commenting.

In one of my previous posts, I wrote how useful . One of the effective tools is the comments widget from Despite the fact that installing VKontakte comments on your site is quite simple, many still do not know how to do it.

The procedure is really very simple. Here is the step by step algorithm:

1. Log in to VKontakte. Don't worry, your profile won't "shine" anywhere after setting comments. Through this profile, in the future, you will be able to administer all comments, deleting spam or offensive messages.

2. Go to the "Developers" section. The link to it is placed in the footer of the social networking site.

3. Select the "Widgets and Third Party Sites" section.

5. On the page that opens, enter the name and address of the connected site.

Also here we indicate the number of displayed comments (default is 10), optionally tick the option to enable extended comments (users will be able to upload an image, video, links - everything is like on the VKontakte wall) and the width of the widget with comments (default - 496 px) .

6. Below you can see the widget code, which consists of two parts. One part, beginning with the prompt "Put this script tag to the of your page", you need to put in the code of your pages between the tags .

You need to put the second part in the code of your site where you would like comments to be displayed. If you are using wordpress, then the insert must be done in the single.php file (in most templates it is in it).

7. After that, you can go to the page with any article and leave a test comment.

Installation completed. If you do everything right, then the procedure itself takes no more than 5-10 minutes.

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First, I'll start with, why is it needed? All "normal" people have comments after the article, we are all used to it. But this STANDARD has several disadvantages, and placing comments on a separate page eliminates them and even gives several advantages. What are these pros and cons?

Cons of comments under the article

1. Article takes longer to load. If you have 50 comments on an article, then it really slows down the page loading, especially if you use the Gravatar service, which shows commentator icons. Just yesterday I wrote, and noticed this picture on this site:

I still have few comments on this article, but what if there were several dozen? Of course, you can disable this service, I did just that on my Linux website, there is still some problem with their display, but you must admit that this is not an option. When you see a photo of a commentator, it enlivens the conversation and immediately recognizes regular readers.

2. Link to another resource. Usually, in the SITE field, we all leave a link to our native resource, and we like it. But if there are 50 such links from the comments, and even if they are closed in nofollow, the weight still flows away from the article - to nowhere ...

Again, you can remove the SITE field, as some do, but the number of comments will immediately decrease, since people like me rarely leave a comment on such sites - PR, it is simply necessary for a BLOGGER!

2. Increasing the number of pages. Each such page with comments becomes a separate article, and if I have 700 articles on my site, then soon there will be 1400 of them. If there are few comments on some articles, then who prevents you from writing them yourself, adding the necessary low-frequency queries? Nothing. and get a lot of links from it.

Maybe I missed something else, good or bad, but these arguments were enough to convince myself of the reasonableness of this decision. Although, perhaps, there are also disadvantages, such as: a person will spend less time on the page of the article, the article will be more dead, static...

But you know I saw a lot of articles in the top, where there are no comments at all, and nothing, they live successfully in the TOP, since there are much more disadvantages of the presence of comments on the article.

How to display comments on a separate page?

I already set it all up on my Linux site, so it's not theory anymore, but practice. Although some things still need to be finished (title, link to the main article from this page), but in general everything works. How to do it all? I show you my example.

First we need to download a file from our theme, I have it single.php, yours may be called differently. This file is responsible for the output of the article, it contains information between the header and the footer. Rename it to single-comments.php and upload it back.

We delete everything unnecessary from the file, it starts from the output of the title H1 to the start of the output of comments, but you need to leave:

And in the single.php file, this line just needs to be deleted later, as soon as we set everything up. Next, go to the function.php file and copy the following code there:

Add_filter("single_template", "dh_comments_template"); function dh_comments_template($template) ( global $wp_query; if ($_GET["comments"] == "1" and file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH . "/single-comments.php")) $template = TEMPLATEPATH . "/single-comments .php"; return $template; )

I won’t explain, I’m not a programmer myself, I don’t understand much, for those who are interested, then read all the explanations at the link at the beginning of the article. Now in the single.php file, instead of the deleted line, insert the following link:


I put a picture instead of text, but by this analogy you can do it the way you want. Why did I take the picture? To make it easier to draw attention to this link, the inscription may not be noticed, but here the blurry text + a penguin with a pencil is hard not to notice.

One more nuance: open the comments.php file before the closing form tag, insert the following code:

" />

Here, even I understand that this redirect does not allow, after writing a comment, to transfer the reader to the article. That's it, everything should work.

If you want these pages to be indexed, then check if they are closed in robots.txt by any rule - mine was closed.

I also need to check that disabling this rule does not create other problems, although it should not, since the comments on my site are not hierarchical, and this is what often creates duplicate pages.

If you have any thoughts on this, it would be interesting to hear them. Of course, only time will tell how the search engines will react to this innovation, but I am sure that everything will be fine! I'm an optimist though...

P.S. Customized the title of the page with comments by making the following code:

on the entry “" rel="bookmark" itemprop="url">

and Firstly, I wrapped everything in h1, after all, this is the name of the "article" and, most importantly, I made a link to the main article from the title so that the weight on it flows from this page, and you can always return.

To do this, I wrapped the header title in the following code:

" rel="bookmark" itemprop="url">TITLE OUTPUT HERE

I write first of all for myself, otherwise I will forget ...

Hello everybody!

Today I would like to touch on the topic of commenting on blogs a little. In this article, I will try to analyze the main points that contribute to an increase in the number of comments on your resource.

Website commenting

What are blog comments for?

Firstly, this is a direct interaction (contact) of the blog author with his readers. If I were the author of a resource that people do not comment on, I would probably think: “Who am I running this blog and pushing articles for?” The presence of comments on the site shows, first of all, that the author is open to his readers.

Secondly, the presence of reviews on the site indicates its quality and that the site is “live”. Personally, when I accidentally find myself on a blog, the first thing I pay attention to is a few things. This is the design and layout of the site, convenience from the point of view of the visitor and the presence of comments on articles. In most cases, the absence of one of the points is the decisive moment for me whether I will stay on the blog or not.

Tin, isn't it? Such disgrace will repel any visitor to leave reviews even for the best blog posts! If possible, save your readers from such things! If you are afraid that spammers will attack your site, use other methods of protection. For this, I use the excellent Invisible Captcha plugin, which does not let spam through at all, I briefly talked about it.

4. A very important point is communication with the audience! Whenever possible, be sure to answer all the questions of your readers and help them solve problems that arise. By looking at how an author communicates with their readers, people will trust you more and not be afraid to leave reviews.

5. From time to time, post about yourself or tell some interesting stories that happened to you. Such articles are liked by many readers and are subject to increased attention and discussion. A prime example of this is my recent post.

6. Ask leading questions of your audience in articles. Or ask for their opinion on a particular issue. So visitors will feel like participants in the discussion and comment more actively on your site.

7. When writing a post, create intrigue. Do not reveal the whole meaning of the topic ... Skip some obvious point that lies on the surface. Make sure the visitor sees that you have overlooked the natural things that were worth mentioning. In this case, he himself will want to supplement your article and will definitely write a review.

8. Blog contests and promotions are a great motivator. Reward your commentators with various prizes. For example, at the end of each month, I award cash prizes to the most active commentators. Plus, on my blog there is a perpetual action "Round Comment". You can find out about all the details.

By the way, let me give you a little hint. The number of comments at the moment is close to a round number and in the near future each of you can become lucky and receive a cash reward from me! So do not skimp on the comments, maybe the prize is waiting for you!

Congratulate the "firstborns" and offer some kind of freebie in return for a comment! This item also motivates visitors to respond well to the article. I was convinced of this myself personally and more than once! I can throw a little idea on how to implement it, all the details!

9. Install the useful TOP Commentators widget on your website. It will also significantly improve the commenting of the site. About how to implement it on your site, maybe.

That's probably all! We have covered all the most basic points that can help you increase the number of comments on your blog. I hope you benefit from this post. Apply these points in practice and the effect will not be long in coming. And by tradition, it's time to reward the most active commentators of the past month.

Award for the most active commentators for September 2013

The most active commentators of September are:

And by tradition, let me give you incentive prizes:

  • Alexander (33), Alexander Ivanovich (23) and Anna (6). You receive from me 100 rubles for webmoney.
  • Natalia (17), Denis (6) and Nikolay (5) are awarded with a prize of 50 rubles each.

I express my gratitude to you as the most active and best commentators of my blog! Thank you for following its development and leaving your feedback! Each of them is very important for me and for the blog! Send your wallet numbers to receive cash rewards. On this I say goodbye to you, I wish you all a great mood and good luck in business. Bye everyone and see you soon!

How do you like the article? How do you motivate your readers to leave a comment? Do you know of other ways to get visitors to talk? Share them in the comments on this post!

Hello friends!

Today I want to talk to you about commenting settings in wordpress. On the one hand, this topic is quite simple, but at the same time, it is very important. Since, if you are counting on the high activity of your readers, then it is necessary to make the discussion of articles as convenient as possible for both visitors and you.

From my point of view, the best option for customizing comments is to customize by type “Moderation of the first comment”. The name captures the essence of the setting.

Moderation of the first comment implies checking the first comment by the resource administrator, and if it is approved, skipping all other comments of the same author without moderation.

How do I set up moderation for the first comment?


First of all, you need.

Thanks to unchecked “Admin needs to check the comment”- all comments are skipped without checking, and the inclusion of the item - sends for moderation the messages of those authors who have not yet commented on the article. After the first approved comment - subsequent posts by this author will be skipped without checking.

Now I will give a list of items that are included in my discussion settings:

1. Default article settings: “Allow comments on new articles”;

2. Other comment settings: “The author of the comment must provide a name and e-mail”;

3. Send me an email when: “Someone left a comment”;

“Comment pending review”;

4. Before the comment appears: “Author must have previously approved comments”.

5. Comment moderation: “Put a comment in the moderation queue if it contains more than 1 link”.

Why is the first comment moderation method good and how to work with it?

By checking the first comment, the administrator determines whether the message was left by a robot or a person. If a person, then the quality of the comment and its usefulness for your blog are evaluated. Also, it is advisable to look at the site that this commentator is promoting. Usually bloggers skip only the personal sites of the authors in the url of the messages. Thus, by checking the first comment, you decide whether to allow this person to participate in discussions on your blog.

By approving a particular author's comment, you save yourself the trouble of checking subsequent comments. This will allow people to freely discuss your articles without waiting for you to take the time to approve the comments.

That is, if your discussion was set up with the approval of each comment, then each message would be waiting for the moment when it would be skipped and, accordingly, all this time it would not be visible to readers. And so you go to the blog, and proven authors have already actively communicated with each other. And you can already add something to the discussion, and, perhaps, the issue has already been sorted out without your participation. Very comfortable and dynamic!

Your task is to promptly approve only the first comments. To do this, include the item indicated above under the third number: “Send me an email when a comment is pending review”.

Of course, inadequate authors can also be caught. At first, they leave seemingly normal messages, and then they go overboard and start writing all sorts of nonsense. Such writers can always be banned. I recommend using for this purpose Akismet plugin. Firstly, it will help in the fight against spam, and secondly, inappropriate message authors can also be sent to this same spam. Once redirected to spam, all new posts, even from a previously approved member, will not be allowed to enter the blog.

If you want to follow new posts by already verified authors, then in the discussion settings, turn on the item “Send me an email when someone left a comment”. The comment will be skipped without your approval (in view of the settings made above), and you will simply receive a notification and the text of a new comment. This will help you quickly respond to inappropriate behavior of the participants in the discussions.

That's all I wanted to tell you today. Write, please, is the article useful for you? How are the discussions set up on your blog?

I wish you all a lot of useful comments!