How to make games not lag - Simple tips. Running the game on laptops with two video cards

Information on how to make games not lag can be useful not only to the owner of an old PC.

Sometimes such lags occur with users powerful computers, which run games that require even more performance, or simply set the settings incorrectly.

The main causes of the problem

When launching a game on any operating system, you want it to work normally and not freeze at the most inopportune time - with a violation of the image, sound, or the entire gameplay. Sometimes the problem is temporary, and after a while you can play again.

But it often happens that there is no longer any pleasure from the game - precisely because of such lags, the cause of which may be:

  • Outdated computer;
  • Crowded system memory;
  • Incorrect game graphics settings.

However, you should not count on the fact that all games will work on an updated PC. On the other hand, the cost of a complete replacement may be too expensive.

Freeing up full memory or disk

There are situations when it is not difficult to make sure that the game does not lag. Sometimes it is enough just to free the overflowing memory operating system busy large quantity processes.

You should also periodically clean the registry, check the space on the system drive (usually called C:, it should have at least 15–20% of the total volume or more than 10 GB).

You should not install unnecessary programs on your computer, that is, programs that are not required for permanent use, and most of the necessary ones should be placed on additional disk.

By the way, the antivirus program also helps to clear the memory of unnecessary processes, some of which are launched malware- viruses.

Lower graphics settings

The game will also slow down or lag at high graphics settings in the game. You can get rid of this by simply changing some of the characteristics. For example, for an average PC, a screen size of 1280x768 and average graphic settings for all other indicators will be enough.

In this case, the image may not become so realistic, but the lags will disappear. Or at least decrease.

Graphics settings in WoT for the average computer

I do not agree that the greens have solved the problem. More precisely decided, but not all. In my bundle of intel HD 4000 and GeForce GT 650M 2GB, it was possible to start from a discrete only in a single case. and I did not understand how it happened. The only time I managed to run the game in such a way that on FillHD (1920x1080) and high FPS settings was around 45-55 (up to 60 rose only when looking at the floor or sky), but this option suited me, quite playable. Not perfect, but playable.

However, then I went to bed, got up in the morning, did everything like the same thing, but fuck. Now at the minimum settings, at a resolution of 1360x768 (You yourself understand how this resolution looks when native to the screen is 1920x1080) FPS from 30 to 40, this is not the case.

I turn on as follows: I turn off the Geforce card, I press play. Start loading the window with the social club. So at this stage, I just need to turn on the dzhifors back, otherwise an error pops up and the social club asks me to press "repeat". If you press repeat, and dzhifors is still not enabled, the error repeats.

Thus, it turns out that the social club does not start when the geforce is enabled (and it is needed to enter GTA after pressing "play" in steam) and the game does not start if the geforce is disabled (The question is why, if it still works from Intel? What's the difference whether my bed if I sit on a chair?)

There is an assumption that at that time when I did succeed, I launched Geforce very quickly. That is, I clicked to play in the incentive, and immediately launched the dzhifors, before the social club window got out, and when it got out, it got out from the dzhifors, because the process was running, and there was nowhere to go. In the Nvidia settings, the game and launcher are set to run from "high-performance processor".

Jiforce experience behaves strangely, I don’t want to believe this program.
Now I have everything at a minimum except for shadows and reflections (they are high, this does not affect the FPS, as practice has shown), at a resolution of 1360x768. The experience tells me that the game is not optimized, and I need to do the following: - set both shadows and reflections to a minimum, and raise the resolution to 1600x900 (with native 1920x1080). As a result, after optimization through the experience, the FPS is 10 frames lower than it was in manual mode. There is no faith in this program even after BF4. She tells me that I should run the game at a resolution of 1360x768 at the MOST minimal settings, and also set the in-game resolution (Whoever played the battle knows what it is, it is measured as a percentage) not set to 100, but to 75%. These are the conclusions of the experiment. In practice, in full HD (1920x1080) the game goes at 50-70 FPS at high-ultra settings.

From this I conclude that no matter how weak, based on the consonance of "650GT M", my card does not seem, GTA 5 cannot be more demanding on the system than the fourth battle. Yes, and all the same, I managed to launch it once so that everything worked and pulled ... And then there were already thoughts that maybe I still run from the dzhifors, but he himself does not pull. But no. I'm not ready to accept this.

Among other things, I have a computer - a dinosaur. He is already 8 years old, and only a little younger in him is a video card, she is 5 years old (Radeon HD 6850 in my opinion, but definitely the 6th series). She's on GIG. In short, the computer is several times weaker than the laptop based on the results of many games since the release of Far Cry 3, however, GTA runs on it at high settings with an FPS of 40-50, although the resolution is slightly smaller than on the laptop, of course - 1280x1024. But nonetheless. Even if on such a firewood ...

If your computer games started to work slower, give out too little fps, and also periodically freeze during the game, then the problem may lie not only in your video card, but also in the processor settings, the options of the game itself. Read what the problem may be, and follow all the points step by step for prevention.

How to make games not lag - set up a video card

Many people know in advance which video card is installed in their computer or laptop, but if you have no idea which video adapter is yours, then follow these steps:

  • Go to the control panel through the start in the computer explorer.
  • Once in the control panel, find a small search box in the upper right. Write the word "System" in it, if the search for components did not start automatically, press Enter.
    In the search results, look for a green "System" tab with a blue computer icon. Click on it to continue.

  • A window with system parameters will open in front of you, it will be useful to you later, so do not rush to close it. For now, pay attention to the small list on the left side of the screen, click on the "Device Manager" line.

  • Select "Display adapters" from the list.

All the video cards that are on your computer or laptop will open in front of you. Video cards are divided into two types:

  • integrated;
  • discrete.

The first group comes by default in conjunction with all processors, and the second group is developed by two manufacturers: Nvidia and Amd. In this screenshot, you can see that the laptop is integrated Intel graphics card HD Graphics 5500 and NVIDIA GeForce 920M. The integrated video adapter is always too weak to play new games with it or games with medium graphics settings. The discrete card does its job quite well. If you also have both adapters, you can proceed to setting up a discrete graphics card. If you only see one, skip the next step.

Setting up an Nvidia card for gaming

According to this principle, you can easily configure video cards from Amd, as it remains the same.

  • First, you need to update all your graphics card drivers. Go to the official website of the developer and manually enter your card number that you just saw in the task manager. Click "search" after entering. Your screen will display all the drivers that you did not download at all or did not update on time. Install all required components.

  • Now open the tray of your computer and find the Nvidia icon there, it is always green.

  • Click on it right click mouse and select "Open NVIDIA Control Panel" from the pop-up list.

  • Click on the first section "Adjust image settings with preview". This is where you can prioritize quality and performance. Since you have a problem with the second one, then set these parameters manually in the direction of performance. To do this, click on the third item " User settings with an emphasis on…”.

  • Move the slider to the "Balance" state. But keep in mind that with strong lags and fps below 15, it is better to move the slider all the way to the left. Thus, the performance of games will increase, but the quality of drawing textures and characters will become worse. Don't forget to click on the "Apply" button.

  • Now move on to the second section, Manage 3D Settings. Go to the "Global Options" tab.

  • Click on the "Preferred GPU" line. Make sure you have a discrete graphics card selected, i.e. "High Performance Nvidia Processor". If you are not sure about the quality of your card, for example, if you have a GeForce 300, 400 and 500 series, then set it to "Auto-select", then the video adapter drivers will decide when it is better to join the process.

  • In the last section, "PhysX configuration setup", set the auto-select drivers. Now your graphics card is set up for gaming, you can safely move on to the next step.

How to make games not lag - adjust the game settings

  • First of all, find out system requirements your game on the Internet or on the box of the purchased edition. Now, knowing your video card, go to the "System" section again through the control panel.
    You will see your processor and RAM options. If it matches at least minimum requirements game, try to rebuild it from the internal menu.

  • Go to your game, which produces too low fps, click on the settings. In any game there is an item "Graphics Quality", set it to "Low", also disable triple buffering, if any.

  • AT advanced settings graphics, you need to turn off all processes that require a performance boost, these include: drawing shadows, detailing water, glare, fog, texture filtering, detailing all character parameters, as well as additional videos effects. Disable all this or set low values.

  • Save the values ​​and exit the settings, your fps value should increase and the lag should stop.
  • If this item did not help, then look at how much RAM the game actually requires. Go to the control panel and in the search bar type "Dispatcher". Find the line "View running processes in the task manager" in the list and click on it.

  • Go to the "Processes" tab.

  • Now in the column on the left, find the name of your game, and on the right you will see how much memory it consumes. If this is almost all of your RAM, then you need to seriously think about buying new RAM slots.

In addition, the cause of lags may be an uneven load on the processor. For information on how to fix this, read this article:.
Do not forget to change computer components and update drivers in a timely manner.